GOS :: Volume #11

#1092: Resistant to compression

Broken ten thousand Warrior, several hundred battleships, heavy such as the imposing manner of mountain, the influence of Fire Rain Star Field arrival, surpasses Shi Yan to anticipate thoroughly. 破万武者,数百艘战舰,沉重如山的气势,火雨星域到来的这一股势力,彻底超出石岩预期。 The Divine Light Sanna and tuo being lame facial expression dreaded that hints subordinates Expert secretly, making them maintain solemn and respectful, carelessly and opposite party forms the conflict, Miao glory is also a face shocks, dull looks at comes the person, suddenly will be similar to will not speak, the spoken language will fail to explode. 神光的萨那、跎跛神情忌惮,暗暗示意麾下强者,让他们保持肃穆,不要不慎和对方形成冲突,缪荣也是一脸震撼,呆呆看着来人,一时间如同不会讲话了,言语哑火。 This Fire Rain Star Field comes the person, can contend with Agate Star Field any influence, and gets the winning side on power. 这一股火雨星域来人,能抗衡玛琊星域任何一股势力,并且在力量上占据上风。 Let alone Divine Light, only then trivial more than 3000 Warrior accumulations here, even if this influence enters the Divine Light headquarters, can round trip free, brings the ruinous heavy losses to Divine Light. 别说神光只有区区3000多名武者聚集在此,就算是这一股势力杀入神光总部,也能来去自如,给神光带来毁灭性重创。 The opposite party Void God boundary Expert quantity, extremely terrifying, has really let the thoughts that they cannot have contend with directly. 对方虚神强者的数量,实在太过恐怖了,让他们根本生不出正面抗衡的心思。 Vast Agate Star Field, perhaps at least 45 powerful influences add, can resist this batch of Fire Rain Star Field to come the person. 辽阔的玛琊星域,或许至少45股强悍势力加起来,才能真的抵挡这一批火雨星域来人。 If they must start to this gourd island Divine Light, the crush will fall Divine Light, making here 3000 people run away continually cannot escape. 他们如果要对这葫芦岛神光下手,将会碾压掉神光,让这儿3000人连逃都逃不掉。 Yu Shan people's arrival, such as the majestic mountains capping, making the people not gasp for breath. 郁珊众人的到来,如巍峨山川压顶,让众人喘不过气来。 But Yu Shan I, have not been pleased with oneself, on the contrary, her complexion is lame and the others also to want compared with Miao glory, tuo heavily stern, when anchors to the battleship in the islands peripheral, her expression told one exhaustedly. 郁珊本人,没有一丝沾沾自喜,相反,她脸色比缪荣、跎跛等人还要沉重严峻,待到战舰停泊在岛屿周边,她神色疲惫的吩咐了一句。 At once, sees only on that several hundred battleships, appears several thousand giant boxes, in these boxes transmits very strong fluctuation, making the person spirit shake. 旋即,只见那数百艘战舰上,浮现数千巨大箱子,那些箱子内传来非常浓烈的波动,让人精神一震。 An appearance dark green ancient high thin old man, one and arrives with Yu Shan, Origin God Second Sky Realm cultivation base, named Xiao En, he frowns looks at these boxes, seems hesitating anything. 一名模样苍古的高瘦老者,和郁珊一并到来,始神二重天境界修为,名为肖恩,他皱着眉头看着那些箱子,似乎犹豫着什么。 Yu Shan clashes his slight bow. 郁珊冲他微微点头。 The Xiao En whole face is helpless, raises the sound track: Opens!” 肖恩满脸无奈,扬声道:“打开!” Numerous Fire Rain Star Field Expert such as thunder and lightning is speeding along in abundance, lifts these hanging giant boxes, brilliant splendid light shows fiercely, flash eye. 众多火雨星域强者纷纷如雷电飞驰着,将那些悬空的巨大箱子掀开,绚烂的华光猛地展现出来,耀目非常。 