GOS :: Volume #11

#1071: Meeting head-on

Yu Shan the god concentrates on to deal with the perishing rose jellyfish now, the azure quiet flame such as bunches of cloud clusters, wind around in void passage, has wrested away most sectors. 郁珊今神贯注应付着亡瑰水母,青幽的火焰如一簇簇云团,缭绕在虚空通道内,霸占了大多数区间。 That ghost jellyfish initial is quite hot tempered, spout the massive toxic smokes, in that whole body lump is the poisonous water splash, peripheral will dye colorfully, wish lets Yu Shan divine soul entirely extinguished. 那亡魂水母初始极为暴躁,喷涌出大量的毒烟,那满身疙瘩内更是毒水飞溅,将周边染成五颜六色,想要让郁珊神魂俱灭 What a pity, Yu Shan fused the Essence flame, Realm has also achieved Origin God Second Sky, exactly was its difficult adversary, how regardless of it release toxic smoke venom diligently, to be burnt down the ashes by Yu Shan by the Essence flame easily, numerous azure quiet flame covered in the woods cold sea level, that sea water soon was been seriously clean by the evaporation. 可惜,郁珊融合本源火焰,境界也达到了始神二重天,恰恰就是它的克星,不论它如何努力的释放毒烟毒液,都会被郁珊本源火焰轻易焚烧成灰烬,众多青幽火焰覆盖在森寒海面上,那海水当真快要被蒸发干净。 According to Ring Spirit, cold and gloomy sea water for the control derivative of glow soul jellyfish, if the sea water has not evaporated completely, so long as it also hid in the deep place, can be in an impregnable position. 按照戒灵所言,森冷的海水为芒魂水母的控制衍生物,如果海水没有全部蒸发,它只要还躲藏在深处,都能立于不败之地。 But now ghost jellyfish is in the condition of soon collapsing obviously, it anxious such as burns, should able to move unhindered invincible it, run into the difficult adversary to be also at wit's end, retreats in defeat again and again. 但现在亡魂水母明显处于即将崩溃的境况,它焦急如焚,本该纵横无敌的它,遇到克星也无计可施,节节败退。 Shi Yan and Yu Shan early have the agreement, regarding the matter of ghost jellyfish, he will not meddle, does not have that ability. 石岩郁珊早有约定,对于亡魂水母的这件事,他不会插手,也没有那个能力。 The Yu Shan straddling of zones comes, on the one hand is because shares a common hatred to God Clan, may the main goal harvest on the ghost jellyfish marvelousness. 郁珊跨界而来,一方面是因为对神族同仇敌忾,可最主要的目的还是收获亡魂水母身上的奇妙。 Blood Devil and the others escaped behind, the complexion scrotum, is hostile toward the ghost jellyfish, prepares to get rid of this to bury the territory life evidently putting to death. 血魔等人脱身后,脸色阴囊,都仇视着亡魂水母,看样子准备出手将这葬域生灵给诛杀。 Shi Yan makes noise to prevent at the right moment: Do not get rid, is controlled the aspect by her on enough, relax, she ought to do comes.” 石岩适时出声阻止:“你们别出手了,由她一人主宰局面就够了,放心,她应行的来。” Who is she?” Medicine Refining Pavilion Fu Wei, looks from afar to Yu Shan, expression is surprised, why so Realm profound cultivation flame deep meaning hasn't recorded in our Agate Star Field our Medicine Refining Pavilion? It is not......”. “她是谁?”药器阁芙薇,远远看向郁珊,神色惊讶,“如此境界高深的修炼火焰奥义者在我们玛琊星域为什么我们药器阁没有记述?不会是……”。 Shi Yan gives a calm smile, you guessed right, she was not our Agate Star Field Warrior, came from our peripheral Fire Rain Star Field. Is I invites specially copes with ghost jellyfish.” 石岩淡然一笑,“你猜测的没错,她不是我们玛琊星域武者,来自于我们周边的火雨星域。