GOS :: Volume #12

#1107: Hundred Coldhands Vine

Tenacious such as the rattan of iron, is growing the dense corner thorn, waves flap flap like the electricity, the peripheral many obstacles will crush directly. 一条条坚韧如铁的藤条,生长着森森棱刺,舞动间猎猎如电,将周边许多障碍物直接粉碎。 That monster cane like the mountain, rattan is infinite, the strength is aggressive, as if can also resist various power to attack, thunder and lightning power that the female releases, cannot bring many wounds to create to the monster cane from the start. 那妖藤如山,藤条无限,力道生猛可怕,似乎还能抵御各类力量冲击,女子释放的雷电力量,压根不能给妖藤带来多少伤创。 Rattan circle in flight, instead moves the sector to draw in her slowly, making the place that she can walk randomly fewer and fewer...... 一条条藤条飞旋间,反将她活动区间慢慢收拢,使得她能够游走的地方越来越少…… On rattan many corner thorns, once has delimited from her side, will bring the swift and fierce astral wind, her tender body that blows trembles lightly, when these rattan move her clothing, her obvious material quality special blue color brocade clothes, will be scratched openings. 藤条上许多棱刺,一旦从她身旁划过,都会带来凌厉之极的罡风,吹的她娇躯轻颤,当那些藤条触碰她衣衫之时,她那明显材质特殊的蓝色锦衣,会被划出一道道口子。 That water blue women's clothing, was torn many, making her spring scenery release for the first time, sections of the young and fresh-looking flesh appears white temporarily. 那一身水蓝色的衣裙,被撕裂许多,让她春光乍泄,一截截白暂水嫩肌肤显现出来。 She more worries, aura is disorderly, Soul Altar gradually becomes insufficiently calm, thunder and lightning and conflict of frost ice deep meaning instead presents, making power that she attacks instead look to reduce. 她越是着急,气息越是凌乱,灵魂祭台逐渐变得不够冷静,雷电冰霜奥义的冲突反而呈现出来,使得她攻击的力量反而看减。 In general, cultivation different power deep meaning, such as thinks of the method that can find to complement one another, or the power fusion, often can release a higher level a might of power deep meaning, naturally, there is other situation...... 一般来说,修炼不同力量奥义者,如思能够找到相辅相成的方法,亦或者将力量融合,往往能够将一种力量奥义的威力释放到更高一个层次,当然,也有别的情况…… If cannot fuse power, if the mood disorder, the deep meaning instead will have the conflict, the situation of then having the deep meaning in abundance sharp decline. 如果不能将力量融合,如果心境紊乱,奥义反而会发生冲突,进而出现奥义纷纷锐减的情况。 That female drew in the space by the rattan gradually, all sorts of methods cannot make the proper progress, more worries is mentally confused, her thunder and lightning and frost ice deep meaning, then presented the conflict. 那名女子被藤条渐渐将空间收拢,种种手段不能取得应有的效果,越是着急越是心乱,她那雷电冰霜奥义,便出现了冲突。 When this is also most Warrior not with reason that majors in two power deep meanings. 这也是大多数武者不会同时主修两种力量奥义的原因。 The cultivation different power deep meanings, from the Void God boundary, enter the step to major in deep meaning to be slower than normally, the different deep meaning fusions are extremely difficult, in the fight presents the conflict from time to time, sometimes instead reduces the strength. 修炼不同的力量奥义,从虚神境起,进阶会比正常主修一种奥义者缓慢,不同的奥义融合极难,战斗中时而出现冲突,有时候反而消减战力。 Female of eyes strange light glittering Shang Chen, the bangle on white arms spills over astonishing lightning in abundance, quickly, dazzling lightning glow flashes through together, in her hand were many a shining azure quiet lightning whip, whip such as by the purest lightning precise, contains is roasting fierce energy. 