GOS :: Volume #12

#1111: Panicked and disorderly!

The Sha Zhao chest cavity was hit hard, this life gu god was also injured, in addition the beforehand monster insect and poison cannot go well in Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness sacrificial altar, he does not dare to continue with the Shi Yan entanglement, a discovery situation is not wonderful, immediately leaves decisively. 沙鞪胸腔被重击,本命蛊神也被伤,加上之前妖虫、毒物未能在石岩识海祭台得手,他不敢继续和石岩纠缠,一发现形势不妙,立即果断抽身。 Hundreds of thousands of dense and numerous monster insect poisons, drill into the mire, in the place truth kilometer deep place vanguard, rushes the four directions separately. 数十万密密麻麻的妖虫毒物,纷纷钻入泥沼内,在地底数千米深处前行,分别涌向四方。 The monster insects of cyclics, explode one after another constantly, form the wild energy complementary waves. 一只只圆滚滚的妖虫,接连不迭爆炸,形成狂暴的能量余波。 Shi Yan places in the energy storm, stars chains winding around all around, making fleshly body impassible. 石岩身处能量风暴中,一圈圈星辰锁链缭绕四周,使得肉身不受伤害。 The energy explosion ended, these poisonous insect Dead body are reduced to ashes, clean of disappearance, but at this time drills into the poisonous insect of bottom deep place to flee in all directions toward the surrounding. 能量爆炸结束,那些毒虫尸体化为灰烬,消失的一干二净,而此时钻入地底深处的毒虫正朝着外围流窜。 In present swamp, Hundred Coldhands Vine rattan gradually sway, in gradual restoration physical strength. 眼前的沼泽中,百劫鬼手藤一根根藤条又渐渐晃荡起来,在逐渐的恢复气力。 Massive heaven and earth energy, from eight Fang Yonglai, assume the naked eye obvious amber brown air current to converge Hundred Coldhands Vine slowly, the locally born ghost hand cane is the Ancient Continent different races, has to gather the instinct of Ancient Continent energy self-recovery, now rapidly was restoring. 大量的天地能量,从八方涌来,呈肉眼可见的琥珀色气流慢慢汇入百劫鬼手藤,土生土长的鬼手藤为古大陆异类,拥有聚集着古大陆能量自愈的天性,如今已经在快速的恢复着了。 Knit the brows to look at a ghost hand cane, Shi Yan look cold severe, the body strong malignant influences fluctuated quietly. 皱眉看了一眼鬼手藤,石岩眼神冷厉,身上浓烈煞气悄然变幻。 Desolate lonesome and ice-cold killing intent, fills the air to spread swiftly from his fleshly body, covers the peripheral each corner, dies aura to disregard the earth wall barrier certainly, seeps quickly to the place bottom deep place. 一股荒寂、冰冷的死意,倏然从他肉身内弥漫蔓延开来,笼罩周边每一个角落,死绝气息能无视大地壁障,很快渗透向地底深处。 Various before peripheral kind of spirit medicine spirit grass, was eaten the food by the poisonous insect the cleanness, Ancient Continent has not had the wisdom biology, can, whatever he displays the deep meaning. 周边各类灵药灵草之前被毒虫啃食的干干净净,古大陆也没有拥有智慧的生物,可以任由他施展奥义。 Death Deep Meaning revolves, at this moment, he as if has become a not any life force corpse, to person a Death Qi heavy evil crafty feeling. 死亡奥义运转,这一刻,他仿佛成了一具没有任何生机的尸身,给人一种死气沉沉的邪诡感。 Is hiding in secret Shang Yingyue, this desire starts to that Hundred Coldhands Vine, suddenly the complexion changes, spills over the palpitation restless feeling,[ body] in probably all of a sudden energy by inexplicable energy suppressing, whole body is not suiting. 暗中潜藏着的商影月,本欲对那百劫鬼手藤下手,忽然脸色微变,泛出心悸不安的感觉,〖体〗内好像一下子能量被莫名能量给压制着,浑身都不对劲。 Shang Yingyue induced a while silently, suddenly thought[ body] in life force was affected greatly, exuberant qi and blood gradual was reduced. 