GOS :: Volume #12

#1109: Also?

Hundreds of thousands of monster insects and poisons crawl in the place, bunches of denseness and numerousness, likely are the dusky rugs, gave to overspread the surrounding area ten li (0.5km), took a liking to one to make head want to crack sorely. 数十万妖虫、毒物匍匐在地,一簇簇的密密麻麻,像是灰蒙蒙的地毯,将方圆十里都给铺满了,瞧上一眼都让人头疼欲裂。 These monster insects and poisons can corrode the will of the people soul! 那些妖虫、毒物能侵蚀人心魂魄! Sha Zhao knits the brows, the complexion is gloomy, is sizing up Shi Yan quietly, in the dark eye pupil such as Ghost Flame is jumping, strange evil. 沙鞪皱着眉,脸色阴暗难测,悄悄打量着石岩,幽暗眼瞳内如鬼火跳跃着,诡异邪恶。 He does not have to get rid immediately. 他没有立即出手。 Comes from the Venom Religion person, reconnaissance enemy side Realm power special method that one set is in sole possession, they can through opposite party qi and blood and spiritual even complexion ruddy degree, know that the opposite party fleshly body implication power, then accurately judges the opposite party[ really] solid power. 来自于蛊神教的人,都有一套独有的勘察敌方境界力量的特殊方法,他们能通过对方的气血、精神甚至脸色的红润程度,得知对方肉身蕴含的力量,进而准确判断出对方〖真〗实力量 Sha Zhao is very clear, the Realm height does not weigh the strength the sole criterion. 沙鞪很清楚,境界的高低绝不是衡量实力的唯一标准。 For example he, although also merely is only Void God Third Sky Realm, but he believes that general Origin God First Sky Warrior, will be given suppression miserable of very by him absolutely, will be struck to kill by him. 譬如他本人,虽然也仅仅只是虚神三重天境界,可他相信一般始神一重天武者,绝对会被他给压制的很惨,甚至会被他击杀。 He understands before , Shang Yingyue that leaves, is this kind of role, knows the Shang Yingyue status, this makes her withdraw easily. 他明白之前离开的商影月,也是这类角色,也知晓商影月的身份,这才让她轻易脱身。 Sha Zhao is narrowing the eye, spooky looks at Shi Yan, the look such as the soul line drifts in the air, such as the seaweed binds the Shi Yan whole body, in little sees clearly on him marvelous ............... 沙鞪眯着眼睛,幽幽看着石岩,眼神如魂线浮荡出来,如海藻般将石岩全身裹住,在一点点的洞察他身上奇妙…………… Shang Yingyue has not evacuated truly. 商影月并没有真正撤离。 She uses same rare treasure that Shang Chen gives, the God Body stealth, such as wipes the grey pale cloud, the stay of being quietly outside these monster insects and poisons the edge, the soul fluctuation and fleshly body qi and blood hides all, the sense of smell astonishing poisonous insect cannot catch. 她利用商辰给予的一样秘宝,将神体隐形,如一抹灰色淡云,悄无声息的逗留在那些妖虫、毒物外沿,灵魂波动和肉身气血尽数藏匿起来,连嗅觉惊人的毒虫都不能捕捉。 The Shang Yingyue tall and slender eyelash trembles, is staring at the two in poisonous insect distantly... Was anticipating secretly what good half sound, her beautiful pupil appears amazed puzzled. 商影月细长睫毛微颤,遥遥凝视着毒虫内的两人…暗暗期待着什好半响,她美瞳显出一丝惊诧不解。 Everywhere Sha Zhao in poisonous insect, quickly chuckled of strange cavity strange accent, said: Friend chatted, we come Ancient Continent have the respective goal... Does not need naturally unable the life and death fight, this offending somebody wound oneself not to have the advantage to everybody. Un, this, I compel Hundred Coldhands Vine, imprisons to tie up it temporarily, you refining up by the Essence flame by the friend, the Disaster soul silk that must come together how do your I divide equally?” 满地毒虫中的沙鞪,倏地怪腔怪调的嘿嘿笑了起来,道:“朋友说笑了,我们过来古大陆都是有着各自目的…没有必要自然不会生死搏斗,这伤人伤己对大家都没好处。