GOS :: Volume #12

#1103: Desolate

If lake energy sea center, the sputtering makes a debut quickly a dazzling glare, the light beam such as the spider web interweaves, forms the tedious strange design. 如湖泊般的能量海洋中央,倏地溅射出道道刺目强光,光束如蛛网交织,形成繁琐奇诡的图案。 An intense fluctuation stimulates at once. 一阵强烈波动旋即激发出来。 Shang Chen and Shi Yan God Body such as Crystal Stone is dazzling, vanishes under dazzling rays of light slowly does not see, God Body and soul one and was avulsed, vanishes by this dead star. 商辰石岩神体晶石璀璨夺目,在刺目光芒下慢慢消失不见,神体和灵魂一并被扯离,由这死星内部消失。 Bang! 轰隆隆! Dead star transmits continuous explosive, blasting open cave entrance heals gradually, space formation also gradual did not have the energy fluctuation, implication dreadful energy top grade Divine Crystal, lost stimulation power in abundance, is similar to most unadorned stone crustification in formation. 死星内部传来连绵不绝的爆响,炸裂的洞口逐渐愈合,那奇奥的空间阵法也逐渐的没了能量波动,一块块蕴含滔天能量极品神晶,纷纷失去了激发的力量,如同最朴实无华的石块镶嵌在阵法中。 The mighty waves do not reveal. 波澜不显。 In the vast rich smog, Shang Chen Shi Yan as if two groups of gloss, slowly are proceeding to sway. 浩淼的浓郁烟雾中,商辰石岩仿佛两团光泽,在慢慢往前晃荡着。 These smog have the marvelous function, as if can isolate Divine Sense, here, the Shi Yan soul is hard to move the peripheral condition, has helpless feeling Shang Chen of one who has eyes yet fails to see obviously is not first coming, in thick smog he is directing the direction unceasingly, leading Shi Yan to proceed to march forward. 那些烟雾有着奇妙作用,仿佛可以隔绝神识,在这儿,石岩灵魂难以触碰到周边的状况,有种睁眼瞎的无奈感商辰显然不是第一次过来,在浓稠的烟雾中他不断地指引着方向,带领着石岩往前行进。 „Did we leave Agate Star Field?” Shi Yan is astonished however puzzled. “我们离开玛琊星域了?”石岩讶然不解。 Space Ao Zhen in that dead star, he is similar to the soul fleshly body distinction, the mind transmits the intense dizziness feeling, when to awaking to turn around, then the discovery presents this place. 在那死星内部的空间奥阵,他如同灵魂肉身分别,脑海传来强烈的眩晕感,待到醒转过来,便发现出现此地。 However, has not been seeing same formation here him, in the heart is very surprised. 然而,在这儿他没有见着同样的阵法,心中很是惊奇。 In general, Spatial Teleportation cannot the unidirectional transmission, probably have another formation in other region opening, can both sides connect, then realizes teleportation. 一般来说,空间传送阵都不能单向传输,必须有另外一个阵法在别的区域开启,才能双方连通,进而实现传送 But he wakes up now is in the numerous dense fog, from the start has not been seeing another teleportation, in the heart is very amazed. 可现在他一醒来便是重重迷雾中,压根没有见着另外一个传送阵,心中很是惊诧。 Good, we now already not in Agate Star Field.” Shang Chen nodded, said: We in the border place star territory of another star territory are Mirage Fog Star Field, the distinction and Fire Rain Star Field X Agate Star Field meet to resist, does not cross to our original distances specially......” “不错,我们如今已经不在玛琊星域了。”商辰点了点头,说道:“我们在另外一个星域的边沿处这个星域为雾幻星域,分别和火雨星域X玛琊星域接攘,离我们原先的距离不是特别过……” The Shang Chen visual front, the body transmits the marvelous fluctuation, as if can give to eliminate the front dense fog, he stares at the front to distinguish, with pauses and Shi Yan was explaining. 商辰目视前方,身上传来奇妙的波动,似乎能够将前方的迷雾给肃清,他盯着前方在辨别着,有一搭没一搭的和石岩讲解着。 „Does your strength what lead me to come to here?” Shi Yan knits the brows. “你力何带我来这儿?”