GOS :: Volume #11

#1084: Vanishing past animosity

Opens eyes the Zhang Qingli refined face to heave in sight suddenly, Shi Yan has been startled, at once has smiled: How did you get down?” 睁开眼张清丽脱俗的脸庞霍然映入眼帘,石岩怔了下,旋即笑了起来:“你怎么下来了?” Xia Xinyan seems to be happy, a water blue color long skirt, the skirt is overlapping, the flowers that as if blooms, decorated completely broken crystal, pretty moving, her corners of the mouth were holding the faint smile, said lightly 夏心妍心情似乎不错,一身水蓝色长裙,裙角层层叠叠,仿佛绽放的花朵,缀满了碎水晶,靓丽动人,她嘴角噙着浅笑,淡淡说道 Just that came from the female of purple crystal battleship, sought me to discuss a matter.” “刚刚那名来自于紫水晶战舰的女子,过来寻我谈了点事情。” The eye pupil shrinks, Shi Yan feigns calm, good surprisingly said: What discussed?” 眼瞳一缩,石岩佯装镇定,好奇道:“谈了些什么?” Does not have the what pingpong, is the private matters of some women. The woman, is very beautiful, palpitates with excitement including me, feared that doesn't have the man to be able the immunity?” She sighed spookily lightly. “没什乒,都是些女人家的私密事。那女人,很美艳呀,连我都怦然心动呢,怕是没有男人可以免疫吧?”她幽幽轻叹。 Shi Yan expression is usual, does not express the opinion. 石岩神色如常,不对此发表意见。 The Xia Xinyan non- well calculates obviously lets off him easily, purses the lips to laugh, said in a soft voice: „Do you think?” 夏心妍显然不井算轻易放过他,抿嘴嗤笑,柔声道:“你觉得呢?” „It is indeed beautiful.” “的确很美。” Moves?” “动心没?” Does not have.” “没。” Why hasn't moved?” “为何没动心?” Because there are you.” “因为有你了。” Doesn't want the beauty of complete person?” “就不想坐拥齐人之美?” cough cough, has not thought.” 咳咳,没想过。” Hasn't thought really?” “真没想过?” Does not have.” “真没。” „......”. “……”。 Xia Xinyan stared at his giggle to smile suddenly, smiled before , after bending down supine, covered the plentiful lower abdomen flowering branch to shiver all over, the elegant face was brimming with the different kind honor. 夏心妍忽然盯着他咯咯笑了起来,笑的前俯后仰,捂着丰腴小腹花枝乱颤,俏脸洋溢着别样的荣光。 Pu! 噗! Before she gathers up swiftly, does not need Shi Yan to respond that supports Shi Yan to just scratch the surface a kiss, at once smiles the lightning to move out of the way the physique tenderly, said in a soft voice: Today look at you...... May be really lovable, suddenly thought that the worry swept away.” 她倏然凑上前,不待石岩反应过来,拥住石岩蜻蜓点水一吻,旋即娇笑着闪电挪开身姿,柔声道:“今天看你……可真可爱呀,忽然觉得烦恼一扫而空了。” The words, did not wait for Shi Yan saying that her as if butterfly lightly floated off upward 话罢,也不等石岩多说,她仿佛蝴蝶翩然浮起往上 Left the secret room quickly. 很快出了密室。 Feels the profile of fragrant seeping person, Shi Yan frowns, a face is bewildered, does not know that she sends any insanity suddenly. 摸着芳香沁人的半边脸,石岩皱着眉头,一脸莫名其妙,不知道她忽然发什么疯。 Divine Light Warrior maintains to Fighting Union the proper alert is being vigilant, battleships are surrounding distantly, does not have the moment to relax. 神光武者战盟保持着应有的戒备警惕,一艘艘战舰遥遥围堵着,从没有一刻放松。 Also only limits so. 也仅限如此。 They have not harassed Fighting Union, has not dispatched Warrior to play the power and prestige 他们没有骚扰战盟,没有派遣武者过来耍威风 The separation that both sides distinguish right from wrong well water not interfering with river water, secretly is waiting for Miao glory arrival. 双方泾渭分明的分隔着相互间井水不犯河水,暗自等候着缪荣的到来。 