GOS :: Volume #12

#1114: Breaks the shackles

Another corner/horn. 另一角。 The odd person of whole body mud sneaks the bottom suddenly, with has half Disaster soul silk that he submerges together, six giant palms such as the mountain is oppressing, transmits a fluctuation of seal heaven and earth. 浑身泥浆的怪人忽然潜入地底,和他一同沉没的还有一半百劫魂丝,六个巨大手掌如山岳压迫着,传来一股封印天地的波动。 Bright rivers, cross in the space, such as the sparkling chain link transmits the swift and fierce fluctuation, must such as the mountain palm give to tie down that some innumerable thunder and lightning rumbled, glittering everywhere thunder and lightning whip dance, is bothering in middle. 一条条晶亮的河流,横贯在天上,如亮晶晶的链条传来凌厉的波动,要将那如山手掌给缠住,其中又有无数雷电轰鸣,一条闪烁着漫天雷电的鞭子狂舞着,在当中搅局。 Body strong such as the great Han of steel and iron, is carrying with the hand the great hammer, grins in the one side Ha Ha smiles, the meaning of not having meddled. 体壮如钢铁的巨汉,手提着巨锤,在一旁咧嘴哈哈笑着,没有插手的意思。 The handsome man frowns, looks at six such as the mountain palm disappears into the bottom, induced secretly, the sinking sound track: This person of fierce.” 英俊的男子皱着眉头,看着六个如山手掌消入地底,暗暗感应了一下,沉声道:“此人厉害。” Big brother, can't you retain him?” Great shouted shouts to clear the way. “大哥,你不能将他留住?”巨汉吆喝道。 His cultivation earth deep meaning, understands clearly the peripheral environment, power and deep meaning fusion in the mire, we very difficult to give to compel him.” The handsome man shook the head, said: This fellow is very formidabe, um, it seems like that this Ancient Continent newcomer, has seriously been the peak roles of major star territories.” “他修炼大地奥义,洞悉周边环境,力量和奥义融合在泥沼,我们很难将他给逼出来。”英俊的男子摇了摇头,道:“这家伙很难对付,嗯,看来这趟古大陆来者,当真都是各大星域的巅峰角色了。” Big brother, these Disaster soul silk?” The great Han grins to smile. “大哥,那些百劫魂丝?”巨汉咧嘴笑着。 Overspread many clear Disaster soul silk in the mire, that clay figurine takes half, perhaps is also so, the handsome man does not have the below killer of hysteria. 在泥潭上铺满了许多晶莹的百劫魂丝,那泥人只是取走一半,或许也是如此,英俊男子才没有歇斯底里的下杀手。 50% Disaster soul silk, is glistening the light gloss, side is also standing elegant face ice cold Shang Yingyue. 一半的百劫魂丝,闪亮着淡淡的光泽,旁边还站着俏脸冰寒的商影月 At this time Shang Yingyue face cold like ice, a lot of annoyed, wishes one could to kill a cleanness all people. 此时商影月脸寒如冰,一肚子恼火,恨不得将所有人都杀个干干净净。 Hundred Coldhands Vine is she discovered first, was actually bothered by Shi Yan and Sha Zhao, later was taken away part by Shi Yan, now also took half by that clay figurine, at this time the remaining Disaster soul silk were not already many, the brothers who two strengths are as deep as a well eye covetously. 百劫鬼手藤是她最先发现的,却被石岩沙鞪搅局,之后被石岩收走一部分,如今又被那泥人拿了一半,此时剩下的百劫魂丝已然不多,还有两个实力高深莫测的兄弟虎视眈眈。 Several of Shang Yingyue air/Qi want to spit blood. 商影月气的几欲吐血。 The handsome man feels the chin, considered a while earnestly, suddenly he he has smiled, said: We take half again.” 英俊男子摸着下巴,认真思量了一会儿,忽然呵呵笑了起来,道:“我们再取一半。” Male face stunned of portable great hammer. 手提巨锤的男子一脸愕然 Shang Yingyue has also gawked. 