GOS :: Volume #12

#1123: Is he very strong?

Including Brother Wu Family, Shang Yingyue, Sha Zhao, clay figurine, altogether 11 subordinate in various clan Expert of different star territory, Realm is lowest is also Void God Second Sky, and everyone of deep meaning fining is changeable. 武家兄弟、商影月沙鞪、泥人在内,一共有11名隶属于不同星域的各族强者,境界最低也是虚神二重天,并且每一人都奥义精炼多变。 Slaughters after five years, since under the cleaning of God Clan can survive, sufficiently proves their powerful strength. 历经五年杀戮,在神族的清扫下可以存活至今,足以证明他们强悍的实力。 Compared with the God Clan soldier who Mi Ya and Fei Erpu lead, they are still in absolute leeward, several fights confirmed a point explicitly, only if there is a miracle to occur, otherwise they are very difficult to escape death by a hair's breadth. 只是,和米娅菲尔普率领的神族战士相比,他们依然处于绝对的下风,几次战斗明确证实了一点,除非有奇迹发生,不然他们很难幸免于难。 Explosive that loudly the bottom transmits, all faces on tranquil gives tearing, suddenly, 11 various clan Expert diving posture precise power, urge to send instantaneously the deep meaning, completes plan that has dealt with this to fight. 地底传来的轰然爆响,将所有人脸上的平静都给撕裂,一时间,11名各族强者纷纷飞身凝炼力量,瞬间将奥义催发出来,做好了应付这一战的打算。 Some person vision glittering are uncertain, body also gradually moves to be separated from this range the main checkpoint, once they discovered that has the breakthrough opportunity, certainly will not let off. 一些人目光闪烁不定,身子也渐渐移动向可以脱离这一片范围的主要关卡,他们一旦发现有突破的机会,一定不会放过。 Also some people, have been weary of escape, perhaps also knows that God Clan surrounds them, prepares to pledge to fight to the death the fight, with Mi Ya and Fei Erpu people Immortal continuous, dies must bite their several. 也有的一些人,已经厌倦了逃避,或许也知道神族将他们包围,准备誓死搏斗,和米娅菲尔普众人不死不休,死也要咬他们几口。 Five years, 11 people completely have suffered loss, is laborious the material and spirit grass cover that comes to rob, oneself were rumbled to kill the severe wound, can only clamp the tail to run away, mouse ambush. 五年时间,此间11人全部吃过苦头,辛苦得来的材料、灵草被抢夺,自己被轰杀成重伤,只能夹着尾巴一路逃窜,老鼠般潜伏起来。 Also some people, arrive with close relative or ally, but friend and family member, early have buried in the mire deep place, will never regain consciousness. 也有的人,和至亲或战友一起到来,但身旁的朋友和亲人,早已经埋藏在泥沼深处,永远不会苏醒。 Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and Bai Family people, ride roughshod these days seriously, does not know that robbed many should not be their belongings, killed their many family members to hold this hatred, with the lapse of time not only has not changed pale, instead was even more strong. 米娅菲尔普白家众人,在这段时间当真横行无忌,也不知道抢夺了多少不该属于他们的财物,杀了他们身边多少亲人占有这种仇恨,随着时间的推移不但没有变淡,反而愈发浓烈。 If we disperse evade, one by one will only be struck to kill, has not hoped.” The Wu Feng complexion gloomy and cold line of sight glanced several on addendum circle several Warrior, said desolately: Our anybody, has eaten Mi Ya and Fei Erpu suffering, many person family members and friends were also struck to kill, I think us, even if unwinnable, must do anything for them.” “如果我们分散逃避,只会被逐个击杀,更加没有希望。”武枫脸色阴冷视线在外圈几名武者身上瞟了几眼,冷淡说道:“我们这里的任何人,都吃过米娅菲尔普的苦头,有很多人亲人、朋友也被击杀,我想我们即便不能取胜,也要为他们做些什么。” Several attempt the leaver, listened to a Wu Feng such saying silent suddenly motionless, the glittering vision gradually became firm and resolute. 