GOS :: Volume #11

#1082: Two women

The stars of Shadow Ghost Prison six levels of sky-blue life, war of star saying, to fight the Union Master star. 暗影鬼狱一颗六级蔚蓝色的生命之星,谓之战星,为战盟主星。 The majestic grand war temple center, the Feng Han complexion is solemn, knits the brows looks at subordinates ten Warrior, these ten Warrior Realm bad are also Void God Second Sky, Realm profoundness has two Origin God First Sky, these people are the Fighting Union top-beam props. 巍峨壮阔的战神殿中央,锋寒脸色冷峻,皱眉看着麾下十来名武者,这十来名武者境界最差者也是虚神二重天,境界高深者有两名始神一重天,这些人都是战盟顶梁支柱。 Before Feng Han has not arrived at Shadow Ghost Prison, these people once were a Shadow Ghost Prison side overlord, when waited for Feng Han to be gradually budding, swept away all obstacles, one after another goes to him, then formed Shadow Ghost Prison influence strongest Fighting Union. 锋寒没有降临暗影鬼狱之前,这些人曾经都是暗影鬼狱一方霸主,等锋寒渐渐崭露头角,所向披靡之时,接连投奔他,进而形成暗影鬼狱势力最强的战盟 Ten Fighting Union high levels, all are with a worried look, look glittering cold You annoyed gloss. 十来名战盟高层,皆是愁眉不展,眼神闪烁着冷幽恼火光泽。 We and Divine Light well water not interfering with river water, Divine Light has not always come Shadow Ghost Prison to move, this comes in a hurry, immediately wrests away belonged to Mirage Clan these territories, is seriously dissolute! They simply have not placed eyeground us!” The head is interlocking long and narrow cross scar Qi Ze, shouted to clear the way fierce. “我们和神光向来井水不犯河水,神光也没有来暗影鬼狱活动过,这趟匆匆而来,立即霸占原属于幽影族的那些领地,当真放肆!他们根本没有将我们放在眼底!”头上交错着狭长十字疤痕的戚泽,厉声喝道。 Qi Ze Origin God First Sky Realm cultivation base, commands the Fighting Union hot awl to fight the unit, majors in the flame deep meaning staunchly, the personality also like the fire. 戚泽始神一重天境界修为,统领战盟火锥战部,主修火焰奥义,性情也刚烈如火。 Before has not gone to Feng Han, Qi Ze in Shadow Ghost Prison is the famous hard to deal with role, Expert of subordinates is quite ruthless severely sinister, makes the wicked four directions. 没有投奔锋寒前,戚泽在暗影鬼狱乃有名的难缠角色,麾下的强者都极为狠厉毒辣,做恶四方。 Feng Han consumed the innumerable physical strength in the past, stops up Qi Ze, makes Qi Ze candidly admit defeat in the callous bloody method, surrenders on own initiative, making the subordinates Fighting Union, is actually loyal and devoted to Feng Han, however, besides Feng Han, he refuses to accept anybody in Fighting Union. 锋寒当年耗费无数气力,才将戚泽堵住,以冷酷血腥手段让戚泽甘拜下风,主动归降,让麾下成为了战盟一部,对锋寒倒是忠心耿耿,然,除锋寒以外,他在战盟不服任何人。 „The Divine Light tentacle extends was too long, should cut off.” Appearance outwardly submissive but inwardly evil-hearted Miao glory, is Origin God First Sky Realm, makings like water, a gloomily blue long dress. 神光触手伸的太长了,应该斩断。”模样阴柔的缪荣,也为始神一重天境界,气质如水,一身幽蓝长衣。 Qi Ze and Miao glory are Fighting Union Origin God Boundary Expert, initially was also the reputation illustrious characters, although has become a Fighting Union member, the edges and corners still cutting edge on form fitting. 戚泽和缪荣都为战盟始神境强者,当初也都是声名赫赫的人物,虽然成了战盟一份子,可身上的棱角依然锋刃。 If Xinyan had not been held under duress, I have sent you.” Feng Han is cold the face, snort|hum, said: What method do you have to rescue Xinyan?” “如果心妍没有被挟持,我已派遣你们出发了。”锋寒冷着脸,哼了一声,道:“你们有什么方法将心妍解救出来?” Qi Ze, Miao glory look at each other to smile bitterly. But shakes the head. 戚泽、缪荣相视苦笑。无奈摇头。 