GOS :: Volume #11

#1096: General's talents!

Above the boundless sea area, two years old are based on the corps of God King Realm Warrior accumulation, arrange the special battlefield, intense fight. 无垠的海域上方,两岁以神王境武者为基础聚集的战队,排列成特殊的战阵,正激烈的战斗。 The named Yue blade youth, is the disciple of Xiao En, understands the utilization battlefield, had once fought with the God Clan regiment, the big size small fight does not know that experienced many, is the experience is it may be said that rich, murders formation to be adept. 名为岳刀的青年,为肖恩之徒,也懂得运用战阵,和神族的军团曾交过手,大大小小的战斗不知道经历了多少,可谓是经验丰富,杀伐阵法娴熟。 Yue blade the facial expression is stern, hides in 300 Fire Rain Star Field God King Realm Warrior Center, is similar to a ghost of drifting from place to place, continually is fluctuating, transmits the low quiet verbal command unceasingly. 岳刀神情严峻,藏在300名火雨星域神王境武者〖中〗央,如同一条飘忽不定的鬼影,连番的变幻着,不断地传来低幽号令。 His voice is chilly, seems containing some charm, under these Fire Rain Star Field Warrior in his voice misleads, is in high spirits, in the eye appears the extremely militant desire, as if the battle efficiency was promoted. 他声音清冷,仿佛蕴藏着某种魔力,那些火雨星域武者在他声音蛊惑下,一个个精神振奋,眼中显出极为好战的欲望,似乎战斗力都被提升起来。 Deep meaning of Yue blade the cultivation sound, this deep meaning utilizes on the battlefield dispatcher, has the natural superiority, as if can urge the round of subordinates Expert potential, making them fierce does not fear to make their bloodthirsty crazy, even can not know the ache. 岳刀修炼声之奥义,这种奥义运用在战阵调度上,有着天然的优势,似乎能催发麾下强者的潜力,让他们变得悍不畏死让他们嗜杀疯狂,甚至能不知疼痛。 The corps that he dispatches, 300 people compose a handle blood blade, the bloodthirsty is tyrannical, 300 people of internal Qi marvelous connections in together, many fluctuations achieve the exquisite coordination. 他调度的战队,300人组成一柄血刀,嗜杀暴虐,300人的气机奇妙的连接在一块儿,许多波动都达成精妙的协调。 This 300 people of squads, give people a mighty force to speed along unexpectedly the constriction of galloping, making Xia Xinyan and Divine Light people complexion change. 这支300人小队,竟给人一种千军万马飞驰奔腾的压迫感,让夏心妍神光的众人都脸色为之一变。 Very obviously, this Yue blade is the same with Xia Xinyan, is good at dispatching Expert of utilization corps, has the original talent in this aspect. 很显然,这岳刀和夏心妍一样,也是真的擅长调度运用战队的强者,在这方面有着独到的天赋。 Xiao En gives a calm smile, said: „ Deep meaning of Yue blade the cultivation sound, his cultivation base, although is not extremely exquisite, but his voice deep meaning can urge the round of subordinates soldier potential, making them not know the ache, did not fear the death, became extremely crazy. 肖恩淡然一笑,道:“岳刀修炼声之奥义,他修为虽不是极为精湛,可他声音奥义能催发麾下战士潜力,让他们不知疼痛,不惧死亡,变得极为疯狂。 Naturally, Yue blade also knows how to utilize the corps confrontation, he has been through repeatedly several hundred size fights, continuously can take to the person to be pleasantly surprised. ” 当然,岳刀也知道如何运用战队交锋,他历经数百次大小不等的战斗,缕缕能够带给人惊喜。” Yu Shan nods gently, acclaims one: Sir Xiao has Yue blade this disciple, seriously is lucky.” 郁珊轻轻点头,赞叹一句:“肖大人有岳刀这个徒儿,当真是幸运。” Xiao En Ha Ha has smiled, facial expression is joyous. 肖恩哈哈笑了起来,神情欢悦。 Fire Rain Star Field numerous Expert, looking at steadily looks to Yue blade, the eye Divine Light glow is bright. 