几名试图离开者,听武枫这么一说忽然沉默不动,闪烁的目光渐渐变得坚毅。 They have remembered these five years bitter experience...... 他们都想起了这五年的遭遇…… One line of 11 people, are the outstanding talents of major star territories separately all are the complexion heavily look at this moment to the place bottom, is waiting for anything silently. 一行11人,分别属于各大星域的出众天才这一刻皆是脸色沉重看向地底,在默默等候着什么。 Rip! 哧啦 If the sharp knife blade cuts the brocade silks, suddenly appears together the deep opening in people Center, including the radiant star light to bloom. 如利刃划破锦帛,在众人脚下〖中〗央忽然显出一道深深的裂口,其中有璀璨星光绽放出来。 Before gathering up of people doubt, looks to the place of star light release, discovered that in the opening the star light such as the sea is actually only the startled great wild goose one presently, at once suddenly vanishes without the trace. 众人狐疑的凑上前,纷纷看向星光释放之处,发现裂口内星光如海却只是惊鸿一现,旋即突然消失无踪。 When everybody is perplexed, silhouette such as the meteor lightning puts on to shoot together, sews in the crack that the people surround fiercely appears, stood indifferently everybody's Center. 就在大家不明所以的时候,一道身影如流星闪电穿射出来,猛地在众人围堵的裂缝口显现,漠然站到了大家的〖中〗央 Is you!” “是你!” Sha Zhao complexion one cold, the under foot monster insect and poison surge like the sea water quietly toward the appearance spread. 沙鞪脸色一寒,脚下妖虫、毒物悄然涌动如海水般朝着显现者蔓延。 Wu Feng and Wu Bai there, slightly frown, suddenly has not responded. 武枫武柏愣在那儿,微微皱着眉头,一时间没有反应过来。 In a clay figurine pair of yin cold ice-cold pupil of named Mo Fou, blooms together astonished rays of light, suddenly said: Stop!” 名为莫雬的泥人一双阴寒冰冷的眸子内,绽放一道惊异光芒,忽然道:“住手!” The Sha Zhao facial expression is dreary, to that Mo Fou drinks to turn a deaf ear to coldly, opened mouth puts out dusky smog, several thousand poisonous insects are dancing in the air, likely is grey Yun Guo to appearing. 沙鞪神情阴郁,对那莫雬的冷喝充耳不闻,张口吐出一口灰蒙蒙的烟雾,其中数千毒虫飞舞着,像是一片灰云裹向出现者。 „Haven't you died?” “你还没死么?” Shi Yan cracks into a smile unflustered point to forehead, red-orange flame wind shoots, falls says Center to that by the ash of poisonous insect gathering. 石岩咧嘴一笑从容不迫的点向眉心,一条橘红色火焰飙射出来,落向那由毒虫汇聚的灰云〖中〗央 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 The burnt flavor spreads suddenly, in that red-orange flame, the innumerable poisonous insects has not sent including the pitiful yell, was roasted the black coal directly, drops one after another. 焦糊的味道突然间蔓延出来,在那橘红色的火焰中,无数毒虫连惨叫都没有发出来,直接被烤成黑炭,接连跌落下来。 Sha Zhao snort|hum, knows that must kill Shi Yan not to be relaxed, his skinny such as the hand of devil claw, the palm body splits, a swollen Jinjia winged insect has made, flutters to fly, grating howl direct bang to the Shi Yan mind. 沙鞪哼了一声,知道要杀石岩没那么轻松,他一只枯瘦如鬼爪的手,掌心皮肉绽裂,一个圆鼓鼓的金甲飞虫挣了出来,振翅而飞,刺耳的啸声直接轰向石岩脑海。 The Jinjia winged insect likely is a sword, drills toward the Shi Yan eye, quickly like lightning. 金甲飞虫像是一支剑,往石岩眼睛钻来,快如闪电。 The Shi Yan eye pupil deep place, appears suddenly the vast Star Sea marvelous sight, in two eye pupils the Star Sea condition is obviously inconsistent, in the left eye pupil the stars arrange violent anger the great bear appearance, the right eye pupil is bending the bow of opening. 