GOS :: Volume #11

#1099: Gu He

The Medicine Refining Pavilion battleships, flash before slowly by the sea of clouds nebula fog, oppresses toward under sea area islands gradually. 一艘艘药器阁的战舰,由云海星云雾中慢慢闪现出来,渐渐朝着底下海域岛屿压迫。 Heavy such as the constriction of mountain, came from Warrior on these battleships, came from the great megacryst artillery on battleship, in the crystal artillery energy spout, as if momentarily can blast open the eruption. 沉重如山的压迫感,来自于那些战舰上的武者,来自于战舰上的巨大晶炮,晶炮内能量喷涌着,似乎随时都能炸裂爆发。 The battleship of flame clan, the crystal clan and ice clan, assumes three directions to stay in various cloud sunstar wide ranges respectively, is faintly close the vault of heaven, many powerful aura, reveal from the flame clan, the crystal clan and ice clan battleship release, is quite astonishing. 炎族、晶族、冰族的战舰,呈三个方向分别停留在云海星各大区域,隐隐将苍穹封闭,许多股强悍气息,从炎族、晶族、冰族战舰释放流露出来,极为惊人。 In Medicine Refining Pavilion, two Elder Gu He and flame clans, the crystal clan and ice clan are on good terms, is close with the Divine Light and other influence relations, has the ability and Great Elder left Lou Kangheng strong character truly. 药器阁内,二长老谷禾与炎族、晶族、冰族交好,和神光等势力关系密切,是真正有能力和大长老左娄抗衡的强势人物。 Now the Great Elder left Lou Yinwei fact declines, such as the stray cur barely manages to maintain a feeble existence, does not know that hides where, Gu Hebian alone big, has become the Medicine Refining Pavilion essence spokesman, commands the Medicine Refining Pavilion all parties foothold, the influence is the most prosperous time. 如今大长老左娄因为事迹败落,如丧家之犬般苟延残喘,不知道藏匿在何处,谷禾便一家独大,成了药器阁实质的代言人,统领药器阁各方据点,势力达到最鼎盛时期。 In the bottle gourd shape island, Xiao En and Yu Shan audiences Fire Rain Star Field Warrior, complexion gloomy, raises head the looks at day. 葫芦形岛上,肖恩郁珊一众火雨星域武者,脸色阴沉,仰头看着天。 Numerous Fire Rain Star Field battleships, float to rise from the nearby islands and sea area, the battleship pays homage misty splendid light, all sorts of energy key positions opened all, have prepared meeting head-on. 众多火雨星域的战舰,从附近岛屿和海域内部浮升出来,战舰上祭出蒙蒙华光,种种能量枢纽尽数开启,做好了迎战的准备。 Then in this time, Shi Yan such as together the meteor passed over gently and swiftly, crops up on gourd island suddenly. 便在此时,石岩如一道流星掠过,骤然在葫芦岛上冒头。 Miao glory, tuo are lame, Sanna and other Fighting Union and Divine Light Expert, from peripheral gathers, the look is surprised, Medicine Refining Pavilion battleship that looks at slowly appears. 缪荣、跎跛、萨那等战盟神光强者,也纷纷从周边汇聚过来,眼神惊讶不解,都看着慢慢浮现的药器阁战舰。 War Chariot that is quenchinged by the red-orange crystal, gorgeous exceptionally, stream ray overflowing color glittering the dazzling fluctuation, in piling up with the unusual Divine Crystal War Chariot peak, a carriage extremely plump man, is narrowing under small eye coldly looks at, actuating the battleship little to be close toward here. 一艘由橘红色晶体淬炼的战车,华美异常,流光溢彩的闪烁着炫目波动,在堆满奇特神晶战车顶端,一名体态极其肥硕的男子,眯着小眼睛冷冷看着下面,驱动着战舰一点点朝着这儿接近。 The male manner clan, looks at as if the human form meat mountain fiercely, the whole body fat shivers all over, his loose magnificent and expensive clothing, as if cannot bind the whole body fat, has the possibility of rupturing anytime. 男子为人族,猛地一看仿佛人形肉山,浑身肥肉乱颤,他那一身宽松华贵的衣衫,似乎裹不住满身肥肉,随时有爆裂的可能。 