GOS :: Volume #11

#1072: That person elegant demeanor

Two Mirage Clan old man one person alone come, Bei Luo and may reach, their manner is cloudy, looks at Yu Shan to ghost jellyfish refining up, almost not slightly hesitant, gets rid suddenly! 两名幽影族的老者孤身而来,正是贝洛和可达,两人神态阴厉,看着郁珊对亡魂水母的炼化,几乎没有丝毫犹豫,霍然出手! may reach gloomy aura to turn into biting cold ice cold cyclones, the cyclone such as storm vortex, has the fluctuation of terrifying, must give to stir likely broken void passage general, covers directly toward Yu Shan. 可达身上阴森的气息化成一条条彻骨冰寒的气旋,气旋如暴风的漩涡,有着恐怖的波动,像是要将虚空通道都给搅碎一般,直接朝着郁珊笼罩过去。 Bei Luo frowns, beginning visionally appears in his top of the head, the spaces of as if multiple connection, inside is flooding several thousand shining Space Cutting Blade, each bunch of Space Cutting Blade as if pointed knives, can tear all wall barriers, such as sword rain gathering to Yu Shan. 贝洛皱着眉头,一个梦幻般的始界在他头顶浮现出来,仿佛多重交汇的空间,里面充斥着数万明晃晃的空间利刃,每一束空间利刃都仿佛尖刀,能撕裂一切壁障,如剑雨汇聚向郁珊 The ghost jellyfish is Mirage Clan lends by the God Clan Ascot Family, its goal is to cope with Agate Star Field, to prepare emergency requirement. 亡魂水母是幽影族神族阿斯科特家族暂借过来,其目的便是为了对付玛琊星域,以备不时之需。 If the ghost jellyfish were built up, God Clan when facing other star territory, then did not have trump card, their Mirage Clan could not shoulder this responsibility, this coming, must guarantee that the ghost jellyfish will not have an accident. 如果亡魂水母被生生炼化,神族在面对别的星域的时候,便没了杀手锏,他们幽影族也承担不了这个责任,这趟前来,就是要确保亡魂水母不会出一点意外。 Is the Mirage Clan leader may reach, this person of then it will be possible card elder brother, Origin God Second Sky Realm, a cultivation yin cold power deep meaning.” The Fu Wei complexion changes, subconscious calls out in alarm. “是幽影族的首领可达,此人乃可卡兄长,始神二重天境界,修炼一种阴寒的力量奥义。”芙薇脸色微变,下意识的惊叫起来。 That achieves Origin God Space Deep Meaning, who is also?” Shi Yan closely examines hurriedly. “那名达到始神空间奥义者,又是何人?”石岩急忙追问。 Should be the Mirage Clan head of the clan.” Fu Wei a little cannot determine that „the Mirage Clan head of the clan is short really in Shadow Ghost Prison appears, our Medicine Refining Pavilion also knows to him not many, I am also first time see him.” “应该是幽影族的族长。”芙薇也有点不敢确定,“幽影族的族长甚少在暗影鬼狱出现,就连我们药器阁对他也所知不多,我也是第一次见到他。” Is a little thorny.” Shi Yan sighed one darkly. “有点棘手啊。”石岩暗叹一声。 At this time Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and Feng Yan four Origin God, flew in abundance, the front surface contends with Mirage Clan two Expert. 此时血魔巴斯古特风言四名始神,已经纷纷飞了出来,迎面去抗衡幽影族两名强者 However, Bei Luo and may reach unperturbed does not fear, the meaning of obviously not having flinched. Solely currently speaking, they should not fear Blood Devil and the others. 然而,贝洛和可达都夷然不惧,明显没有退缩的意思。单单从这一点来看,他们应该并不惧怕血魔等人。 Shi Yan is at heart bright as snow. Knows that the opposite party settled on the Blood Devil four people of power consumptions to be too many, at this time was not at the peak condition, thought that can gnaw them to meet does not worry. 石岩心里雪亮。知道对方看准了血魔四人力量耗费太多,此时都并非处于巅峰状态,觉得可以啃下他们才会毫无顾虑。 In four people, Feng Yan, only then Origin God First Sky, she is also most miserable in the woods cold sea water, a power estimate only remains 2-3 tenths, opposes the enemy by this condition, the role that can play feared that is not big. 四人中,风言只有始神一重天,她在森寒海水也最惨,一身力量估计只剩两三成,以这种状态对敌,能够发挥出来的作用怕是不大。 