In several thousand giant boxes, fills up the medicinal herbs that Divine Crystal, jade and treasure Chikin iron, the rare lumber, the five colors riotous crystal and fragrance wound around, all sorts of Warrior scarce cultivation materials are dazzling, marvelous brilliance made the person of string god fan, the eyeball probably stare. 数千巨大的箱子内,填满了神晶、玉石、珍奇金铁、罕见木材、五彩缤纷的晶体、香气缭绕的药草,种种武者紧缺的修炼材料琳琅满目,奇妙的光华让人目弦神迷,眼珠子都要瞪出来了。 Divine Crystal at least is high grade, but also blends many extremely rare top grade Divine Crystal, internal energy like the liquid, is unexpectedly clearly discernible is shivering. 神晶至少为上品,还参杂不少极为罕见的极品神晶,内部能量如液体,竟清晰可见在颤动着。 In many marvelous jades, transmits, burning hot, yin cold and thunder and lightning all sorts of special attribute aura fluctuations cool, obviously has pointed special, priceless. 许多奇妙玉石内,传来清凉、炙热、阴寒、雷电种种特殊属性的气息波动,显然都有着针对性的特殊品,价值连城。 The stars meteoric iron, the stream ray sand and various coal metalloids are extremely difficult to purchase in Medicine Refining Pavilion, at this time box is putting, looks at one, then has the feeling that a soul falls to the enemy. 星辰陨铁、流光沙、黑金各类金属在药器阁都极难收购,此时一箱箱的盛放着,望上一眼,便有种灵魂沦陷的感觉。 ...... …… In that giant box, puts is piling up all kinds of cultivation materials, is the extremely precious rare thing. 那一个个巨大箱子中,盛放堆积着各种各样的修炼材料,都是极为珍贵罕见之物。 Miao glory, tuo are lame the eye that looks at to put strange light, sucks the tongue secretly, they have calculated secretly, discovered that Divine Light and Fighting Union all commodities add, feared that is inferior to the materials in these boxes to be precious. 缪荣、跎跛都看的目放奇光,暗暗咂舌不已,他们暗自计算了一下,发现就算神光战盟的所有物资加起来,怕是都不如那些箱子内的材料珍贵。 This discovery makes Miao glory, tuo be lame discretely restless, looked that comes the vision of person to these Fire Rain Star Field, dreading. 这个发现让缪荣、跎跛更加谨慎不安,看向这些火雨星域来人的目光,也更加的忌惮。 Is seriously filthy rich! 当真是财大气粗啊! Miao glory, tuo are lame the sigh. 缪荣、跎跛感叹不已。 „Our coming, will be self-sufficient, will not consume your any resources.” The Yu Shan sound is leisurely, a pair of bright pupil, but falls to Shi Yan one person. “我们这趟过来,会自给自足,不会耗费你们任何资源。”郁珊声音轻缓,一双明亮的眸子,只是落向石岩一人身上。 She was lame, Sanna, Xia Xinyan and Zi Yao to disregard to Miao glory, tuo completely, in her eyes, as if also only then a Shi Yan person competent talked with her, this made numerous Divine Light Warrior shock incomparably, looked that was even more strange to the Shi Yan manner unclearly. 她对缪荣、跎跛、萨那、夏心妍紫耀全部无视了,在她眼中,似乎也只有石岩一人够资格与她交谈,这让众多神光武者震撼无比,看向石岩的神态愈发怪异不明。 So long as you make Lianna help us train, other all losses, we will supplement that will not make you spend a mind.” Yu Shan enforces gradually, I know training difficult brutal, if in them some people of accidents died, we will not speak a few words!” “只要你让莉安娜帮我们练兵,其余的一切损耗,我们会补充,绝不会让你们费一点心神。”郁珊渐渐严肃起来,“我知道练兵的艰辛残酷,他们之中若有人意外身亡,我们绝不会说一句话!” In her Xiao En, frowns gently, not too trust looks to Shi Yan, said in a low voice: This person...... Is worth consuming the so big twists and turns really?” 在她身旁的肖恩,轻轻皱着眉头,不太信任的看向石岩,低声道:“这个人……真值得我们耗费如此大的波折?” The Xiao En sound is not high, but the people listen is very clear, cannot help but goes to him the vision. 肖恩的声音不算高,可众人都听的很清楚,不由自主将目光投向他。 