石岩眼瞳深处,忽然浮现出浩淼星海般的奇观,两只眼瞳内星海状态明显不一致,左眼瞳内星辰排列成一头暴怒的巨熊模样,右眼瞳则是一支张开的弯弓。 He winked the winking right eye. 他眨了眨右眼。 Suddenly the innumerable star light overflow from his whole body, is precise in him at present is stars Bow and Arrow, the dazzling radiant rocket and satellite flashes through together, such as together meteor. 忽然无数星光从他全身流溢出来,在他眼前凝炼为一支星辰弓箭,一道炫目璀璨星箭闪过,如一道流星。 The life gu insect that Sha Zhao releases, that swollen Jinjia winged insect, splashes to break into pieces the star light suddenly, hit psst cries out strangely. 沙鞪释放出来的本命蛊虫,那圆鼓鼓的金甲飞虫,忽然飞溅出碎散星光,被打的吱吱怪叫。 Sha Zhao of complexion sinister and vicious, the body such as had been layer on layer rumbled a fist, bends the waist to squat suddenly on the ground, the chest sad discomfort. 脸色阴鸷的沙鞪,身体如被人重重轰了一拳,猛然弯腰蹲在地上,胸口沉闷的难受。 That Jinjia winged insect, does not only dare to continue to attack, very intelligential lying bends down on his shoulder, psst cries out strangely to continue, seemed recounting the pain to him. 那只金甲飞虫,不敢继续攻击,很有灵性的趴伏在他肩膀上,吱吱怪叫不止,似乎在向他述说着痛苦。 The people have gawked staring, suddenly stops up between Sha Zhao and Shi Yan, simultaneously releases the power deep meaning, forms various types of energy wall barriers in two worlds, preventing them from continue battle. 众人愣了愣,忽然间堵在沙鞪石岩中间,同时释放力量奥义,在两人间形成各种能量壁障,阻止他们继续交战。 „Did you refine to melt the Star Brilliance fruit tree?” “你已经将星耀果树炼化了?” Shang Yingyue deeply looks to Shi Yan, inspired, the lip of Fengze is wriggling, crabbed say|way: You are very good, flower spends for five years, anything has not done, but refining up the Star Brilliance fruit tree, smooth breakthrough to Void God Second Sky......” 商影月深深看向石岩,吸了一口气,丰泽的嘴唇蠕动着,艰涩道:“你很好,huā费五年时间,什么也没有做,只是炼化星耀果树,也顺利突破到了虚神二重天……” I have promised you, will help you deal with the Bai Family person, before leaving this Ancient Continent, I will cash “我答应过你,会帮助你对付白家人,离开这古大陆之前,我会兑现 Rumor. ” Shi Yan sinking sound track. 流言。”石岩沉声道。 Shang Yingyue has pulled the corners of the mouth, sneers saying: Deals with the Bai Family person? Now you said that is a joke, Bai Family and God Clan Mi Ya and Fei Erpu walks radically in together, is approaching step by step, must strike to kill us completely, do you want to cope with him?” 商影月扯了扯嘴角,冷笑道:“对付白家人?现在你这么说根本就是一个笑话,白家神族米娅菲尔普走在一块儿,正一步步逼近,要将我们全部击杀,你要对付他?” Other person also one faces strange looks to him. 其余人也都一脸古怪的看向他。 Everybody, this is the private affair of I and this person, please do not meddle.” Sha Zhao has straightened up the waist keel, the eye such as a poisonous snake, is staring at Shi Yan stubbornly, said: Even if God Clan pursues quickly, I must massacre this person first!” “各位,这是我和此人的私事,请你们不要插手。”沙鞪重新挺直了腰脊,眼睛如一条毒蛇,死死盯着石岩,道:“即便神族很快追击过来,我也要先杀掉此人!” Wu Feng, Mo Fou and the others frowned completely. 武枫莫雬等人全部皱起眉头。 