GOS :: Volume #11

#1091: Refining up

A gourd island summit. 葫芦岛一处山巅。 The mountain pass like the crystal face, such as was broken smoothly all at once, on the solid micro cold stony soil, is building dozens sparkling materials, these material colors vary, or ice cold biting cold, mildly like jade, glittering and translucent carving, is different. 山口光滑如晶面,如被一刀切断,坚实微寒的石地上,堆砌着数十种亮晶晶的材料,那些材料颜色各异,或是冰寒彻骨,或是温润如玉,或是晶莹剔透,皆是不同。 Youth who a brow screws tight, the look is dedicated, stands with deep veneration in the summit center. 一名眉头拧紧的青年,眼神专注认真,肃然立在山巅中央。 Close space cutting edges, in void partly visible, if still a marvelous ability skilled worker immerse many years of burin, points at the hauling to pull following him, on the hard stony soil on a gigantic spatial phantom crystal is carving the tedious design. 一条条细密的空间锋刃,在虚空若隐若现,犹若神功巧匠浸没多年的刻刀,顺着他手指牵引拉扯,在坚硬石地上一块硕大空幻晶上雕琢着繁琐图案。 Occupies a land area of one mu spatial phantom crystal such as the high integrity to be mild, the clear gloss, is actually the plate full crack, the crack such as the line spreads gradually, floods sews in crystal each corner, is similar to has the hands of innumerable not being able to see to pull these cracks to patrol, strange mysterious. 占地一亩的空幻晶如寒玉温润,晶莹光泽,可是却盘满裂纹,裂纹如线条逐渐蔓延,充斥在晶体每一个角落缝口,如同有无数看不见的手扯着那些裂纹游弋着,奇诡奥妙。 Space cutting edge and ` faint traceare walking randomly, paddles in the crystal plane gently, carries over close seam crazing to change. 一道道空间锋刃、‘丝丝”游走着,在晶体表面轻轻划动,带出更多细密的缝隙裂改。 ! 蓬! Bunch of scarlet-red burning hot flame, jumps quickly from his palm, as if wonderful soul surges continuous, lithe turns into the marvelous arc. 一簇赤红炙热火苗,倏地从他掌心跳跃出来,仿佛神妙灵魂波荡不休,轻盈的化成奇妙的弧线。 Peripheral lozenge high integrity strip, were bound by that flame, melts suddenly less than half, drops many pitch-black dregs to come out, these lozenge high integrity strip as if instantaneously were polished, is circling in flight, mounts in the illusory crystal interior slit mouth. 周边一块块棱形寒玉条,被那火苗一裹,骤然间融化小半,滴落许多乌黑渣滓出来,那些棱形寒玉条仿佛被瞬间打磨完毕,咻咻的飞旋着,镶嵌在空幻晶内的缝隙口。 The youth ten fingers fluctuate continually, fingertip outlined tedious marvelous chart, reappeared void. 青年十指连番变幻,指尖勾勒出繁琐奇妙的图阵,虚空浮现。 Whenever chart appears, these space cutting edges will then take advantage of opportunity to hover, in the spatial phantom crystal surface its rubbing forming, the flame quenchings the peripheral all sorts of absorption at once the high integrity, Spirit Stone and unusual metal, or the polish is smooth 每当一个图阵显现,那些空间锋刃便会顺势游动,在空幻晶表面将其拓印成形,旋即火焰淬炼周边种种吸取的寒玉、灵石、奇特金属,或是打磨光滑 Perhaps dissolves the hot juice, the irrigation seepage in chart that on the spatial phantom crystal appears. 或是溶解成火汁,浇灌渗透在空幻晶上浮现的图阵上。 One mu place Crystal Jade surface of size, the spread multiplies the innumerable close slit textures, forms dozens types complex chart that is difficult to be bright, constructs dozens star point, star point imitates, if the space node, interweaves and colludes numerous Array Diagram to achieve the marvelous function. 一亩地的大小晶玉表面,蔓延滋生无数细密缝隙纹理,形成数十种复杂难明的图阵,构建数十个星点,星点仿若空间节点,交织、勾连着众多阵图达成奇妙的作用。 