GOS :: Volume #12

#1102: Spoiled soul aphis

Shang Chen comes very towering, walks is also very hasty, from appearing has used merely only about half double-hour to departure. 商辰来得很突兀,走的也很仓促,从出现到离开仅仅只用了半个时辰左右。 However, in these half double-hour time, numerous Agate Star Field and Fire Rain Star Field Expert, seemed changed magically, universality of contradictions were ordinary, stopped possibly the fight of stimulation. 然而,在这半个时辰时间内,众多玛琊星域火雨星域强者,都仿佛被点化了,一个个茅塞顿开一般,停止了可能激发的战斗。 , People respective dispersing, Gu Hedai the Sacred Scripture actuation battleship, enormously and powerful is leaving with Medicine Refining Pavilion and flame clan, the crystal clan and ice clansman quickly, Divine Light tuo was lame, Sanna and Zi Yao to discuss secretly, decides to return to the Divine Light headquarters for the time being, the preparation began to deal with possibly in the frigid fight that the future will have. 很快地,众人都各自散开,谷禾带着圣典驱动战舰,和药器阁、炎族、晶族、冰族人浩浩荡荡离开,神光的跎跛、萨那、紫耀暗暗商量了一番,也决定暂且返回神光总部,准备着手应付可能在未来发生的惨烈战斗。 Blood Devil and Yu Shan, Xiao En and other Fire Rain Star Field had exchanged, sets the policy, by the Anna two sides dispatcher is arranged, to help Monster Clan, Devil Clan and Fire Rain Star Field training. 血魔郁珊肖恩火雨星域交流了一番,也定下方针,由lì安娜两边调度安排,帮助妖族魔族火雨星域练兵。 And Yu Shan and Xiao En appreciate Ben Ni extremely, requests Ben Ni continues to help Fire Rain Star Field to come the person to train, to deal with future war. 其中郁珊肖恩极为欣赏本尼,也要求本尼继续帮助火雨星域的来人练兵,以应付将来的大战。 The Shang Chen words said moves fast remotely, however, audiences strong nobody dares to suspect that presents his words for the truth, and is based on this plans the preparation. 商辰的一番话说的飘忽遥远,然而,众强无人胆敢怀疑,都将他的话语奉为真理,并且以此为根据筹谋准备。 Destiny Traveler Shang Chen, this given name is representing the mystical prophet, he moves for many years in Agate Star Field, explanation that often calls the turn in the future, almost will not have what mistake. 命运旅者商辰,这个名号代表着神秘先知,他在玛琊星域活动多年,每每一言中的道明未来,几乎没有什么差池。 It is said when Shang Chen is minimum, then can blur passing that the sensation mortal experiences, a long time Shang Chen takes the god stick the technique as to live, he can sentence the future until one day suddenly in advance, becomes famous in Agate Star Field at one fell swoop, realizes from experience the mystical destiny deep meaning gradually, obtains power. 据说商辰极小之时,便能模糊感知凡人经历的过往,很长一段时间商辰都以神棍相术为生,直到某一天他忽然可以预判未来,一举在玛琊星域成名,又渐渐体悟神秘命运奥义,获得力量 For several thousand years, the Shang Chen fame spreads throughout in the topest influence, so long as understood that his marvelous Expert, will treat the guide who he will regard the destiny. 数千年来,商辰的名气始终流传在最顶尖的势力中,只要懂得他奇妙的强者,都会将他当成命运的引导者对待。 Shang Chen also not lets people down, melted repeatedly several times possibly sweeps across the entire Agate Star Field giant accident, letting Agate Star Field can throughout steady got through numerous bad risk times. 商辰也不负众望,屡屡数次化解可能席卷整个玛琊星域的巨大变故,让玛琊星域能够始终平稳的渡过众多凶险时期。 