GOS :: Volume #12

#1122: Five big domain

Vast boundless luxuriant Star Sea, the innumerable star territories are distributed in each corner, in each star territory also has the countless stars, the star , the dead star, the ore star, Solar Star and Lunar Star life such as the sand in desert, the number are also countless. 浩瀚无际的莽莽星海,无数星域分布在各个角落,每一个星域中又有数不尽的星辰,生命之星、死星、矿星、日星月星如沙漠中的沙粒,数也数不尽。 In endless Star Sea, some star territories are actually formidable, being well-known entire universe. 无尽星海中,有一些星域却是强大之极,闻名整个宇宙。 When rumor universe initial, Continent that is born first is Ancient Continent, altogether has five Ancient Continent, these five Ancient Continent are the places of myriad things life origin, all the formidable race, came from that five Ancient Continent until now. 传言宇宙初始之时,最先诞生的大陆古大陆,一共只有五个古大陆,这五个古大陆可谓是万物生灵起源之地,所有至今强大的种族,都来自于那五个古大陆 However, along with a time trillion years of circulation, along with rising of year powerful life, along with seizing of innumerable race life to heaven and earth energy, five Ancient Continent four gradually energy dries up, slowly belongs to heaven and earth. 然而,随着时间亿万年的流转,随着一个年强悍生命的崛起,随着无数种族生灵对天地能量的攫取,五个古大陆其中四个都渐渐能量枯竭,慢慢归于天地 Only then Ancient Continent, as if in that instant that heaven and earth inaugurates, then incomparable sly intelligent, it does not have selflessly releases own power, has not bred any life, maintains own independence is being complete. 只有其中一个古大陆,似乎在天地初开的那一霎,便无比的狡猾聪明,它没有无私的释放自己的力量,没有孕育任何生灵,保持着自身的独立完整。 It relies on game natural law that are formulating, nourishes to form all sorts of heaven and earth rare object in the interior, every other ten thousand years open to the universe life one time. 它依循着自己制定的游戏规则,在内部滋养形成种种天地奇物,每隔万年才向宇宙生灵开放一次。 It as if regards a game it, makes the innumerable race lives go after like ducks, the wanting wanderer of going all out enters the bunch ten thousand years to open one time, ten years, the entrant can seize the magical things material, can slaughter the battle mutually, its, when the prestige whets own amusement park. 它似乎将其当成一种游戏,却让无数种族生灵趋之若鹜,拼了命的要闯荡进束万年开放一次,十年的时间,进入者可以攫取其中的灵物材料,可以相互厮杀争斗,将其当威磨砺自己的游乐场。 Ten years later, often can live person less than one-third, but each is living the character of return, will obtain the family and influence treats earnestly, gradually will take over control of the family influence, becomes Fang Haoxiong, can inevitably in the luxuriant star territory alligator appearing corner/horn. 十年后,往往能够活着出来的人不足1,但每一个活着返回的人物,都将获得家族、势力的最热切对待,都将逐渐接管家族势力,成为一方豪雄,必然能够在莽莽星域鳄露头角。 Now, this Ancient Continent, although during being in seal, but the interior does not have a moment peace. 如今,这古大陆虽然处于封闭期间,可内部却没有一刻太平。 Time, already past five years. 时间,已经过去五年了。 This Ancient Continent from the Mirage Fog Star Field edge, oneself fluttered Mott star territory, encircled the place of Chaos to speed away in star Outer Territory, numerous ore star and dead star smashing along the road, sharp weapon that if destroyed the hardest defenses. 古大陆一路从雾幻星域的边缘,自己飘荡到了莫特星域,在星域外混乱之地疾驰着,将沿路的众多矿星、死星粉碎,如无坚不摧的利器。 If some people of energy naked eyes cross the Ancient Continent layer on layer energy fog barrier, can float above Ancient Continent, will discover that huge incomparable Ancient Continent is divided into five domains actually, is in the Continent east , south , west , north and middle five directions separately, four domains can find a condition from nine days. 如果有人能肉眼越过古大陆重重能量雾障,能够悬浮在古大陆之上,会发现巨大无比的古大陆其实分成五块版图,分别处于大陆东南西北中五个方向,其中四个版图从九天之上可以瞧见点状况。 A domain is endless swamp, for the woods cold continuous glacier, obstructs the day for the cover the forest, one is the vast sea, in the sea is embellishing zero Stars Island islet. 一处版图为无尽沼泽,一处为森寒的连绵冰川,一处为茂密遮天的森林,一处为汪洋海洋,海洋内点缀着零星岛屿。 