GOS :: Volume #12

#1112: Seizing

The glowing red day, the filariasis is splashing, the Hundred Coldhands Vine crack sheds the wooden casing slowly, the medical hair thick or thin ice blue silk thread, appears quietly...... 红彤彤的天,流火飞溅着,百劫鬼手藤慢慢龟裂褪掉木壳,医根根头发粗细的冰蓝丝线,悄悄显现出来…… Hundred Coldhands Vine has many rattan, after each rattan was built up, appears the clear ice blue silk thread, these silk threads such as silk ice sparkling stone, blue tearful, is very attractive beautiful, is containing the weak soul fluctuation, this was the Disaster soul silk, one unusual Genesis Level soul material, wonderful - with infinite. 百劫鬼手藤有许多藤条,每一根藤条被炼化以后,都显现许多晶莹的冰蓝丝线,那些丝线如蚕丝冰莹,蓝汪汪的,很是漂亮美丽,蕴藏着微弱的灵魂波动,这便是百劫魂丝了,一种奇特的元始级灵魂材料,妙-用无穷。 The Shang Yingyue eye is bright, on the face does not control self has filled joyfully, she continues to refine Hundred Coldhands Vine, while takes out lozenge crystals. 商影月眼睛明亮,脸上不自禁的充满了喜悦,她一边继续炼化百劫鬼手藤,一边取出一块块棱形晶体。 The lozenge crystal such as the long and narrow eye, flutters from her white and tender palm, leisure falling to that Hundred Coldhands Vine. 棱形晶体如狭长眼睛,从她白嫩掌心飘荡出来,慢悠悠的落向那百劫鬼手藤 The lozenge crystal moved quietly, is disturbing on these Disaster soul silk, pesters Disaster soul silk, looks like some people winds thread with the log, a long coil will circle together. 棱形晶体悄然动了起来,在那些百劫魂丝上翻搅着,将一根根百劫魂丝纠缠住,就像是有人用木块绕线,将根根长线圈绕在一块儿。 looks at clear Disaster soul silk windings on the crystal, the Shang Yingyue beautiful pupil are shivering, the even more precise energetic will, is building up more rattan. 看着一根根晶莹百劫魂丝缠绕在晶体上,商影月美眸颤动着,愈发凝炼精神意志,在炼化更多的藤条。 She knows that Shi Yan possibly momentarily comes back, wants quickly to finish, so as to avoid annoys the surprise attack of Shi Yan. 她知道石岩可能随时回来,也想尽快结束,免得惹来石岩的突袭。 Before hid in the hidden place, she has found the confrontation of Shi Yan and that sand, she manner to Shi Yan had the thorough new face! 之前躲藏在暗处,她瞧见了石岩和那沙的交锋,她对石岩的态度有了彻底的改观! Initially sees Shi Yan time, she has not placed the eyeground Void God First Sky Shi Yan, before entering Ancient Continent, has set firm resolve, once meets, does not make Shi Yan attractive surely. 初见石岩的时候,她没有将虚神一重天石岩放在眼底,进入古大陆前已经下定决心了,一旦碰面,必定不让石岩好看。 She also really such did. 她也真的这么做了。 Formerly Shi Yan saw her to avoid on own initiative, even more made her affirm that Shi Yan Realm was mean, the strength feared that was extremely bad, on this Ancient Continent, numerous Void God high level Expert ran amuck, Shi Yan was in the food chain lowest level... She thought that everybody can bully. 先前石岩见着她主动躲避,愈发让她肯定石岩境界低微,实力怕是极差,在这古大陆上,众多虚神高阶强者横行,石岩是处于食物链最底层的…她觉得人人都可以欺负。 But the sand was actually routed by Shi Yan...... 可沙却被石岩击溃…… Naturally, she knows that the Shi Yan method is sinister, has first hit hard the sand by the mean sneak attack... But the sand defeated after all. 当然,她知道石岩手段阴险,以卑鄙的偷袭首先重击了沙…可沙毕竟败了。 Moreover the Shi Yan very ruthless residual poison, strikes to go well has not wanted then to be ruthless, making completely the method probably strike to kill the sand, pursued, must the sand severe wound time is ruthless. 而且石岩狠辣残毒,一击得手没有便欲赶尽杀绝,使尽手段要击杀沙,一路追了出去,要将沙重伤的时候赶尽杀绝。 