GOS :: Volume #12

#1117: Bothering

Chapter 1093 bothers Shang Yingyue unable to guess correctly the idea of Shi Yan, does not know that Shi Yan has any ingenious plan, she is unable to understand clearly all around the scene like Shi Yan, therefore, she can only hide in the one side waits secretly. 第1093章搅局商影月猜不出石岩的想法,也不知道石岩有什么妙计,她也无法像石岩一样洞悉周遭场景,因此,她只能潜藏在一旁暗暗等候。 Shi Yan this goes, has consumed half double-hour unexpectedly. 石岩这一去,竟耗费了半个时辰。 She did not worry that Shi Yan will have any accident, since definitely on this Ancient Continent, Shi Yan can still use the Divine Sense soul sensation surrounding situation, she knows, only if Shi Yan violates on own initiative muddily, otherwise was annihilated very much difficultly cuts to kill. 她不担心石岩会出现什么意外,自从肯定在这古大陆上,石岩依然可以用神识灵魂感知周围的情况,她就知道除非石岩主动犯浑,否则很难被人围歼斩杀。 Shi Yan naturally is not that kind of person. 石岩当然不是那一类人。 When she only Shi Yan possibly reneges on a promise, because she does not know that seven color ghost Demon Flower have how importantly to Shi Yan, she thinks that Shi Yan knows was hard to contend with Bai Cheng, Mi Ya and the others, as one wishes seeks a excuse to withdraw. 她只当石岩可能反悔,因为她不知道七彩鬼妖花石岩有多么的重要,她以为石岩知道难以抗衡白淏、米娅等人,随便寻了个借口脱身。 Shang Yingyue more wants more to think the possibility, the elegant face coldly is gradually severe, secret cursing of clenching jaws. 商影月越想越觉得可能,俏脸渐渐冷厉起来,咬牙切齿的暗暗咒骂。 Bai Family and this Fang Shicheng water and fire, several hundred years struggles innumerably, died a tragic death including her grandfathers under the collaboration sneak attack of Bai Family and God Clan, before being very early, her mother has warned her, later must be careful the Bai Family person, but if there is an opportunity should not be forgiving, must try to attack. 白家和她这一方势成水火,数百年明争暗斗无数,连她外公都惨死在白家神族的联手偷袭下,很早之前她母亲就告诫过她,以后要小心白家人,但如果有机会也不要留情,必须尽全力打击。 She still remembers that the grandfather had in the past loves her, whenever the grandfather goes on an expedition from outside world, bring will let she excited excited for a long time gift to her, when she is young, the grandfather will be hugging her, making her ride on neck, plays with her, brings her hovering blue sky...... 她还记得外公当年有多么疼爱她,每当外公从外界征战回来,都会给她带来让她兴奋激动许久的礼物,在她还小的时候,外公会抱着她,让她骑在脖颈上,和她一起玩耍,带她翱翔蓝天白云…… Knows that day that the grandfather died, she has been crying, the tears such as the pearl of line, she has cried for ten days. 知道外公死亡的那一天,她一直在哭,泪水如断了线的珍珠,她哭了十来天。 At that time she was young, Realm was not profound, only then the God King rank, she did not have the ability to revenge for her grandfather, but at that time, she in secret has set firm resolve, must try to destroy to attack Bai Family! 那时候她还小,境界也并不高深,只有神王级别,她没有能力为她外公报仇,可就在那时候,她已经暗中下定决心,要尽全力摧毁打击白家 Later for many years, she has understood the great strength of Bai Family gradually, gradually realized that relations of Bai Family and God Clan, they have many battles with Bai Family, both sides have the victory and defeat suddenly, once, she and her elder brother Shang Qiu by Bai Family discovery trail surprise attack, is that war, her elder brother Shang Qiu to rescue her Soul Altar is damaged...... 