商影月默默感应了一会儿,忽然觉得〖体〗内的生机大大受到影响,旺盛的气血逐渐的被消减了。 She changes colors with amazement, hurried cannot think that the entire energy concentrates, deals with the influence of Death Deep Meaning with rapt attention. 她骇然失色,急忙不敢多想,全部精力都集中起来,凝神应付死亡奥义的影响。 hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! If the death cold wind swayed, peripheral temperature iced quietly coldly biting cold, the bottom transmitted the strange sound. 如死亡阴风吹拂,周边温度悄然冰寒彻骨,地底传来奇异的声响。 Was being pulled God Body by several thousand monster insect tooth claw in Sha Zhao that the place bottom leads the way, at present is full is the mire contamination, some innumerable insects wriggle are clearing the way for him, enabling him to have one's wish in the place bottom move under water. 被数万妖虫牙齿爪子扯着神体在地底前行的沙鞪,眼前满是泥沼污秽,有无数虫子蠕动着为他开道,让他可以随心所欲在地底潜行。 Ice blue and quiet green gloss, braves to transgress from many beetle monster insects, darkly dawn of bottom photo. 冰蓝、幽绿的光泽,从许多甲壳虫般的妖虫身上冒逸出来,将幽暗地底照的蒙蒙亮。 The life gu insect of Sha Zhao chest is wriggling, the small claw is brandishing, as if the skilled craftsman is helping him sew to weave the wound generally, making his wound blood trig. 沙鞪胸口的本命蛊虫蠕动着,小爪子挥舞着,似乎能工巧匠一般在帮助他缝织伤口,让他伤口鲜血制住。 Pit-a-pat! 突突突! The Sha Zhao heart beats unexpectedly rapidly, the Soul Altar violent shaking, Sea of Consciousness continuously Divine Sense changes into the flying smoke. 沙鞪心脏蓦地急促跳动,灵魂祭台猛烈摇荡,识海一缕缕神识化为飞烟。 His complexion turns into scary azure purple, a eyes bead must stare, covers the chest to pant for breath in gulps, is out of control to obloquy. 他脸色变成骇人的青紫色,一双眼珠子都要瞪出来,捂着胸口大口大口喘息,禁不住大骂起来。 Is separated by not the far place bottom deep place with him, many monster insects and poison whole body cold and stiff, life force cut suddenly certainly, dying passed thoroughly. 和他相隔不远的地底深处,许多妖虫、毒物浑身僵冷,突然间生机就斩绝了,死的透透的。 Whenever a monster insect and poison death, Sha Zhao looked like the quilt steel[ needle] punctured, in short instants, whole body was gripped several hundred several thousand by the needle, that taste did not feel better absolutely. 每当一只妖虫、毒物死亡,沙鞪就像是被钢〖针〗刺了一下,在短短一霎间,浑身被针扎上数百数千下,那滋味绝对不好受。 Sha Zhao covers the chest, the complexion is being the azure purple, looks fierce, such as the monster of fiendish features, does not live is spitting the blood. 沙鞪捂着胸口,脸色呈青紫色,龇牙咧嘴,如青面獠牙的怪物,不住的吐着鲜血。 He perceived suddenly the intense palpitation is restless! 他忽然觉察到强烈心悸不安! The top of the head transmits swift and fierce surging, the Sha Zhao eye pupil is quiet, the influence number second, opened mouth whooshes suddenly. 头顶传来一股凌厉之极的波荡,沙鞪眼瞳幽亮,感应数秒,忽然张口嘶吼。 wū wū! wū wū! 呜呜呜!呜呜呜! If the wild beast low cry, innumerable insects gather, the flesh and blood wriggles to stir about mutually together. 野兽低鸣,无数虫豸聚集起来,血肉之躯相互蠕动搅合在一块儿。 Insect direct[ extremity] body lackey is interlocking, braves various color blood, over ten thousand insects condense, just like turns into one to have several points of similar monster with Sha Zhao. 虫豸直接〖肢〗体爪牙交错着,冒着各类色彩鲜血,上万虫子凝聚起来,俨然变成一个和沙鞪有着几分相似的怪物。 That monster precise numerous insect flesh and blood power, the arm forms the steel and iron anchor, maliciously to flying to ascend the sky. 