火雨星域的众多强者,也是目不转睛的看向岳刀,眼神光芒熠熠。 Compared with Yue blade, the performance of that Ben Ni must unable to withstand...... 和岳刀相比,那本尼的表现要不堪许多…… Ben Ni is the first dispatcher battlefield, various essential secrets and ways his mind has the knowledge, has not actually practiced. 本尼是第一次调度战阵,各类关键要诀和方式他脑海有知识,却没有实践过。 He appears somewhat flurriedly loses presence of mind, expression very hurried Chaos, before has not battled, his team then turns one group of messes, does not have the appearance of battlefield. 他显得有些慌乱失措,语气都很匆忙混乱,以至于在没有交战之前,他的队伍便扭成一团乱麻,没有战阵的模样。 Divine Light and Fighting Union Warrior, shows the disappointed expression, by Ben Ni dispatch Warrior of these Storm Battalion, did not have self-confidently, respectively has scurried about, even does not listen to the Ben Ni words to arrange 0 神光战盟武者,都露出失望表情,被本尼调度的那些疾风战部武者,更是没了自信,一个个都各自乱窜,甚至根本不听本尼的话语安排0 These Fire Rain Star Field Warrior, see unexpectedly is this appearance, laughs. 那些火雨星域武者,一见竟然是这个样子,不由地哈哈大笑起来。 Xiao En also frowned, has thought that has given a hand signal toward Yue blade distantly, hints his isochronism do not attack. 肖恩也皱起眉头,想了一下,遥遥朝着岳刀做了一个手势,示意他等时不要攻击。 You are to our do not respect!” The Xiao En complexion sank getting down to send such a poor hand, never dispatched the people of corps to meet us, this is looking down upon us from the start!” “你这是对我们的不尊重!”肖恩脸色沉了下来“派遣这么一个生手,从未调度过战队的人来迎战我们,这压根是瞧不起我们!” Yu Shan also slightly knits the brows. 郁珊也微微皱眉。 Xia Xinyan has gawked, goes forward quietly one step, said in a soft voice: „ Or, changes me to fight that Yue blade? I believe that can be evenly matched with him, ugliness that will not defeat, - 夏心妍愣了一下,悄然上前一步,轻声说道:“要不,换我来战那岳刀吧?我相信可以与他势均力敌,不会败的很难看,- , - ,- Her vision is not bad, looks at Ben Ni not to have the experience, why although is unclear Shi Yan to make Ben Ni come up, but the present aspect clearly is not Ben Ni can control, she worried that side Fire Rain Star Field makes, then on own initiative volunteers for military service. 她眼光不差,也瞧出本尼没有经验,虽然不明为何石岩要让本尼上来,可如今的局面分明不是本尼可以掌控的,她担心火雨星域那边闹起来,便主动请缨。 Shi Yan knits the brows, suddenly sinks to shout to clear the way: Ben Ni! Your that crazy strength!” 石岩一皱眉,突然沉喝道:“本尼!你那一股疯狂劲头呢!” The Ben Ni mind in the crowd, anxious such as burning shakes loudly, is addicted to Killing Intent as if to emerge, his restless mood even more seething with excitement disorder, among eyes spills over the dangerous destruction evil light mouth bang suddenly! 人群中,焦急如焚的本尼脑海轰然一震,一股嗜杀念头仿佛涌入过来,他不安的心境突然愈发沸腾紊乱,双眸间泛出危险之极的毁灭邪光口轰! Extinguishes kills the fluctuations of all life force, quickly from Ben Ni[ body] in wells up, he likely suddenly changed a person, becomes extremely crazy of hysteria! 一股灭杀一切生机的波动,倏地从本尼〖体〗内涌出来,他像是突然变了一个人,变得极为歇斯底里的疯狂! Storm Battalion does not listen to instruction Warrior, put out a hand a racket by him, the whole body skeleton pa pa explosive, fleshly body almost crushes directly. 身旁一名疾风战部不听吩咐的武者,被他伸手一拍,浑身骨骼啪啪爆响,肉身几乎直接粉碎掉。 Ben Ni eyes is scarlet, in the eye socket as if seeps out the blood, cavity destruction desire spread comes out unexpectedly, as if affected the entire corps each Warrior soul, making their Soul Altar be restricted. 