石岩皱眉。 Was held.” “受人所托。” Was held by whom?” “受谁所托?” „A your Bloodthirsty lineage/vein old Immortal bastard! I owed him favour early then tea to comply with this matter very much, now is fulfills the duty. „ „ Which Senior?” “你们嗜血一脉的一名老不死的混蛋!我欠他一个人情很早便茶应了此事,如今便是来履行义务。““哪一位前辈?” Fei Liete!” Shang Chen clenches jaws to say. 腓烈特!”商辰咬牙切齿道。 Shi Yan is startled, considered a while to shake the head to say earnestly: I have not listened.” 石岩一怔,认真思量了一会儿摇了摇头说道:“我未曾听过。” Shang Chen turned head to shoot a look at his one eyes, looked to Blood Vein Ring on his hand, said lightly: „Hasn't it explained to you?” 商辰回头瞥了他一眼,瞧向他手上的血纹戒,淡淡说道:“它没给你说明白?” It remembers not entire.” The Shi Yan honest reply, the facial expression shakes at once, said: You whether to explain a point to me, can the mystery that the inheritance of related ring and Bloodthirsty lineage/vein you knew, not talk clearly to me in detail?” “它记忆不全。”石岩老实回答,旋即神情一震,说道:“你能否给我说明一点,有关戒指和嗜血一脉的传承者你所知的奥妙,可以给我详细说清楚不?” Shang Chen hesitant, shook the head, I know unclear, after waiting for it to remember to complement, by it gives you to explain that is quite good. I am not your lineage/vein to your many mystical is not very clear, said that is also the surfaces, but also possibly affects the deployment of these fellows...... Instead is not wonderful.” 商辰犹豫了一下,摇了摇头,“我所知不详,还是等它记忆补全以后,由它给你说明比较好。我又不是你们一脉的对你们的许多神秘不是很清楚,说起来也都是表面,还可能影响那些家伙的部署……反而不妙。” These families you...... Which people do you refer to?” The Shi Yan eye has shone suddenly, said excitedly: Bloodthirsty lineage/vein Senior, but also are some people surviving? Has?” “那些家你……你指哪些人?”石岩眼睛突然亮了起来,兴奋道:“嗜血一脉的前辈,还有人存活着?有很多?” He has thought Bloodthirsty lineage/vein inheritance Senior, possibly died certainly, can affirm the survival only, on cultivation Death Deep Meaning that person, concerns that person of name he until now unclearly, the calf was fierce I...... Can be his given name? 他一直以为嗜血一脉的传承前辈,可能都死绝了,唯一可以肯定存活的,也就修炼死亡奥义的那人,关乎那人的名字他至今还是不明,腓烈我……会不会是他的名号? Which fellows so will be how easy to die certainly.” Shang Chen curls the lip, complexion strange Exotic Land said: You underestimated their tenacious vitalities.” “哪些家伙岂会那么容易全死绝。”商辰撇撇嘴,脸色怪异地说道:“你太小看他们的顽强生命力了。” Fei Liete cultivation what kind deep meaning?” Shi Yan consults earnestly. “请问腓烈特修炼何种奥义?”石岩认真请教。 Until now, the Bloodthirsty eight big inheritance that he knows had the death, corrosion, darkness and Chaos, to destroy five types, the surplus three deep meanings inherited him not to clarify, now Shang Chen mentions this matter on own initiative, he naturally must master as far as possible. 至今,他所知的嗜血八大传承有死亡、腐蚀、黑暗、混乱、毁灭五种,剩余三种奥义传承他还没有弄清楚,如今商辰主动提起此事,他自然要尽量搞懂。 Fei Liete is the corpse clansman, naturally cultivates the corpse refinement strength.” Shang Chen said naturally. 腓烈特是尸族人,自然修炼尸力。”商辰理所当然道。 Corpse...... Corpse strength?” The Shi Yan complexion becomes extremely strange, „is corpse strength one of the eight big inheritance?” “尸……尸力?”石岩脸色变得极其古怪,“尸力是八大传承之一?” Nature.” The Shang Chen whole face is strange, „haven't your eight big inheritance ravelled?” “自然。”