GOS :: Volume #12

#1120: Changing again and again

The white white and fierce battle of Wu Family black younger brother, stopped suddenly, Void God Expert of several major star territories, simultaneously gather the vision at the Shi Yan two people. 白皓和武家黑弟的激烈战斗,突然间停了下来,数名各大星域的虚神强者,同时将目光聚集在石岩两人身上。 Under the congealments of numerous line of sight, the Shang Yingyue complexion woods are cold, wicked is staring at Shi Yan, blames you!” 在众多视线的凝结下,商影月脸色森寒,恶狠狠的盯着石岩,“都怪你!” Shi Yan coldly snorted, said: Our agreements stop temporarily!” 石岩冷哼一声,道:“咱们的协议暂时中止!” Together the spooky flame suddenly spout from his control, the flame burning hot, delimits an exquisite curve void, strange congealing becomes a flame arm, grips toward that Star Brilliance fruit tree. 一道幽幽火焰忽然从他手心喷涌出来,火焰炙热,虚空划出一条优美的弧度,诡异的凝成一只火焰手臂,朝着那星耀果树攥去。 The people who stops battling, wear a look of sneer, are staring at him who disdains. 停止交战的众人,都面带冷笑,不屑的盯着他。 A stars wave light ripples, such as lake ripples in layer upon layer, transmit the intense fluctuation. 一圈星辰波光荡漾出来,如湖泊内的层层涟漪,传来强烈的波动。 That the arm that is congealed by the Shi Yan flame, moves the First Level stars gloss, the splash that directly struck, changes into the ignition flower. 那一只由石岩火焰凝结出来的臂膀,才碰触第一层星辰光泽,就被直接击的飞溅,化为点点火花。 The Shi Yan wrinkle looks slightly. 石岩微微皱看。 If the Star Brilliance fruit tree is so easy to gather, you think that I will stand here am motionless?” Laughing of Mi Ya ridicule, the bright eyes shot a look at one sclera by mistake four people, said: Processing that first will bother.” “要是星耀果树那么容易收取,你以为我会站在这儿不动么?”米娅嘲弄的嗤笑,明眸瞥了一眼白误四人,道:“先将搅局的处理掉吧。” White pale four people of nodded, abandoned Brother Wu Family suddenly, the cold woods cold look gathered on Shi Yan and Shang Yingyue together, Bai Wu has gawked suddenly, he stared at Shang Yingyue to look at a while, suddenly strangely chuckled got up: Ha Ha, you are the daughter of An Liya that inexpensive woman!” 白淡四人点了点头,突然弃下了武家兄弟,冷冽森寒的眼神一起聚集在石岩商影月身上,白误忽然愣了一下,他盯着商影月看了一会儿,忽然嘿嘿怪笑起来:“哈哈,你是安丽雅那贱妇的女儿!” Other three Bai Family people, listening to his such saying to grin fiendishly, murderous aura was steaming. 其余三名白家人,听他这么一说都狞笑起来,杀气腾腾。 Brother Wu Family knit the brows slightly. 武家兄弟微微皱眉。 Mi Ya does not care completely, waves to say simply: Killed!” 米娅满不在意,挥手简单道:“都杀了!” Has killed too advantage/cheap she!” Bai Wu clenches teeth, on the face of sinister and vicious appears the obscene color, such as the drake shouted excitedly, „the daughter fresh attractiveness of inexpensive woman, falls to our Bai Family person hand, must serve well.” “杀了太便宜她了!”白误咬着牙,阴鸷的脸上浮现出淫秽色,如公鸭般兴奋叫了起来,“贱妇的女儿生的漂亮,落到我们白家人手中,一定要好好侍奉侍奉。” Mi Ya as if did not mind to this matter, cold say|way: „ I, no matter the process how, the Star Brilliance fruit tree I must go well in any case, how to kill the early morning as for you 米娅对这种事情似乎并不介意,冷然道:“我不管过程如何,反正星耀果树我要得手,至于你们如何杀晨 ...... I do not interfere. ” ……我不干涉。” Four Bai Family Void God Third Sky Realm Warrior, all loudly laughs, the greedy person who such as puts is the same, in the eye as if braves green light. 