These domains separately in the Continent east , south , west and north, but in the center of these four domains, is one just likes by the thick energy close world, came from the space, ices the blue light to cover such as covers the earth the great bowl, is sealing up the Ancient Continent center. 这几个版图分别在大陆东南西北,而在这四块版图的中央,则是一个犹如被浓稠能量封闭的世界,从天上开来,冰蓝色的光罩如盖住大地的巨碗,将古大陆中央封闭着。 Other endless swamp and continuous glaciers, obstruct in the day forest and vast sea area in all directions domain, at this time has in the universe major star territories Expert to move. 其余的无尽沼泽、连绵冰川、遮天森林、汪洋海域四处版图内,此时都有宇宙各大星域内强者在活动。 However, if under some people stare in vault of heaven, will discover that now in that in all directions domain, four influences get the winning side obviously, and gradual is nibbling scattered Warrior, has the possibility that different influence are ruthless greatly. 然而,如果有人在苍穹凝望底下,会发现如今那四处版图内,有四股势力明显占据上风,并逐步的蚕食着零散的武者,大有将不同势力者赶尽杀绝的可能。 Endless swamp. 无尽的沼泽地内。 The group pace leisurely, is person of Mi Ya, has the respectful four Bai Family people in Mi Ya behind, now these four Bai Family people when treat Mi Ya, appears the extremely caution and care, awe that the look is from the heart. 一行人慢悠悠踱步,为首一人正是米娅,在米娅身后有毕恭毕敬的四名白家人,如今这四名白家人在对待米娅的时候,显得极为谨慎小心,眼神发自内心的敬畏。 In the five years the time, they have experienced the Mi Ya too much residual poison method, knows how this woman executes the match step by step, earth-shaking that this domain stirs. 这五年时间,他们见识了米娅的太多残毒手段,知道这个女人如何一步步格杀对手,将这一块版图搅的天翻地覆。 20 Realm in Void God Second Sky and Third Sky Warrior, have always has few, has the male to have the female, the attire is bright, the appearance is delicate and pretty, follows the lead by Mi Ya, harms looks at these white, regardless of everybody are the delicate and pretty unusual people, the manner was even more respectful. 20来名境界虚神二重天三重天不等的武者,有老有少,有男有女,衣着鲜艳亮丽,模样俊美漂亮,都以米娅马首是瞻,白误看着那些不论男女老少都是俊美非常的人,神态愈发恭敬了。 In the five years, we have killed Expert of more than 30 major star territories in this swamp area, but now still some fish slip through.” The Mi Ya manner was calm, looked into the distance, said lightly: Has gradually edged to central region unsealed, we must make the best use of the time, cannot give these fish slip through opportunities again.” “这五年来,我们在这沼泽区杀了30多名各大星域的强者,但如今依然有一些漏网之鱼。”米娅神态从容,眺望了一下远方,淡淡说道:“离中央区域解封渐渐近了,我们要抓紧时间了,不能再给那些漏网之鱼机会了。” Sister Mi Ya, our two families collaborates, can definitely before central region unsealed, the fish slip through cut to kill completely.” It looks like , only then 18 years old youth, Void God Second Sky Realm, outstanding ability, said indifferently with a smile. 米娅姐姐,我们两个家族联手,肯定可以在中央区域解封之前,将漏网之鱼全部斩杀。”一名看起来只有十八九岁的少年,虚神二重天境界,俊逸非常,淡然笑着说道。 Haig transmitted the signal, he that side north side glacier, was clean mixed fish cleaning up. If here we cannot solve in the short time, he said that he will come personally, we have lost to him, cannot lose was too ugly.” Mi Ya frowns to say. 黑格传来讯号了,他在北边冰川那边,已经将杂鱼清理干净了。如果我们在短时间不能解决这边,他说他会亲自过来一趟,我们已经输给他了,可不能输的太难看了。”米娅皱着眉头道。 Haig that fellow is abnormal, our definitely ratio his, above has confessed that Haig is commanding of this motion, it is said 黑格那家伙是变态,我们肯定比不过他的,上面交代过,黑格是这次行动的统领,据说 ...... The fellow disregards this Ancient Continent wall barrier, can fluctuate by the Divine Sense sensation life. ” Youth complexion alarmed and afraid say|way. ……那家伙无视这古大陆的壁障,能以神识感知生灵波动。”少年脸色惊惧道。 Mi Ya sighed, nodded, said: Haig indeed having god-given wisdom rare talent, without the words of accident, this motion finished, he can determine in the future Bradley Family the position of head of the clan.” 米娅叹了一口气,点了点头,说道:“黑格的确天纵奇才,没有意外的话,这趟行动结束,他就能确定未来布拉德利家族的族长之位了。” Everybody said that Haig obtained our clan ancestor star Essence, real?” The youth said in a low voice. “大家都说黑格得到了我们一族祖星的本源,是不是真的?”少年低声道。 