This person of status is extremely as if high, Origin God Second Sky Realm, the cultivation thunder and lightning deep meaning, should be illustrious in Fire Rain Star Field, including Yu Shan, when treats him, somewhat is discrete, said earnestly: Lianna seriously is non- world rare talent, I believe that she quenchings the army that polishes, may endure with the God Clan regular army fights!” 此人身份似乎极高,始神二重天境界,修炼雷电奥义,在火雨星域应该赫赫有名,连郁珊在对待他的时候,都有些谨慎,认真说道:“莉安娜当真是不世奇才,我相信她淬炼打磨出来的军队,可堪和神族正规军一战!” God Clan regular army?” The Xiao En brow wrinkles was tighter, his line of sight looks on Divine Light Warrior, the look fades in disdains, here corps quality, even is inferior to us, really trustworthy?” 神族正规军?”肖恩眉头皱的更紧了,他视线在神光武者身上瞄来瞄去,眼神渐显不屑,“这儿的战队素质,甚至不如我们,真的值得信任?” Numerous Divine Light Warrior, are lame, the Zi Yao look including that Sanna and tuo changes, has to plant the insulted feeling. 众多神光武者,包括那萨那、跎跛、紫耀都眼神微变,有种受侮辱的感觉。 The Divine Light Blood Spear corps are quite famous in Agate Star Field, Sanna and tuo are lame also very much have the self-confidence to the corps, but so was despised regarding that now unexpectedly lightly disdains, this lets them is very angry. 神光血矛战队在玛琊星域颇为著名,萨那、跎跛也对战队很有自信,可如今竟被人这般轻藐不屑的看待,这让他们很是恼怒。 The Yu Shan line of sight wanders in Divine Light these Warrior center, said indifferently: They indeed cannot say that elite, that is because they are not the corps that Lianna quenchings, but a little I believe that if they are commanded by the Lianna dispatch, the corps of our equal amount strength...... Should not be the match.” 郁珊视线在神光那些武者中央游荡一圈,淡然说道:“他们的确称不上精锐,那是因为他们并非莉安娜淬炼出来的战队,但有一点我相信,如果他们由莉安娜调度统领,我们同等数量实力的战队……应该不是对手。” Xiao En he he has smiled, laughter is a little strange, he looked at behind audiences Warrior, looked at these Divine Light Blood Spear corps, suddenly stern say|way: You know that I did not approve dispatches so many Expert to come Agate Star Field training, because I do not believe that some Agate Star Field people reach so the altitude. In the past, our family once and Agate Star Field influence battle, we had known about their battle efficiencies, therefore...... I do not think them compared with our Fire Rain Star Field corps powerful. Naturally, I also know that you will not be aimless, particularly in our pressure so serious situation......” 肖恩呵呵笑了起来,笑声有点怪异,他看了看身后的一众武者,又看了看那些神光血矛战队,突然正色道:“你知道我并不赞成派遣如此多强者玛琊星域练兵,因为我不相信玛琊星域有人达到如此高度。当年,我们家族曾经和玛琊星域势力交战,我们对他们的战斗力有所了解,所以……我不认为他们会比我们火雨星域的战队强悍。当然,我也知道你不会无的放矢,尤其是在我们压力如此沉重的情况下……” Have stopped a instant the Xiao En words to here, at once said: Gives me to select the confidence to be good? Also to everybody a confidence!” 肖恩话到这儿停顿了一霎,旋即道:“给我点信心好吧?也给大家一个信心!” His behind, came from Fire Rain Star Field Warrior numerously is eyes suddenly brightened, a face anticipated pleaded looked to Yu Shan. 身后,众多来自于火雨星域武者皆是双眸暴亮,一脸期待恳求的看向郁珊 Yu Shan knits the brows slightly, hesitant, said to Shi Yan: „Can Lianna in?” 郁珊微微皱眉,犹豫了一下,冲石岩说道:“莉安娜可在?” The Shi Yan complexion is indifferent, is standing by the submatrix that just refine, knits the brows slightly, looked at that Xiao En one distantly, suddenly said at will: You can return to Fire Rain Star Field now, I will not make Lianna help you train.” 