商辰之女双眸奇光闪烁,皓腕上的手镯纷纷泛出惊人电光,倏地,一道刺目电芒闪过,她手中多了一条明晃晃的青幽闪电鞭子,鞭子如由最纯粹的闪电凝炼而成,其中蕴藏着炙烈之极的能量 Is grasping the green lightning whip, her lightning glow was similar to has instantaneously proclaimed the drain port, rushed the lightning whip crazily. 手持着青色闪电鞭子,她身上的电芒如同瞬间有了宣泄口,狂涌向闪电鞭子。 The instant, trillion lightning windings are mutually precise, that lightning whip becomes thickly is gradually long, crazy energy is rising dramatically unceasingly. 霎那间,亿万闪电缠绕相互凝炼,那闪电鞭渐渐变得粗长,疯狂的能量不断地飙升着。 Looked at one from afar, the Shi Yan then complexion changes, the look filled dreaded. 只是远远看了一眼,石岩便脸色微变,眼神充满了忌惮。 That green lightning whip, obviously is Genesis Level God Weapon, can recruit her[ body] in the strength of torrential thunder and lightning, releases in a fiercer way. 那青色的闪电鞭,明显乃是一种元始级神兵,能吸收她〖体〗内滔滔雷电之力,以更加狂烈的方式释放出来。 After the lightning whip offers a sacrifice, her imposing manner has the momentous change, no longer the strength of utilization slightly frost ice, purely can urge the round of green lightning whip by thunder and lightning, in her side lightning glow connection, forms suddenly says the thunder and lightning rainbow innumerably, likely is among the electricity dragons regarding circling in flight. 将闪电鞭祭出以后,她气势发生巨大变化,不再运用丝毫冰霜之力,纯粹以雷电之能来催发青色闪电鞭子,在她身旁骤然电芒交汇,形成无数道雷电长虹,像是电龙间围绕着飞旋。 This female hand-held thunder and lightning whip , is also thunder and lightning attribute God Weapon, the thunder and lightning fluctuation that however the equivalent should tall Guo the Du Lin thunder god lance, contain because of the Su whip in the past wants to be too many turbulently. 这女子手持的雷电鞭子,也是一种雷电属性的神兵,然而等阶应该高过当年杜林的雷霆神矛,因苏鞭子内蕴藏的雷电波动要汹涌太多。 These rattan are extremely tenacious, but once approaches the female peripheral, was all struck by thunder and lightning chessboards, emits the dusky smog. 那些藤条极其坚韧,可一旦靠近女子周边,皆是被一道道雷电枰击,冒出灰蒙蒙的烟雾。 Unusual monster Fujinaka does not take root in swamp, it as if can the rapid traverse, see with own eyes that female puts out the lightning whip, the monster cane huge body is wriggling, contracts the rattan unexpectedly gradually, sinks to piece of swamp quickly, the innumerable rattan snakes collect generally to it, very short time monster cane then vanishes in filthy swamp. 奇特的妖藤并不是扎根在沼泽,它似乎能够快速移动,眼见那女子拿出闪电鞭,妖藤庞大身子蠕动着,竟渐渐收缩藤条,倏地沉入一片沼泽内,无数藤条蛇一般归拢向它,很短的时间妖藤便消失在污浊沼泽内部。 A female face is annoying, was cursing bitterly, released the thunder and lightning deep meaning in that swamp, that swamp bombardment splashed to make a debut a mud to come out. 女子一脸懊恼,恨恨地咒骂着,在那沼泽内释放雷电奥义,将那沼泽轰击的溅出道道泥浆出来。 She seems to be long-premeditated to that monster cane, even does not hesitate to hide the strength, does not use God Weapon to induce the monster cane, however the strange appearance of Shi Yan, making her have the sense of crisis, she feared that Shi Yan will start to her suddenly, has to shift to an earlier time to offer a sacrifice to God Weapon, but this has actually alerted the enemy, making the monster cane have a premonition that is not wonderful, it withdrew directly. 