GOS :: Volume #11

#1090: Three the fires unite

Profound wonderful deep meaning source flame such as the sea deep meaning length and breadth area, bunch of flame imitate , if there is life, is jumping cheerfully, once for a while draws an elegant strange arc, flows the color to be gorgeous. 玄奇的奥义源头一处火焰如海的奥义广袤区,一束束火焰仿若有着生命,欢快跳跃着,时不时划出一条优美奇诡的弧线,流彩绚丽。 Each bunch of each wisp of each flame, in this period heartily released the exquisiteness of fire, attentive reconnaissance, realizes from experience the feeling by the soul, can catch all kinds change of comprehension flame deep meaning, then fuses oneself, permeates the soul , to promote Realm cultivation base. 每一簇每一缕每一丝火焰,都在其间尽情释放火之精妙,用心勘察者,以灵魂体悟感受,能捕捉领悟火焰奥义的万般变化,进而融合自身,渗入灵魂,提升境界修为 Inundates the Heavenly Flame flame center, two bunches of souls are fluttering, one bunch of souls such as flame ball of light, releases very intense soul magnetic field. 天火焰中央,两簇灵魂飘荡着,其中一束灵魂如火焰光球,释放出非常强烈的灵魂磁场。 The magnetic field is faint and innumerable flame of flame deep meaning sector achieve the relation, imitates, if understood clearly were mysterious in this period, making the peripheral continuously flame sway from side to side like Spiritual Sense evolves, forms beautiful magnificent design line, just liked the concrete shape of flame elf. 磁场隐隐和火焰奥义区间的无数火苗达成联系,仿若洞悉其间奥妙,让周边缕缕火焰如灵识般扭动衍变,形成许多美丽瑰丽的图案线条,犹如火焰精灵的具体形态。 Three aura close flame souls fluctuate, multiplies from that soul flame ball of light gradually, twists quietly is, tightens gradually...... 三种气息接近的火焰魂魄波动,从那灵魂火焰光球内渐渐滋生,悄然拧为一股,渐渐收紧…… Two pass on Li graceful silhouette, appears swiftly, is tandem motionless in the flame deep meaning sector stagnation. 两道传丽曼妙身影,倏然间浮现出来,一前一后在火焰奥义区间停滞不动。 Yu Shan of carriage plentiful beautiful fascinating'winsome, on the mature charming face, overflowed completely the surprised color, looks at that group of flame souls, said with rapt attention: He is fusing three types of aura close Essence flame, this is the true fusion, energy aura and soul concentrates is one......” 体态丰腴婀娜的郁珊,成熟妩媚的脸上,溢满了惊讶之色,凝神看着那团火焰灵魂,道:“他在融合三种气息接近的本源火焰,这是真正的融合,能量气息和魂魄凝为一股……” The Xuan Fei small face appears startled accommodates, shouted lowly: How does he progress?” 萱绯小脸显出惊容,低呼道:“他进展如何?” Was quick.” Yu Shan sighed, „this child intelligence was extraordinary, the jade tablet met marvelously, was seriously outstanding. According to this advancement, should to be too long, he can complete three fusions of aura close flame, when the time comes his cognition to the Fiery Flame deep meaning, feared that can surpass you.” “快了。”郁珊感叹不已,“此子资质非凡,璋遇奇妙,当真不同凡响。按照这个进程,应该要不了太久,他就能完成三种气息相近火焰的融合,到时候他对火炎奥义的认知,怕是能超过你了。” The Xuan Fei look is decadent, angry snort|hum. 萱绯眼神颓败,气恼的哼了一声。 You look at carefully looks at well, has the advantage to you.” Yu Shan urged one seriously, at once no longer talks too much. “你好好端详看着,对你也有好处的。”郁珊严肃叮嘱一句,旋即不再多言。 Time in a hurry. 时间匆匆。 Has not known how long, three different aura in that group of flame souls, shared everything again, the unified whole, concentrates about is one. 