GOS :: Volume #11

#1097: Calms the mind to calm the spirits

The Lianna type, exposes talent later Ben Ni, instantaneously becomes the character who has wielded great power with great arrogance. 莉安娜样,展露才华以后的本尼,瞬间成了最为炙手可热的人物。 The Fire Rain Star Field person wants him, Divine Light also wants him, Fighting Union also extended the olive branch, suddenly, in all influence of this named cloud sunstar, was Ben Ni has seethed with excitement, begged the talented person to Shi Yan completely. 火雨星域的人要他,神光也要他,战盟也抛出了橄榄枝,一时间,在这名为云海星的各方势力,都为本尼沸腾了起来,全部向石岩讨要人才。 After this war, Ben Ni almost instantaneously then budding, has become the man of the hour, his does not calculate that profound Realm, was neglected by the people, regarded as important him to lead troops the general's talent ability. 经此一战,本尼几乎瞬间便崭露头角,成了风云人物,他那不算高深的境界,被众人忽略,都看重了他带兵之将才能力。 Ben Ni naturally listens to Shi Yan, he knows that who is the pillar, therefore is silent. 本尼自然听石岩的,他知道谁才是主心骨,所以沉默。 Therefore, everybody will focus in Shi Yan. 因此,大家都将注意力放在石岩身上。 Shi Yan took a stand, temporarily does not have the energy to practice for all parties, first will only help Fire Rain Star Field, if later had the leisure, can discuss this matter again. 石岩表态,暂时没有精力为各方练点,只会先帮助火雨星域,以后若有闲暇,可以再谈此事。 He understands that Fire Rain Star Field in dealing with the God Clan threat, pressure numerous, at this time Fire Rain Star Field numerous influence Expert, still and God Clan is battling , to promote Fire Rain Star Field power as soon as possible, has to Agate Star Field to him important. 他明白火雨星域在应付神族威胁上,压力重重,此时火雨星域的众多势力强者,依然和神族交战着,尽快提升火雨星域力量,对他对玛琊星域都有至关重要的。 Only then God Clan is damaged, will have no time to care about Bloodthirsty lineage/vein a growth of slowly to be formidable, will not use more energy on Agate Star Field. 只有神族受创,才会无暇顾及嗜血一脉的慢慢成长强大,才不会将更多精力用在玛琊星域上。 Hears his decision, Yu Shan and Xiao En naturally is overjoyed, has the trip has not been made in vain rejoicing feeling, Divine Light and Fighting Union are quite naturally disappointed, but is not good reluctantly, after all they and Shi Yan do not have the friendship, others do not have the duty to comply with their anything. 听到他的决定,郁珊肖恩自然大喜过望,有种不虚此行的庆幸感,神光战盟自然极为失望,但也不好勉强,毕竟算起来他们和石岩并没有交情,人家也没有义务答应他们什么。 Quickly, Shi Yan and Yu Shan and Xiao En were discussing, temporarily came people to arrange their Fire Rain Star Field in this cloud sunstar. 很快地,石岩郁珊肖恩商议着,暂时将他们火雨星域来人安排在这云海星。 Yun Haixing is a Shadow Ghost Prison corner/horn, nearly approaches the Divine Light influence to that place void crack intersection point extremely, is not remote to Fighting Union, now has the submatrix to implicate, communicates with Devil Blood Star, various convenience. 云海星乃暗影鬼狱一角,离那处虚空裂缝交汇处极近靠近神光势力,离战盟也不算遥远,如今有子阵牵连,和魔血星也沟通起来,各种便利。 Regardless of Lianna comes training 不论莉安娜过来练兵 Also or Fire Rain Star Field comes the person to transport the commodity, the return trip enters the war, is very convenient. 亦或者火雨星域来人重新运输物资,还是回程参战,都很方便。 This and sunstar book belongs to Mirage Clan, later was wrested away by Divine Light forcefully, because Shi Yan helps the Divine Light 3000 people break through, they decide the recession. 这并海星本属于幽影族,之后被神光强行霸占,因为石岩神光3000人解围,他们决定退离。 If no strength crag ginseng to gather, according to will develop this Yun Haixing definitely to be given to take by Fighting Union conventional, in fact, Miao glory, Xia Xinyan will come are also prepare to take the cloud sunstar. 