GOS :: Volume #11

#1089: Struggles colorfully

Miao glory a lot of doubt. 缪荣一肚子狐疑。 This Divine Light invades on a large scale, when their Fighting Union is unexpected, wrests away forcefully numerously this belongs to the Mirage Clan important area, such as sharp thorn grips in the Fighting Union throat important place, making Feng Han have a headache. 这趟神光大举入侵,在他们战盟猝不及防之时,强行霸占众多本属于幽影族的重要疆域,如一根利刺扎在战盟咽喉要地,让锋寒头疼不已。 When prepared pang to Feng Han, received the news that side Divine Light transmitted to read fiercely: Xia Xinyan was tolerated by the opposite party! 待到锋寒准备出乓了,猛地收到神光那边传来的讯念:夏心妍被对方禁住! Feng Han ceases all activities immediately, helpless accepted the Divine Light severe condition, not only has not continued pang, but also has written an agreement personally, making him bring to release Xia Xinyan. 锋寒立即偃旗息鼓,无奈的答应了神光的苛刻条件,不但没有继续出乓,还亲手书写了一份协议,让他带着将夏心妍释放出来。 Miao glory thinks that this is a hard and unprofitable task, has prepared for by Divine Light shame. 缪荣以为这是一件苦差,做好了被神光羞辱的准备了。 Which 1 arrives, when he brings Shui Yue to fight the unit to catch up in a hurry, discovered that Xia Xinyan and Storm Battalion have gotten out of trouble, not only so, swollen with arrogance Divine Light Expert, unexpectedly in abundance retreats from the important place, makes one to evacuate the Shadow Ghost Prison stance. 哪才1到,等他带着水月战部匆匆赶来,发现夏心妍疾风战部已经脱困了,不但如此,气焰嚣张的神光强者,竟纷纷从要地退守,做出一副要撤离暗影鬼狱的架势。 Miao glory confuses very much, he does not know that link had the accident, he inquired Xia Xinyan, but Xia Xinyan has not given him to answer. 缪荣很迷惑,他不知道那一处环节有了变故,他询问了夏心妍,可夏心妍没有给他答复。 Fights that side star, the related this matter's inquiry is very anxious, unceasingly actually closely examined to have anything. 战星那边,有关此事的询问很急切,不断追问究竟发生了什么。 Miao glory very clear Xia Xinyan knows answer, but he does not have the right not to have the qualifications to press for an answer, can only save a lot of puzzled. 缪荣很清楚夏心妍知道答案,可他没有权利也没有资格逼问,只能存着一肚子的不解。 The phoenix bird battleship drags unusual is intense, Miao glory looks at seems like all usual Xia Xinyan, in the eye actually gradually meant that anything, he knows, perhaps a while he can understand the answer. 凤鸟战舰摇曳的非常激烈,缪荣看着貌似一切如常的夏心妍,眼中却渐渐意味出了点什么,他知道,或许一会儿他就能明白答案。 Boat islet of bottle gourd. 葫芦形的舟屿。 The sea breeze is warm, the sea level wave light is vast, Divine Light battleships anchor in the islands peripheral, only then a lovely purple crystal battleship, is situated in the islands center. 海风暖暖,海面波光浩淼,一艘艘神光战舰停泊在岛屿周边,只有一艘奇丽的紫水晶战舰,坐落在岛屿中央。 Dozens Divine Light Warrior in the purple crystal battleship peripheral in verdant mountain peaks, Sanna and camel are lame impressively in the row, purple flows Zi Yao of Cai Yi garment. 数十名神光武者在紫水晶战舰周边在一座座青翠山峰间,萨那和驼跛赫然在列,还有一身紫色流彩衣衫的紫耀 At this time, three Divine Light main heads, as if were telling anything to the Divine Light underlings. 此时,三名神光的主要首脑,似乎在对神光的底下人吩咐着什么。 A build grand youth, calmly is standing in an corner/horn with three Devil Clan clansmen, the manner is cold. 一名体型雄伟的青年,和三名魔族族人在一角静静站着,神态冷然自若。 