商影月也愣了一下。 Takes half, seeing has the share, remains little to others.” Handsome man saying of a laugh. “就取一半,见者有份嘛,也给人家留一点点。”英俊男子笑呵呵的说道。 A that great Han face is astonished however, but has not spoken the rebuttal, stuffy did not speak took half the remaining Disaster soul silk, then turned head to look to him big brother?” 那巨汉一脸讶然,但没有出言反驳,闷不吭声的将剩下的百劫魂丝取走一半,然后扭头看向他“大哥?” We walk.” The handsome man is narrowing the eye, deeply looked at Shang Yingyue, said: I called Wu Feng, gave regards to your father for me, said that I thought of him very much......” “我们走。”英俊男子眯着眼睛,深深看了一眼商影月,道:“我叫武枫,替我向你父亲问好,就说我很想念他老人家……” The words, he leads that great Han to leave. 话罢,他带着那巨汉离开。 Wu Feng...... Wu Feng.” Shang Yingyue looks stunned, the consideration of black eyebrows deep lock, for a long time the complexion is changing, as if suddenly remembers anything, reveals appearance that has a lingering fear. 武枫……武枫。”商影月神情错愕,黛眉深锁的思量着,许久才脸色一变,似乎突然想起什么,露出心有余悸的模样。 ...... …… Big brother, who is the woman? We can kill her obviously, takes away the Disaster soul silk, this not like your style?” “大哥,那女人是谁?我们明明可以杀了她,将百劫魂丝都拿走的,这不像你的风格啊?” Leaves after here, younger brother Wu Bai is confused shouted to shout. 从这边离开以后,弟弟武柏一头雾水的嚷嚷道。 We, if has killed her, later will trouble layer on layer, little annoy to wonderfully.” The Wu Feng handsome man cannot help laughing. “我们要是杀了她,以后会麻烦重重,还是少惹为妙。”自称武枫的英俊男子哑然失笑。 Who is she?” “她是谁?” Shang Yingyue.” 商影月。” Has not listened.” “没听过。” Your this boy year to year was being closed cultivation, naturally does not know mysteriously, her father cultivation destiny deep meaning, can catch the destiny spider web faintly, is quite mysterious. Her mother origin also very formidable, I in the past when wandered abroad to leave, had been changed magically by her father, owed others a favour.” “你这小子常年被关着修炼,自然不知道其中奥妙,她父亲修炼命运奥义,能隐隐捕捉命运蛛网,极为玄妙。她母亲来历也非常的强大,我当年在外游离的时候,被她父亲点化过一回,欠人家一个人情呢。” Big brother, is the previous time your card in Source God Realm, cannot breakthrough Void God time, that time that changed magically?” “大哥,就是上次你卡在源神境,一直不能突破虚神的时候,被人点化的那一次?” Is that time.” “就是那次。” This, a that under- others favour, no wonder the big brother has not killed her.” “这样啊,那还真的欠人家一个人情,难怪大哥没杀她。” ...... …… Shang Yingyue surplus Disaster soul silk will receive, ice-cold complexion slightly attractive a point, she deeply inspired, has hesitated, took out at the same time the lozenge mirror, the material quality of that mirror collected the Disaster soul silk the lozenge crystal to be the same with her, as if has some relation. 商影月将剩余的百劫魂丝收好,冰冷的脸色稍稍好看了一点,她深吸一口气,沉吟了一下,取出一面棱形镜子,那镜子的材质和她收集百劫魂丝的棱形晶体一样,其中似乎有着某种联系。 frost ice aura spurts, that mirror suddenly appears First Level white golden light Ze, shines faintly the fuzzy picture. 一口冰霜气息喷出来,那镜子骤然显出一层金光泽,隐隐照耀出模糊的景象。 She collected is going forward to knit the brows to look at a while, the beautiful pupil has shone gradually, sneered saying: Calculates you to have bad luck, crossed the empty tribulation unexpectedly at this time.” 