GOS :: Volume #12

#1126: Destruction

Chapter 1102 destroys 第1102章破坏 The Ancient Continent northern domain, are towering the glacier is rolling, likely is a cold and gloomy ice sword of handle handle insertion clouds, was disclosing cold severely cold aura. 古大陆北部版图,一座座耸立着的冰川连绵起伏,像是一柄柄插入云霄的森冷冰剑,透露着冷冽严寒气息 One line of more than 20 God Clan clansmen, under is the youth of head leads, slowly the shuttle in the glaciers, is marching forward toward the swamp domain. 一行20多名神族族人,在为首的青年带领下,慢慢穿梭在冰川之间,往沼泽版图行进着。 Presently youth raises up like the steel needle short roots of the hair root, the face is handsome, wears a fine black armor, on the armor is engraving the red flame pattern, such as combustion raging fire. 当前青年一头如钢针般的短发根根竖起,脸庞英俊,身着一件精美的黑色铠甲,铠甲上镌刻着红色火焰花纹,如燃烧着的烈火。 His behind more than 20 God Clan clansmen, aura is calm, the look is firm and resolute, such as contain is exploding the power energy mountains, to person a very strong constriction. 身后20多名神族族人,气息沉稳,眼神坚毅,如一座座蕴藏着爆炸力量能量山川,给人一种很强的压迫感。 Continuous glacier icy peak, has buried numerous Warrior under their cleanings, all from the so-called days of major star territories, less than five years, they gave to capture area the types of so-called major star territories. 连绵的冰川冰峰,在他们的清扫下已经埋葬了众多武者,皆是来自于各大星域的所谓天,五年时间不到,他们将自己疆域的所谓各大星域的种都给拔掉了。 Young Master, a probably three day scene, we can bridge over the glacier, enters the swamp domain that Mi Ya they are.” A expression old-fashioned old man, wears the fine clothes robe, respectful saying. 少爷,还有大概三日光景,我们就能跨过冰川,进入米娅他们所在的沼泽版图。”一名神色古板的老头,穿着精美的衣袍,恭敬的说道。 Haig nodded, the look such as the lightning direction of fire front, said indifferently: Mi Ya they are really useless, counted their speed to be slow, has not processed to the present cleanly.” 黑格点了点头,眼神如闪电射向前方,漠然说道:“米娅他们真是没用,就数他们速度慢了,到现在也没有处理干净。” Young Master passed, this matter naturally immediately can end.” Peyton shows a faint smile, at the right moment thinks highly of one, he looks fully to the Haig vision is the awe. 少爷过去了,这件事自然立即就可以结束了。”佩顿微微一笑,适时的恭维一句,他看向黑格的目光满是敬畏。 The God Clan 12 respected families, the Bradley Family for ten thousand years strength powerful, has had many rights to speak in the Elder group throughout. 神族12大家族,布拉德利家族万年来始终实力强悍,在长老团内一直拥有多的话语权。 But Haig, is Bradley Family now the dazzling stars, enters the boundary of step Void God peak young, has the one pace to Origin God, obtains ancestor star Essence, many years go on a punitive expedition against the four directions, the meritorious military service focus attention on, individual fight is experienced, can command army training to lead troops, will tenacious like iron, method very ruthless cruel...... 黑格,则是布拉德利家族如今耀眼的星辰,年纪轻轻进阶虚神巅峰之境,离始神只有一步之遥,得到祖星本源,多年征伐四方,战功瞩目,个人战斗经验丰富,能统领军队练兵带兵,心志坚韧如铁,手段狠辣残暴…… Almost in all God Clan Senior eyes, Haig does not have the obvious weakness, will be Bradley Family decided but not yet announced future leader. 几乎在所有神族前辈眼中,黑格都没有明显弱点,也是布拉德利家族内定的未来领袖。 