GOS :: Volume #12

#1118: Star Brilliance fruit tree

The white brace extends the index finger, the fingertip splits the green gloss, rays of light such as pliable but hard to break cotton rope leisure falling to the gulf. 白淏伸出食指,指尖绽出绿色光泽,光芒如柔韧线绳慢悠悠的落向深坑。 Rip! 哧啦 Section of rays of light crushes suddenly, changes into the scattered broken light, such as the acid slag falls on gulf Center numerously. 一截光芒突然粉碎,化为零散的碎光,如玻璃渣纷落在深坑〖中〗央 A turbulent sad power fluctuation, bursts out suddenly from the gulf, as if energy of not being able to see is pushing the earth, same gulf bottom thing to little hold-up coming out. 一股汹涌沉闷的力量波动,忽然从深坑内迸发出来,仿佛有一股看不见的能量推挤着大地,将一样深坑地底的事物给一点点的托浮出来。 Three Bai Family Warrior eyes are narrowing the eyes, in the pupil lightning glittering is uncertain, secretly gathered the power deep meaning. 三名白家武者眼睛眯着,眸中电光闪烁不定,已经都暗暗聚集起力量奥义。 Mi Ya tall and slender such as the picture brow tip shivered, came the spirit, smiling, ten slender fingers skid cleverly that hexagon crystal, the eye are projecting dazzling Divine Light. 米娅细长如画的眉梢颤动了一下,也来了精神,笑盈盈的,十根修长手指灵巧滑动着那六角形晶体,眼睛射出刺目的神光 The green stone, appears together gradually from the contamination mire, the stone specially is not big, assumes the strange curving shape of tree, one azure quiet halo covers the stone, the fluctuation that shape of tree stone transmits is very swift and fierce scary. 一块青色的石块,渐渐从污秽的泥沼浮现出来,石块不算特别大,呈诡异弯曲的树形,一溜溜青幽光晕将石块一圈圈罩住,那树形石块传来的波动很是凌厉骇人。 The shape of tree stone has covered entirely the slit, these slit interior azure quiet gloss are stronger, looked with rapt attention that the faintly visible slit is containing anything. 树形石块布满了缝隙,那些缝隙内部青幽光泽更加浓烈,凝神去看,隐隐可见缝隙内部蕴藏着什么。 Under the shape of tree stone, the energy fluctuation that is displayed by Bai Cheng, slowly appears, brought from the mud the stone of that tree structure thoroughly. 在树形石块底下,一股由白淏施展的能量波动,缓缓的浮现出来,将那树形结构的石块彻底从泥泞内带了出来。 Bai Cheng frowns, stares at that material to look at one, the inquiry of surprise: What is this?” He looks to Mi Ya. 白淏皱着眉头,盯着那物质看了一眼,诧异的询问道:“这是什么?”他看向米娅 Another three Bai Family Warrior, is a bewilderment of face, does not know that shape of tree stone the origin. 另外三名白家武者,也是一脸的莫名其妙,都不知那树形石块的来历。 Mi Ya has not replied, her bright eyes deeply gather in the stone, the fragrant shoulder shivers gently. 米娅没有答话,她明眸深深聚集在石块上,香肩轻轻颤抖。 Pa! 啪! In her hand the crystal of hexagon, suddenly is been together broken by exploding that she pinches, one group of dazzling light depart suddenly, hits maliciously in that shape of tree stone. 她手中一块六角形的晶体,突然被她捏的爆碎,一团炫目的光霍然飞出,狠狠地撞击在那树形石块上。 Bang! 轰! A dazzling brilliance releases, such as the stars smashing explodes, azure burns two colored light lines quiet and white like thunder and lightning, but in a flash, white burns rays of light thoroughly to be submerged, only remains azure quiet color rays of light. 一波波耀目的光华释放出来,如星辰粉碎爆裂,青幽、白灼两色光线如雷电,但只是转瞬之间,白灼光芒就被彻底淹没掉,只剩青幽一色光芒 Explodes the turbulent center, that shape of tree stone already crushed to vanish, the sediment does not remain. 爆炸汹涌的中心,那树形石块早已粉碎消失,一点渣滓不剩了。 