The Sanna fame is enormous, the method is also quite ruthless severely. Only if at this time Qi Ze, Miao glory in that side. Otherwise simply does not have the means. 萨那名气极大,手段也极为狠厉。除非此时戚泽、缪荣在那边。否则根本没有办法。 From fighting star goes to that to have the formation of Divine Crystal mineral lode, naturally can have the Divine Light informer on the way. Once were discovered the motive. Xia Xinyan Storm Battalion must fall into the bad risk region, Qi Ze, Miao glory know that favoring of Feng Han to Xia Xinyan drowns, naturally will not be chaotic the stupid idea. 从战星前往那一处拥有神晶矿脉的形成,途中自然会有神光的眼线。一旦被发现动机。夏心妍疾风战部必会陷入凶险境地,戚泽、缪荣知道锋寒夏心妍的宠溺,当然不会乱出馊主意。 Miao glory, you goes, held me to write personally the past.” Feng Han deeply looks to them, half sound, gives a that Miao glory paper suddenly. “缪荣,你去一趟,持我手书过去。”锋寒深深看向两人,半响,忽然递给那缪荣一张纸张。 Miao glory was perplexed to receive, but cast a sidelong glance, is out of control to lose one's voice to scream: Union Master. You, can you retreat our people according to word really?” 缪荣不明所以接过,只是瞟了一眼,禁不住失声尖叫起来:“盟主。你,你真的依言要将我们的人退走?” After news of Mirage Clan evacuation comes, Feng Han and Qi Ze, Miao glory begin to go into action immediately, dispatching the battleship to leave for the mineral lode that numerous Mirage Clan dominate, first one step has wrested away, stands erect the Fighting Union flag. 幽影族撤离的消息传来后,锋寒和戚泽、缪荣马上着手行动起来,派遣战舰开赴众多幽影族把持的矿脉,先一步霸占了下来,竖立起战盟的旗子。 Although Divine Light also seized the chance to seize some ore stars, may compared with Fighting Union, be actually well below, regardless of the rich degree of quantity or resources, must differ. 神光虽然也趁机夺了一些矿星,可和战盟相比,却是远远不及的,不论数量还是资源的丰富程度,都要相差许多。 „The territory that Divine Light demanded although was only half, but, may actually be the product richest!” Qi Ze also screamed. 神光索要的领地虽然只是一半,可,可却都是物产最丰富的啊!”戚泽也尖叫起来。 I know.” The Feng Han complexion is cloudy, Divine Light came Shadow Ghost Prison, we later conflict naturally cannot bear, we let first one step, when ensure Xinyan unobstructive, we return again step by step.” “我知道。”锋寒脸色阴厉,“神光来了暗影鬼狱,我们以后冲突自然受不了,我们先让一步,等确保心妍无碍了,我们再一步步打回来。” Miao Rongan sighed one, but nodded, has not talked too much anything. 缪荣暗叹一声,无奈点了点头,没有多言什么。 He knows that Feng Han has set firm resolve, knows importance of Xia Xinyan in Feng Han mind, naturally cannot the silly rebuttal. 他知道锋寒已下定决心,也知道夏心妍锋寒心目中的重要性,自然不会傻的反驳。 Takes the Feng Han hand-written letter, Miao glory is gathering his Shui Yue to fight the unit, by fighting the Union Master star leaves for leaves, catches up toward Shi Yan and star of Xia Xinyan been stranded life. 拿着锋寒的手书,缪荣聚集他的水月战部,由战盟主星开赴离开,往石岩夏心妍被困的生命之星赶。 ...... …… Contains Divine Crystal mineral lode the star of life. 蕴藏神晶矿脉的生命之星。 A purple crystal battleship arrives from the day slowly, shining purple crystal is dazzling, all various professions expression cold Su Warrior stands in the battleship border. 一艘紫水晶战舰缓缓从天降临,明晃晃的紫水晶璀璨夺目,一行行神色冷肃的武者立在战舰边沿。 Sanna and this place Divine Light Warrior, moved forward to meet somebody, complexion raw and cold Sanna, on the face has split a smile, seems the mood is quite joyful. 萨那和此地神光武者,纷纷迎了上去,一直脸色生冷的萨那,脸上绽出一丝微笑,好似心情极为愉悦。 