GOS :: Volume #12

#1125: Unvalued small fish...

One green rivers and lakes, the water surface is floating the willow catkin shape seaweed, bunches are gathering, continuously the oil green smog curls to raise, forms the green spooky petti-coat pipe in the water surface, has the light sour odor transpiration. 一片绿色水泽,水面漂浮着柳絮状海藻,一簇簇聚集着,缕缕油绿色的烟雾袅袅升起,在水面形成绿幽幽的烟罩,有淡淡酸味流逸。 A bulge point of bunch of seaweed accumulation, in the Shi Yan waist immerse green water, reveals the half body, gains ground looks at green Bu Tuanzhuang smog miasma, is out of control opened mouth to smell under. 一簇海藻聚集的凸起点,石岩腰身浸没绿色水中,露出半截身子,抬头看着绿色布团状的烟雾瘴气,禁不住张口嗅了下。 The faint trace green smoke cloud continuously, brook same submerges his mouth and nose, the bitter toxin spreads suddenly, in his body spread, the toxin the mistake, his flesh and blood spills over Ma Ma the feeling instantaneously, the skeleton is a little hard, the speed of blood revolution is slow gradually. 丝丝缕缕的绿色烟云,溪流一样没入他口鼻,酸涩的毒素忽然蔓延,瞬间在他身体扩散,毒素所过处,他血肉泛出麻麻的感觉,骨骼有点坚硬,鲜血运转的速度逐渐迟缓。 The toxin can lull the body function, can not to lose white unconsciously to the control ability of body, the time is long, will discover that whole body is incapable bitter, in the supernatural power on the joined bodies will pass slowly. 毒素能麻痹身体机能,能让人不白不觉间失去对身体的掌控能力,时间一长,会发现浑身酸涩无力,就连体内神力都会慢慢流逝。 This is one type seeps slowly corrodes miasma of human body gradually. 这是一种慢慢渗透逐渐腐蚀人体的毒瘴气 The eye different light dodges, deeply hides Ice Poison Bead in Soul Altar contains quietly in the tip of tongue, an absorption field of force releases from the swarthy ice cold bead, at once then sees his within the body to flutter the silk thread that a faint trace naked eye is difficult to see, all emerged Ice Poison Bead. 眼睛异光一闪,深藏在灵魂祭台内的淬毒寒珠悄然含在舌尖,一股吸取力场从黝黑冰寒珠子内释放,旋即便见他体内飘出一丝丝肉眼难见的丝线,全部涌入了淬毒寒珠 The rivers and lakes green water fluid, is drifting in the air miasma, is containing the toxone completely, in swamp, similar region has. 水泽的绿色水液,浮荡着的毒瘴气,全部蕴藏着慢性毒素,在沼泽内,类似的区域有很多。 Here leaves Mo Duo, Wu Bai, Cecilia not quite to be far, hundred li (0.5km), on Ancient Continent, although cannot soar heartily from out of the blue, is to Shi Yan this kind of Void God Realm Expert, hundred li (0.5km) region still extremely quickly can, particularly cultivation Space Deep Meaning, be in a flash. 这儿离莫朵、武柏塞西莉亚并不太远,百里都不到,古大陆上虽然不能尽情破空飞翔,可是对石岩这类虚神境界强者来说,百里区域依然极快能到,尤其是修炼空间奥义者,更是转瞬即至。 One group of burning hot flame dazzle in the top of the head, such as a small Sun, releases the fire hazard to be luminous unceasingly. 一团炙热火焰在头顶炫动不息,如一轮小型太阳,不断释放着火源光亮。 The side solid several hundred li (0.5km) life fluctuation in the revolution sensation of vice- soul, feedback slowly, shines in his mind. 方固数百里的生命波动在副魂的运转感知中,慢慢的反馈回来,映照在他脑海当中。 Not the sharp, Wu Feng, Wu Bai and Cecilia one line of 11 people of positions have not changed, how they should still in discussing are dealing with the threat of God Clan, Divine Sense extend, after several respiration interbreaths, his complexion changed the eyeground split Divine Light with total concentration quietly, Mental Energy concentrates gradually. 