Deep spring is floating on the contamination mire, such as piece of cotton cloud, chilly and clear and pure aura only passed from that spring, everyone soul all of a sudden is serene. 一泓清泉在污秽泥沼上漂浮着,如一片云棉,清冷、澄净、纯粹的气息从那清泉内传了出来,每一个人灵魂都一下子安详下来。 The azure quiet spring water, such as a green mirror, on that dirty mire, the scene appears a little strange. 青幽的泉水,如一面青色的镜子,就在那肮脏泥沼上面,场面显得有点怪异。 Bai Cheng eyes suddenly one bright, is out of control to call out in alarm: Inside has the thing!” 白淏眼睛突然一亮,禁不住惊叫起来:“里面有东西!” The flower grass that in deep spring, rhizome branches and leaves lush green, appears gradually, that flower grass such as the green beautiful jade carves, does not have a slight defect, fine beautiful to the extreme. 一泓清泉内,一株根茎枝叶青翠欲滴的huā草,渐渐浮现出来,那huā草如青色美玉雕琢而成,没有一丝瑕疵,精致美丽到了极点。 The rhizome arm of that flower grass is thick, person of high, on the branches and leaves of furcation falls the walnut size fruits, the fruit like the walnut, the surface is covering entirely the close obvious trace, radiantly like the stars, glittering magnificent gloss. huā草的根茎一臂粗,一人高,分叉的枝叶上坠着一枚枚核桃大小的果实,果实如核桃,表面布满细密明显的纹路,璀璨如星辰,闪烁着瑰丽的光泽。 The spring, appears an unusual flower grass, but also has been covered with the unusual fruit, this let support the people startled white, showed the inconceivable expression. 清泉内部,浮现一株奇特huā草,还长满了奇特果实,这让白淏众人都怔住了,露出不可思议的表情。 The fruit on branches and leaves altogether has nine, is radiant like the star, transmits the unusual intense energy fluctuation. 枝叶上的果实一共只有九枚,皆是璀璨如星,传来奇特强烈的能量波动。 The Mi Ya eye is staring at that spring stubbornly, is looking at internal fruit tree, the breath is gradually rapid, a charming face spills over the charming ruddiness, the abundant chest trembles, innermost feelings obviously excited excited to the extreme. 米娅眼睛死死盯着那清泉,望着内部的果树,呼吸渐渐急促,一张妩媚的脸泛出迷人的红润,丰胸微颤,内心显然激动〖兴〗奋到了极点。 even/including Baicheng, four Bai Family Void God Third Sky Realm Expert, looks at this time appearance swallows the saliva secretly, gorgeous making the mind that she shows drags, may support in four people of hearts secretly to call white, was calmed down forcefully by oneself. 连白淏在内,四名白家虚神三重天境界强者,看着她此时模样暗暗吞咽口水,都被她展现出来的艳丽给弄的心神摇曳,可白淏四人心中都在暗暗呼叫,让自己强行冷静下来。 What is?” Bai Chengshen inspires, feigns self-poise asking. “到底是什么?”白淏深吸一口气,佯装镇定自若的问。 He is not silly, he knows the fruit tree in that spring extremely to be certainly precious from the Mi Ya expression, although he follows orders to shelter the Mi Ya security, but also has is Bai Family receives to blow various rare object duties, he will not be definitely aloof to the rare and precious treasure. 他不傻,从米娅的表情他知道那清泉内的果树一定极其珍贵,他虽然奉命要庇护米娅的安全,但也有着为白家收刮各类奇物的任务,对珍稀的宝物他肯定也不会无动于衷。 Star Brilliance fruit tree!” 星耀果树!” The Mi Ya Fengze lip angle wriggled, beautiful pupil brightly, sound light Judo: Helps me make the fruit tree.” 米娅丰泽唇角蠕动了一下,美眸明亮之极,声音轻柔道:“帮我将果树弄来。” Supports four people to look at each other in blank diamay white, has not listened to the stance of Star Brilliance fruit tree, plan that also has not gotten rid of immediately. 白淏四人面面相觑,一副没有听过星耀果树的架势,也没有立即出手的打算。 „...... My simple-minded taste, I have not listened to the Star Brilliance fruit tree, how also does not know to gather, but also invited?” Bai Cheng frowns. “……恕我愚味,我没听过星耀果树,也不知如何收取,还请?”白淏皱着眉头。 The Mi Ya smiling face is beautiful, puts out a hand around point that spring the First Level level aperture, said calmly: First helps me break the aperture, uses the power deep meaning to be able?” 米娅笑容明媚,伸手一点那清泉周围一层层光圈,从容说道:“先帮我破掉光圈,使用力量奥义会不会?” Four Bai Family person nodded, then want to get rid to explain by the spring aperture, but four people quite discrete, signaled with the eyes mutually, is very proximity cautiously, has not been giving to display anxiously all of a sudden the power deep meaning. 四名白家点了点头,便欲出手来破解清泉旁边的光圈,不过四人颇为谨慎,相互使了个眼色,很是小心翼翼的接近,没有急着一下子将力量奥义都给施展出来。 Bang! 轰! When the Bai Family four human desire must start, distant place golden light is eye-catching, a great hammer of golden Sun comes, carries the thunder to be extremely powerful. 白家四人欲要下手之时,远处金光夺目,一个金色太阳的巨锤汹涌而来,携带着雷霆万钧之力。 Supports the complexion white changes, blocks the way: First executes the bystander!” 白淏脸色一变,果断道:“先诛外人!” Other three Bai Family Warrior looks one ruthless, simultaneously gives up starting to that fruit tree, separates suddenly, looks up together to being similar to the fierce positive great hammer. 其余三名白家武者眼神一狠,同时放弃对那果树下手,骤然分开来,一起抬头看向如同烈阳的巨锤。 The great hammer blooms trillion golden rays of light, rays of light is swift and fierce like the sharp sword, transmits the turbulent energy fluctuation that from that great hammer, simply world-shaking. 巨锤绽放出亿万金色光芒,光芒如利剑般凌厉,从那巨锤内传来的汹涌能量波动,简直惊天动地 Bai Chengheng, a forehead, has seen only to flutter suddenly from his forehead whole body lie wool white giant ape, that giant ape obviously is not the entity, purely by energy precise, white giant ape height dozens meters, it, as soon as appears the peripheral person immediately appears incomparably tiny. 白淏哼了一声,一点额头,只见从他眉心忽然飘出一条浑身鬣毛的白色巨猿,那巨猿显然不是实体,纯粹以能量凝炼而成,白色巨猿身高数十米,它一浮现出来周边人顿时显得无比渺小。 White giant ape face upwards to roar, ominous malignant influences shoot up to the sky, whole body power gradually hurricane. 白色巨猿仰天咆哮,一股股凶煞气冲天而起,浑身力量逐渐狂飙。 It such as the a mountain superhuman hand twists fist, plunges that golden sledgehammer in a rave, gives to grasp that sledgehammer stiffly, whole body splashes suddenly innumerable golden light, seemed being attacked by power of sledgehammer. 它如山般巨掌拧成拳头,在一声狂吼中扑向那金色大锤,硬生生将那大锤给抱住,浑身突然溅出无数金光,似乎被大锤的力量冲击着。 The Wu Bai hammer has grinding pan size, but with that white giant ape compares actually appears very pocket-sized, innumerable golden light that however, the golden hammer splutters, actually likely is trillion sharp knife blade cutting, that white giant ape stroke of torn to pieces, blasts open suddenly at present in the people. 武柏的锤子有磨盘大小,可是和那白色巨猿的相比却显得很袖珍,然而,金色锤子溅射出来的无数金光,却像是亿万利刃切割,将那白色巨猿划的支离破碎,忽然在众人眼前炸裂掉。 Supports a face whiten point white, suddenly coldly snorted. 白淏脸色苍白一分,突然冷哼一声。 The white giant ape fragment of blasting open, fuses suddenly in the splash, after three breath, that white giant ape appears, is supporting the top of the head to shout wildly white. 