四名白家虚神三重天境界武者,皆是放声大笑,如放出来的饿狼一样,眼中似乎冒着绿光 Mirage Fog Star Field filariasis and Dry Bones Star Field Bai Family hates deeply ingrained, Grandfather Shang Yingyue dies in the Bai Family person hand, but many Bai Family people were also struck to kill by filariasis, these two star territories meet the influence that resists, several hundred years of battle, both sides had died continuous a tragic death many famous Expert. 雾幻星域的“流火”和枯骨星域白家仇恨刻骨,商影月外公死在白家人手中,可许多白家人也被“流火”击杀,这两股星域接攘的势力,数百年交战不休,双方都惨死了许多著名强者 Two sides already Qiu Shensi, once meets definitely will have a bloody battle, the bystander prevents certainly difficultly. 两边早已仇深似海,一旦见面必然会有一番血腥争斗,外人绝难阻止。 Four people are grinning fiendishly white by mistake, no matter from the start Wu Feng and Brother Wu Bai, such as the wolf were actuating huge Demonic Beast, directly flushed toward Shang Yingyue. 白误四人狞笑着,压根不管武枫武柏兄弟了,如豺狼驱动着巨大妖兽,直接朝着商影月冲来。 Out-of-the-way pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 Thick long green thunder and lightning, are flown to shoot instantaneously by the Shang Yingyue plentiful body, in that instant, her within the body as if crazily gushes out the innumerable electricity snakes, gives to twist fully the space that she is, lets the person mind awe. 一条条粗长的青色雷霆闪电,瞬间由商影月丰腴躯体飞射出来,在那一霎,她体内仿佛狂涌出无数条电蛇,将她所在的空间都给绞满,让人心神敬畏。 White giant ape and monster dragon, warhawk and python all are such as mountain Ruchuan, reveals the wild ominous severe malignant influences, proud proud is shouting wildly, the overbearing power fluctuation will bring, leaps several hundred meters, presses directly toward the Shang Yingyue top of the head. 白色巨猿、妖龙、战鹰、巨蟒皆是如山如川,流露出狂暴凶厉煞气,傲傲狂叫着,将霸道的力量波动带起,一跃数百米,直接往商影月头顶压来。 I owe her father a favour.” “我欠她父亲一个人情。” Wu Feng look gloomy and cold, in the hand the fan jogging, rivers divulge, the bright rivers like Star Sea, outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted woods cold aura spread immediately, in crash-bang the rapid underwater sound, pesters the imaginary thing that Brother Bai Family come out precise loudly. 武枫眼神阴冷,手中扇子轻摇,一道道河流宣泄出来,皎洁河流如星海,阴柔森寒气息顿时蔓延出来,在哗啦啦湍急水声中,轰然去纠缠白家兄弟凝炼出来的幻物。 Brother Bai Family are really shameless!” 白家兄弟果然无耻!” Wu Bai rampant is laughing wildly, the whole body Jinjia glistens, raises the great hammer to attack fiercely. 武柏嚣张的狂笑着,浑身金甲闪亮,提着巨锤猛地冲击过来。 These two brothers join to fight circle immediately, helping Shang Yingyue cope with Bai Family, as soon as they join, should distressed Shang Yingyue, suddenly become is very relaxed. 这两兄弟立即加入战圈,帮助商影月来对付白家,他俩一加入,本来应该狼狈的商影月,忽然变得很是轻松。 Charming Mi Ya watches critically, the looks at Bai Family person and Brother Wu Family and Shang Yingyue encounter, the stance of not having begun, instead the leisure trend Star Brilliance fruit tree, on the way has not looked straight at to look at Shi Yan. 妩媚的米娅冷眼旁观,看着白家人和武家兄弟、商影月交锋,没有动手的架势,反而慢悠悠的走向星耀果树,途中都没有正眼去瞧石岩 Only then trivial Void God First Sky Realm, dares to come the Ancient Continent wanderer, acts recklessly! 只有区区虚神一重天境界,也敢来古大陆闯荡,不知死活! She thinks secretly. 她暗暗想。 Bai Wu with Brother Wu Family and Shang Yingyue battle, Shi Yan had not revealed that the too thick interest, he knows has Brother Wu Family to get rid Shang Yingyue at least not to have the sorrow of life, 白误和武家兄弟、商影月的交战,石岩没有表露出太浓兴趣,他知道有武家兄弟出手商影月至少没有性命之忧, This enough. 