莫尖、武枫武柏塞西莉亚一行11人方位没变,他们应该还在商议着如何应付神族的威胁,神识外延,数个呼吸间隔以后,他脸色悄然变了眼底绽出聚精会神的神光,精神力渐渐集中。 He has determined Mi Ya, Fei Erpu, Bai Family and the others the accurate positions. 他确定了米娅菲尔普白家等人的精准位置。 Altogether 27 people, achieves Void God Third Sky Realm to have 17 other ten people fully is Void God Second Sky, Realm that this 27-member qi and blood prosperous prestige, the life magnetic field is very intense real power compared with showing is higher. 一共27人,其中达到虚神三重天境界者整整有17个剩余的十人都是虚神二重天,这一行27人的气血旺威,生命磁场很强烈真实的力量都要比展现的境界高出一点。 Especially is Mi Ya of head, the intense fluctuation that life magnetic field transmits, endures compared with the Origin God Boundary turbulent ketone body in qi and blood prosperous prestige degree not inferior Wu Bai. 尤其是为首的米娅,那种生命磁场传来的强烈波动,堪比始神境界者汹涌酮体内气血旺威程度一点不逊色武柏 Except that outside Bai Family four Expert, surplus is the God Clan clansmen 除去白家四名强者外,剩余的都是神族族人 Each God Clan clansman is extremely formidable, far ultra same level Realm. 每一个神族族人都极其强大,远超同等境界者。 Also spied on a while silently, he takes back Divine Sense quietly sternly, the complexion even more heavy. 又默默窥探了一会儿,他悄悄收回神识,脸色愈发的严峻沉重。 The matter compared with him thinks that wants thornily many...... „ he main goal not to help Shang Yingyue deal with the Bai Family person, he must obtain seven color ghost Demon Flower in Mi Ya hand, this is this time enters the Ancient Continent priority, the Yang Qingdi mind by the spoiled soul aphis invasion, must draw support this Demon Flower restores soberly. 事情比他所想中要棘手很多……“他最主要的目的不是帮助商影月对付白家人,他是要得到米娅手中的七彩鬼妖花,这是他此次进入古大陆的首要任务,杨青帝脑海被腐魂蚜侵入,必须要借助于这种妖花恢复清醒。 To seven color ghost Demon Flower aids from others in must! 对七彩鬼妖花他力在必得! Reason that does not have to arrive with Mo Duo, Sha Zhao, Wu Feng these people decisively together , because he has his plan, by his vice- soul and Ancient Continent origin, he can see clearly peripheral any exceptionally, equivalent to has an eye of skilled in both field bird's eye view earth. 之所以没有果断和莫朵、沙肇武枫那些人走到一道儿,是因为他有着自己的打算,以他的副魂和古大陆的渊源,他能洞察周边任何异常,相当于有一双能俯瞰大地的眼睛。 Has this safeguard , the disagreement not point and Shang Yingyue they together, he can still calmly deal with any bad risk, can avoid ahead of time, can guarantee that the disagreement God Clan squad meets directly. 有这个保障在,不和莫尖、商影月他们一道,他依然可以从容应对任何凶险,能够提前躲避,可以保证不和神族小队正面碰见。 He also finishes Space Deep Meaning, can say in swamp, he is in an impregnable position from the beginning, only if breaks in the enemy encirclement ring not awfully, basically does not have the bad risk to say. 他还精修空间奥义,可以说在沼泽内,他一开始就立于不败之地,除非不要命的冲入敌人包围圈,基本上没凶险可言。 Really walks with not the sharp these people in together, instead the hands tied feet tied, but must share with them own superiority, oneself cannot occupy any advantage/cheap, saw that is suffers a loss, he will not be silly. 与莫尖那些人真走在一块儿,反而会束手束脚,还要将自己的优势与他们分享,自己又不能占到什么便宜,怎么看都是吃亏的,他自不会那么傻。 He prepared the go it alone, finds the accurate opportunity to get rid to Mi Ya, seizes the chance to capture seven color ghost Demon Flower forcefully, but he does not think now...... 