之后的许多年来,她渐渐了解到白家的强大,也逐渐认识到白家神族的关系,他们也和白家有过许多争斗,双方忽有胜负,有一次,她和她哥哥商虬白家发现踪迹突袭,也是那一战,她哥哥商虬为了救她灵魂祭台受创…… Shang Yingyue silver tooth ka-beng straight sound, the beautiful pupil braves cold spooky Cold Qi. 商影月银牙“嘎嘣”直响,美瞳冒着冷幽幽的寒气 She decides darkly, this, even if no anybody to help, she will also hide, when is most appropriate strikes to Bai Family fatally. 她暗下决心,这趟即便没有任何人帮助,她也会潜藏起来,在最合适的时候给白家致命一击。 hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! The sound that clothes jue plunders quickly conveys, fierce aura comes together quietly, is getting more and more near to her. 衣玦快掠的声音传来,一道凶悍气息悄然过来,离她越来越近。 The Shang Yingyue black eyebrows micro wrinkle, hidden goes to the trace quietly, hides spies on the hidden place. 商影月黛眉微皱,悄悄将踪影隐去,藏在暗处窥探。 Eye pupil suddenly one bright, she will cover up the graceful ketone body the class color light cover to withdraw immediately, suddenly then appears, she shouted lightly: „Did you do?” 眼眸骤然一亮,她立即将遮掩曼妙酮体的一样流彩光罩撤去,忽然便显现出来,她轻呼道:“你去干嘛了?” Helps you deal with the Bai Family person.” Shi Yan head glittering the monster different flame, the ghosts and demons are arriving at side Shang Yingyue, the intention moves, then receives sacrificial altar the vice- soul, at once voluntarily requests saying: Helps me get up trace concealing together, I lead you to look at a good play.” “帮你对付白家人啊。”石岩头上闪烁着妖异的火焰,鬼魅般来到商影月身旁,心念一动,便将副魂收入祭台,旋即主动要求道:“帮我一起将踪影隐匿起来,我带你看一场好戏。” During the speech, he impolite collecting to Shang Yingyue, I knows that you have the equally special rare treasure.” 讲话间,他一点不客气的凑向商影月,“我知道你有一样特殊秘宝。” Uncertain conceal two people.” “不一定藏的了两个人。” Saw with own eyes that he pushes carelessly, the Shang Yingyue look flashes through one to lose presence of mind flurriedly, is busy at calling out in alarm said: Stops!” 眼见他大大咧咧挤过来,商影月眼神闪过一丝慌乱失措,忙惊呼道:“停下来!” Her section of snow white arm glittering beautiful jade gloss, a deep blue bangle leaping emits the spooky ice blue color halo, the large bowl that the halo such as backs off, covers up her sex appeal charming exquisite physique, the blue halo fluctuates quietly, assumes the shining white in a flash, turns into colorless again...... 她一截雪白臂膀闪烁着美玉般的光泽,一个湛蓝手镯“腾”的冒出幽幽冰蓝色光晕,光晕如倒扣下来的海碗,将她性感迷人的玲珑身姿遮掩,蓝色光晕悄然变幻,转瞬间呈莹白,再变成无色…… The Shang Yingyue trail and aura one and vanishes. 商影月踪迹和气息一并消失。 Space also a little, you can also come, but does not permit to leave me to be too near.” nothingness locates the Shang Yingyue solemn say|way. “空间还有一点,你也可以进来,但不准离我太近。”虚无商影月冷峻道。 Understood.” “明白了。” Shi Yan nods, rushed directly, looks calm. 石岩点头,直接闯了进来,神情自若。 Cannot look at any unusual invisible light cover from outside world, the interior is blue, puts out a hand to move icy coldly icy cold, such as blue sea water. 外界瞧不出任何异常的隐形光罩,内部蓝汪汪的,伸手触碰冰凉冰凉的,如蓝色海水。 Only covers is not truly big, after Shi Yan comes, with Shang Yingyue almost side-by-side, middle, only then a slit, he can smell on Shang Yingyue quiet and beautiful such as the blue fragrance, can the touch to the opposite party shoulder soft micro cold. 