GOS :: Volume #11

#1070: Being delivered from oppression

Woods cold sea level was covered by the azure quiet sea of fire, the sea water was evaporated rapidly, changes into the toxic smoke to disperse faintly recognizable, various kinds are in flood violently poisonously, is good to be in void passage, has not flowed in Agate Star Field. 森寒的海面被青幽火海覆盖,海水被迅速蒸发,化为毒烟飘渺飞散着,各类剧毒泛滥,好在只是处于虚空通道,没有流入玛琊星域 Yu Shan tranquil graceful float, azure quiet flame never-ending wells up, converges in that cold and gloomy sea level, is strengthening power continually. 郁珊恬静雍容的悬浮着,身上的青幽火焰永无休止的涌出来,汇入那森冷的海面中,持续增强着力量 Shi Yan and Xuan Fei are safely motionless in her side stagnation, the lowering the head bird's eye view below sea level, the body is winding around to cover flame energy, prevented attacking by the toxic smoke. 石岩萱绯安然在她身旁停滞不动,低头俯瞰着下方的海面,身上都缭绕覆盖着火焰能量,防止被毒烟给侵袭了。 Burning hot Essence Heavenly Flame, can evaporate these violently poisonous smog, waits for the toxic smoke to approach, moves their flame wall barrier, will transmit flip-flop the sound, gradual elimination falls. 炙热的本源天火,能够蒸发那些剧毒烟雾,等毒烟临近,一碰触他们身上的火焰壁障,都会传来僻啪声响,逐渐的消泯掉。 Hello!” Under Xuan Fei is bored to death, calls one toward Shi Yan fiercely loudly. “喂!”萱绯百无聊赖之下,朝着石岩猛地大声吆喝一声。 Shi Yan keeps under heart attentively sea level, had a scare by her suddenly, God Body trembles, the forced smile said: Young Lady, what vigor did you shout?” 石岩全神贯注地留心底下海面,被她冷不防吓了一跳,神体微颤,苦笑道:“小姐,你喊个什么劲啊?” Saw that woods cold sea slowly then shallow, by the little volatility the sea water, he was being relaxed gradually, the tight nerve relaxes finally, poured also has the thoughts to respond this cunning and unreasonable foreign country little girl, but his facial expression was still is not too friendly, to girls wordy a little kept at a respectful distance seriously. 眼看那森寒海洋慢慢便浅,被一点点的挥发着海水,他渐渐放松下来,紧绷的神经终于松弛下来,倒也有心思搭理这个刁蛮的外域小丫头了,可他神情依然算不上太友好,对少女的啰嗦当真有点敬而远之。 Your this bastard, how will integrate Ancient Continent all Essence Heavenly Flame, have you killed many people?” Xuan Fei snort|hum, was slanting is seeing him, obviously is not the good person.” “你这种混蛋,怎会融入古大陆的所有本源天火,你是杀了很多人吧?”萱绯哼了一声,斜着眼看他,“明显不是好人。” Shi Yan is astonished however, how wasn't I a good person?” 石岩讶然,“我怎么就不是好人了?” You have killed that many people, captures Heavenly Flame that others fuse, naturally is not the good person.” A Xuan Fei face despises, most hates your this mean viciousness, in that deep meaning source, are many with your same fellow, wants to attain without effort.” “你杀了那么多人,夺得别人融合的天火,自然不是好人。”萱绯一脸鄙夷,“最恨你们这种卑鄙狠毒者,在那奥义源头中,和你一样的家伙很多,都想不劳而获。” „The Essence flame that I must come, does not hunt and kill other people to gather in the deep meaning source.” But Shi Yan explained that „can only say my luck is quite good.” “我得来的本源火焰,并非在奥义源头猎杀旁人收取。”石岩无奈解释了一句,“只能说我运气比较好。” Why you do not regard the main deep meaning flame deep meaning, do you know that looks like your this kind of situation, making us think? Wastes Natural Heavenly Object simply!” Xuan Fei said indignantly: We such diligently, cannot gather the entire Ancient Continent flame, you have this good fortune obviously, may form the vice- soul, really made me wish one could to kill you to be good.” “你为什么不将火焰奥义当成主奥义,你知不知道像你这类的情况,让我们怎么想?简直暴殄天物啊!”