Divine Light Warrior has not evaded them 神光武者并没有避讳他们 Still in talking that charming sexy purple clothes female, will shoot a look by one once for a while the youth, the beautiful pupil glistens. 依然在交谈着那名娇媚性感的紫衣女子,会时不时瞥一眼旁边青年,美眸闪亮。 Shout! 呼! War Chariot under body trembled suddenly, Miao glory shakes slightly, knits the brows to look to distant place Divine Light Warrior. 身下的战车突地抖颤了一下,缪荣微微一震,皱眉看向远处神光武者 Sanna and camel are lame are the generation of Divine Light becoming famous are to all enter the Shadow Ghost Prison control central, but looked at one, Miao glory distinguishes their status. 萨那、驼跛皆是神光出名之辈又是进入暗影鬼狱的主脑,只是看了一眼,缪荣就分辨出他们的身份来。 He looks to the charming female of that purple clothes 他又看向那名紫衣的妩媚女子 The eye shines quietly, secret nod. 眼睛悄然亮起,暗暗点头。 disciple that the Lord of Divine Light receives newly 神光之主新收的徒儿 Is favored extremely, named Zi Yao, the cultivation speed is extremely fast...... 极为受宠,名为紫耀,修炼速度极快…… Related Zi Yao one string of news, crossed in his mind rapidly, Miao glory is startled secretly, at once suddenly is startled, after he discovers Xia Xinyan comes, the line of sight on Zi Yao and that cold youth inspects, had not looked that Sanna and camel are lame. 有关紫耀的一串消息,迅速在他脑海过了一遍,缪荣暗暗吃惊,旋即突然一怔,他发现夏心妍过来以后,视线只是在紫耀和那名冷然的青年身上巡视,没有多看萨那和驼跛一眼。 Miao glory is astonished however puzzled, pays attention to pay attention. 缪荣讶然不解,更加留心关注起来。 The camel is lame keeps silent suddenly, and lifted the arm to give a hand signal, hinted Divine Light, Expert stops the conversation temporarily. 驼跛忽然噤声,并且抬臂做了一个手势,示意神光,强者暂时停下交谈。 He looked that to phoenix bird battleship that appears gradually, gives a calm smile, waved to hint, raised the sound track: „Below Divine Light camel postscript, welcome two honored guests to come to see off.” 他看向逐渐显现出来的凤鸟战舰,淡然一笑,挥手示意了一下,扬声道:“在下神光驼跋,欢迎两位贵客前来送行。” Sees off? 送行? Miao glory one dull. 缪荣一呆。 The Xia Xinyan black eyebrows micro wrinkle, looked away being lame, looked at Zi Yao, finally the beautiful pupil stared at Shi Yan. 夏心妍黛眉微皱,看了看距跛,又看了看紫耀,最终美眸凝望石岩 Shi Yan is indifferent, reveals the tooth to smile to her, said: Divine Light must evacuate Shadow Ghost Prison, quick will leave.” 石岩淡然自若,冲她露齿一笑,道:“神光要撤离暗影鬼狱了,很快就会离开。” Miao glory, Xia Xinyan are astonished however, affirmed finally Divine Light must leave seriously, this lets them even more surprisedly. 缪荣、夏心妍讶然,终于肯定神光当真要离开了,这让他们愈发惊奇不已。 The camel is lame to look to Shi Yan, said heartfeltly: We comply with the Shi Yan Little Brother matter, will not renege on a promise decidedly, relax, when we help Little Brother make the thing, quick walks, not association president time stay Shadow Ghost Prison.” 驼跛看向石岩,由衷赞道:“我们答应石岩小哥的事情,断然不会反悔的,放心,等我们帮小哥将东西弄来,很快就走,绝不会长时间逗留暗影鬼狱。” Complexion raw and cold Sanna, snort|hum, as if has appeared some non- sentiments does not hope proudly. 脸色生冷的萨那,傲然哼了一声,似乎显得有些不情不愿。 Zi Yao smiles, to the Xia Xinyan tender sound track: Can disagreement Xia Xiaomei conflict, is naturally most perfect, Xia Xiaomei, if later has free time, coming our Divine Light to be a guest, before had the neglecting place, but also please must do not care.” 紫耀则是满脸笑容,冲夏心妍娇声道:“能够不和夏小妹冲突,自然最完美不过了,夏小妹,以后若是有空,来我们神光做客呀,之前有怠慢的地方,还请务必不要放在心上。” Xia Xinyan frowns has not replied. 