Blood Devil Origin God Second Sky, Ba Si and Gu Te are Monster Clan revere greatly. Divides according to power Realm, equivalent to Origin God Second Sky, original three people, if energetic, copes with Bei Luo, to reach, not only will not be at a disadvantage. Perhaps can also have the advantage. 血魔始神二重天,巴斯古特妖族大尊。按照力量境界来划分,也相当于始神二重天,本来三人如果精力充沛,对付贝洛、可达不但不会处于下风。说不定还可以处于优势。 But now...... Shi Yan did not suppose certainly. 但现在……石岩也估摸不准了。 He frowns. Emits the Divine Sense silently sensation, knew about the Space Deep Meaning powerful degree by him that he infers Bei Luo faintly also in Origin God Second Sky. Otherwise, Bei Luo merely will initially not cut the space, they imprisons Blood Devil in the cold and gloomy sea water. 他皱着眉头。放出神识默默感知,以他对空间奥义强悍程度了解,他隐隐推断出贝洛也在始神二重天。要不然,贝洛当初不会仅仅只是切割空间,将血魔他们禁锢在森冷海水。 That Mirage Clan head of the clan, in Origin God Second Sky!” The Zairean bell had affirmed his speculation, this war is less optimistic!” “那幽影族的族长,在始神二重天!”扎铎肯定了他的推测,“此战不容乐观啊!” Xia Xinyan, Fu Wei and bell, Fei Lan, Lianna and the others, one by one gathers side Shi Yan. This audiences young generation of Expert, has not gotten rid temporarily. By far looks at. 夏心妍芙薇、扎铎、费兰莉安娜等人,一一聚集在石岩身旁。这一众年青一辈的强者,暂时都没有出手。只是远远看着 Hot tempered whooshing, head of the clan Violent Dragon Clan Gu Te also fluctuates dragon body, is the same with Evil Dragon Clan Ba Si, as if the iron stone meat mountain builds, the whole body power fining, has dense Dragon Jia, such as sea broad qi and blood fluctuation, in the monster body that since they change ripples, the person mind of flushing drags. 一声暴躁的嘶吼,暴龙族族长古特也变幻龙身,和孽龙族巴斯一样,仿佛铁石肉山堆砌而成,浑身力量精炼,有着森森龙甲,如海洋广阔的气血波动,从他们变化的妖身中荡漾出来,冲的人心神摇曳。 Blood Devil by Ba Si and Gu Te, appears extremely tiny, the exuberant life fluctuation that but on him transmits, makes anybody not dare to look down upon. 血魔巴斯古特旁边,显得极为渺小,可他身上传来的旺盛生命波动,却让任何人都不敢小视。 The blood that a little bit dark red such as drills, seeps from Blood Devil, in each drop of blood has Blood Devil Soul Consciousness, floods is destroying the explosion fluctuation of Heaven Destroyer place, Blood Devil puts out a hand a finger, ten drops of Immortal Devil Blood rapid precise changes, form ten to come out with he vivid person in his beginning Blood Sea slowly generally, everyone blood malignant influences soar to the heavens, actually as if understands clearly the life to fluctuate, the escape from beginning comes out, flushes away in the direction that may reach. 一滴滴殷红如钻的鲜血,从血魔身上沁出来,每一滴鲜血内都有着血魔灵魂意识,充斥着毁天灭地的爆炸波动,血魔伸手一指,十滴不死魔血迅速凝炼变化,在他始界血海内慢慢形成十个和他一般有血有肉的人出来,每一个人都血煞气冲天,却仿佛洞悉生命波动,从始界内飞逸出来,往可达的方向冲去。 The Feng Yan beginning internal wind blade edge circles in flight, hears the grating roar sound, the entire energy used in has been possible to reach the body. 风言始界内风刃飞旋,传来刺耳的厉啸声,全部精力用在了可达身上。 Mirage Clan head of the clan Bei Luo, Space Cutting Blade that the escape from Sea of Consciousness comes out, has not fired into Yu Shan, was stopped by that Ba Si and Gu Te, Ba Si and Gu Te were roaring, the monster body swayed from side to side, body crowded dragon armor ka ka crack, gangs of Dragon Breath friends came out. 幽影族的族长贝洛,从识海内飞逸出来的空间利刃,尚未冲向郁珊,都被那巴斯古特阻拦下来,巴斯古特咆哮着,妖身扭动,身上密集的龙甲咔咔炸响,一股股龙息朋友出来。 