GOS :: Volume #12

#1101: Daxian

Blood Devil, Gu Te and Ba Si, because Anna must temporarily leave the incident not to be feeling well, hears Fei Lan and Ka Tuo communication, knew Medicine Refining Pavilion Gu Hedu holds the power must aim at Shi Yan, immediately is hot tempered such as Thunder Ganlai. 血魔古特巴斯因为lì安娜要暂时离开一事正不爽,听闻费兰卡托传讯,得知药器阁谷禾独掌大权的要针对石岩,立即暴躁如雷赶来。 Monster Clan and Devil Clan soldiers, wear heavy armor, wears the fierce iron helmet, the malignant influences such as the cold glow overflows, when several hundred Monster Clan and Devil Clan soldiers arrange the neat team, the river water that a fluctuation of bloody bloodthirsty, such as is in flood simply, wells up unexpectedly toward the front. 一名名妖族魔族的战士,身披重甲,头戴狰狞铁盔,煞气如寒芒流溢,当数百名妖族魔族战士排列成整齐队伍,一股血腥嗜杀的波动,简直如泛滥的江水,竟然直朝着前方涌来。 on the face of Anna that shape same evil spirit, an emotion has not fluctuated, raw and cold cold severe, the eye braves the dark gloss spookily. lì安娜那张形同厉鬼的脸上,没有一丝情感波动,生冷寒厉,眼睛幽幽冒着黑暗光泽。 After Monster Clan and Devil Clan that soldier she quenchings, seemed dyed the First Level blood, that type of rich smell of blood makes the person hear feeling sick. 经过她淬炼的妖族魔族战士,仿佛被染了一层鲜血,那种浓郁的血腥味让人闻之作呕。 Medicine Refining Pavilion these soldiers, with Warrior looking at each other of Anna behind, spill over the timid expression unexpectedly. 药器阁那些战士,和lì安娜身后武者对视,竟然都泛出胆怯表情。 Blood Devil, Gu Te and Ba Si stand in the front proudly, in their behind, several Origin God First Sky Realm, is Monster Clan and Devil Clan Fang Haoxiong, is all powerful, energy is turbulent. 血魔古特巴斯傲然站在前方,在他们身后,还有数名始神一重天境界者,都是妖族魔族的一方豪雄,皆是气势如虹,能量汹涌猖狂。 Lies down to enter Shadow Ghost Prison to be different from on, previous Origin God Boundary only then Blood Devil, Gu Te and Ba Si three people, Monster Clan and Devil Clan Origin God Boundary Expert, naturally solely is not only they three many Expert because has the important matter in the body, has not participated in the tour of Shadow Ghost Prison. 和上一躺进入暗影鬼狱不同,上一次始神境界只有血魔古特巴斯三人,妖族魔族始神境强者,自然不单单只是他们三个更多的强者都因为有要事在身,没有参与暗影鬼狱之行。 Now is different, because knows that Medicine Refining Pavilion and flame clan, the ice clan and crystal clan collaborate, the Warrior about 30,000 greatness, the Blood Devil three people have used in the clan unquestioning various strong side. 如今则是不同,因为知道药器阁和炎族、冰族、晶族联手过来,武者近30000之巨,血魔三人毫不迟疑的动用了族内各方强者。 Origin God Boundary that Monster Clan and Devil Clan unite, additional Blood Devil altogether has nine, Void God boundary rank dozens people, now arrives, although merely several hundred people, actually is elite. 妖族魔族联合过来的始神境界者,加血魔共有九名,虚神境级别数十人,如今到来的虽然仅仅数百人,却无一不是精锐。 What's the matter?” The Blood Devil sonorous voice, is shooting a look at Gu He indifferently, said: Congratulates two Elder to reach the top digit, but Medicine Refining Pavilion always did not inquire about the Agate Star Field important matter, after two Elder were in power, can break Medicine Refining Pavilion natural law immediately?” “怎么回事?”