他本准备单独行动,找准机会对米娅出手,趁机强行夺取七彩鬼妖花,但现在他不这么想了…… This earnest careful has clarified the Mi Ya the fluctuation of ketone body and life magnetic field, he knows that Mi Ya has how formidable, in the Mi Ya not injured situation, even if one-on-one, he makes completely the power method not be possible to get the winning side. 这趟认真仔细将米娅酮体和生命磁场的波动弄清楚了,他才知道米娅有多么的强大,在米娅没有受伤的情况下,就算是单对单,他使尽力量手段也不一定能够占据上风。 Mi Ya now throughout and God Clan squad walks in together, appearing that the opportunity that he has not started, must act recklessly, instead will be very miserable very you 米娅如今又始终和神族小队走在一块儿,他就更加没有下手的机会了,真要不知死活的露头,反而会很惨很你 ...... …… The calm face, he is considering calmly, seeks one to achieve the method of goal, half sound, his eye suddenly slightly bright, is out of control to sneer. 沉着脸,他冷静的思量着,寻求着一个能够达成目的的方法,半响,他眼睛忽然微微亮,禁不住冷笑起来。 Not sharp, Sha Zhao, Wu Feng, Wu Bai and Cecilia these people, if can use well, he has not had the opportunity to achieve to hope, can be killed to be annihilated by him as for these people, he does not care. 莫尖、沙肇武枫武柏塞西莉亚这些人,如果能够好好利用起来,他未尝没有机会达成所愿,至于那些人会不会被他害死会不会全军覆没,他根本不在乎。 A thought multiplies, he had the direction gradually, is thinking how its improvement, his entire body little submergence, submerges has the toxin rivers and lakes, vanishes tranquilly. 一个念头滋生,他渐渐有了方向,想着如何将其完善,他整个身子一点点下潜,没入有毒素的水泽,平静消失。 Young Lady please stay a while.” 小姐请停留一会儿。” Graceful handsome Yue Man settles down in the team front suddenly, he has squatted, a hand lines on the hand such as mystical tedious design, optional according to the muddy land of under foot, dirt bad mud has not contaminated he slender pure white hand, kept off by the light gloss outside. 优雅英俊的约曼忽然在队伍前方驻足,他蹲了下来,一只手掌纹如神秘繁琐图案,随意的按在脚下的一块泥地,污糟的烂泥没有一点沾染他修长洁白的手,都被淡淡的光泽挡在外面。 The Mi Ya snow arm raised, gives an unusual hand signal, behind stopped including Fei Erpu and Bai Family people. 米娅雪臂扬起,做了一个奇特手势,身后菲尔普白家在内的众人都停了下来。 The people look to Yue Man. 众人看向约曼 Silver lightning, such as can in the silver fish that the place bottom patrols, splashes from the Yue Man fingertip, cheerful submerging swamp, goes far away rapidly. 一条条银色电光,如能够在地底游弋的银色鱼儿,从约曼指尖飞溅出来,欢快的没入沼泽,迅速远去。 Yue Man closes one's eyes, the mind outlined all sorts of curves, reappeared little peripheral scene, the environment chart centered on him, was similar to a lifelike picture, was shone upon the and in his mind. „„ Has a small fish to leave us to be very near.” Yue Man is astonished however smiles, stands up calmly, aims at the direction that Shi Yan hides, „, only then Void God Second Sky Realm, should be separated from the large unit carelessly, he he, this fellow is not really careful, in me can exactly not the observation clues, in range that can also see clearly by power.” 约曼闭上眼,脑海勾勒出种种曲线,将周边场景一点点浮现出来,以他为中心的环境图,如同一副栩栩如生的画,在他脑海中被映照出和.““有一条小鱼离我们很近。”约曼讶然一笑,从容站起,指向石岩潜藏的方向,“只有虚神二重天境界,应该不慎脱离了大部队,呵呵,这家伙真是不小心,恰恰在我可以不观察蛛丝马迹,也能以力量洞察的范围中。” He looks to Mi Ya, is waiting for the order of his family|home Young Lady. 