不知过了多久,那一团火焰魂魄上的三种不同气息,再也不分彼此,浑然一体,凝合为一。 Another group of souls suddenly fluctuate, becomes the Shi Yan main body appearance, he gives a calm smile, looks to the vice- soul, in the pupil the different light dodges. 另外一团灵魂蓦然变幻,成石岩本体模样,他淡然一笑,看向副魂,眸中异光一闪。 Flame ball of light that the vice- soul concentrates, swiftly the contraction is a point, as if the thumb size hot bead, stays void motionless. 副魂凝成的火焰光球,倏然收缩为一点,仿佛拇指大小的火珠子,停留虚空不动。 You come.” Smiled, he looks to Yu Shan, „does the person who you arrange, when enter Agate Star Field?” “你们过来啦。”笑了笑,他看向郁珊,“你们安排的人,何时进入玛琊星域?” My this comes informs your, they waited in the void passage entrance, my main body also in middle, so long as your side does not have the issue, I allowed them to enter.” “我这趟前来就是通知你一下,他们已经在虚空通道入口等候了,我本体也在当中,只要你们那边没问题,我就让他们进入了。” Yu Shan hears the bright situation. 郁珊闻明情况。 Naturally does not have the issue, you lead them to enter Agate Star Field are, I will make the person arrange, to admit you to go to the Shadow Ghost Prison war star.” Shi Yan statement. “自然没问题,你带他们进入玛琊星域便是,我会让人安排,接纳你们前往暗影鬼狱的战星。”石岩表态。 „Did you just fuse three types of Essence flame?” Yu Shan stopped, suddenly said. “你刚刚将三种本源火焰融合了吧?”郁珊停了一下,忽然道。 Un, is very smooth.” “嗯,很顺利。” Earthcore Flame, Purgatory True Flame and Vermilion Bird True Flame aura is quite close, is the burning hot to the positive attribute, the process of thorough fusion is also smooth, these three types of Essence flame unified wholes, share everything again, to the positive burning hot Heavenly Flame might, because of three flame fusion might suddenly rising suddenly several folds. 地心火炼狱真火朱雀真火气息极为接近,都是炙热至阳的属性,彻底融合的过程还算是顺利,这三种本源火焰浑然一体,再也不分彼此,至阳炙热天火的威力,因为三种火焰融合威力突然暴涨数倍。 He had just attempted, discovered that fuses the later flame, the extremely hot degree goes far beyond his anticipation. 他刚刚尝试了下,发现融合以后的火焰,极热程度远远超过他的预期。 On you altogether has the aura different ten Essence flame, came from Essence Continent, three flame attributes that you just fused are consistent, is easiest to fuse. But the following fusion, relatively will be more difficult, will not be relaxed.” Yu Shan has thought that reminded earnestly: „ The later fusion, cannot so impulsive, want one all sorts of comes slowly, will otherwise possibly appear greatly troublesome. Yeah, envies you, can gather a Ancient Continent source fire, in the future in the ascertainment of flame deep meaning, feared that compared with the depth that we walk “你身上共有气息不同的十种本源火焰,来自于一个本源大陆,你刚刚融合的三种火焰属性一致,最容易融合。但接下来的融合,就会相对困难一些,不会那么轻松了。”郁珊想了一下,认真提醒道:“以后的融合,不能如此鲁莽,要一种种的缓慢来,不然可能会出现大麻烦。哎,真羡慕你,能够将一个古大陆的源火都聚集起来,将来在火焰奥义的探知上,怕是要比我们走的深过 The words arrived afterward, Yu Shan sighed very much that the look was complex. 话到后来,郁珊很是感叹,眼神复杂。 She is the grandmaster rank of cultivation flame deep meaning believes that oneself fuses the Essence flame, Origin God Boundary cultivation base, the suggestion that she gives, Shi Yan regards as important very much, not omitting a single word wrote down secretly. 