GOS :: Volume #12

#1124: Did you make a mistake?

A swamp corner/horn, ten low-spirited Warrior, disperse in side respectively, reveals the attention the expression to look to Shi Yan this. 沼泽一角,十来名精神不振的武者,各自分散在旁边,都露出注意的表情看向石岩这一块。 A don't that cloudy cold severe eye, splits together lightning suddenly, said: If you can see clearly the ambient condition, I think when we with battle of Mi Ya and Fei Erpu, can perhaps occupy actively.” 莫朵那双阴寒冷厉的眼睛,忽然绽出一道电光,道:“如果你真的可以洞察周围情况,我想我们在和米娅菲尔普的交战时,或许就可以占据主动了。” The Shang Yingyue clearest Shi Yan value, saw that he crops up suddenly, in the heart relaxed secretly. 商影月最清楚石岩的价值,看到他突然冒头,心里面暗自松了一口气。 Recently, they by Mi Ya, Feir and others and Bai Family person depressing fierce, are terrified all day long restlessly, every other several days can hear not the good news, or lose a partner. 最近一段时间,他们被米娅、菲尔等和白家人压抑的厉害,终日惶恐不安,每隔数日都能听到不好的消息,或者失去一名伙伴。 Shang Yingyue has once wanted to search the Shi Yan whereabouts. 商影月曾一直想要搜查石岩下落。 She wants with the aid in Shi Yan that astonishing sensation strength , helping the people break out of the difficult position, 她想要借助于石岩那惊人的感知力,来帮助众人摆脱困境, Nobody compared with her clearer Shi Yan value. 没人比她更加清楚石岩的价值了。 What a pity, five years of Shang Yingyue again has not seen Shi Yan, when she Shi Yan were already struck to kill by Mi Ya and the others, now when her situation is most difficult, Shi Yan appeared suddenly, this made her be overjoyed immediately. 可惜,五年时间商影月都没有再见到石岩,她当石岩早就被米娅等人击杀了,如今在她处境最艰难的时候,石岩忽然出现了,这让她立即喜出望外了。 I do not believe!” “我不相信!” Silent for a long time Sha Zhao, suddenly cold voice walked going forward, gloomy the face has been sizing up Shi Yan, said: „ If his Divine Sense sensation energy is so keen, five years ago, I do not have to flee with ease, I do not believe him! If because of his misjudgment, takes the blind alley everybody, who can lose? 沉默许久的沙肇,忽然冷声走了上前,阴沉着脸打量石岩,道:“如果他神识感知能量如此敏锐,五年前,我没那么轻松逃离出来,我不相信他!如果因为他的错误判断,将大家都带上死路,谁能负么? His coldly looks to Shang Yingyue, gloomy the face is staring Shi Yan. ”他冷冷看向商影月,又阴沉着脸瞪着石岩 I do not believe.” “我也不太相信。” Wu Feng frowns, said to don't seriously: I believe that your judgment to his strength, his real power should not be bad, but I do not think he can clear finds out by secret inquiry the life fluctuation of peripheral scope.” 武枫皱着眉头,对莫朵严肃道:“我相信你对他实力的判断,他真实的力量应该不差,但我不认为他可以清楚的将周边范围的生命波动探知出来。” Deeply inspires Wu Feng to look dignified, said to Shi Yan: „Sorry, we have to prudent in order, if your error in judgment, will make us build the life.” 深吸一口气武枫神情凝重,冲石岩道:“很抱歉,我们不得不慎重起见,如果你判断错误了,会让我们所有人将命搭上去。” Such remarks, several other people have also stood, was skeptical on the view of Shang Yingyue. 此言一出,其余数人也纷纷站了出来,对商影月的说法表示怀疑。 In these people have a tender and beautiful beautiful woman 这些人中有一个娇艳的美妇 The deep meaning of cultivation water, Void God Third Sky Realm, is called Cecilia, the physique selects high plentifully, a tight-fitting chaps leather clothing of green belt lines on face 修炼水之奥义,虚神三重天境界,叫做塞西莉亚,身姿高挑丰腴,一身绿色带细纹的紧身皮裤皮衣 Looks at such as a green graceful viperous beauty fiercely. 猛地一看如一条绿色曼妙的美女蛇。 If a current of water wells up, she wrinkles the tall and slender brow to stand not side the point, the vision that to carefully examine is staring at Shi Yan 如一条水流涌来,她皱着细长眉头站到莫尖身旁,以审视的目光盯着石岩 Said: I also thought that cannot believe easily.” 