GOS :: Volume #11

#1100: Destiny Traveler

Ino look dark ice continuously heart soul read imperial to move coldly, the spirit snake that such as could not see twined quietly to Shi Yan. 井野眼神幽暗冰寒缕缕心灵魂念御动出来,如看不见的灵蛇悄悄缠绕向石岩 However, his mind incantation technique, so long as releases precise, the goal to Shi Yan, shortly will become will then lose the direction, will lose the Shi Yan soul to surge, incantation technique nowhere will try. 然而,他的心灵咒术只要释放凝炼,将目标对向石岩,便会在顷刻间变得失去方向,丢失石岩的灵魂波荡,咒术无处着力。 Shi Yan grasps Blood Sword, on the sword the close blood line spreads his whole body, forms the thick blood cocoon to bind to tie up his God Body. 石岩手持血剑,剑上细密血线蔓延他全身,形成厚厚血茧将他神体裹缚。 Wan Xie does not invade! 万邪不侵! Various kind of soul secret technique, are hard to lock him completely, the incantation law naturally cannot continue. 各类灵魂秘术,全部难以将他锁定,咒法自然不能继续下去。 Ino depressed several want to spit blood. 井野郁闷的几欲吐血。 So unusual strange matter, since his cultivation mind incantation technique, in addition first meeting. 如此反常的怪异事,他修炼心灵咒术至今,尚且第一次遇见。 He knows that Shi Yan hand-held Blood Sword is very strange, reason that also knows the mystique cannot be effective, because of the Blood Sword reason, but Yu Shan and Xiao En always the look alert, before he cannot rush, wins that Blood Sword, naturally cannot only depend on the mystique to execute Shi Yan. 他知道石岩手持的血剑很诡异,也知道之所以秘法不能奏效,都是因为血剑缘故,可郁珊肖恩始终眼神戒备,他不能冲上前将那血剑夺走,自然就不能够仅凭秘法将石岩格杀。 Gu He whole face fat is trembling, small eye glittering residual poison rays of light, the hate is staring at Shi Yan, looks at Xiao En. 谷禾满脸肥肉抖颤着,小眼睛闪烁着残毒光芒,怨恨盯着石岩,看着肖恩 His Gu and Fire Rain Star Field Xiao Jia have the Blood Sea deep enmity, Gu He's minimum time, listens to the ancestry to teach has reproven, in the future must let Xiao Jia hang the price. 他谷家和火雨星域的肖家有着血海深仇,谷禾极小的时候,就听祖辈教导训斥过,将来一定要让肖家行出代价。 Also is so, Gu He is hostile toward any Fire Rain Star Field to come the person, this also has Xiao En by chance, Gu He naturally cannot give up. 也是如此,谷禾仇视任何火雨星域来人,这趟恰巧又有肖恩在内,谷禾自然不会善罢甘休。 Shi Yan!” 石岩!” Zi Yao and Xia Xinyan were shouting tenderly, the whole face was tight, hurries to gather, wants to nose a condition. 紫耀夏心妍娇呼着,满脸紧张不安,赶忙聚集过来,想查探一番状况。 In the close blood thread, the Shi Yan manner is indifferent, the eye is narrowing the eyes slightly, he shakes the head to Zi Yao and Xia Xinyan slightly, hints them not to need to be worried. 细密血丝中,石岩神态冷漠,眼睛微微眯着,他冲紫耀夏心妍微微摇头,示意两人不必担心。 This person captures my Medicine Refining Pavilion Sacred Scripture, is it possible that can your outsiders interfere my Medicine Refining Pavilion internal affairs?” Gu Hehan the face, in heart the anger soon cannot be constraining, stares that Yu Shan saying: If you insist on so, does not take it ill our Medicine Refining Pavilion not to be impolite!” “此人夺取我药器阁圣典,莫非你们这些外来人要干涉我药器阁的内务?”谷禾寒着脸,心中怒火快要压抑不住,瞪着那郁珊道:“如果你们执意如此,休怪我们药器阁不客气!” Gu He the quick hysteria was crazy. 谷禾快歇斯底里疯狂了。 Yu Shan and Xiao En looked at Gu He the mental state, knit the brows secretly, the innermost feelings were quite anxious, turned head to look repeatedly to that submatrix direction, anticipated that Monster Clan and Devil Clan Expert fast arrived at once. 