炸裂的白色巨猿碎片,在飞溅中忽然重新融合起来,三个呼吸过后,那白色巨猿重新浮现出来,在白淏头顶嗷嗷狂叫。 Another three Bai Family Warrior, displays the power deep meaning, one after another appears in their top of the heads terrifying evil spirit phantom, respectively is a fierce monster dragon, python that a whole body lightning warhawk, a body such as mountain range winds. 另外三名白家武者,也纷纷施展力量奥义,在他们的头顶也接连浮现出恐怖妖物虚影,分别为一头狰狞的妖龙,一头浑身电光的战鹰,一头身如山脉蜿蜒的巨蟒。 The power deep meaning of Bai Family person, as if there is originality, that white giant ape and monster dragon, warhawk and python are power and deep meaning precise, is not Monster Clan, as if the load bearing white is actually supporting four people of power deep meanings,[ body] is containing rushes energy to fluctuate fierce, is not unexpectedly inferior supports four people white. 白家人的力量奥义,似乎有着独到之处,那白色巨猿、妖龙、战鹰、巨蟒都为力量和奥义凝炼而成,并不是妖族,却似乎承载着白淏四人的力量奥义,〖体〗内蕴藏着的狂烈澎湃能量波动,竟然一点不逊色白淏四人。 Bai Family!” 白家!” An ice cold sound conveys suddenly, sees only such as ghosts and demons Wu Feng, swings the feather fan to move fast. 一个冰寒的声音忽然传来,只见身如鬼魅的武枫,摇着羽扇飘忽而来。 Bang! 轰! The majestic person's shadow drops from the clouds together, reacted that the earth steps on continuous, that person puts out a hand to grasp, the golden hammer falls instantaneously to his palm. 一道雄壮人影从天而降,将大地踩的震动不休,那人伸手一抓,金色锤子瞬间落向他掌心。 Big brother!” Wu Bai complexion excited excited, clamored: This time can fight to be happy!” “大哥!”武柏脸色激动〖兴〗奋,叫嚣道:“这次可以战个痛快了!” Mi Ya knitting the brows head. 米娅皱了皱眉头。 Supports four people suddenly to be also silent white, the complexion is gradually stern. 白淏四人也忽然沉默,脸色渐渐严峻起来。 When both sides confront, in the corner also transmits not the law-abiding sound, the concealing trend light covers, the Shang Yingyue pretty cheeks cover entirely the cold frost, cut-throat is staring Shi Yan. 双方对峙之时,有一处角落也传来不安分的声响,隐匿动向的光罩内,商影月俏丽的脸颊布满寒霜,凶狠的瞪着石岩 Shi Yan looks but not see. 石岩视而不见。 energy complementary waves well up, the light covers such as by the pocket that the gust of wind sways, suddenly twists. 一股能量余波涌来,光罩如被疾风吹拂的口袋,忽然间一拧。 The pushing strength that light covers, lets the Shi Yan inevitable post to Shang Yingyue, their arms and two legs will move suddenly, because sometimes the energy complementary waves are too intense, Shi Yan even meets the body to turn, the thigh and crotch do not hit carefully in the beautiful buttocks that Shang Yingyue very curls upwards perfectly round, making Shang Yingyue call out in alarm sad and shrill like the stray cat. 光罩的推挤力,让石岩不可避免的贴向商影月,两人臂膀、两腿都会忽然碰触,有时候因为能量余波太强烈,石岩甚至会身子一扭,腿部和胯部不小心撞击在商影月浑圆挺翘的美臀,让商影月如野猫般凄厉惊叫起来。 This light covers was not spacious, fought energy fluctuation clashes, will turn to push in together, such one, two who can also distinguish right from wrong are then hard to avoid will occur[ extremity] the contact of body. 这光罩本就不宽敞,被战斗的能量波动一冲,就会扭挤在一块儿,这么一来,本来还能泾渭分明的两人便难以避免的会发生〖肢〗体的接触。 The power impact of Wu Bai and white brace, the complementary waves still continues, but also is surging toward the distant place spread. 