GOS :: Volume #11

#1083: Ice Poison Bead

Battleship Center key position. 战舰〖中〗央枢纽。 In the vault decorates full seven color gems, the gem separately represents the star of Shadow Ghost Prison life, among the gems is being away from mutually or long or short, maintains consistent with the galaxy pattern, this is Shadow Ghost Prison Star Chart, very detailed accurate, is the Fighting Union flower fee large amount of money through the Medicine Refining Pavilion plan. 穹顶上缀满七彩宝石,宝石分别代表着暗影鬼狱一颗生命之星,宝石间相互距离或长或短,和星河格局保持一致,这是一面暗影鬼狱星图,非常详细精准,乃战盟huā费巨资通过药器阁绘制而成。 Star Chart hangs the day, the gem is dazzling, two gorgeous moving females, face-to-face are sitting well animated, the eye pupil is pasting the strange gloss. 星图悬天,宝石炫目,两名艳丽动人的女子,俏生生面对面端坐着,眼眸流转着奇异光泽。 Divine Light comes Shadow Ghost Prison, first one step obtains the Medicine Refining Pavilion two Elder news, definitely departure of Mirage Clan.” The Zi Yao smiling face is genial, natural saying: Indeed, appeared a little has taken advantage of somebody's precarious position, but Shadow Ghost Prison always spoke by the strength, Xia Xiaomei should be able to understand that the Divine Light act, was catching the opportunity, took advantage of a favorable situation to enter, your Fighting Union similar action has also done much.” 神光前来暗影鬼狱,先一步得到药器阁长老的消息,肯定了幽影族的离开。”紫耀笑容和煦,大大方方的说道:“的确,显得有点乘人之危了,但暗影鬼狱向来以实力讲话,夏小妹应该能理解神光的行径,逮着机会,乘势而入,你们战盟类似的举动也做过不少。” Xia Xinyan knits the brows slightly, has not spoken rebuttal, she knows good that Zi Yao said. 夏心妍微微皱眉,没有出言反驳,她知道紫耀说的不错。 The Fighting Union strong time goes on an expedition in Shadow Ghost Prison in all directions, uses strength to bully the weak, many methods cannot say that upright and frank, said despicably also not. 战盟强势时期在暗影鬼狱四处征战,恃强凌弱,许多手段也称不上正大光明,说卑劣也并不的过。 She does not have the qualifications ridicule to ridicule the Divine Light procedure. 她没有资格讥讽嘲笑神光的做法。 This motion by my Senior Brother Sanna control, I on its meeting.” Zi Yao smiling looks at she, said suddenly temperately: But I can help you leave since then.” “这趟行动由我师兄萨那主宰,我只是恰逢其会罢了。”紫耀笑盈盈看着她,忽然温和道:“但我可以帮你从此地离开。” Xia Xinyan is astonished however, has gawked, the corners of the mouth bring back wipe meant strangely you are the Divine Light person, meets the good intention to help me? Then, you actually want to do, you should know that I am not the role that good to deceive, do not cover up your real intention.” 夏心妍讶然,愣了一下,嘴角勾起一抹古怪意味“你是神光的人,会好心帮我?说吧,你到底想干什么,你应该知道我不是好糊弄的角色,别遮掩你的真正意图了。” He He.” The Zi Yao sweet chuckle, the manner was saying lazy: Divine Light wants through you, the receiving in exchange book belongs to the Mirage Clan half territory. These territories...... Was initially the Mirage Clan product was richest, was right, before I came, obtained the news, your Union Master Feng Han agreed with this matter, sending Miao glory to fight the unit to catch up with Shui Yue. Your Union Master heroic spirit, you have a good leader seriously.” “呵呵。”