GOS :: Volume #11

#1094: Subverts the truth

gold/metal Lie meets the color flood dragon by gold/metal sharp strength precise ten, close Shi Yan, then had not been given to detain by the huge fierce Devil God great shapes, on that Devil God great looks like floods tyrannically, is slaughtering, Bloodthirsty and crazy all sorts of fearsome fluctuations, the swarthy ice is all over the body cold, reveals an evil dreadful imposing manner. 金烈以金锐之力凝炼的十条会色蛟龙,尚未接近石岩,便被一个个巨大狰狞的魔神巨像给拦阻,那魔神巨像上充斥着暴虐、杀戮、嗜血、疯狂种种可怖波动,通体黝黑冰寒,流露出一股邪恶滔天的气势。 The Devil God great looks like adds Death Deep Meaning to quenching by evil spirit aura purely, contains a Shi Yan soul to be succinct, appears swiftly, then face upwards wild cry, spreads intermittent world-shaking to fluctuate. 魔神巨像纯粹以凶煞气息死亡奥义淬炼而成,蕴含一丝石岩灵魂精粹,倏一显现出来,便仰天狂啸,传出阵阵惊天动地波动。 Shi Yan delimits spatially, splits innumerable close Space Cutting Blade, these sharp knife blade are swifter and fiercer than the pointed knife of most cutting edge, silent toward gold/metal fierce spread in the past. 石岩一手划空,绽裂无数细密空间利刃,那些利刃比最锋刃的尖刀还要凌厉,无声无息的朝着金烈蔓延过去。 gold/metal Lie is at peripheral void, presents the obvious slit mouth, pasts the dazzling radiant gloss. 金烈所在的周边虚空,出现明显的缝隙口,流转出炫目璀璨的光泽。 Tired!” “累!” The Shi Yan eye pupil shrinks, suddenly light shout. 石岩眼瞳一缩,突地轻喝一声。 The gold/metal fierce space, just likes not can see chains lives to the string, was sealed up to imprison directly. 金烈身边的空间,犹如被看不见的锁链给串住,直接被封闭禁锢。 heaven and earth energy stagnates, the wind extinguishes vigor to disappear, seemed lived by restraint including the gloss. 天地能量停滞,风熄劲消,似乎连光泽都被束缚住了。 In that instants, people find gold/metal Lieru to be displayed Body Locking Technique clearly, suddenly frames void. 在那一霎间,众人清晰瞧见金烈如被施展定身术,突然虚空定格。 That ten golden flood dragon that is released fiercely by the gold/metal, suddenly drags to sway fiercely, was given torn to pieces of grasping by that huge Devil God great looks like, splutters a everywhere a golden light dissipation. 那十条由金烈释放出来的金色蛟龙,忽然剧烈摇曳晃荡,被那一个个巨大魔神巨像给抓的支离破碎,溅射出漫天金光一点点消散。 Was being imprisoned the space, such as the lake surface was invested a giant stone, the rippling aliquation level ripples fluctuate swiftly. 被禁锢着的空间,如湖面被投入一块巨石,倏然荡漾起层层涟漪波动。 Close slits, spread rapidly, gold/metal Lie God Body transmits the pa pa resounding, the complexion is gradually pale, in the eye appears wipes the panicked and disorderly. 一道道细密的缝隙,迅速蔓延开来,金烈的神体传来啪啪脆响,脸色渐渐苍白,眼中显出一抹惊乱。 Puchi!” 噗哧!” A blood cannot contain, was emitted fiercely by the gold/metal, his God Body shakes loudly, presents the close crack blood-stained mouth instantaneously, such as had been delimited by the innumerable sharp knife blade, becomes covered with blood. 一口鲜血遏制不住,被金烈喷吐出来,他神体轰然一震,瞬间出现细密的裂纹血口,如被无数利刃划过,变得血肉模糊。 All Divine Light and Fire Rain Star Field of Expert waiting and seeing, the complete silence, greatly opens mouth at this moment, the complexion is one by one splendid. 所有观望的神光火雨星域强者,这一刻鸦雀无声,都大张着嘴,脸色一个比一个精彩。 On the Xiao En original face is also having the cold happy expression, at this time, his smiling face becomes extremely ugly, the lip is wriggling, could not speak. 肖恩本来脸上还带着冷然笑意,此时,他笑容变得极其难看,嘴唇蠕动着,却讲不出话来。 