如果没有力岩参合,按照常规发展这云海星必然会被战盟给占用,事实上,缪荣、夏心妍过来也是准备拿下云海星。 However waits for Shi Yan and Yu Shan and Xiao En decides the detail, planned Yun Haixing after foothold, Miao glory, Xia Xinyan almost not too many hesitant, one strength accepts that complying with Fighting Union not to have the idea to the cloud sunstar again. 然而等石岩郁珊肖恩敲定细节,打算将云海星做为落脚点以后,缪荣、夏心妍几乎没有太多犹豫,都一力应承下来,答应战盟不会对云海星再有想法。 Such one, the sea of clouds astronomy and arithmetic is to incorporate into under the Shi Yan name comes the person to live by Fire Rain Star Field temporarily. 这么一来,云海星算是划归石岩的名下暂时由火雨星域来人居住。 Because Shi Yan and Zi Yao and Xia Xinyan relate extremely good, later Divine Light and Fighting Union come the person also to facilitate to say the sunstar, wants to come carefully, this cloud sunstar became has exchanged the places of several side, in addition the unique convenient position, has seriously become the vital part. 石岩紫耀夏心妍关系极好,以后神光战盟来人也能方便来云海星,细细想来,这云海星成了互通几方之处,加上独特的便利位置,当真成了要害处。 By the Fire Rain Star Field broken ten thousand Warrior strength Shadow Ghost Prison all parties influence feared that is nobody dares to provoke the cloud sunstar, there is Fighting Union in secret communication, later definitely nobody dares to court death. 火雨星域破万武者的实力暗影鬼狱各方势力怕是无人胆敢招惹云海星,又有战盟暗中传讯,以后肯定没人敢来找死。 The sunstar arranges appropriately, but Zi Yao and Divine Light comes the person still not to walk, but also keeps the cloud sunstar, said that must experience fierce of Lianna, hopes that can study a regiment to wield the technique of dispatch. 云海星这边安排妥当,可紫耀神光的来人依然没走,还留在云海星,说是要见识莉安娜的厉害,希望能学习一点军团执掌调度之术。 Shi Yan had not opposed that away being lame rouses with the Sanna facial expression, is listed as guest is thick the facial skin to search several islands to stay behind. 石岩没反对,距跛和萨那神情振奋,以客人身份暂居厚着脸皮寻觅几个岛屿留下。 Xia Xinyan and Miao glory have not walked, their Storm Battalion and Shui Yue fight the person of unit, guards in the cloud sunstar, the idea with being apart from is lame, Sanna to be the same, wants to train in Yun Haixing, with Lianna and Ben Ni exchange leading attainment. 夏心妍和缪荣也没有走,他们的疾风战部水月战部的人,也驻守在云海星,想法和距跛、萨那一样,也想在云海星练兵,和莉安娜本尼交流领军心得。 Naturally, in this period Zi Yao and Xia Xinyan naturally will not let off Shi Yan, once for a while comes to look for him, on the grounds of discussing deep meaning cultivation, fights for with the opportunity that he lives alone. 当然,其间紫耀夏心妍自然也不会放过石岩,时不时过来找他,以探讨奥义修炼为由,争抢与他独处的机会。 The time in a hurry, half a month passed over gently and swiftly in a flash quietly. 时间匆匆,一晃间,半月悄然掠过。 In half a month, Lianna has not come, Ben Ni opens with Fire Rain Star Field Warrior brushes, quenchings the regiment by his mind many strange knowledge, these methods appear unthinkable, for example lets several deep meaning consistent Warrior Soul Altar by the mystique involvement, making their power deep meanings fuse when displaying. 半月内,莉安娜尚未过来,本尼则是拿火雨星域武者开刷,以他脑海许多稀奇古怪知识淬炼军团,那些方法许多显得匪夷所思,譬如让数名奥义一致的武者灵魂祭台以秘法勾连,让他们的力量奥义在施展之时融合。 Also let alone, Ben Ni really has the detailed mystique coordination, can succeed unexpectedly, displays the extremely scary deterrent. 还别说,本尼竟然有详细的秘法配合,竟然真能成功,发挥出极为骇人的威慑出来。 