GOS :: Volume #11

#1098: Mind incantation technique

Yu Shan, Xiao En and Miao glory, tuo are lame and the others, is stunned, the look suddenly becomes strange. 郁珊肖恩、缪荣、跎跛等人,皆是一脸错愕,眼神忽然变得古怪起来。 In the field the people, arrive because of Gu He have a heavy heart, regardless of Miao glory also or tuo is lame, considers stemming from the behind influence, does not dare to conflict with Gu He directly. 场内众人,因谷禾到来都心情沉重,不论缪荣亦或者跎跛,出于身后势力着想,都不敢和谷禾正面冲突。 Because of Representative Gu He Medicine Refining Pavilion. 因为谷禾代表药器阁 Shi Yan ignores, does not attend to Medicine Refining Pavilion in Agate Star Field aloof Earth Realm, called to account Gu He to obtain the dubiosity of right directly. 石岩偏偏不理不睬,也不顾药器阁玛琊星域超然地位,直接责问谷禾得到权利的可疑性。 Gu He complexion is pale. 谷禾面色铁青。 His behind several Realm profound Warrior, is murderous aura is steaming, one of them achieves Origin God Second Sky Realm, is a Medicine Refining Pavilion hideaway consecrates, is called Ino, the cultivation mind incantation technique. 身后数名境界高深武者,则是杀气腾腾,其中一人达到始神二重天境界,为药器阁一名隐藏供奉,叫做井野,修炼心灵咒术。 Ino knits the brows, eye pupil swiftly dark like abyss, stares to look to Shi Yan. 井野一皱眉,眼瞳倏然幽暗如深渊,直勾勾瞧向石岩 One type pulls Soul Altar to God Body strange spiritual energy, such as cannot see the rope to grip the Shi Yan soul quietly tightly, at once pulls his soul to clutch to fleshly body, causes his spirit meat separation. 一种将灵魂祭台牵离神体的奇诡精神能量,如看不见绳索将石岩灵魂悄然攥紧,旋即扯着他灵魂要揪离肉身,使得他灵肉分离。 Xiao En and Yu Shan simultaneously discoloration. 肖恩郁珊同时色变。 Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao look ices suddenly coldly. 夏心妍紫耀眼神骤然冰寒。 Slow!” “迟缓!” The clear cold voice sound drinks tenderly, the First Level level mysterious fluctuation ripples, the time as if suddenly slows down, the operating law of myriad things as if forcefully was changed. 冷声音娇喝,一层层玄妙波动荡漾开来,时间仿佛忽然变慢,万物的运行规律仿佛被强行改变。 Ino's mind incantation technique precise spirit energy, actually was also affected, holds fast the fluctuation of Shi Yan soul becomes is incapable suddenly leisurely, ability of his soul hauling, by large scale subduction. 井野的心灵咒术凝炼的精神能量,竟然也被影响,拘住石岩灵魂的波动忽然变得轻缓无力,将他灵魂牵引的能力,被大幅度的消减。 Ino has a delicate and pretty face, the age seems like not extremely old, eye pupil profound dark green, is containing not the well-known charm, dark treacherous, at this time his delicate and pretty facial skin vibrated a instant, the eye pupil is elegant the point to lubricate green light Ze, such as wilderness Ghost Flame moves fast evilly different. 井野有一张俊美的脸庞,岁数看起来不算极老,眼瞳却深邃苍古,蕴藏着不知名的魔力,幽暗诡谲,此时他俊美脸皮抖动了一霎,眼瞳飘逸出点点油绿光泽,如荒野鬼火飘忽邪异。 A mind incantation technique, releases from his corner of the eye, hits hard the soul. 一个心灵咒术,从他眼角释放出来,重击魂魄。 bo! 啵! The Xia Xinyan mind shakes loudly, such as Heavenly Lightning emerges, the Sea of Consciousness blasting open bang is broken, the consciousness is hard to meet again. 夏心妍脑海轰然一震,如天雷涌入,识海炸裂轰碎,意识难以重聚。 Her elegant face fiercely pale, tender body distressed is shivering, supernatural power fast decline. 她俏脸猛地苍白,娇躯狼狈的颤抖着,身上的神力迅捷的衰落。 Time deep meaning that exerts, was explained naturally, Ino's mind incantation technique continues to arrest restraint to the Shi Yan soul, must migrate his soul. 施加的时间奥义,自然而然被破解,那井野的心灵咒术又继续拘束缚石岩灵魂,要将他魂魄迁移出来。 