The Yu Shan head chignon trembles, the scruff black hair circles in flight, the bright eyes appear the extremely stunned color. 郁珊头上发髻微颤,后颈青丝飞旋,明眸浮现出极度错愕之色。 Miao glory, away being lame, Sanna is dull such as the wooden chicken, gawked some little time, strangely chuckled got up suddenly. 缪荣、距跛、萨那则是呆如木鸡,愣了好一会儿,忽然嘿嘿怪笑起来。 „!” That side Xuan Fei shouted lowly, the beautiful pupil brilliance was bright, suddenly does not know that did not know what to do. “呀!”那边萱绯低呼,美眸光彩熠熠,一时间也不知道如何是好了。 Numerous Fire Rain Star Field Expert, thought that was the vertigo? Cleaning that does not control self the corner of the eye, is wanting to look, how they cannot believe clearly that gold/metal Lie will be at a disadvantage unexpectedly, is wounded in such short time. 众多火雨星域强者,都觉得是不是自己眼花了?不自禁的擦拭着眼角,想重新看的更加清楚一点,他们如何也不能相信,金烈竟然会处于下风,在这么短时间负伤。 They do not believe! 他们不信! gold/metal Lie corners of the mouth blood overflows, but on his face does not have one to dread decadent, on the contrary, he was stimulated the fighting spirit likely, instead grinned silent to smile. 金烈嘴角鲜血流溢,可他脸上没有一丝颓败畏惧,相反,他像是被激发斗志,反而咧嘴无声笑了起来。 Whish! 哗! Dazzling golden lightning, such as the earthworm proliferates its, carefully looked that will discover that all veins in fierce God Body, the veins assumes the golden electric arc, patrols to wriggle in his God Body surface unexpectedly, making him instantaneously incomparable strange. 一道道刺目的金色电光,如蚯蚓遍布其身,仔细去看,会发现那是全烈神体中的一根根筋脉,筋脉呈金色电弧,竟然在他神体表面游弋蠕动着,让他在瞬间变得无比的奇诡。 The Expert facial expression of fire star territory shakes again fiercely, in the heart is calling out in alarm, again with total concentration. 火再星域的强者神情猛地一震,心中惊叫着,重新聚精会神。 Xuan Fei covers mouth, subconscious calling out: gold/metal God Body!” 萱绯捂着嘴,下意识的叫道:“金雷神体!” „The fusion of gold/metal sharp deep meaning and thunder and lightning deep meaning?” The Sanna complexion changes, the facial expression becomes is gradually dignified. “金锐奥义和雷电奥义的融合?”萨那脸色微变,神情变得渐渐凝重起来。 Away being lame shakes the head slightly, is not true. gold/metal Liezhu cultivation base gold/metal sharp strength, but he should have some fortuitous encounter, God Body has quenchinged after thunder and lightning, thunder and lightning is not his cultivation deep meaning, but there is energy to contain in his God Body, can one and stimulates with the gold/metal sharp strength.” 距跛微微摇头,“并非如此。那金烈主修为金锐之力,但他应该有过某种奇遇,神体经过雷电淬炼过,雷电不是他修炼的奥义,只是有能量蕴藏在他神体之中,能够和金锐之力一并激发出来。” Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao elegant face safely, has not revealed alarmed and afraid restless. 夏心妍紫耀俏脸安然,没有流露出惊惧不安。 Under the vision convergance of people, gold/metal Lie veins such as the thunder and lightning caper is uncertain, God Body golden light is shining, transmits a fiercer fluctuation. 在众人的目光会聚下,那金烈一根根筋脉如雷电跳跃不定,神体金光灿灿,传来更加狂烈的波动。 The muscle of his whole body, under thunder and lightning and stimulation of movement of gold/metal sharp strength, the ballooning got up gradually, making him be full of the wild explosive force, appeared extreme power is verve. 浑身的肌肉,在雷电和金锐之力的催动下,渐渐鼓胀起来,令他充满了狂暴的爆炸力,显得极为的力量刚猛。 thunder and lightning and gold/metal sharp strength adds the body, the metal statue of gold/metal fiercely as if gold juice construction, suddenly the peripheral air blasts open, is powerful to puncture toward Shi Yan. 