本尼双眸猩红,眼眶内仿佛渗出鲜血来,一腔毁灭欲望竟然扩散出来,似乎影响了整个战队每一个武者的灵魂,让他们的灵魂祭台都受到制约。 At once, Ben Ni issues the order unceasingly, as if Soul Consciousness pours into these human brain within the four seas directly. 旋即,本尼不断下达命令,似乎灵魂意识直接灌入那些人脑海内。 300 people of squads in great confusion, transmit one to destroy the Heaven Destroyer place suddenly the imposing manner, each Storm Battalion Warrior seemed hit the chicken blood, as if Bedevilment, hysterias were crazy. 乱成一团的300人小队,突然间传来一股毁天灭地的气势,每一个疾风战部武者都仿佛被打了鸡血,仿佛入魔了,一个个歇斯底里疯狂起来。 Ben Ni destruction aura, assembles unexpectedly power aura of people, is congealing instantaneously is air/Qi of murdering. 本尼的毁灭气息,竟然将众人的力量气息调集起来,在瞬间凝为一股杀伐之气。 His as if Devil is controlling the corps, 300 people of squads are similar to the great demons of nine quiet purgatories arrive, the evil, crazy and tyrannical fluctuation spreads loudly, rushes the corps that Yue blade has wielded fiercely. 他仿佛妖魔主宰着战队,300人小队如同九幽炼狱的巨魔降临,邪恶、疯狂、暴虐波动轰然蔓延,猛地涌向了岳刀执掌的战队。 By soul imperial internal Qi, rubs to twist is one! „ Xiao En changes color suddenly, the body trembles fiercely. “以魂御气机,揉捻为一!“肖恩霍然变色,身子猛地一颤。 Yu Shan is the eye pupil is also brilliant, spills over the inconceivable expression, obviously panic-stricken to the extreme. 郁珊也是眼眸光彩夺目,泛出不可思议的表情,显然惊骇到了极点。 Understood that some battlefield marvelousness, yell in abundance, on the face is vacant puzzled. 懂得一些战阵奇妙者,纷纷叫喊起来,脸上全是茫然不解。 Gathers subordinates aura by the soul, colludes Soul Altar by Divine Sense, this is imperial moves the battlefield exquisitest one method, the general's talent who only then in the legend these rule a region by force, is capable of realizing. 以灵魂将麾下气息汇聚起来,以神识来勾连灵魂祭台,这是御动战阵最精妙的一种方法,只有传说中那些雄霸一方的将才,才有能力实现。 Xiao En and Yu Shan and God Clan has battled, knows according to them, in God Clan, rarely has the general's talent to be able this tenth so exquisite. 肖恩郁珊都和神族交战过,据他们所知,在神族内部,也鲜有将才可以这成如此精妙。 Is beyond control they not to be shocking. 由不得他们不震惊。 Ben Ni of clearly initial contact battlefield, is quickly crazy, shows unexpectedly instantaneously so marvelously, imperial moves subordinates internal Qi by the soul, concentrates to the strong attack tide, simply inconceivable to the extreme. 分明初次接触战阵的本尼,倏地疯狂,竟然瞬间展现如此奇妙,以魂御动麾下气机,凝为至强攻击浪潮,简直不可思议到了极点。 Yue blade that corps, looks at Ben Ni carries the subordinates to come, the feeling and bystander are completely different. 岳刀那战队,看着本尼携带麾下而来,感觉和围观者完全不同。 In Yue blade and these Fire Rain Star Field soldier eyes, did not have Ben Ni and his corps, only then a as if hell Devil terrifying monster, opens the big mouth spout the smell of blood, toward the rush of their savage, must give the tearing smashing them the stance. 在岳刀和那些火雨星域战士眼中,已经没有了本尼和他的战队,只有一条仿佛地狱妖魔恐怖怪物,张开血盆大口喷涌着血腥味,正朝着他们凶残的冲杀过来,一副要将他们都给撕裂粉碎的架势。 It is not illusory, is similar to[ really] actual balance, they even can see the woods cold advantage tooth of Devil, sees Devil that pair of evil ice-cold pupil. 并非虚幻,如同〖真〗实存在,他们甚至能看见妖魔的森寒利齿,看见妖魔那双邪恶冰冷的眸子。 Their mental were seized instantaneously, gives birth to decadent that one type cannot resist with all one's strength, is the battlefield of cutting edge, the rout gets up all of a sudden. 