Xiao En and Yu Shan are cold the face to get rid suddenly. 肖恩郁珊寒着脸突然出手。 The torrential flame sea appears void, shortly here the horizon will cover up, in the sea, the thunderclap called the number, the lightning such as the flood dragon wound, the fierce release was tyrannical. 滔滔火焰海洋虚空浮现,顷刻间将这边天际遮掩,海洋中,雷声鸣号,闪电如蛟龙蜿蜒,狂烈的释放暴虐。 The mind incantation technique that Ino exerts, had been consumed energy by the flame corrosion, by thunder and lightning crushing will imprint, was announced suddenly explains. 井野施加的心灵咒术,被火焰侵蚀消耗了能量,被雷电击碎意志烙印,突然宣告破解。 Ino delicate and pretty face one cold, is out of control snort|hum, sharply not to continue to start, but turns the head to look to Gu He. 井野俊美脸庞一寒,禁不住哼了一声,没有急着继续下手,只是别头看向谷禾。 Gu He shakes the head slightly, small eye splits the color of deceitful residual poison, raises the sound track: Fu Wei violates the Medicine Refining Pavilion laws, had faced the wall to think of faults forcefully, this matter obtains the discussions of various Medicine Refining Pavilion Great Elder, she does not have the qualifications to have Sacred Scripture, has to govern by me temporarily.” 谷禾微微摇头,小眼睛绽出狡诈残毒之色,扬声道:“芙薇触犯药器阁法规,已被强行面壁思过,此事得到药器阁大长老的商议,她没有资格持有圣典,只好暂时由我来掌管。” Gu He line of sight looks all around, said proudly: This is my Medicine Refining Pavilion troubled, specific detail I am unsuitable to talk too much, so long as you understand a point then: I may delegate Medicine Refining Pavilion!” 谷禾视线环顾四周,傲然说道:“这是我药器阁内部纷扰,具体细节恕我不便多言,你们只要明白一点即可:我可全权代表药器阁!” His words fall, has not continued to pay attention to Shi Yan, had not explained that the matter of Ino getting rid, waves, does not bear saying: Gives you time to prepare, invites fast to leave, otherwise the time arrives at and others in addition also, we so will be then impolite.” 他话语落下,没有继续关注石岩,也没有解释井野出手之事,挥挥手,不耐道:“给你们时间准备,请各位速速离开,否则时间一到尔等尚且还在,我们便不会这般客气下去。” Shi Yan eye cold Yousen is cold, hand in the forehead, the intermittent death fluctuation released, will remain the mind incantation technique ample force elimination in mind. 石岩眼睛冷幽森寒,一只手点在额头,阵阵死亡波动释放出来,将残留脑海内的心灵咒术余力清除。 Has turned around, arrives at the Xia Xinyan side, he is concerned to ask: All right?” 转过身来,来到夏心妍的身旁,他关切问道:“没事吧?” Xia Xinyan gives a calm smile, looks up to Gu He Ino, said in a low voice: How he does not dare really to me.” 夏心妍淡然一笑,抬头看向谷禾身旁的井野,低声道:“他不敢真的对我如何。” The Shi Yan complexion is cloudy, nodded, raises head to say suddenly: Your Sacred Scripture are sought by me, initially was I gives Fu Wei, now I am not feeling well very much, I demand Sacred Scripture to your Medicine Refining Pavilion now, please return and me.” 石岩脸色阴厉,点了点头,忽然仰头说道:“你们的圣典由我寻来,当初是我交给芙薇,如今我很是不爽,我现在对你们药器阁索要圣典,请归还与我。” Gu He look full is despised lightly that the coldly lowering the head bird's eye view, disdained saying: Sacred Scripture is the thing of my Medicine Refining Pavilion, regardless of jolts to past where, it is still our Medicine Refining Pavilion halidom, regardless of who obtains, it belongs to our Medicine Refining Pavilion. Fu Wei Elder related Sacred Scripture has given enough reward, according to the transaction law of our Medicine Refining Pavilion, you trades achieved, Sacred Scripture then again did not have one to relate with you.” 