萱绯愤愤道:“我们这么努力,也未能聚集全古大陆的火焰,你明明有这个福气,可偏偏形成了副魂,真是让我恨不得杀了你才好。” Shi Yan not very awkward shaking the head, has not continued to manage finances she. 石岩啼笑皆非的摇了摇头,没有继续理财她。 In that flame deep meaning, how you to have the interest to me?” Xuan Fei is actually full of enthusiasm, the courage is also enormous, sees him not to speak, instead gua chirp, „amn't I beautiful? In that deep meaning source, I have met several fellows, with that Sī bō tè same lewd, you are different, that...... What issue do you have?” “在那火焰奥义内,你怎会对我没有兴趣的?”萱绯倒是兴致勃勃,胆子也极大,见他不想讲话,反而更加的呱噪,“难道我不美吗?在那奥义源头中,我碰见过几个家伙,都和那斯波特一样色迷迷的,也就你不一样,那个……你是不是有什么问题啊?” The Shi Yan calm face did not speak. 石岩沉着脸不吭声。 „Do you like the man?” “你喜欢男人?” Shi Yan continues silent, the complexion is even more ugly. 石岩继续沉默,脸色愈发难看。 Really is this, this no wonder, had shown that this Young Lady charm does not have the issue, the one who has the issue is you.” Appearance that a Xuan Fei face understands clearly, affirmative nod, smelly fart said proudly: In our Fire Rain Star Field, does not know that many fellows delivered words to be proud by and me, I said that your sex orientation did not suit, then I finally felt relieved.” Appearance that Xuan Fei relaxed. “真是这样呀,这就难怪了,证明本小姐魅力没有问题,有问题的是你自己。”萱绯一脸了然的模样,肯定的点头,臭屁的傲然说道:“在我们火雨星域,不知道多少家伙以和我讲句话自豪呢,我说嘛,原来你性取向不对劲,这下我总算是放心了。”萱绯松了一口气的模样。 Shi Yan is smelly the face, is disinclined to respond her, if not heart has to ask your master, the father makes you know fiercely! 石岩臭着脸,懒得搭理她,心道若非有求你师傅,老子就让你知道厉害! Snort hū hū shouted! 呼呼呼! In the cold and gloomy sea, spouts the five colors toxic smoke suddenly turbulently, the smog just likes the essence, very thick, rank stink shoots up to the sky. 森冷的海洋内,骤然汹涌喷出五彩的毒烟,烟雾犹如实质,非常浓稠,腥臭味冲天而起。 The Yu Shan facial expression shakes: Must come out!” 郁珊神情一震:“要出来了!” Shi Yan and Xuan Fei attention concentrates at once, stares to look to the sea level, a face anticipation. 石岩萱绯注意力旋即集中起来,都凝视看向海面,一脸期待。 The ghost jellyfish is the vast star territory most ancient mystical life, does not know how born, takes slurping as to live violently poisonously, is toxic fearful flowers and plants medicinal pills, it more likes, is in world rarest different races. 亡魂水母乃浩淼星域最为古老神秘的生灵,也不知道如何诞生的,以吸食剧毒为生,越是毒性可怕的花草丹药,它越是喜欢,是世间最最罕见的异类。 This life is extremely rare, most Antiquity lineage/vein, are containing the heaven and earth miracle, some numerous marvelous, they want to know the real appearance of ghost jellyfish. 这种生灵极其少见,最远古一脉,蕴藏着天地奇迹,有众多奇妙点,他们都想知道亡魂水母的真实模样。 The sea water was evaporated, the ghost jellyfish livelihood place was destroyed it of 1 deep storehouse seabed deep place, finally cannot repress, appears slowly from the sea level. 海水被蒸发,亡魂水母赖以生存之地被人破坏1深藏海底深处的它,终于按耐不住,从海面上慢慢浮现出来。 As if float seaweed in sea, dusky, little floating rises, that ghost jellyfish indeed is the sea jellyfish shape that Shi Yan knows, assumes the huge semicircle, the whole body latticework on a carriage flour gruel is soft, does not have the skeleton, looks fiercely, looks like the meat mountain in sea, the body has covered entirely the disgusting lump, these lumps have the eyelet, braves the colorful toxic smoke from these eyelets, its body ballooning, a while is rising enormous enormous, a while reduces the several fold, is fluctuating consistently. 