GOS :: Volume #12

#1121: Refining up the fruit tree

Dark moist swamp middle course blue color lightning passed over gently and swiftly suddenly, then loses the trail instantaneously. 幽暗潮湿的沼泽中道蓝色闪电骤然掠过,瞬间便失去踪迹。 Shang Yingyue escapes to withdrawing, does not dare to continue the stay to be in-situ, knows necessity that has not continued to keep, because she also understands again proudly is not the Bai Family four Expert matches, let alone, the opposite party also has status mystical Mi Ya. 商影月率先遁离脱身,不敢继续逗留原地,也知道没有继续留下来的必要,因为她再是自傲也明白不是白家四名强者的对手,更何况,对方还有一个身份神秘米娅 Wu Feng and Wu Bai whole body power bursts out, such as lit powder keg, in the eye the raging fire is agitated, from this evacuation. 武枫武柏浑身力量迸发出来,如被点燃的火药桶,眼中烈火汹汹,也从这一块撤离。 Mi Ya stands in should park the place of Star Brilliance fruit tree, the pit that looks at gets sucked into together, the charming cheeks such as had been hit by the cold frost, ice-cold ice-cold, waves, she said directly: Is centered on this place, you disperse pursue, the boy only then Void God First Sky Realm, your any person meets him, can destroy completely easily.” 米娅站在本该停放星耀果树的地点,看着一块深陷下来的坑,妩媚的脸颊如被寒霜打了,冰冷冰冷的,挥挥手,她直接道:“以此地为中心,你们分散追击,那小子只有虚神一重天境界,你们任何一人碰见他,都能轻而易举灭掉。” Three Bai Family Warrior, are aloof to the instruction of Mi Ya, but looks to Bai Wu. 三名白家武者,对米娅的吩咐无动于衷,只是看向白误。 White pale nodded, signaled with the eyes to three people, said in a soft voice: Pursues.” 白淡点了点头,对三人使了个眼色,轻声道:“追吧。” Four silhouette such as four winter rainbows light, shoot to go toward four direction birthplaces, vanishes to disappear in a flash. 四道身影如四冬虹光,朝着四个方向贯射而去,转瞬就消失不见了。 When left to all people, in the Mi Ya eye appears one point confuses, a person muttered whispers, as if by any matter making was a little mentally confused. 待到所有人都离开了,米娅眼中显出一分迷惑,一个人喃喃低语,似乎被什么事情给弄的有点心乱。 Left Bai Family Warrior, Shang Yingyue lost the trail, used the special method covers up silhouette and fluctuation, hides in the invisible light covered, all her alone dived quietly in a direction. 一离开白家武者,商影月又重新失去了踪迹,利用特殊手段将身影和波动遮掩,躲藏在隐形光罩内,她孤身一人悄悄朝着一个方向潜去。 Suddenly, she discovered that this invisible the light cover becomes incomparably spacious, in reappearing that in the mind does not control self just in the light covered ji that had to execute the scene...... 忽然间,她发现这件隐形的光罩变得无比宽敞,脑海内不自禁的浮现刚刚在光罩内发生的犄施场景…… In her eyes appears a difference, but returns to normal quickly, the corners of the mouth transgress the hate ice-cold angle, two cultivate the straight beautiful leg to sway, quick then increasingly estranged. 她眼中显出一丝异样,但很快平复下来,嘴角逸出怨恨冰冷的角度,两条修直美腿晃荡间,很快便渐行渐远。 When to her discovered that after Brother Bai Family should leave she is extremely far, she slightly hesitated, suddenly receives that invisible light cover, the graceful physique exposes all of a sudden, Tingting stands under a cover old tree, is waiting for anything silently. 待到她发现白家兄弟应该离她极远以后,她稍稍犹豫了一下,忽然将那隐形光罩收起,曼妙身姿一下子暴露出来,婷婷立在一株茂密古树下,在默默等候着什么。 After half double-hour. 半个时辰后。 