GOS :: Volume #12

#1105: Ancient Continent

Space Deep Meaning!” 空间奥义!” The ripe woman calls out in alarm, looks at Shi Yan to surface layer appears helplessly instantaneously in Desolate from disappearance, means do not have. 熟妇惊叫起来,眼睁睁看着石岩从消失到瞬间在“荒”表层浮现出来,一点办法都没有。 She annoyingly. 她懊恼不已。 Can look at the Shi Yan real region by her Realm, however, actually cannot see the Shi Yan cultivation deep meaning is that type, therefore she had not expected from the start Shi Yan actually knows the space that is difficult to catch to be most mysterious. 以她的境界能一眼瞧出石岩的真实境地,然而,却不能看出石岩修炼的奥义是那一种,所以她压根没有预料到石岩竟然知晓最难捕捉的空间奥妙。 Saw that Shi Yan draws support Space Deep Meaning escapes to leave, she is suddenly enlighted, finally understands why Shi Yan can be calm throughout. 看到石岩借助于空间奥义遁离,她恍然大悟,终于明白为何石岩能始终从容了。 Mother!” The physique tall Tiao Qing flattered the female elegant face changes. “母亲!”身姿高挑的清媚女子俏脸一变。 The youth is also the look regret, but sighed, shakes the head saying: Father should know that his cultivation what kind deep meaning, departure that this relaxes.” 那青年也是眼神遗憾,无奈叹了一口气,摇头说道:“父亲应该知道他修炼何种奥义,这才放松的离开。” Three human desire start to Shi Yan, even made the stance to come, on the one hand to Guide Fruit snatch, on the other hand also saved has compelled the goal that Shang Chen came, in that instant that Shi Yan escaped smoothly, they then suddenly awakened, knowing Shang Chen should already leave. 三人欲对石岩下手,甚至做出了架势来,一方面是为了将界引果抢来,另外一方面也是存了逼商辰现身的目的,在石岩顺利遁出的那一霎,他们便猛然醒悟过来,知道商辰应该早已离开。 Does not have the bastard of balls!” The ripe woman tooth closely is nipping, the beautiful pupil that hates several want to torch. “没胆的混蛋!”熟妇牙齿紧紧咬着,恨的美眸几欲喷火。 The youth are quickly calm, said: He entered wildly, we are hard to snatch Guide Fruit, um, the matter cannot be entirely as desired, so long as we other prepared.” 青年很快镇定下来,说道:“他已经进入荒了,我们难以抢得界引果,嗯,事情不能尽如人意,我们只要另外准备了。” Dragon, what good means do you have?” But the women sighed. “虬儿,你有什么好办法?”妇人无奈一叹。 The youth shake the head, not any good means that after all is taking Guide Fruit, can enter the Desolate. This natural law innumerable years, in addition nobody can break, we naturally cannot.” 青年摇头,“没什么好办法,毕竟只有拿着界引果,才可以进入荒。这个规则无数年来,尚且无人可以打破,我们自然也不能。” He has smiled suddenly temperately, said indifferently: Actually I to entering the Desolate the interest am not always big.” 他忽然温和笑了起来,淡然道:“其实我对进入荒始终兴趣不大。” Elder Brother!” The females shouted tenderly. “哥!”女子娇呼。 Beckons with the hand, the youth prevents her shouting, very optional takes out Guide Fruit from the sleeve cuff, squeezes in the female palm hardly, said: 29-day lunar month, you go in then, I outside and other good news.” 摆摆手,青年阻止她的叫嚷,很随意的从袖口取出一枚界引果,硬塞入女子掌心,道:“小月,你进去即可,我在外面等你的好消息。” „It is not good!” The females shake the head hastily, snow white neck spills over astonishingly ruddy, urgently said: Father took my Guide Fruit to walk together, this explained that he favored you, you also know that father's vision, this was extremely important to you, must go by you.” “不行!”