GOS :: Volume #11

#1095: Series

Before the Yu Shan people come, quenching of Shi Yan to submatrix then terminated, initially Blood Devil and Anna, Fei Lan left goes to Devil Blood Star the time, he has also urged Fei Lan, making them open Devil Blood Star mother Zhen. 郁珊众人过来之前,石岩对子阵的淬炼便完结了,当初血魔、lì安娜、费兰离开前往魔血星的时候,他也叮嘱过费兰,让他们将魔血星母阵开启。 Therefore, connected two places conditions to tally, he momentarily can here achieves the relation Devil Blood Star. 因此,连接两地的条件都符合了,他随时可以将魔血星和这儿达成联系。 Islands Center, the clear radiant submatrix Center floor overlaps void the change, node glittering like the star, implication starry sky heaven and earth are marvelous. 岛屿〖中〗央,晶莹璀璨的子阵〖中〗央台面虚空重叠变化,一个个节点闪烁如星,蕴含星空天地奇妙。 Shi Yan under the gaze of people, gives a calm smile, very optional emerging submatrix, at once dodges to pass. 石岩在众人的注视下,淡然一笑,很随意的涌入子阵内部,旋即一闪而逝。 A Devil Blood Star corner/horn. 魔血星一角。 By many mother of Warrior careful care, was transmitted the shining gloss, when everybody has not responded, the person's shadow flashes before together suddenly. 被许多武者细心照料的母阵,传来明晃晃的光泽,在大家尚未反应过来之时,一道人影骤然闪现出来。 Yang Zhuo and peripheral Shi Jian and Long Zhu eye one bright, gathers up to come, calls with a smile. 杨卓和周边的石坚龙筑眼睛一亮,纷纷凑上前来,笑着吆喝起来。 mother Zhen in Devil Blood Star Yang Family and other Outsider accumulation palaces[ broad] field, side is towering the big construction, inside has Grace Mainland comes the person, there are these Lie Yan Star Field Warrior, the quantity is many, the race is also very complex, outside this vast palace, has the forest of length and breadth, middle energy fluctuation full. 母阵在魔血星杨家外来者聚集宫殿〖广〗场,旁边耸立着高大的建筑,里面有神恩大陆的来人,也有那些烈焰星域武者,数量繁多,种族也很复杂,在这片辽阔的宫殿外面,有着广袤的森林,当中能量波动充盈。 [ Broad] by field, the person of coming and going knows well, by mother year to year also has Expert to be stationed. 〖广〗场旁边,来来往往的人很多熟识,母阵旁边常年也有强者驻扎。 Naturally, Devil Blood Star is the Blood Devil territory, is always safe, but also does not have many people to dare to disturb. 当然,魔血星血魔领地,向来安全,还真没有多少人胆敢过来捣乱。 Your boy how sudden came back?” Shi Jian laughs, in the eye is in high spirits, said excitedly: My also breakthrough God King!” “你小子怎的突然回来了?”石坚哈哈大笑,眼中神采飞扬,激动道:“我也突破神王了!” A Shi Yan Soul Consciousness revolution, stares at him to look, immediately to praise sighed: Congratulates the grandfather!” 石岩灵魂意识一转,盯着他瞧了一眼,马上赞叹道:“恭喜爷爷!” Previous time leaves Devil Blood Star time he once left behind Thousand Layered Lotus, gives him to relate the intimate these people to take, Shi Jian is fortunately by one person that Thousand Layered Lotus nourishes, huge commodity that in addition Medicine Refining Pavilion transports, he can breakthrough to God King Realm, Shi Yan not be actually strange. 上次离开魔血星的时候他曾经将千叠莲留下,给他关系亲密的那些人服用,石坚便是有幸被千叠莲滋养的一人,加上药器阁输送过来的庞大物资,他能突破神王境界,石岩倒是并不奇怪。 With Shi Jian similar person, there are many these from Grace Mainland newcomer in full heaven and earth energy, enough Divine Crystal and under the raw material for medicine help, the advancement is amazingly quick. 