商辰满脸古怪,“你连八大传承都没有弄明白?” Shi Yan is awkward exceptionally, the forced smile nods, I still only know that the death, corrosion, darkness and Chaos, destroyed five deep meaning inheritance, now many corpse strength inheritance, but also remained two types not to know.” 石岩尴尬异常,苦笑点头,“我至今只知道死亡、腐蚀、黑暗、混乱、毁灭五种奥义传承,现在多一种尸力传承,还剩两种不知。” Your that great grandfather cultivation Despair Deep Meaning, is one of them, inheritance of this Despair Deep Meaning, preliminary time must crosses the threshold by own chance and intelligence, can usher in without any inheritance. Your that great grandfather disposition, unexpectedly comprehended the Despair Deep Meaning true meaning biased, builds Despair Deep Meaning. Was right, in peak Expert that our Agate Star Field once presented that is your Bloodthirsty lineage/vein Despair Deep Meaning inheritance, your great grandfather sensation to the exquisiteness of Despair Deep Meaning, then goes to the northern territory to seek, obtained that person of Despair Deep Meaning deep level to realize from experience.” Shang Chen explained. “你那太爷爷修炼绝望奥义,也是其中之一,这种绝望奥义的传承,前期的时候必须凭借自己的机缘和资质入门,没有任何传承可以领进。你那太爷爷性格偏执之极,竟然领悟了绝望奥义真谛,修成绝望奥义。哦,对了,在我们玛琊星域曾经出现的一名巅峰强者,便是你们嗜血一脉的绝望奥义的传承者,你太爷爷感知到绝望奥义的精妙,便去北域找寻,已经得到那人的绝望奥义深层次体悟。”商辰解释。 On the Shi Yan face Divine Light is bright, Despair Deep Meaning unexpectedly is also one of the eight big inheritance!” 石岩脸上神光熠熠,“绝望奥义竟然也是八大传承之一!” „An inheritance is the imperial soul, this is the evil mind secret technique inheritance, does not know profound many times compared with that Ino's crude person level.” “还有一种传承为御魂,这是邪恶的心灵秘术传承,比那井野的半吊子水平不知精深多少倍。” A Shang Chen face has a lingering fear, said: Your that researches in thorough detail imperial soul evil technique Senior, is in the universe most mystical one person, besides Bloodthirsty Eight Entourage, nobody knows his real status. It is said that he does not have the entity, assumes a wisp of invisible ghost to flutter in the major star territories, does not know in secret has controlled many Expert, these Expert souls have become his part, equivalent to his puppet, was urged the dispatcher by him.” 商辰一脸的心有余悸,说道:“你们那精研御魂邪术前辈,乃宇宙中最为神秘的一人,除嗜血八扈从之外,无人知晓他的真实身份。据说他没有实体,呈一缕隐形幽魂飘荡在各大星域中,暗中不知道控制了多少强者,那些强者灵魂成了他的一部分,相当于他的傀儡,受他驱使调度。” Deeply inspires, the Shang Chen look trembles with fear, „the influence that fellow has, it is said extremely fearful powerful, he is also the Bloodthirsty Eight Entourage Boss, is most mystical terrifying fellow, is the first enemy who the nowadays God Clan 12 respected families recognize, the God Clan 12 respected families makes an effort power, spends does not know how much energy time, cannot know this person of status, cannot know that he is where.” 深吸一口气,商辰眼神惊颤,“那家伙持有的势力,据说极其可怕强悍,他也是嗜血八扈从的老大,是最神秘恐怖的家伙,是现今神族12大家族公认的第一敌人,神族12大家族使劲力量,花费不知多少精力时间,都未能得知此人身份,也未能知道他身在何处。” That person of Shang Chen to being skilled in imperial soul as if extremely dreaded, mentioned this person time, the complexion changed. 商辰对精通御魂的那人似乎极为忌惮,提起此人的时候,脸色都变了。 „Aren't you skilled in destiny deep meaning? Don't you know his status?” Shi Yan is astonished however. “你不是精通命运奥义么?连你也不知道他身份?”石岩讶然。 