他们的心智瞬间被夺,生出一种不可力敌的颓败,本来还算是锋刃的战阵,一下子溃败起来。 Both trembles in two legs. 很多在两腿都不由哆嗦起来。 In that Devil destroys the Heaven Destroyer place under the ominous flame imposing manner, even/including Yuedao were fearful, the look spills over alarmed and afraid restless. 在那妖魔天灭地的凶焰气势下,连岳刀都心寒了,眼神泛出惊惧不安。 This war, has not contacted truly, Yue blade has defeated. 此战,没有真正接触,岳刀这边已经败了。 Stops!” Xiao En takes advantage of opportunity to call out, voice like thunderclap, the heaven and earth bang sways. “停下!”肖恩顺势暴喝,声浪如炸雷,将天地轰的摇晃起来。 Under he calls out, Yue blade and the others in the eye the scene changes, discovered Devil that just oppressed vanishes without the trace, looks with rapt attention, discovered that at present comes the person is Storm Battalion Warrior, middle is hiding Ben Ni 0 在他暴喝之下,岳刀等人眼中场景又是一变,发现那刚刚压迫过来的妖魔消失无踪,凝神一望,才发现眼前来人便是疾风战部武者,还有当中藏着的本尼0 Ben Ni eyes is red, a face bloodthirsty is crazy, the whole body spills over the intense destruction fluctuation, if that fluctuation the innumerable silk threads, go against the killing intent internal Qi accumulation that Storm Battalion audiences head are one group. 本尼双眸赤红,一脸嗜杀疯狂,周身泛出强烈的毁灭波动,那波动如无数丝线,将那疾风战部人头杀意气机聚集为一团。 The outsiders carefully looked that will discover in the place above of that 300 people of squad, is winding around bunches of dusky smoke clouds, forms fierce fearsome Devil faintly, before Shi Yan evolves by the air/Qi of evil spirit is quite similar. 局外人仔细去看,会发现在那一支300人小队的上方,缭绕着一簇簇灰蒙蒙的烟云,隐隐形成一种狰狞可怖的妖魔,和石岩之前以凶煞之气衍变出来的极为相似。 Devil that above that 300 people of squads appears, must huge ominous severe, this is collection 300 people of internal Qi, was urged to send to evolve by the Ben Ni special power deep meaning. 只是,那300人小队上方浮现的妖魔,要更加的庞大凶厉,这是集300人气机,被本尼特殊力量奥义催发衍变而成。 Just likes the essence. 犹如实质。 These peripheral are waiting and seeing, clearly finds in the Ben Ni top of the head, is crawling a fearsome savage great demon, even can perceive that great demon evil ominous flame aura, this makes them change color with amazement, starts to reexamine Ben Ni. 那些周边观望着,分明瞧见在本尼头顶上,匍匐着一头可怖的凶残巨魔,甚至能觉察到巨魔的邪恶凶焰气息,这让他们骇然变色,开始重新审视本尼 The subordinates aura accumulation, to just like essence Devil great looks like precise, this battlefield seizes the good fortune of heaven and earth simply, including once and Xiao En and Yu Shan of God Clan battle, stayed such as the wooden chicken, suddenly realized Ben Ni, if not the first dispatcher battlefield, general's talent who if had fought many battles, he can bring about the earth-shaking change to the regiment. 将麾下气息聚集,凝炼为犹如实质的妖魔巨像,这种战阵简直夺天地之造化,连曾经和神族交战的肖恩郁珊,都呆如木鸡,忽然意识到本尼若非第一次调度战阵,若是身经百战的将才,他能给军团带来何等天翻地覆的变化。 Divine Light and Fighting Union Expert, is the panic-stricken desire certainly, Miao Ronghe away being lame deeply frowns, in the eye Divine Light glittering is uncertain. 神光战盟强者,也都是惊骇欲绝,缪荣和距跛都深深皱着眉头,眼中神光闪烁不定。 „Can this boy come our Fighting Union?” Miao glory collects suddenly to Xia Xinyan, said earnestly: This child together without carving beautiful jade, once gradually the skilled battlefield, in the future inevitably is the topest general's talent!” “这小子能来我们战盟吗?”