She realized that Shi Yan did not cope easily .................. 她意识到石岩不容易对付了……………… Is collecting the Disaster soul silk, Shang Yingyue while secret on the alert, restless looking all around, prepares to get rid at any time. 一边收集着百劫魂丝,商影月一边暗暗警惕着,不安的环顾四周,随时准备出手。 Suddenly... Her soul spills over a palpitation! 突地…她灵魂泛出一股心悸! The Shang Yingyue complexion terrified changes, the attention space is centralized, graceful - in physique thunder and lightning appears, electricity dragon-kind wanders on her... God Body such as has wrapped azure arc lightning glow, making her rays of light illuminate deathly silence ice cold aura, from has welled up in all directions, as if direct link will of the people Sea of Consciousness. 商影月脸色悚然一变,注意力空间集中,曼妙-身姿上雷电浮现出来,电龙般游荡在她身上…神体如套了一圈圈青弧电芒,让她光芒照一股死寂冰寒的气息,从四面八方涌了过来,似乎直达人心识海 Shang Yingyue shakes loudly. 商影月轰然一震。 In her mind, a hugeness of Blood Dripping Gem dying character such as the high mountain ridge is common, strange appears... Pounds fiercely toward her Sea of Consciousness. 在她的脑海中,一个血淋琳的巨大“死”字如崇山峻岭一般,诡异的浮现出来…猛地往她识海内砸来。 That dying character fresh blood drip flowings, is containing innumerably cruel and crazy, the thought mood of bloodthirsty, all of a sudden the fear of her innermost feelings cancelling, having made her lose presence of mind energetic, whole person as if by washout soul... power such as the river water raises certainly releases like the note. 那“死”字鲜血淋漓,蕴藏着无数暴戾、疯狂、嗜杀的念头情绪,一下子将她内心的恐惧给勾了出来,让她精神失措,整个人都仿佛被冲溃了灵魂…一身力量如河水绝提一泄如注。 Death consciousness invasion mind, wrested away her deep meaning level, making her get up distracted. 死亡意识侵入脑海,霸占她奥义层,让她精神恍惚起来。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 In her Void Realm, thunder and lightning interweaves to reappear, in Void Realm crazy thunder trillion, attacks directly on the deep meaning level, breaks in her Sea of Consciousness, dying character contends with that Negative Emotions that the rush wells up. 虚界内,雷霆闪电交织着浮现出来,虚界内狂雷亿万,直接冲击在奥义层,冲入她识海,和那一个“死”字抗衡,冲杀涌来的负面情绪 The innumerable icy peak vicissitudes, are rolling in the gloomy and cold Void Realm sea, bitter cold ice-cold energy will seep her soul, making her soul slowly restore soberly. 无数冰峰浮沉着,在阴冷虚界海洋滚动,将酷寒冰冷能量渗透她灵魂,使得她灵魂慢慢恢复清醒。 Her beautiful pupil appears wipes bright, a forehead. 她美瞳显出一抹亮光,一点额头。 Void Realm that trillion thunder and lightning interweave, appears in her crown, the glowing red day will give to cover, innumerable thunder and lightning turn into crowded crazy Dragon to roar to well up, as if must destroy general heaven and earth. 亿万雷霆闪电交织的虚界,在她天灵盖浮现出来,将红彤彤的天都给笼罩,其中无数雷霆闪电化成密集狂龙咆哮着涌出来,似乎要将天地摧毁一般。 This piece of fiery red heaven and earth such as presents Thunder Jie who extinguishes the world, underlines to destroy the change of Heaven Destroyer place, several thousand thunder and lightning Giant Dragon are calling out wild, the youth who paces to come twists together toward the distant place. 这片火红天地如出现灭世的雷劫,突显毁天灭地的变化,几千条雷电巨龙狂暴嚎叫着,朝着远处一道踱步而来的青年绞去。 The youth naturally are Shi Yan. 青年自然便是石岩 Colludes Negative Emotions by Death Deep Meaning, instantaneously she who invades the Shang Yingyue mind, early knows that will welcome the counter-attack of most violence, but he has underestimated Shang Yingyue power. 