这就够了 Like Mi Ya, his attention also places on the Star Brilliance fruit tree, sees Mi Ya to move toward that Star Brilliance fruit tree, has almost not hesitated, he has also fired into the Star Brilliance fruit tree. 米娅一样,他注意力也放在星耀果树上,一见米娅走向那星耀果树,几乎没有丝毫迟疑,他也冲向了星耀果树。 Courts death!” “找死!” Mi Ya complexion one cold. 米娅脸色一寒。 A terrifying gravity magnetic field, arrives from the day suddenly, covers instantaneously Shi Yan. 一种恐怖的重力磁场,霍然从天降临,将石岩瞬间罩住。 Bang!” “轰隆!” Plunders spatially, but Shi Yan, such as was crashed by the great mountain, direct drops, dizziness vertigo that falls. 掠空而出的石岩,如被巨山压垮,直接一头跌落下来,摔的头晕眼花。 The wild gravity extrudes, his was pressed stubbornly on the muddy land, a filthiness, has to plant by the mountains seriously is pressed in the back, the feeling that the gearing cannot move. 狂暴的重力挤压过来,他被死死按在泥泞土地上,一身污浊,当真有种被山川压在背脊,连动都动不了的感觉。 The fearful gravity has not stopped in light of this, the turbulent gravity is still enhanced, on him as if really carries mountains, a finger did not move. 可怕的重力并没有就此停下来,汹涌的重力还在增强,他身上仿佛真背着一座座山川,连个手指都活动不了。 Ancient Orchid Star is the gravity extremely Chaos star territory, but he is still well in the Ancient Orchid Star activity, but looked at one by that Mi Ya, gravitational field actually world-shaking that withstands, feared that has several hundred times of gravity, if not his God Body enough powerful is tenacious, is entirely different from normal Void God First Sky Realm, otherwise, this struck his then whole body to crush. 古兰星乃是重力极为混乱的星域,可他在古兰星活动依然无恙,但被那米娅看了一眼,承受的重力场却惊天动地,怕是有数百倍重力,若非他神体足够强悍坚韧,和正常虚神一重天境界者截然不同,否则,这一击他便浑身粉碎了。 Mi Ya Void God Third Sky Realm, the deep meaning is the gravity magnetic field, is negligent deterrent force that the noon creates, lets him for it scary N 米娅虚神三重天境界,奥义为重力磁场,懈间出午造成的威慑力,让他都为之骇人N ` She looked that has not looked at Shi Yan one, a deep meaning releases, unflustered plunders toward the Star Brilliance fruit tree, graceful silhouette such as a gloss, draws the elegant moving arc. 她看也没多看石岩一眼,一股奥义释放出来,从容不迫的往星耀果树掠去,曼妙身影如一条光泽,划出优美动人的弧线。 This is to despising of Shi Yan. 这是对石岩的藐视。 In the crazy gravity magnetic field, Shi Yan look cold severe, the strong muscle is gradually rapid, suddenly appears extremely the fining. 在疯狂的重力磁场内,石岩眼神渐渐冷厉,强健的肌肉迅速干瘪,突然显得极其精炼。 The doggedly sincere turbulent eruption, under the Devil Blood stimulation of movement, in his body each cell is shivering to surge, immediately gushes out verve wild energy, the instant malignant influences soars to the heavens. 一腔热血汹涌爆发,在魔血催动下,他身体内每一个细胞都在颤抖激荡,顿时涌出一股刚猛狂暴的能量,霎那间煞气冲天。 Bang! 轰! The cheeks paste in mud Shi Yan, works loose the gravity magnetic field suddenly, the body is the scary scarlet, whole body gushes out all sorts to let the fluctuation of person dizzy and light-headed. 脸颊贴在泥浆的石岩,突然间挣脱重力磁场,躯体呈骇人的猩红色,浑身涌出种种让人头晕脑胀的波动。 Must arrive at Star Brilliance fruit tree nearby Mi Ya, the obvious surprise, she had turned around, the bright eyes are patrolling on Shi Yan, is carefully examining likely earnestly, has not crushed the broken bone unexpectedly, it seems like God Body passed through one to quenching, cultivation was still good.” 