谷禾眼神满是轻藐,冷冷低头俯瞰了一眼,不屑说道:“圣典本是我药器阁之物,不论颠簸流转到何处,它依然乃是我们药器阁的圣物,无论何人得到,它都属于我们药器阁。况且,芙薇长老有关圣典已经给出足够的酬谢,按照我们药器阁的交易定律,你们交易已经达成,圣典便与你再无一点关系了。” Doesn't give?” Shi Yan tranquil has hesitated, said: I take!” “不给是吧?”石岩平静的沉吟了一下,道:“我自己取!” ! 啪嗒! On Gu He the plump middle finger a azure quiet ring transmits the resounding, abstains the surface to appear the crack, the same thing works loose directly, in the lasing by the ring comes out suddenly. 谷禾肥硕的中指上一枚青幽戒指传来脆响,戒面显现裂纹,一样事物直接挣脱出来,突地由戒指内激射出来。 The tiny slit flashes through together, such thing drills into swiftly does not see, the slit heals rapidly. 一道微细缝隙闪过,那样事物倏然钻入其中不见,缝隙迅速愈合。 Gu He and Medicine Refining Pavilion people, the complexion all of a sudden becomes extremely ugly, is ominous severely looks to Shi Yan, the pupil meaning of murdering is hard to conceal simply. 谷禾和药器阁的众人,脸色一下子变得极其难看,皆是凶厉看向石岩,眸中的杀伐之意简直难以掩饰。 I have a custom.” The Shi Yan manner is indifferent, after the precious thing that my hand leaves, my total custom leaves behind restriction, particularly such as the Sacred Scripture so precious thing, I even more will be naturally careful.” “我这个人有个习惯。”石岩神态淡然,“经我手离开的宝贵之物,我总习惯留下一个禁制,尤其是如圣典这般宝贵之物,我自然会愈发小心。” Before the unclear Sacred Scripture origin, he looked at the marvelousness of Sacred Scripture, then routine leaves behind a wisp of space thought to hide, during by Space Deep Meaning urges the thought very difficult nosing capture that sends to evolve, Fu Wei not to know the mystery, has not paid attention the Sacred Scripture change. 在不明圣典来历之前,他已经瞧出圣典的奇妙,便习惯性的留下一缕空间意念藏匿其中,以空间奥义催发衍变的意念很难查探捕捉,芙薇也不知当中奥妙,没有留意圣典变化。 This thinks that he never needs to use that restriction, has not expected the situation to be unpredictable, Fu Wei must face the wall to think of faults at this time unexpectedly, Sacred Scripture falls into Gu He this kind of deceitful person hand unexpectedly. 本以为他永远不需要动用那个禁制,没料到事态变幻莫测,芙薇此时居然要面壁思过,圣典竟落入谷禾这类奸人手中。 He does not believe Fu Wei to violate any laws, the Fu Wei actions for Agate Star Field, to eradicate the Medicine Refining Pavilion rebel, have no qualms in the heart, Shi Yan understand that Fu Wei either was framed by Gu He, either was sought the reason to shift blame at will, in brief is Gu He this person in secret plays tricks. 他是不信芙薇会触犯什么法规的,芙薇所作所为都是为玛琊星域,都是为铲除药器阁的叛徒,无愧于心,石岩明白芙薇要么被谷禾陷害,要么被随意寻了理由嫁祸,总之都是谷禾此人暗中捣鬼。 If Sacred Scripture in the Fu Wei hand, he will not talk too much anything, but now Medicine Refining Pavilion by Gu He this person of domination, he naturally cannot only defend does not attack. 圣典如果在芙薇手中,他不会多言什么,可现在药器阁由谷禾这人把持,他自然不会只守不攻。 You dare to play tricks above my Medicine Refining Pavilion Sacred Scripture!” Gu He facial expression distortion, the fat shivers all over, such as a big gusano sways. “你敢在我药器阁圣典之上捣鬼!”谷禾脸容扭曲,肥肉乱颤,如一个大蛆虫般晃荡起来。 Rip!” 哧啦!” The Shi Yan corner of the eye splits a slit, he puts out a hand to grasp, that Sacred Scripture then returns to his palm. 石岩眼角绽出一道缝隙,他伸手一抓,那圣典便重返他掌心。 If wants to ask for Sacred Scripture, making Fu Wei take personally, you...... Does not match to have this thing.” Tore to pieces the facial skin simply, Shi Yan was impolite, nodded to behind Fei Lan and Ka Tuo, said: Goes to Devil Blood Star to call Blood Devil and other Senior to come, I must have a look at Agate Star Field calculation that but actually whether was said by your Gu He.” “如想讨回圣典,让芙薇亲自来拿,你……不配持有此物。”