GOS :: Volume #12

#1110: Suddenly under killer!

„Do I thank you also without enough time? How to mind?” “我感激你还来不及呢?岂会介意?” Thought-provoking that Shi Yan smiles, very earnest begged: „, These monster insects and poison for me profits are really enormous, if you are willing to give, I will be deeply grateful surely!” 石岩笑的耐人寻味,很认真的央求道:“真的,那些妖虫、毒物对我来说益处极大,你要是愿意割舍,我定会感激不尽!” A sand generation of complexion changes, in heart obloquies, sent regards to the Shi Yan ancestor 18 generations. 沙辈脸色微变,心中大骂不已,将石岩祖宗18代都问候了一遍。 He has not clarified, actually in the Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness sudden bead is what, that bead he releases as if extremely restrains to the monster insect and poison that making him dread alarmed and afraid. 他至今也没有弄清楚,在石岩识海突然出现的珠子究竟是何物,那珠子对他释放的妖虫、毒物似乎极其克制,让他忌惮惊惧。 Hundreds of thousands of evil spirits and poisonous insects, can evolve to can invade the enemy soul have several hundred merely, each is extremely the rare intelligential wonderful treasure, is his lifeblood, preciously to the extreme. 数十万妖物、毒虫,能够进化到可以入侵敌人魂魄的仅仅只有数百只,每一只都是极其稀罕有灵性的奇宝,也是他的命根子,珍贵到了极点。 Has the intelligent intelligence, the poisonous insect and evil spirit that can invade others soul, can be called the cup insect truly, is cup god all sorts of evil technique medicines directs the basis, each refines the training evolution to consume the enormous energy, is cup god the believer formidable secret. 拥有智慧灵性,可以侵入别人魂魄的毒虫、妖物,才能真正称得上盅虫,也是“盅神教”种种邪术的药引根本,每一只炼制培养进化都要耗费极大的精力,是“盅神教”教徒强大的要诀。 Several this kind of top cup insects, were given the absorption to embezzle by the bead of Shi Yan mind all of a sudden, 十几个这类顶尖的盅虫,被石岩脑海的珠子一下子给吸收吞没, Sha Zhao almost spat blood three to rise, but must feign the action of having no intention, apologized to Shi Yan with a smile, this flushed to his intelligence simply devastates, sheared the meat on his heart. 沙肇差点吐血三升了,还要佯装无意之举,对石岩含笑道歉,这对他的神智简直就是一冲摧残,在他心脏上割肉。 That is the fault, the fault......” a sand generation of face hides to shiver, is restraining by force hot tempered of innermost feelings cloudy, the look clear uncertain, such as the volcano was being contained forcefully. “那是失误,失误……”沙辈脸皮子颤抖着,强压着内心的暴躁,眼神阴晴不定,如火山被强行遏制着。 That.” “那就算了。” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, narrows the eye complexion to relax, urged calmly: Also please continue to start to Hundred Coldhands Vine.” The Ice Poison Bead instantaneous trough ten monster insects and poisons urging a round of absorption, sharply have not been returning to his Void Realm, but is the submersion in his Sea of Consciousness Center, in Sea of Consciousness continuously Divine Sense such as the tentacle builds on Ice Poison Bead, Sea of Consciousness piece of yin cold were cold and still, are similar to the cold Jade Crystal bead of calming down. 石岩淡然一笑,眯着眼睛脸色放松,从容催促道:“还请继续对百劫鬼手藤下手。”淬毒寒珠瞬间槽十来只妖虫、毒物给催发吸收,没有急着返回他虚界内,而是沉没在他识海〖中〗央,识海内一缕缕神识如触手搭在淬毒寒珠上,识海一片阴寒冷寂,如同多了定神的寒玉晶珠。 Sea of Consciousness were many Ice Poison Bead, his spirit becomes extremely keen, one continuously consciousness to the sensations of these poisonous insect evil spirits, unexpectedly can accurate strange Zhun the judgment the life fluctuation of these monster insect and poison, but can also induce them[ body] is containing toxin many. 