The purple crystal battleship anchors in the Divine Crystal mineral lode lightning, purple graceful silhouette, often looks into the bird battleship in battleship platform together, occasionally two pairs of beautiful pupil void looking at each other 水晶战舰停泊在神晶矿脉闪电,一道紫色曼妙身影,时常在战舰高台眺望飞鸟战舰,偶尔两双美眸虚空对视 As if will lighten the flame, making Fighting Union and Divine Light Warrior secret surprised puzzled. 仿佛会闪出火光,让战盟神光武者都暗暗惊讶不解。 Xia Xinyan relaxes very much, not held under duress dispirited helpless 夏心妍很放松,一点没有被挟持的颓丧无奈 Appears the old god, exchanges the cultivation heart to say with subordinates Warrior 显得老神在在,和麾下武者交流着修炼心道 Once for a while hears the euphonious cheerful laughter. 时不时传来银铃般的欢快笑声。 Shi Yan sits in meditation in the battleship secret room, throughout, imitates , if closing up cultivation. 石岩静坐在战舰密室,始终不出,仿若在闭关修炼 Sanna will come the Zi Yao battleship every day, exchanges Divine Light many trivial matters with her, Sanna is raw and cold to other people complexion, may when facing Zi Yao, is actually very temperate. 萨那每天都会来紫耀的战舰,和她交流神光内部的许多琐碎事情,萨那对旁人脸色生冷,可在面对紫耀之际,却很是温和。 On the Zi Yao charming powder face, forever is brimming with the moving heart and soul bright-colored smiling face, she will treat Sanna so, will also consult many Shadow Ghost Prison matters, key inquiry related Mirage Clan driven out hidden secret. 紫耀娇媚的粉脸上,永远洋溢着动人心魄的明艳笑容,她对待萨那也是如此,会请教许多暗影鬼狱的事情,重点过问有关幽影族被驱除的秘辛 Our news come from Medicine Refining Pavilion two Elder Gu He.” A Sanna point is open about the facts her, said according to Gu He, reason that Mirage Clan drove out, was because Devil Clan and Monster Clan also had Medicine Refining Pavilion and a Fighting Union with joint forces war, related this war...... Gu He is also insufficiently detailed, but he said that if not Mirage Clan drove out, void passage was stopped up, that dominates the Star Sea God Clan clansman, may invade our Agate Star Field.” “我们的消息来自于药器阁长老谷禾。”萨那一点不瞒她,“按照谷禾所言,幽影族之所以被驱除出去,是因为魔族妖族还有药器阁战盟合力一战,有关这一战……谷禾也语焉不详,但他说若非幽影族被驱除,虚空通道被堵实了,那称霸星海神族族人,可能会侵入我们玛琊星域。” Hears Medicine Refining Pavilion Fu Wei Little Elder, with a youth...... Is the side that walks near?” Zi Yao inquired naturally. “听说药器阁芙薇小长老,和一名青年……走的极近?”紫耀自然而然询问。 Un, youth named Shi Yan, heard that in Medicine Refining Pavilion with the person of his knowing well, is extremely high to his appraisal. Gu He Elder said that youth and Devil Clan, Monster Clan relate closely, as if has played the tremendous role in void passage, but how, we are not quite specifically clear.” Sanna said. “嗯,那青年名叫石岩,听说药器阁内和他熟识之人,对他的评价都极高。谷禾长老说那青年和魔族妖族关系紧密,似乎在虚空通道内发挥了巨大作用,但具体如何,我们也不太清楚。”萨那道。 The Zi Yao beautiful pupil extraordinary splendor flow of tears, secretly titter, gently nod, that youth...... At this time went to where?” 紫耀美眸异彩涟涟,暗自偷笑,轻轻点头,“那青年……此时去了何处?” Does not know that should return to Devil Blood Star with Devil Clan together.” Sanna is not quite definite. “不知道,应该和魔族一同返回魔血星了吧。”萨那也不太确定。 Zi Yao has not continued to ask. 紫耀没有继续问下去。 Junior sister, you as if very much pay attention to that youth, why?” Sanna said sensitively: „Do you know him?” “师妹,你似乎对那青年很关注,为什么?”萨那敏感道:“你认识他?” The Zi Yao chuckle shakes the head. 紫耀轻笑摇头。 Deep meaning source. 奥义源头。 