石坚类似的人,有很多那些从神恩大陆来者在充盈的天地能量,足够的神晶和药材帮助下,都进境神速。 Lets loose the consciousness to search circulation a while, his sincerity has smiled, secret nod 放开意识寻觅流转一会儿,他真心笑了起来,暗暗点头 Said Everybody has made rapid progress.” “大家都进步很快呀。” Not is only the Yang Family person, including initial Cao Qiudao, Tang Yuannan, Yun Hao and other people, Realm progressed by leaps and bounds goes to the extremely exquisite situation. 不但是杨家人,连当初的曹秋道唐渊南殒昊等一众人,一个个都境界突飞猛进都达到极为精湛的地步。 Can in energy poor sore Grace Mainland, supplement in Devil Blood Star full energy cultivation to extremely deep Realm that massive Divine Crystal medicinal pills auxiliary, makes the great strides one by one. 能够在能量贫疮的神恩大陆,修炼到极深境界者在魔血星充盈的能量补充,大量的神晶丹药辅助下,各个获得长足进步。 When he and Shi Jian, Yang Zhuo spoke with a smile, behind mother Zhen surged, Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people slowly has also appeared, after three people cropped up, let loose Divine Sense to induce, at once spreads the special soul fluctuation in abundance. 他和石坚杨卓笑着讲话时,身后母阵波荡了一下,暴骜桀棘波若三人也慢慢显现出来,三人冒头后,放开神识感应一下,旋即纷纷传出特殊的灵魂波动。 From nearby palace, hears the calling out in alarm sound that is wild with joy immediately, long time, then does not see numerous Devil Clan Expert to swarm, but foot, look excited excited. 从旁边宫殿内,顿时传来欣喜若狂的惊叫声,不多时,便见众多魔族强者蜂拥而足,眼神激动〖兴〗奋 Sir!” “大人!” Sir!” “大人!” Sir!” “大人!” The Devil Clan clansman who comes by Grace Mainland, kneels to bend down in front of Bao Ao and Jie Ji, the eye socket was moist. 那些由神恩大陆过来的魔族族人,纷纷跪伏在暴骜桀棘面前,眼眶都湿润了。 After hundred years, once led their masters, finally appears once more at present in them. 时隔百年,曾经领导他们的主人,终于再次在他们眼前显现出来。 suddenly Yang, Jie Ji, Bo Ruo early then leave Grace Mainland very much, same gives the Grace Mainland family member subordinates to seek a hope with Shi Yan, hundred years passed by, the people can have a reunion in this, joyful excited to the extreme. 暴鸯、桀棘波若很早便离开神恩大陆,和石岩一样去给神恩大陆的亲人麾下寻一个希望,百年过去了,众人能在此重逢,都欣喜激动到了极点。 Anna?” Shi Yan is narrowing the eye, lets loose Divine Sense to seek Ben Ni, suddenly soul communication. “lì安娜呢?”石岩眯着眼睛,放开神识寻到本尼,突然灵魂传讯 She went to the Monster Clan territory.” Ben Ni has gawked, transmitted the thought to give him busily. “她去了妖族的领地。”本尼愣了一下,忙传达了念头给他。 The Shi Yan slight bow, the consciousness is almost moving fast, suddenly sensation to the Ji Lan trend, again soul communication: My Shi Yan, you help to contact with Anna, making her return to Devil Blood Star as soon as possible, I have the matter to seek her.” 石岩微微点头,意识几乎飘忽着,突然感知到霁兰的动向,又再一次灵魂传讯:“我石岩,你帮忙联系lì安娜,让她尽快返回魔血星,我有事寻她。” Ji Lan for majordomo Devil Blood Star, the previous time not one and enters Shadow Ghost Prison, is responsible for remaining behind Devil Blood Star, is extremely good with the Shi Yan relations. 霁兰魔血星大管家,上次没有一并进入暗影鬼狱,负责留守魔血星,和石岩关系极佳。 Really, hears Shi Yan communication, Ji Lan shows a faint smile, immediately answered: Does not have the issue, I will let inform her one, but how to respond, I may not do certainly. Ha, now Monster Clan her, when great treasure treats, only if she leaves, otherwise nobody can take away her forcefully.” 