紫耀嫣然轻笑着,神态慵懒道:“神光想要通过你,换取本属于幽影族的一半领地。那些领地……都是当初幽影族物产最丰富的,哦,对了,我来之前得到消息,你们盟主锋寒已同意此事,派遣缪荣携水月战部赶来了。呵,你们盟主当真豪气,你有一个好的领袖。” The Xia Xinyan complexion naturally, does not have any difference. 夏心妍脸色自然而然,没任何异样。 „Aren't you strange?” Zi Yao astonished say|way. “你不奇怪?”紫耀惊愕道。 „It is not strange.” Xia Xinyan gives a calm smile, calm: Miao glory how long can come?” “不奇怪。”夏心妍淡然一笑,神情自若道:“缪荣多久会过来?” Probably after January, arrives at this place, he is bringing the Feng Han hand-written letter, including the detailed treaty. That hand-written letter can make us have numerous territories effortlessly, these...... Should belong to your Fighting Union. “大概一月后降临此地,他带着锋寒的手书,其中有详细的条约。那手书可以让我们兵不血刃的拥有众多领地,那些……本该属于你们战盟 Zi Yao deeply looks to her, said in a soft voice: If you comply with my matter now, I can make you leave quietly, I guaranteed responded in Sanna, you were safe, how?” 紫耀深深看向她,柔声道:“如果你现在答应我一件事情,我可以悄然让你们离开,我保证在萨那反应过来之时,你们都已经安全,如何?” You mentioned first listen.” The Xia Xinyan brow selects, enforces in vain. “你先说来听听。”夏心妍眉头一挑,徒然严肃起来。 Complies with a matter, can avoid the outflows of numerous territory, her, this matter is important absolutely, will not be definitely easy to achieve. 答应一件事,可以避免众多领地的流失,在她来看,此事绝对事关重大,肯定不会容易达成。 Mentioned is very simple.” The Zi Yao smiling face is cheerful, the bright eyes narrow the eyes slightly, said in a soft voice: So long as you leave him.” “说来很简单。”紫耀笑容欢快,明眸微微眯起,柔声道:“只要你离开他。” Who?” Xia Xinyan shakes suddenly. “谁?”夏心妍霍然一震。 You know that is.” The Zi Yao expression is light, in the eye flashes through wipes the different light, the secret inspiration , is quite as if intense. “你知道是谁。”紫耀语气轻淡,眼中闪过一抹异光,暗暗吸气,似乎也颇为紧张。 Xia Xinyan expression obstructs, suddenly wooden did not speak, was considering earnestly, the good half sound, her eye to underline cold severe, drank tenderly: I do not comply!” 夏心妍神色一窒,忽然木然不语,在认真思量着,好半响,她眼睛突显冷厉,娇喝:“我不答应!” In her heart had[ answered] case. 她心中有了〖答〗案。 Zi Yao arrives swiftly, beautiful pupil then often wanders to search, after arriving at this battleship, does not live to look all around, what person must look, but the critical moment, Shi Yan actually suddenly vanishes, a rooms on either side relation, how won't she have looked clearly? 紫耀倏一降临,美眸便不时游荡寻觅着,来到这一艘战舰后更是不住环顾四周,显然要寻找什么人,而关键时刻,石岩却忽然消失,两厢一联系,她岂会还看不明白? On the Zi Yao face the smiling face restrains slowly, said earnestly: This matter, can make your Fighting Union avoid the heavy loss, being worth so insisting?” 紫耀脸上笑容慢慢收敛,认真道:“这件事,可以让你战盟避免巨大损失,值得你这般坚持?” Let alone half Mirage Clan territory, what even if you demanded to Union Master was complete, he will also comply, but was really such, I not because of this matter, because of your words, but the choice left him.” “别说一半幽影族的领地了,就算你们向盟主索要的是全部,他也会答应下来,但就算真是那样,我也不会因为此事,因为你的一番话,而选择离开他。” Xia Xinyan relaxed thoroughly, pays off smiles getting up to want you to force me supply in this manner, should he not have to determine the relations with you evidently? Ha, pouring made me curious, you so beautifully aroused, he was a bold bastard, hasn't operated to you unexpectedly? You could tell me, was this matter? This not like his in the past attitude.” 