死亡奥义勾连负面情绪,瞬间侵入商影月脑海的她,早知道会迎来最暴力的反击,但他还是低估了商影月力量 Saw with own eyes that innumerable thunder and lightning well up crazily, his fleshly body such as the giant heart, has heard thump the trembling sound, within the body Immortal Devil Blood such as the iron tempered steel juice is flowing, takes to him soaring to the heavens energy, under the stimulation of movement of this energy, his calming the mind precise space wall barrier. 眼见无数雷电疯狂涌来,他肉身如成了巨大心脏,传来“咚咚咚”的震颤声,体内不死魔血如铁水钢汁流淌着,带给他一股冲天的能量,在这种能量的催动下,他静心凝炼空间壁障。 He the space ripples at present layer upon layer ripple, each ripple is the First Level space imprisonment, in his two tie under seal, dozens spaces imprison one by one to float live. 他眼前空间荡漾出层层波纹,每一道波纹都是一层空间禁锢,在他两手结印下,数十个空间禁锢一一浮生。 That thunder and lightning Giant Dragon rush ahead, puts together completely power smashing tearing, destroys the First Level level space imprisonment, but the speed was been slow by the stagnation. 那一条条雷电巨龙冲杀过来,拼尽力量粉碎撕裂,将一层层空间禁锢摧毁,但速度都被停滞缓慢下来。 Lock!” “锁!” He gains ground to aim at the front sea of fire, is released the turbulent flame that by the Shang Yingyue rare treasure, immediately the anchorage, no longer jumped unexpectedly. 他抬头指向前方火海,由商影月秘宝释放出来的汹涌火焰,顿时定住了,竟然不再跳跃。 Are twining the lozenge crystal of Disaster soul silk, given his ten fingers, one by one was taken away by him, spoils of war of Shang Yingyue laborious accumulation, completely advantage/cheap he. 一块块缠绕着百劫魂丝的棱形晶体,在他十指牵引下,一一被他收走,商影月辛苦聚集的战利品,全部都便宜了他。 Pa! 啪! Tears the heaven and earth thunder and lightning whip shade, has pulled out from the distant place, space barrier that he comes out precise, shortly completely will be cut. 一条撕裂天地雷电鞭影,从远处抽了过来,他凝炼出来的空间结界,在顷刻间被全部切割。 Attaching Has space energy Divine Sense to splash to spread suddenly, his Sea of Consciousness Chaos, the deep meaning level also fiercely swings, the soul such as had been delimited by the knife, the ache to the extreme. 有空间能量神识骤然飞溅流传,他识海混乱,奥义层也剧烈摇起来,灵魂都如被刀子划了一下,疼痛到了极点。 Shi Yan God Body has tossed loudly, complexion gloomy and cold, said: Really worthily Void God Third Sky.” 石岩神体轰然摇荡了一下,脸色阴冷,道:“果然不愧虚神三重天。” The Shang Yingyue God Weapon lightning whip strikes, made him be injured unexpectedly instantaneously, many Divine Sense were extinguished by thunder and lightning urgently, making his soul have weak being incapable of flash, God Weapon and Void God Third Sky power overlaps mutually, offered a sacrifice to Void Realm to oppose the enemy, he somewhat could not withstand. 商影月神兵闪电鞭一击,竟然让他瞬间受伤了,很多神识雷电给亟灭,让他灵魂也有一霎那的虚弱无力,神兵虚神三重天力量相互重叠,又祭出虚界对敌,他也有些承受不住了。 Hands over the Disaster soul silk!” The Shang Yingyue ketone body shivers all over, clenching jaws drinks tenderly. “将百劫魂丝交出来!”商影月酮体乱颤,咬牙切齿的娇喝。 Inundates the scourge of god shade such as trillion thunder and lightning crawling full horizons, interweaves the crowded electrical network, has covered toward the Shi Yan top of the head oppression suddenly, contains one to strangle to death all lives the strength of terrifying thunder. 漫天鞭影如亿万雷电爬满天际,交织成密集的电网,霍然朝着石岩头顶压迫罩了过来,蕴藏着一股绞杀一切生灵的恐怖雷霆之力。 