雷电和金锐之力加身,金烈仿佛黄金汁水浇筑的金人,忽然间周边空气炸裂开来,气势如虹朝着石岩刺来。 As if a handle golden color sharp sword! 仿佛一柄金色利剑! The Shi Yan complexion is tranquil, narrows eye slightly, suddenly the revolution deep meaning, drinks once more lowly: Bans!” 石岩脸色平静,微微眯眼,突然运转奥义,再次低喝:“禁!” The gold/metal of sprint is fierce, God Body, works loose void restraint suddenly at once fiercely, once again plunders extremely quickly. 冲刺的金烈,神体霍然一顿,旋即猛地挣脱虚空束缚,又一次极快掠来。 Shi Yan look one bright, is astonished however smiles, the slight bow, knows that gold/metal Liejiang whole body power urges to send, that wild strength got rid of the space imprisonment, does not fear his restraint. 石岩眼神一亮,讶然一笑,微微点头,知道金烈将全身力量催发,那股狂暴之力已经摆脱了空间禁锢,不惧他的束缚 Comes well!” “来得好!” He not startled counter- happy, the speaker chuckle, God Body quietly is also fluctuating. 他不惊反喜,扬声轻笑着,神体也悄然变幻。 Under attention of people, his God Body suddenly becomes withered, the body and spirit by grand grandly becomes the fining is thin, continuously pale gas spray spout from his whole body acupoint, fills the air instantaneously peripheral. 在众人的瞩目下,他神体骤然变得干瘪,体魄由雄伟壮阔变得精炼瘦削,一缕缕惨白气雾从他浑身穴窍喷涌出来,瞬间弥漫周边。 Many Expert that waits and sees, knit the brows to look to him peripheral, suddenly thought that the soul enters the falling imaginary mirror, in bones of the dead boundless place that the blood ghost sea fills, was encircled the worry by the innumerable evil spirit ghosts, thought that the God Body soul forcefully was occupied by the evil mood. 观望的许多强者,皱眉看向他周边,忽然觉得灵魂入坠幻镜,在血煞海洋弥漫的白骨苍茫之地,被无数厉鬼冤魂围剿撕咬,觉得神体灵魂都被邪恶情绪给强行占据了。 The people change color with amazement, draws in mind hurriedly, looks are alarmed and afraid. 众人骇然变色,急忙收拢心神,一个个眼神惊惧不安。 After their mind stabilizes, when looks at Shi Yan again, complexion blanch. 他们心神稳定以后,再看石岩之时,都脸色发白。 What evil power deep meaning is this? 这是什么邪恶的力量奥义? They have a liking for several silver, then during the soul perishes, there are the heat that plants unable to work loose to fear desperately, as if infinite close death. 他们只是看上几银,便灵魂沉沦当中,有种挣脱不出的热惧绝望,仿佛无限接近死亡。 When they responded that realized Shi Yan did not aim at them, even more was panic-stricken, Xiao En and numerous Fire Rain Star Field Expert, could not bear remind gold/metal Lie unexpectedly: Be careful! Do not break in the mist!” 等他们反应过来,意识到石岩并非针对他们,都愈发惊恐,其中肖恩和众多火雨星域强者,竟忍不住提醒金烈:“小心!别冲入雾气中!” What a pity, all were too late...... 可惜,一切都太迟了…… As if a gold/metal of handle golden color sharp sword is fierce, emerges in the boundless white fog directly, emerged the Negative Emotions gathering the death sea area, was similar to enters boundless scarlet Blood Sea, arrives islands that bones of the dead built, was gnawed to nip the God Body soul by the innumerable ghost evil spirits. 仿佛一柄金色利剑的金烈,直接涌入苍茫白雾中,涌入负面情绪汇聚的死亡海域,如同进入苍茫猩红血海,来到一座座白骨堆砌的岛屿,被无数冤魂厉鬼啃咬神体灵魂。 This is Death Deep Meaning transports reaches negative energy, the negative sea that forms, is the method of mind attack. 这是死亡奥义运臻负面能量,形成的负面海洋,属于心灵攻击的手段。 gold/metal Lie infiltrates, enters layer upon layer Illusion instantaneously, the spirit falls into enemy hands all of a sudden, gold/metal Lie in the evil spirit ghost that middle complexion fierce felling these he sees, is slaughtering illusion that is not having heartily. 