You could not kill him.” The cultivation earth deep meaning, in Mo Fou that in swamp can pass and out at will, whole body ** the mud covers, only then a mean ice-cold eye appears, he very direct saying: You not only could not kill him, but might also be struck to kill by him, he[ body] in qi and blood was more exuberant than you, power also compared with your powerful...... Although your Realm is higher plans, but you are not his match.” “你杀不了他。”修炼大地奥义,在沼泽内可以随意进出的莫雬,浑身**泥巴覆盖,只有一双阴狠冰冷的眼睛显现,他很直接的说道:“你不但杀不了他,还有可能被他击杀,他〖体〗内气血比你旺盛,力量也比你强悍……虽然你境界更高一筹,但你不是他对手。” Wu Feng and Wu Bai people, listened to this Mo Fou saying, obviously gawked. 武枫武柏众人,听这莫雬一说,都明显愣了。 Recent one year, they often collaborate the activity with Mo Fou, they also know that Mo Fou origin, is very confident to his vision, knows that he has the special method to weigh the people[ really] solid power. 最近一年时间,他们时常和莫雬联手活动,他们也知道莫雬的来历,对他的眼光很有信心,知道他有着特殊的方法来衡量众人〖真〗实的力量 Sha Zhao among people, strength, although is not top, but also is front the rank, then gave a Mo Fou such saying, the fellow who as if this cropped up suddenly, the true strength must surpass Sha Zhao, this really inadequate? 沙鞪在众人当中,实力虽然不是顶尖,但也是排行前面,然后给莫雬这么一说,仿佛这名突然冒头的家伙,真正的实力要超过沙鞪,这难道是真的不成? Everybody suddenly is hard to accept. 大家一时间难以接受。 Called the Mi Ya woman, was the God Clan clansman?” People silent time , the Shi Yan brow tip moves, the doubts said: Their appearances......” “叫米娅的女人,便是神族族人?”众人沉默的时候,石岩眉梢一动,疑惑道:“他们的模样……” God Clan , when the fierce battle, meets the fluctuation carriage, not with the person encounters, with most people clan is the same, is only handsomer beautiful.” Wu Feng explained. 神族只有在激烈交战的时候,才会变幻体态,不与人交锋的时候,和大多数人族一样,只是更加英俊美丽罢了。”武枫解释。 Shi Yan understands immediately originally is this.” He when does not stimulate to movement Immortal Devil Blood , is the same with the average man, currently speaking, he and God Clan has the enormous similarity in the fields. 石岩立即明白过来“原来是这样。”他在不催动不死魔血的时候,也是和常人一样,从这一点来看,他和神族在某些方面有着极大的相似处。 Mo Fou, is he very strong?” Wu Bai is raising the great hammer, calling of sonorous voice, a enthusiasm of face. 莫雬,他很强么?”武柏提着巨锤,声如洪钟的吆喝,一脸的兴致勃勃。 Is very strong, from[ body] in supernatural power and fleshly body shape powerful,......, He even surpasses you!” Mo Fou said. “很强,从〖体〗内神力和肉身强悍来看,……,他甚至超过你!”莫雬道。 Such remarks, Wu Feng, Shang Yingyue and Sha Zhao people completely changed the complexion, looks at Shi Yan again time, the eye emits astonishing rays of light. 此言一出,武枫商影月沙鞪众人全部变了脸色,再看石岩的时候,眼睛都冒出惊人的光芒 All people know the enduring gold/metal iron that the Wu Bai inborn supernatural power, a body and spirit quenchings, in the flesh and blood is containing terrifying incomparable power, among the people, he was craziest fierce overbearing one several times and battle of God Clan, has proven the fearfulness of Wu Bai. 所有人都知道武柏天生神力,一身体魄淬炼的堪比金铁,血肉之躯内蕴藏着恐怖无比的力量,在众人当中,他是最为狂猛霸道的一个数次和神族的交战,已经证明了武柏的可怕。 Now Mo Fou actually said that Shi Yan in the fleshly body intensity and[ body] on power, want powerful compared with Wu Bai, all people were frightened. 如今莫雬竟然说石岩肉身强度和〖体〗内力量上,要比武柏还要强悍,所有人都被震慑了。 We need his power.” Mo Fou continues to say. “我们需要他的力量。”莫雬继续说道。 Wu Feng, Wu Bai and the others almost nod immediately, and immediately regards Shi Yan with other Level existence, did not have a contempt. 