This person of corpulent, eye actually strange Little, if not look at carefully earnestly, even is indiscoverable, his five senses were given the distortion of extrusion by the fat. 此人肥头大耳,眼睛却奇小,若是不认真端详,甚至难以发现,他五官都被肥肉给挤压的变形了。 Gu He!” Xia Xinyan reminded in a soft voice. “谷禾!”夏心妍轻声提醒。 Shi Yan selects the eyebrow, looks earnestly to that Gu He, secret vigilant. 石岩一挑眉,认真看向那谷禾,暗暗警惕。 Divine Light tuo is lame, Sanna to see this plump meat mountain to crop up, hesitant, goes forward to salute. 神光的跎跛、萨那一见这肥硕的肉山冒头,犹豫了一下,纷纷上前一步行礼。 Gu Hemi the aperture, is pulling a difficult smiling face, is lame nodded to tuo, said benignly: You also, um, very good to be very good.” 那谷禾眯着小眼,扯出一个艰难的笑容,冲跎跛点了点头,和颜悦色道:“你们也在,嗯,很好很好。” tuo is lame, a Sanna face to be bewildered. 跎跛、萨那一脸莫名其妙。 Gu He looks at once to Xiao En and Yu Shan, the look suddenly one coldly, suddenly shouted to clear the way: „Does your Fire Rain Star Field person, why intrude here arbitrarily? Who allows you to straddle zones to come! Carries broken ten thousand Warrior, thousand battleships, is your this declares war to our Agate Star Field?” 谷禾旋即看向肖恩郁珊,眼神骤然一寒,突然喝道:“你们火雨星域的人,为何擅自闯入我们这儿?谁允许你们跨界而来的!携带破万武者,千艘战舰,你们这是对我们玛琊星域宣战么?” Such remarks, the people are all startled. 此话一出,众人皆惊。 The flame clan, the ice clan and crystal clan that battleship not far away anchors, transmits rumbled quietly, swift and fierce murderous aura lock quickly to this, prepares a war at any time. 不远处停泊的炎族、冰族、晶族战舰,悄然传来轰鸣,一股股凌厉的杀气倏地锁定向这一块,随时准备一战。 Xiao En and Yu Shan brow deep lock, neglected one, the complexion sank gradually. 肖恩郁珊眉头深锁,忽视一眼,脸色渐渐沉了下来。 We come Agate Star Field, because purely the person with your star territory has the agreement, do not make anything to your Agate Star Field.” Yu Shan hesitant, expression raw and cold saying: Doesn't have what connection with your Medicine Refining Pavilion? Your does Medicine Refining Pavilion boast of being the Agate Star Field master? Do we come also to pass through your Medicine Refining Pavilion to agree inadequately?” “我们前来玛琊星域,纯粹因为和你们星域的人有约定,并非要对你们玛琊星域做些什么。”郁珊犹豫了一下,语气生冷的说道:“和你们药器阁没有什么关联吧?难道你们药器阁自诩为玛琊星域主人?我们过来还要经过你们药器阁同意不成?” Fire Rain Star Field and our Agate Star Field by no means one group of harmoniousness.” Gu He smiles cold, snort|hum said: In the past also once fierce battle, my Gu then with the family at risk of life mechanical reactance of your star territory, although afterward void passage was sealed up, but two star territories already unwritten agreed that well water not interfering with river water. Now and others intruded rashly, without any omen comes to our star territory, we can regard your Fire Rain Star Field declaring war action.” 火雨星域和我们玛琊星域并非一团和睦。”谷禾冷然一笑,哼道:“当年还曾激烈交战过,我谷家便与你们星域的一个家族拼死力抗过,虽然后来虚空通道被封闭了,但两个星域早已不成文约定,相互间井水不犯河水。如今尔等冒然闯入,没有任何预兆的来我们星域,我们可以当成你们火雨星域的宣战举动。” Gu?” The Xiao En facial expression moves, suddenly sneers: Originally is that Gu, Hehe, almost by that family that we exterminate the clan, has not thought that some people had prospects.” “谷家?”肖恩神情一动,突然冷笑起来:“原来是那个谷家,嘿嘿,差点被我们灭族的那个家族,没想到有人有出息了。” „Are you?” Gu He look gloomy and cold. “你是?”谷禾眼神阴冷 „my name is Xiao, Ha Ha, in the past your Gu is been very miserable, it is estimated that have you who our Xiao Jia hit also listened to ancestry's shame? Ha Ha!” Xiao En laughs wildly proudly. “我姓肖,哈哈,当年你们谷家被我们肖家打的很惨,估计你也听过祖辈的耻辱吧?