嗯,这样吧,我将百劫鬼手藤逼出来,将其暂时禁锢捆住,由朋友你以本源火焰炼化,得来的百劫魂丝你我一起平分如何?” concealing Shang Yingyue... The elegant face suddenly becomes extremely strange, the heart covers entirely the riddle, surprised is staring at them. 隐匿着的商影月…俏脸忽然变得极其怪异,芳心布满谜团,惊讶的盯着两人。 Sha Zhao is Venom Religion below Origin God Boundary to Expert... He can have Guide Fruit to come Ancient Continent to show sufficiently Venom Religion trusts him extremely. 沙鞪为“蛊神教始神境以下至强者…他能持有“界引果”前来古大陆足以证明“蛊神教”对他极其信任。 Aunt Shang Yingyue has listened to the Sha Zhao fearful residual poison personally, therefore obviously is she who Hundred Coldhands Vine comes, initiative has given way to traffic, to prevent to have the conflict with Sha Zhao. 从母亲口中商影月听过沙鞪的可怕残毒,所以明明为百劫鬼手藤而来的她,都主动的避让了,就是为了防止和沙鞪发生冲突。 With is Void God Third Sky Realm, Shang Yingyue cannot exceed Sha Zhao self-confidently, does not think that the senseless death fights... Therefore drew back. 同为虚神三重天境界,商影月没有自信能够胜过沙鞪,也不想无谓的死斗…所以退了。 But Shi Yan obviously only then Void God First Sky, Sha Zhao dares to drive away itself to leave deliberately, why treats this small and weak, so will be friendly? 石岩明明只有虚神一重天,沙鞪敢蓄意驱赶自己离开,为何对待这名弱小者,会那么友善? Is he very formidable? 难道他很强大? Shang Yingyue is puzzling, but just like had a change to the view of Shi Yan, urged itself to want the discrete point. 商影月百思不得其解,但对石岩的看法俨然有了点变化,叮嘱自己要谨慎一点了。 She naturally does not know Sha Zhao by Venom Religion the mystique has found anything .................. 她自然不知道沙鞪以“蛊神教”的秘法瞧见了什么……………… Venom Religion that mystique is peeps god blood technique... Through peeping at Divine Sense, qi and blood and complexion judge a person of fleshly body intensity, the Soul Consciousness fining vigorous degree, for these years by wonderful accurate being well-known galaxy, in one of the famous strange technique for universe, is Venom Religion one of the several big evil technique very essences. 蛊神教”那种秘法为“窥神血术”…通过窥视神念气血面色来判断一人肉身强度,灵魂意识的精炼浑厚程度,这么多年来都以奇准闻名星河,为宇宙中著名的奇术之一,也是“蛊神教”几大邪术很精髓的一支。 Through peeps god blood technique the investigation, Sha Zhao through Shi Yan qi and blood and precise toxin of fleshly body muscle, the beat frequency of heart, the strangeness of soul does not have the trace, Sha Zhao drew the astonishing conclusion: Jin Jing who the fleshly body fining such as is repeatedly tempered... Divine Sense fining such as blood muscle! 通过“窥神血术”的探查,沙鞪通过石岩气血肉身肌肉的凝炼毒,心脏的跳动频率,灵魂的诡异无踪,沙鞪得出了惊人的结论:肉身精炼如千锤百炼的金晶…神识精炼如血筋! This is general Origin God Boundary the altitude that is hard to hope to attain! 这是一般始神境界者都难以企及的高度! Void God First Sky Realm, fleshly body and is the mental consciousness the so astonishing degree, how dare Sha Zhao despises? 一名虚神一重天境界者,肉身和精神意识达到如此惊人程度,沙鞪岂敢轻视? Especially from the beginning gets up, Shi Yan has not then displayed slight fear, but also dares to provoke on own initiative, this makes Sha Zhao even more vigilant, almost sets firm resolve instantaneously: The non- necessity, does not conflict with this person directly! 尤其是从一开始起,石岩便没有表现丝毫的畏惧,还敢主动挑衅,这让沙鞪愈发警惕,几乎瞬间下定决心:如非必要、决不和此人正面冲突! Shang Yingyue does not know Sha Zhao subordinate Venom Religion strange technique, the nature is bewildered, at heart a lot of fogs. 商影月不知沙鞪所属“蛊神教”的奇术,自然莫名其妙,心里一肚子雾水。 