武枫武柏等人几乎立即点头,并且马上将石岩当成同等级别的存在,没了一丝的轻视。 They believe the Mo Fou vision. 他们相信莫雬的眼光。 The Sha Zhao complexion is very ugly, but he does not have to act rashly once more, suddenly becomes very silent, a person stands there facial expression is complex. 沙鞪脸色很难看,但他没有再次轻举妄动,忽然变得很沉默,一个人站在那儿神情复杂。 We indeed need him.” Shang Yingyue digression, hesitant, her earnest saying: We most need his, solely is not his power, other......” “我们的确需要他。”商影月插话,犹豫了一下,她认真的说道:“我们最最需要他的,不单单是他的力量,还有其它……” What?” Wu Feng and Mo Fou look to her. “什么?”武枫莫雬都看向她。 Still remembers that I and you have said? If we can find a fellow, perhaps...... We can in Mi Ya and in the Fei Erpu battle, miserable that will not defeat, even possibly has the favorable turn.” The Shang Yingyue look is complex. “还记得我和你说过么?如果我们能够找到一个家伙,或许……我们可以在和米娅菲尔普的争斗中,不会败的那么惨,甚至可能有转机。”商影月眼神复杂。 The people have thought suddenly. 众人忽然想了起来。 In half years ago, the people have experienced a rout, died three masters, gathers at together the thinking means with a worried look, all people are at wit's end, Shang Yingyue had said that if there is a fellow also to live, they possibly also hopefully gain the victory. 就在半年前,众人经历过一次溃败,死了三名高手,聚集在一块儿一起愁眉不展的想办法,所有人都无计可施的时候,商影月曾经说过,如果有个家伙还活着的话,他们可能还有希望取得胜利。 Why at that time everybody closely examined, Shang Yingyue said that person died, said that anything was useless, in detail had not clarified. 那时候大家都追问为什么,商影月说那人已经死了,说什么都没有用,就没有详细讲明。 Today, her old words mentioned again that everybody recalled to mind suddenly, once more looks to her, asked that was puzzled they the issue why?” 今天,她旧话重提,大家忽然都记起了,都纷纷再次看向她,重新问出了那个困惑他们的问题“为什么?” So long as there are him, when Mi Ya these people come, are where, how to surround to block off, cannot escape our informers.” Shang Yingyue deeply looks to Shi Yan, ejected the heavy case bomb: He by the Ancient Continent shackles, still cannot use soul Divine Sense sensation peripheral all, was not hoodwinked the soul sense of touch like us, one by one is similar to the one who has eyes yet fails to see.” “只要有他在,米娅那些人何时过来,身在何处,如何包围堵截,都逃不过我们的耳目。”商影月深深看向石岩,抛出了重磅炸弹:“他不受古大陆的桎梏,依然可以用灵魂神识感知周边一切,不像我们都被蒙蔽了灵魂触觉,各个如同睁眼瞎。” The people shake loudly, is panic-stricken looks to Shi Yan, the opening mouth wants to try to prove. 众人轰然一震,皆是惊骇之极的看向石岩,张大口想要求证。 I can indeed the sensation surrounding life fluctuation.” In people scalding hot eyes staring, Shi Yan very optional nodded, the vice- soul floats quietly, such as the monster fire is beating in his crown for example now, these people then leave our several hundred li (0.5km), is assuming the semicircle to approach toward us, at their speeds, we , if not leave, most double-hour will meet with them.” “我的确能感知周围的生命波动。”在众人灼热眼睛凝视中,石岩很随意的点了点头,副魂悄然漂浮出来,在他天灵盖如妖火跳动着“譬如现在,那些人便离我们数百里,正呈半圆形朝着我们接近,以他们的速度,我们如果不动身,最多一个时辰就会和他们碰面。” „Did you affirm?” Mo Fou is pleasantly surprised, if crazy shouting to clear the way. “你肯定?”莫雬惊喜若狂的喝道。 Sure.” “肯定。” Mo Fou looks to Shang Yingyue. 莫雬看向商影月 What he said is real.” Shang Yingyue statement. “他说的是真的。”商影月表态。 Wonderful!” “妙哉!”
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