Shi Yan like the Ghost Flame soul, appears gradually, evolves quickly the main body appearance, enters that flame deep meaning sector light. 石岩鬼火般的灵魂,渐渐浮现出来,很快衍变成本体模样,轻飘飘进入那火焰奥义区间。 Middle, two as if phantom graceful physique, drift from place to place, as if stayed for a long time. 当中,两道仿佛虚影般曼妙身姿,飘忽不定,似乎已停留许久。 Beautiful woman Yu Shan and girls Xuan Fei. 正是美妇郁珊少女萱绯 You dare to come unexpectedly really!” Yu Shan is cold the face, you should be clear, here me , to kill you, is simply easy!” “你竟然真敢过来!”郁珊冷着脸,“你应该清楚,在这儿我若想杀你,简直轻而易举!” Xuan Fei is nipping the lower lip, groans saying: Bastard, the tongue Can lotus flower, does not have a truth!” 萱绯咬着下唇,也哼哼道:“混蛋,舌灿莲花,没一句真话!” How?” Shi Yan is astonished however. “又怎么了?”石岩讶然。 That Ice Poison Bead passes through your soul to quenching the formation, attached your soul mark, was similar to God Weapon has main, is unable to eliminate, how possibly to cede? Listens to my master to explain, my also not clear that Ice Poison Bead already by your steady acquisition, said to us? Snort, really full mouth rumor!” The Xuan Fei anger soars to the heavens. “那‘淬毒寒珠’经过你灵魂淬炼形成,附有你灵魂印记了,如同神兵有主,根本就无法剥夺,怎么可能割让出来?要不是听我师傅说明,我还不清楚那‘淬毒寒珠’已经被你稳稳的获得,又说给我们?哼,果然满口谎言!”萱绯怒火冲天。 A Yu Shan face is also bad. 郁珊也一脸不善。 Shi Yan stayed, looks at that hatred abundant beautiful woman and girls, he have a headache suddenly, has no alternative saying: Related that Ice Poison Bead I seriously totally unclear, really do not deceive your thoughts, otherwise...... I will not continue to see you.” 石岩呆了,看着那恨意盎然的美妇、少女,他忽然头疼不已,无可奈何道:“有关那‘淬毒寒珠’我当真一概不明,真从没有要欺瞒你们的念头,要不然……我不会继续过来见你们。” Yu Shan deeply looks to him, hesitates for a long time, the complexion relaxes slightly: Looks at your appearance like deceiving me, otherwise you also dare to come this place, is seriously live is impatient.” 郁珊深深看向他,沉吟许久,脸色稍稍缓和:“看你样子不像欺骗我,不然你还敢来此地,就是当真活的不耐烦了。” I wrong , the wandering soul silk thread of that ghost jellyfish , is gathered bewilderedly by me, really do not rob intentionally.” Shi Yan explained. “我是真的冤屈,那亡魂水母的游魂丝线,也是莫名其妙被我聚集起来的,真不是要故意抢夺。”石岩解释。 Asking for leniency situation, why you can gather these soul silk easily, even if I...... Must gather does not have that easily.” Yu Shan knits the brows to say. “说说情况,为什么你能那么轻易聚集那些魂丝,就算是我……要聚集也没那么轻易。”郁珊皱眉道。 After she returns to Fire Rain Star Field, calms down to ponder for a long time, unified Shi Yan then appearance, thought that something fishy, she to some ghost jellyfish cognition, knows that its soul silk mystical were hard to gather, the average man soul could not endure, derives is more impossible so easily. 她返回火雨星域以后,冷静下来思考许久,结合石岩当时的模样,也觉得事情有些蹊跷,她对亡魂水母有些认知,知道它那些魂丝非常神秘难以聚集,常人灵魂都吃不消,汲取更加不可能如此轻易。 She is gathers, needs to consume very long time, little wearing down extremely cold aura, then gradually draws in the congealment. 她就算是自己收取,也需要耗费很长功夫,一点点的消磨掉极寒气息,然后逐步收拢凝结。 Speed that the Shi Yan soul receives, quick is too odd, she has not responded that that side then finished. 石岩灵魂收起的速度,快的太离谱,她尚未反应过来,那边便结束了。 