说道:“我也觉得不能轻易相信。” Cecilia and Shang Yingyue mutually have been reprehensible, in her eyes the Shang Yingyue experience is short, a lot are extremely rash, will be swayed by personal feelings, in them has Expert , because Shang Yingyue worries to cope with Bai Wu, the defense line was broken through, got rid to strike to kill by Mi Ya and Fei Erpu. 塞西莉亚商影月一直相互看不顺眼,在她眼中商影月经验欠缺,很多事情太过莽撞,会意气用事,他们之中有一名强者,就是因为商影月着急对付白误,以至于防线被冲破,被米娅菲尔普出手击杀。 Also is so, Cecilia did not feel relieved to Shang Yingyue throughout that thought she will be hated hoodwinks eyes, makes to everybody disadvantageous matter. 也是如此,塞西莉亚始终对商影月不太放心,觉得她会被仇恨蒙蔽双眼,做出对大家不利的事情。 The suspicion of Sha Zhao, Wu Feng and Cecilia, makes not sharp , the intercool that the original spirit shakes calms down suddenly, thinks that he unexpectedly is also silent. 沙肇武枫塞西莉亚的怀疑,让本来精神一震的莫尖,也忽然间冷静下来,想了想,他也蓦地沉默下来。 He looks to Shang Yingyue, looks to Shi Yan, knitting the brows head of micro cannot be looked up. 他看向商影月,又看向石岩,微不可查的皱了皱眉头。 This matter concerns defeated/carrying life dead , if not discrete, everybody may fall into the perdition, if Shang Yingyue error in judgment, if Shi Yan lay...... The people will be buried in Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and in the Bai Family hand completely. 这件事关乎负人生死如果有一个不谨慎,大家都有可能陷入万劫不复之地,要是商影月判断错误,要是石岩说谎了……众人将全部葬身在米娅菲尔普白家手中。 They could not undertake again any are wrong. 一他们已经再也承担不起任何错误了。 Not the point has to be discrete. 莫尖不得不谨慎起来。 We also thought that should treat properly.” “我们也觉得应该妥善对待。” This matter concerns our life and death to try to prove carefully.” “此事关乎我们大家生死一定要小心求证。” Only then he had proven he has this ability, we believe him, allowing him to join us. Otherwise, makes him run its own course, so as to avoid brings the disaster to everybody.” “只有他证明了他真的有这个能力,我们才会相信他,允许他加入我们。不然,就让他自生自灭吧,免得给大家带来灾祸。” Suddenly, several people that other have not taken a stand, shouted. 一时间,其余没有表态的数人,也纷纷叫嚷起来。 Some person even lurking suspicion Shang Yingyue to let everybody accept Shi Yan, intentionally exaggerates the Shi Yan ability, after all in this main important pass, completing the order form Warrior, so long as they stared by Mi Ya, result that must die. 一些人甚至暗中怀疑商影月是为了让大家接受石岩,才故意夸大石岩的能力,毕竟在这个主要关口,一个落单的武者只要被米娅他们盯上,肯定就是必死的结果。 Only is following them, brings together with them, has survival life force that. 只有跟随着他们,和他们抱成一团,才有那么生存的一线生机 Except that outside Shang Yingyue, including not sharp, Wu Feng, Wu Bai and Cecilia ten people, looks to Shi Yan, making him confirm his ability. 除去商影月以外,包括莫尖、武枫武柏塞西莉亚在内的十人,都看向石岩,让他证实他的这种能力。 I temporarily leave here, a while you select my position, proves your ability to everybody.” “我暂时离开这儿,一会儿你点出我的位置,给大家证明一下你的能力。” In vision that the people suspect, although Shang Yingyue the heart lives discontentedly, but also knows that everybody extremely fears the error in judgment the consequence, she can also understand, therefore such requests to Shi Yan. 在众人怀疑的目光中,商影月虽然心生不满,但也知道大家太过惧怕判断错误的后果,她也能够理解,所以对石岩这么要求。 Suddenly, 11 people looked to Shi Yan, wanted him to show that he had this ability, can point out the future direction for everybody. 忽然间,11人都看向了石岩,要他证明他有这个能力,能够为大家指明未来的方向。 Under is in the glare of the public eye, Shi Yan suddenly complexion strange has smiled, I think that you have made a mistake a point, when I comply to join your teams , helping you cope with Mi Ya they? You...... Also one-sided wished?” 众目睽睽下,石岩忽然面色古怪的笑了起来,“我想你们都弄错了一点,我什么时候答应过要加入你们的团队,来帮助你们对付米娅他们呢?你们……也太一厢情愿了吧?” Not point, Wu Feng and the others complexion quietly changes. 莫尖、武枫等人脸色悄然一变。 