Evil Dragon Clan and Violent Dragon Clan Dragon Breath, is in world is vervest the fierce power collection, Dragon Breath are similar to the power congealment light beams, the turbulent fluctuation is simply shocking. 孽龙族暴龙族龙息,乃世间最为刚猛狂烈的力量汇集,一股股龙息如同力量的凝结光柱,其中汹涌波动简直骇人听闻。 Head of the clan Mirage Clan Bei Luo Space Cutting Blade, was attacked by that Dragon Breath, unexpectedly becomes difficult, throughout is hard to threaten Yu Shan. 幽影族族长贝洛空间利刃,被那一股股龙息冲击,竟然变得寸步难行,始终难以威胁到郁珊 Six Origin God get rid, the energy complementary waves that in void passage forms destroys the Heaven Destroyer place simply, causes void passage trillion luminous spot glittering, these splash glittering energy impact light beams, bump into the battleship, the general smashing that the battleship then such as the paper sticks. 六名始神在虚空通道出手,形成的能量余波简直毁天灭地,使得虚空通道亿万光点闪烁,那些飞溅闪烁能量冲击光束,一碰到战舰,战舰便如纸糊的一般粉碎。 Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Fighting Union and Medicine Refining Pavilion battleship, in Agate Star Field is the high Level battleship, hard, may be still vulnerable. 妖族魔族战盟药器阁的战舰,在玛琊星域都是高等级的战舰,坚硬非常,可依然脆弱不堪。 Temporarily avoids!” “都暂时避开!” The Xia Xinyan calm tenderness drinks, black eyebrows deeply is wrinkling, the beautiful pupil spills over point strange light, flickers looks to six Origin God of battle does not move. 夏心妍冷静的娇喝,黛眉深深皱着,美眸泛出点点奇光,一瞬不移的看向交战的六名始神 The battleship transfers in abundance, dives to draw back in the Agate Star Field direction fast, various place above numerous clan Expert faces with amazement, was battled to frighten by these six Origin God, gives birth decadent feeling that cannot resist with all one's strength. 战舰纷纷挪移起来,往玛琊星域的方向快速潜退,上方众多各族强者一脸骇然,也被这六名始神交战震慑了,生出不可力敌的颓败感。 Precise power, may reach the impact toward that!” Xia Xinyan calm sending number order, Origin God, although powerful, may face the collaboration impacts of our these many people, still sufficiently consumes him! So long as be not blown, power that we can display, does not compare several Senior to be inferior!” “凝炼力量,朝着那可达冲击!”夏心妍镇定的发号命令,“始神虽然强悍,可面对我们这么多人的联手冲击,依然足以耗死他!只要别被镇住,我们可以发挥的力量,不比几位前辈逊色!” In recent years, Xia Xinyan fights up and down the country in Shadow Ghost Prison throughout, commands Storm Battalion, as if very much has the attainment to this kind of fight. 这些年来,夏心妍始终在暗影鬼狱南征北战,统领疾风战部,对这类战斗似乎很有心得。 Her Fighting Union Storm Battalion subordinates, hear word one after another calm down, methodical retreat, when is separated by several thousand meters to six big Origin God to the battleship, at once has the revolution deep meaning of tacit understanding, may reach by soul Divine Sense locking. 她那些战盟疾风战部的麾下,闻言都相继冷静下来,有条不紊的后退着,待到战舰离六大始神相隔数万米,旋即有默契的运转奥义,以灵魂神识锁定可达。 At once, all sorts of thunder and lightning of interweaving, extremely cold ice corner ice blade edge, the turbulent tide, the boiling hot flame, innumerably by bolt of white silk energy that the sharp weapon releases, as if several thousand dazzling meteors, all toward the direction crazy confused swell that may reach. 旋即,种种交织的雷电,极寒的冰棱冰刃,汹涌的潮水,滚烫的火焰,无数以利器释放出来的匹练能量,仿佛数千道炫目的流星,尽数往可达的方向狂暴涌去。 Their soul Divine Sense closely may reach locks, these fierce attacks as if steadily the eye, was seeping toward the God Body spread that may reach, will not injure to Feng Yan, Blood Devil, Gu Te, Ba Si and Yu Shan. Very exquisite. 他们灵魂神识紧紧将可达锁住,那些狂烈的攻击仿佛长了眼睛,都在往可达的神体蔓延渗透,又不会伤害到风言血魔古特巴斯郁珊。