郁珊肖恩都瞧出了谷禾的精神状况,也暗暗皱眉,内心颇为焦躁,频频回头看向那子阵方向,期待妖族魔族强者速速到来。 Gu Heshen inspires, as if finally set firm resolve, is cold the face to wave, prepares to lift the fight. 谷禾深吸一口气,似乎终于下定了决心,冷着脸一挥手,就准备掀开战斗。 However, he opens the mouth, as if yells, but the sound has not passed on. 然而,他张大口,似乎叫喊出来,可声音并没有传出来。 Gu He the plump wash bowl stack clutches in together, the look is panic-stricken, the appearance appears extremely strange. 谷禾肥硕脸盆堆积揪在一块儿,眼神惊恐狼狈,模样显得极为的诡异。 Peripheral numerous Medicine Refining Pavilion Warrior, is a bewilderment of face! Puzzled looks to him, does not know why he yells in the speaker obviously, has not actually made the sound. 周边众多药器阁武者,都是一脸的莫名其妙!不解的看向他,不知道为什么他明明在扬声叫喊,却没有发出声音。 Gu He sweat, the complexion gradually is all over the sky pale, pillar sturdy neck is swaying continuously, seems seeking for anything. 谷禾满天大汗,脸色渐渐苍白,柱子般粗壮的脖颈连续晃荡着,似乎在找寻着什么。 Medicine Refining Pavilion, Divine Light, Fighting Union and Fire Rain Star Field Warrior was startled, followed Gu He vision to search, actually wants to know any condition. 药器阁神光战盟火雨星域武者都怔住了,也顺着谷禾目光搜寻着,想知道究竟什么一个状况。 Gu He vision sudden anchorage. 谷禾的目光突然定住。 He looks to a direction. 他看向一个方向。 Direction that Shi Yan is at...... 石岩所在的方向…… Several thousand people of lines of sight, the neat accumulation is precise, one and looks, looks to Shi Yan. 数万人的视线,齐刷刷的聚集凝炼起来,一并看向一点,看向石岩身旁。 When does not know side Shi Yan gets up, presents a look dark green ancient grey head, an old person silver long unlined close-fitting gown, such as the frost beard eyebrow, in the eye is brimming with the temperate smiling face, face actually bright and clean like jade, seems extremely young. 石岩身旁不知何时起,出现一名相貌苍古的白发老人,老人一身银色长衫,如霜般的胡须眉毛,眼睛中洋溢着温和笑容,脸庞却光洁如玉,仿佛极其年青。 In his hand grabs one such as the scepter of old tree root, that scepter material quality is quite unusual, transmits the life to fluctuate unexpectedly faintly. 他手中抓着一根如老树根的权杖,那权杖材质极为奇特,竟隐隐传来生命波动。 On old person's arm, as if there is tedious marvelous wood grain, these texture profound Ommo measured that in the mark line with that power is very unexpectedly similar, is similar to is containing some in world natural law law. 老人的手臂上,仿佛有着繁琐奇妙的木纹,那些纹理玄奥莫测,竟和那权枝上的纹线很相似,如同蕴藏着世间某种规则定律。 This old person, unexpectedly is a clansman of wooden clan. 这老人,竟是一名木族的族人。 He grasps Quan Zhi, the corners of the mouth is having the smiling face, is nosing side Shi Yan earnestly, once for a while touches on Shi Yan the close blood line, in the mouth expresses admiration. 他手持权枝,嘴角带着笑容,在石岩身旁认真查探着,时不时碰一碰石岩身上细密的血线,口中啧啧称奇。 In gourd island Expert like clouds, Origin God one, Second Sky Realm not under ten people, however, looks until Gu He before that old person, unexpectedly unmanned discovers his trend, nobody knows when he appears. 葫芦岛强者如云,始神一、二重天境界者不下于十人,然而,直到谷禾看向那老人之前,竟无人发现他的动向,也无人知道他何时出现的。 In all person hearts spills over a surprised unthinkable feeling, the line of sight vision of all people also get together on that white hair wooden clan old people, the old person ignores to the people vision, still curious is staring at Shi Yan, in that eyes eyeball full is Tong Qu and warmth, does not have an evil intention. 