识海多了一枚淬毒寒珠,他精神变得极为敏锐,一缕缕意识对那些毒虫妖物的感知精准之极,竟然可以奇准的判断出那些妖虫、毒物的生命波动,还能感应到它们〖体〗内蕴藏着的毒素多少。 This makes Shi Yan rouse immediately. 这让石岩当即振奋起来。 He realized monster insect and poison that suddenly just Sha Zhao put, after by Ice Poison Bead to absorption, making some change of that Ice Poison Bead stimulate. 他忽然意识到刚刚沙肇放出来的妖虫、毒物,被淬毒寒珠给吸收后,让那淬毒寒珠的某种变化激发了出来。 Ice Poison Bead came from the ghost jellyfish, in world most mystical violently poisonous life, takes slurping various toxoid venom as to live, it may be said that is the source of toxin. 淬毒寒珠来自于亡魂水母,一种世间最神秘剧毒的生灵,以吸食各类毒素毒液为生,可谓是毒之源头。 Sand Bei trains refining up the monster insect and poison, contains the toxin, many toxic terrifying, the average man moved then can die a tragic death, some toxin can invade soul Sea of Consciousness directly, was hard to guard including God Clan Expert. 沙辈培养炼化的妖虫、毒物,大多数蕴藏毒素,很多的毒性非常恐怖,常人触碰便会惨死,有的毒素能直接侵入灵魂识海,连神族强者都难以防备。 However, to that Ice Poison Bead, is not troublesome, but is tonic therefore Ice Poison Bead faintly changes, is stopping over in his Sea of Consciousness temporarily, was anticipating likely more monster insect poison enters, wants more carefree eating. 然而,对那淬毒寒珠来说,一切都不是麻烦,而是补品所以淬毒寒珠隐隐发生变化,在他识海暂时逗留着,像是在期待着更多的妖虫毒物进入,想要更加畅快的饱餐。 Narrows the eye to feel the Sea of Consciousness change, the Shi Yan smiling face is being even more bright, stimulates to movement Sand Wing self-poise. 眯着眼睛感受着识海变化,石岩笑容愈发灿烂起来,镇定自若的催动沙翼。 Sand Bei clenches teeth secretly, on the face the smiling face is irritable, said: This begins, this begins......” Sha Zhao to continue to play the demon sound flute, the yin cold low quiet sad and shrill pipe sound makes these monster insect poisons crazy, is the sand floods into the mire deep place that Hundred Coldhands Vine hides likely in abundance, in the short several respiration interbreaths, has filled up the monster insect poison in that mire. 沙辈暗暗咬着牙,脸上笑容别扭,道:“这就动手,这就动手……”沙肇继续吹奏魔音笛,阴寒低幽凄厉的笛音让那些妖虫毒物都疯狂起来,像是沙粒般纷纷涌入百劫鬼手藤躲藏的泥沼深处,在短短数个呼吸间隔,在那泥沼内已经填满了妖虫毒物。 These monster insect poisons are wriggling body, lets toward mire deep place drill that the head skin tingles with numbness, eats the food several plants that in the mire grows clean. 那些妖虫毒物蠕动着身子,让人头皮发麻的朝着泥沼深处钻,将泥沼内生长的几株植物啃食的一干二净。 Their small eye appears cruel ominous severe green light, excited, such as smell the smell of blood Ferocious Beast, reveals the sharp tiny fang, is seething in swamp, earth-shaking that swamp stirs. 它们小眼睛显出残暴凶厉的绿光,一个个〖兴〗奋之极,如闻到血腥味的凶兽,露出尖利细小的獠牙,在沼泽内翻腾着,将沼泽搅的天翻地覆。 In swamp transmits the pa pa strange sound, should be the sound that the Hundred Coldhands Vine rattan wields strikes, very obviously that Hundred Coldhands Vine and these hundreds of thousands of poisonous insects and evil spirits stir together. 沼泽内传来啪啪的怪响,应该是百劫鬼手藤藤条挥击的声音,很显然那百劫鬼手藤和那些数十万毒虫、妖物搅在一块儿。 Sand Beihan the face, eyeground green light is spooky, the demon sound flute in mouth such as evil spirit sob, sound even more sharp sharp thorn ear. 沙辈寒着脸,眼底绿光幽幽,口中的魔音笛如厉鬼哭泣,声音愈发尖利刺耳。 