她是修炼火焰奥义的宗师级别认为,自身融合本源火焰,始神境界的修为,她给出来的建议,石岩很是看重,一字不漏的暗暗记了下来。 Our people will enter Agate Star Field quickly, you send the guide to come as soon as possible.” The Yu Shan knitting the brows head, suddenly some hesitations, have a matter not to know that is your Agate Star Field related......” “我们的人会很快进入玛琊星域,你尽快派向导过来吧。”郁珊皱了皱眉头,忽然有些踌躇,“有件事不知道是不是和你们玛琊星域有关……” What?” Shi Yan is startled in vain. “何事?”石岩徒然一惊。 Starts to your Agate Star Field in secret, is the God Clan Ascot Family?” Yu Shan asked. “暗中对你们玛琊星域下手的,可是神族的阿斯科特家族?”郁珊问。 Shi Yan nods. 石岩点头。 That possibly really had to implicate.” Yu Shan hesitates, said seriously: Heard that Ascot Family Sloan, quenchinged the ` broken astral thunder in the collection material recently perhaps, has the connection with your Agate Star Field, possibly with you related...... ” “那可能真有牵连了。”郁珊沉吟一下,严肃道:“听说阿斯科特家族的斯隆,最近在收集材料淬炼‘破界罡雷”或许,和你们玛琊星域有关联,也可能与你有关……” I am not quite clear.” “我不太明白。” Sloan and head of the clan Mirage Clan Bei Luo is symmetric by the brothers, on you lies down in God Clan youth Sī bō tè that this strikes to kill, is you...... Youngest son who the pain loves, Sī bō tè this God Clan Core Disciple, once died, will be known by the clansman after the special method, in other words...... Sloan should know that was you have killed his son. He quenchings ‚the broken astral thunder is the God Clan most fearful ominous severe thing, can crush star of the life instantaneously, can destroy the void wall barrier, but ‚the broken astral thunder quenches not to practice easily, needs a Origin God Boundary Expert Soul Altar essence, once ‚the broken astral thunder blasting open, that Expert Soul Altar can also along with it falling from the sky.” “那斯隆和幽影族族长贝洛以兄弟相称,你上一躺在此击杀的神族青年斯波特,正是你……痛爱的幼子,斯波特这种神族核心弟子一旦死亡,经过特殊方法会被族人知晓,也就是说……斯隆应该知道是你杀了他儿子。他淬炼的‘破界罡雷’为神族最可怕的凶厉之物,能瞬间粉碎一个生命之星,也能摧毁虚空壁障,但‘破界罡雷’淬练不易,需要一名始神境强者灵魂祭台内核,一旦‘破界罡雷’炸裂,那强者灵魂祭台也会随之陨灭。” I heard that at this time Sloan Origin God that applied to imprison is bringing to make the sacrificial offering, quenchings the ` broken astral thunder, once that thing quenchinged successfully, now you and Ancient God star territory close void passage, may be destroyed by instantaneous blasting open. When the time comes, you then must face the army invasion of God Clan Ascot Family, particularly...... Your, is Sloan's essential target! ” “我听说,此时斯隆正申请将囚禁的一名始神拿来做祭品,来淬炼‘破界罡雷”一旦那东西淬炼成功了,如今你们和古神星域封闭的虚空通道,有可能被瞬间炸裂摧毁掉。到时候,你们便要面临神族阿斯科特家族的大军侵入,尤其是……你本人,更是斯隆的主要目标!” Yu Fanhua tells, methodical that said that the well attested. 郁番话娓娓道来,说的有条不紊,有根有据。 Shi Yan facial expression gloomy, he knows gradually Yu Shan will not deceive him at this time, therefore affirmed that the opposite party said is true. 石岩神情渐渐阴沉,他知道郁珊不会这时候欺瞒他,所以肯定对方所言属实。 This thinks that the void wall bonds the seal, can calm and steady some time, which expects God Clan simply not to plan to cease all activities in light of this, unexpectedly in premeditated bloodier attack. 