果然,听到石岩传讯,霁兰微微一笑,马上回话:“没问题,我会让通知她一声,但如何回应,我可做不准。哈,现在妖族都将她当至宝对待,她除非自己离开,不然无人能够强行把她带走的。” Shi Yan is astonished however smiles, he early guesses correctly to be able like this. 石岩讶然一笑,他早猜出会这样。 By the Anna's ability, how Ba Si and Gu Te will allow her to be relaxed, naturally can try to squeeze her, making all her energy use, in the Monster Clan regiment forms on. 以lì安娜的才能,巴斯古特岂会容她轻松,自然会尽全力来压榨她,让她将所有精力都用在妖族的军团组建上。 Un, you inform him then.” Shi Yan responded to several at will, then no longer talked too much anything, instead swayed in various peripheral places. “嗯,你通知他即可。”石岩随意回应几句,便不再多言什么,反而在周边各处晃荡。 He saw Cao Qiudao and Cao Zhilan these Cao Family people, person who also saw Tang Yuannan to belong to Three God Church, now once related the close ally, had uncommon Realm, may compare with him, was away from is very big. 他见了曹秋道曹芷岚那些曹家的人,也见了唐渊南原来属于三神教的人,如今很多曾经关系亲密的盟友,都有了不凡的境界,可与他相比,还是距离很大。 Before once acquaintance, he can as usual the relaxed nature, but opposite party actually often very caution and care. 在曾经的熟人面前,他能像往常一样轻松自然,可对方却往往很谨慎小心。 The status and Realm gap, making between both sides the distance as if invisible be pulled open, regardless of he displayed how with ease at will, others do not dare to tease with him again, will consider the meaning in his each few words secretly. 身份和境界的鸿沟,让双方间距离似乎被无形拉开了,无论他表现的多么轻松随意,别人都不敢再和他调笑,甚至会暗暗斟酌他每一句话里的意思。 This lets him is very depressed. 这让他很是郁闷。 Three God Church Ouyang Luoshuang, according to Tang Yuannan said that early then all alone leaves very much, tracks down the power deep meaning true meaning, as if Realm breakthrough is extremely quick. 三神教欧阳洛霜,据唐渊南所说很早便孤身一人离开,追寻力量奥义真谛,似乎境界突破极快。 ` This female then fortunately obtains Origin God to leave behind beginning in Grace Mainland, the luck is dreadful, Realm progresses throughout quickly, arrives at Agate Star Field is like a fish in water, every time sees her, has a brand-new feeling. 此女在神恩大陆便有幸得到始神留下始界,运气滔天,境界进展始终快捷,来到玛琊星域更是如鱼得水,每一次见她,都有种全新的感觉。 She does not have become invariably keeps Devil Blood Star cultivation, definitely has own plan, perhaps when next time will say goodbye, she can breakthrough Origin God also perhaps. 她没有一成不变的留在魔血星修炼,肯定有着自己的打算,或许下次再见之时,她能突破始神也说不定。 Has loafed in Devil Blood Star, finally Ka Tuo, Fei Lan and Ben Ni gather at his side again, these obtain Bloodthirsty lineage/vein inheritance, has the secret relation with him, arrives with him together, can yield the income, the nature closely follows. 魔血星游荡了一圈,最后卡托费兰本尼重新在他身旁聚集,这些得到嗜血一脉传承者,和他有着隐秘联系,和他走到一块儿,也能获得收益,自然紧紧跟随。 Fei Lan in Void God Third Sky, Ka Tuo in Void God First Sky, Ben Ni also enters into Source God Second Sky now, these three people are the deep meaning are marvelous, some day decides Expert that however can become monopolizes the power in a place. 费兰如今在虚神三重天,卡托虚神一重天,本尼也迈入源神二重天,这三人都是奥义奇妙,有朝一日定然能成为独霸一方的强者 Senior Brother, I...... I had the matter and you said.” Ben Ni slightly hesitates. 