她似乎对那妖藤蓄谋已久,甚至不惜潜藏实力,不动用神兵来诱导妖藤,然而石岩的诡异出现,让她生出危机感,她怕石岩会突然对她下手,不得不提早将神兵祭出来,可这却打草惊蛇了,让妖藤预感到不妙,它直接龟缩起来了。 Cursed a while, she is cold the face to turn head, is staring Shi Yan bitterly, gets angry: Is you!” 咒骂了一会儿,她寒着脸回头,恨恨地瞪着石岩,怒道:“又是你!” Knitting the brows head, Shi Yan bewildered saying: What matter closes my?” 皱了皱眉头,石岩莫名其妙的说道:“关我什么事?” „If not you, I can induce the mire that it occupies this Hundred Coldhands Vine, then struck to kill it!” Female eyes pupil yin cold said. “如果不是你,我就能将这百劫鬼手藤诱导出它盘踞的泥沼,进而将其击杀了!”女子眼眸阴寒道。 I by chance passed by, looked at a while in side, you indulge in flights of fancy, when I will cope with you, this is your fault.” Shi Yan shook the head, has not continued to respond her meaning, frowns prepares to withdraw. “我只是恰巧路过,在旁边看了一会儿罢了,你自己胡思乱想当我会对付你,这都是你自己的失误。”石岩摇了摇头,没有继续搭理她的意思,皱着眉头就准备撤走。 This gave up any idea of that leaves easily!” Female coldly snorted and your previous time peeps my account one and calculates that considers as finished!” “这趟休想轻易离开!”那女子冷哼一声“和你上次偷窥我的账一并算算了!” Copes with Shi Yan, she has not used that thunder and lightning God Weapon actually, that whip changes into together the azure quiet lightning, spreads out turns into the sapphire bracelet to be wrapped by her again on the bright moon arm, her slender slender ten fingers back and forth pull, the fingertip sudden wind leaves to roast fierce thunder and lightning, thunder and lightning interweaves mutually the winding, has become a crowded electrical network. 对付石岩,她倒是没有动用那雷电神兵,那鞭子化为一道青幽闪电,衍变成青玉镯子重新被她套在皓月般臂膀上,她修长纤细十指来回扯动,指尖突然飙出炙烈雷电,雷电相互交织缠绕,成了一张密集电网。 In electrical network thunderclap rumbled, lightning dazzling, suddenly toward a Shi Yan cap. 电网内雷声轰鸣,闪电刺目,忽然朝着石岩头顶罩来。 Meanwhile, bitter cold aura spreads from under foot swamp, in him unexpected, suddenly invades his foot heart. 与此同时,一股酷寒气息从脚下沼泽内蔓延过来,在他猝不及防之下,忽然侵入他脚心。 Cold Qi seeps, his double fat was frozen suddenly, the veins skeleton was sealed up, cannot move unexpectedly temporarily, is hard to withdraw. 寒气渗透进来,他双膘突地被冰冻,筋脉骨骼被封闭,竟暂时动弹不得,难以脱身。 This female clearly early is prepared, knows, once makes Shi Yan leave instantaneously, is very difficult to search, then in secret displays the ice cold strength, ahead of time penetrates the bottom, when the thunder and lightning spider web offers a sacrifice, one and urges the round of ice cold strength to block Shi Yan fleshly body, letting him to draw support Stars Deep Meaning escapes to leave. 这女子显然早有准备,知道一旦让石岩瞬间离开,很难搜寻出来,便暗中施展冰寒之力,提前贯入地底,在雷电蛛网祭出之时,一并催发冰寒之力封锁石岩肉身,让他不能借助于星辰奥义遁离。 She simple and beautiful such as on cheeks of frost flower, appears color of the cold and proud looked how your this to withdraw!” 她清丽如霜huā的脸颊上,显出一丝冷傲之色“看你这趟如何脱身!” Shi Yan bursting out laughing, but said: You when really ate to decide me?” 石岩哑然,无奈道:“你真当吃定我了?” Bang! 轰! Wild staunch aura, clamped the thick evil spirit death to fluctuate, quickly from his god[ body] in rippled. 一股狂暴刚烈的气息,夹着浓稠凶煞死亡波动,倏地从他神〖体〗内荡漾出来。 Ka! 咔咔! His both legs restore the ability to act instantaneously, under bursting out of strong evil spirit aura, the whole body veins skeleton is similar to moves, Devil Blood seethes with excitement combustion, qi and blood shortly the prosperous prestige several fold, will appear fierce just the turbulent fluctuation of violent. 