GOS :: Volume #12

#1108: Venom Religion

Hundred Coldhands Vine over a hundred several thousand rattan and using, fly from that filthy mire, extremely quick flees toward the distant place. 百劫鬼手藤成百数千藤条并用,从那污浊泥沼内飞离出来,极快的朝着远处遁走。 Peripheral covers entirely all sorts of spirit medicine spirit grass, is growing the trees of many branches and leaves Mao prestige, various lakes are whether or not clean, bunches is spreading disorderly, in the air has moist water vapor, energy is abundant. 周边布满种种灵药灵草,也生长着不少枝叶茂威的树木,各类湖泊不论是否干净,都一簇簇的凌乱散布着,空气中有着一股潮湿的水汽,能量非常充沛。 hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! The strange sound also in the rapid proximity, Shi Yan and Shang Yingyue hides in separately a grove, frowns is waiting. 奇异的声音还在迅速的接近,石岩商影月分别藏身一处树丛内,皱着眉头在等候着。 Hundred Coldhands Vine that long time, that before did not flee however appeared black, the innumerable rattan such as the antenna was paddling the muddy land, hurriedly before it filthy swamp Chi Neizuan who hid. 多时,那之前逃离的百劫鬼手藤黑然又显现出来,无数藤条如触角划动着泥泞土地,急匆匆的往它之前藏身的污浊沼泽池内钻。 Shi Yan is astonished however. 石岩讶然。 Before coming, he listened to Shang Chen to say Ancient Continent Desolate the situation, in this Ancient Continent did not have the major race lives, Monster Clan, Devil Clan and person the clan and so on vivid lives totally not to save, every other ten thousand years, these entered Desolate various clan Warrior, will be pushed to fall directly. 过来之前,他听商辰说过古大陆“荒”的情况,在这古大陆中没有各大种族生灵,妖族魔族、人族等等有血有肉的生命一概不存,每隔万年,那些进入“荒”的各族武者,也都会被直接推摔出去。 But in has many Genesis Level raw material for medicine spirit grass in Desolate, they do not have the flesh and blood, has the simple consciousness, this is the spirit of plant. 但在“荒”内有很多元始级的药材灵草,它们没有血肉,却有着简单的意识,这是植物之灵。 According to Shang Chen, the spirit of plant had the long-lived age, cannot get down with Monster Clan and Devil Clan like that survival cultivation, the spirit of plant grew to the certain extent, it is said met energy to diverge, turned over to the ruins in Ancient Continent, will not bring about the change to Ancient Continent heaven and earth natural law. 按照商辰所言,植物之灵都有寿龄,不能和妖族魔族那般一直存活修炼下去,植物之灵生长到一定程度,据说会能量散去,重新归墟在古大陆,不会给古大陆天地规则带来变化。 The vivid life is different, for example person clan, for example God Clan, so long as Realm is profound enough, is having the endless life simply. 有血有肉的生灵则是不一样,譬如人族,譬如神族,只要境界足够精深,简直拥有着无尽的生命。 So long as survival in Shi, these race lives will plunder heaven and earth energy cultivation, will not have the star of life growth energy of limit is full again, if this kind of Expert are too many, will consume slowly cleanly, finally becomes the dead star. 只要存活于世,这些种族生灵都会掠夺天地能量修炼,会没有止境的成长能量再充盈的生命之星,如果这类强者太多,也会慢慢消耗干净,最终成为死星。 Grace Mainland is also Ancient Continent, may pass through great ancient era, old ancient era and distant ancient era change, breeds numerous Immemorial lives, presented God Clan, Devil Clan and other big races 神恩大陆也为古大陆,可经过太古时代上古时代远古时代的变迁,孕育出众多太古生灵,还有出现了神族魔族等十大种族 Until now energy also completely exhausted. 到如今能量也全部耗尽了。 