GOS :: Volume #12

#1115: Hand in hand

Shang Yingyue does not believe that Shi Yan said. 商影月根本不相信石岩所说。 Her father Shang Chen is skilled in the destiny deep meaning, has roamed in the major star territories, understands clearly the numerous average man unclear secrets, however, she gets the explicit answer from her father mouth: The Ancient Continent situation is special, was hoodwinked there soul ascertainment ability, can only come observation by the eye. 她父亲商辰精通命运奥义,在各大星域都流荡过,洞悉众多常人不明的秘密,然而,她从她父亲口中得到过明确的答案:古大陆情况特殊,在那儿灵魂探知能力被蒙蔽,只能靠眼睛来观察 She said to her father believes in firmly, after arriving at Ancient Continent, she also experienced this place to be marvelous, discovered that Divine Sense and spiritual fluctuation will be blocked greatly. 她对她父亲所言深信不疑,来到古大陆后她也见识了此地奇妙,发现神识和精神波动都会大大受阻。 But she was the past noses...... 但她还是过去查探了…… Because the performance of Shi Yan was too unusual, he can utilize heaven and earth energy in Ancient Continent, to Shang Yingyue one type with the Ancient Continent fusion is a feeling, this made Shang Yingyue hesitant. 因为石岩的表现太反常了,他在古大陆能够将天地能量运用起来,给商影月一种和古大陆融合为一的感觉,这让商影月犹豫了。 According to the view of Shi Yan, Shang Yingyue is moving quietly, but also offers a sacrifice to the rare treasure to get up silhouette concealing, the life fluctuation and aura cover up together, looks like an invisible man, rapid flies in that direction. 按照石岩的说法,商影月悄悄挪动着,还重新祭出秘宝将身影隐匿起来,生命波动和气息一起遮掩,就像是一个隐形人,迅疾的朝着那个方向飞去。 One line of five people organize unconstrainedly, fast shuttle in swamp. 一行五人腾挪跌宕,在沼泽内快速穿梭。 Five people all are Void God Third Sky Realm, four old men, a female, that four people of clothing clothing are similar, is the dark green battle dress, the left shoulder has interlocks the special pattern that the bones of the dead form densely, is very obvious, that four people subordinate an influence. 五人皆是虚神三重天境界,四名老者,一名女子,其中那四人衣衫服饰相似,皆是暗青色的战袍,左肩有着森森交错白骨形成的特殊图案,很显然,那四人隶属一个势力。 A 27-28 female, the beautiful woman, the winning smile is graceful, cedar yellow Bo Shan, the physique exquisite sex appeal, this female as if four people are not a side. 一名二十七八的女子,明眸皓齿,巧笑盈盈,一件楠黄色薄衫,身姿玲珑性感,这女子似乎和四人不是一方。 In the middle of four people, is a skinny middle-aged person, the cheekbone gets sucked, sinister and vicious cold severe, the look such as the poisonous snake patrols, is seeking for anything. 四人当中,为首一名枯瘦的中年人,颧骨深陷,阴鸷冷厉,眼神如毒蛇游弋着,在找寻着什么。 He lifted the hand to give a hand signal suddenly. 他突然抬手做了一个手势。 Stopped with his clothing similar three people, discrete looks to peripheral, that young female in full flower gives a calm smile, takes advantage of opportunity to stop, inquired: „The fight that Bai, just presented stopped, necessity that traced in the past?” 和他衣衫相似的三人停了下来,谨慎的看向周边,那名风华正茂的妙龄女子淡然一笑,也顺势停下,询问道:“白老,刚刚出现的战斗停下来了,还有过去追查的必要吗?” Bai Wu looks to the distant place, the calm face has thought a while, said: In the past took a look at the trend, did not fear anything by our power.”, He said: Mi Ya, just must come seven color ghost Demon Flower is a good thing, that...... Also has the wondrous use to me.” 白误看向远处,沉着脸想了一会儿,道:“过去瞧瞧动向,以我们的力量不怕什么。”顿了一下,他说道:“米娅,刚刚得来的‘七彩鬼妖花’是个好东西,那个……对我也有妙用。” In five people only female Mi Ya has pulled the corners of the mouth, light saying: I am also useful.” 五人中唯一的女子米娅扯了扯嘴角,淡淡的说道:“我也有用。” Bai Wu a brow wrinkle, nods saying: That considers as finished, you receive properly well are.” 白误眉头一皱,点点头说道:“那算了,你妥善收好便是。” „The work you do not take the trouble.” Mi Ya smiles in a soft voice. “不劳您老人家费心。”米娅轻声微笑。 Five people then said then walk, sinks to the bottom swamp line toward Shi Yan, is careful all the way very much, has paid attention peripheral exceptionally. 