夏心妍皱着眉头没答话。 Miao glory is dull such as the wooden chicken, he looks following the hunchbacked postscript people vision that finally affirmed that physique grand youth, is Shi Yan that they said. 缪荣则是呆如木鸡,他顺着驼跋众人目光看去,终于肯定那名体格雄伟的青年,便是他们所言的石岩 This person obviously only then Void God Realm does cultivation base, have what ability method to make Divine Light withdraw from Shadow Ghost Prison? Why does he help Fighting Union? 只是,此人明明只有虚神境界修为,有何能力手段让神光退出暗影鬼狱?他又为何帮助战盟 In Miao Rongxin doubt. 缪荣心中的狐疑更甚了。 I must refine one teleportation, they will help me gather to need material ji, therefore I was waiting.” Shi Yan has thought that thought should explain to Xia Xinyan. “我要炼一件传送阵,他们会帮我聚集所需材犄,所以我在等待。”石岩想了一下,觉得还是应该对夏心妍说明白。 By his present Realm cultivation base, quenchings the child and mother Link Sky Array submatrix difficulty is not very big, he also has the confidence to realize. 以他如今的境界修为,淬炼子母连空阵的子阵难度不是很大,他也有信心可以实现。 But refines Spatial Teleportation all sorts of material pestles, in his hand naturally does not have, with Bao Ao, Jie Ji and Bo Ruo three people exchange, he has no intention to raise, has not thought that a Zi Yao strength accepts, must help him give all assembled all sorts of material ji. 但炼制空间传送阵的种种材杵,他手中自然没有,与暴骜桀棘波若三人交流的时候,他无意提了一下,没想到紫耀一力应承下来,非要帮他将种种材犄给聚齐。 Those who let his accident is, away being lame with the Divine Light Sanna, had not opposed to this matter unexpectedly that said that must feel grateful his rescuing to Divine Light these Warrior. 让他意外的是,距跛和神光的萨那,对此事竟然也没有反对,说是要感激他对神光那些武者的解救。 The prestige sentiment, he does not have the hypocrisy to shirk difficultly, whatever Divine Light and Zi Yao handle this matter. 威情难却,他也就没有虚情假意推脱,任由神光紫耀来办这件事。 The refinement space proselytized, the consumable-rod was numerous, on here Divine Light battleship material ji was incomplete, Zi Yao and tuo were lame to transmit orders, making their people prepare, said to be able general's talent ji collecting quickly. 炼制空间传道阵,耗材众多,这边神光战舰上材犄不齐全,紫耀和跎跛已经传令下去,让他们的人准备了,说很快就能将材犄给收集起来。 Divine Light and Medicine Refining Pavilion relations are friendly, in the past Ai Fu in all sorts of cultivation material ji that Broken Stars Territory piled up, most purchases and Divine Light, that broken child and mother Link Sky Array, was Divine Light must come through the method, resold to Ai Fu. 神光药器阁关系非常友善,当年艾弗碎星域堆积的种种修炼材犄,大多数收购与神光,就连那残破的子母连空阵,也是神光通过手段得来,转卖给艾弗 Shi Yan does not suspect the Divine Light ability, believes that Zi Yao will not deceive him, then waits for in this gourd island. 石岩不怀疑神光的能力,也相信紫耀不会欺瞒他,便在这葫芦岛等待起来。 Accumulation of Refiner material ji?” Xia Xinyan has gawked, spins Yi to respond that suddenly he he the chuckle, said: Originally is this matter, we returns from that void passage, I listen to you to raise, I had the arrangement.” 炼器材犄的聚集?”夏心妍愣了一下,旋羿反应过来,突然呵呵轻笑,道:“原来是这件事情呀,我们从那虚空通道返回的时候,我听你提过,我已经有安排了。” Shi Yan stunned. 石岩愕然 Miao glory also slightly knits the brows, said: „Before your communication pledge, let the pledge neutralization Medicine Refining Pavilion communication purchase these material ji, for him?” 