血魔声如洪钟,冷眼瞥着谷禾,道:“恭喜二长老荣登高位,但药器阁向来不过问玛琊星域的要事,难道二长老掌权之后,要立即打破药器阁规则?” On the Medicine Refining Pavilion senate's about the Agate Star Field conflict, will not affect outwardly in secret, this point is well-known. 药器阁不会明面上参合玛琊星域的争端,会暗中影响,这一点众人皆知。 Gu Hexie the crystal clan, the flame clan and ice clan are coming, hits is being the given name of Agate Star Field cleaning up foreign land, may want really earnestly, violates the law of Medicine Refining Pavilion. 谷禾携着晶族、炎族、冰族而来,打着为玛琊星域清理异域者的名号,可真要较真算起来,也算是违反药器阁的定律了。 Blood Devil one, sends a punitive expedition to Gu He immediately, gratefully. 血魔一来,立即对谷禾兴师问罪,毫不客气。 Gu He deeply knits the brows, helpless looks to Shang Chen, has not taken a stand to talk too much anything. 谷禾深深皱眉,无奈的看向商辰,没有表态多言什么。 The Shang Chen beforehand words, deeply have shocked him, frightened him. 商辰之前的一番话,已经深深震撼了他,也吓到了他。 Gu He had to look at Shi Yan, the complexion became even more ugly. 谷禾不由有看了一眼石岩,脸色变得愈发难看。 He knows that by Shang Chen status Earth Realm, will not deceive him, that beforehand Shang Chen said is[ really] reality, if he made war forcefully, his future Gu will exterminate thoroughly, he will also be executed,...... The present youth, will be a instigator. 他知道以商辰的身份地位,不会欺瞒他,那之前商辰所言便是〖真〗实,如果他强行开战,他将来谷家会彻底灭绝,他也会被格杀,……眼前的青年,就会是始作俑者。 Gu He hot and bothered. 谷禾焦虑不安。 Blood Devil.” Shang Chen low snort|hum. 血魔。”商辰低哼一声。 Blood Devil, Gu Te and Ba Si three people hear his sound, is the stunned instant, at once God Body shakes, salutes in abundance dignifiedly Great Sage.” 血魔古特巴斯三人听到他的声音,皆是错愕一霎,旋即神体一震,纷纷凝重行礼“大贤者。” Their knowing well to Shang Chen, as if also wants compared with that Gu He profoundly, then saw the Shang Chen status, immediately then expressed proper respectful. 他们三人对商辰的熟识,似乎比那谷禾还要深刻一点,一眼便看出了商辰身份,马上便表示出应有的恭敬。 This dispute stops, do not continue.” Shang Chen sighed, added: If you do not think Agate Star Field and Fire Rain Star Field several hundred years later, was wrested away by God Clan in abundance, today gives me law-abidingly.” “这一场纠纷到此为止,都别继续下去。”商辰叹息一声,补充道:“如果你们不想玛琊星域火雨星域数百年后,纷纷被神族霸占,今天都给我安分一点。” When speech, the Shang Chen look appears incomparable exhausted, the sound also is very as if serious. 讲话之时,商辰眼神显得无比的疲惫,声音似乎也很沉重。 Faint trace light blood mist, quietly from the Shang Chen god[ body] in fills the air, the qi and blood fast failure of his prosperous prestige, his state of mind all of a sudden becomes extremely awful, complexion also gradually pale...... 一丝丝淡淡血雾,悄然从商辰神〖体〗内弥漫出来,他那旺威的气血迅捷衰竭,他的精神状态一下子变得极为糟糕,脸色也渐渐苍白…… Similar to hand that has not being able to see, is destroying his energetic fleshly body imperceptibly, can shortly make Gu He unable to move, can let Ino injured him, as if has not counter-attacked the strength to hit back, can only passive withstanding. 如同有一只看不见的手,在无形中破坏着他的精神肉体,能够顷刻间让谷禾动弹不得,能够让井野受伤的他,似乎没有丝毫反击还手之力,只能被动的承受。 Shang Chen is coughing fiercely, the corners of the mouth appear the dark red bloodstain, he smiles grieved, gains ground the looks at boundless horizon, whole body shivers gently. 商辰在剧烈咳嗽,嘴角显出殷红血迹,他惨然笑着,抬头看着苍茫天际,浑身轻轻颤抖。 