索性撕破脸皮了,石岩一点不客气,冲身后费兰卡托点头,道:“去魔血星血魔前辈过来,我倒要看看玛琊星域是否真由你谷禾说的算。” Fei Lan and Ka Tuo silent nod, silhouette, then vanishes in the submatrix in a flash does not see. 费兰卡托沉默点头,身影一晃间,便在子阵内消失不见。 The submatrix peripheral gathers several thousand Fire Rain Star Field Expert, Xiao En and Yu Shan in that same place, Gu Hebian is having the idea not to have the means to prevent immediately, can only , whatever Fei Lan and Ka Tuo leave. 子阵周边聚集着数千名火雨星域强者,肖恩郁珊都在那一块,谷禾便是有想法也没有办法立即阻止,只能任由费兰卡托离开。 Boy, you interfere my Medicine Refining Pavilion internal affairs forcefully, plays tricks on my Medicine Refining Pavilion Sacred Scripture, your crime does not have to be possible!” Gu Heshen inspires, to that Ino nodded, shouted to clear the way coldly: Has killed him to me!” “小子,你强行干涉我药器阁内务,在我药器阁圣典上捣鬼,你罪无可恕!”谷禾深吸一口气,冲那井野点了点头,冷喝道:“给我杀了他!” Ino dark profound eyes pupil spilled over a different light, the corners of the mouth pulls, must release the mind incantation technique. 井野幽暗深邃的眼眸泛出点点异光,嘴角扯动了一下,又要释放心灵咒术。 Xiao En and Yu Shan snort|hum, has plundered the leaving potential suddenly, stopped side Shi Yan, indifferent looks at Gu He Waino. 肖恩郁珊哼了一声,忽然掠动身势,在石岩身旁停了下来,冷眼看着谷禾和井野。 „Do you want to be inadequate with our Agate Star Field battle really?” Gu Hehan the face was shouting to clear the way. “你们真想和我们玛琊星域交战不成?”谷禾寒着脸喝道。 You could not represent entire Agate Star Field, you could not represent Medicine Refining Pavilion, you can only represent your.” Shi Yan laughs, good, the flame clan, the ice clan and crystal clan are send for coordinating you, but I do not believe really their three big races because of your Gu He, will bet the life and death of entire race!” “你代表不了整个玛琊星域,你也代表不了药器阁,你只能代表你一人。”石岩嗤笑,“不错,炎族、冰族、晶族是派人配合你,但我真的不相信他们三大种族会因为你谷禾,将整个种族的生死赌进去!” The flame clan, the ice clan and crystal clan in Agate Star Field are the powerful races, particularly the flame clan, can contend with Devil Clan and Monster Clan, is the great powerful race. 炎族、冰族、晶族在玛琊星域都是很强悍的种族,尤其是炎族,能够和魔族妖族抗衡,乃一等一的强悍种族。 Ices the clan and crystal clan, although inferior plans, weakly will not be many, if these three big races believe Gu He, this matter wants to be thornier. 冰族、晶族虽然逊色一筹,也不会弱太多,如果这三大种族真的听信谷禾,这件事要棘手许多。 Warrior that what a pity, flame clan, ice clan and crystal clan come, simply does not have the clan senior head of the clan rank character in clan, true lives in top digit Expert not to come top, explained that they obviously are not Gu He attachment, is only the pure cooperation. 可惜,炎族、冰族、晶族过来的武者,根本没有族内的族老族长级别人物,真正顶尖身居高位强者没来,说明他们显然不是谷禾的依附者,只是纯粹的合作关系。 The cooperation, naturally cannot without benefit like mad, therefore Shi Yan does not believe the flame clan, the ice clan and crystal clan to be able for Gu He, with Xiao En and Yu Shan they like mad. 合作关系,自然不会在没有利益的情况下拼死拼活,所以石岩不信炎族、冰族、晶族会为了谷禾,与肖恩郁珊他们拼死拼活。 Really, Shi Yan such remarks, Gu He complexion becomes even more ugly. 果然,石岩此话一出,谷禾脸色变得愈发难看。 Ino quietly gets rid. 井野则是悄然出手。 The Shi Yan silencing is motionless, but the control has gripped handle evil different Blood Sword, on that Blood Sword monster different Blood Pupil, are wriggles suddenly likely. 