The burning hot flame jumps the damask silk erratically such as god's tentacle, many materials will tow, quenchings impurities easily, integrates the spatial phantom crystal. 炙热火焰跳绫不定如神之触手,将更多材料牵引出来,轻易淬炼掉杂质,融入空幻晶。 As all sorts of materials disappearances of gradually, design on that gigantic spatial phantom crystal 随着种种材料的渐渐消失,那一块硕大的空幻晶上的图案 Glistens one after another, these designs are similar to a star miniature, the concealed space is mysterious 一个接着一个闪亮起来,那些图案如同星阵的缩影,隐含空间奥妙精粹 What a pity the average man is unable to catch to see clearly. 可惜常人无法捕捉洞察。 Summit peripheral, anchors above War Chariot calmly to stand Xia Xinyan, Zi Yao and Miao glory, Sanna and lump to be lame and the others, these people are silent do not say, is separated by hundred meters to stare at this quietly. 山巅周边,停泊着一艘艘战车其上静静站着夏心妍紫耀、缪荣、萨那、坨跛等人,这些人都沉默不言,相隔百米悄悄凝视这一块。 As the space cutting edge appears gradually crowded, is even more dazzling along with that spatial phantom crystal, they suddenly discovered that the summit space such as was crushed, appears numerous strange energy mighty currents, such as heaven and earth was torn, has shown the Outer Territory marvelous mighty waves. 随着空间锋刃渐渐密集浮现,随着那空幻晶愈发璀璨夺目,他们蓦然发现山巅空间如被粉碎,显出众多奇诡的能量洪流,如天地被撕裂,展现了域外奇妙波澜。 Long and narrow space slit flashes before, twists the space fluctuation to be even more intense, the gourd island place above vault of heaven such as the mirror was broken, appears the close crack, puts behind that people Soul Altar spills over the restless fluctuation. 狭长的空间缝隙闪现,扭曲空间波动愈发强烈,葫芦岛上方苍穹如镜子被破碎,显现更多细密裂缝,一眼忘却,众人灵魂祭台都泛出不安波动。 Under shatter vault of heaven, a youth facial expression is stern, consciousness enough chart by the soul and mind attentively, takes the space cutting edge as burin imprint surface layer the spatial phantom crystal, quenchings and actuates by Heavenly Flame various materials, permeates spirit by the supernatural power...... 破碎的苍穹嘉下,一名青年神情严峻,全神贯注地以灵魂、心神、意识够了图阵,以空间锋刃为刻刀烙印在空幻晶表层,以天火来淬炼、驱动各类材料,以神力渗入灵阵内部…… The people all are the facial expression surprise, knows well his Zi Yao and Xia Xinyan also to stare dumbfounded continually, secret surprised. 众人皆是神情诧异,连熟识他的紫耀夏心妍也是瞠目结舌,暗暗惊奇。 This child Refiner method is also quite remarkable, if the attentive immerse study, feared that can reach the position of Medicine Refining Pavilion Elder.” tuo was lame to look for a long time, is out of control to shout one lightly. “此子炼器手段也极为卓越,若是用心浸没钻研,怕是能荣登药器阁长老之位。”陀跛看了许久,禁不住轻呼一声。 The Sanna slight bow, has to gasp in admiration, „the person of junior sister settling on, really has its extraordinary place, the junior sister vision is indeed uncommon.” 萨那微微点头,不得不叹服,“师妹看中之人,果然有其超绝处,师妹眼光的确不凡。” „Does he also understand Refiner?” On another phoenix bird War Chariot, Miao glory look is astonished however, startled surprisingly said: This boy what origin?” “他还懂炼器?”另外一艘凤鸟战车上,缪荣眼神讶然,惊奇道:“这小子到底什么来历?” He always supposed that does not permit the Shi Yan status, until now is also confused, unclear reason why. 他始终估摸不准石岩的身份,直到现在还一头雾水,不明所以然。 The Xia Xinyan restraining innermost feelings were astonished, look back to look at his one eyes, said with a smile lightly: Said that relieves Devil Clan, Monster Clan, Medicine Refining Pavilion and Storm Battalion crisis is he, if no him, Mirage Clan and God Clan have invaded our star territory.” 