那怪物凝炼众多虫子血肉力量,手臂汇成钢铁般的锚,狠狠地冲飞上天。 Sha Zhao actually does not dare to stop over, puts out blood essence, that blood essence volatilizes the fog, the peripheral monster insect and poison will give to cover. 沙鞪却不敢逗留,又吐出一口精血,那精血挥发成雾,将周边的妖虫、毒物都给罩住了。 This is Venom Religion one evil technique, can give to cover up monster insect poison aura, making people very difficult to search. 这是“蛊神教”的一种邪术,能够将妖虫毒物的气息都给遮掩起来,让人很难寻觅。 Scarlet rainbow light chops to chop together from the day, such as the meteor falls from the sky, attacks on anchor that maliciously, in that monster congeals, is only an instant, the anchor disruption, that and Sha Zhao has several points of similar monster fleshly body dismemberment, turns into many monster insects and poisons to flee and become separated in all directions. 一道血色虹光从天劈砍下来,如流星陨落,狠狠地冲击在那怪物凝结的锚上,只是一霎,锚碎裂,那和沙鞪有着几分相似的怪物肉身肢解,化成许多妖虫、毒物四处逃散。 Shi Yan on mire, is narrowing the eye secret sensation, discovered that even/including Yaochong, poison aura could not catch. 一处泥沼上的石岩,眯着眼睛暗暗感知,发现连妖虫、毒物的气息都捕捉不到了。 On Ancient Continent, the Divine Sense perception area and ability are quite limited, he is very difficult to be accurate Sha Zhao gives locking, can only through the monster the massive accumulations of insect and poison, guess the Sha Zhao position. 古大陆上,神识的感知范围和能力极为有限,他很难精准将沙鞪给锁定,只能通过妖虫、毒物的大量聚集,来猜测沙鞪的方位。 The monster insect and poison gather in the most point, comes to see should then to be in him the Sha Zhao hiding place, the fact showed that he judges right. 妖虫、毒物聚集最多的一点,在他来看应该便是沙鞪的藏身之处,事实证明他判断没错。 The Sha Zhao deceitful in many ways Venom Religion all sorts of evil technique are what a pity mysterious, can actually even/including Yaochong, poison give concealing. 可惜沙鞪狡诈多端“蛊神教”种种邪术玄奥非常,竟然能够连妖虫、毒物都给隐匿 He who pursues, discovered that after being hard Sha Zhao compels , can only helpless shaking the head sigh. 一路追击过来的他,发现难以将沙鞪逼出来以后,也只能无奈的摇头一叹。 Sha Zhao is Venom Religion Expert, Void God Third Sky Realm, definitely was a Ancient Continent dangerous extremely role, Sha Zhao has the strong interest to his Essence flame, this point he then discovers very early in the morning. 沙鞪为“蛊神教”的强者,虚神三重天境界,绝对是古大陆一名极其危险的角色,沙鞪对他身上的本源火焰有浓厚兴趣,这一点他一早便发现了。 He early knows that was impossible to be friendly with Sha Zhao, therefore got rid under the unexpectedness, has hit hard Sha Zhao. 他早知道和沙鞪不可能善了,所以在猝不及防下出手,重击了沙鞪 Three Bone Thorn contain the space spirit, Sha Zhao Void God Third Sky Realm, God Body cannot withstand, at this time the strength greatly limits, this desire seizes the chance to strike to kill Sha Zhao, what a pity ends in failure. 三根骨刺蕴藏空间锐气,沙鞪就算虚神三重天境界,神体也承受不住,此时实力大大限制,他本欲趁机将沙鞪击杀,可惜以失败告终。 When he discovered that the bottom insect is increasingly estranged, slowly after losing the fluctuation, he then prepares to leave to return, gathers Hundred Coldhands Vine. 等他发现地底虫豸渐行渐远,慢慢失去波动后,他便准备抽身返回,去收取百劫鬼手藤 Deep azure light, in the front endocrater deep place startled great wild goose one presently, azure light is purely clean, such as a space rainbow is hidden in the place bottom...... 