GOS :: Volume #12

#1113: Soul tribulation

The clay figurine hides in swamp, when he and Shang Yingyue encounters, the clay figurine collected the Disaster soul silk quietly. 泥人潜藏在沼泽内,当他和商影月交锋的时候,泥人已经悄悄收集百劫魂丝了。 When of unknown origin appears to that two brothers, the clay figurine has restrained slightly, at once cannot repress , to continue to start to the Disaster soul silk. 待到那来历不明的兄弟二人出现,泥人稍稍收敛了一下,旋即又按捺不住,继续对百劫魂丝下手。 He collects the Disaster soul silk method and Shang Yingyue is different, clay figurine opened mouth puts out the muddy brook, the brook such as the soft arm grabs these ice sparkling stones the soul silk, entrains directly to his mouth. 他收集百劫魂丝的方法与商影月不一样,泥人张口吐出泥泞溪流,溪流如柔软的手臂抓着那些冰莹的魂丝,直接拽向他口中。 This clay figurine seems skilled in the mire sand the mystery, understands clearly the earth deep meaning the essence, these Disaster soul silk under his opened mouth absorb, fast reduction. 这泥人似乎精通泥沼沙粒的奥妙,洞悉大地奥义的精髓,那些百劫魂丝在他张口吸纳下,快速的减少起来。 Appearance handsome man, reason that and Shang Yingyue and Shi Yan spoke a few words extremely anxiously to fire into him, was because the efficiency of his absorb Disaster soul silk was extremely high, if there is time, here people were then difficult to harvest. 模样英俊的男子,之所以和商影月石岩讲了一句话就急不可待冲向他,是因为他吸纳百劫魂丝的效率极高,要是有更多一点时间,这边众人便再难有所收获。 Caidan that handsome man had had a premonition is not wonderful, Shang Yingyue also temporarily puts down Shi Yan, elegant face angry plunders in the clay figurine direction. 彩旦那英俊男子预感了不妙,商影月也暂时放下石岩,俏脸恼怒的往泥人的方向掠去。 Only then that is twisting the young man of great hammer, grins chuckled, expression that does not care about completely, as if fills the heart to his big brother. 只有那拧着巨锤的年青汉子,咧嘴嘿嘿笑着,一副满不在意的神色,似乎对他大哥充满所心。 Whish! 哗哗哗! Peripheral putty deep pool interior, energy is surging, the dusky earth supernatural power such as the outstanding magical brush, forces the towering great hand white. 周边泥潭内,奇奥的能量涌动着,灰蒙蒙的大地神力如杰出的神笔,白勒出参天巨手。 Great hand that is formed by the mud and wet soil stack, such as mountain Ruchuan, if the anger of god contains the earth supernatural power, presents the bottom then to transmit the fierce tremor swiftly, making here all person God Body be out of control to sway, the chest such as beat a drum the hammer, an intermittent chest is stuffy. 由泥浆和湿土堆砌形成的巨手,如山如川,若神之怒火蕴藏大地神力,倏一出现地底便传来剧烈颤动,让这边所有人都神体禁不住摇晃起来,胸口如被擂鼓锤击,一阵阵的胸闷难受。 Some this people display the earth deep meaning, making the under foot land transmit reacted, then goes directly to the will of the people mind. 这是有人施展大地奥义,让脚下土地传来震动,进而直达人心脑海。 Obviously displays deep meaning for that appearance unclear clay figurine, his look yin cold ice-cold, looked indifferently to handsome youth who floating comes. 显然施展奥义者为那名模样不清的泥人,他眼神阴寒冰冷,漠然看向飘然过来的英俊青年。 Six such as a kilometer great hand of mountain size, as if lives from the place bottom, the palm is upward, arm thoroughly bottom, five fingers dusky has the intermittent overwhelming power, formidable and staunch abundant power to transmit as if can give the crumb the mountains and rivers. 六个如山岳大小的千米巨手,仿佛从地底生出来的,掌心向上,臂膀深入地底,五根手指灰蒙蒙的有阵阵威猛、强大、刚烈的雄厚力量传来似乎能够将山河都给捏碎。 