是我专门请来对付亡魂水母的。” „Did that gadget call the ghost jellyfish?” Ba Si pounds pounds the mouth, startled called out: Boy, you knows that thing name, what strange gadget is? What the method we were transferred to the sea water to cause to make the inadequate injury to that gadget, how you know how should deal?” “那玩意叫亡魂水母?”巴斯砸吧砸吧嘴,惊叫道:“小子,你怎会知道那东西的名字,到底是什么诡异的玩意?我们被挪移向海水底下什么样的方法都使出来了对那玩意都造不成伤害,你怎么知道该如何应对?” The people all are surprised puzzled, looks to Shi Yan. 众人全是惊讶不解,纷纷看向石岩 Zha Shi and Feng Yan and the others are startled secretly, looks to his vision extremely strangely, knew his likely. 扎锋风言等人更是暗暗吃惊,看向他的目光极其的怪异,像是又重新认识了他一回。 Invited Expert from other star territory 从别的星域请来强者 Copes with the ghost jellyfish specially, this boy...... What origin? How to have that many mystical places? 专门来对付亡魂水母,这小子……到底什么来历?怎会有那么多神秘的地方? Their panic-stricken desire, even more is certainly curious to Shi Yan. 他们惊骇欲绝,对石岩愈发的好奇起来。 „ Before coming your Agate Star Field, “来你们玛琊星域之前 I still jolt to past in other place, is marvelous to world some understanding. ” Shi Yan has dodged „the difficult adversary of ghost jellyfish, fuses the Essence flame also to achieve Origin God Boundary Expert, after I know that you it gives restraint, has to go to other star territory to seek for special pointed Expert.” 我还在别的地方颠簸流转过,对世间许多奇妙有些认识。”石岩搪塞了过去“亡魂水母的克星,正是融合本源火焰并且达到始神境界的强者,当我知道你们被它给束缚后,只好去别的星域找寻专门针对性的强者了。” Your this you “你这家你 ...... Let the person unable to completely understand. ” Head of the clan Violent Dragon Clan Gu Te said after a sigh. ……让人看不透啊。”暴龙族族长古特感叹道。 Overpraised.” Shi Yan cannot help laughing, everybody do not meddle, copes with the ghost jellyfish by that Senior, definitely will not have the accident. Although your Realm is profound, wants to deal with the ghost jellyfish not to be easy, the province selects power.” “过奖过奖。”石岩哑然失笑,“大家不要插手了,由那位前辈对付亡魂水母,肯定不会有意外。你们境界虽然高深,想要应付亡魂水母还是不容易,还是省点力量吧。” Gave him such a saying, people were the complexion embarrasedly, silently the nod, adjusted aura to fluctuate secretly, restores the beforehand loss. 给他这么一说,众人都是脸色讪讪,默默点头,暗暗调整气息波动,来恢复之前的损耗。 They in that forest sea, have consumed too many power immediately, must be about unable to support, if not Shi Yan invites Yu Shan promptly, before long, their precise energy will only cover is torn the opening, if made the toxic smoke emerge in abundance, perhaps Blood Devil and other minority Expert can also support a while, but God King and Source God Realm feared that will be quick is killed by poison. 他们在那森林海洋内,立即耗费了太多的力量,本来都要快撑不下去了,如果不是石岩及时请来郁珊,过不了多久,他们凝炼的能量光罩就会被撕裂口子,要是让毒烟纷纷涌入进去,或许血魔等少数强者还能支撑一会儿,可神王源神境界者怕是很快就会被毒死。 Now although came out, their condition is also not specially good, Blood Devil, Ba Si and Gu Te three people gather power, the revolution whole body fluctuation deep meaning, in adjustment condition. 现在虽然出来了,他们状态也都不是特别好,血魔巴斯古特三人纷纷聚集力量,运转周身变幻奥义,在调整状态。 „Did you, how and Fire Rain Star Field gang up?” Xia Xinyan does not know when collects, the beautiful pupil has rotated turning round, „won't that two women, be your female friend?” “你这人,怎么又和火雨星域勾搭上了?”