五人便说便走,朝着石岩沉入地底的沼泽行来,一路上很是小心谨慎,一直留意周边异常。 They had not discovered that the eye places on them in secret, is gazing at silently. 他们并没有发现,暗中有一只眼睛放在他们身上,在默默注视着。 Naturally is Shang Yingyue. 自然便是商影月 By the rare treasure Shang Yingyue that God Body and life fluctuation totally concealing gets up, the eye gathers at stubbornly white by mistake, murderous intention wells up darkly, Qiu Shensi a appearance. 以秘宝将神体、生命波动一概隐匿起来的商影月,眼睛死死聚集在白误身上,杀机暗涌,一副仇深似海的模样。 Shang Yingyue stared at five people to look at a while, Jing Youshen retreated quietly, rapidly sped along. 商影月盯着五人看了一会儿,悄荆由身退走,一路急速飞驰。 Putty deep pool interior emerges a wisp of ghost light, such as roasts the fierce flame, and has transmitted the soul fluctuation: Saw is coming the person?” 潭内轻飘飘浮出一缕幽魂,如炙烈火焰,并传来了灵魂波动:“见着来人了?” A dead wood root, lightning flashes through together, the Shang Yingyue ketone body appears, she clenches teeth, the complexion ice is cold, said: Was seeing, was the Dry Bones Star Field Bai Family person, a woman unidentified.” Her eye moves, said: „Can you really in the Ancient Continent sensation to others?” 一株枯木根部,一道电光闪过,商影月的酮体浮现出来,她咬着牙,脸色冰寒,道:“见着了,是枯骨星域白家人,还有一个女人身份不明。”她眼睛动了动,道:“你真的能在古大陆感知到别人?” „Weren't you confirmed?” The Shi Yan soul fluctuation is faint, we, if continues to battle, they will certainly rely on the energy fluctuation to seek, the opposite party five people collaborate, both of us will be cut to kill.” “你不是已经证实了?”石岩灵魂波动淡漠,“我们如果继续交战,他们一定会依循能量波动寻来,对方五人联手,我们俩都会被斩杀。” You give back to me the Disaster soul silk, I leave now.” Shang Yingyue persists in saying. “你将百劫魂丝还给我,我现在就离开。”商影月坚持道。 Is impossible!” A Shi Yan anger, said: You , to court death I not to mind that continues really with you.” “不可能!”石岩一怒,道:“你如果真想找死我不介意和你继续下去。” You hide in the place bottom, but also is drawing support the Disaster soul silk quenchings Void Realm, so long as I reveal your position that the Bai Family person will certainly kill you.” Shang Yingyue sneers. “你躲藏在地底,还在借助于百劫魂丝淬炼虚界,我只要将你的位置显露出来,白家的人一定会杀死你。”商影月冷笑。 We do not have anything to say.” Shi Yan does not bear to say. “那我们没什么好说的了。”石岩不耐道。 No, we can chat, if you comply with my matter, our beforehand celebrating a holiday can write off.” Shang Yingyue said suddenly. “不,我们可以谈谈,如果你答应我一件事情,我们以前的过节都可以一笔勾销。”商影月突然说道。 What matter complies with your?” “答应你什么事情?” Helps me deal with that five people, with your unusual sensation power, locks their positions to me, helping me massacre them together!” Shang Yingyue said bitterly. “帮我对付那五个人,用你的超凡感知力量,给我锁定他们的位置,帮我一起杀掉他们!”商影月恨恨道。 „Do you and they have a grudge?” “你和他们有仇?” Has a grudge with Bai Family, Dry Bones Star Field Bai Family and my mother's family is a mortal enemy, my grandfather and grandmothers die in the Bai Family person hand!” Shang Yingyue is cold the face, our Mirage Fog Star Field and Dry Bones Star Field meet to resist, all year long fights continuous, the Bai Family influence lords over Dry Bones Star Field, and with some God Clan certain agreements, these for several hundred years has had the idea of our Mirage Fog Star Field in secret, clings to for dear life to us hits rottenly, my grandfather they were struck to kill in the Bai Family clever trick, we and their Bai Family is unable to co-exist!” “和白家有仇,枯骨星域白家和我母亲的家族一直是死敌,我外公、外婆都死在白家人手中!”商影月寒着脸,“我们雾幻星域枯骨星域接攘,终年战斗不休,白家的势力独霸枯骨星域,并且和神族暗中有某些协议,这数百年来一直打我们雾幻星域的主意,对我们死缠烂打,我外公他们都在白家的诡计中被击杀,我们和他们白家势不两立!” „Hadn't your father extinguished Bai Family?” “你父亲没灭了白家?” Bai Family is very formidable, in famous formidable family for the vast Star Sea numerous star territories, is not easy to cope.” 