非常精妙。 May reach in Origin God Second Sky, if one-on-one. He can the instantaneous instant kill Realm mean people. 可达在始神二重天,如果单对单。他可以瞬间秒杀境界低微的众人。 However, at this time may reach by Blood Devil and Feng Yan is collaborated to aim, particularly Blood Devil after releasing Immortal Devil Blood, is revolving the life deep meaning, top of the head Blood Sea, Devil Blood turns into ten blood shades, lets be possible to reach appears quite distressed. 然而,此时可达被血魔风言联手针对,尤其是血魔在释放不死魔血以后,运转着生命奥义,头顶血海,魔血化成十道血影,让可达都显得颇为狼狈。 Although Feng Yan consumes really in a big way, after all is also Origin God First Sky, may reach by the Blood Devil diversion. She can not need to be worried about own safety, can heartily the power release. 风言虽然消耗甚大,毕竟也是始神一重天,由血魔牵制可达。她可以不用担心自身安危,能够尽情将力量释放。 When thousand dazzling power light beams, such as the rainbow passed through the date to attack, and accurate locked to reach. May reach also frowned. Reveals facial expression that agitated does not bear. 当千道炫目的力量光束,如长虹贯日冲击过来,并且都精准锁定可达。可达也不由皱起眉头。露出烦躁不耐的神情。 pā pā pā Pa! 啪啪啪啪! The numerous energy precise impacts, strike, in may reach on God Body, may reach God Body such as to be been ordinary by the meteorite hit. Sways again and again, the body emits the intermittent light smoke. 众多能量凝炼的冲击,碰击在可达神体上,可达神体如被流星碰撞一般。连连摇晃,身上冒出阵阵轻烟。 May reach the complexion to be even more cloudy severely, looks from afar to Shi Yan this direction, scolded anything in a low voice, will concentrate in Blood Devil. 可达脸色愈发阴厉,远远看向石岩这个方向,低声骂了一句什么,又将精力放在血魔身上。 Be not idling!” Xia Xinyan is calm, drinks one to Monster Clan, Devil Clan and Medicine Refining Pavilion Warrior tenderly. Said: Gathers power, making them take a look at a person of savings energy. Is same can create heavy losses to them!” “你们也别闲着!”夏心妍冷静自如,冲妖族魔族药器阁武者娇喝一声。道:“都聚集力量,让他们瞧瞧人多积蓄的能量。是不是一样可以给他们造成重创!” The people are the facial expression are all encouraged, Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Storm Battalion and Medicine Refining Pavilion thousand Warrior, in God King, Source God and Void God Realm, place in Agate Star Field is great powerful. 众人皆是神情振奋,妖族魔族疾风战部药器阁的千名武者,大多数在神王源神虚神境界,放在玛琊星域中都是一等一的强悍 Once thousand people calm down to collaborate, crowded offensive that forms, is similar to the Fire Rain Star Field border continuous hot rain, may reach that side to the direction of fire. 千人一旦冷静下来联手,那形成的密集攻势,如同火雨星域边沿的连绵火雨,蓬蓬冲射向可达那边。 Origin God Second Sky may reach, even if no Blood Devil and Feng Yan two matches, must deal with quite to be difficult, power that the superiority in this huge population, can definitely the densely covered Realm insufficiency, thousand people form once the connection releases exquisitely, may reach the situation suddenly becomes incomparably distressed. 始神二重天的可达,就算是没有血魔风言两个对手,要应付起来都极为困难,这种巨大人数上的优势,完全可以密布境界的不足,千人形成的力量一旦交汇释放出精妙,可达处境突然变得无比狼狈。 Turbulent fierce power, attacks in the sector that may reach, is attaching to Soul Consciousness, can evade accurate Blood Devil and Feng Yan, stare completely may reach. 道道汹涌狂烈的力量,冲击在可达的区间,都依附着灵魂意识,能精准避过血魔风言,全部盯着可达。 As the saying goes double fist difficult enemy four and chaotic fists to kill the senior master boxer, when Xia Xinyan maps out strategic plans in an army tent, dispatches thousand people of power to equal, that may reach directly stirred having a dizzy spell, was braved the none remaining by continual attack radiant two. 