他看向米娅,等候着他家小姐的命令。 Is only the Void God Second Sky words, did not need to drag in too many people, so as to avoid wasted among our too long time.” Mi Ya told indifferently: Harmed you to help me clean up white in the past cleanly.” “只是虚神二重天的话,就不用劳师动众了,免得浪费我们太多时间。”米娅淡然吩咐:“白误你们过去帮我清理干净吧。” Four Dry Bones Star Field Bai Family Warrior, hear word bows slightly, replied discretely, afterward under leading the way, leaves to leave white suddenly. 四名枯骨星域白家武者,闻言略略躬身,谨慎的应答了一句,随后在白涅的引路下,忽然间抽身离开。 And other fish slip through cleaning up were clean, do these four Bai Family clansmen, want?” “等漏网之鱼清理干净了,这四个白家的族人,是不是也要?” Fei Erpu of Ascot Family, on the young handsome face the sinister smile of reappearing residual poison, made one to wipe the hand signal of neck, the clansman of his behind Ascot Family, all was Hehe sneers, obviously from beginning to end has not regarded the genuine companion Brother Bai Family. 阿斯科特家族的菲尔普,年青英俊的脸上浮现残毒的阴笑,做了一个抹脖子的手势,他身后阿斯科特家族的族人,皆是嘿嘿冷笑起来,显然至始至终都没有将白家兄弟当成真正的同伴。 These four dogs remain are also using.” The Mi Ya smiling face is temperate, words actually evil and cruel outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted, entered the central region, may dispute with other family, even without, regards the cannon fodder to search to explore the way them, can make the best use of things.” “这四条狗留着还有用。”米娅笑容温和,话语却歹毒阴柔,“等进入中央区域了,可能还要和别的家族较量一番,即便不用,将他们当成炮灰探探路,也是能物尽其用的。” Sister Mi Ya considers thoroughly.” Fei Erpu responded that the sincerity acclaimed. “还是米娅姐姐考虑周到。”菲尔普反应过来,真心赞叹。 You are also pretty good.” Mi Ya said smilingly that glances circulation, charming stretching oneself , the waist displays an astonishing curve, said: A bit faster finished, Haig that fellow transmits message, said that he comes quickly, added that our speed is too slow.” “你也不赖呀。”米娅笑盈盈的说,眼波流转,妩媚的伸了个懒腰,腰肢展出一个惊人的弧度,道:“快点结束吧,黑格那家伙又传来讯息,说他很快过来,还说我们速度太慢。” That must really nearly a point.” Fei Erpu snort|hum, I have not wanted to see Haig that countenance.” “那真要快一点了。”菲尔普哼了一声,“我可不想见黑格的那副嘴脸。” No one wants to see him.” But Mi Ya sighed. “谁都不想见他。”米娅无奈一叹。 The people continue sharply not slow not to hurry along at once. 众人旋即继续不急不缓赶路。 Everybody should continue to go into action, the opposite party was very perhaps near to us, we cannot long time stop over.” “大家应该继续行动起来了,对方说不定已经离我们很近了,我们不能长时间逗留一处。” If Cecilia of viperous beauty, the ketone body trembles suddenly, from short time calmly cultivates awakes to turn around, the elegant face appears a sorrow and vexation, why does not know, always thinks a little restless, I feared that this we want ding to pay the heavy price.” 如一条美女蛇的塞西莉亚,酮体忽然一颤,从短时间的静修中醒转过来,俏脸显出一丝忧烦,“不知道为什么,总觉得有点不安,我怕这趟我们又要仃出惨重代价。” Not the sharp, Wu Feng, Sha Zhao and Shang Yingyue people hear word immediately set out, the complexion is not quite attractive, looks to the Cecilia vision is very strange. 莫尖、武枫沙肇商影月众人闻言都立即起身,脸色都不太好看,看向塞西莉亚的目光很是古怪。 