GOS :: Volume #12

#1116: Star Sea general situation

Seven color ghost Demon Flower lets the key that Yang Qingdi restores, he is this comes the Ancient Continent main purpose, spoiled soul aphis that Demon Flower can eliminate the Yang Qingdi mind, in he hears Bai Wu, in Mi Ya hand to have Demon Flower that instant, he then set firm resolve. 七彩鬼妖花是让杨青帝恢复的关键,他是他这趟前来古大陆的主要目的,那种妖花能肃清杨青帝脑海的腐魂蚜,在他听到白误、米娅手中持有妖花的那一霎,他便下定了决心。 In moist swamp, Shi Yan and Shang Yingyue concealing aura, as if two ghosts leisure dive toward Bai Wu, Mi Ya direction. 潮湿的沼泽中,石岩商影月隐匿气息,仿佛两道幽魂慢悠悠朝着白误、米娅的方向潜去。 Shang Yingyue was often explaining anything...... 商影月不时解释着什么…… Shi Yan frowns, looks dignified, learns unclear starry sky news through Shang Yingyue. 石岩皱着眉头,神情凝重,通过商影月来获知许多不明的星空消息。 It is not quite same as Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field, Mirage Fog Star Field that Shang Yingyue is one of the vast starry sky most formidable star territories, and this star territory also has most major characteristics 火雨星域玛琊星域不太一样,商影月所在的雾幻星域为浩瀚星空最强大的星域之一,并且这个星域还有个最大的特点 Mirage Fog Star Field by no means close shape. 雾幻星域并非封闭形态。 Agate Star Field and Fire Rain Star Field are also the high Level star territories, has formidable Origin God, the overall strength also is very outstanding. 玛琊星域火雨星域也算是高等级星域,拥有强大的始神,整体实力也很是出众。 However, for various reasons these two star domain walls bond layer on layer, connects outside world void passage to be at the jamming condition, the influences of these two star territories, isolation that even also intends contact with outside world, self-sufficient, will seal up. 然而,因为种种原因这两个星域空间壁障重重,连接外界的虚空通道大多数处于堵塞状态,这两个星域的势力,甚至还有意的隔绝了与外界的联系,自给自足,将自己封闭起来。 They and outside world too have not exchanged, knows to the big universe Star Sea situation limitedly, understands very little to God Clan powerful. 他们和外界没有太多交流,对偌大宇宙星海的形势也所知有限,以至于对神族强悍也知之甚少。 Similarly, the major star territories are not high to the appraisal of Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field, does not have too to communicate with them, thinks that they are eccentric, does not understand the development of star territory. 同样的,各大星域对火雨星域玛琊星域的评价也不高,和他们没有太多来往,认为他们是孤僻的,不懂得星域的发展。 Mirage Fog Star Field is different. 雾幻星域不一样。 This star territory is not only not close, but also makes closer with the major star territories is maintaining the relation, has route passage to many star territories, they bond with the wall of other star territory do not exist. 这个星域不但不封闭,还密切和各大星域保持着联系,有通往许多星域的航线通道,他们和别的星域的壁障根本不存在。 This is intentional. 一这都是有意为之的。 Mirage Fog Star Field is the true fusion vast Star Sea opening star territory. 雾幻星域才是真正融合浩淼星海的开放星域。 Also is so the cognition of Shang Yingyue to universe, the understanding various universe strong side big influences, is far from Shi Yan can compare. 也是如此商影月对宇宙的认知,对宇宙各方强大势力的了解,绝非石岩可以比拟的。 Through her introduction, Shi Yan to universe to strong understanding, gradually is clear. 通过她的介绍,石岩对宇宙至强的认识,渐渐的清晰起来。 Similar that the fact and he thinks, the deity star territory that God Clan occupies without a doubt is the universe most formidable star territory, God Clan is also most powerful influence such as Antiquity Ferocious Beast crawls in the universe galaxy momentarily wants to gnaw to nip it to think the appropriate game. 事实和他所想的差不多,神族盘踞的天神星域毫无疑问乃宇宙最强大的星域,神族也是最强悍的势力如一头远古凶兽匍匐在宇宙星河随时想要啃咬它觉得合适的猎物。 The God Clan 12 respected families, are wresting away some little star territories respectively, each family influence abundant master like clouds, God Clan that 12 respected families jointly form, is similar to lion of one crowd of cruel bloodthirsty has shown intense aggressive God Clan powerful, the deity star territory is also the recognition universe strongest star territory, dominates above all influence. 