The vigorous shadow walks together leisurely, expression is indifferent, before arriving at her body directly, is actually silent. 一道雄健影子慢悠悠走来,神色冷漠,径直来到她身前,却沉默不语。 „Do you also dare to come?” Shang Yingyue is biting the lip, said bitterly. “你还敢来?”商影月咬着嘴唇,恨恨道。 She knows Shi Yan to be able the life fluctuation within sensation certain range, here, is the place that they decided that she closes up on own initiative, and removes the invisible light cover, the innermost feelings must ask for an explanation to Shi Yan. 她知道石岩能够感知一定范围内的生命波动,这儿,也是他们原先约定的地点,她主动靠拢过来,并且将隐形光罩撤下,内心是要向石岩讨个说法。 But she did not determine that Shi Yan dares to come. 可她不确定石岩敢来。 Why don't I dare to come?” “我为什么不敢来?” The Shi Yan left hand is gripping the Star Brilliance fruit tree, that unusual fruit tree splashes the silver star light, such as the firefly falls on his arm in abundance, looked fiercely that his arm such as was smudged by the star sand, glittering bright strange light, „ you must make clear, if not you rumbles I to come out, we will not expose. So long as we do not expose, when fights to be divided into the victory and defeat to the Bai Family person and Brother Wu Family, I can help you, collaborates to start to the Bai Family person with you, but spear|gun 石岩左手攥着星耀果树,那奇特的果树溅出点点银色星光,如萤火虫纷纷落在他臂膀上,猛地一看,他手臂如被星沙涂抹,闪烁着熠熠奇光,“你要搞清楚一点,如果不是你轰我出来,我们都不会暴露。只要我们不暴露出来,待到白家人和武家兄弟战斗分成胜负,我可以帮助你,和你联手对白家人下手,可枪 ...... Was you pounds the matter lane. ” ……是你将事情弄砸了。” „Did I make to pound?” “我弄砸了?” A Shang Yingyue forehead slender blue vein beat, is out of control to scream: „If not you are deliberately frivolous I, I can rumble you to exit? If I do not rumble to exit you, who knows that what disgusting matter you will also make to come?!” 商影月额头一根纤细青筋跳动了一下,禁不住尖叫起来:“如果不是你蓄意轻薄我,我会轰你出去?如果我不将你轰出去,谁知道你还会做出什么恶心的事情来?!” When loses one's voice the scream, her unquenchable the scene that remembers that to lower the head looks, recalls to mind the Shi Yan lower part of the body fierce spirited, is thinking Shi Yan feigns the calm indifferent ugly appearance. 失声尖叫时,她难以抑制的想起那低头一看的场景,记起石岩下身的狰狞昂扬,想着石岩佯装镇定淡然的丑陋模样。 That is only an accident.” “那只是一个意外。” Not guilty, does not have embarrassed, Shi Yan said callously: Whose his mother knows that your light does cover along with the power complementary waves will unable to withstand? Good! This matter stopped!” 没有一丝愧疚,也没有一点不好意思,石岩冷酷说道:“谁他妈知道你的光罩随着力量余波会那么不堪?行了!这件事到此为止了!” A few words said that he turned around walks, cold voice said: Does not have the means cooperation with you, the beforehand agreement cancelled.” 一句话讲完,他掉头就走,冷声道:“和你没办法合作,之前的协议取消了。” You are shameless!” Shang Yingyue is breathless, said bitterly: You have resulted in the Star Brilliance fruit tree, you also seize the chance to occupy the advantage, now immediately gets angry, what man are you?” “你无耻!”商影月气急败坏,恨恨道:“你得了星耀果树,你也趁机占得好处,如今立即翻脸,你算什么男人?” Strikes to kill Bai Family this matter, i will do my best does, but will not continue to cooperate with you. As for seven color ghost monsters...... I will also capture by my power, do not need you to take the trouble.” Shi Yan silhouette is increasingly estranged, does not have leaving to leave, along with disappearance of sound, he also lost the trail. “击杀白家这件事,我会尽力去做,但不会与你继续合作。