夏心妍不知何时凑上来,美眸滴溜溜转动了一下,“那两个女人,不会又是你的红颜知己吧?” A Shi Yan face wrongful treatment, took a stand hastily: What do you think blindly? I also just knew them, how in your eyes, so long as is the woman can have the relations with me? Do I have cannot withstand?” 石岩一脸冤屈,连忙表态:“你瞎想什么啊?我也是刚刚认识她们,怎么在你眼中,只要是女人都会与我有关系?我有那么不堪呢?” Somebody has proven this point with massive facts.” “某人已经用大量的事实证明了这一点了。” Xia Xinyan curls the lip, disdains to joke. 夏心妍撇撇嘴,不屑讥笑道。 Shi Yan, carefully has thought awkwardly, the past experience indeed did not have any persuasive power, no wonder Xia Xinyan thinks that against thief same was putting him. 石岩尴尬不已,仔细想了一下,以往的经历的确没有什么说服力,也难怪夏心妍会多想,防贼一样放着他。 Hello!” That side Xuan Fei is groaning, whole face is impatient, beckons to Shi Yan, said carelessly: You come, I have the account not to reckon up with you.” “喂!”那边萱绯哼哼着,满脸的不耐烦,冲石岩招招手,大大咧咧道:“你过来,我还有账没和你算清呢。” How did you offend that girl?” The Xia Xinyan complexion is strange, clarity that I just looked, she also wants to sneak attack your fist, you...... That did have the illegal movement to others?” “你怎么得罪那丫头了?”夏心妍脸色古怪,“我刚刚看的清楚,她还想偷袭了你一拳,你是不是……那个对人家有了不轨的动作?” The intuition of woman seriously is extremely fearful, gives her to call the turn unexpectedly. 女人的直觉当真是极为可怕,竟然给她一言中的了。 Shi Yan whole body quickly grasps the meaning of something, feigns said properly: Nonsense! She is that Senior apprentice, came from Fire Rain Star Field together, is not quite familiar to us, possibly wants to ravel a matter.” 石岩浑身一激灵,佯装正经道:“胡说八道!她是那一位前辈的徒弟,一同从火雨星域过来的,对我们这边不太熟悉,可能想弄明白点事情。” During the speech, his silhouette dodges, fled from Xia Xinyan quietly, arrived at side Xuan Fei, lowered the sound saying: Your this girl had just shelled my fist, we two were clear, what do you also want to make?” 讲话间,他身影一闪,悄悄从夏心妍这边遁走,来到了萱绯身旁,压低声音道:“你这丫头刚刚轰击了我一拳,我们两清了,你还要做什么?” You were occupy advantage/cheap, but I did not have, I have hit, oneself instead injured, you said that to be what to do good?” The Xuan Fei eye glistened, shot a look at Xia Xinyan of distant place, holds up the head lightly snort|hum, „was she your female friend? I look on understood, if you do not think that she knows you have done anything, should better give me a satisfactory plan.” “你是占到便宜了,可我没有呀,我打了一下,自己反而伤了,你说怎么办才好?”萱绯眼睛闪亮,瞥了一眼远处的夏心妍,昂着头轻哼一声,“她是你的红颜知己吧?我一看就知道了,你要是不想她知道你干了什么,最好给我一个满意的方案。” Shi Yan knits the brows, „do you want to do?” 石岩皱眉,“你想干什么?” Temporarily has not thought.” Xuan Fei gets the Shi Yan handle on own initiative, the low villainous smile gets up, you are feared that beautiful elder sister is jealous? Ha, originally you fear the wife, do you also dare to be frivolous to me?” “暂时没想起来。”萱绯自觉抓住石岩把柄,低低奸笑起来,“你是怕那个美丽的姐姐吃醋吧?哈,原来你怕老婆,那你还敢对我轻薄?” Shi Yan silent did not say. 石岩沉默不言。 He when spoke with Xuan Fei, the line of sight still gathered at Yu Shan that same place, Yu Shan power urges to send completely, the green flame that formed several wanted to fill up void passage, that ghost jellyfish did not have slowly has based, by boundless sea of fire submerging. 