夏心妍彻底放松,还清柔笑了起来“要你以这种方式来逼迫我,看样子他应该没有和你确定关系吧?哈,倒让我好奇了,你如此美艳撩人,他又是这般色胆包天的一个混蛋,竟然没有对你开刀?你能否告诉我,这是怎么一回事?这不像他往常的作风啊。” From coming then to be in initiative Zi Yao, loses presence of mind because of her these words suddenly decadent, clenches teethto groan to say secretly: That is because he one step knew you first, otherwise early became under my skirt the feudal official!” 从过来便处于主动的紫耀,因她这番话忽然颓败失措,暗暗咬牙”哼哼道:“那是因为他先一步认识了你,不然早成为我裙下之臣了!” Said, now also not?” Xia Xinyan contains to smile faintly, beautiful pupil glistens, suddenly face glowing with health is in power. “这么说,现在还不是了?”夏心妍含蓄浅笑着,美眸闪亮,忽然容光焕发得势起来。 Zi Yao even more thinks to frustrate, the hesitation several seconds, she has stood suddenly, said indifferently: Ok, had no meeting of minds has had no meeting of minds, I will rob him depending on the skill, my this tells you beforehand one, so as to avoid you said that I bullied the person.” 紫耀愈发觉得挫败,沉吟数秒,她霍然站了起来,淡然说道:“算了,谈不拢就谈不拢了,我会凭本事抢夺他,我这是事先告诉你一声,免得你说我欺负人。” Can't.” Xia Xinyan smiles you snatch freely, I most liked snatching the thing with the person, particularly the match of your this rank, wants to come then to think that one's blood bubbles up to the brim. Un, the matter of today, I will keep silent, your I worked as the idle talk daily family activity, how?” “不会不会。”夏心妍笑眯眯的“你尽管来抢,我最喜欢和人抢东西了,尤其是你这种级别的对手,想来便觉得热血沸腾呀。嗯,今天之事,我会绝口不提,你我就当闲话家常了,如何?” Suits me.” Zi Yao looks at she, sighed one darkly, knows that this match was quite thorny, does not know hard to deal with many times compared with the role that she met in the past. “正合我意。”紫耀看着她,暗叹一声,知道这对手极为棘手,比她以往遇到的角色不知道难缠多少倍。 ` Remembers to with this kind of match snatch the man, some of her headaches, can remember that to say silhouette, somewhat can not help. 一想起要和这类对手抢男人,她便有些头疼,可一想起那道身影,又有些情不自禁。 The bastards, what hide to hide, am I so fearful? Was worried that I and your one's beloved battle do get up? Hateful! 混蛋,躲什么躲,我那么可怕么?还是担心我和你的心上人争斗起来吧?可恶! In her heart is obloquying, with the Xia Xinyan vision connection, in two pairs of beautiful pupils is similar to has the flame to splash, at once leaves the Center key position shoulder to shoulder, on the face has added the smiling face, as if two good sisters just to have a pleasant chat the hand, making the manner that Fighting Union and Divine Light Warrior looks at strange. 她心中大骂着,和夏心妍目光交汇,两双美眸中如同有火光飞溅出来,旋即并肩离了〖中〗央枢纽,脸上都重新添了笑容,仿佛两个好姐妹刚刚把手言欢,让战盟神光武者都看的神态怪异。 Junior sister......” Sanna frowns, appearance that starting to speak but hesitating. “师妹……”萨那皱着眉头,一副欲言又止的模样。 He was worried opening heart that Zi Yao and opposite party discussed that will hinder the Divine Light important matter, therefore anxious restless, somewhat felt helpless. 他担心紫耀和对方谈的交心,会阻碍神光大计,所以紧张不安,有些不知所措。 I and Miss Xia breakdown of negotiation.” Zi Yao spreads out the hand, said with a smile: „ Therefore, should be how what kind, my not ginseng shed. “我和夏小姐谈判破裂了。”