神族12大家族,各自霸占着一些小星域,每一个家族都势力雄厚高手如云,12大家族联合形成的神族,如同一群残暴嗜杀的雄狮一直展现出强烈的侵略性神族强悍之极,天神星域也是公认的宇宙最强星域,凌驾各方势力之上。 But deity star territory and God Clan, although is formidable 可天神星域和神族虽然强大 Although the recognition ranks first, but they still do not have to lord over the universe truly completely 虽然公认排名第一,但他们依然没有真正将宇宙全部独霸 Still some influences and some star territories can exist proudly, making God Clan not dare the shouldering outbreak of war easily. 依然有一些势力、一些星域可以傲然存在着,让神族也不敢轻易的挑起战端。 Some star territories, some influences, some people, very powerful in universe. 有些星域,有些势力,有些人,在宇宙中也非常强悍 Also is because has these star territory these influences to exist, God Clan cannot go on a punitive expedition against the vast star territory numerous star territories, changes into their private territories, making the innumerable race innumerable influences their dependencies. 也是因为有这些星域这些势力存在,神族才未能将浩瀚星域众多星域征伐,化为他们的私有领地,让无数种族无数势力成为他们的附庸。 Sorrow Dock Star Field, Mirage Fog Star Field and Dry Bones Star Field are this kind exist, these star territories have the powerful influence, the battle efficiency is extraordinary, perhaps also many peak Expert, their sole influence is inferior to entire God Clan, actually can definitely contend with one or more God Clan families...... 坞恫星域雾幻星域枯骨星域便是这一类存在,这些星域拥有强悍的势力,战斗力超绝,也有很多巅峰强者,他们单一势力或许不如整个神族,却完全可以抗衡一个或多个神族家族…… God Clan 12, when faced with the extermination of the clan disaster, often cannot the heartfelt solidarity be one, is so, Sorrow Dock Star Field, Mirage Fog Star Field and Dry Bones Star Field this kind of formidable star territory, can have the small space in vast Star Sea. 神族12家,在没有面临灭族灾祸的时候,往往不能精诚团结为一,也是如此,坞恫星域雾幻星域枯骨星域这类强大的星域,在浩淼星海内能够有一席之地。 Sorrow Dock Star Field, Mirage Fog Star Field and Dry Bones Star Field formidable star territory also has, they can when God Clan invades in all directions, is still maintaining stable peaceful , because they have enough powerful battle efficiency. 坞恫星域雾幻星域枯骨星域的强大星域还有一些,他们能够在神族四处侵略之时,依然保持着安定太平,是因为他们有足够强悍的战斗力。 They are not close. 他们都不是封闭的。 These star territories connect mutually, there are various ways to carry on the exchange of star territory, sometimes will compare notes Warrior Realm power, they just like such as scattered star Territory Union, this union explicit given name, forever have not stayed on good terms with everyone, will also produce the dispute, will have the war to occur. 这些星域相互连通,有各类方式进行着星域的交流,甚至有时候会相互间切磋武者境界力量,他们俨然如一个分散的星域同盟,这个同盟没有明确的名号,相互间也并非永远一团和气,甚至还会产生纠纷,会有战争发生。 However, when the God Clan daring hysteria acts unreasonably, harms their interests, this union will join up. 然而,一旦神族胆敢歇斯底里乱来之时,危害到他们的利益,这个同盟则会联合起来。 star Territory Alliance comprised of various universe strong side star territories, the overall influence can contend with God Clan faintly truly, is so, they can restrain God Clan, let them recently these years, can only beside the star territory to union launch the war. 由宇宙各方强大星域组成的星域联盟,整体势力隐隐可以和神族真正抗衡,也是如此,他们能约束神族,让他们最近这些年来,只能对同盟之外的星域发动战争。 Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field, because closes the borders and practice isolationism for many years, naturally is not the member of this union, cannot obtain any asylum, naturally can become fat in God Clan eye, did utmost by God Clan must invade. 火雨星域玛琊星域因为闭关自守多年,自然不是这个同盟的一份子,也得不到任何庇护,自然会成为神族眼中的一块肥肉,被神族竭尽全力的要侵占下来。 Sorrow Dock Star Field Venom Religion,” Dry Bones Star Field Bai Family, Wu Family of Mott star territory, Mirage Fog Star Field filariasis,” is in the vast universe, most famous several powerful influences besides God Clan. 坞恫星域的“蛊神教,”枯骨星域白家,莫特星域的武家,雾幻星域的“流火,”便是浩瀚宇宙中,除神族之外最著名的几股强悍势力。 