Because of the arrival of Shang Chen, a bloody battle that possibly can erupt lets it go, Gu Hedai Medicine Refining Pavilion Expert is leaving, Divine Light and Fighting Union also one after another evacuate, afterward Blood Devil and Ba Si, Gu Te and the others have a heavy heart returns through the submatrix. 商辰的到来,本来可能会爆发的一场血战不了了之,谷禾带着药器阁强者离开,神光战盟也相继撤离,随后血魔巴斯古特等人也心情沉重通过子阵返回。 Anna remains behind the cloud sunstar, temporarily and Ben Ni unites efforts to help Fire Rain Star Field come the person to train, the sea of clouds astronomy and arithmetic restores serenely tranquil. lì安娜留守云海星,暂时和本尼协力来帮助火雨星域来人练兵,云海星算是重新恢复安详平静。 ...... …… In dark profound Star Sea, two person's shadow as if meteors passed over gently and swiftly, dodges to pass. 幽暗深邃的星海内,两道人影仿佛流星掠过,一闪而逝。 They left Shadow Ghost Prison, is shuttling back and forth in Agate Star Field Hanoi continually, once for a while obviously the peripheral space node transmits the fierce change, their silhouette is similar to bridges over the space length, instant disappearance space crevice, will crop up in another region suddenly. 他们离了暗影鬼狱,在玛琊星域星河内连番穿梭着,时不时可见周边空间节点传来剧烈的变动,两人身影如同跨过空间距离,霎那间消失空间夹缝,又会在另外一处区域突然冒头。 On this day, they arrive at the Agate Star Field border, arrives region that an execution star flutters. 这一天,两人来到玛琊星域的边沿,来到一处死星飘荡的区域。 They descend in one cover entirely the Desolate lonesome dead star of bumpy cavern, dies on-board not heaven and earth energy, a life has not fluctuated, ice cold gloomy and cold, dreary. 他们降落在一颗布满坑坑洼洼洞穴的荒寂死星,死星上没有一丝天地能量,没有一丝生灵波动,冰寒阴冷,一片萧瑟。 Shouted!” A Shi Yan foot falls to the ground, saying of full Touhan mark: „Do you have not to end? Has urged I am mysterious by the Space Deep Meaning stimulation space node, the small range straddling of zones transfers unceasingly, did not explain the condition with me, you may know that continual flickering moves, how many power spirits will consume my?” “呼!”石岩一脚落地,满头汗迹的说道:“你有完没完?一直催促我以空间奥义激发空间节点奥妙,不断小范围跨界挪移,却一直不和我说明状况,你可知道连续的瞬移,将会耗费我多少力量精神?” His time condition is not quite obviously good. 他此时状态显然不太好。 With Shang Chen leaves after Yun Haixing, Shang Chen unceasingly urges him, mentioned by name the direction for him, making him display Space Deep Meaning to flicker to move. 商辰从云海星离开以后,商辰不断地催促他,为他点名方向,让他施展空间奥义瞬移。 Urging that he had not ceased sends energy to flicker to move, repeatedly, wanted the tired prostration repeatedly, power went to ten now 78. 他一直没有停息的催发能量瞬移,反复了多次,都要累的虚脱了,一身力量如今去了十之78。 A space flickers to move, then may stretch across the stars of several life, crosses trillion li (0.5km) distance, he achieves Void God Realm, feared that is early already. 一次空间瞬移,便有可能横跨数个生命之星,越过亿万里的距离,要不是他达到虚神境界,怕是早已经累死了。 During this process, Shang Chen did not say a word, the complexion serious ponder anything, was not responding regarding his question, lets the Shi Yan full belly doubts, hence finally erupted. 在此过程中,商辰一言不发,脸色沉重的思考着什么,对于他的问话也是不搭理,让石岩满肚子疑惑,至此终于爆发出来。 Shang Chen expression is still stern, but the eye actually slightly relaxed several points, he suddenly smiles, turned head to look at Shi Yan, said: I have not really found fault the person, by Void God First Sky Realm cultivation base, can flicker to move 11 times, surmounts trillion li (0.5km) each time, you[ body] power that embodiment contains, is really extraordinary!” 