Desolate as if very early in the morning realized that this point it is in Ancient Continent extremely selfish one kind, is similar to mother does not have a child general, forever maintains young pretty, forever health rich vigorous life force. “荒”似乎一早就认识到了这一点它算是古大陆中极为自私的一类,如同母亲不生孩子一般,永远保持年轻貌美,永远健康并富有勃勃生机 Hundred Coldhands Vine is the spirit of plant on Ancient Continent presents, has the fuzzy simple consciousness 百劫鬼手藤古大陆上出现的植物之灵,有模糊简单的意识 So-called Disaster, refers to for hundred years is a tribulation, Disaster is about ten thousand years of this is also the annual ring limit of Hundred Coldhands Vine, it has ten thousand years of long-lived ages 所谓百劫,是指百年为一劫,百劫才不过万年这也是百劫鬼手藤的年轮限制,它只有万年的寿龄 Then can naturally dissipate to the time, energy returns to Ancient Continent. 一到时间便会自然消散掉,能量重返古大陆 Shi Yan eye looks at it hides in swamp, frowns in the looks at hand the introduction of books that related Hundred Coldhands Vine, the secret heart is startled. 石岩看着它躲藏在沼泽内部,皱着眉头看着手中书籍那有关百劫鬼手藤的介绍,暗暗心惊。 Hundred Coldhands Vine tenacious such as cold crystal, has the consciousness, the deep storehouse mire contamination place, after building up, about ten thousand rattan can form the Disaster soul silk, is Genesis Level rare object, can quenching the soul class God Weapon advantage early morning...... 百劫鬼手藤坚韧如寒晶,有意识,深藏泥沼污秽处,炼化后近万藤条能形成百劫魂丝,为元始级奇物,能淬炼灵魂类神兵利晨…… This is record in Shang Chen books. 这是商辰书籍内的记载。 Added that Hundred Coldhands Vine is extremely formidabe, once conceal enters the growth in swamp, generally not easy to compel it. 还说百劫鬼手藤极难对付,一旦藏入生长的沼泽内,一般不容易将其逼出来。 Receives quietly that books, by the ancient wooden branches and leaves slit, he shot a look at front trees Cong Yenei Shang Yingyue. 悄悄将那书籍收起,透过古木枝叶缝隙,他瞥了一眼前方树木丛叶内的商影月 The trees that they are at have dozens meters big, the branches and leaves cover, covers heaven and earth, let alone hides 12 individuals, is ten people enters, does not pay attention is very incognizable. 两人所在的树木有数十米高大,枝叶茂密之极,遮天盖地的,别说躲藏12个人,便是十来人进入其中,不注意也很难觉察。 Ancient Continent has marvelous influence to Divine Sense, is very difficult to catch the surrounding life to fluctuate including Shi Yan Divine Sense, he believes with his same entrant, will be limited, here, the eye is the sharp weapon of search target, therefore hides in the leaf does not appear laughable. 古大陆神识有奇妙的影响,连石岩神识都很难捕捉周围生命波动,他相信和他一样进入者,也会受到限制,在这儿,眼睛才是搜查目标的利器,所以藏匿在树叶内并不显得可笑。 Sand rustle! 沙沙沙! , From transmits the disorderly sound suddenly in all directions, slowly emerges. 忽地,从四面八方传来凌乱声响,慢慢涌入过来。 Shi Yan narrows the eye to gaze at earnestly, suddenly expression changes, the complexion was blue. 石岩眯着眼睛认真注视,忽然间神色一变,脸色都青了。 Various the dense and numerous kind of poisonous insects, have the snake, Feitianwugong, green foot spider, heavy line scorpion wait / etc. insect poisons, looked dusky one piece by piece, has welled up like waves, feared that will have hundreds of thousands, peripheral will give to block from surrounding all of a sudden. 密密麻麻的各类毒虫,有蛇、飞天蜈蚣、绿脚蜘蛛、黑线蝎子等等虫豸毒物,一眼望去灰蒙蒙一片片,如海浪般涌了过来,怕是有数十万之多,一下子将周边都给遮住包围。 These insect poisons embezzle along the road all contain the energy spirit medicine spirit grass, one trunk and branches leaves do not let off, such spreads, all plants were embezzled. 那些虫豸毒物沿路吞没所有蕴藏能量灵药灵草,一片枝干叶子也不放过,这么一路蔓延过来,所有植物都被吞没。 The moist land exposed comes out directly. 潮湿土地直接裸露出来。 Hundreds of thousands of poisons and monster insects submerge tidal, some gyrate in the day, such as the dense cloud cluster, gave to block from the day and place. 数十万毒物、妖虫潮水般淹没过来,有的则是旋动在天,如黑压压的云团,将天和地都给遮住了。 Hissing hissing! 嘶嘶! The strange howl from transmits in all directions, counter- spin reverberation, prolonged, as if sounding of some type of bamboo flute, in imperial moves is directing the poison and monster insect. 