GOS :: Volume #12

#1119: Awkward exposition

The Shi Yan mind rushes, in the mind only then introduction of Shang Chen to the Star Brilliance fruit tree, cannot hear clearly Shang Yingyue lecture of anything from the start. 石岩心神澎湃,脑海中只有商辰星耀果树的介绍,压根听不清商影月讲些什么。 What very difficult to talk clearly the Star Brilliance fruit tree is, Shang Chen cannot affirm that it is the plant, is an inheritance? 很难说清楚星耀果树是何物,连商辰都不能肯定它到底是植物,还是一种传承? The condition that the Star Brilliance fruit tree forms is extremely harsh...... 星耀果树形成的条件极其苛刻…… cultivation Stars Deep Meaning, and achieves Origin God Boundary Expert, Soul Altar crushes Nirvana, beginning and star of the life merges into one organic whole, Soul Altar fragments flooded in star of each corner life, making the star of life evolve for the meteor. 一名修炼星辰奥义,并且达到始神境界的强者,灵魂祭台粉碎涅盘,始界和一颗生命之星融为一体,灵魂祭台残片充斥在生命之星每一个角落了,让生命之星衍变为流星。 The meteor flutters in vast Star Sea, gathers Strength of Stars unceasingly, after the innumerable year of changes, forms the Star Brilliance fruit tree slowly. 流星在浩瀚星海飘荡,不断地聚集星辰之力,经过无数年的变化,慢慢形成星耀果树。 The Star Brilliance fruit tree can regard cultivation Stars Deep Meaning Origin God the thing of Soul Altar Nirvana, can regard stars power one congealment crystal, but it assumes the fruit tree shape. 星耀果树可以当成一名修炼星辰奥义始神灵魂祭台涅盘之物,也可以当成星辰力量的一种凝结晶体,可它偏偏呈果树形态。 The fruit that the Star Brilliance fruit tree bears is the Star Brilliance fruit, power that in a Star Brilliance fruit contains can be as good as the heaven and earth energy sum total of star of third-level life, in the rhizome trunk and branches of fruit tree, but also includes the Stars Deep Meaning fine soul...... 星耀果树结出来的果实为星耀果,一颗星耀果内蕴藏的力量抵得上三级生命之星的天地能量总和,果树的根茎枝干内,还含有星辰奥义的精魄…… It is the congealment body of stars power and deep meaning, after is Origin God Boundary Expert Soul Altar Nirvana, whets energy of absorb stars after all sorts unusually, little evolving, attaches the Origin God Boundary Expert stars to realize from experience. 它是星辰力量和奥义的凝结体,为一个始神境强者灵魂祭台涅盘以后,历经种种奇特磨砺吸纳星辰之能量,一点点的衍变而成,附有始神境强者的星辰体悟。 Also can regard an inheritance of Stars Deep Meaning it. 也可以将它当成一种星辰奥义的传承。 If the mortals obtain the Star Brilliance fruit tree, can see clearly Stars Deep Meaning at one fell swoop, can refine energy of Star Brilliance fruit, if obtains the Stars Deep Meaning inheritance to progress slowly, and step by step breakthrough to Realm Origin God of Nirvana! 凡人如果得到星耀果树,能够一举洞察星辰奥义,能提炼当中星耀果的能量,如获得星辰奥义传承慢慢进步,并且一步步突破涅盘者的境界始神 Almost does not have bottleneck! 几乎没有瓶颈可言! Also is or one does not practice the deep meaning Warrior, once obtains the Star Brilliance fruit tree, so long as the midway had not been struck to kill, one day can enter into Origin God Boundary of soul Nirvana. 也就是或一名不修练奥义的武者,一旦得到星耀果树,只要中途没被人击杀,总有一天可以迈入灵魂涅盘者的始神境界。 A Star Brilliance fruit tree, means that can accomplish cultivation Stars Deep Meaning Origin God. 一株星耀果树,意味着能造就一名修炼星辰奥义始神 Warrior of cultivation power deep meaning, if obtains the Star Brilliance fruit tree, can derive energy in Star Brilliance fruit, lets within the body Essence Qi old tree power full, making the supernatural power exuberant, helping the supernatural power be the breakthrough boundary. 修炼力量奥义的武者,如果得到星耀果树,能汲取星耀果内的能量,让体内精元古树力量充盈,让神力旺盛,帮助神力达到突破的界限。 If cultivation Stars Deep Meaning Warrior obtains the Star Brilliance fruit tree...... 