GOS :: Volume #12

#1106: Refining up the blood

In swamp thunder and lightning is suddenly fierce, everywhere electric arc such as the light net interweaves, comes distantly toward a Shi Yan cap. 沼泽中骤然雷电狂烈,漫天电弧如光网交织,遥遥朝着石岩头顶罩来下来。 In the landslide thunder boom, the female silver tooth darkly bites, Qing flattered the cheeks to be cold, in the graceful physique such as was twining fierce electricity dragons, the imposing manner was extremely scary, if a pair of tall and slender eye pupil had lightning in[ stirred up] shot. 山崩般的雷轰声中,那女子银牙暗咬,清媚脸颊冷冽严寒,曼妙身姿上如缠绕着一条条狰狞电龙,气势极其骇人,一双细长的眼眸如有电光在〖激〗射。 Shi Yan had a scare! 石岩吓了一跳! The female unexpectedly is the boundary of Void God Third Sky, is not only skilled in the thunder and lightning deep meaning, as if also studies diligently the ice cold strength, she is quite exquisite when two deep meanings, these thunder and lightning cover, the space hail also congeals unexpectedly, assumes a big stone to fall in abundance, is containing the terrifying strength and cold energy. 那女子竟乃虚神三重天之境,不但精通雷电奥义,似乎还钻研冰寒之力,她在两种奥义上都极为精湛,那些雷电笼罩过来之时,天上冰雹居然也凝结出来,呈头大石块纷纷落下,蕴藏着恐怖的劲道和寒力 Shortly, Shi Yan peripheral region thermal shock dozens times, swamp by thunder and lightning bang sore sao of everywhere, many sewage splashes, many trees flower grass was blasted open. 在顷刻间,石岩周边区域温度骤降数十倍,沼泽地被雷电轰的满目疮瘙,许多污水飞溅,许多树木huā草纷纷炸裂。 When the females obviously he peeps desirably, immediately flies into a rage gets rid angrily, comes up then to raise the difficult situation, gives to cover the peripheral scene, roasts fierce crazy fierce thunder and lightning energy to surge crazily, here that stirs is earth-shaking, does not have one to be peaceful. 女子显然当他刻意偷窥,顿时勃然大怒愤然出手,一上来便掀起惊涛骇浪,将周边场景都给覆盖,炙烈狂猛的雷电能量疯狂激荡着,搅的这边天翻地覆,没一处能够安宁。 In the crowded thunder bang electric shock ice storm, Shi Yan is cold the face to withdraw quietly, the body such as the ghosts and demons drift from place to place. 密集的雷轰电击冰暴中,石岩冷着脸悄然后撤,身如鬼魅飘忽不定。 The radiant dazzling star light, peripheral flashes before an instant in him swiftly, imitates, if portrays to move the path for him, making his fleshly body such as transfer in Star Sea, made the person soul extremely difficult quickly to catch locking. 点点璀璨耀目的星光,在他周边倏然闪现一霎,仿若为他刻画出移动轨迹,使得他肉身如在星海挪移,快的令人灵魂都极难捕捉锁定。 clouds that sunstar one post-war, he puts down temporarily troubled all looks at the tide ebb tide with Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao, the mind is tranquil, from time to time deep meaning realizes from experience often can grasp the key, obtains the astonishing Realm growth, in that short time, he had the astonishing promotion to Stars Deep Meaning. 云海星一战后,他暂时放下一切纷扰和夏心妍紫耀看潮汐潮落,心灵平静安逸,时而的奥义体悟往往能把握关键,获得惊人的境界成长,在那短时间,他对星辰奥义有了惊人的提升。 Revolution Stars Deep Meaning, evolves Star Sea to be mysterious by the star strength, God Body such as crashes into everywhere starry sky, the body, if the shining stars go through many places to loaf, relies on the heaven and earth galaxy change rule, the soul and God Body as if the heaven and earth fusion is one. 运转星辰奥义,以星力来衍变星海奥妙,神体如坠入漫天星空,身若灿灿星辰辗转游荡,依循天地星河变迁规律,灵魂和神体都似乎和天地融合为一。 