本以为虚空壁障封闭,可以安稳一段时间,哪料到神族根本没有打算就此偃旗息鼓,竟然在蓄谋更血腥的攻击。 Naturally, whether Origin God, when the sacrificial offering also needs agreeing of Ascot Family, quenchings ‚the broken astral thunder also to need the date and time, therefore the short time you can also be calm and steady.” Yu Shan sees his complexion not to be good, comforts several: You can also some time preparations, but I suggested that you should better unite the entire star territory major race all parties influences, cannot in a state of disunity does not have the pillar. When our Fire Rain Star Field first God Clan invades, all influence mutually struggles, but also some attach to God Clan, suffered a loss clearly recognizes the reality, finally all influences unite, will resists, I hope that you can clearly recognize the fact ahead of time.” “当然,能否将一名始神当祭品还需要阿斯科特家族的首肯,淬炼‘破界罡雷’也需要时日,所以短时间你们还能安稳。”郁珊见他脸色不好,不由宽慰几句:“你们还能有些时间准备,但我建议你们最好将整个星域各大种族各方势力团结起来,不能一盘散沙的没有主心骨。我们火雨星域初次遭受神族入侵之时,各方势力相互斗争,还有的对神族依附,吃了大亏才认清现实,最终所有势力团结起来,才堪堪抵挡住,我希望你们能提前认清事实。” Yu Shan good intention suggestion. 郁珊好心建议。 Shi Yan silent nod. 石岩沉默点头。 Yu Shan no longer talks too much, hints to Xuan Fei, they leave quietly since then, not long time then soul return. 郁珊不再多言,冲萱绯示意一下,两人悄然从此地离开,不多时便灵魂归位 Shi Yan in the flame deep meaning sector, has pondered for a long time, leaves from this. 石岩独自一人在火焰奥义区间内部,沉思了许久,也由此离开。 Hole that a rock stops up **. 一处磐石堵住的洞**。 Two dazzling females static float, is the beautiful pupil quickly glistens, closely looked that to that by cave entrance that the stone covers up. 两名耀目的女子静静悬浮着,皆是美眸倏地闪亮,紧紧看向那被石块掩住的洞口。 Not far away, Miao glory, Sanna, jump to be lame with ten Divine Light Warrior, rides War Chariot also secretly to wait, on these War Chariot, is piling up many unusual cultivation materials, is various clear stone materials, there is many such as a beautiful jade, energy log, glittering azure quiet gloss. 不远处,缪荣、萨那、跳跛和十来名神光武者,乘坐着战车也在暗暗等候,在那些战车上,堆积着许多奇特的修炼材料,全是各类晶莹石材,也有许多如美玉、般的能量木块,闪烁着青幽的光泽。 Today is not fifth day, is ninth day. 今天不是第五天,已经是第九天了。 The Refiner material that Divine Light transports, early arrived, they prepares to awaken Shi Yan, after the arrival, discovered in cave the soul fluctuation unexpectedly does not save. 神光输送过来的炼器材料,早已经到位了,他们本来准备过来唤醒石岩,到来后发现石洞内灵魂波动居然不存。 The people all were at that time startled, Miao glory, Sanna and tuo were lame are very restless, think the Shi Yan soul destruction. 当时众人皆惊,缪荣、萨那、跎跛都很是不安,以为石岩灵魂覆灭了。 Zi Yao does not know the depth, impulsive almost flushed, enters deep meaning source wonderful wonderland territory, she personally has not seen. 紫耀都不知深浅,鲁莽的差一点冲了进去,进入奥义源头这种奇妙境域,她也没有亲眼见过。 Only then Xia Xinyan knows the details, preventing the people crack to intrude, making everybody calmly wait outside together. 只有夏心妍知晓详情,阻止众人破洞闯入,让大家一起在外面静静等候。 People mind doubt, when waits silently, the innermost feelings flood greatly are puzzling. 众人心神狐疑,在默默等候的时候,内心充斥着巨大迷惑不解。 