Shares the Disaster soul silk?” Shi Yan gives a calm smile, shot a look at a that mire deep place, is with ease free: Ok, that defers to you saying that you compel first Hundred Coldhands Vine, then imprisons restraint, then gives me to refine, um, I am just about to experience you Venom Religion secret technique.” “分享百劫魂丝?”石岩淡然一笑,瞥了一眼那泥沼深处,轻松自如道:“可以,那就按照你所言,你先将百劫鬼手藤逼出来,进而禁锢束缚,然后交给我来炼化吧,嗯,我正要见识见识你们‘蛊神教’的秘术。” Does not have the issue, the little brother waits freely relieved, earlier all gave me.” Sha Zhao Hehe laughs, the pitch-dark sleeve cuff slides a piccolo, on the piccolo covers entirely like the stars eyelet, on the bamboo flute portrays the snakewood design, appears very plain fine. “没问题,小兄弟尽管安心等候,前期一切交给我了。”沙鞪嘿嘿大笑,黑漆漆袖口滑出一根短笛,短笛上布满如星辰般的小孔,笛子上刻画着蛇纹般的图案,显得非常古朴精致。 wū wū! Hissing hissing hissing!” 呜呜呜!嘶嘶嘶!” Sha Zhao collects to the piccolo, narrows the eye to play gently, the whistle sound such as the ghost sobs, plaintive low quiet, if emits the society evil spirits. 沙鞪凑向短笛,眯着眼睛轻轻吹奏起来,笛声如鬼泣,哀怨低幽,如将一只只厉鬼放出人世间。 Under his low quiet whistle sound, peripheral air gradually yin cold biting cold, imitates , if there is monster soul in circling in flight to flutter, desolate drills toward soul Sea of Consciousness of person. 在他的低幽笛声下,周边空气渐渐阴寒彻骨,仿若有妖魂在飞旋飘荡着,冷森森的朝着人的灵魂识海内钻去。 Shi Yan indifferent eye pupil, suddenly for the first time present wisp of ice cold light. 石岩淡然的眼瞳,骤然乍现一缕冰寒冷光。 Hides Shang Yingyue of hidden place, is the elegant face changes, hurried stable mind, secret revolution power deep meaning. 躲藏暗处的商影月,也是俏脸一变,急忙稳固心神,暗暗运转力量奥义。 In Shi Yan and Shang Yingyue soul Sea of Consciousness, suddenly strange are many monster insects 石岩商影月的灵魂识海中,忽然诡异的多出一条条妖虫 Practices the toxin, the thing! 练毒,物! They such as Soul Consciousness fluctuates precise, imitates, if is the monster soul poisonous soul of monster insect and poison, unexpectedly in that instant that the whistle sound resounds, then easily drills into their Sea of Consciousness, exposes toweringly in their intent Sea of Consciousness ocean. 它们如灵魂意识凝炼变幻而成,也仿若便是妖虫、毒物的妖魂毒魄,竟然在笛声响起的那一霎,便轻而易举的钻入他们识海,在他们意识海洋内展露峥嵘。 Little brother, I plays the demon sound flute carefully time, the kid can law-abidingly, not aim at you actually intentionally.” The Sha Zhao sound is hoarse, on the face is piling the temperate smiling face, the sinister cold brightness that eyeground glittering micro may not actually look up. “小兄弟小心一点,我吹奏魔音笛的时候,小家伙都会不安分,倒不是故意针对你。”沙鞪声音沙哑粗糙,脸上堆着温和笑容,眼底却闪烁着微不可查的毒辣寒光。 Shi Yan and Shang Yingyue frowned, knows of pleasant to hear that this Sha Zhao said that although also looked at Shi Yan to be fierce, may not quite be willingly, to play the demon sound flute imperial to move the monster insect and poison to cope with the name of Hundred Coldhands Vine, probed the Shi Yan depth secretly, weighs him whether such as wants to be like that fierce. 石岩商影月都皱起眉头,知道这沙鞪说的好听,虽然也瞧出了石岩厉害,可还是不太甘心,以吹奏魔音笛御动妖虫、毒物对付百劫鬼手藤之名,暗暗来试探石岩的深浅,来衡量他是否真的如所想那般厉害。 Shi Yan is very at heart clear, if reveal the point unable to withstand slightly, reveals exhaustedly helpless, that Sha Zhao bloody method will submerge immediately, will not give him an opportunity. 石岩心里很清楚,如果自己稍稍显露点不堪,露出疲惫无奈,那沙鞪的血腥手段将会立即淹没过来,绝不会给他一丝机会。 