金烈一头钻进来,瞬间进入层层幻境,一下子精神失守,金烈在当中脸色狰狞的砍伐那些他所见的厉鬼冤魂,在尽情杀戮着不存在的幻象 People clear clear looks at, discovered that Shi Yan narrows the eyes to focus float one side, the gold/metal that indifferent looks at is absentminded is fierce, reveals to dread the color. 众人清楚明白的看着,发现石岩眯着眼悬浮一旁,冷眼看着失魂落魄的金烈,都露出忌惮之色。 Under everybody's waiting and seeing, Shi Yan gives a calm smile, the left hand makes a fist suddenly, not anxiously not slow goes toward the gold/metal fierce bang. 在大家的观望下,石岩淡然一笑,左手突然握拳,不急不缓的朝着金烈轰去。 Immortal Devil Blood was urged to send suddenly. 不死魔血骤然被催发。 The arm that only makes a fist, transmits the wild energy fluctuation quickly, the elbow unit gives birth to sharp thorn, the arm presents such as the iron mail-armor and helmet hardly, such as the hand of Devil, performs infinitely obviously evil cruel. 那只握拳的手臂,倏地传来狂暴的能量波动,肘部生出利刺,臂膀出现坚硬如铁的甲胄,如妖魔之手,尽显无穷邪恶暴戾。 Bang! 轰! gold/metal Lie in the chest by a fist bang, such as meteorite fast flying upside down, God Body such as parched beans was transmitted the uninterrupted resounding generally. 金烈被一拳轰中胸口,如一块陨石迅捷倒飞,神体如炒豆子一般传来不间断的脆响。 He was rumbled to enter in Fire Rain Star Field these battleship groups directly, by Expert distressed supporting of Fire Rain Star Field, hurriedly was insisted his God Body condition. 他直接被轰入火雨星域那些战舰群中,被火雨星域强者狼狈的扶住,都急忙坚持他神体状况。 Red that gold/metal Lie the fierce respite, the complexion rises, angry shoves open person, said: I am all right.” 金烈剧烈喘息,脸色涨的通红,愤怒的推开身旁人,道:“我没事。” He readjusts, tries to continue to Shi Yan to start. 他重新调整,试图继续对石岩下手。 Then in this time, Yu Shan and Xiao En one and gets rid to prevent, their manner is stern, looked that is quite complex to the Shi Yan look. 便在此时,郁珊肖恩一并出手阻止,两人神态严峻,看向石岩的眼神极为复杂。 I am all right, can continue to fight!” gold/metal Lie called out. “我没事,可以继续战斗!”金烈叫道。 Xiao En turned head to shoot a look at his one eyes, sighed in a soft voice, said: Others have shown mercy, otherwise you will not be safe and sound.” 肖恩回头瞥了他一眼,轻声一叹,说道:“人家已经手下留情了,要不然你不会安然无恙。” Without any protection, was exploded in a power boxing by Shi Yan that implication pinnacle, God Body has not actually damaged, what situation gold/metal doesn't Lie know, Xiao En and Yu Shan how can not know? 在没有任何防备的情况下,被石岩那蕴含极致爆炸力量的一拳击中,却神体没有损伤,金烈不知道什么情况,肖恩郁珊又岂会不知? The clarity that they look, Shi Yan that fist shells, when gold/metal Lie flies upside down, energy that whole body explodes quietly flees in all directions, has not blasted open in his God Body truly, otherwise, his gold/metal fierce God Body, even if not disillusioned, must unable to cause heavy losses. 他们瞧的清楚,石岩那一拳轰击出去,金烈倒飞之时,浑身爆裂的能量都悄悄流窜出来,没有真正在他神体内炸裂,要不然,他金烈神体即便不破灭,也要重创不起。 Gold/Metal lost fiercely.” Yu Shan is very decisive, war gives the definition directly, does not allow gold/metal Liezai to fight. “金烈输了。”郁珊很果断,直接对此战给出定义,不允许金烈再战。 Divine Light and Fire Rain Star Field Expert, seethes with excitement completely, the eye overflows panic-strickenly, deeply looks completely to Shi Yan. 神光火雨星域强者,全部沸腾起来,眼睛溢满惊骇,深深看向石岩 Shi Yan...... The present is only Void God First Sky! 石岩……如今只是虚神一重天啊! By Void God First Sky Realm, the gold/metal of mechanical reactance peak condition is fierce, and from beginning to end gets the absolute winning side, even reveals to extinguish kills gold/metal Lie the power strength, this, has subverted their consistent cognition. 