商辰神色依然严峻,但眼睛却稍稍轻松几分,他忽然一笑,回头看了一眼石岩,说道:“我果然没找错人,以虚神一重天境界修为,能够瞬移11次,每次跨越亿万里,你〖体〗内蕴含的力量,果然非凡!” I put down to come with you, does not listen to you to praise my.” Shi Yan is one irritable hard to take actually my great grandfather how?” “我放下一切与你过来,可不是听你来夸赞我的。”石岩一脸急切难耐“我太爷爷究竟怎么啦?” Shang Chen has hesitated a while, said: First takes a look to you.” 商辰沉吟了一会儿,道:“先给你瞧瞧吧。” In his palm emits misty pale blue halo, the halo such as the sea water mighty waves is shivering, evolves the real-life scenery to come out gradually...... 他掌心内放出蒙蒙淡蓝色光晕,光晕如海水波澜颤动着,渐渐衍变出实景出来…… A huge blue ice crystal appears slowly, that ice crystal is blue, glittering and translucent carving, Cold Qi biting cold, the internal thin body was being sealed up together, a function and Soul Consciousness as if were imprisoned, was frozen completely. 一块巨大的蓝色冰晶缓缓显现,那冰晶蓝汪汪的,晶莹剔透,寒气彻骨之极,内部一道瘦削身体被封闭着,一身机能和灵魂意识仿佛都被禁锢,被完全的冰冻了起来。 Is my great grandfather!” Shi Yan cold voice drinks to call. “是我太爷爷!”石岩冷声喝叫起来。 You carefully look.” Shang Chen sighed slightly, the palm blue color halo fluctuated gradually, that blue crystal as if little pulled closer. “你仔细去看。”商辰微微一叹,掌心蓝色光晕渐渐变幻,那蓝色晶体仿佛被一点点拉近了。 Ices crystal interior unit the look of Yang Qingdi becomes sends Bi Xian, at once then sees his whole body covered with blood, the skeleton dense crack comes out, such as was torn to pieces the whole body by the sharp claws, but formerly left is too far, his God Body was being frozen by the crystal, is extremely for a while difficult to realize. 晶内部的杨青帝的相貌变得毫发毕现,旋即便见他浑身血肉模糊,骨架森森裂出来,如被利爪撕破全身,只是先前离的太远,他神体又被晶体冰冻着,一时极难察觉。 At this time Yang Qingdi God Body was enlarged the several fold, can find his whole body to cover entirely the staggered gully scar, these scars deeply are extremely extremely deep, directly touches the skeleton. 此时杨青帝神体被放大数倍,便可瞧见他浑身布满交错沟壑般的伤痕,那些伤痕极深极深,直接触及骨骼。 The dense hemp staggered scar, several hundred say|way, take a quick look around, appears extremely fierce fearful. 密麻交错的伤痕,有数百道之多,一眼看去,显得极为狰狞可怕。 The Shi Yan complexion as if ties the turn into ice frost, very cold severe, the sound is quite tranquil: Who does?” 石岩脸色仿佛结成冰霜,酷寒冷厉,声音却极为平静:“谁干的?” Shang Chen maintains the palm movement is being invariable, looks indifferently to him, is very tranquil reply: He grasps.” 商辰保持着掌心动作不变,淡然看向他,也是很平静的回答:“他自己抓的。” God Body shakes suddenly, the Shi Yan eye malignant influences such as does the evil dragon disturb trundle he to grasp? You said that he is grasps?” 神体突然一震,石岩眼睛煞气如恶龙翻搅滚动“他自己抓的?你说他是自己抓的?” Good heavy malignant influences! 好重的煞气! The Shang Chen mind moves, the brow deeply wrinkles, sighed darkly: Really worthily that lineage/vein successor. 商辰心神一动,眉头深深皱起,暗叹道:果然不愧那一脉的继承者。 Indeed is he grasps, you continue to look.” In the Shang Chen mouth puts out together silver lightning, the lightning seepage the scene, increases that Yang Qingdi appearance at present once more dozens times, looked fiercely that Yang Qingdi as if has become the float dark horizon towering giant, the body such as the lying mountain crawls. “的确是他自己抓的,你继续看下去。”