缪荣突地凑向夏心妍,认真道:“此子就是一块未经雕琢的美玉,一旦渐渐熟练战阵,将来必然乃是最顶尖的将才!” Xia Xinyan gives a calm smile, beautiful pupil has rotated turning round, said in a soft voice: You can want to look to Shi Yan, if he complies, our Fighting Union naturally fully will compete.” 夏心妍淡然一笑,美眸滴溜溜转动了一下,轻声道:“你可以向石岩要要看,如果他答应的话,我们战盟自然会全力争夺了。” Who so will be silly.” Miao glory smiles bitterly, shook the head, knows that is only the expectation. “谁会那么傻啊。”缪荣苦笑一声,摇了摇头,知道只是奢望。 Shi Yan , he if willing to come our Divine Light, we surely fully cultivate.” Away being lame to go forward, whole face serious say|way. 石岩,他如果愿意来我们神光,我们必当全力栽培。”距跛走上前,满脸严肃道。 Shi Yan is astonished however, shakes the head slightly. 石岩讶然,微微摇头。 Ben Ni also indulges in crazy boundary, at this time slowly the look restores the Pure Brightness, the gradual stability, is only is a little still distracted. 本尼还沉溺在疯狂之境,此时才慢慢眼神恢复清明,逐渐的稳定下来,只是依然有点精神恍惚。 He compared with that Anna how?” Xiao En waves to hint Yue blade they to draw back, the complexion becomes incomparably dignified, deeply looks to Ben Ni, is inquired that Yu Shan I thought that has this boy, has that Anna not to be as if unimportant......”. “他比起那lì安娜如何?”肖恩挥手示意岳刀他们退下,脸色变得无比凝重,深深看向本尼,却是询问身旁的郁珊“我觉得,有这个小子在,有没有那lì安娜似乎都不重要了……”。 He saw the Ben Ni potential, knows Ben Ni, although the primary dispatcher wields the corps, but if the attentive immerse, can definitely be the peerless talent. 他看出了本尼的潜力,知道本尼虽然初次调度执掌战队,但如果用心浸没,必然会是绝世之才。 He has not seen Anna, in his eyes, Ben Ni is the unparalleled general's talent, he thinks Anna should compared with Ben Ni. 他没有见过lì安娜,在他眼中,本尼才是无双的将才,他认为lì安娜应该比不过本尼 This boy is indeed good, but compared with Anna, but also was short of too many durations and degrees of cooking.” Yu Shan gives a calm smile, said: This boy, only if experiences hundred fights, otherwise has no way to contend with Anna, he lacked has experienced, has not quenchinged the experience of regiment.” “这小子的确不错,但和lì安娜相比,还欠缺太多火候了。”郁珊淡然一笑,道:“这小子除非经历个百次战斗,不然没法和lì安娜抗衡,他太缺经验了,也没有淬炼军团的经历。” Xiao En eye micro bright that Anna, so is seriously fierce?” 肖恩眼睛微亮“那lì安娜,当真如此厉害?” „After Ben Ni, could catch up with her, but is actually well below at this time, you said that whom we do need?” Yu Shan chuckle. 本尼以后或许能赶上她,但此时却远远不及的,你说我们需要谁?”郁珊轻笑。 Needs!” Xiao En two shine can use to be good for us!” “都需要!”肖恩两眼放光“都能为我们所用才好!” Shi Yan slanting his eyes, have smiled suddenly, waves saying: Temporarily first this, Anna will arrive quickly, I will arrange her to train some time to you, as for......, Ben Ni, he he, you , if not fear him to act unreasonably, can toss about with your people, used temporarily as increases the point to experience to him.” 石岩斜了他一眼、忽然笑了起来,挥手说道:“暂时先这样吧,lì安娜会很快到来,我会安排她给你们练兵一段时间,至于……、本尼,呵呵,你们要是不怕他乱来,也可以拿你们的人折腾折腾,权当给他增加点经验了。” Might as well, words that he is willing to toss about, is our good fortunes, we are glad very much.” Xiao En indicated hastily. “无妨,他愿意折腾的话,正是我们的福分,我们很乐意。”肖恩连忙表示。 We are also glad to arrange the manpower to toss about to him.” Miao Ronghe away being lame took a stand together, a full of enthusiasm appearance, thrust out the face to collect on own initiative. “我们也乐意安排人手给他折腾。”缪荣和距跛一起表态,一副兴致勃勃的模样,腆着脸主动凑了上来。
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