仿佛海洋内的悬浮海藻,灰蒙蒙的,一点点的浮升,那亡魂水母的确是石岩所知的海洋水母形态,呈巨大的半圆形,周身轱糊糊软绵绵的,没有骨骼,猛地一看,就像是海中的肉山,身上布满了恶心的疙瘩,那些疙瘩还有着小孔,从那些小孔内冒着五颜六色的毒烟,它身体鼓胀着,一会儿涨的极大极大,一会儿又缩小数倍,一致变幻着。 This living thing does not have the head, does not have the body, as if giant malignant tumor floats in the sea level, looked that makes the person lose one's appetite. 这生物没有脑袋,也没有肢体,仿佛巨大的毒瘤浮在海面上,一看就让人倒胃口。 Its soul dispersion, seems in that meat lump, each soul alone exists, can communicate mutually, seems the biology of multi- soul, surpasses the Shi Yan cognition. 它的灵魂分散,仿佛处在那一个个肉疙瘩中,每一个灵魂都单独存在,又能相互沟通,仿佛是多灵魂的生物,超出石岩的认知。 Good disgusting monster!” Xuan Fei curls the lip, the appearance that feeling nauseated, has not seen such ugly thing, was too ugly, Master, you a bit faster burn it, looks at thinks creepy feeling.” “好恶心的怪物!”萱绯撇着嘴,一副要吐的模样,“还没有见过这么丑的东西,太难看了,师傅,你快点烧死它吧,看着都觉得头皮发麻。” The Yu Shan complexion is not quite attractive, she is also first time sees the ghost jellyfish obviously, the black eyebrows micro wrinkle, said: „It is indeed ugly, has not thought really this life is so strange, does not have the head four limbs, the soul disperses, several thousand lump entire release different toxic smokes, fortunately my cultivation deep meaning exactly restrains it, otherwise cannot give birth with the desire that it fights comes.” 郁珊脸色也不太好看,她显然也是第一次见亡魂水母,黛眉微皱,道:“的确很丑陋,真没想到这种生灵那么怪异,没有头颅四肢,灵魂还是分散的,身上的数万疙瘩都全释放不同的毒烟,还好我修炼的奥义恰恰克制它,不然都生不出和它战斗的欲望来。” Quickly solves it!” Waving of Xuan Fei loathing, do not go excessively, is disinclined to look at one again. “赶快解决它吧!”萱绯厌恶的挥挥手,别过头去,懒得再看一眼。 The Shi Yan facial expression is calm, sizes up the ghost jellyfish that is floating earnestly, silently looks at, not louguo small detail. 石岩神情镇定,认真打量着那浮出来的亡魂水母,默默看着,不漏过微小细节。 His carrying capacity tries powerful to be too more than Yu Shan and Xuan Fei obviously, past King of Demon Insect was also very ugly, he can still accept, the disgusting thing that saw was many, he already became accustomed, not because of the disgusting influence conscience of body. 他的承受力显然比郁珊萱绯试图强悍太多,当年的妖虫之王也无比丑陋,他依然可以接受,见的恶心的东西多了,他早已习以为常,不会因为躯体的丑恶影响本心。 The soul of his curious sensation ghost jellyfish. 他好奇的感知亡魂水母的魂魄。 This biological soul has numerous seriously, bunches of hiding in these ugly meat lumps, the soul seem like exist alone, actually faintly mutually shines, each other becomes a whole. 这生物魂魄当真有众多,一簇簇的藏匿在那些丑陋的肉疙瘩中,魂魄看似单独存在,却隐隐相互映照,彼此成一个整体。 So the rarely seen life, he also takes seriously first meeting, the curiosity increases, what stares is looks at steadily. 如此奇葩的生灵,他还当真第一次碰见,好奇心大增,盯的是目不转睛。 Puff Pu! 噗噗噗! , From the ugly meat lump of that ghost jellyfish, gushes out the colorful venom suddenly suddenly, the eruption of venom is turbulent, is similar to the volcanic eruption is common, compared with the person arm also thick venom such as the poisonous snake heaven, unexpectedly several thousand, direct such as the water arrow clashes toward them. 突地,从那亡魂水母的丑陋肉疙瘩内,忽然涌出五颜六色的毒液,毒液的喷发非常汹涌,如同火山爆发一般,比人手臂还粗的毒液如毒蛇上天,竟有数千道,直接如水箭般往他们这边冲来。 Yu Shan had a scare, displays the deep meaning precise azure quiet wall with flues for heating hurriedly, called to shout to Shi Yan: Brings red to walk!” 