The people are panic-stricken looks at he, is perplexed surprisedly, understood mystery are the look are grieved, in the heart spills over surges intensely. 众人都是惊恐看着他,不明所以着惊讶非常,懂得其中奥妙者都是眼神酸楚,心中泛出强烈波荡。 Blood Devil shakes loudly, before arriving at the Shang Chen body quickly, then wants precise Immortal Devil Blood is Shang Chen supplements Blood Qi. 血魔轰然一震,倏地来到商辰身前,便欲凝炼不死魔血商辰补充血气 Useless.” Shang Chen waved, preventing his action, the forced smile saying: This is price that I deal with, otherwise cannot find that destiny spider web, not being able to see that to say......”. “没用的。”商辰挥挥手,阻止了他的举动,苦笑道:“这是我应付的代价,不然也瞧不见那张命运蛛网,看不见那条说……”。 , He reluctantly has buoyed up, said: Do not be worried that I will not have big obstructing, I put together backlash to prevent your wars, but also hopes that you can listen to my today's word.” 顿了一下,他勉强振作了起来,道:“别担心,我不会有大碍,我拼着反噬阻止你们之战,还希望你们能听我今日之言。” Gu He, Xiao En, Yu Shan, Blood Devil people, looks at he, the earnest nod, nobody dare to speak the rebuttal. 谷禾、肖恩郁珊血魔众人,一个个看着他,认真点头,无人敢出言反驳。 Do not battle, puts aside the race prejudice, puts aside the family hatred, put down two star territory once disputes.” Shang Chen looks to the people, said: Agate Star Field and void wall barrier of Ancient God star territory connection, ten annual meetings were passed through at the latest forcefully, when the time comes God Clan army powerful invasion. Ten years, hope that you have prepared, can in the power battle efficiency the respective hand promote to strongly, deals with the challenge of God Clan, if cannot win, you or die either become God Clan enslave.” “别交战下去,放下种族成见,放下家族仇恨,放下两个星域曾经的纠纷。”商辰看向众人,说道:“玛琊星域古神星域连通的虚空壁障,最迟十年会被强行贯穿,到时候神族大军将会强势入侵。十年时间,希望你们已经准备好,能将各自手中力量战斗力提升到最强,应付神族的挑战,若是不能胜,你们要么死要么成为神族奴役。” All Agate Star Field Warrior, Blood Devil and oneself 所有玛琊星域武者,血魔、己斯 Gu Te and Gu He, Ino, Miao glory, tuo are lame, cannot achieve Origin God including these Realm, is the face whitens, nobody dares not to believe his excuse. 古特、谷禾、井野、缪荣、跎跛,包括那些境界达不到始神者,都是脸色苍白,没人敢不信他的说辞。 People lowering the head with a heavy heart. 众人都心情沉重的垂着头。 Shang Chen looks to Xiao En and Yu Shan, said: You come Agate Star Field to ask Anna to practice pang, was walks to the chess. In the vast galaxy, may really with the God Clan head confrontation non- defeated, only then the Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, you goal that continues you to come, but you also only then 78 years, when the time comes God Clan will have a big movement, will attack your Fire Rain Star Field fully, if your war can win, your Fire Rain Star Field for a long time without cause for grief, you must prepare as soon as possible, prepares the forthcoming that war fully.” 商辰又看向肖恩郁珊,道:“你们来玛琊星域找lì安娜练乓,算是走对棋了。浩瀚星河中,真可和神族正面交锋不败者,只有嗜血脉,你们继续你们过来的目的,但你们也只有78年时间,到时候神族会有一场大动作,会全力攻伐你们火雨星域,若是你们那一战能够胜出,你们火雨星域就会很长时间无忧,你们要尽快准备,全力准备即将到来的那一战。” Xiao En and heavily nodded of Yu Shan face awe, believes in firmly to the judgment of Shang Chen. 肖恩郁珊一脸敬畏的重重点头,对商辰的判断深信不疑。 