他在和萱绯讲话的时候,视线依然聚集在郁珊那一块,郁珊力量全部催发出来,形成的青色火焰几欲将虚空通道填满,那亡魂水母慢慢没了立足地,被茫茫火海给淹没了。 Yu Shan formally started to ghost jellyfish refining up. 郁珊正式开始了对亡魂水母的炼化。 Also only then such as she so fuses the Essence flame, and achieves Origin God Boundary non- world Expert, has the qualifications and power refining up the ghost jellyfish. 也只有如她这般融合本源火焰,并且达到始神境界的不世强者,才有资格和力量炼化亡魂水母。 Shi Yan is very curious, curious this whole body is the violently poisonous evil ancient life, the body has any unusual thing to attract Yu Shan, the illegibility that Ring Spirit said before, he also anxiously is being Blood Devil and the others broke through, has not found out in detail white, now saw situation Dading, he also had enough leisure time, happen to ravelled. 石岩很好奇,好奇这浑身皆是剧毒的邪恶古生命,身上到底有什么奇特的东西吸引郁珊,戒灵之前说的不清不楚,他也急着为血魔等人解围,没有详细问明白,如今眼看局势大定,他也有了足够的闲暇功夫,正好弄个明白。 What precious thing on ghost jellyfish has, being worth my master straddling zones to come from afar?” Xuan Fei earnest inquiry. “亡魂水母身上有什么宝贵的东西,值得我师傅千里迢迢跨界而来?”萱绯认真询问。 Shook the head, Shi Yan sinking sound track: I am also curious.” 摇了摇头,石岩沉声道:“我也非常好奇。” When that deep meaning source, you had not said this is the big chance of my master? Don't you know?” Xuan Fei has gawked dull, „aren't you will deceive our? The bastards, we straddle zones to come, do you think easily? My master is still closing up the condition, was disturbed to awake by me stiffly, if you do not give me an explanation, I will not let off your!” “在那奥义源头的时候,你不是说过这是我师傅的大机缘么?你难道不知道?”萱绯呆愣了起来,“你不会是骗我们的吧?混蛋,我们跨界而来,你以为容易么?我师傅还在闭关状态,被我给硬生生打搅醒的,你要是不给我一个解释,我不会放过你的!” „If no advantage, your master will catch up hurriedly?” The Shi Yan faint smile, said indifferently: I, although not clear concrete condition, but your master definitely understands, on road time, hasn't she given you to explain?” “如果没有好处,你师傅会急匆匆赶来?”石岩似笑非笑,淡然说道:“我虽然不清楚具体状况,但你师傅肯定明白,路上过来的时候,她难道没给你说明?” I...... I forgot to ask.” Xuan Fei is embarrassed, my master in the detailed inquiry related to your matter, has been interrogating me all the way, has not raised the matter of related ghost jellyfish. Yeah, considers as finished, a while has a look, if you dare to deceive us, I will definitely not make you feel better.” “我……我忘记问了。”萱绯不好意思起来,“我师傅一路上都在详细询问有关你的事情,一直在审问我,都没有提有关亡魂水母的事情。哎,算了算了,一会儿看看吧,如果你敢骗我们,我肯定不会让你好过的。” Looks to put down, should quick have the answer.” “看平去吧,应该很快会有答案的。” The body ballooning of that ghost jellyfish, the contraction, micro ten times has been continuing slowly from meat a mountain size, has become an occupying land area kilometer big meatball, in the whole body lump the smog spout, Buddha forms First Level marvelously membrane,” gave to bind to tie the body. 那亡魂水母的身体鼓胀着,慢慢收缩,从肉山般大小微缩了十倍都不止,成了占地千米的大肉球,满身疙瘩内烟雾喷涌着,所佛形成一层奇妙的“膜,”将身子都给裹缚住了。 