He also has to make the Expert platoon that the power deep meaning succeeds one another become all sorts of small, lets their supplementary marvelous measures, the coordinate dispatchers of various armor weapons, several practices of strange battlefields. - 他还有让力量奥义相辅的强者排成种种小阵,让他们互补的奇妙措施,各类铠甲兵器的配合调度,几种诡异战阵的练习.- ...... …… In the Ben Ni brain is learned, is short of the experience and crucial moment, now has Fire Rain Star Field Warrior to be resigned to would rather practice to him, he naturally always enjoys. 本尼脑中有料,就是欠缺经验和火候,如今有火雨星域武者甘心情愿给他实践,他自然乐此不疲。 Xiao En and Yu Shan are paying attention secretly, from the beginning some aspects are unclear, some worries. 肖恩郁珊暗暗留心着,一开始有些方面不明,也有些担心。 However, after ten days, when they discovered when these Warrior show in the Ben Ni method is ominously severe, immediately sets firm resolve, will coordinate fully Ben Ni, how as one wishes he to fiddle with toss about. 然而,十天过后,等他们发现那些武者本尼方法展现凶厉之时,立即下定决心,将全力配合本尼,随便他如何捣鼓折腾。 They have felt relieved truly, even thought that even if Lianna does not come, had Ben Ni becomes in the army that also sufficiently made them bring can truly with strong soldier who God Clan contended with. 他们真正放心了,甚至觉得即便莉安娜不来,有本尼在也足以让他们带来的军队成为一支真正能和神族抗衡的强兵了。 Half a month time, Shi Yan was brought to sway in the cloud sunstar by Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao once for a while in all directions, has the leisure, then looks the day to look at the sea, temporarily puts behind troubled with the God Clan threat, rare tranquil lets loose the mind, he occasionally realizes from experience the deep meaning to be exquisite, really continuously has new realizing from experience. 半月时间,石岩时不时被夏心妍紫耀带着在云海星四处晃荡,一有闲暇,便看天看海,暂时忘却纷扰和神族威胁,难得平静的将心灵放开,他偶尔体悟奥义精妙,竟然缕缕有新的体悟。 Is serene when this mind, lets loose to realize from experience the heaven and earth scenery is marvelous, his relaxedness of Realm as if promotion. 在这种心神安详,放开一切体悟天地风景奇妙之时,他的境界似乎提升的更加轻松。 This discovery makes him be pleasantly surprised, realized suddenly this life never excessively quiet, he needs a true relaxation time, is stopped by the footsteps that oneself lead the way, looks at scenery well, gives own soul peaceful to own heart. 这个发现让他又惊又喜,也忽然意识到他这一生从未有过消停,他太需要一个真正的放松期,让自己前行的脚步停一停,好好看一看身边的景色,给自己的心给自己的灵魂安宁一下。 Occasionally realizes Realm, the power deep meaning area in his Soul Altar, the nebula is often radiant, Life and Death Deep Meaning as if multiplies marvelously. 偶尔体会境界,他灵魂祭台内的力量奥义区,往往星云璀璨,生死奥义似乎重新滋生奇妙。 He true will not study diligently attentively, enjoys the inspiration of that glance, in this state, he has the soul sublimation gradually, has Void Realm to occur to fluctuate, can breakthrough to the feeling of Void God Second Sky Realm. 他不会真正用心去钻研,享受那种惊鸿一瞥的灵感,在这种状态下,他渐渐有种灵魂升华,有种虚界发生变幻,能突破虚神二重天境界的感觉。 He realized suddenly that relaxation of this soul God Body, to him is a rare mind baptism, he needs this time serenity , helping Realm stable growth this serene relaxed day, lets Zi Yao and Xia Xinyan also is very joyful, they from the beginning are competed by quarrel, gradually becomes tranquil, sometimes together accompanies Shi Yan to look that the sea looks at cloud cluster to fluctuate, can very long not say a word, but enjoys and cares about the person purely to be together wonderful happy. 他忽然意识到,这次灵魂神体的放松,对他乃是一次难得的心灵洗礼,他非常需要这次的安详,来助境界的稳固成长这种安详轻松的日子,让紫耀夏心妍也很是欣喜,她俩由一开始的争吵较劲,渐渐变得平静,有时候一起陪同石岩看海看云簇变幻,能很久不发一言,只是纯粹享受和在意人相处的美妙甜蜜。 