奇异的啸声从四面八方传来,反旋回荡,经久不息,似乎某种笛子的鸣叫,在御动指挥着毒物、妖虫。 Shi Yan complexion gloomy and cold, calms down slowly, indifferent looks at close poisonous insect evil spirit. 石岩脸色阴冷,慢慢冷静下来,淡然看着接近的毒虫妖物。 He knows that on Ancient Continent should not have this kind to have the monster insect poison of flesh and blood, certainly brings with his same Outsider, some howl people that peripheral transmits are playing obviously, to these monster insect poison direction directions, affirmed in secret is hiding one person. 他知道古大陆上应该没有这类有血肉的妖虫毒物,一定是和他一样的外来者带过来的,周边传来的啸声显然是有人在吹奏着,给那些妖虫毒物指引方向,暗中肯定藏着一人。 Shang Yingyue on opposite trees, the complexion in the branches and leaves sends coldly, a loathing of face dreaded that as if not adapt very much. 对面树木上的商影月,在枝叶内脸色发寒,一脸的厌恶忌惮,似乎很不适应。 The woman instinct dreads this kind of small living thing, she is no exception, looks at these monster insect poisons approach gradually, Shang Yingyue early one step releases power, making surrounding Cold Qi cold, making that trees by the ice crystal freezing. 女人天性畏惧这类微小的生物,她也不例外,看着那些妖虫毒物渐渐靠近,商影月早一步释放力量,让周围寒气冷冽,让那树木被冰晶给冻住了。 The ground get lost the monster insect and poison that wells up to wriggle like waves suddenly, the monster insect and poison overlap to gather, fluctuates gradually a fuzzy face early morning 地面如海浪般滚涌的妖虫、毒物忽然蠕动起来,妖虫、毒物重叠聚集着,渐渐地,变幻出一张模糊的脸晨 ...... …… That is an old gloomy Mr. Dark Spirit Clan, on the face as if covers entirely the lump, ugly fierce, his God Body initial is been precise by the monster insect and poison, slowly the regeneration change, after a while congeals, with average man not different. 那是一名苍老阴森的暗灵族老头,脸上似乎布满疙瘩,丑陋狰狞,他神体初始由妖虫、毒物凝炼,慢慢再生变化,过了一会儿凝结完毕,和常人无异。 He grins hoarse strangely chuckled, the body is binding the black robe quietly, in the gown a skinny hand, distant point to the Shang Yingyue direction. 他咧嘴沙哑的嘿嘿怪笑着,身上悄然裹着黑袍,袍子中一只枯瘦的手,远远点向商影月的方向。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 The innumerable insects have welled up crazily, Shang Yingyue remains the even old tree 无数虫豸疯狂涌了过去,商影月剩平的古树 Crawls instantaneously the full several thousand monster insects and poisons, in short ten seconds 瞬间爬满数万妖虫、毒物,在短短十来秒时间 That The old tree collapses loudly, the leaf trunk and branches rapidly is vanishing, by these monster insects and poisons embezzling. 古树轰然倒塌,树叶枝干都在迅速消失,被那些妖虫、毒物给吞没了。 God Body is pestering the say|way azure quiet thunder and lightning Shang Yingyue, the loathing is stagnating in everywhere the poisonous insect evil spirit, lightnings are hovering in his, making these monster insect poisons not dare to close up easily. 神体纠缠着道道青幽雷电商影月,厌恶的在满地毒虫妖物中停滞着,一圈圈闪电在他脚下游动着,让那些妖虫毒物不敢轻易靠拢。 You are Shang Chen and An Liya's daughter, did you call Shang Yingyue?” That Dark Spirit Clan old man saw her to come, stares has been sizing up several, suddenly chuckled, „ said that you must come Guide Fruit, but also came from our Sorrow Dock Star Field, came from us. “你是商辰和安丽雅的女儿,你叫商影月是吧?”那暗灵族的老头见她现身,盯着打量了几眼,忽然嘿嘿笑了起来,“说起来,你们得来的界引果,还来自于我们坞恫星域,来自于我们。 You are Sorrow Dock Star Field Venom Religion person?” The Shang Yingyue complexion changes, in beautiful pupil appears dreading that wipes to avoid mentioning. “你是坞恫星域蛊神教’的人?”商影月脸色一变,美眸中显出一抹隐讳的忌惮。 Sorrow Dock Star Field and Mirage Fog Star Field type, is the star of vast galaxy extremely famous high grade life, star territory overall influence extremely powerful, is minority God Clan does not dare easily the star territory that begins to bribe, star territory power wants powerful compared with Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field. 