哈哈!”肖恩傲然狂笑起来。 Gu Hemian cold Rushuang, the eye pupil spills over the intense envy and hate to mean that stared at Xiao En to look for a long time, shouted to clear the way suddenly: Limits in your half a month fast to leave, otherwise was then equal to that declares war with us, we strike to kill you settledly fully!” 谷禾面冷如霜,眼瞳泛出强烈忌恨意味,盯着肖恩看了许久,突然喝道:“限你们半月内速速离开,否则便等于和我们宣战,我们定当全力击杀你们!” Mr. Gu He!” tuo is lame to knit the brows, said: Their this comes to Agate Star Field do not resort to violence, middle has the secret facts......” “谷禾先生!”跎跛皱眉,道:“他们这趟过来并非要对玛琊星域动武,当中另有隐情……” Was needless to say!” Gu He waves, unreasonable say|way: They are Fire Rain Star Field come the person, who and they arrives together, is our Agate Star Field rebel! This matter I can with Lord of communication your Divine Light, you either assist us to deal with the foreign land person, either stays out, do not look for trouble to Divine Light!” “不用说了!”谷禾一挥手,不近人情道:“他们是火雨星域来人,谁和他们走到一块儿,便是我们玛琊星域的叛徒!这件事我会和你们神光之主沟通,你们要么协助我们对付异域人,要么置身事外,别给神光找麻烦!” The tuo being lame complexion changes, look gloomy and cold glittering, had not continued to speak. 跎跛脸色一变,眼神阴冷闪烁了一下,没有继续讲话。 Fighting Union Miao glory, Xia Xinyan are the brow tight wrinkles, has exchanged in secret, has not expressed the opinion. 战盟的缪荣、夏心妍都是眉头紧皱,相互暗中交流了一下,没有发表意见。 Fighting Union and Third Elder Bettina relates closely, continuously and Great Elder and two Elder do not satisfy the need, if they talk too much dissuade, instead will work just the opposite, annoys that Gu He more intense words. 战盟三长老贝蒂娜关系紧密,一直都和大长老、二长老不对路,他们如果多言劝阻,反而会适得其反,惹来那谷禾的更激烈言辞。 Clearly, at the Medicine Refining Pavilion Elder meeting, was swept because of left Lou is eliminated, Gu He now already alone big, has dominated Medicine Refining Pavilion faintly. 很明显,在药器阁长老会上,因为左娄被扫出局,谷禾如今已经一家独大,隐隐把持了药器阁 Gu He and flame clan, the ice clan and crystal clan relate closely, obtains agreeing of these three formidable races, is on good terms with Divine Light and strong presence, this Gu He arrogance Sheng, tears to pieces the facial skin with him now immediately obviously is not the wise action. 谷禾和炎族、冰族、晶族关系紧密,得到这三个强大种族的首肯,又和神光和强大势力交好,这谷禾如今气焰正盛,和他立即撕破脸皮显然不是明智之举。 But Gu He does not dare to open the outbreak of war immediately lightly. 但谷禾也没敢立即轻启战端。 Medicine Refining Pavilion and crystal clan, flame clan and ice clan comes the person about 30,000, has striven to excel Xiao En in the quantity and Yu Shan, however, in the Void God boundary Warrior quantity, they are inferior. 药器阁、晶族、炎族、冰族的来人近30000,在数量上要强过肖恩郁珊这边,然而,在虚神武者数量上,他们还是逊色一点。 These concerns the wars of two star territories, if really triggered, because Medicine Refining Pavilion Origin God are many may win, but can definitely be the hard victory, will lose the massive skilled people, afterward may also welcome counter-attack of Fire Rain Star Field, dispatching more influences to enter the retaliation. 这一场关乎两个星域的战争,真要是触发了,药器阁这边因为始神较多或许会取胜,但必然会是惨胜,会损失大量好手,事后还有可能迎来火雨星域的反扑,派遣更多势力进入报复。 The person who Xiao En and Yu Shan bring, is not an influence, but is to mingle of multi- race multi- influence, the relations are intriguing. 