Until, just suddenly discovered that Shi Yan imitates the soul that if vanishes, will shortly return, this makes all people subconsciously look to cave entrance. 直到,刚刚突地发现石岩仿若消失的灵魂,在顷刻间又重新返回,这让所有人都下意识的看向洞口。 At this time, in the heart that in Miao glory, Sanna and tuo were lame, Shi Yan mystical had a stronger point, they even more thought that Shi Yan was unusual. 这时候,在缪荣、萨那、跎跛的心中,石岩身上的神秘有更加浓烈的一分,他们愈发觉得石岩不同寻常了。 Agate Star Field as if has not appeared has fused Essence flame, cannot enter deep meaning source Expert, therefore they do not know that some people can the soul shortly crash into mysterious secret realm, to misconception that the person a soul falls from the sky. 玛琊星域似乎没有出现过融合本源火焰者,也就没有能够进入奥义源头的强者,所以他们不知道有人可以灵魂顷刻间坠入神奇秘境,给人一种灵魂陨灭的错觉。 squeak!” 吱呀!” The giant stone moved out of the way, the Shi Yan manner appears solemnly from cave entrance, looks at encircles in the front people, the knitting the brows head of micro cannot be looked up, shows a faint smile at once: Such big greets a weaponry.” 巨石被挪开,石岩神态冷峻地从洞口显现出来,看着围在前方的众人,微不可查的皱了皱眉头,旋即微微一笑:“这么大的迎接阵仗啊。” The people facial expression is awkward, hollow laugh several do not do to talk too much. 众人神情尴尬,干笑几声不做多言。 Had not been worried that you have the matter.” Zi Yao charming white his eyes, exaggeration is patting the standing tall and erect chest, shouted: Scared to death me, has not induced to your soul aura, thinks that thought your accident sentiment. Xia Xiaomei explained the situation, my real strategic place went to have a look, oh, whether you will be able to explain next time ahead of time, making others be worried that was feared very interesting?” “还不是担心你有事。”紫耀娇媚的白了他一眼,夸张的拍着高耸胸口,呼道:“吓死我了,没感应到你的灵魂气息,以为,以为你出了什么事情呢。要不是夏小妹说明情况,我真的要冲进去看看了,哎呀,你下次能否提前说明一下,让人家担心受怕很有趣么?” She not minces matter unexpectedly to the Shi Yan sentiment profound meaning is heavy. 她竟丝毫不掩饰对石岩的情深意重。 Numerous Divine Light Warrior oh the sound sighed in secret, beats the breast and stamps the feet, continually scolds Shi Yan to transport colorfully dreadfully. 众多神光武者暗中唉声叹息,捶胸顿足不已,连骂石岩艳运滔天。 Xinyan, you arrange several Fighting Union Expert, went to initially us to go to the space slit connection area, admitted some people to come. ” The Shi Yan complexion is serious, said: These people come from Fire Rain Star Field, Yu Shan and Xuan Fei possibly personally come, I promised them, making Lianna help them train, you make Fighting Union Warrior admit them to fight the star first.” 心妍,你安排几名战盟强者,去当初我们去过的空间缝隙交汇区,接纳一些人过来。”石岩脸色严肃,道:“那些人来自于火雨星域,郁珊萱绯可能亲自过来,我答应了他们,让莉安娜帮他们练兵,你先让战盟武者接纳他们去战星。” That side leaves this place about.” Zi Yao interposed suddenly. “那边离此地更近一点呢。”紫耀忽然插话。 Shi Yan has gawked, thinks carefully that suddenly said: Good, admitted from here arrangement person in the past, leading them to come this. Was right, can the material that I need make?” 石岩愣了一下,仔细想了想,忽然说道:“那好,从这边安排人过去接纳,带他们来此。哦,对了,我需要的材料可都弄来?” Was uneven.” “都齐了。” Good, I refine law in this, decides the matter as soon as possible.” “那好,我就在此炼制法阵,尽快将事情敲定。”
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