Shang Chen is coughing, the line of sight falls finally to Shi Yan, said: I was held, must lead you to go to a place, you come with me.” 商辰咳嗽着,视线最终落向石岩,道:“我受人所托过来,要带你去一个地方,你跟我来。” Was held by the ballad?” Shi Yan is astonished however. “受谣所托?”石岩讶然。 Shang Chen pulls the mouth to smile, had not explained that his sleeve cuff sparkles suddenly four rings, that four rings fly respectively to Fei Lan and Anna, Ka Tuo and Ben Ni „this people hold me to give you four, to your future Realm and power will be helpful, I wish you to reach the great seven boundaries first in the future.” 商辰扯嘴一笑,并没有解释,他袖口忽然闪耀出四枚戒指,那四枚戒指分别飞向费兰、lì安娜、卡托本尼“这是有人托我交给你们四个的,对你们将来的境界力量都有帮助,我先预祝你们将来臻弘七境。” He looks to Shi Yan, said: In a short time, you do not need to manage their four people, they have their good fortunes.” 他又看向石岩,道:“短时间内,你不用去管他们四人,他们自有他们的造化。” Fei Lan and Anna, Ka Tuo, Ben Ni, received the ring separately, as if matter in nosing, after several seconds, four people of eyes have shone quietly, a face is joyful. 费兰、lì安娜、卡托本尼四人,分别接过戒指,似乎在查探内中的物事,数秒后,四人眼睛悄悄亮了起来,一脸喜悦。 Clearly, the things in that four ring, definitely are extremely suitable their. 很明显,那四枚戒指内的东西,肯定乃是极为适合他们的。 You.” Shang Chen aims at Fei Lan and Anna, shows a faint smile saying: „The person who you must find, early has gotten out of trouble, you do not need to worry that their safety, they are very good, is very safe, in the future you will have the date of meeting.” “你们俩。”商辰又指向费兰、lì安娜,微微一笑道:“你们要找的人,早已经脱困了,你们不用担心他们的安危,他们很好,也很安全,将来你们自有相见之日。” Fei Lan and Anna is wild with joy. 费兰、lì安娜狂喜。 The Fei Lan man and Anna's father, early leaves from Lie Yan Star Field extremely, many years have not heard from, after arriving at Agate Star Field, through all sorts of ways they know that need to find the person once to be imprisoned by Mirage Clan, what a pity this have not discovered any trail in void passage. 费兰的男人和lì安娜的父亲,极早从烈焰星域离开,多年杳无音信,来到玛琊星域以后,通过种种途径她俩知道要找之人曾被幽影族禁锢,可惜这趟在虚空通道内并没有发现什么踪迹。 They have been very annoying disappointedly. 两人一直很懊恼失望。 Now to a Shang Chen such saying, Fei Lan and Anna finally felt relieved that actually compared with obtaining the matter in ring also wants excitedly joyful. 如今给商辰这么一说,费兰、lì安娜终于放下心来,竟然比得到戒指内的物事还要激动欣喜。 They one and expressed gratitude to Shang Chen, Ben Ni and Ka Tuo also bowed to salute, a sincerity of face. 两人一并向商辰道谢,本尼卡托也躬身行礼,一脸的诚恳。 Does not need to thank me. “不用谢我。 Shang Chen shook the head this is I owes you. 商辰摇了摇头“这是我欠你们的”。 He looks at once to Shi Yan, said: „Here you do not need to be worried, walks one with me as soon as possible.” 他旋即看向石岩,道:“你不必担心这边,还是尽快与我走一趟吧。” Goes to where?” “去何处?” On road I will tell you.” “路上我会告诉你。” Good.” “好。” Exchanged several simply, Shi Yan then and Shang Chen has determined. 只是简单交流几句,石岩便和商辰确定了下来。 You give Gu He Medicine Refining Pavilion Sacred Scripture.” Shang Chen said suddenly. “你将药器阁圣典给谷禾。”商辰忽然道。 To Gu He?” Shi Yan sneers shaking the head of he not to match.” “给谷禾?”