坞恫星域雾幻星域样,都是浩淼星河极为著名的高级生命之星,星域整体势力极为强悍,也是少数神族不敢轻易动手染指的星域,星域力量要比火雨星域玛琊星域都要强悍 Reason that the shipyard bright star territory makes God Clan not dare to start the war easily , because Sorrow Dock Star Field is the star territory that Venom Religion dominates, in this universe most mystical school, fine God Passage secret evil technique, is the ruthless role that the major races do not dare to provoke. 坞炯星域之所以让神族都不敢轻易开启战端,是因为坞恫星域乃“蛊神教”把持的星域,这个宇宙中最为神秘的流派,精通神邪术,是各大种族都不敢招惹的狠角色。 Venom Religion the person is good at with poisoning poisonous emanations from insects, it is said can straddle zones the murder, lets person Soul Altar such as not can see poisonous insect eats the food, little crushing falls. 蛊神教”的人擅长用蛊毒,据说能跨界杀人,让人灵魂祭台如被看不见的毒虫啃食,一点点的碎烂掉。 It is said in the past Expert of God Clan 12 respected families, once wanted to get rid to Sorrow Dock Star Field, in addition what a pity that person cannot convince family Expert, then bewildered Soul Altar daily disrupts, was away from the star territory striking to massacre, at that time that God Clan family looks at he life failure, actually did not have any means treatment helplessly day-by-day. 据说当年神族12大家族的一名强者,曾想要对坞恫星域出手,可惜那人尚且没能说服家族强者,便莫名其妙灵魂祭台天天碎裂,被人隔着星域给击杀掉了,当时那个神族家族眼睁睁看着他一天天生命衰竭,竟然没有任何办法救治。 This sounds the alarm to that family all people, lets that family has also cancelled coping plate god thought. 这给那个家族所有人敲响警钟,让那个家族也打消了对付“盘神教”的念头。 Naturally, reason that many people said God Clan have not waged a war , because Venom Religion is only defending Sorrow Dock Star Field, has not displayed the intense aggressiveness, has not formed the conflict with God Clan, in addition Venom Religion the great strength, God Clan is also thinks that after other star territory wrests away, slowly the vision will shift to Venom Religion. 当然,很多人都说神族之所以没有大动干戈,是因为“蛊神教”只守着坞恫星域,没有表现出强烈的侵略性,没有和神族形成冲突,加上“蛊神教”的强大,神族也是想等将别的星域霸占后,才会慢慢将目光转移到“蛊神教”。 Even if so, nobody dares to deny Venom Religion fierce, this Sorrow Dock Star Field evil Church, is grasping in the universe most mystical evil technique, powerful Origin God also dreads exceptionally. 即便如此,也没有人敢否认“蛊神教”的厉害,这个坞恫星域的邪恶教派,掌握着宇宙中最为神秘邪术,就连强悍始神也都忌惮异常。 Good, I come from Sorrow Dock Star Field, named Sha Zhao.” That Venom Religion old man grins smiles, reveals dense white teeth, extremely fearsome. “不错,我从坞恫星域而来,名叫沙肇。”那蛊神教老者龇牙一笑,露出森森白牙,极其可怖。 Sha Zhao!” Shang Yingyue calls out in alarm, complexion getting up with deep veneration even more, I listened to mother to say you, below Venom Religion Origin God most Expert!” 沙肇!”商影月惊呼,脸色愈发的肃然起来,“我听母亲说过你,蛊神教始神以下的最强者!” Ha Ha, overpraised.” Sand often coarse smiling, said: I am take the Disaster soul silk, doesn't hinder you?” “哈哈,过奖过奖。”沙常难听的笑着,说道:“我是来取百劫魂丝的,不妨碍你吧?” Does not hinder.” Shang Yingyue look glittering, said lightly: If did not mind that I want to leave here, does not disturb you for a while.” “不妨碍。”商影月眼神闪烁了一下,淡淡说道:“若是不介意,我想离开这儿了,也是为了一会儿不打搅你。” You do as you please.” Sha Zhao deep looks at she, roar suddenly in a soft voice lowly, then sees that innumerable poisonous insect evil spirit to make way on own initiative a path, leaves to Shang Yingyue. “你请便。”沙肇深深看着她,忽地轻声低啸,然后便见那无数毒虫妖物主动让开一条道路,给商影月离开。 