女子连忙摇头,雪白脖颈泛出惊人红润,急道:“父亲拿了我那一块界引果走,这说明他更加看好你,你也知道父亲的眼光的,这趟对你极其重要,必须由你进去。” He is only as one wishes takes, because your side is easy to go well, you want to be too many.” The youth sprinkle however smile, said with ease: I do not draw support from in Huang, can breakthrough beginning, but you need to fuse the deep meaning, you must go in as soon as possible.” “他只是随便拿的,因为你那边容易得手,你想太多了。”青年洒然一笑,轻松道:“我不借助于荒,也可以突破始界,而你需要融合奥义,你要尽早进去。” The youth words, does not wait for the female to talk too much, suddenly light sways several bodies, such as floats the light to go far away slowly, dodged continuously several, then did not have the trace. 青年话罢,也不等女子多言,忽然轻飘飘的晃荡几下身子,如浮光缓缓远去,连续闪了几下,便没了踪影。 Dragon gives you thing, you were taking then.” The help female principle of woman affection takes care of the lower hem corner, said in a soft voice: Goes, ten years later to mother big pleasant surprise, gives the material that your elder brother asks him to need, I believe that you can achieve.” “虬儿将东西给你,你拿着便是了。”妇人慈爱的帮女子理了理衣角,柔声道:“去吧,十年后给娘个大大的惊喜,也给你哥哥找着他需要的材料,我相信你可以做得到。” Female beautiful pupil mood is complex, slight nodded, said cleverly: i got it.” 女子美眸情绪复杂,轻微的点了点头,乖巧道:“我知道了。” Her slender waist is slightly curved, said earnestly: Mother and elder brother take care.” 她纤细腰肢略弯,认真道:“娘亲和哥哥保重。” Clever, we will not have the matter, your old ghost father calculates exhaustive, knows that we have the root of trouble, must appear promptly.” The women comfort to say. “乖,我们不会有事,你那老鬼爹爹算无遗漏,知道我们有祸端,必会及时出现的。”妇人宽慰道。 Un.” “嗯。” Female nodded, then takes one's leave the woman, such as wisp of wind toward that Desolate the direction flies, on the white arms is wrapping bangle one by one glistens, the fine pattern appears in abundance, appears extremely beautiful. 女子点了点头,便拜别妇人,如一缕风往那“荒”的方向飞去,皓腕上套着的手镯一一闪亮,精美的花纹纷纷浮现出来,显得极为的美丽。 ...... …… Just like Shang Chen said that entered Desolate the process did not need him careworn, in hand Guide Fruit was a key. 正如商辰所言,进入“荒”的过程不需要他劳神,手中的界引果便是钥匙。 Approaches that Desolate when border, feels the interior to destroy the energy fluctuation of Heaven Destroyer place, the Shi Yan soul hears the huge rumbled sound, deep has shocked, this is the masterpiece of heaven, this is natural law greatest energy, Desolate is hiding energy, deep did not have the several fold compared with any Expert that he knew, was similar to surges simply continuously continuous. 靠近那“荒”的边沿之时,感受着内部毁天灭地的能量波动,石岩灵魂传来巨大轰鸣声,被深深的震撼了,这是上天的杰作,这是自然法则莫大的能量,“荒”内藏匿着的能量,比他所知的任何强者都深厚了无数倍,简直如同源源不绝般激荡不休。 He then the spilling over inaccessible decadent feeling, the soul was at that time startled to palpitate restlessly. 他当时便泛出难以接近的颓败感,灵魂惊悸不安。 However, at that time, that Guide Fruit quickly blasts open, blue halos cover his God Body, are sheltering his Soul Altar, making him swiftly serene. 然而,就在那个时候,那界引果倏地炸裂,一圈圈蓝色光晕将他神体覆盖,庇护着他的灵魂祭台,让他倏然安详下来。 He has not even moved, has an inexplicable suction to multiply by Desolate, is towing him slowly, leads into him little, surface layer these Ancient Continent burns to extinguish the life soul the electric arc, turns a blind eye to him, whatever he easily enters. 他甚至没有动,自有一股莫名的吸力由“荒”滋生出来,缓缓的牵引着他,将他一点点带入,那些古大陆表层焚灭生灵魂魄的电弧,对他视若无睹,任由他轻易的进入。 