武柏和白淏的力量冲击,余波依然不止,还在朝着远处蔓延波荡。 Such a while time, the Shang Yingyue snow arm, the slender straight beautiful leg and plentiful perfectly round beautiful buttocks, were moved to hit several times by Shi Yan. 就这么一会儿功夫,商影月雪臂、修长笔直的美腿、丰腴浑圆的美臀,都被石岩触碰撞击了好几次。 Shang Yingyue clearly know this is not Shi Yan can control, is still burning with anger, the beautiful pupil cold brightness is bright, how will hate to make into this light cover Shi Yan darkly, was given to occupy greatest advantage/cheap by him in vain. 商影月明知道这不是石岩可以控制的,依然怒火中烧,美眸寒光熠熠,暗恨怎会将石岩弄入这光罩内,白白被他给占了莫大便宜 In her ice-cold indignation vision, Shi Yan actually safely free, does not understand that had anything's stance, dedicated looked that to Bai Family and Brother Wu Family who that confronts, the leisure takes out the books that Shang Chen gives, easy to learn is glancing through, seems seeking for anything. 在她冰冷愤慨的目光中,石岩却安然自若,一副不明白发生了什么的架势,专注的看向那对峙的白家武家兄弟,还有闲暇取出商辰给予的书本,好学的翻阅着,似乎在找寻着什么。 The tooth that Shang Yingyue hates is itchy. 商影月恨的牙痒痒。 Found!” “找到了!” Shi Yan shouted suddenly lightly, in a face panic-stricken looks at book one page of charts, have the detailed record under annotation: Star Brilliance fruit tree...... 石岩忽然轻呼,一脸惊骇的看着书中一页图,在底下的诠释中有着详细的记载:星耀果树…… Gained ground, he deeply inspires, eye becomes the burning hot, said: „Do you know the Star Brilliance fruit tree?” 抬起头来,他深吸一口气,眼睛变得炙热,道:“你知道星耀果树是吧?” Your that book is my father writes personally, I naturally know that the Star Brilliance fruit tree is anything, this is Genesis Level rare object, particularly to cultivation Stars Deep Meaning, has the unquantifiable wondrous use.” Shang Yingyue snort|hum, saying of coldly. “你那书是我父亲亲手撰写的,我自然知道星耀果树是什么,这是元始级奇物,尤其是对修炼星辰奥义者,有着难以估量的妙用。”商影月哼了一声,冷冷的说道。 My cultivation Stars Deep Meaning.” Shi Yan is calm, said with a smile indifferently. “我修炼星辰奥义。”石岩镇定下来,淡然一笑道。 The Shang Yingyue complexion was invariable early to guess.” 商影月脸色不变“早猜出来了。” That easily discussed.” He turns head suddenly, grins to say with a smile: „The Star Brilliance fruit tree I also want, um, is I complies to help you cope with one of the Bai Family conditions.” “那就容易谈了。”他忽然回头,咧嘴笑道:“星耀果树我也要,嗯,算是我答应帮你对付白家的条件之一。” In the Shang Yingyue eye has taunt of not covering up I naturally not to have the opinion, but you think that in Bai Family and Brother Wu Family hand, can grip the Star Brilliance fruit tree in the hand? Naive!” 商影月眼中有着不加掩饰的嘲讽“我自然没有意见,但你以为在白家武家兄弟的手中,能够将星耀果树攥在手中?天真!” This then did not need you to worry, so long as you complied on the line.” “这便无需你操心了,只要你答应就行。” He looks to both sides of confrontation, the complexion is firm and resolute, in the eye appears does not reach towering color that the goal does not give up that Star Brilliance fruit tree to be my, Bai Family or Brother Wu Family, gave up any idea of that blocks my capturing.” 他看向对峙的双方,脸色坚毅,眼中显出不达目的不罢休的峥嵘色彩“那星耀果树必须是我的,不论是白家还是武家兄弟,都休想挡住我的夺取。” Sneering that Shang Yingyue disdains Realm is not high, the tone is not small.” 商影月不屑的冷笑“境界不高,口气不小。” ...... ……
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