His opened mouth puts out misty five colors miasma suddenly, miasma like cotton cloud, covers above swamp, transmits the strange liquid from these miasma, seeps the monster insect on swamp and poison. 他忽然张口吐出蒙蒙五彩瘴气,瘴气云棉,覆盖在沼泽之上,从那些瘴气内传来奇异的液体,渗透在沼泽内的妖虫、毒物身上。 These monster insects and poisons are in abundance crazy, gnawing not awfully is eating under Hundred Coldhands Vine, has the rattan crash-bang to appear gradually from swamp, such as the snake is swaying from side to side, as if in struggling vigorously, must get rid of any thing, appears extremely distressed. 那些妖虫、毒物纷纷疯狂起来,不要命的啃食着底下的百劫鬼手藤,渐渐地,有藤条从沼泽内哗啦啦的显现出来,如蛇般扭动着,似乎在极力的挣扎,要摆脱什么东西,显得极为狼狈。 Hides in Shang Yingyue of hidden place, beautiful pupil suddenly one bright, gathers while the monster insect and poison in swamp, copes that Hundred Coldhands Vine, she is quietly close toward here, is taking advantage of rare treasure strange, evades Shi Yan and sand wing actually their sensation and line of sight. 躲藏在暗处的商影月,美眸骤然一亮,趁着妖虫、毒物都聚集在沼泽内,去对付那百劫鬼手藤,她悄悄朝着这边重新接近,依仗着身上秘宝的奇异,硬是避过石岩和沙翼两人的感知和视线。 Shang Yingyue surprised looks at swamp, looks at Hundred Coldhands Vine little reveals, the looks at hundreds of thousands of monster insects and poisons crawl the rattan that full Gui hand cane each extends, the complexion loathing wrinkled the wrinkle, thought that a little creepy feeling, these dense poisonous insects make her have the desire that plants to vomit. 商影月惊奇看着沼泽,看着百劫鬼手藤一点点的显露出来,看着数十万妖虫、毒物爬满鬼手藤每一根伸展出来的藤条,脸色厌恶的皱了皱,觉得有点头皮发麻,那些密麻麻的毒虫让她有种想要呕吐的欲望。 She is controlling forcefully, comes the calm spirit wisdom by the ice cold strength, is preparing anything secretly. 她强行控制着,以冰寒之力来镇定灵智,在暗暗准备着什么。 The bangle of set on * snow white white arms, is glistening slowly, spreads out to obstruct the whip gradually, twines in the white and tender arm, she as if at any time prepares to get rid. 套在*雪白皓腕上的手镯,慢慢闪亮着,渐渐衍窒成鞭子,缠绕在白嫩臂膀,她似乎随时准备出手。 looks at Hundred Coldhands Vine as if tied up to trig, she is secret, the milk-white bosom skin disease of ballooning is moving, ripples the astonishing fluctuation, what a pity nobody can find her at this time the moving beautiful condition. 看着百劫鬼手藤似乎被捆缚制住,她暗暗激动,鼓胀的酥胸癞动着,荡漾起惊人的波动,可惜无人能瞧见她此时动人的美态。 Hundred Coldhands Vine was entangled to pull swamp by the monster insect and poison stiffly, these tiny monster insects and poisons as if are the Hundred Coldhands Vine difficult adversaries, that has been through repeatedly the Disaster ghost hand cane several thousand rattan to divide to chop to toss, appeared such being incapable, many sharp thorns on rattan by the monster insect and poison gnawing to eat. 百劫鬼手藤被妖虫、毒物给硬生生缠着牵出沼泽,那些细小的妖虫、毒物仿佛是百劫鬼手藤的克星,那历经百劫的鬼手藤数千藤条劈砍摇荡着,显得那么的无力,藤条上的许多尖刺都被妖虫、毒物给啃食掉了。 Its intelligence in little subduction. 它身上的灵性在一点点的消减着。 Sand Beihu the one breath, stopped playing the demon sound flute, chuckled smiling, then prepared to speak to make Shi Yan begin to refine Hundred Coldhands Vine. 沙辈呼了一口气,停止了吹奏魔音笛,嘿嘿笑了笑,便准备讲话让石岩动手炼制百劫鬼手藤 In this time, he suddenly is tempered with a sense of caution, the complexion all of a sudden becomes extremely ugly. 就在此时,他突然心生警惕,脸色一下子变得极其难看。