GOS :: Volume #11

#1093: Might as well fight!

Shi Yan such remarks, Divine Light or Fire Rain Star Field Expert, is in an uproar. 石岩此话一出,不论是神光还是火雨星域强者,皆是一片哗然。 His Void God single layer Qin Realm cultivation base, was not hard to peep, on the contrary, so long as achieved Origin God Boundary, can see his true Realm cultivation base. 虚神一重秦境界修为,并不是难以窥视的,相反,只要达到始神境界,一眼就可以看出他真正的境界修为 By Void God First Sky Realm, must challenge below Fire Rain Star Field Origin God Boundary, Void God Second Sky and a Third Sky even foot enters into the Origin God peak character, this...... Was extremely arrogant boundless? 虚神一重天境界,要挑战火雨星域始神境界以下,虚神二重天三重天甚至一只脚迈入始神巅峰人物,这……是狂妄无边了么? Yu Shan and Xuan Fei look is vacant, does not understand why he comes this one, they have not seen Shi Yan to get rid truly, in that void passage, Shi Yan has stood by, simply has not displayed own power and powerful comes out. 郁珊萱绯都眼神茫然,不明白他为何来此一出,她俩也没有真正见过石岩出手,在那虚空通道内,石岩一直都袖手旁观,根本没有表现出自己的力量和强势出来。 Therefore, to the Shi Yan true strength, Yu Shan and Xuan Fei did not understand. 因此,对石岩真正的实力,郁珊萱绯都不了解。 Similarly is perplexed, Miao glory, Sanna and tuo are lame and other Divine Light people, they are first have to do with Shi Yan, from the start does not know the Shi Yan depth. 同样不明所以的,还有缪荣、萨那、陀跛等神光众人,他们是初次和石岩打交道,压根不知石岩深浅。 Even if they overestimates Shi Yan Realm cultivation base, challenges below Origin God by Void God First Sky, them, does not know the immensity of heaven and earth. 就算是他们高估石岩境界修为,以虚神一重天挑战始神以下,在他们来看,也是不知天高地厚。 In the field really believes his, has two women merely...... 场内真正相信他的,仅仅只有两个女人…… Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao! 夏心妍紫耀 They have being together of time with Shi Yan, knows has many mystical places on Shi Yan, knows that Shi Yan can jump the ranks repeatedly the challenge. 她们都和石岩有过一个时期的相处,知道在石岩身上有着诸多神秘处,也知道石岩屡屡能越级挑战。 They are confident, even anticipated secretly, but also the driving speaker shouted tenderly cheers. 她俩信心十足,甚至暗暗期待,还主动扬声娇呼助威。 Dares?” Zi Yao shouted the mouth. “敢不敢?”紫耀吆嘴。 „Are you afraid inadequately?” Xia Xinyan smiles tenderly. “你们难道害怕不成?”夏心妍娇笑。 Xiao En and Fire Rain Star Field Warrior, shows not very awkward expression, when as if the Shi Yan words are only a farce, simply has not attached great importance. 肖恩火雨星域武者,露出啼笑皆非的表情,似乎当石岩的话只是一场闹剧,根本没有重视。 In their bones, is still looking down upon numerous Warrior on gourd island, including Miao glory, away being lame, really had not been paid attention to by them. 他们骨子里,依然瞧不起葫芦岛上的众多武者,包括缪荣、距跛在内,都没有真的被他们放在眼里。 Shi Yan Ling Li before the Fire Rain Star Field battleship 石岩凌立在火雨星域战舰之前 expression is cold , to continue to clamor: If some people dare to try, now then.” 神色冷然,继续叫嚣道:“如果有人胆敢一试,现在即可。” He is not impulsive, such as Xia Xinyan said by no means lacks consideration for the whole, he has his plan...... 他并非鲁莽,也并非如夏心妍所说不顾大局,他有自己的打算…… This Fire Rain Star Field comes the person over ten thousand, Void God boundary Expert like the forest, powerful of overall strength, surpasses Agate Star Field any power unexpectedly 这趟火雨星域来人过万,虚神强者如林,整体实力之强悍,竟然超过玛琊星域任何一股力量 These people are also looking down upon the Agate Star Field influence race from the bone, was Xiao En of head, the family once also had to celebrate a holiday with Agate Star Field...... 