The head of the clan of Bradley Family, almost can control the God Clan future direction, can regard the universe overlord to regard, Bradley Family has also trained toward this aspect Haig. 布拉德利家族的族长,几乎可以左右神族未来的方向,可以当成宇宙霸主来看待,布拉德利家族也一直将黑格往这方面培养。 Until now, he never has disappointingly. 至今,他从来没有让人失望过。 This time to named Desolate Ancient Continent motion, was proposed by Haig, and is initiated the leadership by him...... 这次对名为“荒”的古大陆行动,也是由黑格提议,并且由他发起主导的…… Guide Fruit will disperse in various greatly to the God Clan threatening star territory, reveals Ancient Continent mysterious mysterious, attracts numerous powerful influences to dispatch the respective taking over race day, enters Ancient Continent in abundance, is being brought elite of various God Clan respected families by him, launches the slaughter to the day eminent of these all parties star territory, destroys completely all star territory future hope at one fell swoop. 将界引果分散在各大对神族有威胁的星域,泄露古大陆的神奇玄妙,吸引众多强悍势力将各自接班人种天派遣出来,纷纷进入古大陆,然后由他带着神族各大家族的精锐,对那些各方星域的天翘楚展开屠杀,一举灭掉各方星域未来的希望。 This sinister and ruthless cruel strategy, making God Clan major Senior terrified change countenance, to Haig praise not in the least stingy. 这个阴毒残忍的计策,让神族各大前辈都悚然动容,对黑格的夸赞毫不吝啬 Expert that many God Clan day Shence qualifies, will regard the God Clan future leader Haig, this time will make him lead various God Clan respected families to enter Ancient Continent, will be to his latter time whets observation, if he has implemented his plan successfully, will give cleaning up to be clean the major star territory future day races, he will not have reaching of any objection in the future head of the clan God Clan the throne. 很多神族天神策榜上有名的强者,都将黑格当成神族未来的领袖,这次让他率领神族各大家族进入古大陆,是对他后一次磨砺观察,如果他成功实施了自己的计划,将各大星域未来的天种族都给清理干净,他将没有任何异议的荣登未来神族族长宝座。 Before Haig I come, also issues the written pledge to fulfill a military order and ensure certainly successfully will achieve the goal. 黑格本人进来之前,也立下军令状,保证一定会成功达成目标。 He is self-confident. 他充满自信。 Because before entering Ancient Continent, he has been able breakthrough Origin God Boundary, his card, to maintain the Void God boundary quite by himself to come in stiffly smoothly, because obtains ancestor star Essence, he can disregard the Ancient Continent shackles, the Divine Sense soul can hiding to search for in the life of any corner. 因为在进入古大陆之前,他本来已经可以突破始神境,他硬生生卡着,维持虚神境好让自己可以顺利进来,因为得到祖星本源,他能无视古大陆的桎梏,神识灵魂能够将潜藏在任何角落的生灵搜寻出来。 Is bringing elite of Bradley Family, Void God peak Realm, disregards the restraint shackles unique strength, he exerts its utmost. 带着布拉德利家族的精锐,虚神巅峰境界,无视束缚桎梏独特优势,他势在必得。 Peyton looks at he, as if saw the future of Bradley Family with a smile, as if sees God Clan to command the beautiful pictures of major star territories, what he is heartfelt is the family is proud, is Haig is proud. 佩顿含笑看着他,仿佛看到了布拉德利家族的未来,仿佛看到神族统领各大星域的美好画面,他由衷的为家族自豪,为黑格自豪。 