她凑在上前皱眉看了一会儿,美眸渐渐亮了起来,冷笑道:“算你倒霉,竟然这时候去渡虚劫。” If the cold severe cold brightness, she flies from this together quietly, flies in the direction that Shi Yan is, in the tender body the malignant influences overflow slowly. 如一道冷厉寒光,她悄然飞离这一块,往石岩所在的方向飞去,娇躯内煞气慢慢流溢出来。 After half double-hour. 半个时辰后。 A Shang Yingyue water blue color skirt robe, elegant face cold stopped in a mire, her is stepping on one group of cold ice, making her not need to contaminate the sewage. 商影月一身水蓝色裙袍,俏脸寒冽的在一处泥潭停了下来,她脚下踩着一团寒冰,使得她不必沾染污水。 If the picture brow tip moves, on her snow arm white arms a white bangle has swayed, then sees turbulent cold energy to congeal, becomes sharp cold ice, cold ice such as light blade, cold spooky, the cold light like the electricity, punctures suddenly toward the mire. 如画的眉梢动了动,她雪臂皓腕上一个白色手镯晃荡了一下,然后便见汹涌寒力凝结起来,成为一块块锋利的寒冰,寒冰如薄薄的刀刃,冷幽幽的,冷光如电,突然朝着泥沼内部刺去。 Puchi! 噗哧 The First Level wall bonds blasts open suddenly, the cold blade also has crushed together, in the bottom mire transmits the explosive. 一层壁障骤然炸裂,一块寒刀也粉碎了,地底泥沼中传来爆响。 Has the barrier seal! 结界封闭! In the Shang Yingyue eye rays of light dodges, many as thin as a cicada's wing cold blades appear, cold piercing rapid submerges the bottom. 商影月眼中光芒一闪,更多薄如蝉翼的寒刀浮现出来,冷冽刺骨的迅速没入地底。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 The innumerable lightning thunderclap are exploding intensely, driven by her power deep meaning , the ominous crazy seepage, must this earth-shaking of stirring not be possible. 无数闪电霹雳激烈爆炸着,在她力量奥义的驱动下,也凶狂的渗透进来,要将这一块搅的天翻地覆不可。 The bottom deep place, whole body by Shi Yan that the dry and hard clod bound, God Body is moved suddenly. 地底深处,浑身被干硬泥块裹住的石岩,神体突然动了一下。 In Soul Altar the vice- soul flutters to quietly, emerges from the crown, drags is rushing to the mire. 灵魂祭台内副魂悄然飘离出来,从天灵盖浮出,摇曳着冲上泥潭。 hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! If one group of monster different spirit hot vice- souls, such as a colorful big fireball, combustion violent life fluctuation. 如一团妖异灵火的副魂,如一个五颜六色的大火球,燃烧着猛烈的生命波动。 Continuously burning hot flame, shortly escape will come out, hovers to delimit the torrential sea of fire in the space, the Essence flame urges to send, peripheral all wetland swamp will give pa pa that roasts to make noise, Ancient Continent thick heaven and earth energy, was similar to the body of that flame soul, the massive gatherings welled up. 一缕缕炙热火焰,顷刻间飞逸出来,在天上游动着划出滔滔火海,本源火焰催发出来,将周边所有湿地沼泽都给烤的啪啪作响,古大陆浓稠的天地能量,如同成了那火焰魂魄的躯壳,大量的汇聚涌来。 In short several seconds, these thick such as water fluid heaven and earth energy, condenses a lost in fog unexpectedly the body, binds that group of flame souls. 在短短数秒时间,那些浓稠如水液的天地能量,竟然凝聚成一具雾茫茫的身体,将那团火焰般的灵魂裹住。 bo bo bo! 啵啵啵! The gigantic energy air masses, such as rush-leaf fan half size, is containing strong power, get lost in abundance to Shang Yingyue. 一个个硕大的能量气团,如蒲扇一半大小,蕴藏着浓烈之极的力量,纷纷滚向商影月 Shang Yingyue everywhere thunder and lightning and energy air mass attacks, the sores all over the eye of peripheral exploding, the earth is unceasing in rumbled. 