Six great hands are moving in place bottom swamp, each one has the soul to be the same, 30 fingers also form the strange mark, must give the seal the earth. 六个巨手在地底沼泽活动着,各自都有灵魂一样,30个手指还结成奇异的印记,要将大地都给封印。 silhouette moves fast such as ghosts and demons handsome youth, the eye is narrowing the eyes slightly 身影飘忽如鬼魅的英俊青年,眼睛微微眯着 Sneers quickly smiles. 倏地冷笑一笑。 In his hand were many a fan, fan non- gold/metal Feiyu, does not know that is quenchinged by the what kind material quality becomes on the covering of fan the mark is carving the fine drawing, such as mountains lake 他手中多了一个扇子,扇子非金非玉,不知道由何种材质淬炼而成扇面上纹刻着精美的图画,如山川湖泊 Constantly is actually fluctuating. 却在不迭变幻着。 Among instants, the covering of fan design such as the mountain valley gloomily blue hundred flowers prestige opens, a while presents the high mountain ridge, a while is the magnificent jade palace like the fairyland, is flashing before all sorts of scenes, wants to come carefully, is similar to Void Realm is unexpectedly marvelous. 一霎间,扇面图案如山谷幽蓝百花威开,一会儿出现崇山峻岭,一会儿又是琼楼玉宇如仙境,闪现着种种场景,仔细想来,竟如同虚界奇妙。 The fluctuation picture of covering of fan frames quickly. 扇面的变幻画面倏地定格。 Clear blue rivers, appear only finally on his covering of fan, these rivers wind such as the spirit snake, extends to all directions, does not know how profoundly remote. 一条条澄净碧蓝色的河流,在他扇面上最终浮现出来,那些河流蜿蜒如灵蛇,延伸向四面八方,不知多么深邃遥远。 Waits for Shi Yan to look with rapt attention, discovers the fan to disappear, is suddenly are many in that mire horizon blue Milky Way, the Milky Way long several kilometers, sees the bottom cleanly, but can also see the river bottom to have the shining stone, to person a mind serene feeling. 石岩凝神去望,发现扇子不见了,在那泥沼天际则是突然多出一条条蓝色天河,天河长数千米,干净见底,还能见到河底有明晃晃的石块,给人一种心灵安详的感觉。 Bang! 轰! Milky Way connects suddenly, the turbulent fierce fluctuation oppresses from the horizon, sees only Milky Way such as the blue bolt of white silk, chops under the direction of fire mountain great hand fiercely. 一条条天河忽然交汇,汹涌狂烈的波动从天际压迫下来,只见天河如蓝色匹练,猛地劈射向底下的山岳巨手。 The fluctuations of a series of everything may become vulnerable, fill the air instantaneously in all directions, stand in nearby Shi Yan by far, thinks that God Body sways fiercely, by swaying stiffly to distant place, but both sides of that battle, in his line of sight gradually fuzzy, only then the energy fluctuation of world-shaking even more roasts fiercely. 一连串地动山摇的波动,瞬间弥漫四面八方,远远站在一旁的石岩,也觉神体剧烈摇晃,被硬生生的吹拂到了更远处,而那交战的双方,在他视线内渐渐模糊,只有惊天动地能量波动愈发炙烈。 Close your eyes, he realized from experience a while silently, partly makes a sound he to open eyes suddenly, leaving of word half language leaves. 闭上眼,他默默体悟了一会儿,半响他突然睁开眼,一言半语的抽身离开。 Realm and power of that clay figurine and handsome man, not general Warrior can compare, strength not inferior Shang Yingyue, even is also possibly stronger a point. 那名泥人和英俊男子的境界力量,都绝非一般武者可以比拟,实力丝毫不逊色商影月,甚至还可能更强一分。 His Void God First Sky Realm, in Agate Star Field dares with the general Origin God Boundary Warrior fight one fight, to present this place, is the talents of universe major star territories, the true strength even surpasses itself Realm, he knows, regardless of the clay figurine handsome man, has is not inferior he power. 