They and Shi Yan known one another well to meet are not the one day and one night, however, they in enjoy the journey scenery with Shi Yan truly together relieved the time, almost never has. 两人和石岩相知相遇不是一朝一夕,然而,她们真正和石岩在一起安心享受路途风光的时间,几乎从来没有。 They and Shi Yan day together, often follows the fight, to chase down, plot, fortuitous encounter and thrilling, little has the leisure not to be troubled, the marvelousness of pure enjoyment life. 她们和石岩一道的日子,往往伴随着战斗、追杀、阴谋、奇遇和惊险,很少有闲暇不想纷扰,纯粹的享受生命的奇妙。 The calm life of this cloud sunstar, is they are long-awaited, when they same let loose the heart to realize from experience wonderfully with Shi Yan, the mind has let loose, the soul seemed purified, thought that the deep meaning in sacrificial altar has breakthrough to change faintly. 这次云海星的平静生活,正是她们梦寐以求的,当她们和石岩一样放开心扉去体悟美妙,心灵放开了,灵魂似乎被净化了,也都觉得祭台内的奥义隐隐有所突破变化。 Indescribable wonderful feeling. 难以言喻的美妙感觉。 What a pity does not last forever, on this day, looks at mighty waves vast sea level of three people on the reef, hear Xiao En roar suddenly. 可惜好景不长,这一天,三人在礁石上看着波涛浩淼的海面,突闻肖恩一声厉啸 On distant place gourd island, numerous Fire Rain Star Field Warrior gather, anchors on the island, sinks to the seabed the battleship, rapidly floated, Xiao En and Yu Shan complexion is stern, is gains ground the looks at day, is waiting to gaze at anything silently. 远处葫芦岛上,众多火雨星域武者纷纷聚集起来,许多停泊在岛上,沉入海底的战舰,也都迅速浮了出来,肖恩郁珊脸色严峻,都是抬头看着天,在默默等候注视着什么。 What's wrong?” Zi Yao elegant face one cold, what person had to bother?” “怎么啦?”紫耀俏脸一冷,“是不是有什么人过来搅局了?” The tranquil serene day was disturbed, she a lot is not quick, wants to shout abuse. 平静的安详日子被打搅,她一肚子不快,真想破口大骂。 Un, if some people do not come, Xiao En so will not be discrete.” The knitting the brows head, Shi Yan said: Coming the person should the military force strong prestige, making Xiao En perceive the threat, I under nosing.” “嗯,如果不是有人过来,肖恩不会如此谨慎。”皱了皱眉头,石岩说道:“来人应该武力强威,让肖恩觉察到了威胁,我来查探下。” The words, he closes the eye, wisp of only such as the space cutting edge cuts the vault of heaven, vanishes swiftly. 话罢,他闭上眼睛,一缕弗只如空间锋刃划破苍穹,倏然消失。 Ten respiration interbreaths, his look gloomy gets down gradually, said: Is the Medicine Refining Pavilion leadership, the clansman of flame clan, the crystal clan and ice clan, the battleship nearly does again, Warrior has about 30,000!” 十个呼吸间隔,他眼神渐渐阴沉下来,道:“是药器阁主导的,还有炎族、晶族、冰族的族人,战舰近再干,武者有30000左右!” Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao complexion simultaneously changes. 夏心妍紫耀脸色同时一变。 Is two Elder Gu He people?” Xia Xinyan shot a look at Zi Yao, said: I few days ago received the message, Medicine Refining Pavilion Elder will finish, left Fen has not attended the Elder meeting, when we return from void passage, left Jiangbian led one group of trusted subordinates to disappear without the trace, nobody can find him. He should know the fact to decline, feared that Medicine Refining Pavilion encircles him, this on own initiative avoids to hide. left Lou is not, it is said when Elder meets, two Elder Gu He arrogate all powers to oneself, has to substitute for the Pavilion's Master stance faintly, the special details I am not quite clear, although Feng Yan Senior passed, but she is not the Medicine Refining Pavilion person, cannot participate in the Elder meeting, heard that Fu Wei and Bettina and Zha Shi have been in unfavorable situation, Fu Wei needs to face the wall to think of faults probably......” “是二长老谷禾的人吧?”