石岩冷笑着摇了摇头“他不配。” To Fu Wei, that Sacred Scripture is predestined friends with her, now in Medicine Refining Pavilion numerous Elder, only then Fu Wei has ability broken Sacred Scripture to be mysterious.” Shang Chen looks to Gu He, has thought that said: Fu Wei is representing the Medicine Refining Pavilion future, if she cannot force broken Sacred Scripture to be mysterious, you...... Will march into the Medicine Refining Pavilion first several generations of Pavilion's Master footsteps, only then Fu Wei broke Sacred Scripture to be mysterious, you can get rid of the misfortune.” “是给芙薇,那圣典与她有缘,如今药器阁的众多长老之中,也只有芙薇有能力勒破圣典奥妙。”商辰看向谷禾,想了一下,说道:“芙薇代表着药器阁的未来,如果她不能勒破圣典奥妙,你……将会步入药器阁前几代阁主的后尘,只有芙薇勒破了圣典奥妙,你才可以摆脱厄运。” Gu He face whiten. 谷禾脸色苍白。 Medicine Refining Pavilion first several Pavilion's Master, are Refiner refining up to accidentally discharge Bedevilment then the God Body smashing, only remained a wisp of remnant soul to suffocate, how long cannot support then finally to eliminate the mark. 药器阁的前几任阁主,都是炼器炼到走火入魔进而神体粉碎,只剩一缕残魂奄奄一息,支撑不了多久便最终消灭印记。 This seems to be related with many Refiner mystiques that Medicine Refining Pavilion spreads, Realm insufficient, will not present so the difficult problem, but when Realm is certain level, finally will fall into so sad Cui the misfortune, first several Pavilion's Master, several oldest Elder, as if finally like that slowly wither away. 这似乎和药器阁流传的许多炼器秘法有关,境界不够者,不会出现如此难题,但当境界达到一定的层次,最终都会陷入如此悲催的厄运,前几任阁主,还有几位最老的长老,似乎最终都是那般慢慢消亡的。 Gu Heshen inspires, face decadent saying: I understood.” 谷禾深吸一口气,一脸颓败的说道:“我明白了。” Understands well.” Shang Chen nodded I also for your own good, want to make your live long-time, remembers that gives Fu Wei Sacred Scripture, otherwise you will die finally.” “明白就好。”商辰点了点头“我也是为你好,想让你活的长久一点,记得,将圣典交给芙薇,不然你最终还是会死。” Shang Chen looks at once to Shi Yan, said: „ Gives him, our matters worry very much, too among long time has not wasted. Your grandfather early morning 商辰旋即看向石岩,道:“给他吧,我们的事情很着急,没太多时间浪费。你的太爷晨 ...... Also needs you to rescue him. ” ……还需要你来解救他。” My great grandfather?” Did Shi Yan change colors with amazement how he?” “我太爷爷?”石岩骇然失色“他怎么样了?” He was extremely extreme, now had something go wrong, temporarily was imprisoned by me, the sentiment said “他太过偏激了,如今出了岔子,暂时被我禁锢起来,情说 ...... Very serious. ” Shang Chen sighed lightly, said: On our road said slowly.” ……很严重。”商辰轻叹,道:“我们路上慢慢说。” Shi Yan no longer hesitates, cold hum, took out Sacred Scripture again loses to Gu He, said: If I will discover next time Sacred Scripture in your hand, I once more will still take away, possibly also while convenient your life.” 石岩不再迟疑,冷哼声,重新将圣典取出丢给了谷禾,道:“如果我下次发现圣典还在你手,我会再次拿走,可能还会顺带你的命。” Gu He complexion is pale, actually does not dare to speak the rebuttal, is smelly the face to receive Sacred Scripture. 谷禾脸色铁青,却不敢出言反驳,臭着脸将圣典收起。 From listening to the judgment of Shang Chen, said him, if insists on making war will then die in the Shi Yan hand, why does not know, Gu He a little fears Shi Yan, faces his time again, Gu He does not have the reason thinks frightened restless. 从听了商辰的判断,说他如果执意开战便会死在石岩手中起,不知道为何,谷禾就有点惧怕石岩,再面对他的时候,谷禾没来由的觉得恐惧不安。
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