Destiny deep meaning you have not thought such is omniscient, on the contrary, is skilled in abstrusely, more thought the destiny is fuzzily difficult to understand.” Shang Chen sighed, mutters: Is the profound experience, more thought that oneself is incapable of reversing all, the destiny spider web extremely disorder, I also can only find slightly......”. “命运奥义没你想的那样无所不知,相反,越是精通其中深奥,越是觉得命运模糊难懂。”商辰叹了一口气,喃喃道:“越是深刻的体会,越是觉得自身无力扭转一切,命运蛛网太过紊乱,我也只能稍稍瞧见罢了……”。 In Bloodthirsty lineage/vein, you know, in addition survival, who?” Has hesitated, he continues to inquire. 嗜血一脉中,你知道的尚且存活者,都有谁?”沉吟了一下,他继续询问。 „The Bloodthirsty Eight Entourage at least three people still, cultivate the corpse refinement strength Fei Liete, cultivation Life and Death Deep Meaning Xuan He, cultivation Soul Controlling Deep Meaning, which nobody knows its real name, in addition, some people proliferate in various vast universe corners......”, Shang Chen light say|way. 嗜血八扈从至少三人尚在,修炼尸力的腓烈特,修炼生死奥义玄河,还有修炼御魂奥义,无人知其真实姓名的哪一位,除此之外,还有一些人遍布在浩瀚宇宙各处角落……”,商辰淡淡道。 „Don't Bloodthirsty lineage/vein have eight people merely?” Shi Yan is astonished however. 嗜血一脉不是仅仅只有八人?”石岩讶然。 You seriously ignorant laughable.” Shang Chen complexion strange explanation: „The Bloodthirsty eight big inheritance, each inheritance in all directions blossoms and bears fruit, naturally solely is not only one person, so-called Bloodthirsty Eight Entourage, is eight big leaders of eight big deep meaning inheritance, although cultivation eight big inheritance are not quite many, but does not have eight people merely. It is said because of that fight, eight big inherited some inheritance almost to exterminate, Eight Entourage also lost seriously, died several......”. “你当真无知的可笑。”商辰面色古怪的解释:“嗜血八大传承,每一个传承都四处开花结果,自然不单单只是一人,所谓嗜血八扈从,乃八大奥义传承的八大首领罢了,修炼八大传承者人数虽然不太多,但也绝不仅仅只有八人。只是据说因为那次战斗,八大传承有的传承几乎灭绝了,八扈从也损失惨重,陨落了好几个……”。 That steep stomach does the Lord of Bloodthirsty, have what mystical unusual place?” Shi Yan also said thatseems like my inheritance, came from you “那峭胃的嗜血之主,有何神秘奇特之处?”石岩又道,“貌似我的传承,就来自于你 ...... ”. ……”。 He? I do not have the qualifications to talk too much.” Di Chen the complexion terrified changes, suddenly has kept silent, the look is startled looks to Blood Vein Ring that on Shi Yan palpitates, silent for a long time, said: „ And other Ring Spirit memories restore, you inquired that I do not dare to say any about his words. “他?我没资格多言。”嘀辰脸色悚然一变,突然噤声了,眼神惊悸的看向一眼石岩手上的血纹戒,沉默许久,才说道:“等戒灵记忆恢复,你自己询问吧,我不敢说任何关于他的话。 How later regardless of Shi Yan inquired that Shang Chen remains silent, no longer talks too much one, the complexion also becomes extremely strange. 之后不论石岩如何询问,商辰都保持沉默,不再多言一句,脸色也变得极为古怪。 How long in the numerous dense fog does not know to shuttle back and forth, on this day, Shi Yan eye suddenly one bright, suddenly calls out in alarm: Has star of the life!” 在重重迷雾中不知道穿梭多久,这一天,石岩眼睛骤然一亮,忽然惊叫起来:“有个生命之星!” In the rich dense fog, sky blue gigantic stars not measured magnificently that is releasing like the electric arc intense halo, covers in all directions, that stars are not stay still, dies unexpectedly is moving rapidly, carries is destroying the energy fluctuation of Heaven Destroyer place. 