Remembers, our priority target is cleaning up day from all walks of life.” The Haig brow tip shoulders, said indifferently: This Senior to my anticipation, we must achieve this point first, how then considers to get the big interests from various respected family hands, must distinguish clearly primary and secondary, must realize the beforehand internal disputes in the primary mission.” “记得一点,我们首要目标是清理各界的种天。”黑格眉梢挑起,淡然说道:“这次各位前辈对我的期待,我们必须先达成这一点,然后考虑如何从各大家族手中获得大利益,一定要分清主次,不能在主要任务没有实现之前窝里斗。” Old servant understands.” Peyton smiles. “老奴明白。”佩顿微笑。 Un , to continue, performs to enter swamp.” Haig nods, besides our, other three parties also a little slightly troubles, when we have put out a fire, not for others, for oneself.” “嗯,继续出发,尽进入沼泽。”黑格点头,“除了我们这一块,其余三方都还有点小麻烦,我们就当救火了,不是为别人,是为自己。” Young Master can take the entire situation into account, the old servant is very gratified.” Peyton acclaimed. 少爷能顾全大局,老奴很欣慰。”佩顿赞叹。 God Clan Expert of one line of Bradley Families , to continue to shuttle back and forth in the glacier, approaches to Mi Ya and Fei Erpu swamp gradually. 一行布拉德利家族的神族强者,继续在冰川内穿梭,离米娅菲尔普沼泽渐渐逼近。 ...... …… Bunches of slippery muddy areas, the God Clan clansmen are dispersing quietly, closes up in a direction leisurely. 一簇簇的湿滑泥泞区,一个个神族族人悄悄分散着,慢悠悠朝着一个方向靠拢。 The Mi Ya tip of the toe ignites in swamp the wetland, light , if no thing flutters slowly, she has not spoken, but is giving the hand signal unceasingly, making everybody as far as possible scattered, expands the encirclement ring as far as possible. 米娅脚尖点着沼泽内湿地,轻如无物的缓缓飘荡起来,她没有讲话,只是不断地做着手势,让大家尽量分散,尽量将包围圈扩大。 Yue Man is graceful, pushes to the front to the front, once for a while indication direction. 约曼优雅从容,一马当先冲在前方,时不时的指明方向。 , Slight sound from out of the blue passed from the distant place suddenly, the Mi Ya elegant face changes, making everybody stop temporarily. 忽地,轻微的破空声从远处传了过来,米娅俏脸微变,让大家暂时停一下。 long time, does not support four people of coming softly white, gathers at the Mi Ya side, Bai Cheng shakes the head slightly, but explained: „The opposite party one step left first.” 多时,白淏四人轻手轻脚的过来,聚集在米娅的身旁,白淏微微摇头,无奈解释:“对方先一步离开了。” A Mi Ya black eyebrows wrinkle, said indifferently: Ok, first has solved essential target, that small mixed fish some are time cleaning up.” 米娅黛眉一皱,淡然道:“算了,先将主要目标解决了,那条小杂鱼有的是时间清理。” Bai Cheng bows a ritual, was sorry. 白淏躬身一礼,表示歉意。 Waves, Mi Ya signaled with the eyes to Fei Erpu, hints them to continue to move. 挥挥手,米娅菲尔普使了个眼色,示意他们继续行动。 27 God Clan clansmen, assume semicircle to disperse the vanguard slowly, was near at hand to the goal. 27名神族族人,呈半圆形缓缓分散前行,离目标已经近在咫尺。 ...... …… If some people can the float horizon, be able the bird's eye view, to discover that Mi Ya and Fei Erpu are the God Clan clansmen of head, seems like casting a net to catch fish, that standing net spread, they are slowly getting more and more near to Mo Fou, Shang Yingyue and Wu Feng. 如果有人能够悬浮天际,能够俯瞰着下方,会发现米娅菲尔普为首的神族族人,就像是在撒网捕鱼,那张网慢慢扩散,离莫雬商影月武枫他们越来越近。 Was regarded fish Mo Fou and the others, is vanguard unconsciously, the speed has not achieved the pinnacle quite the same as obviously. 