The little star light appears, in he transfers in the way that withdraws, obviously the star light gathers from time to time, from time to time suddenly surges the dissipation, could not say strange unusual. 一点点星光浮现出来,在他挪移后撤的路径上,可见星光时而聚集,时而突然激荡消散,说不出来的诡异奇特。 The female eyelash trembles lightly, Soul Consciousness criss-crossed disperses, actually unexpectedly cannot give locking his trend. 女子睫毛轻颤,灵魂意识如网撒开,却竟然不能将他的动向给锁定。 In her sensation thought that Shi Yan is similar to vanishes in the line of sight, likely has become this Ancient Continent part, has become a tree, a leaf, fuses in the heaven and earth thing picture thoroughly, cannot realize the obvious life fluctuation. 在她感知意念中,石岩如同消失在视线内,像是成了这古大陆的一部分,成了一株树,一片叶子,彻底融合天地的事物景象内,察觉不到明显的生命波动。 The sensation of consciousness thought to soul aura moves, is the guiding turbulent offensive premise, is similar to the ordinary Warrior battle, must observe closely the opposite party position to get rid first general with the eye, the thunder offensive of female, needs the first Shi Yan position determination. 意识念头对灵魂气息的感知触碰,是导引汹涌攻势的前提,就如同普通武者交战,要用眼睛先盯住对方的位置才可出手一般,女子的雷霆攻势,也需要先将石岩方位确定。 But when Shi Yan revolution Stars Deep Meaning, he likely has become a heaven and earth member, sometimes obviously the eye can see him, Soul Consciousness actually cannot catch. 可在石岩运转星辰奥义的时候,他像是成了天地一份子,有时候明明眼睛可以看见他,灵魂意识却捕捉不着。 This lets that female silver is the depressed, turbulent fierce attack does not have the accurate proclaiming drain port, earth-shaking that but makes peripheral swamp, blasting open is bumpy, making many sewages fly to ascend the sky, changes into drizzle to sprinkle. 这让那女子银是郁闷,汹涌狂烈的攻击也没有精准的宣泄口,只是将周边沼泽弄的天翻地覆,炸裂许多坑坑洼洼,让许多污水都飞上天,化为蓬蓬细雨洒落下来。 Filthy water fluid , the atomization on her, having made her appearance also quite obviously distressed. 很多污浊的水液,也泼散在了她身上,让她模样也颇显狼狈。 On this Ancient Continent, the sensation of Warrior Divine Sense thought was limited, can only perceive that peripheral very small region, cannot such as be ordinary in the star of other life, the thought moves, can cover the most stars. 在这古大陆上,武者神识意念的感知受到限制,只能觉察周边很小一片区域,不能如在别的生命之星一般,念头一动,可以覆盖大半个星辰。 Therefore, when vanishes from her line of sight to Shi Yan silhouette, she is also very difficult once more clutching Shi Yan. 因此,待到石岩身影从她视线消失,她也很难再次将石岩给揪出来。 Female who in the slender physique moistens the full swamp mud, was cold the face to patrol a while, did not discover the Shi Yan trend again, can only helpless and searched one also to calculate clean lake, this extremely careful bathed to change clothes, washes dirt. 窈窕身姿上沾满沼泽泥浆的女子,寒着脸游弋了一会儿,再没有发现石岩动向,只能无奈的又寻觅一个还算干净的湖泊,这趟极为小心的沐浴更衣,洗涤身上的污垢。 This place swamp puddle many, some puddles full are the sewages, some puddles still cleanly, strangely did not have the life to fluctuate, do not have the insect, only then various not well-known flower grass. 此地沼泽水潭许多,有的水潭满是污水,有的水潭尚算干净,古怪地没有生灵波动,没有虫豸,只有各类不知名的huā草。 Shi Yan attacks from that female withdraws, the look does not have the wave indifferently, in swamp peripheral does not have the goal is loafing, in the hand also grips in the books that Shang Chen bestows. 石岩从那女子攻伐中脱身,眼神淡然无波,在沼泽地周边没有目的的游荡着,手中还攥在那本商辰赠送的书籍。 