夏心妍瞥了一眼紫耀,说道:“我前些日子收到消息,药器阁长老会结束了,左粪没有参加长老会,在我们从虚空通道返回的时候,左姜便带着一群亲信消失无踪了,无人能找到他。他应该知道事迹败落,怕药器阁围剿他,这才主动躲避藏匿起来。左娄不在,据说长老会之时,二长老谷禾独揽大权,隐隐有取代阁主的架势,具体情况我不太清楚,风言前辈虽过去了,但她不是药器阁的人,不能参与长老会,听说芙薇贝蒂娜扎锋失利了,芙薇好像需要面壁思过……” Xia Xinyan deeply frowns, said: Does not know that Medicine Refining Pavilion had anything, only what can affirm, a side that now Medicine Refining Pavilion is in power, is not Bettina and Fu Wei, but is two Elder Gu He. „ „ Gu He?” The Shi Yan bursting out laughing, he looks at once to Zi Yao. 夏心妍深深皱着眉头,道:“不知道药器阁内部发生了什么,唯一可以肯定的是,如今药器阁得势的一方,并非贝蒂娜芙薇,而是二长老谷禾。““谷禾?”石岩哑然,他旋即看向了紫耀 Gu He and Divine Light relate closely, he thinks, since Xia Xinyan knows that selects the Medicine Refining Pavilion matter, Zi Yao should be also clear. 谷禾和神光关系紧密,他认为既然夏心妍知道点药器阁的事情,紫耀应该也清楚。 Gu He is Medicine Refining Pavilion two Elder, in the Medicine Refining Pavilion internal power and influence, not inferior Great Elder left Lou. Now left Fen and matter of Mirage Clan colluding declines, was lost power thoroughly, Gu He naturally can arrogate all powers to oneself, the Third Elder Bettina foundation was weak, was very difficult to fight Gu He in Medicine Refining Pavilion, Gu He this time can triumph at the Elder meeting, we were not accidental.” Zi Yao has thought that said: „ At the Elder meeting indeed had anything, but makes concrete us unclear, only knows that Medicine Refining Pavilion Sacred Scripture is dominated by Gu He now. “谷禾为药器阁长老,在药器阁的内部的权势上,一直不逊色大长老左娄。如今左粪和幽影族勾结之事败落,算是彻底失势了,谷禾自然能独揽大权了,三长老贝蒂娜根基弱,在药器阁很难斗过谷禾的,谷禾这次能够在长老会上得胜,我们都不意外。”紫耀想了一下,说道:“长老会上的确发生了点什么,但具体我们也不清楚,只知道药器阁圣典如今被谷禾把持了。 Grasps Sacred Scripture, advocation of Medicine Refining Pavilion?” The Xia Xinyan complexion changes. “手持圣典,岂不是药器阁之主了?”夏心妍脸色一变。 Un, Medicine Refining Pavilion original Pavilion's Master, the soul has dispersed, is similar to the deceased person, simply does not have the energy to manage. Gu Hena Sacred Scripture, so long as after the final ceremony, then can become new Pavilion's Master.” Zi Yao nods. “嗯,药器阁原来的阁主,魂魄散了,和死人差不多,根本没有精力管理。谷禾拿了圣典,只要经过最后的仪式,便能成为新任阁主。”紫耀点头。 Did not say that retrieves Sacred Scripture, can reach the Pavilion's Master throne?” Shi Yan is puzzled. “不是说找回圣典者,就能荣登阁主宝座么?”石岩不解。 Gu He should seek any reason, pulled on any crime Fu Wei, otherwise he was very difficult to win Sacred Scripture. In brief, what now Medicine Refining Pavilion is Gu He, if not so, our Divine Light easily will not enter Shadow Ghost Prison, all these, there is a meaning that Gu He told, my master took advantage of opportunity, but was. - “谷禾应该寻到什么理由,将什么罪扯到了芙薇身上,要不然他很难夺走圣典的。总之,现在药器阁当家的是谷禾,如果不是如此,我们神光也不会轻易进入暗影鬼狱,这一切,也有谷禾吩咐的意思,我师傅只是顺势而为。- Zi Yao said. 紫耀道。 Why does Gu He come to say sunstar? Looks at his stance, should come the person in view of Fire Rain Star Field.” Xia Xinyan is filled with the doubts. “谷禾为何来云海星?看他的架势,应该是针对火雨星域来人。”夏心妍满心疑惑。 After a while should on understood.” “过一会儿应该就知道了。” Shi Yan sets out, the whole body star light like rain, the raindrop gathering is the meteor, shoots at the gourd island direction swiftly. 石岩起身,周身星光如雨,雨点汇聚为流星,倏然射向葫芦岛方向。 Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao followed at once. 夏心妍紫耀旋即跟了过去。
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