These influences when the loose union, have the competition in secret, but may also have the bitter hatred, in not having God Clan threatens, their sometimes meeting year fights continuous, if God Clan invades some star territory of this union, they may join up to oppose the enemy together. 这些势力在松散的同盟中,暗中存在着竞争,还有可能有着深仇大恨,在没有神族威胁之时,他们相互间有时候会年斗不休,如果神族侵入这个同盟的某个星域,他们才有可能联合起来共同对敌。 Naturally, after several times with the fierce disputes of God Clan, the millenniums God Clan had not revealed again to any side of this union wrests away the intention. 当然,经过几次和神族的激烈交锋,千年来神族再也没有对这个同盟的任何一方表露出霸占意向。 Perhaps did not have the common enemy, all influence of this loose union, mutual battle in these millennium continuous, and gradually intensely promotes, roasting even more is fierce. 或许没了共同敌人,这个松散同盟的各方势力,在这千年时间内相互争斗不休,并且逐步激烈升级,愈发的炙烈起来。 And Mirage Fog Star Field filariasis and Dry Bones Star Field looking of Bai Family fights, especially frigid, reached the stage of core Expert death, Shang Yingyue outside for the benefit of is filariasis one of the leaders, dies in the Bai Family battle, both sides hate are hard to untie. 其中雾幻星域的“流火”和枯骨星域白家的找斗,尤为的惨烈,已经到了核心强者死亡的阶段,商影月的外公便是“流火”的魁首之一,死在和白家的争斗中,双方仇恨难以解开。 Bai Family these years as if God Clan colludes, we receive the message, the Dry Bones Star Field battleship and deity star territory have the trade, we believe that they and God Clan have some agreement, because we have discovered exceptionally, will aim by Bai Family, the death of my grandfather is it is said related with a Divine Light family!” 白家这些年来似乎和神族有勾结,我们收到消息,枯骨星域的战舰和天神星域有贸易往来,我们相信他们和神族有着某种协议,我们因为发现了异常,才会被白家针对,我外公之死据说就和神光一个家族有关!” Shang Yingyue clenches jaws to say. 商影月咬牙切齿道。 Your this loose unions, do not regard the enemy God Clan? Bai Family why and God Clan communication?” Shi Yan is astonished however. “你们这个松散的同盟,不是将神族当成敌人的么?白家为何和神族来往?”石岩讶然。 God Clan is too formidable, and is good at misleading the technique, if they ejection lets the enticement that Bai Family cannot reject, Bai Family may unable to contain the desire very much, then and God Clan collaborates.” Shang Yingyue frowns, said: For example God Clan invited Bai Family to start to a star territory together, after waiting a star territory went on a punitive expedition against, with Bai Family together enjoys all of that star territory, Bai Family could not reject flatly, once started, once arrived at a line with God Clan, they slowly have become the God Clan lackey, got rid very much difficultly again. This God Clan, used this method to recruit many powerful influences and God Clan, for example Mirage Clan, before was also the powerful race, may slowly become a God Clan member, similar example also many......”. 神族太强大,并且非常善于蛊惑之术,他们如果抛出让白家拒绝不掉的诱惑,白家很有可能遏制不住欲望,进而和神族同流合污。”商影月皱着眉头,说道:“譬如神族邀请白家一同对一个星域下手,等将一个星域征伐以后,和白家共同享用那个星域的一切,白家根本拒绝不掉的,一旦开始,一旦和神族走到一条线,他们就会慢慢成了神族爪牙,很难再摆脱掉。这个神族,利用这种手段招募了很多强悍的势力和神族,譬如幽影族,以前也是强悍的种族,可还是慢慢成了神族的一份子,类似的例子还有很多很多……”。 The Shi Yan complexion is slowly dignified. 石岩脸色慢慢凝重起来。 Is to profound of universe situation understanding, he more is knows that God Clan has terrifying how, this God Clan influence is found in universe each corner, as if some innumerable tentacles are gripping entire Star Sea, tightens the rope step by step, star territory income palm. 越是对宇宙形势了解的深刻,他越是知道神族有多么的恐怖,这个神族势力遍布宇宙各个角落,仿佛有无数触手将整个星海攥着,一步步勒紧绳索,将一个个星域收入掌心。 Nibbles the Star Sea speed by them, got down according to this situation, how long cannot want, has not joined the star territory of that union, will become the God Clan dependency. 以他们蚕食星海的速度,按照这个情况下去,要不了多久,没有加入那同盟的星域,都会成为神族附庸。 Sooner or later, that loose star Territory Union, was collapsed by the God Clan minute gradually disintegrates, the swallowing lower belly in step by step, this God Clan, does not have the bloody giant beast of limit like a desire, will want to give to swallow the universe starry sky. 