In Sea of Consciousness, the innumerable poisonous insects are floating, reveals the close fang, wells up unexpectedly gradually toward his Soul Altar. 识海中,无数毒虫漂浮着,露出细密的獠牙,竟渐渐朝着他灵魂祭台涌来。 Looks at the stance of that monster insect and poison, as if must gnaw to eat his Soul Altar, nibbles the appearance that his soul embezzles gradually. 看那妖虫、毒物的架势,似乎一副要啃食他灵魂祭台,将他灵魂给逐步蚕食吞没的模样。 Shi Yan mind with amazement. 石岩心神骇然。 He had not expected really Venom Religion the method is so strange evilly, these present the monster insect in his Sea of Consciousness and poison are only the souls, actually imitates, if compared with[ really] solid fleshly body also fearsome, as if can gobble up Soul Altar, this evil technique lets him suddenly the panic-stricken desire certainly. 他真没有料想到“蛊神教”的手段如此奇诡邪恶,那些出现在他识海内的妖虫、毒物只是魂魄,却仿若比〖真〗实肉体还要可怖,似乎真的能吞吃灵魂祭台,这种邪术让他一时间惊骇欲绝。 He has not experienced so a weaponry, suddenly is somewhat helpless. 他没有经历过如此阵仗,突然有些手足无措起来。 Sha Zhao can with the poisonous insect and evil spirit soul of involvement these soul shapes, each poisonous insect and evil spirit likely be his eye, he also likely is takes advantage of opportunity to enter Shi Yan mind Divine Sense Center, very easily can the sensation to the Shi Yan condition, he also perceive that Shi Yan did not have the measure likely. 沙鞪能够和那些魂魄形态的毒虫、妖物灵魂勾连,每一只毒虫、妖物都像是他的眼睛,他也像是顺势进入石岩的脑海神识〖中〗央,很轻易的能感知到石岩的状态,他也觉察到了石岩像是没有应付手段。 In the Sha Zhao heart sneers constantly, to own Church gu god evil technique, arises spontaneously the proud feeling proudly. 沙鞪心中冷笑不迭,对自家教派的蛊神邪术,油然而生自豪傲然之感。 In the past .................. God Clan Expert little was gnawed to eat Soul Altar to perish by so evil technique, today this strength powerful boy, even if power fierce, how can also resist Venom Religion day gu food soul secret technique? 当年………………神族强者都被如此邪术一点点啃食灵魂祭台而亡,今日这实力强悍的小子,就算是力量狂烈之极,又如何能抵御“蛊神教”的“天蛊食魂”秘术 On Sha Zhao face smiling face by avoiding mentioning, to is slowly obvious, mood joyfully. 沙鞪脸上笑容由隐讳,至慢慢明显起来,心情愉悦之极。 After the monster insect and poison gnaw food soul, will evolve one after another, the opposite party soul is fining powerful, will be more obvious to these monster insect and poison profit intuitively. 妖虫、毒物啃食魂魄以后,会相继进化,对方魂魄越是精炼强悍,对那些妖虫、毒物的益处将会越明显直观。 When Sha Zhao as if finds these small adorable evolutions beautiful appearances .................. 沙鞪仿佛瞧见那些小可爱进化时的美丽模样……………… Shang Yingyue is not the Sha Zhao prime target, is dormant motionless in the poisonous insect and evil spirit of Shang Yingyue mind, but is in meaning of warning, making her not act rashly. 商影月并非沙鞪的首要对象,在商影月脑海的毒虫、妖物蛰伏不动,只是处于警告的意味,让她别轻举妄动。 Sha Zhao has not readily believed Shang Yingyue that words, Shang Yingyue and Shi Yan one group in the Sha Zhao heart, must scheme Hundred Coldhands Vine, he does not trust anybody, is making the plan suitable either way. 沙鞪没有轻信商影月的那番话,在沙鞪心中商影月石岩一伙的,也是要图谋百劫鬼手藤的,他不信任任何人,做着两手打算。 Once Shang Yingyue displays to rescue the Shi Yan intention, these poisonous insects and evil spirits will expose suddenly fiercely, enabling Shang Yingyue to spare the energy. 一旦商影月表现出要解救石岩的意图,那些毒虫、妖物都会突然展露狰狞,让商影月不能腾出精力来。 He handles affairs always the caution and care, any motion has the complete preparation. 他行事一向谨慎小心,任何行动都有完全的筹划。 