缪荣也微微皱眉,道:“之前你传讯盟内,让盟中和药器阁沟通收购的那些材犄,是为了他?” Xia Xinyan smiles, nodded, said to Shi Yan: „ You do not need to continue to stop over, fought the star to be good with us, waited till has fought the star, I believe material ji that you needed already entire, you can begin to quenching immediately, does not need to wait for the draw to go here. 夏心妍嫣然一笑,点了点头,冲石岩说道:“你不用继续逗留,和我们一起去战星好了,等到了战星,我相信你所需的材犄已经全了,你可以立即着手淬炼,不必在此等候平去。 Shi Yan flexure scratching the head, the complexion is strange. 石岩挠了挠头,脸色怪异。 Most five days, these material ji that our Divine Light complies with, will then transport.” The Zi Yao smiling face is charming, the gentle voice said: Days can be good on and other? Since then goes to Fighting Union, at least half a month time, you do not use such troublesome, did you say?” “最多五天,我们神光答应的那些材犄,便会运输过来。”紫耀笑容妩媚,柔声说道:“就等五天可好?从此去战盟,至少半月时间,你不用这么麻烦的,你说呢?” About you must go to Fighting Union, when the place all material ji were prepared, you can handle the matter that you want to handle with single-hearted devotion, why waste time in this?” Xia Xinyan shouted lightly. “你左右要去战盟,等到地方了所有材犄齐备,你可以专心做你想做的事情,何必浪费时间在此?”夏心妍轻呼。 The females of two peerless grace and talent, one on the left and other on the right, fight colorfully, Wen word soft and gentle words shouted lightly strives for lowly, two pairs of beautiful pupils both were containing the color of same hoping, hopes that he complied. 两名风华绝代的女子,一左一右,争相斗艳,温言软语的轻呼低求,两双美眸都蕴藏着同样的冀望之色,希望他答应。 Divine Light Warrior looked to stay. 神光武者看呆了。 Miao glory also looked to stay. 缪荣也看呆了。 Xia Xinyan or Zi Yao, are in world rare outstandingly beautiful, the makings appearance may be called perfect, status Earth Realm is lofty, has the extremely uncommon power and influence in Fighting Union and Divine Light. 不论是夏心妍还是紫耀,都是世间罕见的绝色,气质容貌堪称完美,身份地位崇高,在战盟神光都有着极为不凡的权势。 These two females, the average man is hard to move life-long, now they is a man rob the right to speak suddenly, instantly blew the people. 这两名女子,常人终生都难以触碰,如今两人忽然间为一个男人抢夺话语权,霎时将众人镇住了。 Divine Light numerous Warrior, on the face are various types envies, envies and worships, the angry expression, many person innermost feelings roar, most of them regard Zi Yao are in the mind the most perfect goddess, regards the life-long dream it, now the peerless beautiful woman and another similarly outstanding female in heart, are actually waiting for a decision of man, this makes them several want crazily. 神光众多武者,脸上是各种羡慕、嫉妒、崇拜、愤怒的表情,很多人内心怒吼,他们中大多数都视紫耀为心目中最完美的女神,将其当成终生梦想,如今心中的绝世佳人和另外一个同样出众的女子,竟然都在等候一个男人的决定,这让他们几欲疯狂。 A Sanna face frustration, in eye did not have consistent proudly self-confident, he looked at Zi Yao cautiously, looked at look anticipation Xia Xinyan, suddenly sighed secretly. 萨那一脸挫败感,眼中没了一贯的傲然自信,他看了看小心翼翼的紫耀,又看了看眼神期待的夏心妍,忽然暗暗叹息一声。 Miao glory deeply frowns, in the eye the gloss like the things that may cause fires, he stares at Shi Yan not to put, secret shock. 缪荣深深皱着眉头,眼中光泽如火烛,他盯着石岩不放,暗暗震惊。 He has not listened to Shi Yan this name, knows nothing to the youth who this braves suddenly, but he knows that Xia Xinyan was loved by Feng Han, knows the Xia Xinyan unusual life experience, and also knows Zi Yao in Divine Light lofty status Earth Realm. 