被当成鱼儿的莫雬等人,还是浑然不觉的前行,速度显然没有达到极致。 In addition they have not realized the threat. 他们尚且没有意识到威胁。 Between two teams, the filthy brooks, these brooks wind long and narrow, is marches forward likely the large snake. 在两支队伍中间,有一条条污浊的溪流,那些溪流狭长蜿蜒,像是一条条行进中的长蛇。 And in a brook, emits together silhouette suddenly strangely, a clothing is clean, had not been contaminated by the sewage, his Hehe chuckled, looked at soon close Mi Ya and Fei Erpu people, turns head to look to not to perceive that the danger Mo Fou and Shang Yingyue people, the eye narrow the eyes slowly, stares to pulling in rear Sha Zhao. 其中一条溪流内,忽然间诡异冒出一道身影,一身衣衫干净整洁,没有被污水沾染,他嘿嘿轻笑一声,看了看即将接近的米娅菲尔普众人,又回头望向没有觉察到危险的莫雬商影月众人,眼睛慢慢眯起来,盯向拉在后方的沙鞪 Pupil Star Sea fluctuates, the whole body star light overflows, suddenly congeals at present in him expansion stars Bow and Arrow, the meteor like the rainbow, carries the wild strength violent of tearing vault of heaven to leave together loudly. 瞳仁星海变幻,浑身星光流溢,忽然在他眼前凝结成一支展开的星辰弓箭,一道流星如长虹,携带着撕裂苍穹的狂暴劲道轰然暴出。 Radiant star light in horizon dazzling like electricity, is containing the Stars Fall path, rouses strong heaven and earth energy to entrust with Arrow unexpectedly, arrow of even more swift and fierce terrifying that star light, the thorn to the Sha Zhao back of the body, the sad and shrill grating howl, neighed immediately quickly crazily. 璀璨星光在天际炫目如电,蕴藏着星辰陨落轨迹,竟然勾动浓烈天地能量赋予箭矢,那支星光之箭愈发凌厉恐怖,顿时刺向沙鞪后心,凄厉刺耳的啸声,倏地疯狂嘶叫起来。 Sha Zhao complexion instantaneous ice is cold, is out of control to put out blood mist, in blood mist this life gu insect is wriggling, sharp buzz suspends monster insect strange visibly, spent the tremendous strength to block that stars Arrow. 沙鞪脸色瞬间冰寒,禁不住吐出一口血雾,血雾中本命蛊虫蠕动着,尖利嗡明着摆成妖虫怪阵,费了九牛二虎之力将那支星辰箭矢挡住。 A bang big energy impact immediately spread, innumerable stars luminous spot lasing, the light of many stars also splash in the behind God Clan clansman ambush the area, many God Clan clansman cautiously, has to get rid to hinder, or releases energy to transfer the position. 一股轰大能量冲击顿时扩散,无数星辰光点激射,其中许多星辰之光还溅在身后神族族人潜伏区,许多小心翼翼的神族族人,不得不出手阻碍,亦或者释放能量挪移方位。 Mean and shameless young thief!” Sha Zhao mean scream. “卑鄙无耻的小贼!”沙鞪阴狠的尖叫起来。 Mo Fou and Cecilia that people went forward, turn head to look around Sha Zhao, actually suddenly finds the trend of distant place, sees carelessly the God Clan clansman who shows the sign. 本来前进的莫雬塞西莉亚众人,不由回头张望沙鞪,却忽然瞧见远处的动向,看见一个个不慎露出迹象的神族族人。 They came!” “他们来了!” Cecilia is out of control to lose one's voice to scream. 塞西莉亚禁不住失声尖叫起来。 Suddenly, 11 including Sha Zhao was regarded the fish of goal, arrives at the pinnacle power in abundance precise, likely is ten together light arrows, suddenly the speed promotion several fold, the extremely fast shoots toward the front. 一时间,连沙鞪在内的11名被当成目标的鱼儿,纷纷将力量凝炼到极致,像是十一道光箭,忽然间速度提升数倍,极速朝着前方射去。 Rear God Clan clansman rallying point. 后侧神族族人聚集点。 