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 Three white nose dense Bone Thorn, clear like White Jade, quietly from three long and narrow space slits for the first time presently, such as three bunches of thunder and lightning, instantaneous thorn to his chest. 三根白鼻森森的骨刺,晶莹如白玉,悄然间从三道狭长空间缝隙乍现,如三束雷霆闪电,瞬间刺向他胸口。 Sand generation of discolored, hurries to get rid to deal. 沙辈勃然变色,慌忙出手应对。 He had not expected that Shi Yan will choose started at this time! 他万万没预料到石岩会选择这个时候下手! When he plays the demon sound flute, is his Mental Energy most centralized time, Sha Zhao has been small 在他吹奏魔音笛的时候,是他精神力最为集中的时候,沙肇一直小 The heart is preparing vigilantly, in he thinks, Shi Yan must get rid, certainly will choose, when he plays the demon sound flute period, because he needs to take the trouble at that time imperial moves the monster insect and poison to pester Hundred Coldhands Vine, must consume part of energy. 心警惕的准备着,在他所想中,石岩真要出手,一定会选择在他吹奏魔音笛的期间,因为那时他需要费心御动妖虫、毒物来纠缠百劫鬼手藤,必须要耗费一部分精力。 At this time got rid to cope, came to see in him is also the best opportunity, he even also in secret exposed weaknesses, had a perfect plan, and other Shi Yan got rid suddenly. 这时候出手对付化,在他自己来看也是最好的时机,他甚至还暗中露出破绽,已经有了一个完美的计划,就等石岩忽然出手。 What a pity when Shi Yan when he sweeps the demon sound flute, continuously performance relaxes very much calmly, he tightens the nerve dark period of five days for a long time, anything has not occurred finally. 可惜石岩在他吹走魔音笛之时,一直表现的很放松镇定,他绷紧神经暗候许久,最终什么都没有发生。 The demon sound flute stops, Hundred Coldhands Vine was twisted, at this time the Shi Yan attention also places on the ghost hand cane, Sha Zhao thinks that Shi Yan has the idea to the ghost hand cane, saw with own eyes that the general situation has decided that the tight nerve relaxes finally, planned that makes Shi Yan refine the ghost hand cane, oneself from start in secret. 魔音笛停下,百劫鬼手藤被拧出来,此时石岩注意力也都放在鬼手藤身上,沙肇以为石岩真的对鬼手藤有想法,眼见大局已定,紧绷的神经终于放松下来,打算让石岩去炼化鬼手藤,自己从暗中下手。 But in this crevices, Shi Yan began! Comes happy defenseless! 可就在这个空隙间,石岩动手了!来的喜无防备! Three cleavage void Bone Thorn such as the thunder sharp knife blade, the direct thorn to his chest, the quick person cannot fluctuate the thought. 三根劈裂虚空的骨刺如雷霆利刃,直接刺向他胸口,快的人连念头都变幻不过来。 Puff Pu! 噗噗噗! Three sharp instruments enter the human voice to resound, the sand * a chest gorgeous mail-armor and helmet bursts, three monster different blood flower appear, the internal meat muscle blood clot is wriggling, several poisonous insects in his fleshly body, have the claw to cancel furiously in Bone Thorn are state-of-art, at risk of life is resisting, does not make three Bone Thorn submerge his heart. 三声锐器入肉声响起,沙*胸口一件华美甲胄破裂,三朵妖异的血huā显现出来,内部肉筋血块蠕动着,有几个毒虫他肉身之内,奋力地有爪子勾在骨刺尖端,拼死的抵挡着,不让三根骨刺没入他心脏。 That is he by the life cup god of flesh and blood raising! 那是他以血肉饲养的本命盅神! Sand Zheng a blood spout, the complexion is suddenly pallid, his fleshly body is damaged, this life cup god was hit hard, instant has then injured the cardiopulmonary fleshly body. 沙筝一口鲜血喷涌出来,脸色骤然煞白起来,他肉身受创,本命盅神跟着被重击,瞬时便伤了心肺肉体。 Quite vicious!” Sand Zhenghan face scream. “好狠毒!”沙筝寒着脸尖叫。 