He does not have bored must mump with that female, female Void God Third Sky Realm, thunder and lightning and frost ice deep meaning together cultivation,[ body] in the qi and blood prosperous prestige, the life magnetic field is intense,[ really] perhaps solid power not rapid Feng Yan this kind of Origin God First Sky Realm, with this kind of talent role life and death fight, Shi Yan also will think thorny. 他没有无聊的要和那女子斗气,那女子虚神三重天境界,雷电冰霜奥义一起修炼,〖体〗内气血旺威之极,生命磁场非常强烈,〖真〗实的力量或许不迅速风言这类始神一重天境界者,和她这类天才角色生死搏斗,石岩也会觉得棘手。 Let alone, he not with any necessity that woman fights. 更何况,他没有与那女人交手的任何必要。 The opposite party is the female of Shang Chen, oneself must come Guide Fruit also came from to Fang, Shang Chen is not thin to him, is extremely as if good with a shame fierce special personal friendship of Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, in Qing in Li, he cannot cope with that female, therefore can only avoid. 对方是商辰之女,自己得来的界引果也来自于对方家,商辰对他不薄,和嗜血一脉的耻烈特私交似乎极佳,于情于理,他也不能对付那女子,所以只能避开。 Grasps the books, he looks at carefully to read earnestly, while is sizing up peripheral spirit grass flower. 手持书籍,他一边认真端详研读,一边打量着周边的灵草huā朵。 Some many flower aura are uncommon, the interior is containing the strange energy fluctuation, is only not Genesis Level material ji, has not had the record in the books, he recognizes many Divine level raw materials for medicine on the contrary, knows these raw materials for medicine, if wanders about destitute, will be very attractive to many Source God Realm Expert. 有许多huā气息不凡,内部蕴藏着奇异的能量波动,只是并非元始级材犄,没有在书籍上有记载,反倒他认得许多神级药材,知道那些药材如果流落出去,对很多源神境强者都会很有吸引力。 Goal by no means these that but he comes, therefore he, although is also interested, will be concentrates on hand in books the thing of these most rare. 但他过来的目的并非那些,所以他虽然也有兴趣,还是将主要精力用在了手中书籍的那些最稀罕之物上。 This swamp Buddha is inexhaustible, he is loafing in middle, for a long time has not seen end. 沼泽所佛无穷无尽,他在当中游荡着,许久没有看到尽头 Holds up the head the looks at vault of heaven, on his face spills over the color of exclamation, although in the past, may look up to the top of the head backdrop each time, will shock. 昂头看着苍穹,他脸上泛出惊叹之色,虽然过去一段时间,可每次仰望头顶天幕,都还是会震撼。 In the vault of heaven covers entirely five colors variegated cloud cluster, as if the rainbow will hang in the space will forever not vanish, the beautiful letting person soul will be caught up, solely will look at the day, will have one type the marvelousness that will place oneself the dream world, will have the type life-long not the love that will be willing to leave. 苍穹上布满五彩斑斓的云簇,仿佛彩虹悬在天上永不会消失,美丽的让人灵魂都会沉醉其中,单单看天,会生出一种置身梦幻世界的奇妙,有种终生不愿离开的迷恋。 Thick thick such as water energy, spirit medicine spirit grass everywhere, rare wonderfully, this is Ancient Continent. 浓稠如水的能量,遍地的灵药灵草,许多罕见的奇地,这便是古大陆 He has not been seeing Shang Chen truly so-called wonderfully, in addition also has not searched, to Genesis Level material ji, but before he comes this, because flickers to move to the consumption energy, already restored such as beginning, energy also more prosperous prestige that in the Essence Qi old tree is full. 他还没有真正见着商辰所谓的奇地,也尚且没有寻觅,到元始级材犄,可他来此之前因为瞬移消耗的能量,已经早已恢复如初,精元古树内充盈的能量还更加旺威。 