肖恩郁珊带来的人,并非属于一股势力,而是多种族多势力的混杂,关系错综复杂。 If they were executed here, Agate Star Field and Fire Rain Star Field star territory war, almost breaks out immediately, will sweep across all people. 他们若是被格杀在此,玛琊星域火雨星域的星域战争,几乎立即爆发,会席卷所有人。 Although Gu He is conceited, but is not the generation of impulsive impulsion, does not dare to act unreasonably. 谷禾虽然狂妄自大,但并不是鲁莽冲动之辈,也不敢乱来。 I only want to know, Agate Star Field calculation that was said by your Medicine Refining Pavilion?” Yu Shan is cold the face, suddenly said. “我只想知道一点,玛琊星域是不是由你们药器阁说的算?”郁珊寒着脸,突然道。 „It is not calculation that our Medicine Refining Pavilion said that but this matter I already and all parties communicate, the flame clan, the crystal clan, the wooden clan, the ice clan, the Ghost Mark clan wait / etc. all sorts of influences, think that the to ignore your Fire Rain Star Field ten thousand Warrior in Agate Star Field, will make them sleep on pins and needles, if you are not willing to leave on own initiative, we only then got rid to compel you to leave.” Gu He said proudly. “不是我们药器阁说的算,但此事我已经和各方沟通,炎族、晶族、木族、冰族、鬼纹族等等种种势力,都认为放任你们火雨星域万名武者玛琊星域,会让他们寝食难安,你们若是不肯主动离开,那我们只有出手逼你们离开了。”谷禾傲然道。 That side Monster Clan, Devil Clan and Fighting Union, you and did the ditches pass?” Silent for a long time Shi Yan, raises the sound track suddenly. 妖族魔族战盟那边,你们和沟通过了?”沉默许久的石岩,忽然扬声道。 Boy, who are you?” Gu He look one cold, „the trivial Source God Realm boy, do you have the qualifications of digression?” “小子,你是何人?”谷禾眼神一寒,“区区源神境小子,你有插话的资格么?” „my name is, single-character personal name crag character.” Knits the brows slightly, Shi Yan said indifferently: I think that you should listen to my name?” “我姓石,单名一个‘岩’字。”微微皱眉,石岩淡然说道:“我想,你应该听过我的名字?” Gu He the pupil flashes through wipes astonishedly, at once rapid concealing falls, putting on a serious face chilling say|way: Has not listened, I do not need to confess anything to you!” 谷禾瞳仁闪过一抹惊异,旋即迅速隐匿掉,板着脸冷硬道:“没听过,我不用向你交代什么!” He looks to Miao glory, Xia Xinyan, the manner slightly slow, said: I had said with Feng Han personally, he will say will stay out, will not take a stand this matter. As for Monster Clan and Devil Clan that side, because the distance is far, I am also relating, I think that they will also approve my decision, ten thousand foreign lands come the person to keep Fire Rain Star Field, this hidden danger is too big, we cannot undertake the possible accident, must catch up with them to exit!” 他看向缪荣、夏心妍两人,神态稍缓,说道:“我已经和锋寒亲自说过,他说会置身事外,不表态此事。至于妖族魔族那边,因为距离较远,我还在联系,我想他们也会赞成我的决定,万名异域来人留在火雨星域,这个隐患太大,我们承担不起可能出现的意外,必须赶他们出去!” Gu He iron core must expel person. 谷禾铁了心的要撵人。 Miao glory, Xia Xinyan have gawked, the whole face is helpless, has not expressed the opinion. 缪荣、夏心妍愣了一下,满脸无奈,没有发表意见。 Gu He obtains the Medicine Refining Pavilion power, Feng Han naturally cannot have no consideration for face with Gu He, did not express the opinion has opposed silent, but in Gu He mouth, Feng Han has tacitly approved his procedure. 谷禾得到药器阁大权,锋寒自然不会和谷禾撕破脸,不发表意见算是沉默反对了,但在谷禾口中,锋寒是默认了他的做法。 The atmosphere refuses to compromise suddenly. 气氛忽然僵持起来。 