When will soon submerge Desolate, he finds extremely the corner of distant place, Origin God tries to break, by the electric arc obstuction, that electric arc was seeped his soul together, that person the soul heavy losses, as if draw support from in to plant the soul rare treasure by luck to escape immediately. 在即将没入“荒”的时候,他瞧见极远处的一角,有一名始神试图冲入,被一道电弧阻扰,那电弧渗透他灵魂,那人立即灵魂重创,似乎借助于某种灵魂秘宝才侥幸逃脱。 He also faintly finds in Desolate elsewhere, there are many say|way fuzzy shadows, seems same to him, is receiving the hauling of Desolate, slowly thorough in. 他也隐隐瞧见在“荒”的别处,有许多道模糊影子,似乎与他一样,也是受着荒的牵引,慢慢深入其中。 When enters the surface layer of Desolate to his God Body, he has to implant the marvelous feeling of water, the body is drifting in the air, slowly sinks. 待到他神体进入荒的表层,他有种入水的奇妙感觉,身体浮荡着,慢慢沉落。 At once shakes loudly, he was similar to a meteor of falling from the sky, crossed layer upon layer cotton cloud instantaneously, crossed glittering lightning passage, shot loudly in a surface, when soon will be pounded into the bottom, he hurriedly precise stimulates power, Devil Blood energy to erupt, this will stagnated. 旋即轰然一震,他如同成了一颗陨落的流星,瞬间越过层层云棉,越过闪烁电光通道,轰然间射在一处地表,在即将被砸入地底之时,他急忙凝炼激发力量,魔血能量爆发出来,这才堪堪停滞下来。 He appears in swamp of length and breadth suddenly, swamp of wet thinned peripheral is growing the innumerable Mao woods plant, murmur such as the illusory rivers energy float in the top of the head, heard that the previous whole body pore seems to be comfortable, that is wonderful peerless realizing from experience. 他忽然出现在一处广袤的沼泽内,湿泞的沼泽周边生长着无数茂森的植物,潺潺如虚幻河流般的能量漂浮在头顶,闻上一口浑身毛孔似乎都舒泰开来,那是一种美妙绝伦的体悟。 The Shi Yan mind shakes loudly, eyes appears the vacant color, stands there dull is motionless. 石岩脑海轰然一震,双眸显出茫然之色,呆呆站在那儿不动。 Thick thick such as water heaven and earth energy is found in each corner, he then does not make any guiding, these energy will flow in his chest cavity body skin, mixes in his Essence Qi old tree following his veins, is similar to sucks the strength of Divine Crystal, is similar to washes the body dirt in the hot spring, soul as if all of a sudden clean. 浓稠如水的天地能量遍布每一个角落,他便是不做任何的导引,那些能量都会流入他胸腔体肤,顺着他的筋脉混入他精元古树,如同吸吮神晶之力,如同处在温泉内洗涤身子污垢,就连灵魂似乎都一下子干净了起来。 Ancient Continent! Worthily is Ancient Continent! 古大陆!不愧是古大陆 He is secretly surprised, at once knits the brows suddenly, the subconscious feeling forehead, soon, his eye has shone gradually. 他暗自惊奇,旋即突地一皱眉,下意识的摸着额头,不多久,他眼睛渐渐亮了起来。 His vice- soul has changed! 他副魂有所变化! The vice- soul is fused to evolve by Grace Mainland Essence and ten Heavenly Flame and souls, at this time, the vice- soul imitates, if a deep fresh-tasting spring water, overflows the massive universes to pour into his Void Realm remnantly. 副魂由神恩大陆本源和十种天火与灵魂融合衍变而成,此时,副魂仿若一泓甘泉,流溢出大量宇宙残能注入他虚界之中。 In here, the vice- soul as if can guide the universe remnant energy rapidly, and vice- soul has to plant very relieved happy feeling. 在这儿,副魂似乎能迅速导引宇宙残能,并且副魂有种非常安心舒畅的感觉。 The vice- soul by the Grace Mainland Essence precise thing, Grace Mainland is also one of the Ancient Continent, here, the vice- soul as if there is tremendous benefit, energy that drifted away emerges. 副魂被神恩大陆本源的凝炼之物,神恩大陆也为古大陆之一,在这儿,副魂似乎有着巨大益处,被很多游离的能量涌入过来。 