Numerous monster insects and poisons are kicking, slowly emerges toward the Shi Yan Soul Altar deep meaning area, these tiny monster insects and poisons humming sound are eating delicacies strangely, making the Shi Yan headache want to crack, to get up including the consciousness very difficult fining, Sea of Consciousness was confused, making his spirit very difficult to concentrate. 众多妖虫、毒物扑腾着,慢慢往石岩灵魂祭台的奥义区内涌入,那些细小的妖虫、毒物嗡嗡怪啸着,让石岩头疼欲裂,连意识都很难精炼起来,识海被搅乱,使得他精神很难集中。 Saw with own eyes that the monster insect and poison approach the deep meaning level more and more, a biting cold ice cold meaning flashes before suddenly suddenly, deeply hides one in Void Realm jet black such as the ice cold bead of black ink, floats from Void Realm swayingly leaves, such as an evil different eyeball falls slowly to the deep meaning level, that is Ice Poison Bead! 眼见妖虫、毒物越来越靠近奥义层,突地,一股彻骨冰寒之意骤然闪现出来,深藏虚界内的一颗漆黑如墨的冰寒珠子,晃晃悠悠从虚界浮离,如一只邪异的眼球慢慢落向奥义层,那是淬毒寒珠 Ice Poison Bead is the ghost jellyfish soul precise thing, can swallow the violently poisonous thing, the woods cold biting cold, can blow the soul not to be accidentally discharged the Bedevilment misfortune. 淬毒寒珠为亡魂水母灵魂凝炼之物,能吞食剧毒之物,森寒彻骨,能镇住灵魂不受走火入魔的厄运。 Ice Poison Bead appears quietly, glittering leaves swiftly evilly different black light, Lianshui ripples. 淬毒寒珠悄悄浮现,倏然闪烁出一圈圈邪异黑光,涟水般荡漾出来。 Invades his Sea of Consciousness monster insect and poison to scream panic-stricken that such as the daytime damn withdraws in a panic, however, was spread by these monster insect and poison that black light covers, in any event works loose diligently, cannot fly from the Shi Yan mind. 侵入他识海的妖虫、毒物纷纷惊恐尖叫起来,如白日见鬼般仓惶退避,然而,被那些黑光蔓延罩住的妖虫、毒物,不论如何努力挣脱,都不能从石岩脑海飞离。 The Sha Zhao complexion is pale, the whistle sound in mouth is even more sad and shrill gratingly, his many poisonous insects insane generally rolling were shivering. 沙鞪脸色铁青,口中的笛声越发凄厉刺耳,他脚下许多毒虫都疯了一般滚滚颤动着。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 Each in Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness, by the monster insect poison that Ice Poison Bead covers black light, changes into wisp of dusky threads of smoke, sucked in Ice Poison Bead directly. 每一个在石岩识海内,被那淬毒寒珠黑光覆盖的妖虫毒物,都化为一缕灰蒙蒙的烟丝,直接被抽入淬毒寒珠内。 Shortly, invades his Sea of Consciousness monster insect poison, unexpectedly nibbled clean. 顷刻间,侵入他识海的妖虫毒物,竟然被蚕食的一干二净。 Shi Yan Sea of Consciousness restores to stabilize peacefully, eye pupil micro, he has smiled cloudy sadly, grins to say to Sha Zhao: „ Taste is good, should be the thing of big making up, warm-hearted presenting thank you. 石岩识海重新恢复太平安定,眼瞳微缩,他阴恻恻的笑了起来,冲沙鞪咧嘴赞道:“滋味不错,应该是大补之物,谢谢你的热心馈赠。 , He has smiled even more elated: „?” 顿了一下,他笑的愈发欢畅:“还有么?” The Sha Zhao look delay, good half sound, awkwardly saying: Sorry, once I play the demon sound flute, some temper cruel kids will become will be uncontrolled, this will be the fault, will also ask the little brother do not mind.” 沙鞪眼神呆滞,好半响,才尴尬至极道:“抱歉,我一旦吹奏魔音笛,一些性子残暴的小家伙都会变得不受控制,这是失误,还请小兄弟不要介意。” The salen bows in salute continually the apology, a sincere guilty appearance, making Shang Yingyue that watches in secret even more panic-stricken unclear. 沙连连作揖道歉,一副诚恳愧疚的模样,让暗中观看的商影月愈发惊骇不明。
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