这些人还从骨子里瞧不起玛琊星域的势力种族,为首的肖恩,家族曾经还和玛琊星域有过节…… All sorts of factors put together, then made these people become the timing bomb, if cannot suppress this gang of person, making their sincerity obedience Anna dispatch, they may bring the enormous crisis to Agate Star Field. 种种因素加在一起,便让这些人成了定时炸弹,如果不能压制住这股人,让他们真心服从lì安娜调度,他们或许会给玛琊星域带来极大危机。 Shi Yan saw the gravity of issue. 石岩看出了问题的严重性。 He do not refuse the request of Yu Shan he most important to do, must frighten the opposite party, making them know that Agate Star Field is not easy to press, knows that here people are worth them respecting, they will know one's place in the later time, does not give Agate Star Field to bring the disaster. 他并非要拒绝掉郁珊的请求他首要做的,是要震慑住对方,让他们知道玛琊星域不是那么容易压过,知道这儿有人值得他们敬重,他们才会在以后的时间安分守己,不给玛琊星域带来灾祸。 Therefore, he provokes desirably, is deliberately insolent 因此,他刻意挑衅,蓄意张狂 The goal is for first is pressed an opposite party head by oneself 其目的都是为了让自己先压对方一头 Makes Anna rout the Xiao En confidence again. 再让lì安娜击溃肖恩的信心。 Under the twofold attack, he believes that adds on comforting of Yu Shan again, these broken ten thousand Expert that came from Fire Rain Star Field, can feel at ease to treat cultivation in Agate Star Field, really will become in the future the big trouble of God Clan. 两重打击之下,他相信再加上郁珊的安抚,这些从火雨星域前来的破万强者,才能真的安心在玛琊星域待下来修炼,真的成为将来神族的大麻烦。 Thousand views, all kinds argued that is inferior to a full fight.” His manner cold and proud is extremely arrogant, in the eye contains to disdain the stern countenance, said: If you practice moderation to suffice forcefully, comes a person to fight with me, if can win me, I can let Anna and you return to Fire Rain Star Field together, whatever you dispatch!” “千般说法,万般辩解,不如一场酣畅淋漓的战斗。”他神态冷傲狂妄,眼中蕴含不屑厉色,道:“如果你们自持够强行,过来一人与我一战,若能胜我,我可以让lì安娜与你们一道返回火雨星域,任凭你们调度!” „Does this word take seriously?” Yu Shan calls out in alarm suddenly, a face happy expression. “此言当真?”郁珊忽然惊叫起来,一脸喜色。 She is clearer than anybody Anna the value, Xiao En is perplexed she to know that the Anna's ability is precious. 她比任何人都清楚lì安娜的价值,肖恩不明所以她可知道lì安娜的才能多么珍贵。 Yu Shan excited. 郁珊〖兴〗奋了。 Does not need Xiao En to take a stand, she shouted one lightly: Little Nie!” 不待肖恩表态,她轻呼一声:“小聂!” One with is Void God First Sky Realm, the youth of cultivation extremely cold strength, emerges suddenly this youth silver bright armor, on the chest mail-armor and helmet portrays the marvelous chart mark 一名同为虚神一重天境界,修炼极寒之力的青年,突然间脱颖而出这青年一身银色亮甲,胸口甲胄上刻画着奇妙图纹 Eye such as ice corner, woods cold biting cold, stands firm in front of Shi Yan quickly. 眼睛如冰棱,森寒彻骨,倏地就在石岩面前站定。 Yu Shan knows that Shi Yan fuses the Essence flame, therefore seeks a cultivation extremely cold strength, thought that can restrain slightly. 郁珊知道石岩融合本源火焰,所以寻一名修炼极寒之力的,觉得能稍稍克制。 Although Nie cold is Void God First Sky Realm, but Realm is quite solid, once sealed certainly the fleshly body ten years in the Fire Rain Star Field extremely north ice prison, fleshly body and extremely cold ice merges into one organic whole severely. 