On this day, he in a piece of azure strongly fragrant grass in stopping, eye glittering pleasantly surprised rays of light. 这一天,他在一片青郁草地处停了下来,眼睛闪烁着惊喜光芒 That bunches of green grass, with amazement is the Immortal grass! 那一簇簇青草,骇然便是不死草! Contains Immortal Devil Blood to this kind, the Immortal grass absolutely is the thing of big making up! He naturally cannot be polite, forgets to return in the peripheral lawn, picks Immortal grass, grinds the green juice seepage to refer to the abdomen, suction exquisite energy comes precise Immortal Devil Blood! 对他这类蕴含不死魔血者来说,不死草绝对乃是大补之物!他自然不会客气,在周边草地内流连忘返,将一株株不死草采摘,研磨成绿色汁液渗透指腹,吸吮其中精妙的能量来凝炼不死魔血 If there is eaten Spirit Medicine elixir, his whole body pore is happy, a little bit Immortal Devil Blood such as the ruby is then glittering and translucent carving, hides in his whole body skeleton bloodlines lung. 如吃了灵丹妙药,他浑身毛孔舒畅,一滴滴不死魔血如红宝石便晶莹剔透,藏匿在他浑身骨骼血脉肺脏中。 Bunches of Immortal grass refer to the abdomen vanishing in him, the peripheral Immortal grass was picked by him gradually cleanly, does not save. 一簇簇不死草在他指腹消失,渐渐地,周边不死草都被他采摘干净,一株不存。 He sits well in the moist muddy land, aura is silent, in revolution[ body] in Immortal Devil Blood, making its class tremble dirty in all the limbs and bones five internal organs six, making it flood in each veins. 他端坐在潮湿泥地上,气息静默,在运转〖体〗内的不死魔血,让其流颤在四肢百骸五脏六脏之间,让其充斥每一根筋脉中。 Rushes such as sea tide prosperous prestige qi and blood, from his god[ body] in bursts out, his whole body skeleton ka ka makes noise, each muscle is trembling, each muscle fiber as if derived energy, seems making the cheerful sound. 澎湃如海潮的旺威气血,从他神〖体〗内迸发出来,他浑身骨骼咔咔作响,每一块肌肉都在抖颤着,每一个肌肉纤维都仿佛汲取了能量,似乎在发出欢快的声音。 When 720 acupoint, each acupoint quietly contracts reacted, a little bit Devil Blood flows the whole body, he is similar to suddenly obtains the greatest supernatural power, only thinks[ body] is flooding overbearing peerless energy. 720个穴窍,每一个穴窍都悄悄收缩震动,一滴滴魔血流淌全身之时,他如同忽然获得莫大神力,只觉〖体〗内充斥着霸道绝伦能量 Faint trace light blood mist, floats gradually from his pore, his God Body seemed quenchinged, such as is reborn once more. 一丝丝淡淡血雾,渐渐从他毛细孔内漂浮出来,他神体似乎被重新淬炼,如再次脱胎换骨。 These Immortal grass make him precise more than 300 drops of Immortal Devil Blood, these Immortal Devil Blood flow completely in his veins, is similar to seething with excitement combustion, him[ body] in the sediment gives to remove, making his God Body even more tenacious broken. 那些不死草让他凝炼出300多滴不死魔血,那些不死魔血全部流淌在他筋脉内,如同在沸腾燃烧,将他〖体〗内渣滓都给排除,让他神体愈发的坚韧不破。 His quick transformation becomes the Immortal Devil Clan shape, the elbow unit, the knee unit and shoulder give birth to fierce sharp thorn, fleshly body scarlet-red like the iron, the muscle flood are exploding sense of beauty, has the natural mail-armor and helmet to cover the flesh and blood, such as most perfect soldier, air/Qi of quite the same as as if made by Heaven overbearing fierce evil spirit. 他很快蜕变不死魔族的形态,肘部、膝盖部、肩部生出狰狞利刺,肉身赤红如烙铁,肌肉充斥着爆炸美感,有天然甲胄覆盖血肉,如最完美战士,霸道狂烈的凶煞之气浑然天成 This process has continued some time, he[ body] endoskeleton also resounded through was very long, he subsided slowly, fleshly body gradually restored the original design. 这个过程持续了一段时间,他〖体〗内骨骼也响彻了很久,他慢慢平息下来,肉身逐渐恢复原样。 