石岩脸色冷漠,在刚刚炼成的子阵旁边站着,微微皱眉,遥遥看了那肖恩一眼,忽然随意说道:“你们现在便可返回火雨星域了,我不会让莉安娜帮你们练兵了。” Miao glory, Sanna and tuo being lame people have gawked obviously, then in the heart acclaimed. 缪荣、萨那、跎跛众人明显愣了一下,然后心中不由赞叹起来。 Xiao En strangely chuckled gets up. 肖恩嘿嘿怪笑起来。 Yu Shan is the complexion changes. 郁珊则是脸色一变。 Arrives after Fire Rain Star Field several hundred battleship broken ten thousand Expert, the Warrior chests on all gourd island likely were being pressed a mountain, heavy the feeling of a little not having gasped for breath. 火雨星域数百战舰破万强者到来之后,所有葫芦岛上的武者胸口都像是被压着一座山,沉重的有点喘不过气来的感觉。 tuo of Origin God Boundary is lame, Miao glory to be no exception. 始神境界的跎跛、缪荣也不例外。 Comes person Xiao En and Yu Shan in Origin God Second Sky Realm, cultivation base to surpass them, the Void God Expert quantity of coming may be called terrifying, regardless of where comparison, they are in absolutely leeward. 来人肖恩郁珊都在始神二重天境界,修为超过他们,过来的虚神强者数量堪称恐怖,无论从何处比较,他们都处于绝对下风。 Also because of so, Miao glory, tuo is lame to give birth is inferior to the decadent feeling of opposite party, therefore is silent throughout, this is forms under the tremendous pressure naturally. 也是因为如此,缪荣、跎跛生出不如对方的颓败感,于是始终沉默,这是在巨大压力下自然而然形成。 May when facing disdaining of Xiao En suspected, when gourd island all people Shi Yan will treat seriously, meets good words compromise explained that he actually earth-shaking giving so answer! 可在面对肖恩的不屑怀疑,葫芦岛所有人都当石岩会认真对待,会好言妥协解释之时,他却石破天惊的给出如此答复! He rejects unexpectedly explicitly, such as under the mountain pressure reneges on a promise in this, tears the beforehand commitment! 他竟然明确拒绝,在这股如山压力下反悔,撕毁之前的承诺! On gourd island all Warrior shock inexplicably. 葫芦岛上所有武者都震惊莫名。 You have promised me!” A Yu Shan eye cold, tender body actually transmits the burning hot flame to fluctuate. “你答应过我的!”郁珊眼睛一寒,娇躯却传来炙热火焰波动。 You can the future people give to comfort, I can discuss this matter with you again.” The Shi Yan manner is cold, „the person, if you bring, looks down upon us from the bone, does not trust us, even thought that can kill us easily...... Then was sorry very much that we do not welcome, but also asked you to leave Agate Star Field!” “等你能将来人都给安抚好了,我会和你再谈此事。”石岩神态冷然,“如果你带来的人,从骨子里看不起我们,不信任我们,甚至觉得可以轻易杀死我们……那么很抱歉,我们并不欢迎,还请你们离开玛琊星域!” Such remarks, the Divine Light numerous Warrior facial expressions rouse, Xiao En and audiences Fire Rain Star Field come the person are complexion cold severe. 此言一出,神光众多武者神情振奋,肖恩和一众火雨星域来人则是脸色冷厉。 Boy Realm is not high, tone is actually not small!” Xiao En snort|hum, said proudly: I have not thought that really your Agate Star Field person, can in leading to be able on to exceed me, you and have God Clan battled? You know God Clan formidable? You do not have! Because you bump into merely is only God Clan dependency Mirage Clan! If you really and God Clan meet, even if will be only the God Clan guerrilla forces disperses, your corps will directly also be destroyed to rout!” “小子境界不高,口气倒是不小!”肖恩哼了一声,傲然说道:“我还真不认为你们玛琊星域的人,能够在领军才能上胜过我,你们和神族交战过么?你们知道神族的强大么?你们没有!因为你们碰到的仅仅只是神族附庸幽影族!如果你们真的和神族碰面,即便只是神族游兵散将,你们这些战队也会被直接摧毁击溃!” His finger, the point to the Divine Light Blood Spear corps, a face mocked disdains. 他的手指,点向神光血矛战队,一脸讥诮不屑。 