浓郁的迷雾中,一颗天蓝色的硕大星辰瑰丽莫测,释放着如电弧般的强烈光晕,覆盖四面八方,那星辰并非静止不动的,竟然死在飞速的行动着,携带着毁天灭地的能量波动。 Under its dazzling gloss, Shi Yan discovers blue stars peripheral also many ore stars and dead stars of that day, however, it is on the move in the rapid trundle, often batters, the death star and ore star that easily accomplished will be in the way crush directly, making these dead stars and ore stars turn into many meteors to fly to flee. 在它的炫目光泽下,石岩发现那天蓝色的星辰周边还有许多矿星和死星,然而,它在飞速滚动行进间,往往横冲直撞,摧枯拉朽般将挡路的死星和矿星直接粉碎掉,让那些死星、矿星变成许多流星飞窜掉。 On that day the blue stars were quite giant, any stars is bigger than he has seen, his Divine Sense cannot nose all on that stars, these blue electric arcs gave to seal up the entire photostar. 那天蓝色的星辰极为巨大,远比他见过的任何星辰都要大,他神识不能查探那星辰上的一切,那些蓝色电弧将整个星体都给封闭了起来。 The sky blue stars, are circling in flight fast, is well-known the battleship that also to compared with the according to speed quickly, energy fluctuation world-shaking. 天蓝色的星辰,快速飞旋着,比以速度闻名的战舰还要快捷,能量波动惊天动地 Really in this!” Shang Chen calls out in alarm, excited saying: Finally found!” “果然在此!”商辰惊叫起来,激动的说道:“终于找到了!” Goal that Shi Yan with amazement, you said that then refers to the star of this life?” 石岩骇然,“你说的目标,便是指这个生命之星?” Shang Chen heavily nodded, said: I complied with Fei Liete to send you, this went to Agate Star Field to seek you to come, was arranges you to enter.” 商辰重重点头,说道:“我答应了腓烈特送你进入其中,这趟去玛琊星域寻你过来,便是安排你进入其中。” Enters?” Shi Yan stunned, why must enter 9 “进入其中?”石岩愕然,“为什么要进入其中9” Treats and cures your great grandfather's thing, in that stars then has, in addition, in that stars also has is more marvelous, Fei Liete makes you pass, naturally for hello.” A Shang Chen face anxiety takes out a sky blue fruit, looked fiercely that actually has several points of similarity with that stars, to obtain this ` Guide Fruit I consume many thoughts, ok, I owe you Bloodthirsty lineage/vein the favour, this time should be able to pay off. ” “救治你太爷爷的东西,那星辰之中便有,除此之外,那星辰之中还有更多奇妙,腓烈特让你过去,自然是为了你好。”商辰一脸肉疼的取出一枚天蓝色果实,猛地一看,和那星辰竟然有着几分相似之处,“为了得到这‘界引果”我可是耗费不少心思,算了,我欠你们嗜血一脉的人情,这次应该可以还清了。” Can explain the lemon spot?” Shi Yan angry say|way. “能说明白点吗?”石岩恼道。 „The star of this life is called the ` Desolate is Ancient Continent, in the vast universe, Ancient Continent altogether has five this Desolate is one of them, is not quite same as other Ancient Continent, Desolate has not bred the life, only breeds various rarest top Genesis Level medicinal herbs and kind of rare talents, 10,000 years open one time, one ten years, um, you also know that Ancient Continent has Essence, Essence...... Has the fuzzy independent consciousness, you can regard one type the star of life Desolate has the consciousness, only then relies on Desolate internal breeding Guide Fruit can enter, this fruit...... Gives you. ” “这个生命之星叫做‘荒”为古大陆,浩淼宇宙中,古大陆总共只有五个这‘荒’便是其中之一,和别的古大陆不太一样,‘荒’没有孕育生灵,只孕育最罕见顶尖的元始级药草和各类奇材,10000年开启一次,一次十年时间,嗯,你也知道古大陆本源,本源……有模糊的自主意识,你可以将‘荒’当成一种有意识的生命之星,只有凭借‘荒’内部孕育的‘界引果’能进入,这果子……给你。” Shang Chen was explaining, has given him that unusual fruit. 商辰解释着,将那奇特果实递给了他。
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