俗话说双拳难敌四手、乱拳能打死老拳师,当夏心妍运筹帷幄,调度千人力量合计,那可达直接被搅的头晕目眩,被连续的攻击璀璨的两眼直冒精光。 Although these power cannot cause heavy losses to him instantaneously, unceasingly will actually consume the defense of his God Body, making his power lose fast, when he is used to defend God Body power, once consumes the none remaining, these attacks not only can cause heavy losses to him, even strikes to kill him to have the possibility. 那些力量虽然不能瞬间重创他,却会不断消耗他神体的防御,让他力量快速损耗着,当他用来防御神体力量一旦耗费精光,那些攻击不但能重创他,甚至击杀他都有可能。 Xia Xinyan that year to year goes on an expedition, once calms down to oppose the enemy, the role that plays is dumbfounded simply stunning. 常年征战的夏心妍,一旦冷静下来对敌,发挥出来的作用简直让人瞠目结舌。 Origin God, although is strong, actually by no means really invincible, so long as the population is enough, several thousand God King same can strike to kill them!” The Xia Xinyan manner is free, before lyue volume black hair, calm saying: Good that our power must utilize, does not draw support four Senior power, can massacre the opposite party! Origin God First Sky Realm Expert, within the body power sum total equivalent to dozens Void God, power of our these many people collect, strangles to death him sufficiently, making him counter-attack power not to have.” 始神虽强,却并非真的无敌,只要人数足够,数万神王一样可以击杀他们!”夏心妍神态自若,锊了锊额前青丝,镇定的说道:“我们的力量真要运用的好,不借助于四位前辈力量,也能杀掉对方!一名始神一重天境界强者,体内力量总和相当于数十名虚神,我们这么多人的力量汇集起来,足以绞杀他,让他连反击力量都没有。” Her air-blowing, making people spirits stimulated, sees that to reach is unable to make ends meet under their attack crowded, even more affirmed that she judges well. 她的鼓气,让众人一个个精神亢奋,见那可达在他们密集的攻击下左支右绌,愈发肯定她判断不错。 Head of the clan Mirage Clan Bei Luo and leader may reach take to their terrifying pressure, after Xia Xinyan several words, as if by invisible cleaning. 幽影族族长贝洛和首领可达带给他们的恐怖压力,在夏心妍的几句话后,似乎被无形的扫除了。 Side Shi Yan looks at praised Xia Xinyan that the quart discussed with a smile, the arising spontaneously sense of pride, after hundred years, that person grew to the astonishing altitude at heart, regardless of wisdom the bearing of Realm and leader, were outstanding, pre-combat did not fear, can the calm operation dispatch, no wonder be able to command Fighting Union Storm Battalion. 石岩含笑看着身旁夸夸而谈的夏心妍,心里油然而生自豪感,时隔百年,伊人已经成长到惊人的高度,不论智慧境界和领袖的气度,都出类拔萃,临战不畏,可以从容运筹调度,难怪可以统领战盟疾风战部 Monster Clan, Devil Clan and Medicine Refining Pavilion Warrior, is obeying her dispatch control, is resigned to be urged, has clearly approved her united front ability. 妖族魔族药器阁武者,听着她的调度指挥,都甘心受驱使,分明是认可了她的统战能力。 Under the Xia Xinyan preparation offensive, Blood Devil and Feng Yan almost can set aside the hand, so long as avoids being possible to reach breaks through the defense line, enters that side Xia Xinyan then, does not need to release power to attack to be possible additionally to reach, Blood Devil shot a look at Xia Xinyan one from afar, acclaimed secretly, thought that this female was seriously uncommon. 夏心妍的筹划攻势下,血魔风言几乎都能腾出手来,只要避免可达冲破防线,进入夏心妍那边即可,都不需要额外释放力量去冲击可达,血魔远远瞥了夏心妍一眼,也暗暗赞叹,觉得这女子当真不凡。 ...... …… ps: Finally several hours, the brothers of monthly ticket, please do not remain, asked the monthly ticket ~~~ ( to be continued ) ps:最后几个小时了,还有月票的兄弟,请不要留着了,求月票~~~(未完待续)
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