紫耀摊开手,笑着说道:“所以,该怎么样还是怎么样吧,我不会参舍的。 Sanna and Divine Light Warrior relaxed secretly. 萨那和神光武者暗暗松了一口气。 Miss Xia, one month later Miao glory can come, when we attain the hand-written letter, naturally can make you leave.” Sanna took a stand raw and cold, at once is escorting Zi Yao, audiences Expert left slowly. 夏小姐,一个月后缪荣会过来,等我们拿到手书,自然会让你们离开。”萨那生冷表态,旋即护送着紫耀,一众强者缓缓离开。 The Xia Xinyan decadent appearance, instead has not been similar to has fought...... the successful battle slightly, appears the spirit flies upwards, as if also has selects Small complacent. 夏心妍没有丝毫颓败的模样,反而如同打了场胜仗,显得精神飞扬,似乎还有那么点……小得意 Expert one face of her subordinates is inexplicable, sighed the world really non- man of woman to estimate darkly, the woman who how they could not think through two certainly generation of grace and talents, just discussed in private anything. 她麾下的强者都一脸莫名,暗叹女人的世界果然非男人可以测度的,他们如何也想不通两个绝代风华的女人,刚刚都密议了什么。 Battleship internal secret room. 战舰内部密室。 Shi Yan sitting well jade stage, deserted, soul such as beyond patrolling day, does not have the intense life fluctuation. 石岩端坐玉台,一身空寂,灵魂如神游天外,没有强烈的生命波动。 When Zi Yao comes, he has avoided desirably, because he does not want to meet with Zi Yao in this time this place, so as to avoid Zi Yao and Xia Xinyan have the conflict, he does not know the conflict...... Still occurred. 紫耀过来时,他刻意躲避了,因为他并不想在此时此地与紫耀相见,免得紫耀夏心妍发生冲突,他并不知道冲突……依然发生了。 Him, Fighting Union Feng Han decides however will agree with the Divine Light condition, because Feng Han regards Xia Xinyan to treat for the blood younger sister, protects in every possible way, he also knows, if Zi Yao understands clearly him and Xia Xinyan care, will not injure Xia Xinyan. 在他来看,战盟锋寒定然会同意神光的条件,因为锋寒夏心妍为亲妹妹对待,呵护无微不至,他也知道如果紫耀洞悉他和夏心妍的关心,也不会伤害夏心妍 Whose is condition between Fighting Union and Divine Light discusses concessions many troubles at most, in any event, the Xia Xinyan life will not be threatened. 顶多是战盟神光之间的条件商榷谁会让步多的麻烦,不论如何,夏心妍的生命不会受到威胁。 Has this premise, competition of Fighting Union with Divine Light related Mirage Clan territory, he does not care from the start. 有这个前提在,战盟神光有关幽影族领地的争夺,他压根不放在心上。 He is even indifferent to the according to soul enters the deep meaning source. 他甚至淡然到以灵魂进入奥义源头。 In that sharp flame deep meaning sector, his two groups of souls are fluttering, immediately has discovered the life fluctuation of Xuan Fei. 在那尖焰奥义区间,他两团灵魂飘荡着,立即发现了萱绯的生命波动。 His soul transfers, transmits thought I to come to explain from afar by you.” 他灵魂挪移过去,远远传来念头“我过来想透过你解释一下。” Mean subordinate!” Xuan Fei is seeing him, suddenly makes threatening gestures, however said bitterly: To solve your troubles, I and master straddle zones to go to your Agate Star Field, my master stops to close up cultivation temporarily, consumed numerous power to refine the ghost jellyfish, you may be good, directly the soul essence of that ghost jellyfish Ice Poison Bead gathering, greeted repeatedly has not hit, feared from the beginning planned appropriate?” “卑鄙小人!”