You continue your motions, everybody is mutual non-interference, will be latter indefinite.” Shi Yan sprinkles however smiles, in angry vision angrily, unflustered departure. “你们继续你们的行动,大家相互不干涉,后会无期。”石岩洒然一笑,在一道道恼怒愤然的目光中,从容不迫的离开。 ` Shi Yan!” Shang Yingyue pursues suddenly, shouted to clear the way tenderly: We need you!” 石岩!”商影月突然追上去,娇喝道:“我们需要你!” Your lives do not have relations with me, laughable! Died to being imminent his motherfucker had also suspected that this suspicion that did not know so- said.” Shi Yan is sneering, does not attend to Shang Yingyue pursuing, such as the cold quiet meteor, goes far away together quietly. “你们的死活和我没有一点关系,可笑!死到临头了还他妈的怀疑这个怀疑那个不知所谓。”石岩冷笑着,不顾商影月追击,如一道冷幽流星,悄然远去。 Not the points and Wu Feng people are listening to his taunting, complexions are ugly, particularly Sha Zhao, clenches jaws, said: We should kill him!” 莫尖、武枫众人听着他的冷嘲热讽,一个个脸色难看无比,尤其是沙肇,更是咬牙切齿,道:“我们该杀了他!” Rumor was seen through an affair, knows that is not easy to join our team, therefore leaves on the choice on own initiative.” “谎言被拆穿了,知道没那么容易加入我们团队,所以就选择主动离开。” Cecilia laughs at one, completely does not care said to Sha Zhao: This was also good, left us, he will be quick by Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and the others is struck to kill, perhaps can also win time to us.” 塞西莉亚嗤笑一声,满不在意的冲沙肇道:“这样也好,离开了我们,他会很快被米娅菲尔普等人击杀,说不定还能给我们多争取一点时间呢。” Sand Initiated also chuckled, nod said: Not with us together, in this swamp , he was killed a road.” 肇也嘿嘿笑了起来,点头道:“不跟我们一道,在这沼泽内,他只有被杀一条路。” Un, even if we is very difficult, does not know how long can insist.” Wu Feng frowns. “嗯,就算是我们都很艰难,不知道能坚持多久呢。”武枫皱着眉头。 Departure of Shi Yan, in their eyes is because timid, when they only the Shi Yan rumor was seen through an affair, thought that does not have the face to continue to get down dull, departure that has no alternative. 石岩的离开,在他们眼中都是因为胆怯,他们只当石岩谎言被拆穿了,觉得没有脸继续呆下去,才无可奈何的离开。 Also the fellow boasted resembles the mold type that blew, ha, said that Mi Ya they to our several hundred li (0.5km), after a double-hour, then can meet with us, with was really same.” Is raising Wu Bai of golden great hammer, is out of control to laugh, we cast off them soon, how possible double-hour to pursue, the fellow really talked nonsense.” “那家伙吹牛吹的还似模似样呢,哈,说米娅他们离我们数百里,一个时辰后便会与我们碰面,跟真的一样。”提着金色巨锤的武柏,禁不住哈哈大笑起来,“我们才甩开他们不多久,怎么可能一个时辰追击过来,那家伙果然胡说八道。” The people chaotically were discussing, nobody cared the Shi Yan words. 众人都七嘴八舌的议论着,没有一个人将石岩的话放在心上。 After several minutes, Shang Yingyue returns dejected, sighed, said: That Damn it fellow really does not have touch of humanity!” 几分钟后,商影月颓然返回,叹了一口气,道:“那该死的家伙真是没有一点人情味!” The people all is a face ridicule looks to her, Sha Zhao is impolite said: He courts death unable to complain about others, because the rumor was revealed such leaves, loses a life, gets what one deserves he to have bad luck!” 众人皆是一脸嘲弄的看向她,沙肇不客气说道:“他自己找死怨不得别人,因为谎言被揭穿就这么离开,将一条命搭上,活该他倒霉!” „A Void God Second Sky boy, died died, lived is helping us is not very big, everybody not to mention he, how thinks to cope with Mi Ya well they.” The Cecilia persuasion said. “一个虚神二重天小子罢了,死就死了,活着对我们帮助也不是很大,大家别提他了,还是好好想想如何对付米娅他们吧。”塞西莉亚劝说道。 Un, how well thinks to cope with Mi Ya.” Wu Feng statement. “嗯,都好好想想怎么对付米娅。”武枫表态。 Nobody is serious Shang Yingyue that words. 没有人将商影月的那番话当一回事。 In everybody ridiculed in the vision of ridicule, the Shang Yingyue elegant face was raw and cold, suddenly silent. 在大家嘲弄讥笑的目光中,商影月俏脸生冷,忽然沉默了下来。 She knows after Shi Yan leaves natural, she said that many are again useless, more is explained that instead more makes everybody ridicule, therefore her simply anything did not say that alone pents up anger. 