所有人心中都泛出一股惊奇匪夷所思的感觉,所有人的视线目光也都齐聚在那白发木族老人身上,老人对众人目光熟视无睹,依然好奇的盯着石岩,那一双眼睛内满是童趣和温暖,没有一丝恶意。 However, under his vision, Shi Yan actually whole body uncomfortable awfully, as if this life experience in little presents, was caught by that old man easily. 然而,在他的目光下,石岩浑身难受的要命,仿佛这一生经历正在一点点的呈现,被那老头轻而易举的捕捉。 Old man's eyes, as if can see through the will of the people, sees clearly all experiences of person life. 那老头的眼睛,似乎能看穿人心,看清一个人生命的所有经历。 Gu He looks into here distantly, in the eye of grain of rice size, full is the color of entreaty, as if...... That old man has not permitted, the right that he spoke did not have. 谷禾遥遥眺望这边,米粒大小的眼睛内,满是哀求之色,似乎……没有那老头允许,他连讲话的权利都没有。 Side Shi Yan, Yu Shan and Xiao En dignified looks to the old man, neglects one, sees to the Fang zhong alarmed and afraid color with amazement, at once, Yu Shan and Xiao En bow to salute earnestly, shouted Senior lightly, bends the waist no longer talks too much. 石岩身旁,郁珊肖恩凝重之极的看向老头,忽视一眼,都看出对方某种的惊惧骇然之色,旋即,郁珊肖恩认真躬身行礼,轻呼一声前辈,弯着腰不再多言。 Fighting Union Miao Ronghe Divine Light tuo is lame, deeply looks to the old person, determines the old person status in the mind vigorously. 战盟的缪荣和神光的陀跛,深深看向老人,在脑海中极力来确定老人身份。 long time, that does not run to be lame whole body to tremble, the eye puts Divine Light, the wooden scepter of line of sight in the old person hand in frames, mutters whispers: „The tree of wooden clan life precise, wooden clan older generation, business......,...... Shang Chen Great Sage.” 多时,那跑跛浑身一颤,目放神光,视线在老人手中木质权杖上定格,喃喃低语:“木族生命之树凝炼而成,木族先辈,商……、……商辰大贤者。” His voice is low, peripheral, only then a Sanna person hears, buries that look doubts, as if not know that his words chill in the air, lowers the sound saying: „Who is he?” 他声音低不可闻,周边只有萨那一人听见,葬那眼神疑惑,似乎不知他话语寒意,压低声音道:“他是什么人?” Navigation “航 ...... Destiny Traveler. ” The camel is lame the forced smile to say. ……命运旅者。”驼跛苦笑道。 Sanna changes colors with amazement. 萨那骇然失色。 Gu He was still imploring urgently looks to that wooden clan old man. 谷禾依然在苦苦哀求看向那木族老者。 Shi Yan slow the god has come, suddenly discovered that Ino's mind incantation technique already did not have the trail, he is astonished however looks to Ino, discovered that Ino puts on a long face, the corners of the mouth drop out a wisp of blood halberd unexpectedly, as if has been injured. 石岩缓过神来,忽然发现井野的心灵咒术早已没了踪迹,他讶然看向井野,发现那井野哭丧着脸,嘴角竟滴出一缕血戟,似乎已经受伤。 He at once one dull, is out of control to look to wooden clan old man, the knitting the brows head, said: Doesn't know Senior what can I do for you?” 他旋即一呆,禁不住看向身旁的木族老者,皱了皱眉头,道:“不知前辈有何贵干?” That wooden clan old man shows a faint smile, the left eye eyeball winked quietly, the distant place such as by Gu He of anchorage, was stuttered to yell suddenly: Great Sage, you...... How did you come?” 那木族老者微微一笑,左眼睛悄然眨了一下,远处如被定住的谷禾,突然结结巴巴叫喊起来:“大贤者,您……您老人家怎么来了?” Great Sage? 大贤者 Many people are uninformed at sea, looked that considers to that wooden clan old man secretly, wants to determine the real status of opposite party. 很多人都茫然不知,看向那木族老者暗暗思量,想确定对方的真实身份。 