Deeply inspires, the Xiao En complexion is dignified: I and God Clan positive showdown, I have been clearer than you this God Clan the fearfulness, I know that their battlefields have marvelously how sharp, important matter that the regiment polish quenchings, puts the hope these not to see the God Clan fearful person to you, I beg to differ!” 深吸一口气,肖恩脸色凝重:“我和神族正面对决过,我比你们所有人都清楚这个神族的可怕,我知道他们的战阵有多么的奇妙锋利,将军团打磨淬炼的要事,放希望给你们这些未曾见过神族可怕的人,我不敢苟同!” He looks to Yu Shan. 他看向郁珊 These Fire Rain Star Field under his body come the person, looks to Yu Shan, the vision is the same with Xiao En, has obviously does not trust. 他身下的那些火雨星域来人,也看向郁珊,目光和肖恩一样,明显有着不信任。 It seems like your interior including step not consistent.” Shi Yan grins to sneer, does not bear said to Yu Shan: You make the internal dispute first proper, then with me discussed that I do not have free time help your Fire Rain Star Field entire discipline.” “看来你们内部连步调都没有一致。”石岩咧嘴冷笑,不耐的冲郁珊道:“你先将内部纠纷弄妥,然后再和我谈吧,我可没闲工夫帮你们火雨星域整军纪。” Dares to disrespect to Sir Yu Shan! The boys are extremely arrogant!” A Void God Third Sky Realm youth, look cloudy severe Ru ice skates, ominous severe shouting to clear the way. “竟敢对郁珊大人不敬!小子狂妄!”一名虚神三重天境界的青年,眼神阴厉如冰刀,凶厉的喝道。 He is a team leader of corps, had been saved the life by Yu Shan, to the Yu Shan sense of gratitude, sees Shi Yan not to be so impolite awe-stricken, immediately is angry to drink coldly. 他是一支战队的队长,曾经被郁珊救过性命,对郁珊充满敬畏感激之情,见石岩如此不客气,当即恼怒冷喝起来。 Is aloof in the Fire Rain Star Field Yu Shan status, few people dare so to speak with Yu Shan, when Xiao En suspicion rebuttal, must take the behind ten thousand artificial energy, can the short time gather ten thousand elite, and carries these many commodities to come, can show indirectly Yu Shan was big in Fire Rain Star Field energy. 火雨星域郁珊身份超然,很少有人敢和郁珊这般讲话,就连肖恩怀疑反驳之时,也要带上身后万人为底气,能够短时间聚集万名精锐并且携带这么多物资而来,也能间接证明郁珊火雨星域能量有多大了。 Shi Yan, I have saved the life of your family member friend, doesn't this face give?” Yu Shan stared behind youth one year, then smiles bitterly to beg: You make Lianna come, leads to fight with Xiao En, what wasn't solved?” 石岩,我救过你亲人朋友的性命,连这点面子都不给?”郁珊瞪了身后青年一年,然后苦笑央求道:“你让莉安娜过来,与肖恩带队战上一场,不什么都解决了?” Master dispatches that many people to come your Agate Star Field, withstood many pressure questions, if matter processing is not good, is very big to the master prestige influence.” Xuan Fei also implored urgently. “师傅调度那么多人来你们玛琊星域,承受了好多压力质疑的,如果事情处理不好,对师傅声望影响很大的。”萱绯也苦苦哀求。 Shi Yan......” Xia Xinyan shouted one lightly, slight bow, general situation for heavy, God Clan was too ominous severely, we and Fire Rain Star Field were not foes, in the future must be able to be the ally.” 石岩……”夏心妍轻呼一声,微微点头,“大局为重,神族太凶厉,我们和火雨星域并非仇敌,将来必会是盟友。” This.” Has hesitated a while, he stands before the Fire Rain Star Field ten thousand Expert battleships suddenly, the hand refers to the front, said cold: In you, below Origin God Boundary, if some people can exceed me, I will make Lianna lead with your Sir Xiao En respectively a war.” “这样吧。”沉吟了一会儿,他突然站在火雨星域万名强者的战舰之前,手指前方,冷然说道:“你们之中,始神境以下,若有人能胜过我,我会让莉安娜与你们肖恩大人各自带队一战。” ...... ……
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