他没有听过石岩这个名字,对这个突然冒出来的青年一无所知,可他知道夏心妍锋寒多么宠爱,也知道夏心妍的奇特身世,并且还知道紫耀神光的崇高身份地位 Will this youth, have what skills and abilities, simultaneously obtain how their favors? 这青年,何德何能,怎会同时得到她们的青睐? Miao glory is lost in thought gradually. 缪荣渐渐陷入沉思。 Waited for several days, waited for five days to be good again.” Under the people gaze, the Shi Yan manner is surprisedly faint, said: And other days later material ji gathered, I and you go to a war star, can perhaps quenching on the way teleportation, this was most convenient.” “已经等了几天了,再等五天好了。”在众人惊讶的注视下,石岩神态淡漠,道:“等五天后材犄聚集了,我和你去一趟战星,途中或许就能将传送阵淬炼出来了,这样最省事了。” Fights the star to fight the Union Master star, in the Shadow Ghost Prison central critical place, the defense is stern, Earth Realm is special. 战星为战盟主星,在暗影鬼狱中央要害地,防御森严,地位特殊。 He and Fire Rain Star Field Yu Shan has the agreement, will admit a number of Fire Rain Star Field army, complies to give Lianna to quenching, because Fighting Union the topography is special, at the Shadow Ghost Prison center, naturally is the first choice. 他和火雨星域郁珊有过约定,会接纳一批火雨星域的军队,答应交给莉安娜来淬炼,战盟因为地势特殊,处在暗影鬼狱中央,自然乃第一选择。 The females who his reply, lets two peerless grace and talents have approved, two females simultaneously smile, gorgeous seemed inferior sea area all sceneries. 他的回答,让两名绝世风华的女子都认可了,两女同时抿嘴一笑,艳丽仿佛将海域所有风景都比了下去。 Good, we wait for five days.” Xia Xinyan felt relieved that to Miao glory nodded, hints to keep this to wait. “那好,我们就等五天。”夏心妍放下心来,冲缪荣点了点头,示意留此等候。 So long as Shi Yan complies to fight the star with her together, she will not pester in other issue, therefore she very joyfully. 只要石岩答应和她一道去战星,她就不会在别的问题上纠缠下去,所以她很欣然。 Zi Yao fully realized that now in the Shi Yan mind, Xia Xinyan is still in the first place, Zi Yao silly is not earnest to the frontage immediately, this Shi Yan complies to keep five days, her, is a notable shift, she believes that along with the time lapse, she can shadow imprint in the Shi Yan heart, be able to contend with Xia Xinyan little gradually truly. 紫耀深知如今在石岩心目中,夏心妍依然占据首位,紫耀没有傻到立即正面较真,这趟石岩答应留下来五天,在她来看,已经是一种明显的转变,她相信随着时间推移,她能一点点将影子烙印石岩心中,渐渐能和夏心妍真正抗衡。 This place scenery is good, doesn't Shi Yan, lead me to stroll?” The Xia Xinyan sweet and delicate voice called out suddenly. “此地风景不错,石岩,不带我逛逛么?”夏心妍忽然娇声叫道。 I led him to stroll one, words that did not mind, we together how?” Shi Yan has not complied, the Zi Yao speaker shouted lightly, manner lazy stretching oneself, said naturally: Can chat with Xia Xiaomei, my very happy.” “我带他都逛过一遍了,不介意的话,我们一起如何?”石岩尚未答应,紫耀扬声轻呼,神态慵懒的伸了个懒腰,自然而然说道:“能和夏小妹多聊聊,我很高兴呢。” cough cough, you stroll, I must calm the mind to prepare.” Shi Yan hollow laugh, took a stand hastily. 咳咳,你们俩逛吧,我要静心准备一下。”石岩干笑一声,连忙表态。 Two pairs of beautiful pupils, simultaneously condense on him, the vision is meaningful. 两双美眸,同时凝聚在他身上,目光意味深长。 I must close up!” Shi Yan answered one self-poise, suddenly clashes to fly from, in a mountain the cavern on the island is hidden. “我要闭关!”石岩镇定自若答了一句,突然冲飞离开,在岛上一个山中洞穴隐没。 ps: That today a chapter, sorry ps:那个今天就一章,抱歉
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