她知道在石岩潇洒离开后,她说再多都没有用,越是解释反而越让大家嘲笑,所以她干脆什么都不说,独自生闷气。 Her calculated this tent on Shi Yan. 她头将这笔帐算在石岩头上了。 In her comes to see, if Shi Yan can disregard everybody's suspicion taunt, can coordinate her to prove slightly, she will not end up to turn out so by the fate that everybody mocked, can the peak help everybody to withdraw, perhaps can also help her to execute the Bai Family person. 在她来看如果石岩能够无视大家的怀疑嘲讽,能够配合她稍稍证明一下,她就不会落得个这般被大家讥诮的下场,也能耸助大家脱身,或许还可以助她将白家人格杀。 But because turning around of Shi Yan leaves natural, her happy plan was broken, they still cannot change the present situation. 可因为石岩的转身潇洒离开,她美好的算盘都被打破了,他们依然不能扭转如今的局势。 Ruthless fellow! 无情无义的家伙! Shang Yingyue clenches teeth to criticize. 商影月咬牙暗骂。 Inside and outside several hundreds, still calculates that near limpid lake, is growing the clear moon/month grass of lush green. 数百里外,一处尚算清澈的湖泊边,生长着青翠欲滴的清月草。 Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and Brother Bai Family and more than 20 God Clan clansmen, disperse by the lake, by six God Clan Warrior in collecting clear moon/month grass, Mi Ya and several beautiful appearance God Clan females, then bathes in the lake, they tender silhouette was covered up by the Third Level light purple halo white temporarily, making the bystander unable to find condition. 米娅菲尔普白家兄弟和20多名神族族人,分散在湖泊旁边,由六名神族武者在收集清月草,米娅和几名美貌的神族女性,则是沐浴在湖泊内,她们白暂柔嫩的身影三层淡紫色光晕遮掩,让外人瞧不见其中状况。 Ascot Family Fei Erpu of outstanding ability, is sitting well in the lake corner silently, during palm radiant five pointed star Divine Crystal, he is deriving energy together. 俊逸的阿斯科特家族的菲尔普,在湖泊一角默默端坐着,掌心一块璀璨的五角星神晶,他正汲取当中能量 Not far away, wears silver clothing, has an aristocrat graceful demeanor middle-aged man, a hand according to the ground, the palm such as the spider web center, the escape leaves the innumerable electric currents, has rushed earth in all directions, extends to the extremely far place. 不远处,一名身着银色衣衫,有着一种贵族优雅风度的中年男子,一只手按在地上,掌心如蛛网中心,飞逸出无数电流,涌向了四面八方的大地,延伸向极远之处。 He called Yue Man, was the clansman of Fernandez Family, was good at tracing the technique, he can not draw support the Divine Sense sense of touch, only depended on the clues to seek the enemy trend. 他叫约曼,是费尔南德斯家族的族人,擅长追踪术,他能不借助于神识的触觉,只凭蛛丝马迹来寻到敌人动向。 After three minutes, Yue Man takes back palm, calmly is standing by the lake. 三分钟过后,约曼将手掌收回,静静地在湖泊旁边站着。 After a while, Mi Ya of bright dress, was similar to the aristocrat princess flew from the lake lightly, inquired with a smile: „Was Uncle Yue Man, finding person?” 过了一会儿,一身鲜艳裙装的米娅,如同贵族公主翩然从湖泊中飞了出来,笑着询问:“约曼叔叔,找着人了么?” Definite position, to our several hundred li (0.5km) far, a distance of double-hour.” Smiling of Yue Man elegant bearing, has supplemented one: They have not left probably, stay have not been moving, he he, the luck is good, limit that I trace also on this range, here cannot use the Divine Sense touch after all, if they continue to run, I possibly could not determine their position.” “确定方位了,离我们数百里远,一个时辰的路程。”约曼风度翩翩的笑了笑,补充了一句:“他们好像没有离开,停留着没有动,呵呵,运气不错,我追查的极限也就这个范围,这里毕竟不能动用神识触感,他们如果继续跑远一点,我可能就确定不了他们的方位了。” Evidently their luck was really unsatisfactory.” A Mi Ya face pities, said lightly: We make their luck worse.” “看样子他们运气真是不佳了。”米娅一脸怜悯,淡淡道:“那我们就让他们运气更糟吧。” The people gather rapidly, has adjusted simply, hurries to toward don't and Sha Zhao direction. 众人迅速聚集起来,简单调整了一下,朝着莫朵、沙肇的方向赶去。
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