他双腿瞬间恢复行动能力,在浓烈的凶煞气息的迸发下,浑身筋脉骨骼如同活动起来,魔血沸腾燃烧,气血在顷刻间旺威数倍,显出一股狂烈刚暴的汹涌波动。 Crack!” “裂!” Lifts the hand to pinch the fist, the fist such as the ballooning windmill, the breathing one's last of number evil spirit is hidden to flood, shells maliciously on the thunder and lightning spider web. 抬手捏拳,拳头如鼓胀的风车,凶煞之气尽数隐没充斥其中,狠狠地轰击在雷电蛛网上。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 lightning glow[ stirs up] shoots, thunderclap rumbled, the electrical network that is evolved precise by the female, was shelled to blast open directly, changes into the broken glow sputtering peripheral. 电芒〖激〗射,炸雷轰鸣,那由女子凝炼衍变出来的电网,直接被轰击炸裂了,化为碎芒溅射周边。 Wants the life and death battle, you can win not necessarily, I give your father the Shang Chen face, do you leave have harassed me to be good?” Everywhere in splash lightning glow, Shi Yan expression earnest saying. “真要生死交战,你不见得就能获胜,我只是给你父亲商辰面子,你别一直骚扰我可好?”满地飞溅的电芒中,石岩表情认真的说道。 The female beautiful pupil stagnates, the lightning of looks at smashing does not dare to believe that is feeling power cannot meet again, does the complexion gradually become ugly you is really Void God First Sky Realm?” 女子美眸一滞,不敢置信的看着粉碎的闪电,感受着力量的不能重聚,脸色渐渐变得难看起来“你真是虚神一重天境界?” Her named Shang Yingyue, is the Shang Chen daughter, is skilled in thunder and lightning and frost ice deep meaning, grasps the God Weapon sharp weapon, had been quenchinged fleshly body by Shang Chen by various qi and blood, regardless of God Body also or Soul Altar, is the God Weapon deep meaning, she is that bunch of person who in vast Star Sea most is the best. 她名为商影月,乃商辰的女儿,精通雷电冰霜奥义,手持神兵利器,被商辰以各种气血淬炼过肉身,不论神体亦或者灵魂祭台,还是神兵奥义,她都是浩淼星海内最拔尖的那一簇人。 Can say gratefully that Void God Third Sky Realm she, can rout most Origin God First Sky Expert. 可以毫不客气的说,虚神三重天境界的她,可以击溃大多数始神一重天强者 She has to jump the ranks seriously ability of challenge! 她当真具有越级挑战的能力! However, the thunder and lightning spider web that just she released was routed by Shi Yan unexpectedly, her, is hard to accept simply. 然而,刚刚她释放的雷电蛛网竟然被石岩击溃,在她来看,简直难以接受。 One because Shi Yan has Void God First Sky. 一因为石岩只有虚神一重天 But the strength of her striking, although has not displayed the complete ability, is far from the average person can withstand. 而她的一击之力,虽然没有施展全部能力,也绝非一般人可以承受的。 She bragged the talent, may unable to rout Void God First Sky Realm unexpectedly instantaneously, this for her simply inconceivable to the extreme. 她自诩天才,可竟然未能瞬间击溃一名虚神一重天境界者,这对她来说简直不可思议到了极点。 The one who most makes her get mad eight zhang (3.33 m) is one 最让她火冒八丈的是一 Shi Yan actually said that she is harassing him! 石岩竟然说她在骚扰他! „Do I harass you?” The Shang Yingyue lung exploded with rage you to snatch me Guide Fruit, my brother who harmed cannot come, but also hid peeps in secret twice, you said that I did harass you? Has not seen your this shameless vulgar man!” “我骚扰你?”商影月肺都气炸了“你抢了我的界引果,害的我哥哥不能进来,还躲藏暗中偷窥两次,你说我骚扰你?没见过你这种无耻下流的男人!” Scoff! 嗤! Her eye winks, together thunder lightning[ stirs up] shoots, that thunder lightning transmits thunderously electrophonic, is the unusual ice blue color, is similar to the ice corner, instantaneous thorn to the Shi Yan chest. 