至于七彩鬼妖呢……我也会以自己的力量夺取,无需你费心。”石岩身影渐行渐远,头也没回的抽身离开,随着声音的消失,他也失去了踪迹。 Shang Yingyue was cold the face to stand some little time, suddenly the weak dependence on the old tree, heart suffering from injustice awfully. 商影月寒着脸站了好一会儿,忽然无力的依靠在古树上,心底委屈的要命。 Under mud thick swamp, the thorough several kilometers region, was roasted a dry cavern by the flame. 一个泥浆浓稠的沼泽底下,深入数千米区域,被火焰烤出一处干燥的洞穴。 Around the cavern has to isolate Divine Sense and sound space barrier, Shi Yan such safely sits, places at present the ground the Star Brilliance fruit tree, narrows the eye to gaze at earnestly. 洞穴周围有隔绝神识、声音的空间结界,石岩就这么安然坐着,将星耀果树放在眼前地上,眯着眼睛认真注视。 The rhizome branches and leaves of Star Brilliance fruit tree such as the green beautiful jade, starts cool, nine walnut fruits are radiant like the star, is releasing very intense energy fluctuation, green wave light ripple, has strong defensive power to the average man, if gathers rashly, will bring in the counter-attack of energy. 星耀果树的根茎枝叶如青色美玉,入手清凉,九颗核桃般的果实则是璀璨如星,释放着很强烈的能量波动,一圈圈青色波光荡漾出来,对常人有着很强的防御力,如果冒然收取,会引来能量的反击。 However for him, these green apertures have not threatened, because of his then cultivation Stars Deep Meaning. 然而对他来说,那些青色的光圈并没有威胁,因为他本身便修炼星辰奥义 This Star Brilliance fruit tree is cultivation Stars Deep Meaning Origin God, after Soul Altar Nirvana, and star of fusion a life, evolve after all sorts of unusual accidents finally slowly, it does not have Soul Consciousness, but is containing the Stars Deep Meaning true meaning. 星耀果树为一名修炼星辰奥义始神,灵魂祭台涅盘后和一颗生命之星融合,历经种种奇特的变故最终慢慢衍变而成,它没有灵魂意识,但却蕴藏着星辰奥义的真谛。 The words that the texture on trunk and branches, rhizome, leaf and fruit fruit tree, carefully looks, will discover the trace such as the stars curve, agrees without consultation Star Sea some indescribable exquisite...... 果树的枝干、根茎、叶子和果实上的纹理,仔细去看的话,会发现纹路如星辰曲线,暗合星海的某种难以言喻的精妙…… A finger builds on fruit tree rhizome, he is narrowing eye revolution Soul Altar, the mind Divine Sense thought Stars Deep Meaning in the deep meaning level. 一根手指搭在果树根茎上,他眯着眼睛运转灵魂祭台,心灵神识念头都在奥义层中星辰奥义间。 , His finger asked gradually spookily brightly, overflowed the innumerable star light, the star light was similar some tiny glistening bacteria, converged the fruit tree rhizome all of a sudden. 渐渐地,他那根手指幽幽问亮,流溢出无数星光,星光仿佛某种细小的闪亮细菌,一下子汇入果树根茎。 The instant, his soul Sea of Consciousness is similar to with the fruit tree achieves the relation, continuously Divine Sense such as the creek converges the sea, in one full is in the stars line sea that glistens radiantly roams the tremor. 霎那间,他灵魂识海如同和果树达成联系,一缕缕神识如小河汇入大海,在一处满是璀璨闪亮的星辰线条海洋内流荡颤动。 The innumerable light bright glittering star light line, interweaves mutually the combination, forms the tedious mystical Star Sea design, some designs such as bend the bow, wild beast that some designs such as roared, some designs like ladle, some designs such as white fox of soaring...... 