商辰口中吐出一道银色电光,电光渗透眼前场景,将那杨青帝的模样再次变大数十倍,猛地一看,杨青帝仿佛成了悬浮幽暗天际的参天巨人,身如卧山匍匐。 In eye socket that his gets sucked into, transmits the different glow faintly, his skull as if there is intense fluctuation. 他那深陷的眼眶内,隐隐传来异芒,他脑壳内部仿佛有着强烈的波动。 Shi Yan closes one's eyes suddenly, a wisp of consciousness moves fast, is catching the sensation silently anything. 石岩忽然闭着眼睛,一缕意识飘忽出来,在默默捕捉感知着什么。 The good half sound, he to shake loudly, opens eyes quickly, in the pupil is panic-stricken in slight biology in his mind, the Soul Altar, what thing is?!” 好半响,他轰然一震,倏地睁开眼,瞳中全是惊骇“他脑海中、灵魂祭台内的细微生物,到底是什么东西?!” His sensation to the Yang Qingdi mind, in Soul Altar and Sea of Consciousness, is flooding hundreds of thousands of slight lives unexpectedly, these living thing small to can only by the soul capture, the consciousness very strange ice be cold, as if Yang Qingdi Soul Consciousness filling up. 他感知到在杨青帝脑海之中,在灵魂祭台识海之内,竟然充斥着数十万细微的生灵,那些生物微小到只能以灵魂捕捉,意识很诡异冰寒,似乎将杨青帝灵魂意识给填满了。 Shang Chen shakes hand quickly, the scene that appears completely vanished Yang Qingdi to move many years in the Agate Star Field evil crafty north territory, obtained the profound inheritance of Despair Deep Meaning, constantly challenged local Expert, Realm and power stable and quick breakthrough. Expert that he challenges each time, Realm and power deep meaning has striven to excel he, but he often can challenge successfully, then makes own Realm power fast grow, this is the Despair Deep Meaning essence and strange place, he deeply must exquisite......” 商辰倏地握手,那浮现出来的场景都全部消失了“杨青帝玛琊星域邪诡北域活动许多年,得到了绝望奥义的深刻传承,不断挑战当地强者,境界力量稳定和快捷的突破着。他每次挑战的强者,境界力量奥义都要强过他,可他每每能挑战成功,进而让自己境界力量飞快成长,这便是绝望奥义的精髓和奇诡之处,他深得其中精妙……” He in one person of northern territory challenge, evil rare treasures, in that rare treasure is flooding that massive living thing finally. This person before, releases at the point of death that living thing, then corroded the Yang Qingdi body and mind, he falls into to accidentally discharge the Bedevilment region immediately, Soul Consciousness is uncontrolled, crazy tears own fleshly body, who catches several want God Body to fall from the sky.” “他在北域最后挑战的一人,有一种邪恶的秘宝,那秘宝内充斥着那种大量的生物。此人在临死之前,将那生物释放出来,便侵蚀了杨青帝的身心,他立即陷入走火入魔境地,灵魂意识不受控制,疯狂的撕扯自己的肉身,抓的自己几欲神体陨灭。” That living thing is ` spoiled soul aphis is a small demon insect, this demon insect can swallow the soul food brain, then splits unceasingly multiplies, can invade the thought of person, can sway from side to side Sea of Consciousness and Soul Altar, crazy, then accidentally discharges Bedevilment not to know itself. ” “那种生物为‘腐魂蚜”是一种微小之极的魔虫,这魔虫能吞魂食脑,进而不断分裂繁衍,能侵占人的思想,能扭动识海灵魂祭台,让人疯狂,进而走火入魔不知自己。” Shang Chen, said: Yang Qingdi by the spoiled soul aphis invasion mind, instantaneously was then usurped the conscience soul, accidentally discharges Bedevilment cannot, then destroy fleshly body in the way of autonomy. North me the territory extremely cold gloomily blue ice crystal has sealed up him, has sealed up the crack soul aphis in his brain temporarily, making him be at so the condition, may guarantee him not to extinguish.” 