夏心妍收敛内心惊异,回首看了他一眼,轻笑道:“这么说吧,解除魔族妖族药器阁疾风战部危机的便是他,若是没有他,幽影族神族已经入侵我们星域了。” Miao glory shakes loudly, in eye appears the gloss that does not dare to believe. 缪荣轰然一震,眼中显出不敢置信的光泽。 He was naturally clear in void passage had numerous bad risk important matters, knows that Medicine Refining Pavilion Great Elder left Mai and Mirage Clan achieved the relation, must coordinate God Clan to invade. 他自然清楚在虚空通道内发生了众多凶险大事,也知道药器阁大长老左麦和幽影族达成联系,要配合神族侵入过来。 Miao glory as Fighting Union Shui Yue fights the unit leader, these years have also seen through other star territory Warrior of space slit arrival, from these population, he to saying for god race, dread extremely alarmed and afraid. 缪荣身为战盟水月战部首领,这些年也见过许多通过空间缝隙到来的别的星域武者,从那些人口中,他对自称为“神”的种族,也是极为忌惮惊惧。 The sudden evacuation of Mirage Clan, the jamming of void passage, he also knows an inside story through the Medicine Refining Pavilion way, but he when is only Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Medicine Refining Pavilion and Storm Battalion Feng Yan and the others the deterrent force that collaborated to form, simply has not thought the youth has played the what kind key important role. 幽影族的突然撤离,虚空通道的堵塞,他通过药器阁的途径也知道点内幕,但他只当乃妖族魔族药器阁疾风战部风言等人联手形成的威慑力,根本没有想过其中有一名青年扮演了何等关键重要的角色。 At this time Xia Xinyan stated clearly suddenly fiercely, took to his indescribable shock, he started to face up to fierce of Shi Yan for the first time. 此时夏心妍忽然言明厉害,带给他难以言喻的震撼,他开始首次正视石岩的厉害。 Person who arrangement received and instructed in the past how?” Xia Xinyan continues to inquire. “安排过去接引的人如何了?”夏心妍继续询问。 Should arrive at the destination quickly.” In Miao Rongxin moves, these Fire Rain Star Field comes the person, requests the quenchinged army? Will these Fire Rain Star Field fellows, how have such request?” “应该快到目的地了。”缪荣心中一动,“那些火雨星域的来人,真是要求被淬炼的军队?那些火雨星域的家伙,岂会有如此要求?” That is you have not seen the Lianna fierce powerful.” Xia Xinyan gives a calm smile. Let alone the hot rain dry territory, Monster Clan and Devil Clan gave her to polish the regiment, if possible, I also want to make Storm Battalion toss about some time to her.” “那是你没有见过莉安娜凶悍强势。”夏心妍淡然一笑.“别说火雨旱域了,妖族魔族都将军团交给她来打磨,如果有可能,我也想让疾风战部给她折腾一段时间。” Leads to be able you more extraordinary than?” Miao glory brow tip moves, astonished say|way. “比你领军才能还要超绝?”缪荣眉梢一动,惊异道。 I?” Shaking the head of Xia Xinyan self-ridicules, truth truth: If two battle efficiency suitable corps, were led by us separately, I and she encounter, feared that does not have a strength to hit back, a double-hour will be suppressed most mostly kills.” “我?”夏心妍自嘲的摇了摇头,实话实话道:“如果有两支战斗力相当的战队,分别被我们带队,我与她交锋的话,怕是没有一丝还手之力,最多半个时辰就会被剿杀。” Miao glory loses close to with amazement that Lianna...... Is the Shi Yan person, only believes the instruction and arrangement of Shi Yan.” Xia Xinyan smiled joyfully. 缪荣骇然失巴“那莉安娜……是石岩的人,也只听信石岩的吩咐和安排。”夏心妍欣然笑了。 You and you “你和你 ...... Actually is what to relate? ” Miao Rongwen leaves the biggest doubts. ……究竟是什么关系?”缪荣问出最大的疑惑。 The Xia Xinyan Xiafei double cheek, bites the Fengze lip not to reply. 夏心妍霞飞双颊,咬着丰泽嘴唇不答话。 Miao glory bursting out laughing, he had the answer. 