如果修炼星辰奥义武者得到星耀果树…… Not only then, can gain power, but can also comprehend Stars Deep Meaning, making Stars Deep Meaning achieve impressive Realm quickly. 那么,不但能获取其中力量,还能领悟其中星辰奥义,让星辰奥义很快达到一种让人惊叹境界 If can succeed in obtaining the Star Brilliance fruit tree, Shi Yan does not need to try to find out on Stars Deep Meaning with hardship that can extremely quick comprehension true meaning, let stars power deep meaning in abundance transformation, this spends the body to build Genesis Level rare object for him simply, how could isn't he jealous to move? 要是能够将星耀果树到手,石岩不用苦苦在星辰奥义上摸索,能够极快领悟其中真谛,让星辰力量奥义纷纷蜕变,这简直为他度身打造的一样元始级奇物,他岂能不眼红动心? No wonder before , sees deep azure light time, in Void Realm has the unusual fluctuation, the feeling of Stars Deep Meaning faintly a little resonance. 难怪之前看到一泓青光的时候,虚界内发生奇特波动,星辰奥义隐隐有点共鸣的感觉。 Shi Yan look sharp like sword, across the light cover of stealth, stubbornly condensation on the Star Brilliance fruit tree. 石岩眼神锐利如剑,穿过隐形的光罩,死死凝聚在星耀果树上。 Exert its utmost! 势在必得! Wu Family brothers?” The white brace deeply frowns. 武家的兄弟?”白淏深深皱着眉头。 Three Bai Family Warrior disperse secretly, encircles the Star Brilliance fruit tree faintly in central, so long as Wu Feng and Wu Bai have any change, they will get rid immediately. 三名白家武者暗暗分散开来,隐隐将星耀果树围在中央,只要武枫武柏有任何异动,他们会立即出手。 Monster dragon, warhawk and python such as three impractical mountains, float in their top of the head, three types are lifelike by the foreign matter that energy congeals, are reposing three people of energetic souls and power, has a special deterrent force. 妖龙、战鹰、巨蟒如三座虚浮的大山,悬浮在他们头顶,三种以能量凝结出来的异物栩栩如生,寄托着三人的精神灵魂和力量,别有一番特殊的威慑力。 Bai Cheng the white giant ape thump chest was roaring, the air/Qi of evil spirit shot up to the sky, simply just liked the essence. 白淏的白色巨猿捶胸咆哮着,凶煞之气冲天而起,简直犹如实质。 „The Bai Family person, this Star Brilliance fruit tree we are also interested, how did you say?” Wu Feng walks with a smile, the jogging the feather fan, look gloomy and cold was saying: Thing makes us carry off, we will not be then embarrassed to you, hope that you know the limitation.” 白家人,这星耀果树我们也有兴趣,你们怎么说?”武枫笑着走过来,轻摇着羽扇,眼神阴冷道:“东西让我们带走,我们便不会给你们难堪,希望你们识相一点。” Wu Feng and Wu Bai have two, comes then to show swiftly overbearingly extremely arrogant, must let support them unexpectedly to give up white. 武枫武柏只有两人,倏一过来便展现霸道狂妄,竟然要让白淏他们放弃。 Supports four people of complexions white becomes is very suddenly ugly. 白淏四人脸色忽然变得无比难看起来。 In vast Star Sea, the Wu Family being well-known four directions of Mott star territory, the overall influence is indeed strong Bai Family, Wu Feng and Brother Wu Bai powerful terrifying also has been all star territory all knows, supports the age white, although not small Realm is also consistent with them, actually knows Daozhen to battle he not to occupy advantage/cheap. 在浩瀚星海中,莫特星域的武家闻名四方,整体势力的确强过白家,武枫武柏兄弟的强悍恐怖也是各方星域皆知,白淏岁数虽然不小境界也和他们一致,却知道真要交战起来他不一定能占得便宜 However, they have four people, Mi Ya...... 不过,他们有四个人,还有一个米娅…… Brother Wu Family.” Bai Chengxiao cloudy sad, I know that your brothers are fierce, knows your Wu Family powerful, but on this Ancient Continent, Hehe.” 武家兄弟是吧。”白淏笑的阴恻恻的,“我知道你兄弟厉害,也知道你们武家强悍,但在这古大陆上,嘿嘿。” He looks to Mi Ya. 他看向米娅 Mi Ya knits the brows slightly, the color of surface obviously bearing, did not say: „ Do not waste my time. 