聂寒虽为虚神一重天境界,但境界极为扎实,曾经在火雨星域极北冰狱封绝肉身十载,肉身和极寒冰厉融为一体。 Be not injuring him.” Yu Shan told one. “别伤着他了。”郁珊吩咐一句。 Nie cold smiles cold, thought fluctuates, Void Realm appears suddenly, in that very severe severely cold Void Realm, glaciers is continuous, the heaven and earth floating snow, biting cold cold energy seeps slowly. 聂寒冷然一笑,念头变幻间,虚界骤然浮现,在那酷厉严寒虚界内,一座座冰川连绵着,天地飘雪,彻骨寒力慢慢渗透进来。 Miao glory, Sanna, float, lump of postscript people, all with rapt attention looks to Shi Yan, is looking at carefully cautiously. 缪荣、萨那、悬浮、坨跋众人,皆是凝神看向石岩,小心翼翼端详着。 They have not seen the Shi Yan battle, does not know the Shi Yan depth, secretly anticipated. 他们都没有见过石岩交战,也不知道石岩深浅,都暗暗期待。 Also earnest including Zi Yao and district Xinyan, because they are also very long have not seen Shi Yan to get rid, does not know that this time Shi Yan reached the what kind altitude. 紫耀、县心妍也都很认真,因为她们也很久没见石岩出手,不知道此时的石岩达到何种高度了。 Biting cold cold energy seeps, Nie cold whole body ice cold snow white, was iced cold energy to take possession by the crag, face cold and gloomy white fog, as if the ten thousand years of ice corpse of bottom ice hole suddenly appears, cold energy seeps, the space transmits ka frightens the resounding, such as one and is sealing up. 彻骨寒力渗透进来,那聂寒浑身冰寒雪白,被岩冰寒力附体,一脸森冷白雾,仿佛地底冰窟的万年冰尸突然显现,寒力渗透过来,空间传来咔吓脆响,如被一并封闭着。 Trades one.” “换一个吧。” The Shi Yan look is tranquil, contains one not to bear, the arm shakes, a aura instantaneous spread of annihilation life peripheral, a marvelous mark floats in the palm immediately lives, such as the death quiet rose oppressed slowly to Nie cold. 石岩眼神平静,蕴含一丝不耐,手臂一抖,一股湮灭生灵的气息瞬间蔓延周边,一个奇妙的印记在掌心顿时浮生,如死亡幽瑰缓缓压迫向聂寒。 Death Deep Meaning precise Seal of Death. 死亡奥义凝炼的死印 In Seal of Death deathly silence and bleak Intent Domain multiply mysteriously, if middle death power fell the Negative Emotions connection innumerably, submerged that Nie cold loudly. 死印死寂、荒凉意境奥妙滋生,当中的死亡力量如无数掉负面情绪交汇,轰然将那聂寒淹没。 Is powerful Nie cold who comes, complexion suddenly palely like paper, precise all power resist that Seal of Death, is actually destroyed the mind defense line by killing intent that in Seal of Death contained, the sad and shrill squawk, God Body threw to fly suddenly, fell loudly to Fire Rain Star Field Warrior Center. 气势如虹而来的聂寒,脸色忽然苍白如纸,凝炼所有力量去抵御那死印,却被死印内蕴藏的死意摧毁了心灵防线,凄厉尖声,神体骤然抛飞出来,轰然落向火雨星域武者〖中〗央 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 His whole body solid ice smashing, God Body is safe and sound, is only the complexion is still pale, such as was seeing the extremely frightened matter, the look panic-stricken to the extreme. 他满身坚冰粉碎,神体却安然无恙,只是脸色依然苍白,如见着极为恐惧之事,眼神惊恐到了极点。 He cannot block Shi Yan to strike. 他未能挡住石岩一击。 Yu Shan and Xiao En complexion slightly changes, in the heart sinks, who as if in hesitates is using. 郁珊肖恩脸色略略一变,心中一沉,似乎在犹豫着动用何人。 Divine Light that side people facial expression shakes, secret excited, chuckled, was thinking that the situation was gradually interesting. 神光那边众人神情一震,暗暗激动,嘿嘿笑着,觉得形势渐渐有趣起来了。 