商影月漫天雷电能量气团冲击,将周边炸的满目疮痍,大地都在轰鸣不断。 Her face with amazement. 她一脸骇然。 This is separated from the fleshly body flame soul, as if can using Ancient Continent energy, having one's wish control power to congeal easily all sorts of attacks, forms wild power, making her deal with is very difficult. 这个脱离肉身的火焰魂魄,似乎能够轻易运用古大陆能量,在随心所欲的掌控着力量凝结成种种攻击,形成狂暴的力量,让她应付起来很是艰辛。 Shang Yingyue suddenly has to plant not the wonderful feeling: This fellow is the Ancient Continent master! 商影月忽然有种不妙的感觉:这家伙就是古大陆的主人! If not the Lord of Ancient Continent, can so adeptly easily revolution Ancient Continent power, be able to attack anybody really with wishes fulfilled? 如果不是古大陆之主,真能如此娴熟轻易运转古大陆力量,能够随心所欲的攻击任何人? Her panic-stricken feeling, is the Shi Yan excited wild with joy place. 她的惊骇感觉,也是石岩〖兴〗奋狂喜之处。 The vice- soul is Ancient Continent Essence and Heavenly Flame fusion, is the Grace Mainland core, Grace Mainland is also one of the Ancient Continent, with this named Desolate Ancient Continent a common origin of the same clan. 副魂为古大陆本源天火融合而成,是神恩大陆的核心,神恩大陆也为古大陆之一,和这个名为“荒”的古大陆同宗同源。 Perhaps for this reason, when his vice- soul escapes to God Body, as if instead did not have the binding force, can hold imperial here terrifying such as sea heaven and earth energy, can form the attacks of all sorts of powerful according to the soul fluctuation, can catch the Shang Yingyue trend easily. 或许正是因为这个原因,当他副魂遁离神体,似乎反而没有了约束力,能够掌御这儿恐怖如海的天地能量,能够根据灵魂波动形成种种强悍的攻击,也能够轻易的捕捉到商影月的动向。 Without fleshly body restraint, he flies from the vice- soul, unexpectedly was regains eyesight by the blind person likely all of a sudden. 没有肉身束缚,他将副魂飞离出来,居然像是由瞎子一下子复明了。 The main soul and vice- soul in fleshly body, his sensation do not arrive at the peripheral life fluctuation, like has the invisible wall barrier to keep off him, letting him to find others' trend with Divine Sense, discovers the peripheral scene. 主魂、副魂在肉身内,他感知不到周边的生命波动,像是有无形的壁障挡着他,让他不能用神识瞧见别人的动向,发现周边的场景。 This is also all enters the Ancient Continent Expert headache place. 这也是所有进入古大陆强者的头疼处。 However, when his vice- soul is separated from God Body, broke this shackles likely all of a sudden, the vice- soul seems this Ancient Continent part, he through the vice- soul can easily the change of sensation surroundings Wanli District territory! 然而,当他副魂脱离神体,像是一下子打破了这个桎梏,副魂仿佛就是这古大陆的一部分,他通过副魂可以轻易感知周围万里区域的变化! The Wanli District territory, just like swamp of boundless length and breadth, is actually ambushing the formidable life, before him sees is different, the life fluctuations of these ambushes in each corner, some are bunches, his sensation, drew a very clear conclusion silently: Entered a Ancient Continent person to collaborate! 万里区域,俨然还是无垠广袤的沼泽,却潜伏着很多强大的生命,和他之前所见不一样,那些潜伏在各个角落的生命波动,有的是一簇簇的,他默默感知了一下,得出了一个很清晰的结论:进入古大陆的一部人已经联手了! This discovery lets him is very the heart startled, is the major star territory Void God Expert talent characters, made him have a headache extremely, if several collaborated, he step by step was how could it not be difficult. 