Such remarks, Mi Ya and youth behind numerous delicate and pretty men, show the awe frightened facial expression, obviously fears to that named Haig person extremely. 此言一出,米娅、少年身后众多俊美的男男女女,都是露出敬畏恐惧的神情,显然对那个名为黑格的人极为惧怕。 Heard that is this.” Mi Ya nodded. Does not have the words of accident, he in the future may be a leader of our clan, Bradley Family, was 12 everybody strongest one, Haig also had obtained ancestor star Essence, in the future who can contend with him?” “听说是这样。”米娅点了点头.“没有意外的话,他将来可能会是我们一族的首领,布拉德利家族,一直都是12大家最强的一支,黑格又得到了祖星的本源,将来谁能和他抗衡?” But Haig is pursuing you, docile that if you can make him, in the future won't you be that hand of our clan control general situation?” The youth were saying, the eye closely was actually staring at Mi Ya, as if must see clearly her response. “但黑格正追求你啊,你要是能将他弄的服服帖帖,将来你不就是我们族掌控大局的那只手?”少年笑着说着,眼睛却紧紧盯着米娅,似乎要看清她的反应。 Not having the woman can dilute the Haig ambition, no one can.” The Mi Ya complexion changes. “没有女人能够冲淡黑格的野心,谁也不能。”米娅脸色一变。 , She has not borne saying: „ Did not discuss him, we fish slip through cleaning up will be as soon as possible clean, so as to avoid he came, said that we did not have the ability. 顿了一下,她不耐道:“不谈他,我们尽快将漏网之鱼清理干净了,免得等他过来了,说我们没有能力。 Good.” The youth he he smile, our Ascot Families and your Fernandez Families collaborate, at this time is attacking to Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field together, perhaps in addition the when Bai Family help of that Dry Bones Star Field, we went out of Ancient Continent, can hit Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field, when the time comes our two families influence decides however surges upward, perhaps has with the possibility that Haig their Bradley Families fight.” “好的。”少年呵呵一笑,“我们阿斯科特家族和你们费尔南德斯家族联手,此时正对火雨星域玛琊星域一起进攻,加上那枯骨星域白家帮助,或许等我们走出古大陆之时,就能将火雨星域玛琊星域打下来了,到时候我们两家势力定然高涨,说不定就有和黑格他们布拉德利家族争锋的可能性。” Mi Ya eye slightly one bright, slightly nodded, „, if can take Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field smoothly, our two families in clan Earth Realm when production costs rise , prices rise too, hopes that all are suitable.” 米娅眼睛微微一亮,微微点了点头,“如果能顺利拿下火雨星域玛琊星域,我们两家在族内的地位就会水涨船高了,希望一切顺到吧。” Will be smooth.” The youth said. “会顺利的。”少年道。 Bai Wuting Mi Ya and youth's speech, lower the head secretly, the innermost feelings are very shocking, rejoiced that arrives with them together. 白误听着米娅和少年的讲话,暗暗垂着头,内心无比震惊,庆幸和他们走到一块儿。 From the Mi Ya mouth he has learned an astonishing news: Enters Ancient Continent Guide Fruit, majority are God Clan scatters through all sorts of ways in the major star territories, previous time they have almost controlled, therefore enters Ancient Continent Guide Fruit! 米娅口中他获知了一个惊人的消息:进入古大陆的界引果,大多数都是神族通过种种途径散落在各大星域的,上次他们几乎掌控了所以进入古大陆的界引果 Guide Fruit, is representing major star territory top Void God Realm Expert, will be representing the master of future family and influence, after the talent that will train with emphasis. 一颗界引果,代表着各大星域一名顶尖的虚神境界强者,代表着未来的家族、势力的主人,是经过重点培养出来的天才。 For example Sha Zhao and Brother Wu Family and Shang Yingyue and he harms me white, is the characters who the respective star territory selects, might is the future master. 譬如沙肇武家兄弟、商影月和他白误本人,都是各自星域拔萃的人物,很有可能就是未来的主人。 God Clan Guide Fruit will disperse, uses their ways to lose in the major star territories, making these strong presences obtain, then sends most talent character to enter Ancient Continent, seizes mouth-watering fruit...... 神族将界引果分散出来,利用他们的途径丢在各大星域,让那些强大势力得到,然后派遣最天才人物进入古大陆,来攫取让人垂涎的果实…… This radically is a plot! 这根本就是一个阴谋! Because this God Clan entrant are more! Also powerful! Various God Clan respected families collaborate, must universe hostile star territory future wielding, in this Ancient Continent catching the whole lot in a dragnet! 因为这次神族的进入者更多!