虚神一重天境界,在玛琊星域敢和一般始神境武者斗上一斗,可出现此地者,皆是宇宙各大星域的天才,真正实力甚至超出本身境界,他知道不论泥人还是英俊男子,都有着不逊色他的力量 Shang Yingyue, that grasps the great hammer to be able with the guy who Shang Yingyue does not know one's place, now robs the Disaster soul silk four people, is the having god-given wisdom rare talent. 还有商影月,还有那手持巨锤可以和商影月不分上下的大汉,如今抢夺百劫魂丝的四人,皆是天纵奇才。 He does not prepare to continue a turbid water. 他不准备继续趟浑水。 Is determined, not slightly hesitant, leaves to leave instantaneously, such as the dim light plunders in the mire together quietly, increasingly estranged. 决心一下,就没有丝毫犹豫,瞬间抽身离开,如一道幽光在泥沼内悄然掠夺,渐行渐远。 In various here strong side Divine Sense by the enormous influence, instead is needed to catch to hide the enemy by the line of sight, the direction that once leaves is far, the match cannot by the Divine Sense capture, then unable to discover the whereabouts. 在这儿各方强神识都被巨大影响,反而需要靠视线来捕捉潜藏敌人,一旦离开的方向较远,对手不能以神识捕捉,便根本发现不了行踪。 Silent that he walks, knows that four people and other discoveries time, should lose his aura, therefore does not worry. 他走的无声无息,知道那四人等发现的时候,应该已经失去他的气息,所以一点不着急。 Ancient Continent is containing innumerably marvelous, the Genesis Level material absolutely solely is not only Hundred Coldhands Vine, rare object , etc. he tried to find out the survey, he does not worry early to go all out. 古大陆蕴藏着无数奇妙,元始级的材料绝对不单单只是百劫鬼手藤,还有更多奇物等他摸索探测,他可不着急那么早拼命。 , He is separated from battle area quickly, caution and care the great hole direction line of toward rumbling goes. 很快地,他脱离交战区,谨慎小心的朝着轰出来的巨洞方向行去。 The thought moves, he took out that lozenge crystal, on the crystal has entangled completely the Disaster soul silk, the blue tearful soul silk ice glory charm, blue light on the crystal flicked, transmitted the weak soul fluctuation, was very astounding. 念头一动,他取出了那棱形晶体,晶体上缠满了百劫魂丝,蓝汪汪的魂丝冰荣魅力,在晶体上蓝光一闪一闪的,传来微弱的灵魂波动,很是让人惊奇。 Takes out books that Shang Chen gave, frowns looked at a while carefully, his Divine Sense moved. 一手将商辰给予的书本取出,皱着眉头仔细瞧了一会儿,他神识又是一动。 The Disaster soul silk is the Hundred Coldhands Vine soul silk thread, the soul silk that quenchings forms after the ghost jellyfish to be a little similar, but the effect nature is different, according to Shang Chen written annotation, the Disaster soul silk can patch Soul Altar, some Realm powerful direct access to the highest authorities, caused heavy losses to later Soul Altar possibly to present the crack gal...... 百劫魂丝为百劫鬼手藤的灵魂丝线,与亡魂水母淬炼后形成的魂丝有点类似,不过功效自然不同,按照商辰书面的诠释,百劫魂丝能够修补灵魂祭台,一些境界强悍通天者,被重创了以后灵魂祭台可能出现裂伽…… Warrior radically is the soul, Soul Altar is the connection of Warrior vigor, for most important. 武者根本为魂魄,灵魂祭台武者精气神的交汇,为重中之重。 Soul Altar presented the crack, Warrior Realm was very difficult to promote, the power deep meaning will even have the collapse sign, some cultivation deep meanings accidentally discharged Bedevilment, met Soul Altar to be shattered, even looked to collapse. 灵魂祭台出现裂纹了,武者境界很难提升,力量奥义甚至会出现倒塌迹象,一些修炼奥义走火入魔者,也会灵魂祭台被震裂,甚至看塌。 For example Medicine Refining Pavilion several Pavilion's Master, are the Soul Altar smashing that Refiner refining up, changes into a wisp of ghost to survive, and gradually the soul failure, can only dissipate finally in heaven and earth. 譬如药器阁的几任阁主,都是炼器炼的灵魂祭台粉碎,化为一缕幽魂存活,并且逐渐灵魂衰竭,最终只能消散在天地间。 