This strikes, feared that is general Origin God is hard to deal with. 这一击,怕是一般始神都难以应付。 Can enter Ancient Continent, is major star territory most outstanding Void God boundary Expert, often is the boundaries of Void God Third Sky, even has to surmount Realm fearful power. 能够进入古大陆者,都是各大星域最出类拔萃的虚神强者,往往都是虚神三重天之境,甚至拥有超越境界的可怕力量 Shang Yingyue is this kind of person. 商影月便是这一类人。 She has God Weapon, Void God Third Sky, contains ones anger to get rid prestige simply world-shaking. 她持有神兵,虚神三重天,含怒出手之威简直惊天动地 Shi Yan complexion gloomy, whole body Blood Sea is in flood air/Qi of evil spirit craziness wells up, whole body qi and blood endures compared with Antiquity Ferocious Beast simply, to the extreme, he has been urging round of Immortal Devil Blood exuberantly, prepared transformation becomes the Immortal demon body. 石岩面色阴沉,浑身血海泛滥般的凶煞之气一波波的狂涌而出,浑身气血简直堪比远古凶兽,旺盛到了极点,他已经在催发不死魔血,准备蜕变不死魔体了。 Shang Yingyue is too strong! 商影月太强! Big brother, this woman quite suffices the vigor!” “大哥,这娘们好够劲啊!” Thunder Hongban a voice conveys from the distant place suddenly, at once then sees one to come in waves like the hedgehog golden great hammer, the great hammer rolls every time for one second, energy that contains then doubles, the power intensity that the grinding pan size great hammer attaches, as if can explode a small ore star, may be called terrifying. 一个雷轰般的声音忽然从远处传来,旋即便见一个如刺猬般的金色巨锤滚滚而来,巨锤每滚动一秒,蕴藏的能量便增加一倍,磨盘大小的巨锤附有的力量强度,似乎能爆裂一个小型的矿星,堪称恐怖 Bang! 轰! The great hammer such as beyond the day the meteorite crashes, appears in everywhere thunder and lightning whip shade fiercely, the instant, void such as was broken, the lightning and golden light splash, the bottom split the gully that spreads across, deep several kilometers. 巨锤如天外陨石坠落,猛地出现在漫天雷电鞭影中,霎那间,虚空如被震碎,闪电和金光飞溅开来,地底裂开纵横交错的沟壑,深数千米。 A powerful guy laughs to come, the whole body Jinjia, such as the God Weapon day, the whole body will reveal to destroy in world all hard objects the gold/metal sharp air/Qi. 一名强悍的大汉哈哈大笑而来,浑身金甲,如神兵天将,周身流露出能摧毁世间一切硬物的金锐之气。 Big brother, is Hundred Coldhands Vine!” “大哥,是百劫鬼手藤!” The great Han eyes wink, suddenly the joyful laughter, the sonorous voice said: Is very interesting.” 巨汉眼睛一眨,突然欣喜笑了起来,声如洪钟道:“很有趣啊。” Shang Yingyue is starting to Shi Yan obviously, he can definitely hold troops to clean up the aftermath mutually wounded, but this, does not want, when Shang Yingyue displays the pinnacle power meddles, probably must show most overbearing fierce side. 明明商影月在对石岩下手,他完全可以按兵不动等两败俱伤来收拾残局,可他偏偏不这样,非要在商影月力量施展到极致的时候插手,好像要展现出自己最霸道狂烈的一面来。 The great Han look is rough, looks like age is not as if big, a face is fierce, the footsteps like the landslide, the earth that steps on bang the explosive. 巨汉相貌粗犷,看起来岁数似乎不算大,一脸狂烈跋扈,脚步如山崩,踩的大地轰隆隆爆响。 After he comes, Zhong hand grasps, is twisting the great hammer, laughs to say to Shang Yingyue: Your strength is very strong, I like the formidable woman!” 他过来后仲手一抓,将巨锤拧着,对商影月大笑道:“你实力很强,我喜欢强大的女人!” Mental illness!” “神经病!” Shang Yingyue was cold the face to scold one, said toward Shi Yan cold voice: Hands over the thing, otherwise does not take it ill me not to be impolite!” 