In his Divine Sense examines, discovered that his vice- soul by continuously the creamy white mist binding, these mist pulls out from peripheral energy, converges his mind, gives to gather round the vice- soul, in these milky white mist center, the vice- soul such as was washed to purify, gives him a slowly clear only bright marvelous feeling. 神识内检,发现他副魂被缕缕乳白雾气给裹住,那些雾气从周边能量内抽离出来,汇入他脑海,将副魂给围着,在那些乳白色的雾气中央,副魂如被洗涤净化,给他一种慢慢澄净剔透的奇妙感觉。 He realized suddenly that this place has the indescribable advantage to his vice- soul, should have the marvelous help to his Void Realm. 他忽然意识到,此地对他的副魂有着难以言喻的好处,对他的虚界应该也有奇妙帮助。 Rich energy, numerous strange medicinal herbs trees, he static stay in swamp, has not walked immediately. 浓郁之极的能量,众多稀奇古怪的药草树木,他在沼泽内静静停留,没有马上行走。 Closes one's eyes, he in sensation peripheral trend, the Sea of Consciousness disorder gets up suddenly, as if by an invisible power influence, was hard Divine Sense to learn the surrounding scenery unexpectedly very much, when he tries to speed along, the under foot will live an intense pulling strength suddenly, is entraining him stiffly, does not allow him to fly from the heaven. 闭着眼睛,他在感知周边动向,忽然识海紊乱起来,仿佛被一股无形力量影响,竟很难以神识获知周围的景物,当他试图飞驰起来,脚下会突生一股强烈的拉扯力,将他给硬生生拽着,不允许他飞离上天。 Desolate has the consciousness, will seal up for ten thousand years to open for ten years, ten years later can withdraw...... “荒”有意识,封闭万年才会开启十年,十年后才能脱身…… Shang Chen concerns this place marvelous words, suddenly appears in the hearts, he has gawked, tries to lift the footsteps lightly, does not have the thought of diving posture, the pulling strength that suddenly the discovery just underlined as if not exist. 商辰关乎此地奇妙的话语,忽然在心间浮现出来,他愣了一下,试着轻抬脚步,不起飞身的念头,忽然发现刚刚突显的拉扯力仿佛根本不存在。 His bursting out laughing loses presence of mind, definitely Shang Chen said not empty, here is really marvelous layer on layer, he also suddenly realizes the earth of this under foot, as if...... Has the independent consciousness seriously, exists for in world most unusual one specially, represents some mystical that the universe is evolving. 他哑然失措,肯定了商辰所言不虚,这儿果然奇妙重重,他也忽然意识到这脚下的大地,似乎……当真有着自主意识,为世间最为奇特的一种特殊存在,代表着宇宙衍变的某种神秘 Gives his books to take out Shang Chen, he stays same place, looks at carefully to read the picture scroll annotation in books earnestly. 商辰交给他的书籍取出,他停留原地,认真端详研读书籍内的画卷诠释。 This light books should write by Shang Chen personally, typeface elegant, various types of drawings are lifelike, as if will brave from the paper surface general, this is narrations about all sorts of Genesis Level materials, has the method of resolution, making the person draw support the picture and annotation, can have an explicit profound understanding to in world top material easily. 这本薄薄的书籍应该由商辰亲自书写,字体飘逸奇古,各种图画栩栩如生,仿佛会从纸面上冒出来一般,这是关于种种元始级材料的讲述,有分辨的方法,让人借助于图片和诠释,能轻易对世间顶尖材料有个明确深刻的认识。 Shi Yan is quiet, no matter temporarily this Ancient Continent, has not explored immediately, initially the energy places in the books. 石岩沉静下来,暂时不管这古大陆的奇奥,没有立即探索,将初来的精力都放在书卷上。 Shang Chen solely is not only the activity and Agate Star Field, he says Destiny Traveler, as if has travelled in many novel star territories seriously, the experience is profound, narrations of that books about various rare Genesis Level materials, careful easy to understand, making Shi Yan benefit greatly. 