The Disaster soul silk can repair the crack, if the Disaster soul silk quantity are more, coordinate enough rare other Genesis Level material, even can reconstruct Soul Altar, with dying and being reborn is a truth, has Soul Altar is the generation of Realm profound fining, can repair the sacrificial altar Disaster soul silk also nature preciously. 百劫魂丝能修复裂纹,如果百劫魂丝数量更多,配合足够稀罕的别的元始级材料,甚至可以重建灵魂祭台,和死而复生是一个道理,拥有灵魂祭台者都是境界高深精炼之辈,能够修复祭台百劫魂丝也自然珍贵之极。 In the major star territories, the Disaster soul silk is rare object of valuable non- city, is many person long-awaited great treasure. 在各大星域中,百劫魂丝都是有价无市的奇物,是很多人梦寐以求的至宝 A Disaster soul silk also function, it can urge the natural disaster in round of Void Realm, making various power deep meanings attack Void Realm , helping Warrior to whet Void Realm, strengthens the exquisite utilization of deep meaning. 百劫魂丝还有一种作用,它能催发虚界内的自然劫难,让各类力量奥义冲击虚界,助武者来磨砺虚界,增强奥义的精妙运用。 When Warrior and person battle, Void Realm is playing the enormous role, can reverse the power deep meaning to strengthen power, displays comprehensively own strength. 武者与人交战之时,虚界起着极大作用,能扭转力量奥义来增强力量,将自身的实力全面发挥出来。 Void Realm is very marvelous, still nobody can clarify its mystery completely, the Disaster soul silk hundred years a tribulation, every time has the small disaster, after Disaster ten thousand years, Hundred Coldhands Vine has been the production has the consciousness, each disaster has resisted, will produce some Disaster soul silk. 虚界无比奇妙,至今无人能够将其奥妙全部弄清楚,百劫魂丝百年一劫,每一次都有小劫难,历经百劫过了万年,百劫鬼手藤才算生成拥有意识,每一次劫难抵御过了,就会生成一些百劫魂丝。 Therefore, a Disaster soul silk also marvelousness, making Void Realm have been through repeatedly the disaster, can make Void Realm tenacious, lets the deep meaning fining. 因此,百劫魂丝也有一种奇妙,让虚界历经劫难,能让虚界坚韧,让奥义精炼。 The eye winked winking, dozens ice sparkling stone soul silk that in the hand on the lozenge crystal twined together flew unexpectedly, the willow catkin drilled into his eye, seeped his Sea of Consciousness, and fired into Void Realm following the deep meaning area, when will soon arrive at Void Realm, his Void Realm suddenly has produced the giant accident. 眼睛眨了眨,手中一块棱形晶体上缠绕的数十根冰莹魂丝蓦地飞了起来,柳絮般钻入他眼睛,渗透他识海,并且顺着奥义区一路冲向虚界,在即将到达虚界之时,他虚界突然产生了巨大变故。 In the illusory Star Sea world, suddenly appears rays of light and ebullition that turbulent flame innumerable thunder and lightning and strong winds sharp knife blade and frost ice storm, interweave, the instant, all sorts of attribute fearful power erupt turbulently, wreaks havoc in his Void Realm, as if must destroy his Void Realm. 虚幻星海世界内,突然显出无数雷电、狂风利刃、冰霜风暴、交织的光芒、沸腾汹涌的火焰,霎那间,种种属性的可怕力量汹涌爆发出来,在他虚界内肆虐,仿佛要将他虚界摧毁。 His complexion great change, is inferior to think that immediately sought an opacitas puddle, fleshly body has hidden to enter directly, hides a truth kilometer deep place. 他脸色巨变,也不及多想,马上寻了一处浑浊的水潭,肉身直接潜藏进入,躲藏地底数千米深处。 In Void Realm the lightning flash must rumble, flame is turbulent, the strong winds sharp knife blade and iceberg lake impact, Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth thunder and lightning gust of wind frost ice innumerable power multiply, is attacking his Void Realm, making Void Realm Star Sea be similar to tearing, painful his simply spirit break. 