The azure quiet turbulent Essence flame, such as the hot snake crawled completely that First Level membrane, released world-shaking heat wave Fiery Flame, carried on to the ghost jellyfish is building up. 青幽汹涌的本源火焰,如火蛇爬满了那一层膜,释放出惊天动地的热浪火炎,对亡魂水母进行着炼化。 Under the burning hot high temperature of Essence flame, that First Level has the membrane that the toxic smoke poisonous water comes out precise, seems at gradually the melt condition, but this process seems not gets it done in one action, really needs some time evidently. 本源火焰的炙热高温下,那一层有毒烟毒水凝炼出来的膜,似乎处于渐渐消融的状态,但这个过程似乎并不是一蹴而就的,看样子很是需要一段时间。 When the people look at carefully silently, that sides and Medicine Refining Pavilion people were whispering in a low voice anything's Zha Shi, suddenly the brow tip moved, the subconsciousness called out in alarm: He, he came!” 众人默默端详之时,那边和药器阁众人低声嘀咕着什么的扎锋,突然眉梢一动,下意识惊叫起来:“他,他过来了!” Who?” Ba Si did not bear to stare his one eyes. “谁?”巴斯不耐瞪了他一眼。 The Zha Shi complexion is startled changes, that achieves Origin God Space Deep Meaning! I realized that the change of space, he should clash rapidly!” 扎锋脸色惊变,“那名达到始神空间奥义者!我察觉到了空间的变化,他应该正迅速冲过来!” Such remarks, the people all are the facial expression shake, Blood Devil and the others murderous aura soars to the heavens immediately, stopped restoring power, the complexion all of a sudden became fierce. 此言一出,众人皆是神情一震,血魔等人马上杀气冲天,都停止了恢复力量,脸色一下子变得狰狞起来。 Comes well!” Blood Devil calls out one, this we had the protection, but actually how I must have a look at this person also to play tricks!” “来得好!”血魔暴喝一声,“这趟我们有了防备,我倒要看看此人还能如何捣鬼!” motherfucker, the father has not eaten such greatly has owed, but actually must experience any person to dare so shameless mean!” Ba Si face upwards to bellow, the monster body in the roar rises suddenly, the fluctuation main body, headage kilometer terrifying dragon body is similar to the battleship appears gradually, ominous severe aura shines through from his close scales, is extremely scary. 妈的,老子还没吃过这么大亏,倒要见识见识什么人敢这般无耻卑鄙!”巴斯仰天大吼,在吼声中妖身暴涨,渐渐变幻本体,一头数千米长的恐怖龙身如同战舰般显现出来,凶厉的气息从他细密的鳞甲内透射而出,极其骇人。 That...... Shi Yan! I only am responsible for the ghost jellyfish, not having the energy to deal with others!” Yu Shan also hears here words, the charming complexion slightly changes, suddenly the speaker shouted tenderly. “那个……石岩!我只负责亡魂水母,没有精力应付别人!”郁珊也听到这边的话语,娇媚的脸色稍稍一变,忽然扬声娇呼。 Yes!” Shi Yan hurried precise power, responded to one loudly, is vigilant immediately that prepares to deal with the turbulent offensive of person. “明白!”石岩急忙凝炼力量,放声回应了一句,也马上警惕起来,准备应付来人的汹涌攻势。 Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Medicine Refining Pavilion and Fighting Union numerous Warrior, the revolution deep meaning, fierce fluctuations release from them, is constraining the anger, prepares to transfer the sea water under them the chief criminal pain the killer. 妖族魔族药器阁战盟众多武者,纷纷运转奥义,一个个凶猛的波动从他们身上释放出来,都压抑着怒火,准备对将他们挪移海水的罪魁祸首痛下杀手。 ps: Finally a while, the monthly ticket did not throw became invalid, summon monthly ticket. ps:最后一会儿了,月票不投就作废了,呼唤月票。
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