白家很强大,为浩瀚星海众多星域内著名的强大家族,不是那么容易对付的。” „The opposite party will soon arrive, you hide first, this matter we can discuss slowly.” “对方即将到来,你先潜藏起来,这件事我们可以慢慢谈。” The words arrived at half, Shi Yan stopped suddenly unilaterally, the vice- soul moved fast is submerging the bottom, submerged in spirit sacrificial altar. 话到一半,石岩突然单方面中止了,副魂飘忽着重新潜入地底,没入灵祭台内。 Shang Yingyue hesitant several seconds, loses the shade mark slowly, as if baseless vanished. 商影月犹豫数秒,也慢慢失去影迹,仿佛就那么凭空消失了。 After a while, Bai Wu and other people flashes before quickly in this with Mi Ya. 一会儿后,白误和米娅等五人倏地在此闪现出来。 Bai Wu frowns to size up the peripheral, careful inspection mire border trace in every way possible, at once definitely said: „The both sides strength of battle is uncommon.” 白误皱着眉头打量着周边,细致入微的检查泥潭边沿的痕迹,旋即肯定说道:“交战的双方实力不凡。” Three Bai Family Void God Realm Expert, such as three wisps of cool breezes have swept, was harming the side to stop again white, shook the head together, hints has not discovered the special sound, has not seen the trace of battle. 三名白家虚神境界强者,如三缕清风扫过,重新在白误身旁停了下来,一起摇头,示意没有发现特别的动静,也没有看到交战者的踪影。 Bai to come.” Mi Ya disappointed saying: Early knows that I continued to look in that strange, perhaps can also discover that new seven color ghost Demon Flower, should not scurry about with you.” “白来一趟。”米娅失望的说道:“早知道我就继续在那奇地内找找了,说不定还能发现一株新的七彩鬼妖花,真不该和你们一起乱窜。” In Ancient Continent, will not present the senseless battle.” Harms pollution deep water of looks at mire white, solemn saying: „ Once there is a battle to occur, often has a possibility “在古大陆,不会出现无谓的争斗。”白误看着泥潭的浑浊潭水,冷峻的说道:“一旦有争斗发生,往往只有一种可能性 Two people have simultaneously discovered the rare and precious material essence! ” 有两个人同时发现了珍稀材粹!” Deeply inspires, Bai Wu said: Perhaps in some position of our not far away, one material of treasuring, there is a possibility just the two to discover that our trends, one step has avoided ahead of time, rare and precious spirit medicine that will discover dropped temporarily.” 深吸一口气,白误道:“说不定在我们不远处的某个位置,就有一种珍惜的材料,也有可能刚刚那两人发现我们的动向,提前一步避开了,将发现的珍稀灵药给暂时放手了。” Another three Bai Family Warrior, eye cannot help but fiercely one bright. 另外三名白家武者,眼睛不由得猛地一亮。 Mi Ya is the ridicule laughs at one: On Ancient Continent the Divine Sense soul touch was hoodwinked, how they will discover that we do come? Let alone they still will have that many energy to pay attention during the battle peripheral......”...... I do not believe in any case, must nose you to nose, I did not waste the time with you. ” 米娅则是嘲弄的嗤笑一声:“古大陆神识灵魂触感都被蒙蔽,他们岂会发现我们过来?更何况他们还在交战之中会有那么多精力去留意周边……”……我反正是不信的,要查探你们查探,我就不和你们浪费时间了。” The words, Mi Ya very direct leaves to retreat, looked that has not looked harms their one eyes white. 话罢,米娅很直接的抽身退走,看也没看白误他们一眼。 When vanished silhouette to Mi Ya, Bai Family Warrior sound gloomy and cold said: Big brother, this woman what status, why you to her such caution and care? Our Bai Family must fear that she is inadequate? It seems to me, should kill her, that seven color ghost Demon Flower seizing!” 待到米娅消失了身影,其中一名白家武者才声音阴冷道:“大哥,这女人到底什么身份,为什么你对她这么谨慎小心?难道我们白家还要怕她不成?照我看,就该杀了她,将那七彩鬼妖花给夺了!” Bai Wu helpless sigh, do not act unreasonably, this woman we cannot offend temporarily, if so is really simple, I already began.” 白误无奈的叹息一声,“别乱来,这女人我们暂时不能得罪,如果真那么简单,我早就动手了。” Who is she? Why we not only need keep Guide Fruit to her, but must lead her one and enters Ancient Continent, even must be responsible for her security, our Bai Family had feared who is coming?” That person of extremely angry say|way. “她到底是谁?为什么我们不但要给她留个界引果,还要带着她一并进入古大陆,甚至还要负责她的安全,我们白家怕过谁来着?”那人愤愤道。 