Fighting Union Miao glory shakes loudly, in the eye projects the astonishing gloss, when looks at that old man again, a respect of face, holds the younger generation ritual to bow slightly, lowers the head no longer to talk too much anything. 战盟的缪荣轰然一震,眼中射出惊人的光泽,再看那老者之时,一脸的敬仰,持晚辈礼略略躬身,垂头不再多言什么。 I rescue your life.” The wooden clan old men shook the head, looked that sighed to Gu He, said: Your Gu declines for several thousand years, is emerges to your this first generation, do you why continue to look for trouble? Thinks really your Gu does exterminate thoroughly may not?” “我来救你一命。”木族老者摇了摇头,看向谷禾叹了一口气,道:“你们谷家没落数千年,到了你这一代也算是重新兴起,你何必继续找不自在?真想你们谷家彻底灭绝不可?” Such remarks, Gu Hemian like coarse lime, actually as if very much believes to that old man words, such as the elementary student consults generally earnestly: Asked Great Sage to dispel doubt for me.” 此言一出,谷禾面如土灰,却似乎对那老者话语很是信服,如小学生一般认真请教:“请大贤者为我解惑。” Good.” The wooden clan old men show a faint smile, put out a hand finger of Shi Yan, sound leisurely saying: I , if not come, matter so will then develop: You can come the person to battle with Fire Rain Star Field, Fire Rain Star Field will defeat, but Monster Clan and Devil Clan clansman will catch up, you will be mutually wounded, afterward the Fire Rain Star Field person withdraws, this fellow will also be compelled into Fire Rain Star Field by you, but most hundred years, he will return, your Gu will exterminate the clan by him, your Gu He, will be put to death by him.” “好。”木族老者微微一笑,伸手一指石岩,声音轻缓的说道:“我若不来,事情便会这般发展下去:你们会和火雨星域来人交战,火雨星域会败,但妖族魔族族人会赶来,你们会两败俱伤,事后火雨星域的人退出,这家伙也会被你们逼入火雨星域,但最多百年时间,他会重返回来,你谷家会被他灭族,你谷禾,也会被他诛杀。” Old man these words said is very optional, many people who listens to this saying thinks otherwise, thought that he talked irresponsibly. 老者这番话说的很随意,听这话的很多人都不以为然,觉得他信口开河。 However Medicine Refining Pavilion two Elder Gu He, actually whole body ice-cold, is similar to finds own time of death, the complexion instantaneous is pale, stands trembles there whole body lightly restlessly, spills over the intense fear. 然而药器阁长老谷禾,却浑身冰冷,如同瞧见自己的死期,脸色瞬间苍白起来,站在那儿浑身轻颤不安,泛出强烈的恐惧。 He actually believes in firmly to the inference of old man! 他竟然对老者的推断深信不疑! When looks at Shi Yan again, Gu He is startled and fears seriously, imitates, if were fascinated general dull such as the wooden chicken. 再看石岩之时,谷禾当真是又惊又惧,仿若入了魔一般呆如木鸡。 I can add a point again.” The wooden clan old men sighed, your this fights, if opened, Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field will be implicated, the war of star territory will break out, but God Clan in liangsanbai years, will wrest away Agate Star Field and Fire Rain Star Field separately.” “我可以再补充一点。”木族老者叹了一口气,“你们这一战若是真的开启了,火雨星域玛琊星域都会被牵连进来,星域之战会爆发,而神族将会在两三百年之内,分别霸占玛琊星域火雨星域。” He selects to Miao glory, away pulling out, Yu Shan, Xiao En and Ino people, said indifferently: All of you will die in battle.” 他点向缪荣、距拔、郁珊肖恩、井野众人,漠然说道:“你们所有人都将战死。” By he points at the point to person, thought that the soul transmits palpitates, will be similar to has found the future, spilled over intensely alarmed and afraid terrified. 被他手指点向的人,都觉得灵魂传来悸动,如同瞧见了未来,泛出强烈的惊惧惶恐。 „The reversed image that you said is really same.” Shi Yan strange has smiled, you did not make the god stick to be a pity.” “你说的倒像是真的一样。”