就要来到星耀果树旁边的米娅,明显诧异了一下,她转过身来,明眸在石岩身上游弋着,像是在认真审视着,“竟然没有粉碎碎骨,看来神体经过一番淬炼了,修炼的尚算不错。” Mi Ya nods, a tender left hand distant presses toward him. 米娅点着头,一只柔嫩的左手遥遥朝着他一按。 If the flash flood, such as the tornado wreaks havoc, the energy fluctuation of terrifying comes, air pa pa blasting open, earth along the road such as had been assigned by the mountain great sword generally, cracks deeply not to see the bottom the gully. 如山洪爆发,如龙卷风肆虐,恐怖能量波动汹涌而来,空气啪啪炸裂,沿路的大地如被山一般巨剑划过,裂出深不见底的沟壑。 The Shi Yan complexion suddenly changes, in an instant that tender Bai Zan small hand presses down, he discovered that the space likely by the extrusion deformation, the wild energy fluctuation actually endured compared with Origin God First Sky Expert is struck, the supernatural power that this Mi Ya within the body contained, exceeded the limit that he imagined simply. 石岩脸色骤然一变,在那一只柔嫩白暂的小手按下的一霎,他发现空间都像是被挤压变形了,狂暴的能量波动竟然堪比始神一重天强者的一击,这米娅体内蕴藏的神力,简直超出他想象的极限。 Only if he turns into Immortal demon body instantaneously, otherwise he has no way anti- this to strike absolutely hardly, Mi Ya presses the power fluctuation that contains distantly, destroys the Heaven Destroyer place! 除非他瞬间变成不死魔体,否则他绝对没法硬抗这一击,米娅遥遥一按蕴藏的力量波动,毁天灭地! Crack!” “裂!” The critical moment, he is instead calm like the mountain, whole body power refines, Space Deep Meaning revolves suddenly. 关键时刻,他反而冷静如山,全身力量提炼出来,空间奥义骤然间运转开来。 The long and narrow slit, is pasting together the different light of innumerable connection, suddenly tears at present in him, the power mighty current that cannot see, all emerges in that slit instantaneously, cleanness that vanishes all of a sudden. 一道狭长的缝隙,流转着无数交汇的异光,忽然在他眼前撕裂出来,看不见的力量洪流,瞬间全部涌入那缝隙内,一下子消失的干干净净。 Displays the power attack Mi Ya, suddenly is astonished, deeply looks to Shi Yan, Space Deep Meaning!” 施展力量袭击的米娅,忽然惊异起来,深深看向石岩,“空间奥义!” You have a look again.” “你再看看。” The Shi Yan surface sinks like the water, silhouette such as is divided by innumerable Space Cutting Blade, the mirror was shattered, dissipates in the light bright splash. 石岩面沉如水,身影如被无数空间利刃分割,镜子般破碎,在光烁飞溅中消散。 The little stars gloss appears suddenly, by the Star Brilliance fruit tree, his body again is precise, bridges over ten thousand meters distance unexpectedly, crossed Mi Ya, puts out a hand to grasp, the palm is pasting trillion radiant star light, he grips directly to the Star Brilliance fruit tree. 一点点星辰光泽忽然浮现出来,就在星耀果树旁边,他身体再一次凝炼出来,竟然跨过万米距离,越过了米娅,伸手一抓,掌心流转着亿万璀璨星光,他直接攥向星耀果树。 Stars ripple outside Star Brilliance fruit tree, hinder not to him, his hand has grabbed the Star Brilliance fruit tree easily. 星耀果树外面的一圈圈星辰波纹,对他一点阻碍没有,他一只手轻而易举抓着了星耀果树。 Stars Deep Meaning!” 星辰奥义!” The Mi Ya complexion suddenly becomes incomparably ugly, is out of control to shout to clear the way severely. 米娅脸色忽然变得无比难看,禁不住厉喝道。 Bai Wu, Wu Feng, Wu Bai, Shang Yingyue and the others, suddenly turns the head to look to this, Bai Wu and the others the similar complexion is restless, the look is hard to take anxiously. 白误、武枫武柏商影月等人,也都突然别头望向这一块,白误等人同样脸色不安,眼神急切难耐。 Everybody said goodbye.” “各位再见。” Shi Yan is pinching the Star Brilliance fruit tree, the whole person such as mirror blasting open, scatters the innumerable broken light, the broken light has not submerged underground, then all dissipated. 