商影月寒着脸骂了一句,朝着石岩冷声道:“将东西交出来,不然休怪我不客气!” Hundred Coldhands Vine is our brothers, we then had previously discovered that because a little private affair has not come to gather.” A delicate and pretty natural man, however comes leisurely, unflustered said with a smile. 百劫鬼手藤属于我们兄弟,我们早先便发现了,只是因为有点私事没来收取罢了。”一个俊美潇洒的男人,施施然而来,从容不迫的含笑说道。 The guy who in the Shi Yan heart the bursting out laughing, this desire he whole-heartedly, not very awkward looks at braves suddenly, stagnated the following power promotion, but looks to Hundred Coldhands Vine. 石岩心中哑然,本欲全力以赴的他,啼笑皆非的看着忽然冒出来的大汉,停滞了后续的力量提升,而是看向百劫鬼手藤 Under the Shang Yingyue flame incinerator, that Hundred Coldhands Vine has not existed, only remains everywhere ash-gray cotton wool shape the material to flutter about, in the Hundred Coldhands Vine position, the ground overspread the blue silk threads of many ice sparkling stones, is the Disaster soul silk, bright bright, transmits slightly marvelous - soul fluctuates. 商影月火焰焚烧下,那百劫鬼手藤不复存在了,只剩漫天灰色絮状的物质纷飞,在百劫鬼手藤的位置,地上铺满了许多冰莹的蓝色丝线,都是百劫魂丝,晶亮晶亮的,传来轻微的奇妙-灵魂波动。 The Disaster soul silk is very tiny, there are tens of thousands of wisps, only accounts for one-fifth, at this time was received Imaginary Space Ring by him who Shang Yingyue collected before. 百劫魂丝很微细,有成千上万缕,商影月之前收集的只占1,此时被他收入幻空戒了。 Now also 4/5 Disaster soul silk, at this time or the thing of without owner, but if wants to obtain is not quite as if easy. 如今还有4的百劫魂丝,此时还是无主之物,但要想得到似乎并不太容易。 Just Disaster soul silk by his making an arrest palm time, his deep meaning level transmitted very marvelously - the feeling, this Disaster soul silk as if has some mysterious effect to the deep meaning level, making him pay attention secretly, to Disaster soul silk curious. 刚刚百劫魂丝被他抓人掌心的时候,他奥义层传来很奇妙-的感觉,这百劫魂丝似乎对奥义层有着某种神奇效果,让他暗暗留心了,也更加对百劫魂丝好奇了起来。 4/5 Disaster soul silk, if desired, gather.” “还有4的百劫魂丝,若想要,就都去收取吧。” Shi Yan said calmly, shook the head to that Shang Yingyue, said: Falls to my hand, you cannot take away, remaining, you must take away, but also needs to think.” 石岩平静的说了一句,冲那商影月摇了摇头,道:“落到我手的,你拿不走,剩下的,你要拿走,还需要多动动脑子。” „It is not right!” The delicate and pretty youth who coming, the words said that stopped for several seconds, suddenly knit the brows: Some people could not repress.” “不对!”过来的俊美青年,一番话讲完,停了数秒,突然皱眉道:“有人已经按捺不住了。” As if a wisp of remnant soul, he flutters spookily to the direction of Disaster soul silk, the eye is sparkling the scary pale gloss, whole body aura is quite dangerous. 仿佛一缕残魂,他幽幽飘荡向百劫魂丝的方向,眼睛闪耀着骇人的苍白光泽,浑身气息极为危险。 Under unexpectedly also some people.” The great Han has smiled not completely indifferently, optional saying: Person the more better, this is interesting, regardless in any case many people come, the thing can be I and big brother.” “底下竟然还有人。”巨汉满不在乎的笑了起来,随意的说道:“人越多越好,这样才有意思,反正不论多少人过来,东西都会是我和大哥的。” Shi Yan knit the brows, took a look at that direction one, discovered that in the mire floated a clay figurine slowly, only then eyes eyeball yin cold ice-cold, as if did not have the human emotion to be ordinary. 石岩皱眉,瞅了那方向一眼,发现泥沼内慢慢浮出来一个泥人,只有一双眼睛阴寒冰冷,似乎没有人类情感一般。
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