石岩静寂不动,只是手心攥了一柄邪异血剑,那血剑上一只只妖异的血瞳,忽然像是蠕动起来。 Blood lines multiply from the sword body, such as spider web instantaneously crawling full Shi Yan God Body, a close mind and fluctuation of Sea of Consciousness sacrificial altar, releases from Shi Yan, cannot perceive on him including peripheral Xiao En and Yu Shan any fluctuation. 一条条血线从剑体上滋生出来,如蛛网瞬间爬满石岩神体,一种封闭心灵和识海祭台的波动,从石岩身上释放出来,连周边肖恩郁珊都觉察不出他身上的任何波动。 Is skilled in Ino of mind incantation technique, several evil and cruel incantation laws release, is actually not able to lock Shi Yan soul Sea of Consciousness, can only move fast around his God Body, actually does not cannot find a proper way. 精通心灵咒术的井野,数种歹毒咒法释放出来,却根本无法锁定石岩魂魄识海,只能飘忽在他神体周围,却不得其门而入。 God Weapon!” Ino complexion changes. 神兵!”井野脸色一变。 He stares in the Shi Yan hand to grip tight Blood Sword stubbornly, the look is dark, displays secret technique secretly, wants to affect Blood Sword to fluctuate forcefully. 他死死盯着石岩手中攥紧的血剑,眼神幽暗诡谲,暗暗施展秘术,想要强行影响血剑内部波动。 Bang! 轰! Cruel, to evil to wicked fluctuation, wells up quickly loudly from Blood Sword, such as trillion Blood Sea attack his mind, Ino that pair of profound eyes pupil, underlines flurriedly alarmed and afraid. 一股暴戾、至邪至恶的波动,倏地从血剑内轰然涌来,如亿万血海冲击他心灵,井野那双深邃的眼眸,突显慌乱惊惧。 Above Blood Sword, monster different Blood Pupil appear to open, scarlet blood glow distantly have as if locked Ino, as if evil Devil that wants the violent to jump, is gathering the potential to prepare. 血剑之上,一只只妖异血瞳浮现睁开,一道道猩红血芒仿佛遥遥锁定了井野,似乎要暴跳出来的邪恶妖魔,在蓄势准备着。 Ino consciousness short confused, suspends the incantation technique hurriedly, stabilizes Sea of Consciousness and sacrificial altar by the willpower, the complexion becomes extremely bad. 井野意识短暂迷乱,急忙暂停咒术,以意志力来稳定识海祭台,脸色变得极差。 Gu He whole face fat is trembling, had a scare, he starts to reexamine to have Shi Yan. 谷禾满脸肥肉抖颤着,也吓了一跳,他开始重新审视起石岩来。 The name of Shi Yan, he naturally early has listened, at the Medicine Refining Pavilion Elder meeting, this name and Monster Clan Ba Si and Gu Te, one and was often mentioned, the frequency of presenting with Devil Clan Blood Devil even must be higher than Ba Si, Gu Te and the others, as Medicine Refining Pavilion two Elder, how can he not know the Shi Yan depth? 石岩之名,他自然早早听过,在药器阁长老会上,这个名字和妖族巴斯古特,和魔族血魔一并被时常提起,出现的频率甚至还要高出巴斯古特等人,身为药器阁长老,他岂会不知石岩的深浅? But he has still misplaced Shi Yan fierce...... 但他依然错估了石岩的厉害…… Grasps Blood Sword merely, the Shi Yan look scarlet like the blood, the facial expression callously, indifferently is also looking to Ino and Gu He, did not say a word. 仅仅握着血剑,石岩眼神也猩红如血,神情冷酷之极,漠然看向井野和谷禾,一言不发。 He, waited for the Expert arrival of Monster Clan and Devil Clan, is waiting for a more appropriate opportunity. 他在等,等妖族魔族强者到来,等着更加合适的时机。 Xiao En and Yu Shan are panic-stricken, for strange surprised inexplicable, one on the left and other on the right is staying in his side that he shows, prepared for has sheltered him safely. 肖恩郁珊都是惊骇之极,为他展现出来的奇诡惊讶莫名,一左一右在他身旁停留着,做好了庇护他安全的准备。 They know, once Monster Clan and Devil Clan Expert arrives, the situation of this cloud sunstar will decide however will have the new change. 他们知道,一旦妖族魔族强者到来,这云海星的局势定然会发生新的变化。 ...... RO ……RO
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