早晚有一天,就连那个松散的星域同盟,也被逐渐被神族分崩瓦解,一步步的吞下腹中,这神族,就像一个欲望没有止境的血腥巨兽,想要将宇宙星空都给吞咽下去。 You said that Bai Family and God Clan do have to collude?” Shi Yan said. “你说白家神族有勾结是吧?”石岩道。 Shang Yingyue affirmative nod: My father had accurate judgment, he said that Bai Family and God Clan are planning a star territory, that star territory called Agate Star Field, was my father's hometown. Bai Family and God Clan reached the agreement, must dispatch troops to go on a punitive expedition against together, how including to carve up that Agate Star Field to have the detailed plan......”. 商影月肯定的点头:“我父亲已经有了精准判断,他说白家神族正筹谋一个星域,那星域叫玛琊星域,是我父亲的故乡。白家神族已经达成协议了,要共同出兵征伐,连如何瓜分那玛琊星域都有了详细的计划……”。 Shi Yan complexion gloomy gets up slowly, I then come from Agate Star Field.” 石岩脸色慢慢阴沉起来,“我便来自于玛琊星域。” Shang Yingyue has been startled, at once said fainily: Worked as at just the right moment.” 商影月怔了一下,旋即淡漠说道:“那当真巧了。” Shi Yan no longer speaks at once, moving under water, above his head, the vice- soul floats silently, such as among Heavenly Eye inspects the four directions. 石岩旋即不再讲话,默默潜行者,在他脑袋上方,副魂漂浮出来,如天眼间巡视四方。 Bai Wu with Mi Ya positions, he can very clear capture, they move where, they are marching forward in any direction, the Shi Yan vice- soul is clear. 白误和米娅五人的方位,他能很清晰的捕捉,他们在何处活动,他们在朝着什么方向行进,石岩副魂一清二楚。 Various kind of talent rare talents in Ancient Continent likely are the one who has eyes yet fails to see, Soul Consciousness cannot the sensation peripheral picture, but his vice- soul and Ancient Continent a common origin of the same clan, can actually by some type of shackles, still unable to peripheral to have the accurate understanding. 各类天赋奇才在古大陆都像是睁眼瞎,灵魂意识不能够感知周边景象,可他副魂和古大陆同宗同源,却能不受某种桎梏,依然可以对周边有着准确的认识。 They are seeking for the appropriate opportunity, can make them have the opportunity the opportunity that the opposite party routs, because of their strengths, is far from that five people of matches, meaning that therefore they in quietly, actually do not begin. 他们在找寻恰当的时机,一个能够让他们有机会将对方击溃的时机,因为他们俩的实力,绝非那五人对手,所以他们一直在悄悄跟着,却没有要动手的意思。 Suddenly Shi Yan frowned quietly, the body lived suddenly. 忽然石岩悄悄皱起眉头,身子冷不防顿住了。 The Shang Yingyue graceful physique also quickly stagnates, the slender waist turns, turns the head to take a look to him, the bright eyes reveal questionnaire meaning. 商影月曼妙身姿也倏地停滞,纤细腰肢一扭,别头瞅向他,明眸露出征询意味。 Before Bai Wu, Mi Ya went to him , the great hole position that rumbles, there, he once perceived that wisp of azure light, that azure light makes the stars in his Void Realm shake, as if some type of unusual rare treasure, Bai Wu, Mi Ya had as if discovered anything at this time, stayed there motionless. 白误、米娅五人去了他之前轰出来的巨洞方位,在那儿,他曾经觉察到一缕青光,那青光让他虚界内的星辰有所震荡,仿佛某种奇特异宝,这个时候白误、米娅似乎发现了什么,在那儿停留不动了。 „Do you want to begin inadequately?” Shang Yingyue sees him not to respond, shouted lightly: „The words that has not grasped, should better not to act rashly, their five people are not separated, we are not the matches.” “你要动手不成?”商影月见他没回应,轻呼道:“没有把握的话,最好不要轻举妄动,他们五人不分开,我们绝不是对手。” Shi Yan nodded, sits down on the muddy ground suddenly, narrows the eye not to say a word, the vice- soul such as Ghost Flame glittering is uncertain, releases the obvious soul fluctuation. 石岩点了点头,忽然在泥泞地上坐下,眯着眼睛一言不发,副魂如鬼火闪烁不定,释放出明显的灵魂波动。 Some little time, the Shi Yan eye emits absorbs ice cold severe rays of light of person, said: Had the means!” 好一会儿,石岩眼睛冒出摄人的冰寒冷厉光芒,道:“有办法了!” What means?” Shang Yingyue calls out in alarm. “什么办法?”商影月惊呼。 Waits to look at the good play!” “等着看好戏吧!” Shi Yan such as the cold electricity vanishes together suddenly, plunders to go in another direction crazily. 石岩如一道冷电骤然消失,往另外一个方向狂掠而去。
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