师兄,我……我有事情和你说。”本尼略显犹豫。 Shi Yan in a Devil Blood Star mother periphery, is preparing to return to Shadow Ghost Prison now, to Yu Shan and the others a bank of communications. 石岩如今在魔血星母阵周边,正准备重返暗影鬼狱,给郁珊等人一个交行。 Having the matter can say?” Shi Yan said indifferently: Next time should not be indecisive, some words said that directly said that should not be afraid to say a word.” “有事要说?”石岩淡然说道:“下次不要犹豫不决,有话说就直接说,别吞吞吐吐的。” Ben Ni sprinkled however has smiled, ` I was the worry not too appropriate...... ”. 本尼洒然笑了,、‘我是担心不太妥当……”。 Specifically?” Shi Yan knits the brows. “具体点?”石岩皱眉。 Senior Brother, you understood general's talent who very much defective maps out strategic plans in an army tent?” The Ben Ni facial expression rouses. 师兄,你是不是很欠缺懂得运筹帷幄的将才?”本尼神情振奋。 Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 I, I think...... I.” Ben Ni came spirit suddenly recently my wonder in the comprehension family God Weapon, obtains the battlefield inheritance of family, these battlefields are tedious, contain the true meaning that our family destroys, I thought that if displayed the dispatch by me, can display the fearful battle efficiency.” “我,我想……我也可以。”本尼突然来了精神“最近我在领悟家族神兵之妙,从中也得到家族的战阵传承,那些战阵繁琐奇妙,蕴含我们家族毁灭的真谛,我觉得如果由我来施展调度,也能发挥出可怕的战斗力。” Shi Yan eye one bright. 石岩眼睛一亮。 Ben Ni came from the Outer Territory starry sky, inherits Destruction Deep Meaning, in the hand also has the exquisiteness of same God Weapon implication destruction, said according to him, when their family strong prestige, the army can contend with God Clan directly, there is a special battlefield. 本尼来自于域外星空,传承毁灭奥义,手中还有一样神兵蕴含毁灭之精妙,按照他所言,他们家族强威之时,军队可以和神族正面抗衡,也有特殊的战阵。 Now he when comprehension family God Weapon, obtains the battlefield to inherit, he so is also self-confident, this makes Shi Yan be careful, said: „Does this word take seriously?” 如今他在领悟家族神兵之时,得到战阵传承,他又如此自信,这让石岩上了心,道:“此言当真?” Ben Ni is pointing at the head, said excitedly: I, I have many ideas, the mystery of our family training battlefield, several uses of different battlefields and quench the technique of grinding, I practice on the difference now.” 本尼指着脑袋,激动道:“我,我有很多想法,很多我们家族训练战阵的奥妙,十几种不同战阵的使用和淬磨之术,我现在就差实践了。” „Is your boy good?” Ka Tuo is somewhat bewildered suddenly, what battlefield you also understood, you may know how many bloody battles Sir Anna passed through, has today the achievement? In the past in our Lie Yan Star Field, the bloody regiment that Sir Anna wielded, was invincible existence!” “你小子行不行啊?”卡托有些莫名其妙“怎的突然之间,你也懂什么战阵了,你可知道lì安娜大人经过多少血战,才有今日成就?当年在我们烈焰星域,lì安娜大人执掌的血腥军团,就是无敌的存在!” Mouth!” Ben Ni raises head, said proudly: In the past our family the armed forces of destruction, can mechanical reactance God Clan most fight the armed forces, the inheritance that I obtain, came from family God Weapon, I have the confidence to be able with Sir Anna to compete!” “口哼!”本尼一仰头,傲然说道:“当年我们家族的毁灭之军,可以力抗神族最强战军,我得到的传承,来自于家族神兵,我有信心能和lì安娜大人较劲!” The Fei Lan slight bow, said: „ Is very good, has this confidence to be very good., 1 费兰微微点头,道:“很好,有这个信心很好。