光罩确实不大,石岩进来以后,和商影月几乎肩并肩,中间只有一条缝隙,他能闻到商影月身上清幽如兰的香味,也能触感到对方肩膀的柔软微寒。 Slides the green electric arc to lighten in the Shang Yingyue fragrant shoulder, green lightning glow like the watershed, such as a route, just right separates her and Shi Yan, be not pasting me!” Shang Yingyue is cold the face to drink tenderly. 一溜青色电弧在商影月香肩闪出,青色电芒如分水岭,如一道线,将她和石岩恰到好处的分隔,“别贴着我!”商影月冷着脸娇喝。 Shrugs, whisper that Shi Yan does not care about completely: Whose rare.” 耸了耸肩,石岩满不在意的嘀咕了一句:“谁稀罕。” You?!” Shang Yingyue turns the head suddenly, stares maliciously to him, what good play do you make me look at? If you dare to deceive me, I will certainly not let off you!” “你?!”商影月突地别头,狠狠地瞪向他,“你让我看什么好戏?如果你敢欺骗我,我一定不会放过你!” Because angry, she deeply has attracted several tones, the abundant twin peaks very swing the charming arc, is very a little soul-stirring appearance. 因为恼怒,她深深吸了几口气,丰挺的双峰荡出迷人的弧线,很是有点惊心动魄的样子。 We were an observer on line.” “我们做个旁观者就行了。” Is narrowing the eyes shortly to the distant place, the Shi Yan eye ice-cold like the blade, muttered: Person who has colluding with God Clan, I always do not have the favorable impression, has opportunity hitting a person when he is down naturally unable to let off. Comes Ancient Continent, not solely only then their side team......” 眯着眼看向远处,石岩眼睛冰冷如刀,喃喃道:“和神族有勾结的人,我向来没好感,有机会落井下石自然不会放过。来古大陆的,不单单只有他们一方队伍……” You said...... Did you seek other team?” The Shang Yingyue graceful ketone body shakes, corners of the mouth bring back one to absorb the angle of person, „do you want to provoke their battles?” “你是说……你寻到了别的团队?”商影月曼妙酮体一震,嘴角勾起一个摄人的角度,“你想挑起他们的争斗?” Does not need to shoulder.” Shi Yan strange has smiled, on this Ancient Continent, everybody because of benefit battle, any powerful both sides, once met with, will have the conflict inevitably, particularly front supports them white...... What as if has discovered?” “不用挑起。”石岩古怪的笑了起来,“在这古大陆上,谁都会因为利益交战,任何强悍的双方一旦会面,都会不可避免的有冲突,尤其是前方的白淏他们……似乎发现了什么?” You are really mean!” “你真卑鄙!” Overpraised.” “过奖了。” ...... …… Occupies a land area of dozens mu gulf, dark profound, the interior cannot withstand filthily. 占地数十亩的深坑,幽暗深邃,内部污浊不堪。 This is Shi Yan to aim at Sha Zhao, strikes the bang to form, at this time the gulf floods the sewage mud, the surface is fluctuating many shatter trees weeds, really does not have any place that is worth praising. 这是石岩为了针对沙鞪,一击轰来形成出来的,此时深坑内部充斥着污水泥浆,表面浮动着许多破碎的树木杂草,实在是没有任何值得称道的地方。 However, in this endocrater border region, actually five Warrior is stopping over. 然而,就在这巨坑边沿地带,却有五名武者逗留着。 Bai Cheng and three Bai Family Warrior, deeply frown, does not understand why that Mi Ya will come to here, does not understand that she stops there is actually thinking anything. 白淏和三名白家武者,深深皱着眉头,不明白那米娅为什么会来这儿,也不明白她停在那儿到底在想什么。 A fine hexagon crystal, glittering clear clear only passes Red Light Ze, a Mi Ya section of shallot index finger, is stroking gently on that hexagon crystal earnestly, the bright eye is splendid. 一块精致的六角形晶体,闪烁着晶莹澄净的透红光泽,米娅一截青葱般的食指,在那六角形晶体上认真摩挲着,明亮的眼睛熠熠生辉。 