米娅微微皱眉,面显不耐之色,道:“别浪费我时间。 Supports the facial expression to shake white, suddenly shouted to clear the way: Kills!” 白淏神情一震,突然喝道:“杀!” White giant ape rave such as thunderous, the violent of contorting one's face in agony jumps, such as a mountains oppression to Brother Wu Family. 白色巨猿狂吼如雷鸣,呲牙咧嘴的暴跳出来,如一座山川般压迫向武家兄弟。 At the same time, fearful ominous thing that monster dragons, warhawks and python three energy come out precise, soars fiercely, three types of giant ominous thing splash during the trundles, heaven and earth changes color, energy fluctuation simply world-shaking that wells up. 同一时间,妖龙、战鹰、巨蟒三种能量凝炼出来的可怕凶物,也猛地飞腾出来,三种巨大凶物扑通滚动间,天地变色,涌出来的能量波动简直惊天动地 The golden giant ape two feet fall, the earth then presents the deep cavern, profound does not see the bottom, that monster dragon is seething, in swamp are suddenly many gullies, the mud is splashing, in the instant, the peripheral power magnetic field such as the volcanic eruption is ordinary, the nearby that twists is earth-shaking. 金色巨猿两脚落下,大地便出现深深的洞穴,幽深不见底,那妖龙翻腾着,沼泽内忽然多出一条条沟壑,泥浆飞溅着,在霎那间,周边的力量磁场如火山爆发一般,绞的附近天翻地覆。 Wu Bai raises the great hammer, the whole body Jinjia erupts dazzling golden light, such as a Jinjia deity, does not dread fires into a Bai Family person. 武柏一提巨锤,浑身金甲爆发刺目金光,如一个金甲天神般,毫不畏惧的冲向一名白家人。 Wu Feng look cold severe, on the handsome face appears 武枫眼神冷厉,英俊的脸上显出一个 The ridicule smiling face, the fan in hand starts is full, Milky Way flies to well up unexpectedly directly, four ominous thing that the rivers such as the string winding approaches. 嘲弄笑容,手中的扇子开阗间,一条条天河竟然直接飞涌出来,河流如绳子缠绕向过来的四种凶物。 Shortly, gloom that Bai Family and Brother Wu Family then the fierce battle, hit, earth tearing, if not this is Ancient Continent, feared that collides to these four Void God peak Realm Expert bombardments, the energy complementary waves must pierce the earth may not. 顷刻间,白家武家兄弟便激烈交战起来,打的天昏地暗,大地撕裂,若非这是古大陆,怕是给这四名虚神巅峰境界强者轰击碰撞,能量余波非要将大地洞穿不可。 Mi Ya such as a bright flower, in nearby is standing animated, on the face is having the faint smile, the meaning of not having entered the war. 米娅如一朵鲜艳的花,在一旁俏生生站着,脸上带着浅笑,一点没有参战的意思。 As if the Bai Family people in her heart is her servant, should help people overcome their difficulties to her, when this type encounters with the person fights, must be the duty of Bai Family person. 仿佛在她心中白家人都是她的奴仆,就应该给她排忧解难,这种与人交锋打斗之时,就应当是白家人的义务。 Mi Ya does not have to gather the Star Brilliance fruit tree anxiously, her line of sight patrols in Bai Family and fight of Brother Wu Family, the tall and slender eye is narrowing the eyes, nobody knows that she thinks any thoughts. 米娅也没有急着收取星耀果树,她视线游弋在白家武家兄弟的战斗中,细长眼睛眯着,没人知道她想些什么心思。 The light cover of stealth leans this way and that the Shang Yingyue graceful ketone body trembles lightly, closely is nipping the mandibular joint, the complexion becomes incomparably ugly. 隐形的光罩东倒西歪,商影月曼妙酮体轻颤,紧紧咬着牙关,脸色变得无比难看。 The energy complementary waves that fluctuation world-shaking that Brother Wu Family and Bai Family battles, raise, the fleeing in all directions lasing comes out such as the fierce hurricane, making the surrounding many trees directly blast open the smashing, making the earth tear. 武家兄弟和白家四人的交战,掀起的波动惊天动地,流窜激射出来的能量余波如狂烈的飓风,让周围许多树木都直接炸裂成粉碎,让大地都撕裂开来。 