无数光熠闪烁的星光线条,相互交织组合,形成繁琐神秘星海图案,有些图案如弯弓,有些图案如咆哮的野兽,有的图案如勺子,有的图案如飞翔的天马…… That is the picture that in the galaxy stars combinations evolve, is containing some heaven and earth highest good, as if can directly with the cultivation Stars Deep Meaning communication. 那是星河内一颗颗星辰组合衍变出来的画面,蕴藏着某种天地至理,似乎能够直接和修炼星辰奥义者沟通。 Shi Yan Divine Sense fluttering in, prestige is receiving silently...... 石岩神识飘荡其中,默默威受着…… , His eye has shone suddenly fiercely, is indistinct imitates, if catches anything. 突地,他眼睛猛地亮了起来,隐隐约约间仿若捕捉到什么。 That such as is the stars design of bucket, deferring to the Big Dipper way arrangement? If the appearance of far view Big Dipper, exactly is the drawing of ladle. 那如勺的星辰图案,岂不是正按照北斗七星方式排列?如果远观北斗七星的模样,恰恰便是勺子的图画啊。 His mind shakes loudly, realizes anything likely all of a sudden, the whole person indulges, Divine Sense wanders in the Star Brilliance fruit tree, is searching in the rhizome branches and leaves...... 他脑海轰然一震,像是一下子意识到什么,整个人沉溺其中,神识星耀果树内游荡,在根茎枝叶内搜查着…… During his Soul Consciousness sees clearly the mystery, he indulges does not know own condition, but the Star Brilliance fruit of that Star Brilliance fruit tree, is similar to is actually derived nutrient, little changes is small, loses the radiant star light, slowly is withered. 在他灵魂意识洞察当中奥妙的时候,他沉溺其中不知自身状况,可那星耀果树的一颗星耀果,却如同被汲取着其中养分,一点点的变小,失去璀璨星光,慢慢干瘪。 He does not know that sees clearly the exquisiteness of Star Brilliance fruit tree, must consume in the Star Brilliance fruit unexpectedly huge Strength of Stars. 他不知道,洞察星耀果树的精妙,竟然要耗费星耀果内庞大的星辰之力 Along with a depletion reduction of Star Brilliance fruit, his whole body is actually pasting trillion star light, looked suddenly has the innumerable fireflies to flap likely side him, dances in the air regarding him lightly, is finally hidden in his body, changes into pure energy of his within the body. 随着一颗星耀果的枯竭缩小,他浑身却流转着亿万星光,猛然一看像是有无数萤火虫扑扇在他身旁,围绕着他翩然飞舞,最终还都隐没在他身体中,化为他体内的一丝精纯的能量 Time in a hurry. 时间匆匆。 A Star Brilliance fruit dries up, new Star Brilliance fruit blooming star light, gradual losing gloss, slowly was absorbed energy...... 一颗星耀果枯竭,新的一颗星耀果又绽放星光,也逐渐的失去光泽,慢慢的被吸取能量…… Star Brilliance fruits, see clearly Stars Deep Meaning in him, in his Soul Consciousness wanders in universe Star Sea that as if reduces pulls closer, he had not felt, but the Star Brilliance fruit actually one after another vanishes, because energy exhausts, but turns over among ruins heaven and earth. 一颗颗星耀果,在他洞察星辰奥义,在他灵魂意识游荡在仿佛缩小拉近的宇宙星海中,他自己没有感觉,可星耀果却接连消失,因为能量耗尽,而归墟天地之间。 During he does not know quite the same as exquisite, under this swamp, is grasping the Star Brilliance fruit tree, is carrying on the life the most important deep meaning sensibility. 他浑然不知当中精妙,就在这沼泽底下,手持着星耀果树,进行着人生中最为重要的奥义感悟。 Stars Deep Meaning, this is continually that deep meaning source extremely the unusual deep meaning that is difficult to discover, is these years the deep meaning that is difficult to strive, but now, this deep meaning actually at an exceptional pace, by the incredible comprehension faculty, fast is growing. 星辰奥义,这是连那奥义源头都极难发现的奇特奥义,也是这些年来最难精进的奥义,但现在,这种奥义却以惊人的速度,以让人难以置信的理解力,飞快的增长着。 