Shi Yan silent did not say, the complexion callous such as the cold blade, God Body shook loudly, ominous offense malignant influences soared to the heavens, a whole body joint resounding,[ body] in power such as the ocean waves stack-up, packs of rose. 石岩沉默不言,脸色冷酷如寒刀,神体轰然一震,一股凶戾煞气冲天,浑身骨节一阵脆响,〖体〗内力量如海浪层叠,一叠叠攀升起来。 When him[ body] in power rises suddenly crazily, he grasps a handle Blood Dripping Gem great sword, cross spatial, * chops to chop quickly toward the sand. 在他〖体〗内力量疯狂暴涨之时,他手持一柄血淋琳的巨剑,一步跨空,倏地朝着沙*劈砍过来。 The sky such as was been incarnadine by the great sword, has become the scary scarlet, a silent bloody constriction, covers suddenly. 天空如被巨剑染红,成了骇人的血色,一股沉默之极的血腥压迫感,骤然笼罩过来。 Sand Beixia soul destroyed/terror-stricken. 沙辈吓的魂飞魄散 Puchi!” 噗哧!” His opened mouth puts out one group of contamination blood, in the blood mixes with the hashed meat, in the hashed meat is parasiting many tiny poisonous insects. 张口吐出一团污秽鲜血,鲜血中夹杂着碎肉,碎肉内寄生着许多细小毒虫。 These poisonous insects are growing the blade thorn, has the small wing, was screaming sad and shrill that eats the hashed meat that eats him to spit to be quick crazily, sets out by the naked eye obvious speed ballooning, turns into gold/metal yellow, becomes the round. 那些毒虫长着刀刺,有微小翅膀,在凄厉尖叫,疯狂地啃食他吐出来的碎肉快,以肉眼可见的速度鼓胀起身子,变成金黄色,变得圆滚滚的。 The poisonous insects of ballooning, underline fiercely, takes place of the fallen to fire into Shi Yan, once approaches Shi Yan then suddenly to rupture, forms the terrifying energy impact on fluctuate instantaneously, peripheral void will give to confuse. 一只只鼓胀的毒虫,突显狰狞,前仆后继冲向石岩,一旦靠近石岩便突然爆裂,瞬间形成恐怖之极的能量冲击波动,将周边虚空都给搅乱。 The soybean size poisonous insect, has slurped the sand * after blood essence, by from exploding the way creates the heaven shaking energy storm, enables the Shi Yan short time to conflict unexpectedly. 黄豆大小的毒虫,吸食了沙*的精血以后,以自爆的方式造成惊天能量风暴,竟然让石岩短时间不能冲突进来。 Sand generation of whole face bloodstain, such as was blown the flower face with the bayonet, fiercely like malicious ghost. 沙辈满脸血迹,如被人用刺刀刮huā脸,狰狞如恶鬼。 He was calling out pitifully sad and shrill, the life cup god of chest wriggled the great strength, compelled fleshly body three Bone Thorn stiffly. 他凄厉之极的惨叫着,胸口的本命盅神蠕动出巨力,硬生生将三根骨刺逼出肉身 Sand Zheng puts on that Hundred Coldhands Vine in a panic, the body by the innumerable monster insects and poisons binding, these monster insect poisons scatters in all directions to run away suddenly, dives in various contamination rivers lakes. 沙筝仓惶地一头扑在那百劫鬼手藤身上,身子被无数妖虫、毒物给裹住,那些妖虫毒物忽然四散而逃,在各处污秽河流湖泊内下潜。 Clean that the short dozens seconds, hundreds of thousands of monster insects and poisons vanish, only the remaining these by the insect element of round the sand zheng spurts from snapping. 短短数十秒时间,数十万妖虫、毒物消失的一干二净,只剩下那些被沙筝喷出来的圆滚滚的虫素的自爆声。 My injuries restored, must make you be tasted by the taste of Wan Chongshi heart, I remembered you!” Sand Bei crazy sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, transmits from the bottom deep place spookily, increasingly estranged, in the speech, he fast is also running away, obviously at this time he fears extremely. “等我伤势恢复了,必让你被尝尝被万虫噬心的滋味,我记得你了!”沙辈疯狂凄厉的惨叫声,从幽幽地底深处传来,渐行渐远,在讲话的时候,他也在快速逃窜,显然此时他极为惧怕。
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