If not their position is relatively far, if not that light cover has the greatly strengthened defensive power, perhaps they must release power to resist. 若非他们位置相对较远,若非那光罩有着极强的防御力,或许两人都要释放力量来抵御了。 Only covers, Shang Yingyue and Shi Yan such as pushing of practical joke in together, being drunk half were being swayed, from time to time the chest collides, from time to time the buttocks waist impact, such as rides the boat that forever fiercely sways, the moment cannot stand firm the body potential. 光罩中,商影月石岩如被人恶作剧的推挤在一块儿,喝醉酒一半摇晃着,时而胸口碰撞,时而臀腰冲击,如坐着永远剧烈晃荡的小船,没一刻能够稳住身势的。 Shi Yan still appears tranquil, innermost feelings actually happily. 石岩依然显得平静,内心却舒畅之极。 Such the time of a while, his hands and feet has bumped ten times in the Shang Yingyue tall and straight twin peaks and perfectly round beautiful buttocks, has plants to receive an electric shock being overwhelmed with emotion feeling each time, before by foul odor that Shang Yingyue aimed , seemed vented in this way. 这么一会儿的功夫,他的手脚在商影月挺拔双峰和浑圆美臀已经碰了十来次,每次都有种触电般的销魂感受,之前被商影月针对的一口恶气,似乎通过这种方式被发泄出来了。 Personal shape blue color front piece, the material quality is magnificent and expensive, the physique curve reveals completely, under the straight beautiful leg, is pedalling the silver tube boots, handsome moving, such as the flesh of snow, the exposed arm, the slender waist, the slender beautiful leg, the Shang Yingyue stature simply is the golden proportion, making the person unable to pick up a problem. 贴身形蓝色衣襟,材质华贵轻柔,身姿曲线毕露,笔直美腿下,蹬着银色筒靴,俏美动人,如雪的肌肤,裸露的臂膀,纤细的腰肢,修长的美腿,商影月身材简直是黄金比例,让人挑不出一点毛病来。 At this time, her cold such as frost ice face, actually gradually spills over an angry bashfulness to blush, shouted to clear the way lowly: Your this Damn it bastard!” 此时,她那冷如冰霜的脸庞,却渐渐泛出一丝恼怒的羞赧,低喝道:“你这该死的混蛋!” She lowers the head lowly, the line of sight fluttered among the Shi Yan two legs, this looked that she completely understands Shi Yan tranquil feigned, her innermost feelings anger has welled up immediately. 她低垂着头,视线飘向了石岩两腿之间,这一看,她全然明白石岩的平静只是佯装,她内心怒火顿时涌了出来。 Between the Shi Yan two legs, spirited like Single-Horned Demon Dragon, haunches the tent the pants, appears that fierce obvious, seems showing its arbitrariness overbearingly. 石岩两腿间,一处昂扬如魔龙独角,将裤子撑起帐篷,显得那么的狰狞明显,似乎在展现它的蛮横霸道。 Normal reaction, do not make much ado about nothing, you is a woman, I am a man, we so are also near...... Unavoidably.” The Shi Yan body is swaying, still has not visited her, but an intense energy fluctuation clashes, Shang Yingyue instead distressed sways from side to side the graceful physique, the back is siding with him directly. “正常反应罢了,别大惊小怪的,你是女人,我是男人,我们又这么近……难免的。”石岩身子摇晃着,依然没有看她,可一阵强烈能量波动冲来,商影月反而狼狈的扭动着曼妙身姿,后背直接倒向他。 Shang Yingyue front light cover, transmits turbulent power, is pushing her, such as the strong arm, hits her stiffly to Shi Yan. 商影月面前的光罩,传来汹涌力量,推挤着她,如强劲的手臂,将她硬生生撞向石岩 The equally fiery hard thing, such as the iron resists her perfectly round beautiful buttocks, in that instant, Shang Yingyue such as suffers the electric shock, ashamed, angers and envy and hate all sorts of mood well up all of a sudden crazily, go away!” 一样火热坚硬之物,如烙铁般抵住她的浑圆美臀,在那一霎,商影月如遭电击,羞愧、愤怒、忌恨种种情绪一下子狂涌而出,“滚开!” Strength of the turbulent thunder and lightning, jumps to shoot from the Shang Yingyue fragrant shoulder, emerges directly does not have protection Shi Yan within the body. 一股汹涌雷电之力,从商影月香肩迸射出来,直接涌入没有防备的石岩体内。 