Afterward recalls that she also thinks very strange, thinks that in this period possibly really had anything to misunderstand, when she hears Xuan Fei message once more, said that Shi Yan went to the deep meaning source, and proactively indicated that must hand over Ice Poison Bead,” at that time she then believed 80%, knows possibly really the somewhat unclear situation. 事后回想起来,她也觉得很怪异,认为其间可能真有什么误会,等她再次听到萱绯讯息,说石岩又去了奥义源头,并且主动表示要交出“淬毒寒珠,”当时她便信了八成,知道可能真有些不明的情况。 Now Shi Yan dares to continue, she was ten tenths has believed that knows that at that time definitely had strangely. 如今石岩又敢继续过来,她是十成相信了,知道当时肯定有古怪了。 Said.” Shi Yan is hesitating, said: My soul somewhat marvelous place, specifically how, I...... Does not want to explain thoroughly that at that time I had not striven, mystical in my soul gathered the soul silk spontaneously, I am unable to prevent, therefore turned into this.” “这么说吧。”石岩犹豫着,道:“我灵魂有些奇妙之处,具体如何,我……不想深入解释,当时我没有出力,我的灵魂中的神秘自发聚集了魂丝,我无法阻止,所以就变成这样了。” He more talked ambiguously, a make things difficult appearance agree did not state clearly the inside story, Yu Shan even more has instead believed him, if were the excuse, Yu Shan thinks that Shi Yan will seek to have the persuasive power not to have the excuse of flaw, this agree did not state clearly that the hidden secret appearance, instead showed definitely will not give a pretext. 他越是含糊其辞,一副为难的模样不肯言明内情,郁珊反而愈发相信了他,如果是借口的话,郁珊认为石岩会寻个更有说服力没破绽的借口,这种不肯言明秘辛的模样,反而说明肯定不会是借口了。 That Ice Poison Bead has your soul mark, only if you die, otherwise was very difficult to strip.” Yu Shan coldly snorted, said: I straddled zones from afar helped you in the past, has not obtained that ` Ice Poison Bead you saying that how to compensate me? You also know, if no me to pass, your friend will die. ” “那‘淬毒寒珠’拥有你灵魂印记,除非你死否则很难剥离出去了。”郁珊冷哼一声,说道:“我千里迢迢跨界过去帮你,没有得到那‘淬毒寒珠”你说如何补偿我吧?你也知道,如果没有我过去,你的朋友都会死亡。” I do not know that you need anything.” Shi Yan is astonished however. “我不知道你需要什么。”石岩讶然。 You have one person who called Lianna, she believed you very much, I think “你有一个叫莉安娜的人,她很听信你,我想 ...... Let her come our Fire Rain Star Field, helping us polish a regiment, can with the army that the God Clan frontage contends with. If you comply with this matter, our connections write off, how? ” Yu Shan proposed. ……让她来我们火雨星域,帮我们打磨一支军团,一支可以和神族真的正面抗衡的军队。如果你答应这件事,我们的瓜葛就一笔勾销,如何?”郁珊提议。 Shi Yan smiles bitterly suddenly. 石岩忽然苦笑起来。 Lianna becomes so wields great power with great arrogance suddenly, is above he is seriously unexpected, now not only Monster Clan and Devil Clan regard her for the treasure, drools her talent to get up including the foreign land influence unexpectedly. 莉安娜突然变得如此炙手可热,当真超乎他意料之外,如今不但妖族魔族视她为宝,竟然连异域势力都垂涎起她的才华起来。 Isn't good?” Yu Shan face swiftly one cold. “不行么?”郁珊脸倏然一寒。 Ok, but needs to wait for some time, she is helping Monster Clan and Devil Clan training now, waits for her “行,但需要等一段时间,她如今在帮助妖族魔族练兵,等她 ...... ”. ……”。 We do not have long time among too!” Yu Shan breaks him directly, said: This, I will arrange a team to enter your Agate Star Field, you make that Lianna polish them attentively, all supplies and cultivation material and Divine Crystal we do not need you to use energy, your only needing makes Lianna turn into a battle efficiency remarkable team them then!” Yu Shan shouted to clear the way. “我们没太多时间!”