Recently, Cecilia often can crow mouth ahead of time said the disaster, her good deed judged does not permit, a misdemeanor saying, present one hear of she says does not suit, the people complexion changed, all the god god talked on endlessly thought that was not wonderful. 最近一段时间,塞西莉亚每每能够乌鸦嘴的提前说出灾难,她好事判断不准,坏事一说就中,以至于现在一听她说不对劲,众人都脸色微变,也全都神神叨叨的觉得不妙起来。 Indeed cannot long time stop over.” Not sharp nods, in the middle of the opposite party some people are good at tracing the technique, although is well below the Divine Sense sensation to be exquisite, the time must consume many...... But they can indeed focus on our approximately.” “的确不能长时间逗留一处。”莫尖点头,“对方当中有人擅长追踪术,虽然远远不及神识感知精妙,时间要耗费许多……可他们的确能大致锁定我们的方向。” Everybody complexion is even more serious, knows that not sharp said that has the fact, because of half year time, how regardless of they hid, could after some time, by the opposite party seeking. 大家脸色愈发沉重,也都知道莫尖所言有事实根据,因为这半年时间,无论他们如何潜藏,都会在一段时间后,又被对方给寻上来。 Good, we continue to loaf, after loafing central region unsealed.” Wu Feng coldly smiles, I do not believe them entering the person of Ancient Continent in all directions domain, gives cleaning up to be clean completely, so long as central region unsealed, we can enter, I do not believe them also to us to be in hot pursuit.” “好,我们继续游荡,游荡到中央区域解封以后。”武枫冷冷一笑,“我就不信他们可以将进入古大陆四处版图的人,全部都给清理干净,只要中央区域解封了,我们能够进入了,我不信他们还可以对我们紧追不舍。” The people facial expression shakes. 众人神情一震。 The green rivers and lakes, a bunch is drifting in the air algae turbulent, suddenly emits Shi Yan silhouette, whole body glittering the light star light, such as the silver light cover covers up the body. 绿色水泽,一簇浮荡着的水藻动荡了一下,忽然冒出石岩身影,浑身闪烁着淡淡星光,如银色光罩遮掩身体。 He frowns, looked at one in a direction, silently sensation. 他皱着眉头,朝着一个方向看了一眼,默默感知了一下。 Leaves from the algae suddenly, he is fluctuating quietly the trail, such as the winding lightning moves together unceasingly, vanishes quickly does not see. 从水藻中忽然离开,他悄然变幻着踪迹,如一道曲折闪电不断挪动,很快消失不见。 After half quarter, four people appear by the algae white by mistake, Bai Wuxiu the one breath, cloudy said sadly: Just some people, now 1 : 00 aura did not have, should leave.” In extremely near distance, they can perceive life aura. 半刻钟后,白误四人在水藻旁边出现,白误嗅了一口气,阴恻恻道:“刚刚还有人在,现在一点气息都没有了,应该已经离开了。”在极近的距离内,他们还是可以觉察到生命气息的。 Can know that we did come?” A humanity. “会不会知道我们过来了?”一人道。 Is impossible, should be only coincidence.” Bai Wu shakes the head, hesitation several seconds, give up decisively: We are not Yue Man, unreleneting pursuit search the basis not to need, goes to that side to help.” “不可能,应该只是巧合。”白误摇头,沉吟数秒,果断放弃:“我们不是约曼,穷追搜索下去根本没有必要,还是去那边帮忙吧。” Other three people nod, said according to Bai Wu, one and went toward the goal line. 其余三人点头,按照白误所言,一并往目标行去。 ps: Today two chapters, will have three chapters tomorrow, cannot guarantee that daily has, but will make contribution day-by-day, everybody look at me to display slowly, any ticket do not give me, before the chapter that has not settled a debt, does not have the face to want anything ~~ ps:今天就两章,明天会有三章,不敢保证天天有加更,但会一天天尽力,大家慢慢看我表现,什么票都别给我,没有还清欠下来的章节以前,没脸要任何东西~~
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