一泓青光,在前方巨坑深处惊鸿一现,青光纯粹干净,如天上一道彩虹隐没在地底…… Shi Yan has gawked, sharply not slow does not go toward that side line, the complexion is amazed. 石岩愣了一下,不急不缓朝着那边行去,脸色惊诧。 That huge mouth strikes to rumble for his Blood Sword, such as basketball court spaciously, thoroughly bottom several hundred meters, profound profound, at this time some opacitas brooks are dripping the sewage toward the endocrater , the spirit medicine spirit grass of some there many smashing are also fluttering, watches one piece fiercely in confusion. 那巨口为他血剑一击轰出来的,如篮球场宽敞,深入地底数百米,幽深幽深的,此时有很多浑浊溪流正往巨坑内淌着污水,那儿也有很多粉碎的灵药灵草飘荡着,猛地一看一片狼藉。 Clean deep azure light, then brightly comes out from that endocrater purely, brightly like the moonlight, making his Void Realm shake slightly. 纯粹干净的一泓青光,便从那巨坑内部亮出来,皎洁如月华,让他虚界微微一震。 His sensation an instant, had discovered in rapt attention Void Realm that stars are dazzling, faintly in bouncing, in his Void Realm internal change extremely not law-abiding. 他凝神感知了一霎,发现虚界内那一颗繁星璀璨夺目,隐隐在跳荡着,在他虚界内变得极其不安分。 That stars, evolve for the star nucleus gradually, decorates in Void Realm, has become his Void Realm unusual scenery. 那颗繁星,为星核逐渐衍变而成,缀在虚界内,成了他虚界的奇特风景。 He is not very profound to the Void Realm cognition, until now still does not know marvelousness of Void Realm, however, since arriving at this Ancient Continent, the vice- soul transports energy to enter Void Realm unceasingly, he felt that Void Realm as if in gradual development, Void Realm that star also likely is increases. 他对虚界认知不够深刻,直到现在依然不知其中虚界的奇妙,然而,自从来到这古大陆以后,副魂不断输送能量虚界,他感觉虚界似乎在逐渐的拓展,虚界的那一颗星也像是变大许多。 hōng hōng hōng! 轰轰轰 Is feeling the change of Void Realm, he is wanting to find out, hears the abnormal noise suddenly, turns head to look. 感受着虚界的变化,他正欲过去一探究竟,突地听到异响,不由回头去看。 In the behind Hundred Coldhands Vine position, has ignited the turbulent flame at this time, the flame is not Heavenly Flame, burning hot energy that contains is not but actually bad, that side burning down rumbling makes noise, gives to dye the fiery red color the sky, is similar to the rosy cloud is ordinary. 身后百劫鬼手藤的方位,此时燃起了汹涌火焰,火焰并非天火,蕴藏的炙热能量倒也不差,将那边焚烧的轰轰作响,将天空都给染成火红火红的色彩,如同云霞一般。 Some people are starting to Hundred Coldhands Vine! 有人在对百劫鬼手藤下手! He understands immediately. 他立即明白过来。 An eye revolution, he is out of control snort|hum, under whose to know is hand, complexion gloomy gets down slowly. 眼睛一转,他禁不住哼了一声,已经知道是谁下的手了,脸色慢慢阴沉下来。 Looked at the front endocrater, he discovered that deep azure light already vanished, the stars in Void Realm also no longer tremble, turned head, he discovered pa pa that Hundred Coldhands Vine as if burnt down has made noise, hesitant, he deeply inspires, fleshly body power bursts out, flushes away in that direction rapidly. 看了看前方巨坑,他发现那一泓青光早已消失,虚界内的星辰也不再震颤,回过头来,他发现百劫鬼手藤似乎已经焚烧的啪啪作响了,犹豫了一下,他深吸一口气,肉身力量迸发出来,迅速往那个方向冲去。 ...... …… Big brother! That side has the fierce flame fluctuation!” “大哥!那边有剧烈的火焰波动!” A swamp corner/horn, grasps the steel and iron guy sonorous voice of great hammer calls that this guy height body expands, the golden great hammer such as grinding pan size, on the hammer the whole body sharp gold/metal thorn, is quite scary. 沼泽地一角,一名手持巨锤的钢铁般大汉声如洪钟的吆喝起来,这大汉身高体扩,金色巨锤如磨盘大小,锤子上全身锋利的金刺,极为骇人。 