缪荣哑然,他已经有了答案了。 The even Maoshan summit, Shi Yan with rapt attention, Soul Altar is gyrating solemnly and respectfully quietly. 平帽山巅,石岩肃穆凝神,灵魂祭台悄然旋动着。 All sorts of space mysterious pure, were utilized by him, portrays Array Diagram void, direct imprint surface layer the spatial phantom crystal, vice- soul easy precise Heavenly Flame, dispatches all sorts of materials, in the most accurate appropriate time, irrigation crustification in spatial phantom crystal surface crack. 种种空间奥妙的精纯,被他运用出来,虚空刻画阵图,直接烙印在空幻晶表层,副魂轻而易举凝炼天火,调度种种材料,在最精准合适的时间,浇灌镶嵌在空幻晶表层的裂缝内。 As spirit appear successfully, glistens along with Array Diagram, he knows that child and mother Link Sky Array submatrix, quick will improve the formation. 随着一个个灵阵浮现成功,随着一个个阵图闪亮出来,他知道那子母连空阵的子阵,很快就会完善形成。 As Space Deep Meaning immerse meditation, he conscientiously had studied to child and mother Link Sky Array for a long time, knows exquisite place , to promote along with Realm with steady steps, when breakthrough Void God, he then had the brand-new cognition to child and mother Link Sky Array, studied the essence. 身为空间奥义的浸没苦修者,他对子母连空阵曾经认真研究过许久,已经知道其中的精妙之处,随着境界稳步提升,在突破虚神之时,他对子母连空阵便有了全新的认知,把握到了精髓。 Now, various materials are full, he attempts to be precise the submatrix, middle, although has the difficult place, but along with realized slowly that he discovered gradually leaves successfully is getting more and more near. 如今,各类材料充盈,他尝试将子阵给重新凝炼出来,当中虽然有艰辛之处,但随着慢慢体会,他渐渐发现离成功越来越近。 When quenchings Array Diagram, his soul is serene, when revolution Space Deep Meaning, all sorts of the spaces of understanding were released exquisitely by him, this has the obvious profit to his Realm promotion. 淬炼阵图时,他灵魂安详宁静,在运转空间奥义的时候,种种理解的空间精妙被他释放出来,这对他的境界提升有着明显的益处。 The soul trembles quickly. 灵魂倏地一颤。 Space cutting edge numerous, a spatial phantom crystal corner/horn splits to slide the flame together quickly, two slit intersections appear suddenly, the last space node appears. 一道空间锋刃重重一顿,空幻晶一角倏地绽出一溜火光,两条缝隙交叉点突然显现,最后一个空间节点浮现出来。 Peng! 嘭! The dazzling glare jumps to shoot, the spatial phantom crystal transmits ka ka the resounding, such as the flower petal splits generally, the center appears an octagon the floor, in the floor covers entirely the innumerable tedious unclear close line designs. 刺目强光迸射出来,空幻晶传来咔咔脆响,如花瓣一般分裂开来,中央显现一个八角形的台面,台面上布满无数繁琐不明的细密线条图案。 The glare of dizziness appears a instant, restrains Array Diagram each border quickly all, Shi Yan relaxed suddenly, in the ring Divine Crystal lasings come out, falls accurately to these mounts in the Divine Crystal scoop channel, when vanishes to several thousand Divine Crystal, that submatrix transmits the marvelous space to surge unexpectedly, gradually spread. 眩晕的强光浮现一霎,倏地尽数收敛进阵图各个边沿,石岩忽然松了一口气,戒指内一块块神晶激射出来,准确落向那些镶嵌神晶的凹槽内,待到数千块神晶消失,那子阵蓦地传来奇妙的空间波荡,渐渐蔓延。 The people of peripheral group view, thought suddenly space revolving general, looks fiercely toward here. 周边团观的众人,忽然觉得空间旋转一般,猛地朝着这边望来。 Became.” Shi Yan exhausted twittering, injects these nodes by the mind, lets loose the consciousness to seek, catches mother aura gradually, at once assembles the strength of involvement Divine Crystal. “成了。”石岩疲惫的呢喃一句,以心神注入那些节点,放开意识找寻,渐渐捕捉到母阵的气息,旋即调集神晶之力勾连。 