Medicine Refining Pavilion threatens to come with the flame clan, the ice clan and crystal clan, the word does not gather the stance of then battling against greatly, Xiao En and on Yu Shan the strength is not weak, must fight not to be possible really to fear, but wants safely to return to Fire Rain Star Field to fear that is extremely difficult. 药器阁携炎族、冰族、晶族气势汹汹而来,大有一言不合便开战的架势,肖恩郁珊手上战力不弱,真要交手不一定会惧怕,但是想要平安返回火雨星域怕是极难。 At this time Agate Star Field does not need to deal with the attack of God Clan temporarily, but Fire Rain Star Field also with the God Clan battle continuous, Xiao En and Yu Shan, although extremely not being feeling well Gu He, does not dare the loss waste in this. 此时玛琊星域暂时不用应对神族的侵袭,可火雨星域还在和神族交战不休,肖恩郁珊虽然极其不爽谷禾,也不敢将损耗浪费在此。 How did you say?”, Yu Shan looks suddenly to Shi Yan, helpless saying: We and you agree to come, but to promote regiment battle efficiency, we need also merely is only Lianna and Ben Ni this kind of general's talent, if Lianna and Ben Ni can go to our Fire Rain Star Field, we return immediately might also as well.” “你怎么说?”突地,郁珊看向石岩,无奈的说道:“我们和你约定而来,只是为了提升军团战斗力,我们所需的也仅仅只是莉安娜本尼这类将才,如果莉安娜本尼可以去我们火雨星域,我们立即返回也是无妨。” Must seal up with void passage of Fire Rain Star Field connection!” Gu He is one coldly drinks, your Fire Rain Star Field and God Clan are battling, if God Clan draws support your Fire Rain Star Field void passage enters here, will bring the giant disaster to us. Therefore, when you leave, we surely will seal up the wall barrier, both sides henceforth no longer exchange.” “和火雨星域连接的虚空通道必须封闭!”谷禾又是一声冷喝,“你们火雨星域神族正激战,万一神族借助于你们火雨星域的虚空通道进入我们这儿,会给我们带来巨大的灾祸。因此,在你们离开之时,我们定会封闭壁障,双方从此不再交流。” Gu He saying, on gourd island the people complexion was a. 谷禾这么一说,葫芦岛上众人脸色都严峻起来。 Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field void passage, once seals up once more, two star territories then did not have the relation, that Lianna and Ben Ni in the past, feared that is hard. 火雨星域玛琊星域虚空通道一旦再次封闭,两大星域便没了联系,那莉安娜本尼过去以后,怕是便难以回来。 This does not conform to the Shi Yan benefit and idea obviously. 这显然不符合石岩的利益和想法。 In his eyeground, God Clan is the biggest enemy, Agate Star Field must collaborate to resist God Clan with Fire Rain Star Field, can obtain many God Clan knowledge from Fire Rain Star Field, can obtain the policy of dealing with. 在他眼底,神族才是最大敌人,玛琊星域应当和火雨星域联手对抗神族,从火雨星域这边可以得到许多神族的知识,能获得应对的方针。 That side Ascot Family, to make a connection with Agate Star Field void passage refinement rare treasure, once they have succeeded, Agate Star Field must immediately with the God Clan Ascot Family battle, if there is a Fire Rain Star Field this ally, they exchange the news and power in the fields, both has the profit to both sides. 阿斯科特家族那边,正为打通玛琊星域虚空通道炼制秘宝,一旦他们成功了,玛琊星域立即要和神族阿斯科特家族交战,如果有火雨星域这个盟友,他们在某些方面互通消息和力量,对双方都有益处。 If operates independently, may be routed, then the star territory falls into enemy hands. 如果各自为战,可能都会被击溃,进而星域失守。 Shi Yan complexion cold severe, looked up a Medicine Refining Pavilion Gu He gradually, suddenly said: Your Medicine Refining Pavilion Sacred Scripture is given Fu Wei by me, according to natural law, Fu Wei is the Medicine Refining Pavilion master, you are only trivial Elder, is one's turn you to bluff and bluster?” 石岩脸色渐渐冷厉,抬头看了一眼药器阁的谷禾,突然说道:“你们药器阁圣典由我交给芙薇,按照规则,芙薇才是药器阁主人,你只是区区一个长老,怎轮到你耀武扬威?” ...... 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