,1 She looks to Shi Yan, said: „ Can make him try, this child intelligence is actually extremely good, too many talents is fiercer than I have seen, he is earnest, looks like you in the fields very much, will be very crazy, tyrannically, bloodthirsty, is a craftsman. 她看向石岩,道:“可以让他试试,这孩子其实资质极好,比我见过的太多天才厉害多了,他认真起来,在某些方面很像你,会很疯狂、暴虐、嗜杀,是个好把式。 The wife blue vision is always original. 妻兰眼光一向独到。 Shi Yan believes her, has hesitated, suddenly said: I will make you try, a while, you wield corps, dares to encounter to compare with the person?” 石岩相信她,沉吟了一下,忽然说道:“我会让你试试,一会儿,你执掌一个战队,敢不敢和人交锋比一下?” Has what does not dare?” Ben Ni strangely chuckled gets up, swings head saying: In my mind is knowledge, I am just about to have a look is whether swift and fierce enough, you give me the opportunity the words, I seriously will certainly treat.” “有何不敢?”本尼嘿嘿怪笑起来,摇着脑袋道:“我脑海内全是知识,我正要看看是否够凌厉,你给我机会的话,我一定会认真对待的。” Good, gives me to come.” The Shi Yan diving posture enters mother Zhen. “好,给我来。”石岩飞身进入母阵。 During Fei Lan, Ben Ni and Ka Tuo submerge at once, the next quarter then appears in that bottle gourd shape islands, Yu Shan and other Fire Rain Star Field Expert, are anticipating to wait at this time. 费兰本尼卡托旋即没入当中,下一刻便在那葫芦形岛屿显现出来,郁珊火雨星域强者,此时都在期待等候着。 When sees Anna not to appear to Yu Shan, the whole face is disappointed, said: Her person?” 待到郁珊见lì安娜没有显现,不由地满脸失望,道:“她人呢?” In Monster Clan territory training, I have informed her, needs to arrive some time.” Shi Yan explained first, then suddenly said: cough cough, this is my younger brother, and resorts to arms also many attainments to training, words that does not mind, how do I let him and Xiao En Senior play?” “在妖族领地练兵,我已经通知了她,需要一段时间才能到达。”石岩先解释了一句,然后忽然说道:“咳咳,这是我弟弟,对练兵和用兵也有许多心得,不介意的话,我让他和肖恩前辈玩一玩如何?” Xiao En knit the brows, looked at Ben Ni, said: Words that must play, I let my disciple and his gesticulation gesture.” 肖恩一皱眉,看了一眼本尼,道:“要玩的话,我让我徒儿和他比划比划吧。” Ben Ni Source God Second Sky Realm, the age is too young, simply had not been paid attention to by him. 本尼源神二重天境界,年纪太轻,根本没有被他放在眼里。 Shi Yan smiled, Life Qi/angry, did not say to Xia Xinyan: Uses taking advantage of your Storm Battalion 300 people.” 石岩笑了笑,也不生气,冲夏心妍道:“借你们疾风战部300人一用。” Shui Yue fights and Storm Battalion Warrior, now here, the battleship anchors in the side sea area, momentarily can leave. 水月战部和疾风战部武者,如今都在这儿,战舰就停泊在旁边海域,随时可以开赴过来。 Good.” Xia Xinyan accepted with a smile. “好。”夏心妍笑着应承。 Knife, your 0.3 hundred people come out, fights with him.” The Xiao En sinking sound told one. “小刀,你0.3百人出来,与他一战。”肖恩沉声吩咐了一句。 Master understood.” 知道了师傅。” An anchor corner/horn is hanging the youth of temperate smiling face, is Source God Second Sky Realm cultivation base, sharply not slow does not come out, any very optional indication candidate. 一名嘴角挂着温和笑容的青年,也是源神二重天境界修为,不急不缓出来,任何很随意的点拨人选。 Uses God King Realm Warrior.” Shi Yan proposed. “都用神王境武者吧。”石岩提议。 Xiao En nods assent. 肖恩点头同意。
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