Shang Yingyue not hesitant, light under 0.1, then evacuates toward outside, soon when goes out of these poison monster insect encirclement rings, the back was saying one to Sha Zhao indifferently: „The person in that grove, has not related with me, I stated first ahead of time that do not think I have other attempt.” 商影月没有犹豫,轻0.1下头,便朝着外面撤离,快要走出那些毒物妖虫包围圈之时,背对着沙肇淡然说了一句:“那个树丛中的人,和我没关系,我先提前声明,你别以为我有别的企图。” The words, she picks up the speed, the electricity clashes to the monster insect poison circle generally. 话罢,她加快速度,电一般冲离妖虫毒物圈。 Sand Juleng, chuckled, said suddenly: Friend comes out a to chat.” 沙举愣了一下,忽然嘿嘿笑了起来,道:“朋友出来一叙吧。” The direction that Shi Yan gloomy and cold looks at Shang Yingyue vanishes, deeply inspires, falls on own initiative from the leaf, the sole ignites the turbulent roaring flame suddenly. 石岩阴冷看着商影月消失的方向,深吸一口气,主动从树叶内落下来,脚底忽然燃起汹涌烈焰。 Numerous poison monster insect fends in abundance, has made the space of stopping over to him, many poisonous insects were shouting sharply, as if ignited the fighting spirit, appeared extremely excited. 众多毒物妖虫纷纷闪避,给他腾出了落脚的空间,很多毒虫尖利叫着,似乎燃起斗志,显得极其兴奋。 The Sha Zhao eye has shone quietly, full of enthusiasm looks at the blazing flame of his sole, Essence flame! Hehe, unexpectedly is the Essence flame! Wonderful, is extremely wonderful!” 沙肇眼睛悄悄亮了起来,兴致勃勃看着他脚底的炽热火焰,“本源火焰!嘿嘿,竟然是本源火焰!妙,极妙!” „Do you want?” Shi Yan asked calmly. “你想要?”石岩平静问。 Sha Zhao repeatedly nodded, said earnestly sincerely: „The Essence flame is very rare, to us Venom Religion the believer, this kind of flame has the unique wondrous use, Little Brother whether to give up what one treasures?” 沙肇连连点头,认真诚恳道:“本源火焰很罕见,对我们‘蛊神教’的教徒来说,这类火焰有着独特的妙用,小哥能否割爱?” Can.” Narrowed the eye, Shi Yan has also been smiling, pointed at the head saying: It and my soul fused, you have killed me, can obtain, very simple.” “能啊。”眯着眼睛,石岩也笑了起来,指着脑袋道:“它和我灵魂融合了,你杀了我,就可以得到了,非常的简单。” Sha Zhao knits the brows silent. 沙肇皱眉沉默。 ps: Sorry, today also has one. ps:抱歉,今天又只有一更了。 Un, explained slightly the situation, a family member has gotten the lung cancer early this month, I smoke too ominously, clean the teeth in the morning cough frequently the bleeding silk, to this matter one startled, half dead that frightens seriously. 嗯,还是稍稍解释一下情况,月初一个亲人得了肺癌,我抽烟太凶,早晨刷牙经常咳出血丝,给这件事一惊,当真吓的半死。 Also from obtaining that news, smokes several years of I, finally sets firm resolve to stop smoking. 也是从得到那个消息起,抽烟十几年的我,终于下定决心戒烟。 The son too empirical ego writes a book many years of body to be very bad, does not think really have any accident, to put it bluntly, my fearing death sincerity fears. 儿子太小我写书多年身体已经很差,真不想自己有什么意外,说白了,我怕死真心怕啊。 To today, 20 days have not bumped the smoke, has not pulled out, to be honest, this affects my writing efficiency extremely. 到今天,有20天没碰烟,真的一根没抽,老实说,这极度影响我的写字效率。 Makes me sit to the dependence of smoke each time in front of the computer, a brain blank, the heart does not calm down. 对烟的依赖性让我每次坐在电脑前,脑子一片空白,心根本静不下来。 Each time is the tremendous tests, recently has been supporting, I was the sincerity want to abstain, I know that will affect my renewal, but I know that will have such a difficult time, can cross to get rid, hopes that everybody understood the support. 每次都是巨大考验,最近一直在撑着,我是真心想戒了,我知道会影响我的更新,但我知道会有这么一段困难期,能越过就能摆脱掉,希望大家理解支持。 The statement, I will not want any ticket, anything does not struggle, succeeds until me. 声明,在此期间我不会要任何票,什么也不争,直到我成功。 Sorry that asking everybody to forgive, please give me time, bowed ~~ 很抱歉,请大家谅解,也请给我一点时间,鞠躬~~
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