虚神一重天境界,力抗巅峰状态的金烈,并且从始至终都占据绝对上风,甚至流露出能够灭杀金烈的力量实力,这,颠覆了他们的一贯认知。 After arriving at gourd island, has had contempt Fire Rain Star Field Expert to Agate Star Field Divine Light Warrior, at this time was silent, starts seriously to treat Agate Star Field this line, is no longer wildly arrogant, does not dare to despise again lightly. 来到葫芦岛以后,对玛琊星域神光武者一直心存轻视的火雨星域强者,此时都沉默了,开始认真来对待玛琊星域这一行,不再敢骄狂,不敢再有一丝轻藐。 The Xuan Fei beautiful pupil is dazzling and intoxicating, suddenly jumps for joy: „, You are really fierce, brothers gold/metal Lie are not your match.” 萱绯美眸目眩神迷,忽然雀跃起来:“呀,你还真厉害啊,连金烈大哥都不是你对手。” gold/metal Lie in Fire Rain Star Field is famous Void God boundary Expert, extraordinary of battle efficiency recognition, this is also he gets rid, all Fire Rain Star Field Expert recognized reason that Shi Yan must lose. 金烈在火雨星域乃是有名的虚神强者,战斗力公认的超绝,这也是他一出手,所有火雨星域强者都认定石岩必输的原因。 But now gold/metal Liebai, and is the disastrous defeat, the opposite party has also shown mercy, otherwise the gold/metal may be struck fiercely to kill! 可如今金烈败了,并且是惨败,对方还手下留情了,不然金烈可能会被击杀! You can change a person to come again., Shi Yan frowns, is looking into front Fire Rain Star Field numerous Warrior, said: „ You have ten thousand people, the Void God Realm Expert huge quantity, I can fight slowly with you, um, you do not need to worry that I will consume too many power unable to support.” “你们可以再换一个人过来。,、石岩皱着眉头,眺望着前方火雨星域众多武者,道:“你们有万人,虚神境界强者数量庞大,我可以慢慢和你们战下去,嗯,你们不用担心我会耗费太多力量支撑不住。” Fire Rain Star Field Warrior looks at each other in blank diamay, silent did not say. 火雨星域武者面面相觑,都沉默不言。 Away the postscript and Miao glory and Divine Light Warrior, the smiling face whole faces, suddenly felt to feel proud and elated. 距跋、缪荣和神光武者,一个个笑容满脸,顿觉扬眉吐气了。 „Really are you Void God First Sky?” Xiao En for a long time, inquired silent suddenly earnestly. “你真是虚神一重天?”肖恩沉默许久,忽然认真询问。 Guarantees exchange if not genuine.” Shi Yan indifferent say|way. “如假包换。”石岩淡然道。 Xiao En sighed, helpless looks to Yu Shan, nodded, said: „ I think that us below Origin God, nobody can defeat him, I acknowledged that I underestimated the Agate Star Field person of same belief, secure she 肖恩叹了一口气,无奈的看向郁珊,点了点头,说道:“我想我们这边始神以下的,无人可以战胜他,我承认,我小看了玛琊星域的同道,那莉安她 ...... Always such as you said that is really one practices the armed forces rare talent. ” ……向来如你所说,真是一名练军奇才。” „The ability about Lianna, I can definitely absolutely not contain errors, I personally see.” Yu Shan earnest say|way. “关于莉安娜的才能,我可以肯定绝对不会有误,我亲眼所见。”郁珊认真道。 I was convinced.” Xiao En thinks that suddenly concedes defeat, I will manage well our people properly, awaits the opposite party to send the dispatcher, will not have the objection again.” “我服气了。”肖恩想了想,忽然低头认输,“我会妥善管好我们的人,听候对方派遣调度,绝不会再有异议。” Yu Shan is astonished however, the sincerity relaxed at once, begged to Shi Yan: I can guarantee that now our people obeyed have directed, now...... Whether to make us see Lianna.” 郁珊讶然,旋即真心松了一口气,冲石岩央求道:“我如今能保证我们的人服从指挥了,现在……可否让我们见见莉安娜了。” Shi Yan knit the brows, has hesitated, slight bow. 石岩皱眉,沉吟了一下,微微点头。
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