If the stars surrounding the moon is ordinary, wears the light purple dress, the charming moving enchanting female, the leisure beautiful fascinating'winsome appears, the peach blossom that if the female surface is in full bloom, the tender and beautiful desire drops, the physique sex appeal is plentiful, during footsteps swinging the skirt flies upwards, reveals small section of dazzling snow white. 如众星拱月一般,一名身着淡紫色裙装,妩媚动人的妖娆女子,慢悠悠婀娜浮现出来,女子面若盛开的桃花,娇艳欲滴,身姿性感丰腴,脚步摆动间裙角飞扬,露出一小截耀目的雪白。 Numerous Divine Light Warrior, looked that is incomparable to her vision burning hot, this is the man's in goddess to the mind is in sole possession of warmly. 众多神光武者,看向她的目光都炙热无比,这是男人对心目中女神的独有热烈。 The female comes leisurely, was talking with Sanna with a smile, the manner was calm, enabling the person look throughout to transfer from her. 那女子款款而来,和萨那含笑交谈着,举止从容华美,让人眼神始终不能从她身上挪移开来。 On bird battleship. 飞鸟战舰上。 Storm Battalion these Warrior, knit the brows to look that to enchanting female who appears suddenly, some people cannot bear sigh: This woman seriously is femme fatale.” 疾风战部的那些武者,皱眉看向忽然显现出来的妖娆女子,有人忍不住叹道:“这女人当真是红颜祸水。” Un, is the difficult adversary of man. It is not more inferior than our family|home Sirs, does not know that is what character.” “嗯,是男人的克星啊。比我们家大人丝毫不逊色,也不知道是何人物。” „The to trouble Sanna goes out to welcome, woman is not certainly low in the Divine Light status.” 劳烦萨那出迎,那女人在神光身份一定不低。” Should be the Divine Light high level, this point not anything dubious.” “应该是神光的高层,这一点没有什么值得怀疑的。” The Fighting Union Warrior audiences said in abundance, the secret exclamation, with her and Xia Xinyan comparison, such a comparison, discovered that a sex appeal arouses, elegant refined, has outstanding unique makings, does not know one's place unexpectedly. 战盟武者众说纷纷,暗暗惊叹,拿她和夏心妍比较,这么一比较,发现一个性感撩人,一个典雅脱俗,都别有一番出众的独特气质,竟不分上下。 Nobody notes in that purple clothes female presently behind, Shi Yan quietly to be hidden to hide in the crowd, resembles makes the person keep off in the front desirably, seems avoiding anything. 没人注意到在那紫衣女子现身后,石岩悄悄隐没潜藏在人群中,似刻意的让人挡在前方,仿佛在躲避着什么。 Xia Xinyan had not perceived that this subtle detail, the attention was attracted by that purple clothes female, sighed: This woman is extremely seriously beautiful, if I man, will adore with her. The so-called sexy outstanding person, is her such?” 夏心妍也没有觉察到这微妙细节,注意力都被那紫衣女子吸引,感叹道:“这女人当真极美,我若是男人,也会倾心与她。所谓的性感尤物,便是她这样子的吧?” Her these words sound is not high, who the goal of inquiry is, the people are well aware. 她这番话声音不高,询问的目标是谁,众人心知肚明。 Shi Yan hollow laugh, has not replied. 石岩干笑一声,并没有答话。 His line of sight sews by the person, falls to that say|way beautifully cannot the pretty shade of local products, in the eye flash through wipes amazed. 他视线透过人缝,不由落向那道美艳不可方物的靓影,眼中闪过一抹惊诧。 breakthrough to Source God Third Sky, to Void God Realm has imitated unexpectedly , if not remote, more than 30 years have not seen, this speed is seriously fast enough, it seems like that the main pole of that Divine Light to love her...... 竟然突破源神三重天了,离虚神境界仿若并不遥远,30多年没见,她这速度当真够快的,看来那神光之主极为宠爱她了…… Junior sister, how will you come suddenly?” On the purple crystal battleship, the Sanna complexion is temperate, said: „When the tour of this Shadow Ghost Prison, initially inquired you, you did not say that isn't interested? How hurriedly to catch up suddenly?” “师妹,你怎会突然过来了?”