Some little time, the hexagon on Mi Ya passes the red crystal, the hexagon projects wisp of rainbow light, the rainbow light straightly like the sword, finally concentrates is a point, falls on a that endocrater mud contamination point, that side rainbow light power impact, pa pa hears the blasting suddenly. 好一会儿,米娅手上的六角形透红晶体,六角都射出一缕虹光,虹光笔直如剑,最终凝为一点,落在那巨坑的一处泥浆污秽点,那边虹光力量冲击,突然啪啪传来炸裂声。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 The unusual sound, transmits from that rainbow light convergent point, is extremely grating. 奇特的声响,从那虹光汇聚点传来,极其刺耳。 Supports four people of look gloomy white, was thinking the sound is extremely coarse, making them have the feeling of creepy feeling, probably some people are puncturing their Soul Altar with the sharp weapon, making four people of whole body uncomfortable. 白淏四人眼神阴沉,觉得着声音太过难听,让他们有种头皮发麻的感觉,好像有人在用利器刺他们的灵魂祭台,让四人浑身都不舒服。 Mi Ya is actually in high spirits, a eyes eyeball is brilliant, is joyful: Really has the strangeness!” 米娅却神采飞扬,一双眼睛光彩照人,欣喜道:“果然有古怪!” Deep green rays of light, shines to shooting quickly from the rainbow light, in gives to disperse instantaneously violently the rainbow light, the hexagon crystal in Mi Ya hand, transmits the pa pa resounding, stance that as if must crush. 一泓青色光芒,倏地从虹光照耀点冲射出来,在瞬间将虹光都给激散掉,米娅手中的六角形晶体,也传来啪啪脆响,仿佛要粉碎的架势。 Mi Ya is pleasantly surprised, receives Imaginary Space Ring that special energy survey coffin hurriedly, looked excitedly to discovery that azure light transmits. 米娅又惊又喜,急忙将那特殊的能量探测秘器收入幻空戒,兴奋看向青光传来的发现。 The crystal of that hexagon, can containing the fearful energy ore and rare treasure inducing, energy jumps over the powerful material, that crystal response even more obvious, just that crystal almost crushed, explained that deeply hides the thing in mire, includes terrifying power absolutely. 那六角形的晶体,可以将蕴藏可怕能量的矿石和异宝给感应出来,能量强悍的物质,那晶体反应会越发的明显,刚刚那晶体差点粉碎,说明深藏在泥沼内的东西,绝对含有恐怖之极的力量 In Mi Ya eye Divine Light like torch, smiling face beautiful saying: You had a look in the past.” 米娅眼中神光如炬,笑容明媚的说道:“你们过去看看吧。” She turns the head to smile, bows slightly a ritual, begged supports four people to leave to nose white. 她别头嫣然一笑,略略躬身一礼,央求白淏四人动身查探。 Supports the complexion white slightly changes, other three people are reveal the anger. 白淏脸色微微一变,其余三人更是眼显怒火。 To nosing of not well-known thing, often follows the inexplicable bad risk, after Mi Ya the object determined, oneself on own initiative do not search, definitely is knows that may follow the danger, if she directs the subordinate to be common, lets support them to do white, naturally will be lets support them to be dangerous for her white ravelling. 对不知名事物的查探,往往会伴随着莫名凶险,米娅将物体确定以后,自己不主动搜查,一定是知道可能会伴随危险,她如指挥下属一般,让白淏他们来做,自然是让白淏他们为她将危险给弄明白。 What's wrong? Your hasn't Family Head explained to you?” Mi Ya still smiles, the look coldly is gradually severe. “怎么?你们家主难道没有给你们说明白?”米娅依然笑着,眼神渐渐冷厉下来。 Supports the mind to shake white, remembers the instruction of Family Head suddenly, is so shocked they broke out in a cold sweat, hurried say|way: Please feel relieved that we know how should do!” 白淏心神一震,霍然想起家主的吩咐,惊出一身冷汗,急忙道:“请放心,我们知道应该怎么做!” He clashes other three people of nodded. 