stream ray covers up the submatrix center, middle the space fluctuation is obvious, that type can connect elsewhere wonderful realizing from experience, the people can feel clearly. 一圈流光将子阵中央遮掩,当中空间波动非常明显,那种可以串联别处的美妙体悟,众人都能清晰感受。 Good strong space fluctuates!” “好浓烈的空间波动!” A clear and bright persuasive sound, conveys from the gourd island cloud layer swiftly, sound Fang Luo, huge battleships appear. 一个清朗婉转的声音,倏然从葫芦岛云层传来,声音方落,一艘艘庞大战舰浮现出来。 These battleships quenching by special bright silver metal, can reflect rays of light, shining, is dazzling, battleship long several kilometers, such as great antiquity Ferocious Beast descends from nine days, on the battleship transmits many powerful ominous severe life fluctuations. 那些战舰以特殊亮银色金属淬炼而成,能反射光芒,明晃晃的,非常耀眼,一艘艘战舰都长数千米,如洪荒凶兽从九天降落,战舰上传来许多强悍凶厉的生命波动。 The people on gourd island, all are complexion like the earth, gains ground the looks at several hundred battleships, the soul that over ten thousand strange foreign land Expert, frighten drags erratically. 葫芦岛上的众人,皆是面色如土,抬头看着数百艘战舰,超过万名的陌生异域强者,吓的灵魂摇曳不定。 The person on battleship belongs to all different influences obviously, is God King, Source God and Void God Realm, two Origin God assume personal command, this powerful influence, runs amuck in Shadow Ghost Prison sufficiently, feared that is even war pledge being hard directly contends. 战舰上的人明显分属各方不同势力,都是神王源神虚神境界,还有两名始神坐镇,这一股强悍的势力,足以在暗影鬼狱横行,怕是连战盟都难以正面抗衡。 Over ten thousand Expert, Source God Realm has 3000, the Void God Realm about 200 people, this Void God boundary numerous extraordinary Expert quantities, feared that is entire Agate Star Field does not have what influence to have. 超过万名强者,源神境者有3000,虚神境界近200人,这种虚神境众多的超绝强者数量,怕是整个玛琊星域也没有什么势力能持有。 If Divine Light so is well-known the Agate Star Field powerful influence, Warrior several thousands, but God King Realm Expert merely more than 10,000, Source God Realm less than 1000, Void God Realm continually 30 does not have, Fighting Union cannot withstand, in several thousand Warrior, Void God Realm has about 15 merely. 神光这般闻名玛琊星域强悍势力,武者数万,但神王境强者却仅仅10000多一点,源神境界不足1000,虚神境界连30都没有,战盟更加不堪,数万武者中,虚神境界者仅仅只有15名左右。 As for flame clan, crystal clan, Devil Clan and Monster Clan, so, in the quantity of Void God boundary, absolutely is generally hard to compare from the power of day landing. 至于炎族、晶族、魔族妖族,也大抵如此,在虚神境的数量上,绝对难以比拟从天降落的这一股力量 All people are panic-stricken the desire certainly, look at the day dull. 所有人都惊骇欲绝,呆呆看天。 Shi Yan also shocks inexplicably, raises sound track: Doesn't need to do such great formation weaponry? Your this power, extinguished sufficiently kills our Agate Star Field any influence.” 石岩也震撼莫名,扬声道:“不用搞出这么大阵仗吧?你们这一股力量,足以灭杀我们玛琊星域任何一股势力了。” Comes the person naturally is Fire Rain Star Field Expert that Yu Shan leads, makes Lianna train...... 来人自然便是郁珊带领的火雨星域强者,是让莉安娜练兵的…… But of this influence, actually far exceeds the Shi Yan estimate! He has a dream has not thought that Yu Shan can collect so many terrifying to exist unexpectedly, he has had a headache suddenly. 可这股势力之强,却远远超出石岩预计!他做梦也没有想到,郁珊竟然能征集如此多的恐怖存在,他忽然头疼了起来。 How can this place? 这要如何安置啊?
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