虚界内电闪需轰,火焰汹涌滔天,狂风利刃和冰山湖泊冲击者,金木水火土雷电疾风冰霜无数力量滋生,冲击着他虚界,让虚界星海如同撕裂,痛的他简直精神崩溃。 Deeply inspires, he stands firm the mind, takes the space and life and death Stars Deep Meaning as the basis, multiplies the innumerable changes in Void Realm, pasts three deep meanings to be exquisite, comes and in Void Realm wild power contends. 深吸一口气,他稳住心神,以空间、生死星辰奥义为根本,在虚界内滋生无数变化,流转三种奥义精妙,来和虚界内狂暴力量抗衡。 This is to the Void Realm disaster, to quenching of Void Realm, seems one tempering of heaven and earth to his deep meaning, must boil. 这是对虚界的劫难,也是对虚界的淬炼,仿佛是天地对他奥义的一种磨砺,必须要熬过去。 The Disaster soul silk can initiate the Void Realm disaster, whets the mind soul, crosses the soul to be then formidable, Void Realm tenacious incomparable, the deep meaning will also be strengthened, making various Soul Altar aspects experience transformation, even possible breakthrough to the new Realm level. 百劫魂丝能引发虚界劫难,磨砺心灵魂魄,越过便灵魂强大,虚界会坚韧无比,奥义也会有所增强,让灵魂祭台各方面经历蜕变,甚至可能突破到新的境界层次。 This desire searched for formerly sensation exceptionally azure light him, because misplaced the Disaster soul silk the might, suddenly fell into the passive state, has to the bottom dive to cultivate thoroughly. 本欲搜寻先前感知异常青光的他,因为错估百劫魂丝的威力,忽然陷入被动局面,不得不深入地底潜修。 But at this time, Shang Yingyue that side fight also in such as fire such as tea is carrying on, does not have the leisure to manage him actually. 而此时,商影月那边的战斗也在如火如茶的进行着,倒是没有闲暇去管他。 deep water, under the mud, the Shi Yan whole body was bound by the clod, trembles like the ball in the deep pool bottom once for a while fiercely, transmits a life fluctuation of rushing. 潭水内部,泥浆底下,石岩周身被泥块裹住,在潭底如球般时不时猛地一颤,传来一股澎湃的生命波动。 His God Body does not have the too sweeping change, but in Soul Altar emerges the change of world-shaking, Void Realm such as the avalanche is common, different power are attacking him, brings the packs of terrifying bad risks to him. 神体没有太大变化,可灵魂祭台内涌现惊天动地的变化,虚界如崩塌一般,各种不同的力量冲击着他,给他带来一叠叠的恐怖凶险。 The thought fluctuates, the Void Realm galaxy is radiant, resembles the precise innumerable stars, many stars become a star territory, faintly becomes the Bow and Arrow appearance, such as the giant beast appearance, such as the mountains shape, the different star territories are fluctuating, appears seriously the unusual modeling, as if contains heaven and earth to be marvelous. 念头变幻,虚界星河璀璨,似凝炼无数繁星,许多繁星成一片星域,隐隐成弓箭模样,如巨兽模样,如山川形态,不同的星域变幻着,浮现出当真奇特的造型,似乎蕴藏天地奇妙。 And assumes the Bow and Arrow appearance Star Sea, projects together star light radiant Arrow suddenly, Arrow such as by the innumerable meteor connection, then crushes all sorts of mountains in Void Realm in the flash. 其中呈弓箭模样的星海,突地射出一道星光璀璨的箭矢,箭矢如由无数流星交汇而成,在一瞬间便将虚界内的种种山川粉碎掉。 The Stars Deep Meaning fluctuation multi-stage, the heart thinks that likely can appear, emerges the greatest lethality. 星辰奥义变幻多段,心之所想,都像是可以浮现出来,涌现出莫大的杀伤力。 He in attentive experience is exquisite, goes to sensation Stars Deep Meaning some Intent Domain, resists the Void Realm disaster by Stars Deep Meaning, quenches to rub the will and spirit. 他在用心体会其中精妙,去感知星辰奥义的某种意境,以星辰奥义来抵御虚界的劫难,淬磨意志和精神。
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