The space that he places is not big, but has covered entirely trillion stars luminous spots now, if some people can come to look at carefully, will discover that these stars luminous spots have composed universe vast Star Sea simply, was one reduced the galaxy design of non- several fold! 他身处的空间不算大,可如今已经布满亿万星辰光点,若有人能进来端详,会发现那些星辰光点简直组成了宇宙浩淼星海,是一个缩小了无数倍的星河图案! The hand Star Brilliance fruit on Star Brilliance fruit tree, vanish, the branches and leaves wither slowly, the rhizome is also split, finally branches and leaves that the fruit that dries up, withers, split rhizome, likely is integrates in the Star Sea design of reduction, disappearance slowly. 手中的星耀果树上的星耀果,一颗颗消失,枝叶慢慢枯萎,根茎也干裂,最终不论是枯竭的果实、枯萎的枝叶、还是干裂的根茎,都像是融入缩小的星海图案内,慢慢的消失。 He as if short in universe galaxy center, whole body bathes in everywhere spark, such as a fossil is ancient. 他仿佛短暂在宇宙星河中央,浑身沐浴在漫天星火内,如一具化石般亘古不动。 The time continues to pass. 时间继续流逝。 On this day, everywhere star light like the raindrop, submerges his body suddenly, walks randomly in his veins, skeleton and flesh and blood takes root, breaks in his Sea of Consciousness, takes advantage of opportunity to submerge in his Void Realm...... 这一天,漫天星光如雨点,霍然没入他身体,在他筋脉、骨骼、血肉内游走扎根,冲入他识海,顺势没入他虚界内…… He still sits, the body actually slowly shivers, if were being polished the flesh and blood by the spark, in the pore seeps the contamination juice, sends the silk root to squeeze out the small dirt, his hair becomes the gloss according to the person, the muscle such as is covering the stars gauze clothes, the skeleton is such as the firm jade......,...... 他依然坐着,身躯却慢慢颤抖,如被星火打磨着血肉,毛孔内沁出污秽的汁水,发丝根部挤出微小的污垢,他头发变得光泽照人,肌肉如覆盖着星辰纱衣,骨骼则是如刚硬的玉石……、…… This is brand-new transformation. 这是一种全新的蜕变 Quenchings the flesh and blood and soul by the strength of galaxy, is the Star Brilliance fruit tree takes to his greatest advantage, making his whole body raspberry corner benefit greatly. 以星河之力淬炼血肉、灵魂,是星耀果树带给他的莫大好处,让他全身莓一个角落都为之受益匪浅。 But he has not regained consciousness, the mind consciousness seems loafing in the vast galaxy, such as cannot look for the path, in the turf moor bottom deep place, sits is for several years, does not know the outside world condition. 可他还是没有苏醒,心灵意识仿佛在浩渺星河内游荡着,如找不着回来的道路,就在泥沼地底深处,一坐便是数年,不知外界的状况。 The Star Brilliance fruit tree is the Genesis Level rare treasure, does not form easily, to cultivation Stars Deep Meaning, radically is the priceless treasure, only exists in the legend. 星耀果树为元始级异宝,形成不易,对修炼星辰奥义者来说,根本就是无价宝物,只存在于传说中。 A Star Brilliance fruit tree was built up by him completely, during derives energy, understands clearly the deep meaning is exquisite, equivalent to stiffly raises a section the spirit, consciousness, soul and flesh and blood, includes...... His Realm, Void God First Sky to the Second Sky threshold shackles, was broken through directly. 一株星耀果树被他给完全炼化,汲取当中能量,洞悉其中奥义精妙,相当于将精神、意识、灵魂、血肉都硬生生拔高一截,其中也包括……他的境界,虚神一重天二重天的门槛桎梏,被直接冲破。 When he awakes transfers, is Void God Second Sky. 等他醒转之时,便是虚神二重天了。
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