郁珊直接打断他,道:“这样吧,我会安排一支队伍进入你们玛琊星域,你让那莉安娜用心打磨他们,所有补给、修炼的材料、神晶我们都不需要你们费劲,你只需要让莉安娜将他们变成一支战斗力卓越的队伍即可!”郁珊喝道。 A Shi Yan face is astonished, deeply looks to that Yu Shan, suddenly said: You are so anxious, is you deals with the God Clan pressure...... Greatly?” 石岩一脸惊愕,深深看向那郁珊,忽然道:“你这么急切,是不是你们应付神族的压力……很大?” Yu Shan sighed low-spirited, but nodded, soon could not support......”. 郁珊黯然一叹,无奈点头,“快要撑不住了……”。 Good, I help you! Your dispatch personnel come, I am responsible for arranging them!” Shi Yan agreed suddenly. “好,我帮你!你派遣人员过来,我负责安排他们!”石岩突然就同意了下来。 Divine Light and Fighting Union accumulation the star of life. 神光战盟聚集的生命之星。 On that grand Divine Crystal mineral lode summit, thorough mountain side just said that direct link. 那一座雄阔的神晶矿脉山巅上,有一条深入山腹的甫道,直达内部。 On this day, hears the sad and shrill howl from just the say|way suddenly, at once, dozens wear Warrior of Divine Light clothing, flees in abundance distressedly, whole body is the scary azure purple, aura like the gossamer. 这一天,突地,从甫道内传来凄厉的啸声,旋即,数十名身着神光衣衫的武者,纷纷狼狈遁走,浑身呈骇人的青紫色,气息如游丝。 After coming out, these people were calling out pitifully rendingly, ripped the flesh and blood, covered with blood that will grasp, the quick life fluctuation thoroughly vanished. 出来之后,这些人撕心裂肺的惨叫着,撕成着血肉,将自己抓的血肉模糊,很快生命波动就彻底消失了。 Divine Light and Fighting Union Warrior peak however changes color, for a while unclear reason why. 神光战盟武者都耸然变色,一时不明所以然。 , Many Divine Light Warrior have not the well-known ore slave quickly, drills from various ways, sends out yelling that shrieks and howls wildly, was killed by poison one after another. 很快地,更多神光武者还有不知名的矿奴,一个个从各种途径钻出来,发出鬼哭狼嚎的叫喊,接连被毒死。 Star of many being unable to start mountain passes life, quietly spout the strong smoke cloud, slowly covers up the sky, covers the four directions wildly eight. 生命之星许多死火山口,悄然喷涌出浓烈的烟云,慢慢将天空遮掩,笼罩四方八野。 Hides Shi Yan of secret room, grasps jet black such as the ice cold bead of black ink, the complexion strange suddenly walked, looks at top of the head dark red, blue and purple and green spooky assorted sky, said: „ Mirage Clan seriously evil and cruel, they ghost jellyfish release violently poisonous puts in the Divine Crystal mineral lode in the restriction method, at this time, these restriction were triggered, the toxic smoke gas cloud was released, although Mirage Clan left, but they actually left behind the disaster to give the successor, it is estimated that was used to cope with Fighting Union. 潜藏密室的石岩,手持漆黑如墨的冰寒珠子,脸色怪异的忽然走了出来,看着头顶暗红、青紫、绿幽幽的各色天空,道:“幽影族当真歹毒,他们将亡魂水母释放的剧毒以禁制手段放入神晶矿脉内,此时,那些禁制被触发,毒烟毒雾都被释放出来了,幽影族虽然离开了,可他们却留下了灾祸给后来人,估计就是用来对付战盟的。 The Xia Xinyan elegant face is solemn and respectful, deeply knits the brows. 夏心妍俏脸肃穆,深深皱眉。 Mirage Clan is used to plot against the violent poisonousness of Fighting Union, was triggered by Divine Light, at this time Divine Light sneaks the Divine Crystal mineral lode Warrior, died a tragic death one after another. 幽影族用来暗算战盟的剧毒,被神光触发,此时神光潜入神晶矿脉的武者,接连惨死。 The sky was covered by the toxic smoke gas cloud, suddenly, all people were surrounded, after this is Mirage Clan must exterminate savage of enemy , the move. 天空被毒烟毒雾笼罩,突然间,所有人都被困住,这是幽影族要灭绝敌人的凶残后招。
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