紫水晶战舰上,萨那脸色温和,道:“这趟暗影鬼狱之行,当初询问你时,你不是说不感兴趣么?怎突地又急匆匆赶来了?” Charming Zi Yao smiles, suddenly thought that cultivation is very constantly senseless, wants to come to relax, heard that recently here was lively, any Monster Clan, Devil Clan and Medicine Refining Pavilion in this. I joined in the fun.” 妩媚的紫耀嫣然一笑,“忽然觉得一味修炼很无趣,想过来散散心,听说最近这儿热闹,什么妖族魔族药器阁都在这趟。我就来凑个热闹了。” Her beautiful pupil rotated turning round, the line of sight crossed Sanna. Patrols to continue on Fighting Union these bird battleships. As if looking for any person. 她美眸滴溜溜转动了一圈,视线越过了萨那。在战盟那些飞鸟战舰上游弋不止。仿佛在找寻什么人。 Sanna perceived keenly her trend, knits the brows to look to the distant place Fighting Union ten battleships. Is astonished however said: Junior sister. On these battleships has the person who you know to be inadequate? After I think you come, has been paying attention that side......” 萨那敏锐觉察她的动向,皱眉看向远处战盟的十来艘战舰。讶然道:“师妹。那些战舰上有你认识的人不成?我看你过来以后,一直在留心那边……” I heard that Xia Xinyan is Fighting Union Storm Battalion Lord, is the Shadow Ghost Prison first simple and beautiful refined beautiful woman, and was known as the strategy excellently to say. Such a perfect female, I seriously curious awfully, wants to experience.” Zi Yao Yingying said with a smile. “我听说那夏心妍战盟疾风战部之主,为暗影鬼狱第一清丽脱俗的美女,并且素有智谋过人之说。呵,这么一个完美的女子,我当真好奇的要命,想见识见识呢。”紫耀盈盈笑道。 Sanna has been startled, at once reveals appearance suddenly, said: If said the beautiful woman. The junior sister seriously can be said.” In his eyes hides a vague burning hot. 萨那怔了下,旋即露出恍然的模样,道:“若说美女。师妹才当真称得上。”他眼中潜藏一丝隐晦的炙热。 Is the beautiful female, more is likes competing mutually, this point Sanna is well aware, when only Zi Yao is really curious to Xia Xinyan, does not have extremely to pay attention to care. 越是美丽的女子,越是喜欢相互攀比,这一点萨那心知肚明,只当紫耀真的对夏心妍好奇,也没有太过留心在意。 Senior Brother overpraised.” Zi Yao sets out leisurely, thinks, including saying with a smile: I saw that female in the past.” 师兄过奖了。”紫耀款款起身,想了想,含笑道:“我过去见见那女子。” I accompany you together.” Sanna also suddenly sets out, manner with deep veneration, junior sister you, although the Realm promotion is extremely quick, but now after all also merely is only Source God Third Sky, these Storm Battalion Warrior non- friendly kinds, if had the evil intention to you, gave to hold under duress you, we will be passive.” “我陪你一道儿。”萨那也突然起身,神态肃然,“师妹你虽说境界提升极快,可现在毕竟还仅仅只是源神三重天,那些疾风战部武者都非善类,万一对你起了歹心,将你给挟持了,我们将会非常被动。” Zi Yao knew that stubborn he, shows a faint smile, expressed gratitude in a soft voice. 紫耀自知拗不过他,微微一笑,轻声道谢。 Sanna has selected several people at once, is Void God Realm Expert, accompanies Zi Yao to go toward the Storm Battalion battleship line together. 萨那旋即点了几人,都是虚神境界强者,一起陪同着紫耀疾风战部的战舰行去。 Well, they came! What do they come to make at this time?” “咦,他们过来了!他们此时过来做什么?” Probably is that beautiful woman request, strange, how will she have the interest to us?” “好像是那美艳的女人要求,奇怪,她怎会对我们有了兴趣?” Who knows? Possibly is idling bored, looked for some pleasure not to say certainly.” “谁知道呢?可能闲着无聊,找些乐子也说不准。” Fighting Union these Warrior, see with own eyes Zi Yao under Divine Light Expert many things around a center slowly close, is astonished however shouts lightly. 