Peng! 嘭! In Shi Yan covers to stagger immediately from the light, lower part of the body still spirited like iron pole, but as if cracking clothes general. 石岩从光罩内顿时跄踉出来,下身依然昂扬如铁柱,似乎裂衣而出一般。 The beautiful pupil is pasting the different light, in plans to consider anything's Mi Ya secretly, suddenly is startled, left dull looks at solid ground on swamp, there, youth complexion is ugly, the lower part of the body such as the short lance, the ballooning ballooning that the pants go against, the stance could not say immoral profligate. 美眸流转着异光,在暗暗算计思量着什么的米娅,忽然怔住,呆呆的看着左边沼泽上的一块硬地,在那儿,一名青年脸色难看,下身如短矛,将裤子顶的鼓胀鼓胀的,架势说不出来的淫邪放荡。 Mi Ya elegant face delay, suddenly some do not understand that had anything, is only looks at that under her strange vision, the youth was foul-mouthed, backhanded a fist to rumble, back light barrier reappeared immediately, a whole face blushed bashfully, the neck crimson beautiful female, appeared suddenly. 米娅俏脸呆滞,一时间有些不明白发生了什么,只是愣愣看着那在她古怪目光下,青年骂骂咧咧,反手一拳轰出,背后一处光幕顿时浮现出来,一名满脸羞赧,脖颈绯红的美丽女子,忽然间显现出来。 Mi Ya has gawked for several seconds, suddenly spills over the intense strange feeling, the speaker shouts tenderly: Your fondness is very special, likes when others fierce battle happy good, was you just acted too intensely a point, continually was the thing that hid the status carelessly made to crack?” 米娅愣了数秒,忽然间泛出强烈的怪异感,扬声娇呼道:“你们俩癖好很特殊嘛,喜欢在别人激烈交战之时欢好呀,是不是你们刚刚动作太激烈了一点,连藏匿身份的东西都不慎被弄裂了?” Not knowing whether to laugh or cry of her face, Yin and Yang odd taunt to the utmost, thought that this matter has Shang Yingyue to wish one could one to drill into the bottom very much, looks at Mi Ya that strange vision, almost the corona of air/Qi, this life, feared that is so has been never distressed. 她一脸的啼笑皆非,阴阳怪气的极尽嘲讽,也觉得这件事很是有商影月恨不得一头钻入地底,看着米娅那怪异的目光,差点气的晕过去,她这一生,怕是从未如此狼狈过。 Shi Yan is completely at ease, clouds that poor business conditions light smiling, shrugs to that Mi Ya, you continue, we will not disturb, this said goodbye.” 石岩则是坦然自若,云淡风轻的笑了笑,冲那米娅耸了耸肩,“你们继续,我们不会打搅,这就告辞了。” No.” Mi Ya purses the lips, the eye is bright, you continue to play, when I have not seen, if you did not mind that I also think looks at you play, heard that some people also like by person looks at, your hobby is so special...... I very interested.” “别嘛。”米娅抿着嘴,眼睛晶亮晶亮的,“你们继续玩,我当没有看见好了,哦,如果你们不介意,我也想看着你们玩,听说有些人还喜欢被人看着,你们嗜好那么特殊……我很有兴趣呢。” Shang Yingyue qi and blood upwells, the ketone body trembles fiercely, as if a little could not come to a stop. 商影月气血上涌,酮体猛地一颤,似乎有点站不稳了。 ...... …… The ridicule smiling face, the fan in hand starts is full, Milky Way flies to well up unexpectedly directly, four ominous thing that the rivers such as the string winding approaches. 嘲弄笑容,手中的扇子开阗间,一条条天河竟然直接飞涌出来,河流如绳子缠绕向过来的四种凶物。 Shortly, gloom that Bai Family and Brother Wu Family then the fierce battle, hit, earth tearing, if not this is Ancient Continent, feared that collides to these four Void God peak Realm Expert bombardments, the energy complementary waves must pierce the earth may not. 顷刻间,白家武家兄弟便激烈交战起来,打的天昏地暗,大地撕裂,若非这是古大陆,怕是给这四名虚神巅峰境界强者轰击碰撞,能量余波非要将大地洞穿不可。 Mi Ya such as a bright flower, in nearby is standing animated, on the face is having the faint smile, the meaning of not having entered the war. 米娅如一朵鲜艳的花,在一旁俏生生站着,脸上带着浅笑,一点没有参战的意思。
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