萱绯一见着他,忽然张牙舞爪起来,恨恨然道:“为了解决你们的麻烦,我和师傅跨界前往你们玛琊星域,我师傅暂时停下闭关修炼,耗费了众多力量才炼化亡魂水母,你可好呀,直接将那亡魂水母的灵魂精华‘淬毒寒珠’给收取了,连声招呼都没打,怕是一开始就算计的妥妥当当吧?” The Shi Yan forced smile seriously is the accident, that did that gadget call Ice Poison Bead?” 石岩苦笑“当真是意外,那,那玩意叫‘淬毒寒珠’?” He derives the soul silk of ghost jellyfish, is indeed precise in the mind jet black such as the bead of black ink, the bead yin cold is quiet, accumulated has the strange soul to fluctuate, but he cannot look mysteriously, after a Xuan Fei such saying, he knows that bead called Ice Poison Bead. 他汲取亡魂水母的魂丝,在脑海中的确凝炼一枚漆黑如墨的珠子,珠子阴寒幽冷,蕴有奇异灵魂波动,可他瞧不出奥妙,经萱绯这么一说,他才知道那珠子叫“淬毒寒珠”。 Accident?” The Xuan Fei small face despises completely, said: „If the accident, you Ice Poison Bead will give back to my master, like this we believe.” “意外?”萱绯小脸满是鄙夷,道:“如果是意外,你将‘淬毒寒珠’还给我师傅,这样我们才会相信。” Stems from beside the Xuan Fei accident, Shi Yan gives a calm smile, the nod said: My this coming, wants to tell you and your master, if there is a leisure, comes Ice Poison Beadto take away that anything ‚, I cannot make the deep meaning source the bead, does not have the leisure to send back to you, therefore can only trouble you to run again.” 出乎萱绯意外之外,石岩淡然一笑,点头说道:“我这趟过来,就是想告诉你和你师傅,如果有闲暇,过来将那什么‘淬毒寒珠’拿走,我不能将珠子弄来奥义源头,也没有闲暇给你们送回去,所以只能麻烦你们再跑一趟。” Was Xuan Fei shocked you to be earnest dull?” 萱绯呆愣住了“你是认真的?” Shi Yan affirmed with a smile. 石岩笑着肯定。 Listened to my master saying that Ice Poison Bead for the ghost jellyfish soul fine soul, can gather the world to be violently poisonous, releases the toxic smoke gas cloud. In addition, that Ice Poison Bead ghost jellyfish survival the energy source of yin cold sea area, the gloomy and cold woods coldly, fuse Essence flame to have the profit to us very much. Yin Cold Ice Poison Bead submerges in soul, when cultivation, can guarantee that we will not accidentally discharge Bedevilment, was burnt to extinguish the soul and fleshly body by Heavenly Flame. You also know that our kinds fuse Heavenly Flame, once accidentally discharged Bedevilment, will be reduced to ashes. That Ice Poison Bead existence, can make us avoid this matter, extremely precious, you, can you return to us really?” “听我师傅说,那‘淬毒寒珠’为亡魂水母灵魂精魄,能聚集天下剧毒,释放毒烟毒雾。除此之外,那‘淬毒寒珠’还是亡魂水母生存的阴寒海域的能量源头,阴冷森寒之极,对我们融合本源火焰者很有益处。阴寒的‘淬毒寒珠’没入灵魂中,在修炼时,可以确保我们不会走火入魔,被天火焚灭灵魂和肉身。你也知道,我们这类融合天火者,一旦走火入魔了,都会化为灰烬的。那‘淬毒寒珠’的存在,可以让我们避免此事,极为的珍贵,你,你真的要交还给我们?” A Xuan Fei face doubt. 萱绯一脸狐疑。 Un, my this comes is makes you inform your master one, if there is a leisure, will come Ice Poison Bead to take away, that will be her.” “嗯,我这趟过来就是让你通知你师傅一声,如果有闲暇,过来将‘淬毒寒珠’拿去,那本属于她。” Good, I will inform her.” “好吧,我会通知她的。” Un, this, met again.” “嗯,就这样吧,再会了。” Shi Yan smiled, is separated from flame deep meaning sector, superficial that soul glittering, gradually is changing, then loses the trace little. 石岩笑了笑,脱离火焰奥义区间,灵魂闪烁着,渐渐变的浅淡,进而一点点失去踪影。
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