Do not ask too, I who this you know will say, I who should not know cannot say.” Bai Wu knitting the brows head, scolds saying: Has side energy well nosing nosing, has a look the spirit medicine spirit grass that has anything to treasure, while that woman here, we had not discovered can sooner make proper.” “别问太多,该你们知道的我会说,不该知道的我也不能说。”白误皱了皱眉头,呵斥道:“有精力好好查探查探旁边,看看有没有什么珍惜的灵药灵草,趁着那女人不在这儿,我们发现了可以早些弄妥了。” motherfucker, that seven color ghost Demon Flower we discovered obviously first, instead advantage/cheap she, has thought annoyedly!” 妈的,那七彩鬼妖花明明我们先发现的,反而便宜了她,想想就恼火!” Is enduring to me! Our comes Ancient Continent, I have been ordered to guarantee with every effort the safety of that woman, you also give me carefully!” “给我忍着!我们这趟来古大陆,我得到命令要尽力保证那女人的安全,你们也都给我小心一点!” Big brother, who gives your order?” “大哥,谁给你的命令?” Family Head!” 家主!” „......” “……” Three Bai Family Void God Realm Expert, do not make a sound suddenly, accepting fate that lowers the head to be disappointed. 三名白家虚神境界强者,忽然不吱声了,垂头铩羽的认命了。 Four people have loafed in the, has not discovered the trace of stranger, has not discovered any valuable raw material for medicine, can only , but leaves. 四人在附近游荡了一圈,没有发现陌生人的踪影,也没有发现任何有价值的药材,只能无奈离开。 Puchi! 噗哧 Mire ** leaves a turbulent current, in the turbulent current splash, Shi Yan God Body appears little. 泥潭**出一股激流,激流飞溅中,石岩神体一点点显现出来。 Deeply inspires, his in great spirits, in eye is similar to pasts the Divine Light mind to move, the three deep meanings of Soul Altar deep meaning level flashed before alternately, making on him continuously change in breaths three different fluctuations. 深吸一口气,他精神奕奕,眼睛内如同流转着神光心神一动,灵魂祭台奥义层的三种奥义交替闪现,让他身上在一息间连续变了三种不同的波动。 Quenchings Void Realm by the Disaster soul silk, evolves numerous different attribute Void Realm disasters, had three deep meanings to melt by him, clearer knew three exquisite places of deep meanings, Stars Deep Meaning also strengthened, he thought that has touched the breakthrough threshold faintly. 百劫魂丝淬炼虚界,衍变众多不同属性的虚界劫难,被他有三种奥义化解,更加清晰的知晓了三种奥义的精妙之处,其中星辰奥义也增强了许多,他觉得隐隐触及了突破门槛。 The stars, life and death and Space Deep Meaning must obtain to realize from experience the growth completely, can breakthrough to Void God Second Sky, the stars and Space Deep Meaning he have the new cognition now, only missed in the Life and Death Deep Meaning somewhat new clear(ly) becomes aware slightly. 星辰、生死、空间奥义必须全部获得体悟成长,才能突破虚神二重天,如今星辰、空间奥义他都有所新的认知,只差在生死奥义稍稍有些新的明悟。 cultivation different deep meaning, breakthrough from the Void God boundary are difficult, but after each time breakthrough, power and strength will make the great strides, if can utilize the deep meaning adeptly, can assist to clarify mutually exquisitely, real power will be much more majors in deep meaning. 修炼不同奥义者,从虚神境起突破艰难,但每次突破以后,力量和实力都会获得长足进步,如果能够将奥义娴熟运用,能互相辅助弄清其中精妙,真实的力量将会远远大于主修一种奥义者。 Why this is the clearly know cultivation different deep meaning advancements is also difficult , many person meditation reasons, are skilled in different deep meaning resolutely, the strength nature wants powerful many compared with general Warrior. 这也是为什么明知道修炼不同奥义进境艰难,也有许多人毅然苦修的缘故,精通不同奥义者,实力自然比一般武者强悍许多。 Shang Yingyue graceful naked body, towering appears, her look still cold severe, said: You consider how?” 商影月的曼妙胴体,突兀的浮现出来,她眼神依然冷厉,道:“你考虑的如何了?” I help you.” Shi Yan smiles, said “我帮你。”石岩粲然一笑,道 But I have a condition.” “但我有个条件。” What condition?” “什么条件?” In woman hand has seven color ghost Demon Flower, I want this thing!” He comes one of the Ancient Continent goals, is this kind of different flower, “那女人手中持有七彩鬼妖花,我要这东西!”他来古大陆的目的之一,便是此类异花, This flower can help Yang Qingdi to get out of trouble. 这花可以助杨青帝脱困。 I promise you.” “我答应你。” ps: Today a chapter, sorry ps:今天就一章了,抱歉
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