石岩一手捏着星耀果树,整个人又如镜子炸裂,散落无数碎光,碎光尚未没入地下,便全部消散掉了。 Under is in the glare of the public eye, Shi Yan silhouette and aura vanished suddenly, is similar to crashes into another void. 众目睽睽下,石岩身影气息忽然消失了,如同坠入另外一个虚空。 Both sides of battle dull such as wooden chicken, Mi Ya such as ate the fly to be uncomfortable, a eyes eyeball stared at the direction that Shi Yan was vanishing with raw hate, suddenly screamed: Has not found the person!” 交战的双方呆如木鸡,米娅如吃了苍蝇般难受,一双眼睛凶狠盯着石岩消失的方向,突然尖叫道:“还不找人!” Bai Family four brothers whole body quickly grasp the meaning of something. 白家四名兄弟浑身一个激灵。 cultivation Space Deep Meaning, does not have the ability to pass and out Ancient Continent at will, no one can! He definitely in nearby!” Mi Ya deeply inspires, calms down gradually, he can only draw support Space Deep Meaning at most flickers to move, the distance is extremely also limited, separates to chase down!” 修炼空间奥义者,也没有能力随意进出古大陆,谁也不能!他肯定就在附近!”米娅深吸一口气,渐渐冷静下来,“他顶多只能借助于空间奥义瞬移,距离也极其有限,分开来追杀!” She has misplaced the Shi Yan method. 她错估了石岩的手段。 cultivation Stars Deep Meaning, can disregard the Star Brilliance fruit tree surrounding layer upon layer naturally hinders barrier, this point she is well aware, the people are also clear. 修炼星辰奥义者,可以无视星耀果树外围的层层天然阻碍结界,这一点她心知肚明,众人也都清楚。 After Shi Yan comes, the strength of first getting rid precise flame, had kept off by natural barrier of that Star Brilliance fruit tree, this struck to confuse Mi Ya, let her when only Shi Yan was the same with them, was conventional power deep meaning. 石岩现身以后,第一次出手凝炼火焰之力,被那星耀果树的天然结界挡了回去,这一击迷惑了米娅,让她只当石岩和他们一样,也是常规力量奥义者。 If knows that Shi Yan cultivation Stars Deep Meaning, she will not allow Shi Yan to approach the Star Brilliance fruit tree, cannot! 如果知道石岩修炼星辰奥义,她绝不会允许石岩靠近星耀果树,绝不会! What a pity, Shi Yan uses her contempt heart, by strange space and Stars Deep Meaning easily breakthrough her defense line, before she had not responded attains the Star Brilliance fruit tree, has not accepted as a memento, once more escapes to leave directly, this makes her a lot of anger nowhere vent. 可惜,石岩利用她的轻视心,以奇诡的空间、星辰奥义轻易突破她的防线,在她没有反应过来前拿到星耀果树,没有丝毫留念,直接就再次遁离,这让她一肚子怒火无处发泄。 Your one group?” Wu Feng expression gloomy, coldly looked at Shang Yingyue, „ links our brothers also one and uses? To corpse “你们一伙的?”武枫神色阴沉,冷冷看了一眼商影月,“连我们兄弟也都一并利用?至尸 ...... Also greeted beforehand? ” ……也事先打个招呼吧?” „It is not!” Shang Yingyue is cold the face, said: I also want to kill him!” “不是!”商影月寒着脸,道:“我也想杀了他!” Does not need Wu Feng to talk too much, does not wait for Bai Wu, Mi Ya to focus in her, she leaves to leave decisively, changes into the azure quiet lightning, the instant goes far away together. 不待武枫多言,也不等白误、米娅将注意力放在她身上,她果断抽身离开,化为一道青幽闪电,霎那间远去。 Pursues! Once these two found, immediately strikes to kill!” Mi Ya face cut-throat shouting to clear the way. “追!这两人一旦找到,立即击杀!”米娅一脸凶狠的喝道。 ps: The bad news also has one chapter today, the good news will be starting tomorrow, I little making up, starting tomorrow, new start ps:坏消息是今天又只有一章,好消息是从明天起,我会一点点的补更,明天起,新的开始
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