For a long time, he awakes to turn around, slowly sets out, in examines the fleshly body condition, he grinned chuckled. 许久,他醒转过来,慢慢起身,内检肉身状况,他咧嘴嘿嘿笑了起来。 Although Realm not breakthrough, but in his body each flesh and blood, seemed full power, the skeleton just likes by the steel juice molten iron construction, making him have an indestructible formidable self-confident feeling. 境界虽未曾突破,但他身体每一块血肉之中,仿佛都被充盈了力量,骨骼犹如被钢汁铁水浇筑而成,让他生出一种坚不可摧的强大自信感。 The thought moves slightly, his eyes projects together the eye-catching star light, gathers refers to the left hand tail, that small finger transmits the pa pa explosive, in he releases[ body] under numerous Strength of Stars, the small finger truncation bone blasts open, he at once revolution Immortal Devil Blood. 念头微微一动,他双眸射出一道夺目星光,汇聚在左手尾指上,那根小指头传来啪啪爆响,在他释放〖体〗内众多星辰之力下,小指头截骨头炸裂,他旋即运转不死魔血 Drop of dark red Immortal Devil Blood pours into, Immortal Devil Clan may be called the abnormal resiliency affects immediately, his clear perceives that these disruption bones were bound by thick Devil Blood, fast connection cicatrization. 一滴殷红不死魔血注入其中,不死魔族堪称变态的恢复力立即作用,他清晰的觉察出,那些碎裂骨头被浓稠魔血裹住,快速的连接愈合。 After the quarter, he discovered that small truncation bone restores such as beginning, he has moved carefully for a long time, a discovery not unusuality. 一刻钟后,他发现那小截骨头恢复如初,他仔细活动了许久,发现没有一丝异常。 He realized suddenly that his fleshly body strong degree and self-recovery ability, because of precise of these Devil Blood, but becomes terrifying even more gets up. 他忽然意识到,他肉身的强硬程度和自愈能力,都因为那些魔血的凝炼,而变得愈发的恐怖起来。 Hehe smiles, he stimulates to movement fleshly body power, strides toward the front line greatly goes, the aware state of mind achieves peak, has the feeling of quick breakthrough Void God Second Sky. 嘿嘿一笑,他催动肉身力量,大跨步往前方行去,自觉精神状态达到巅峰,有种很快突破虚神二重天的感觉。 xiū xiū xiū! 咻咻咻 The grating howl, transmits in his ear bank suddenly, such as the whip is brushing void, the air likely is blasts open. 刺耳的啸声,突地在他耳畔传来,如鞭子在虚空抽打,空气都像是炸裂开来。 Has gawked, his winding speed, plunders suddenly in the direction that the sound conveys. 愣了一下,他骤然提升速度,朝着声音传来的方向掠去。 Rattan like the snake, length dozens meters, peripheral sweep away to divide to entangle in the front huge shadow, these rattan cover entirely the sharp thorn, such as the python dance is common, gives earth-shaking that side heaven and earth stirs, the momentum is extremely scary. 一条条藤条如蛇,长数十米,在前方一处巨大阴影周边横扫劈缠,那些藤条布满尖刺,如巨蟒狂舞一般,将那边天地都给搅的天翻地覆,声势极其骇人。 He examines carefully with rapt attention, discovered that huge shadow is an unusual monster cane, is similar to small a mountain, on the trunk and branches is twining the innumerable rattan, each rattan is circling in flight, brushes to pester unceasingly, must seizing to strangle to death one person. 他凝神细看,发现那巨大阴影为一种奇特的妖藤,如同一座小山般,枝干上缠绕着无数藤条,每一根藤条都飞旋着,不断地抽打纠缠着,要将一人给擒住勒死。 In everywhere rattan such as the electricity in silhouette that plunders crazily, impressively that Shang Chen daughter, Void God Third Sky Realm thunder and lightning and frost ice deep meaning with cultivating. 在漫天藤条中如电狂掠的身影,赫然正是那商辰的女儿,一名虚神三重天境界雷电冰霜奥义同修者。 At this time, her condition is not quite obviously good. 只是此时,她状态明显并不太好。
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