她眼睛一眨,一道雷霆电光〖激〗射出来,那雷霆电光传来雷鸣电响,呈奇特的冰蓝色,如同冰棱,瞬间刺向石岩胸口。 This is thunder and lightning and frost ice power Ao Tou fusion! 这是雷电冰霜力量奥头的融合! Ices corner thunder and lightning to contain two deep meanings to be exquisite, fluctuation mystical is strange, surpasses the opinion of Shi Yan, he discovered that Divine Sense is hard to catch locking unexpectedly. 冰棱般的雷电蕴藏两种奥义精妙,波动神秘诡异,超出石岩的见解,他发现神识竟然难以捕捉锁定。 Knits the brows, Shi Yan quickly revolution power deep meaning. 一皱眉,石岩倏地运转力量奥义。 He puts out a hand the void stroke, the close space crack appears together suddenly, middle the stream ray splash, at present tears in him. 他伸手虚空一划,一道细密的空间裂缝骤然浮现出来,当中流光飞溅,就在他眼前撕裂。 That said that thunder and lightning and ice corner of frost ice deep meaning fusion, submerges the space slit not to see directly, not to other party ingredient injury. 那道雷电冰霜奥义融合的冰棱,直接没入空间缝隙不见,没有对他造成分毫伤害。 Shang Yingyue sees cannot injure to arrive at him, is even more annoyed, look ice-colder woods were cold, must stimulate to movement power. 商影月一见又是未能伤到他,愈发恼火,眼神更加冰冷森寒了,又要催动更加的力量 hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! Then in this time, hears flap flap the rumor from the distant place, as if some people are close toward here. 便在此时,从远处传来猎猎风声,似乎有人朝着这边接近。 The Shang Yingyue complexion is startled, suddenly temporarily receives the hand, has hesitated, her clever climbing up in not a high grove, gets up body concealing quietly, as to clarify the person status. 商影月脸色一怔,忽然暂时收手,沉吟了一下,她灵巧的攀爬在一株不高的树丛中,悄悄将身子隐匿起来,似乎想弄清楚来人身份。 She compared with Shi Yan to Ancient Continent situation clear many. 她比石岩古大陆情况清楚的多。 Each can enter the Ancient Continent person, is the major star territories is outstanding, arrogant such as she, knows that is not invincible in this place, therefore this avoidance time, will avoid. 每一个能够进入古大陆的人,都是各大星域出类拔萃的,高傲如她,也知道并非在此地无敌,所以该躲避的时候,还是会躲避起来。 Sees her to hide, has not continued to start to oneself, Shi Yan is also the complexion changes, looked at around one, hides rapidly in another grove, frowns to look that to direction that the sound conveys. 见她都躲藏起来,没有继续对自己下手,石岩也是脸色一变,看了一眼周围,也迅速藏匿在另外一株树丛中,皱着眉头看向声音传来的方向。 hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! The wind howl is even more cold, such as knife is shuttling back and forth void, sounds to let the person eardrum is very uncomfortable. 风啸声愈发冷冽,如刀子在虚空穿梭着,听起来让人耳膜很是不舒服。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! Hides monster cane in swamp, does not know why flies from suddenly, unexpectedly extremely keen innumerable rattan and using, as if in hurriedly is evading anything. 躲藏在沼泽内的妖藤,不知为何突然间飞离出来,竟然极为灵敏的无数藤条并用,似乎在急匆匆的逃避着什么。 It as if realized that anything is not wonderful, as if has known newcomer must cope with it, unexpectedly does not hide in the swamp deep place, actually directly sneaks off. 它似乎意识到什么不妙,似乎知道过来者要对付它,居然不躲藏在沼泽深处,却直接开溜。 Shang Yingyue and Shi Yan are stunned, secretly are vigilant that knows the person should be extremely uncommon. 商影月石岩都是一脸错愕,暗暗警惕起来,知道来人应该极其不凡。
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