Was called by him makes big brother’s one person, is the personal appearance is thin, the appearance is delicate and pretty, the corners of the mouth are holding the swoonsome smile, a clothing of gorgeous special form, is customizes obviously, many beautiful jade decorate in an corner/horn, the person of elegant bearing that serves as contrast, has an imposing appearance, is very uncommon. 被他唤作大哥的一人,则是身形消瘦,模样俊美,嘴角噙着让人着迷的微笑,一身华美特体的衣衫,明显是度身定做的,有许多美玉缀在一角,衬托的此人风度翩翩,器宇轩昂,很是不凡。 Such intense flame fluctuation, will certainly arouse the attention of many person, um, should have any good thing to appear.” “这么强烈的火焰波动,一定会激起不少人的注意,嗯,应该有什么好东西出现。” The delicate and pretty man showed a faint smile, licks the lip angle, the look has underlined scarlet evil prepares to hunt.” 俊美的男人微微一笑,舔了舔唇角,眼神突显猩红邪恶“准备狩猎吧。” Ha Ha, good.” The guy howl like the thunder, raises is hammering excited to overrun greatly. “哈哈,太好了。”大汉啸声如雷,提着巨锤〖兴〗奋冲了过去。 ...... …… swamp other one changes. 沼泽另外一变。 Putty deep pool interior of contamination, the deep water mire rolls suddenly, a celebrity living thing appears slowly, the whole body mud, has a eyes eyeball ice-cold such as the cold blade. 一处污秽的泥潭内,忽然间潭水泥沼滚动起来,一名人型生物慢慢浮现,浑身泥浆,只有一双眼睛冰冷如寒刀。 He floats in mire Center, as if the clay figurine is common, coldly looks at distant place fiery red sky. 他浮在泥沼〖中〗央,仿佛泥人一般,冷冷看着远处火红的天空。 After a while, he suddenly sneaks mire, is similar to a creamy loach hovers in the mire, when God Body soft like snake, activity mire ripples have not appeared. 过了一会儿,他又忽然潜入泥沼,如同一条滑腻的泥鳅在泥沼内游动,神体柔软如蛇,活动时泥潭没有一丝涟漪显现。 ...... …… The mud splash, is evaporated at once the clod, inundates the Heavenly Flame red fireworks, composes a giant lantern faintly, binds Hundred Coldhands Vine. 泥浆飞溅,旋即被蒸发成泥块,漫天火红焰火,隐隐组成一个巨大的灯笼,将百劫鬼手藤都裹住。 Not far away, the Shang Yingyue graceful physique appears, black eyebrows tightens, on snow white left arm dark red such as the bangle of blood, spout the burning hot flame, poured into on that Hundred Coldhands Vine in abundance. 不远处,商影月曼妙身姿显现出来,黛眉紧锁,雪白左臂上的一个殷红如血的手镯,喷涌出了炙热火焰,纷纷注入那百劫鬼手藤上。 The Hundred Coldhands Vine innumerable rattan were split, abscission slowly under flame incinerator, as if will have any foreign matter to appear slowly. 百劫鬼手藤的无数藤条都干裂了,在火焰焚烧下慢慢的脱落,似乎慢慢将会有什么异物从中显现出来。 The Shang Yingyue beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, started to be excited. 商影月美眸异彩涟涟,已经开始激动起来。 The Disaster soul silk is quite important to her, this enters Ancient Continent to have must the thing, the Disaster soul silk is one, is the thing that she strives for vigorously. 百劫魂丝对她极为重要,她这趟进入古大陆有很多必须之物,百劫魂丝便是其中一个,是她极力争取的东西。 Also is so, clearly know Shi Yan possibly momentarily returns, she cannot repress the innermost feelings the excitement, immediately the visualization comes to refine Hundred Coldhands Vine by the rare treasure. 也是如此,明知道石岩可能随时返回,她还是按捺不住内心的激动,马上显形来以秘宝炼化百劫鬼手藤 She has not thought that because of her urgent, causing here sky such as to be burnt down, alarms the ruthless person who several will not crop up quickly. 只是,她并没有想到因为她的急迫,导致这儿天空如被焚烧,惊动了数名本来不会那么快冒头的狠人。 ...... ……
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