The Mi Ya charming cheeks cover entirely cold frost, cold voice shout to clear the way: Immediately chases down!” 米娅妩媚的脸颊布满寒霜,冷声喝道:“立即追杀!” Her line of sight such as an ice corner, gathers in the front brook, clenching jaws that heart inside hates, delimits the spatial that instant in the stars light arrow, who she has recognized to destroy her important matter has robbed small of her Star Brilliance fruit tree! 她视线如一根冰棱,汇聚在前方一条溪流中,心里面恨的咬牙切齿,在星辰光箭划空的那一霎,她已经认出破坏她大事者是谁了抢夺她星耀果树的小! For five years, they wander around in swamp, hunted and killed many Warrior, has harvested many materials, however until now she has not obtained compared with the Star Brilliance fruit tree adds the precious thing. 五年来,她们在沼泽内四处游荡,也猎杀了不少武者,收获了许多材料,然而直到现在她也没有得到比星耀果树加珍贵之物。 Star Brilliance fruit tree was robbed, has made her take to heart, letting her to forgive itself. 星耀果树的被抢夺,一直让她耿耿于怀,让她怎么也不能原谅自己。 Small of trivial Void God First Sky Realm, has cheated itself by the deep meaning, is in front of own, carries off the Star Brilliance fruit tree with ease, but also leaves behind several to taunt...... 一个区区虚神一重天境界的小,以奥义蒙骗了自己,当着自己的面,轻轻松松将星耀果树带走,还留下几句冷嘲热讽…… Often remembers this matter, clenching jaws that Mi Ya then hates, since this has been she enters Ancient Continent, only one time lets slip, she is unable to get over an emotion absolutely! 每每想起此事,米娅便恨的咬牙切齿,这是她进入古大陆以来,唯一的一次失手,她绝对无法释怀! This time, they plan for a long time, prepares before Haig and the others have not come, surplus evading arrest will give to strike to kill, then at crucial moment, the violent powder of stars luminous spot, has selected their person one by one, has disrupted her step instantaneously, making them be hard to form the encirclement ring, is filled with plan is destroyed. 这次,她们筹谋许久,准备趁黑格等人没有过来之前,将剩余的漏网者都给击杀,然后在关键时候,星辰光点的激散,将他们的人一一点了出来,瞬间打乱了她的步骤,让她们难以形成包围圈,满心算计都被摧毁。 The second time! 第二次了! Mi Ya deeply inspires, beautiful pupil yin cold are sinister, hated into the marrow Shi Yan. 米娅深吸一口气,美眸阴寒毒辣,将石岩恨入了骨髓。 ...... …… By the God Clan clansman of wreck plan, crazily was pursued does not abandon, the team elongates gradually, when diverges dispersing to Cecilia, Mo Fou and the others wisely, the God Clan team also slowly turns into bunches, continuations of several people of squads pursue. 被破坏计划的神族族人,一路狂追不舍,队伍渐渐拉长,待到塞西莉亚莫雬等人明智的分流散开,神族的队伍也随之慢慢化成一簇簇,几人一小队的继续追击下去。 Mo Fou, Cecilia and Shang Yingyue scattered person, if were overtaken by the God Clan squad, some people may be struck to kill, but this dispersion escape, can actually make them be insufficient to catch the whole lot in a dragnet. 莫雬塞西莉亚商影月分散的人,若是被神族小队追上,会有人可能会被击杀,但这种分散逃逸,却能让他们不至于被一网打尽。 Is pursuing, while runs away in extremely fast, was divided into many in this swamp central Warrior, if lines were lengthened are diverged, but regarding the instigator, the opportunity that he needs slowly appears...... RQ 一边在追击,一边在极速逃窜,在这沼泽中央武者被分成许多股,如一条条线被延长被分流,而对于始作俑者来说,他所需要的机会则是慢慢的浮现出来……RQ
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