他冲其余三人点了点头 Three people are resigned-looking, sigh secretly, starts precise power, the preparation surveys to send out the azure quiet gloss the region. 三人一脸无奈,暗暗叹息一声,都开始凝炼力量,准备去探测发出青幽光泽的区域。 ...... …… hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 The deafening sound transmits in a swamp corner/horn suddenly, Wu Bai of portable great hammer wears Jinjia, the whole body imposing manner such as mountain Ruhong, laughs is running, each foot falls to the ground, the earth transmits earthquake rumbled. 震耳欲聋的声响突地在沼泽一角传来,手提巨锤的武柏身着金甲,浑身气势如山如洪,哈哈大笑着奔跑着,每一脚落地,大地都传来地震般的轰鸣 Imitates if ghosts and demons Wu Feng, chic and smooth smiling, grasps the fan jogging, not anxiously not slow following in his behind. 仿若鬼魅的武枫,潇洒自如的笑着,手持扇子轻摇,不急不缓的跟在他身后 Luck is good, resulted in the Disaster soul silk soon, as if also had the rare treasure to appear, Ha Ha, Big brother, what to do did you say this?” Wu Bai rampant is calling, does not fear anybody's stance. “运气不错,才得了百劫魂丝不多久,似乎又有异宝显现出来,哈哈,大哥,你说这趟怎么办吧?”武柏嚣张的吆喝着,一副不怕任何人的架势。 Naturally must clarify first is any thing, how then decides to do.” Wu Feng shows a faint smile. “当然要先弄清楚是什么东西,然后再决定如何做。”武枫微微一笑。 They spoke, then passed over gently and swiftly from Shi Yan and Shang Yingyue hiding place, toward supported the people rallying point to flush away white. 两人讲话间,便从石岩商影月藏身之地掠过,往白淏众人聚集点冲去。 ...... …… In the light that the average men are hard to detect covers, the Shang Yingyue simple and beautiful cheeks appear wipe surprisedly, how did you seek them to come?” 常人难以发觉的光罩内,商影月清丽的脸颊显出一抹惊讶,“你怎的寻了他们过来?” To us recently, and power strongest bowel movement was these two.” Shi Yan explained indifferently: Perhaps their two brothers' battle efficiencies, can exceed the people of that four Bai Family, with is Void God Third Sky Realm, these two brothers themselves strength powerful are many.” “离我们最近的,并且力量最强大便是这两人了。”石岩淡然解释:“他们两兄弟的战斗力,恐怕能胜过那四个白家之人,同为虚神三重天境界,这两个兄弟本身实力强悍多了。” That is natural, Brother Wu Family in Mott star territory, naturally are not the generations of commonplace.” The Shang Yingyue look is strange. “那是当然,莫特星域的武家兄弟,当然不是等闲之辈。”商影月眼神古怪。 Wu Family? This Wu Family also very powerful? With Bai Family compared with how?” 武家?这个武家也很强悍?和白家比如何?” Even better!” “更胜一筹!” Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 „Do we stay here?” Shang Yingyue raises head, within the body power rolling surges, stance that must enter the war. “我们就呆在这儿?”商影月仰着头,体内力量滚滚涌动,一副要参战的架势。 You wanted the short distance to observe in the past, I naturally did not have the opinion, the premise was you can guarantee that wasn't discovered?” Shi Yan at will, said with ease lightly: Our entering the war, but at least waits for them to decide the victory and defeat first, can you maintain the reason?” “你要近距离过去观战,我自然没有意见,前提是你能保证不被发现么?”石岩轻松随意,淡淡说道:“我们参战也可以,但至少等他们先分出胜负,你能保持理智吧?” My naturally energy.” “我自然能。” Good, we in the past, was I also very curious, what am curious they to discover?” “那好,我们就过去,我也很好奇,好奇他们到底发现了什么?”
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