石岩古怪的笑了起来,“你不做神棍可惜了。” No, I am the Agate Star Field biggest god stick.” The old men crack into a smile, very optional appearance, „, but my this god stick many people believe that because I said...... Possibly is your future.” “不,我正是玛琊星域最大的神棍。”老者咧嘴一笑,很随意的模样,“但我这个神棍很多人都会相信,因为我说的……可能就是你们的将来。” Great Sage, Gu He knew mistakenly.” The Medicine Refining Pavilion two Elder complexions fluctuated for a long time, deeply have bent the waist suddenly, appearance that repented earnestly. 大贤者,谷禾知道错了。”药器阁的二长老脸色变幻了许久,忽然深深弯着腰,一副认真悔过的模样。 All people are surprised. 所有人都惊讶之极。 Yeah, this matter concerns the life and death destinies of two star territories, I why think of every means to calculate why comes dislikefully.” The wooden clan old men assume an air of self approbation, the wooden scepter in hand transmits very intense fluctuation, as if gives the influence the people soul, making all people spill over the soul collapse the marvelous misconception. “哎,要不是此事关乎两星域的生死命运,我何必费尽心思推算,何必过来惹人嫌。”木族老者摇头晃脑,手中的木质权杖传来非常强烈的波动,仿佛将众人灵魂都给影响,让所有人都泛出灵魂塌陷的奇妙错觉。 Shi Yan is also no exception. 石岩也不能例外。 Yu Shan and Xiao En change color with amazement. 郁珊肖恩更是骇然变色。 Hasn't consulted the Senior status?” Xiao En hesitant, respectful inquiry. “还未请教前辈的身份?”肖恩犹豫了一下,毕恭毕敬的询问。 I called Shang Chen.” The wooden clan old men said lightly. “我叫商辰。”木族老者淡淡说道。 Shang Chen 商辰 ...... Shang Chen, are you Destiny Traveler of cultivation destiny deep meaning? You have come our Fire Rain Star Field is right? ” Xiao En is suddenly excited, saying of dancing with joy: I know you, on my secret texts of Xiao has mentioned you!” ……商辰,你是修炼命运奥义的命运旅者?你来过我们火雨星域的对不对?”肖恩突然激动起来,手舞足蹈的说道:“我知道你,我肖家的秘典上提起过你!” I have gone to the star territory are many, solely is not only your Fire Rain Star Field.” “我去过的星域很多,不单单只是你们火雨星域。” Shang Chen shows a faint smile, said: Un, I and Xiao battle have drunk.” 商辰微微一笑,道:“嗯,我和肖战喝过酒。” Xiao battle Xiao En sibling's grandfather, what a pity extremely early then in died with the confrontation of God Clan, on Xiao secret texts the related Shang Chen origin is wonderful, is records by Xiao battle. 肖战正是肖恩的亲爷爷,可惜极早便在和神族的交锋中身亡,肖家秘典上有关商辰的来历神妙,便是由肖战记载。 Originally is really discusses Senior!” Xiao En is wild with joy, awe even more had good. “原来真是商前辈!”肖恩狂喜莫名,愈发的敬畏有佳了。 chi chi chi! 嗤嗤嗤 When here Xiao En is pleasantly surprised, his behind submatrix transmits the fluctuation, at once dazzling gloss passed over gently and swiftly, Monster Clan and Devil Clan Expert appears, is three people of head, is Ba Si, Gu Te and Blood Devil, three people are murderous aura are steaming, complexion fierce fearsome, wants the stance of bloody battle. 这边肖恩惊喜之时,他身后子阵传来波动,旋即一道道炫目光泽掠过,妖族魔族强者显现出来,为首的三人,正是巴斯古特血魔,三人都是杀气腾腾,脸色狰狞可怖,一副要血战的架势。 Many Monster Clan and Devil Clan Expert, comes in swarms, continuous cropping up. 更多妖族魔族强者,蜂拥而至,源源不断的冒头。 Gu He complexion changes, at once looked at Shang Chen, the manner is humble calmly is standing, does not dare to open the outbreak of war again lightly. 谷禾脸色一变,旋即看了一眼商辰,神态谦卑着静静站着,不敢再轻启战端。
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