战盟那些武者,眼见紫耀神光强者众星捧月下缓缓接近,都讶然轻呼。 The Xia Xinyan look is also stunned, the black eyebrows micro wrinkle, cannot feel the opposite party intention at heart. 夏心妍也眼神错愕,黛眉微皱,心里摸不着对方意图。 She knows that Sanna through Transmission Stone, should with the Divine Light high-level contact, at this time just and Fighting Union negotiates, held under duress they are only the opposite party chips, only if the matter had the explicit answer, otherwise the opposite party should not such quickly contact with them. 她知道萨那通过音石,应该和神光高层接触过,此时正和战盟进行谈判,被挟持的他们只是对方筹码而已,除非事情有了明确答案,否则对方不应该这么快与他们接触。 She is secretly surprised, wants to inquire that opinion of Shi Yan, turns the head to sweep, she was shocked suddenly. 她暗自惊讶,想询问一下石岩的意见,别头一扫,她忽然愣住了。 At this important moment, Shi Yan unexpectedly not in side, did not know where. 在这关键时刻,石岩竟然不在身旁,也不知道去了何处。 The Xia Xinyan brow wrinkles was deeper. 夏心妍眉头皱的更深了。 Accompanied by Sanna people, the Zi Yao deportment myriad arrives at the bird battleship leisurely, paces to come toward her directly, pair of beautiful eyes, stares throughout on her. 在萨那众人的陪同下,紫耀仪态万千悠悠降临飞鸟战舰,径直踱步朝她而来,一双明媚的双眸,也始终凝视在她身上。 A Xia Xinyan face is inexplicable. 夏心妍一脸莫名。 Xia Xiaomei is extremely really beautiful, today sees, lives up to reputation seriously.” On the Zi Yao face is brimming with bright-colored smiling face. “夏小妹果然极美,今日一见,当真是名不虚传。”紫耀脸上洋溢着明艳笑容。 Xia Xinyan knits the brows does not speak. 夏心妍皱眉不语。 The Zi Yao smiling face does not reduce, the line of sight has swayed a while on Xia Xinyan, bone common puts aside, is patrolling toward peripheral many Fighting Union Warrior on, half sound, her low Puchi smiles, the look falls to leading to the battleship internal passage mouth, as if scolded anything secretly. 紫耀笑容不减,视线在夏心妍身上晃荡了一会儿,又骨碌碌的移开来,往周边许多战盟武者身上游弋着,半响,她低低噗哧一笑,眼神落向通往战舰内部的通道口,似乎暗自骂了一句什么。 Whom do you look for?” Xia Xinyan has been staring at her, looked at a while, understood anything likely suddenly, drinks quickly. “你找谁?”夏心妍一直盯着她,看了一会儿,像是忽然明白了什么,倏地一喝。 Has not looked for anyone, but wants to chat several with you alone.” The Zi Yao sound is weak, the smiling face is beautiful, the beautiful pupil looks straight ahead her. “没有找谁,只是想和你单独聊几句。”紫耀声音酥软,笑容明媚,美眸直视她。 Good!” Xia Xinyan is very refreshed, goes to the central key position?” “好!”夏心妍很爽快,“去中央枢纽?” Does not have the issue.” Zi Yao is smiling, said to Sanna and the others: All right, the battleship central key position in you at present, will not have any accident, do not worry.” “没问题。”紫耀微笑着,对萨那等人说道:“没事,战舰中央枢纽就在你们眼前,不会有什么意外,别担心。” Sanna slightly knits the brows, slight bow. 萨那略一皱眉,微微点头。 At once, the females of two makings actually peerless grace and talent, seemed to be differently tacit moves toward the battleship central key position shoulder to shoulder, closes Stone Gate, the close sound, does not know private talk anything. 旋即,两个气质不同却都风华绝代的女子,似有默契般并肩走向战舰中央枢纽,关闭石门,封闭声音,不知道密谈什么。 ...... …… ps: Today only one chapter, owes two chapters, was sorry very much, fierce that the brain stops up, sat for quite a while to be distracted, the sentiment jointing was not smooth, agitated awfully. ( to be continued ) ps:今天仅一章,共欠两章了,很抱歉,脑子堵的厉害,坐了半天一直精神恍惚,情节理不通顺,烦躁的要命。(未完待续)
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