商辰顿了一下,说道:“杨青帝便是被腐魂蚜侵入脑海,瞬间被强占本心魂魄,走火入魔的不能自己,进而以自残的方式破坏肉身。我以北域极寒的幽蓝冰晶封住了他,也暂时封住了他脑中的裂魂蚜,让他处于如此状态,可保他不灭。” I can refine that anything demon insect with Heavenly Flame.” Shi Yan said. “我可以用天火将那什么魔虫炼化。”石岩道。 Shang Chen shook the head, said indifferently: This law is not feasible. Heavenly Flame could refine that spoiled soul aphis, will build up the soul head of dead Yang Qingdi, that demon insect and his skull Soul Consciousness melt for the same place, at this time shared everything, the spoiled soul aphis was built up, Yang Qingdi also soul destroyed/terror-stricken.” 商辰摇了摇头,淡然说道:“此法不可行。天火或许可以炼死那腐魂蚜,也会炼死杨青帝的魂魄脑袋,那魔虫和他脑壳灵魂意识都融为一起,此时已经不分彼此,腐魂蚜被炼死了,杨青帝也将魂飞魄散。” Such remarks, Shi Yan deeply frowned you to have any good means immediately.” 此话一出,石岩立即深深皱起眉头“你有什么好办法。” I naturally have the means.” Shang Chen nodded, said: This matter needs you to do exactly, first comes with me, we arrived at the destination time, I will inform you in detail.” “我自然有办法。”商辰点了点头,说道:“这件事恰恰需要你来做,先跟我来,我们到了目的地的时候,我会详细告知你。” Shang Chen puts out a hand a under foot, that Desolate lonesome death star earth transmits strange reacted, was similar to some restriction is triggered. 商辰伸手一点脚下,那荒寂的死星大地内部传来一声奇异的震动,如同某个禁制被触发了。 He toward Shi Yan nodded, went down to a splitting dark cavern on own initiative, flushes away toward dead star in directly. 他朝着石岩点了点头,主动深入了一个裂开的幽暗洞穴,直接往死星内部冲去。 Hesitant, Shi Yan also has flown slightly into that cavern, clashes toward the dead star interior illness. 略略犹豫了一下,石岩也飞入那洞穴,往死星内部疾冲。 After the quarter. 一刻钟后。 Shi Yan finds Shang Chen to stand in a marvelous round stage of triangle, that round stage is quenchinged by the spatial phantom crystal, has the innumerable tedious marvelous rays to interweave, just like is one marvelous Spatial Teleportation. 石岩瞧见商辰站立在一块三角形的奇妙圆台,那圆台由空幻晶淬炼而成,有着无数繁琐奇妙的光线交织,俨然乃是一座奇妙的空间传送阵。 Under this teleportation overspreads top grade Divine Crystal, in Divine Crystal is containing the energy fluctuation of world-shaking, such as water fluid energy even floats rises above teleportation, as if a lake of illusion, letting the person has to acclaim the marvelousness of this place. 传送阵底下铺满极品神晶,神晶内蕴藏着惊天动地能量波动,如水液般的能量甚至浮升在传送阵之上,仿佛一个梦幻的湖泊,让人不得不赞叹此地的奇妙。 Looked at one, he then knows this teleportation numerous and diverse degree, before going far beyond him, submatrix that quenchings. 只是看了一眼,他便知道这传送阵的繁杂程度,远远超过他之前淬炼的子阵。 To where?” A short blank expression instant, he inquired immediately. “通往何处?”短暂愣神一霎,他立即询问。 First left Agate Star Field to say again.” Shang Chen smiled. “先离开玛琊星域再说。”商辰笑了笑。 This, this teleportation can step the star territory?” Shi Yan changes colors with amazement. “这,这个传送阵能跨星域?”石岩骇然失色。 Shang Chen nodded on our Agate Star Field, this is space Ao Zhen who only one can straddle zones, for these years this place has been responsible for nursing by me.” 商辰点了点头“在我们玛琊星域上,这是唯一一个能够跨界的空间奥阵,这么多年来此地一直由我负责看护。”
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