也更加强悍神族各大家族联手,要将宇宙敌对星域未来的执掌者,在这古大陆给一网打尽! The future leader who they must eradicate the enemy, making them fall into the turbulence in future millennium, even is unable to recover, is God Clan goes on a punitive expedition against Star Sea to lay the solid foundation step by step. 他们要铲除敌人的未来领袖,让他们在将来千年时间陷入动荡,甚至一蹶不振,为神族一步步征伐星海打下坚实的根基。 They such have done. 他们已经这么去做了。 Ancient Continent the domain, the God Clan team, to domain launches to slaughter the cleaning in other people now in all directions, must before central region unsealed opens, eliminating God Clan and with God Clan being on good terms the enemy, kills a none remaining completely. 古大陆如今四处版图,都有一支神族的队伍,在对版图内的其余人展开屠戮清扫,要在中央区域解封开放之前,把除神族和与神族交好者的敌人,一个个全部杀个精光。 Mi Ya and that Ascot's Fei Erpu, is leading the person of their Bai Family, in the five years is doing the matter of cleaning. 米娅和那阿斯科特的菲尔普,带着他们白家之人,这五年来都在做着清扫之事。 In swamp. 沼泽中。 One line of clothing are disorderly, appearance distressed Warrior scatters in various places, the surroundings are the old tree of cover, the interior is actually ten came from Warrior of all star territory. 一行衣衫凌乱,模样狼狈的武者散落在各处,周围乃茂密的古树,内部却是十来名来自于各方星域的武者 In the middle of this has Wu Feng and Wu Bai, there is Shang Yingyue, had presented clay figurine, even there is Sand Ju...... 这当中有武枫武柏,也有商影月,还有曾经出现过的泥人,甚至有沙举…… They are in this swamp, now is also surviving major star territory Warrior, each of them by Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and Bai Family chasing down, everyone has eaten the suffering of opposite party. 他们都是这沼泽内,如今还存活着的各大星域武者,他们每一个人都被米娅菲尔普白家给追杀过,每一个人都吃过对方的苦头。 Experienced initial terrifying to encircle casualties, the majority had died a tragic death, forever was buried in swamp, for several years receiving goods were given to accept by Mi Ya, Fei Erpu and the others, 经历了最初的恐怖围剿伤亡,大部分已经惨死了,永远被埋藏在沼泽内,几年来的收货都被米娅菲尔普等人给接受, Also including their lives. 也包括他们的性命。 Survives by luck, realized gradually disperses person, only then a blind alley, possibly mutually had a grudge slowly, has put down the barrier, joins up to gather together. 侥幸存活下来的,渐渐意识到分散开来只有一条死路,慢慢地,本来可能相互有仇的人,也放下了隔阂,联合起来聚集在一块儿。 The God Clan schemes and tricks, all people have been well aware, because Mi Ya has not concealed this matter, before being very early, then refreshedly stated clearly that she must tell all people them to make anything, is makes your bright clearly know also probably by one by one be massacred finally. 神族的阴谋诡计,所有人都心知肚明了,因为米娅根本没隐瞒此事,很早之前便爽快言明,她就是要告诉所有人她们要做什么,就是让你明明知道也要被最终一一残杀。 She enjoys this feeling. 她享受这种感觉。 This, only remained us, before central region unsealed, we will possibly be killed.” Sha Zhao by the injury that Shi Yan hits hard, restored very much long time ago, he once spent traces the Shi Yan whereabouts for a long time, what a pity throughout has not been seeing. “这一块,只剩我们这些人了,在中央区域解封之前,我们可能都会被杀死。”沙肇石岩重击的伤势,很早就恢复了,他曾经花费很长时间追查石岩的下落,可惜始终没有见着。 When he only Shi Yan is the same with most people, early is struck to kill by the God Clan clansman who Mi Ya and Fei Erpu lead, but also is very disappointed the period of time. 他只当石岩和大多数人一样,早早被米娅菲尔普率领的神族族人击杀,还很是失望过一阵子。 We were being encircled by them catch up, they as if know that our approximate directions, our people are many, does not disperse is discovered the trend very much easily, the dispersion is easier to be struck to kill.” Wu Feng complexion yin cold, thinks extremely thornily. “我们在被他们围赶,他们似乎知道我们的大致方向,我们人多,不分散很容易被发现动向,分散则更容易被击杀。”武枫脸色阴寒,也觉得极其棘手。 Ten people of complexion ugly your my, when discussed most intense, the bottom deep place from their bodies, transmitted an explosive loudly. 十来人脸色难看的你一句我一句,就在谈的最激烈的时候,从他们的身下地底深处,轰然传来一声爆响。 All person surface like the coarse lime, think that Mi Ya and Fei Erpu God Clan clansman ambushes below, must carry on most fatal strangling to death to them. 所有人都面如土灰,以为米娅菲尔普神族族人潜伏在下面,要对他们进行最致命的绞杀。
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