Just struck extremely simply hurried, they cannot see clearly Shi Yan power truly, wants to look sincerely, therefore fell the line of sight to Fire Rain Star Field, hopes that side fast dispatched new Expert to come out. 刚刚一击太过简单匆忙,他们没有能真正看清楚石岩力量,想瞧的更加深切一点,于是都将视线落向火雨星域那边,希望那边速速派遣新的强者出来。 Shi Yan sees Yu Shan and Xiao En to be indecisive, is a little impatient, puts out a hand, said: Just you called is very resounding, um, you.” 石岩郁珊肖恩犹豫不决,有点不耐烦,伸手一点,道:“刚刚你叫的很响亮,嗯,就你吧。” Before he aims at that ablazes with anger, must replace Yu Shan to teach his youth, the youth has Void God Third Sky Realm, the cultivation gold/metal sharp strength, the whole body imposing manner is verve fierce, thought that is Expert that power Realm achieves mastery through a comprehensive study. 他指向那名之前怒气冲冲,要代替郁珊教训他的青年,青年有虚神三重天境界,修炼金锐之力,浑身气势非常刚猛狂烈,觉得是名力量境界融会贯通的强者 He mentioned by name on own initiative, these Fire Rain Star Field Warrior were astonished however is shocked, at once ridicules completely looks to him. 他主动点名,那些火雨星域武者都讶然愣住,旋即全部嘲弄看向他。 This boy silly, challenges big brother gold/metal Lie unexpectedly, acts recklessly!” “这小子傻的可以,竟然挑战金烈大哥,不知死活!” „Has Sir gold/metal Lie soon breakthrough Origin God, his Void God First Sky Realm, how could it not be courted death?” “金烈大人快要突破始神了,他虚神一重天境界,岂非找死?” Definitely is courts death!” “肯定是找死啊!” These Agate Star Field Expert, ridiculed that the sound was gradually loud and clear. 那些玛琊星域强者,纷纷嘲笑起来,声音渐渐洪亮。 Yu Shan and Xiao En are also one dull, at once the complexion, has a look at that gold/metal Lie strangely, looks at Shi Yan, the brow stretches gradually. 郁珊肖恩也是一呆,旋即脸色怪异之极,看看那金烈,又望了望石岩,眉头渐渐舒展。 That person is very fierce!” That side Divine Light, Sanna deeply inspires on his Realm power not to be inferior I.” “那人很厉害!”神光那边,萨那深吸一口气“他境界力量上不逊色我。” Away a postscript brow wrinkle, said in a low voice: Shi Yan that boy really bold, actually mentioned by name to fight him, differed two small Realm, this was simply extremely arrogant.” 距跋眉头一皱,低声道:“石岩那小子真的大胆,竟然点名要战他,相差两个小境界,这简直就是狂妄了。” Cannot completely understand him.” A Sanna face is also unclear. “看不透他。”萨那也一脸不明。 The Xuan Fei small face spills over alarmed and afraid color, looks from afar to Shi Yan, hesitant, clashes gold/metal Liedao low voice: Big brother gold/metal Lie, he...... He has saved my life, don't injure him to be good?” 萱绯小脸泛出惊惧的色彩,远远看向石岩,犹豫了一下,小声冲金烈道:“金烈大哥,他……他救过我性命的,你别伤害他好不好?” Thought Shi Yan cannot withstand a war, the gold/metal that plans to enter the war directly is not fierce, listens to a Xuan Fei such saying, instead frowned, is cold the face to walk into the field, face-to-face opposes with Shi Yan. 本来觉得石岩不堪一战,不打算直接参战的金烈,听萱绯这么一说,反而皱起眉头,然后冷着脸走入场内,和石岩面对面对立。 Xuan Fei covers mouth, the bright eyes appear greatly confuse, does not know that this gold/metal is fierce suddenly so is why unusual. 萱绯捂着嘴,明眸显出巨大迷惑,不知道这金烈为何突然如此反常。 Only then some Fire Rain Star Field Warrior of her side, know that she has made the foolish matter, gold/metal Lie admires her matter secretly, well-known, she more asked favor for Shi Yan, gold/metal Lie instead more was meets the violent anger to get rid. 只有她身旁的一些火雨星域武者,知道她做了蠢事,那金烈偷偷爱慕她的事情,众人皆知,她越是替石岩求情,金烈反而越是会暴怒出手。 