商辰不单单只是活动与玛琊星域,他自称命运旅者,似乎当真在许多新奇星域旅行过,见识非常渊博,那本书卷关于各类罕见元始级材料的讲述,也细致易懂,让石岩受益匪浅。 If no this books, he in this Ancient Continent, even if seeing the world rare rare object, feared that does not have the resolution, will miss in vain, wastes this good opportunity. 如果没有这本书籍,他在这古大陆即便见着世所罕见的奇物,怕是也没有分辨能力,会白白错过,浪费这趟好时机。 Had this book, his equivalent to are many momentarily to have been able to the guide who he explained that can make him distinguish the value of same thing to come out very much with ease, this book, for him was quite naturally important preciously. 有了这本书,他就相当于多了一个随时能给他讲解的向导,能让他很轻松的分辨出一样事物的价值出来,这书,自然对他来说极为重要宝贵。 Pa! 啪! When he reads the books earnestly, the distant place transmits an explosive, follows one angry to drink tenderly. 在他认真研读书卷之时,远处传来一声爆响,其中还伴随着一声恼怒娇喝。 Knits the brows, he receives earnestly the books, considered, plunders quietly in the direction that the sound conveys. 一皱眉,他将书卷认真收好,思量了一下,悄然朝着声音传来的方向掠去。 He heard the voice of person, was that Shang Chen daughter...... 他听出来人的声音了,是那商辰的女儿…… Is that outside to his manner bad simple and beautiful female, should be two Guide Fruit has certain similarities, therefore their temporary lodging great distance is extremely near, he a little worried that female has any accident, wants to pass the place that takes a look at to be able to help. 是那个在外面对他神态不善的清丽女子,应该是两枚界引果有着某些相似处,所以两人落脚之地相隔极近,他有点担心那女子出什么意外,想过去瞧瞧有没有可以帮忙的地方。 He comes in Guide Fruit came from the opposite party after all, although is Shang Chen gives him, he is a little guilty, said again that woman is the Shang Chen daughter, did not look that the monk surface looks at the Buddha surface, for the Shang Chen face, he cannot see that the opposite party has the danger to place oneself to pay no attention. 他进来的界引果毕竟来自于对方,虽然是商辰交给他的,他还是有点愧疚,再说那女人乃商辰的女儿,不看僧面看佛面,为了商辰的面子,他也不能眼看对方有危险而置身不理。 The matter with him thinks obviously is different. 只是,事情显然与他所想不一样。 When hurries to after him quietly, discovered that female crashes, in still calculates that in clean lakelet, the whole body wet curve reveals completely, at this time ungraceful rubs the beautiful buttocks to call to hurt, as if flung heavy. 待到他悄然赶去以后,才发现那女子坠落在一处尚算干净的小湖中,浑身湿漉漉的曲线毕露,此时正不雅的揉着美臀叫疼,似乎被甩的不轻。 Her that binds to tie up the clothing of beautiful buttocks to be completely wet, the beautiful condition compares has not put on clothes the garment also to want the attractive heart and soul, that wonderful buttocks petal arc, tenderly slightly was handled gently by her astonishingly is rubbing, appears flexible, buttocks tremor makes Shi Yan blood spray out get up. 她那裹缚着美臀的衣衫尽湿,美态比没穿衣衫还要诱人心魄,那美妙的臀瓣弧线惊人之极,被她柔嫩小手轻揉着,显得弹性十足,臀儿颤动的让石岩血脉喷张起来。 Looks from afar, is wanting to take back vision to be far away quietly, he suddenly discovered that the female line of sight like the ice skates, has locked him quickly. 远远瞧了一眼,正欲收回目光悄然远离,他忽然发现女子视线如冰刀,倏地锁定了他。 Shameless young thief!” “无耻小贼!” The females angrily rebuke, does not give a thought to graceful curve to reappear, plunders to come, to raise the everywhere startling thunderclap crazy electricity unexpectedly fiercely crazily. 女子怒斥,不顾曼妙曲线浮现,竟猛地狂掠而来,掀起漫天惊雷狂电。 ...... RO ……RO
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