这个发现让他很是心惊,全是各大星域虚神强者的天才人物,一个都让他头疼万分了,如果几个联手起来,他岂非步步艰难。 Bang! 轰! A kilometer heaven and earth energy fist, compels stiffly Shang Yingyue, gives the violent powder her thunder and lightning power. 一个千米长的天地能量拳头,硬生生将商影月逼开,将她的雷电力量都给激散。 Vice- soul spirit energy weakens slightly, he understands immediately the vice- soul imperial moves heaven and earth energy to be inexhaustible, needs to consume the Divine Sense essence in soul, this makes him know that he cannot is in the invincible position by the vice- the relations of soul and Ancient Continent. 副魂精神能量稍一减弱,他马上明白副魂御动天地能量并非可以无穷无尽,也需要消耗灵魂内的神识精气,这让他知道他不能凭借副魂和古大陆的关系处于不败之地。 Do not be restless! Do you have not to end?” The vice- soul transmits the intense soul to fluctuate, restraining concentrates to Shang Yingyue. “别闹腾了!你有完没完?”副魂传来强烈灵魂波动,收敛凝向商影月 „Am I restless? Is you have been good for enemy with me?” Shang Yingyue was cold face you to take belonged to our Guide Fruit, but also peeped I to bathe deep water, and robbed my Disaster soul silk, was who in restless?” “我闹腾?是你一直与我为敌好不好?”商影月寒着脸“你拿了属于我们的界引果,还偷窥我沐浴潭水,并且抢夺我百劫魂丝,是谁在闹腾?” Guide Fruit is your father hard for my, I was hear your voice to have a look in the past, was worried that you had the matter, your other does not know good from bad? As for robbing your Disaster soul silk, you told Sha Zhao my whereabouts, I as for with Sha Zhao like mad? Arrived at your mouth, all was you occupies manages?” “界引果是你父亲硬塞给我的,我是听到你声音过去看看,是担心你有事,你别不识好歹?至于抢夺你百劫魂丝,要不是你将我行踪告诉沙鞪,我至于和沙鞪拼死拼活?怎么到了你嘴里,全是你占理了?” Shi Yan deeply inspires, then suddenly said: I reminded your one time finally, now the nearby has many Expert to collaborate, your I met to be able the dead end, moreover one team of people were coming toward us, our fights will direct the direction to them. If you do not want dead, I really invited you law-abiding!” 石岩深吸一口气,然后突然道:“我最后提醒你一次,如今附近有很多强者联手,你我遇到都会死路一条,而且其中有一队人正朝我们过来,我们的战斗会给他们指引出方向。如果你不想死,我请你老实安分一点!” Has one team of people to come?” Shang Yingyue sneers, saying of ridicule: Do not tell me, can you see clearly the peripheral condition? As far as I know, nobody can on Ancient Continent, prospect the surrounding Expert life fluctuation, can you? Your what Realm?” “有一队人过来?”商影月冷笑,嘲弄的说道:“你别告诉我,你能够洞察周边状况?据我所知,无人能够在古大陆上,将周围强者生命波动勘察出来,你可以?你什么境界啊?” Is believed by you.” Spreading message that Shi Yan does not bear „a probably 500 li (0.5km) direction left side of you, some people are catching up, if we do not fight, they cannot lock our positions, you can pass to take a look, I also need to quenching Void Realm in any case, will stay here.” “信不信由你。”石岩不耐的传出讯息“在你左侧大概500里方向,有人正在赶来,如果我们不战斗,他们就不能锁定我们的位置,你可以过去瞧瞧,我反正还需要淬炼虚界,会留在这儿。” The words, his vice- soul descends slowly, is hidden in the mire. 话罢,他副魂缓缓降落,隐没在泥沼内。 Shang Yingyue hesitant, coldly snorted, the rapid past traced. 商影月犹豫了一下,冷哼一声,迅速过去追查了。
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