Gold/Metal is fierce, shows mercy!” The Yu Shan complexion sinks, sees gold/metal Lie to take seriously, shouted to clear the way hurriedly seriously. “金烈,手下留情!”郁珊脸色一沉,见金烈当真下来,急忙严肃喝道。 She knows that gold/metal Lie method and ominous severe place, she also knows whether to be able to move Anna, must look at the Shi Yan face, knows that Shi Yan and Blood Devil, Ba Si and the others the friendship, do not want to offend the Agate Star Field all parties influence, therefore hurries to tell. 她知道金烈的手段和凶厉之处,她也知道能否请动lì安娜,都要看石岩的面子,也知道石岩血魔巴斯等人的交情,不想将玛琊星域各方势力得罪个遍,所以赶紧吩咐。 Sir Yu Shan but please feel relieved that I will not kill his.” gold/metal Lietian has licked the lip, such as the wolf reveals the bleeding rank imposing manner, Hehe smiles severely. 郁珊大人但请放心,我不会杀死他的。”金烈舔了舔嘴唇,如豺狼般露出血腥气势,嘿嘿厉笑着。 pā pā pā! 啪啪啪 Gold/Metal fierce ten fingers of overlapping, skeleton transmits the clear explosive, then sees ten front Limans light[ stirs up] shoots. 金烈十指交叉,骨骼传来清脆爆响,然后便见十道锋利芒光〖激〗射出来。 Ten gold/metal sharp strength, contain the gold/metal sharply verve, spreads out void suddenly turns into ten golden flood dragons, silent roar, one and attacks toward Shi Yan. 十道金锐之力,蕴藏金之锋利刚猛,虚空骤然衍变成十条金色蛟龙,无声厉啸着,一并朝着石岩冲击过来。 The people facial expression is suddenly dignified, the deep meaning of unusual golden color flood dragon looks at that gold/metal, secretly is startled. 众人神情突然凝重起来,看着那金之奥义奇特的金色蛟龙,都暗暗吃惊。 By power evolving life myriad things, but can also attach a soul thought that this method, only then moves Origin God threshold to be able the line of sight, this gold/metal Lie, clearly is Void God peak Expert! 力量衍变生灵万物,还能附有一丝灵魂念头,这种手段,只有触碰始神门槛者才可以视线,这金烈,分明是虚神巅峰强者啊! Copes with Void God First Sky Realm Shi Yan with him, the people, is uses a talented person in an insignificant position radically. 拿他来对付虚神一重天境界石岩,在众人来看,根本就是大材小用啊。 All person vision stare to Shi Yan, but at least 99% people do not favor him, thinks he not gold/metal fierce match. 所有人目光都凝视向石岩,但至少99的人不看好他,认为他绝非金烈的对手。 Saw with own eyes that ten golden flood dragons come swiftly and violently, the Shi Yan look is still callous, pulls mouth Hehe to smile, at once air/Qi of turbulent evil spirit, as if the sea is in flood general, wild by him[ body] in soars to the heavens. 眼见十条金色蛟龙迅猛而来,石岩眼神依然冷酷,扯嘴嘿嘿一笑,旋即一股汹涌凶煞之气,仿佛海洋泛滥一般,狂暴的由他〖体〗内冲霄而起。 The air/Qi of void precise change evil spirit, changes into the fierce terrifying Devil God great shapes of making threatening gestures unexpectedly, does not dread captured the past toward that golden flood dragon. 凶煞之气虚空凝炼变化,居然化为一个个张牙舞爪的狰狞恐怖魔神巨像,毫不畏惧的朝着那金色蛟龙擒拿过去。 With this with pondering, his void „” paddles, the vault of heaven like rags tearing one piece by piece, appears cutting edge space fine drawns, the blade edge of precise shining space. 与此同忖,他一手虚空“哧溜”划动,将苍穹如破布般撕裂一片片,显现一道道锋刃空间细缝,凝炼明晃晃的空间之刃。 If discussed sharply incomparable, gold/metal sharp strength, can it be that the enemy of Space Cutting Blade? 若论锋锐无匹,金锐之力,岂是空间利刃之敌? The sounds of people of clamoring, are suddenly quiet, gourd island becomes falls the needle to hear quickly. 喧哗的人声,忽然间沉寂下来,葫芦岛倏地变得落针可闻。
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