郁珊吓了一跳,急忙施展奥义凝炼青幽的火墙,冲石岩叫喊道:“带绯儿走!” Xuan Fei does not dare to look at ghost jellyfish, just carried toward that side, Yu Shan knows Daoist believers the odd, fears to this kind of ugly disgusting living thing does not have idea, can only make Shi Yan help. 萱绯不敢去看亡魂水母,刚刚是背朝着那边的,郁珊知道徒儿的怪癖,对这类丑陋恶心的生物怕是没辙,只能让石岩帮忙。 Good!” “好!” Shi Yan complies immediately, puts out a hand Xuan Fei slenderly such as the waist poster of snake, instantaneous revolution power, has been far away from Yu Shan immediately. 石岩立即答应下来,伸手一把将萱绯纤细如蛇的腰肢楼主,瞬间运转力量,顿时远离了郁珊 The Xuan Fei waist is quite slender, plentiful characterless, does not have an excrescence, soft mild, the touch is extremely good, lets Shi Yan slightly actually, remembered just the Xuan Fei virulent spoken language, his big hand around the middle made an effort slightly, but also has pinched two on the Xuan Fei waist, even more thought that the girls willow waist was wonderful. 萱绯腰肢极为纤细,丰腴无骨,没有一丝赘肉,柔软温润,触感极佳,倒是让石岩微微一荡,想起刚刚萱绯的恶毒言语,他拦腰的大手稍稍用力,还在萱绯腰肢上捏了两下,愈发觉得少女柳腰美妙无比。 „Do you, you do?” The Xuan Fei tender body trembles, slender waist somewhat is suddenly unbending, at once is hurried to pat the Shi Yan arm, the elegant face is crimson, stared his one eyes maliciously, why do you pinch me?” “你,你干嘛?”萱绯娇躯微颤,细腰忽然有些僵直,旋即急忙将石岩手臂拍开,俏脸绯红,狠狠瞪了他一眼,“你干吗捏我?” Feared that does not grasp tightly.” The Shi Yan old god was saying. “怕抓不紧。”石岩老神在在道。 Your bastard!” Xuan Fei stares at him to make making threatening gestures shape, said with raw hate: „Do you seize the chance to occupy my advantage/cheap secretly?” “你混蛋!”萱绯盯着他做张牙舞爪状,凶狠道:“你是不是趁机偷偷占我便宜?” No, your master makes me lead you to walk.” The Shi Yan manner is free. “没有,你师傅让我带你走的。”石岩神态自若。 Xuan Fei did not speak, appearance that such bitterly looks at he, must kill people. 萱绯不吭声,就这么恨恨地看着他,一副要杀人的模样。 Shi Yan is calm, does not respond her from the start, still calmly looks to the Yu Shan direction, looks at she as if has become gigantic green fireball, crashes from the place above, carries on the world-shaking battle with that ghost jellyfish. 石岩镇定非常,压根不搭理她,依然从容看向郁珊的方向,看着她仿佛成了硕大的青色火团,从上方坠落下来,与那亡魂水母进行惊天动地的争斗。 The Yu Shan power deep meaning, exactly is the ghost jellyfish natural enemy, various toxoids by her flame fever, were all dissipated, among that heaven and earth to Yang Zhilie the fierce burning hot flame, once were urged to send, terrifying is seriously incomparable, that woods cold sea level vanishes gradually, faintly visible huge light barrier appears little. 郁珊力量奥义,恰恰是亡魂水母天敌,各类毒素被她火焰一烧,全部消散了,那种天地间至阳至烈的凶猛炎热火焰,一经催发出来,当真恐怖无比,那森寒的海面渐渐消失,隐隐可见一个巨大光幕一点点浮现出来。 In light barrier, the obvious huge shadows, carefully look like, clearly is the appearance of battleship. 光幕中,可见一块块巨大的阴影,仔细看来,分明便是战舰的模样。 The Shi Yan eye has shone suddenly, looks with total concentration to the scene in that light barrier, even revolution power in eye pupil, with the aim of looking clearly. 石岩眼睛突然亮了起来,聚精会神看向那光幕内的场景,甚至运转力量在眼眸内,以便瞧的更加清晰一点。 Blood Devil and the others who vanishes inexplicably! 正是莫名消失的血魔等人! He looks at to Blood Devil at the same time, in light barrier Blood Devil and the others have also discovered him, explodes boils to cheer in light barrier, at this time the woods cold sea water by the seeing bottom of burning hot Essence flame incinerator, was puzzled Blood Devil their biggest difficult problem, has been easily solved. 他看向血魔的同时,光幕血魔等人也发现了他,在光幕内炸开锅似的欢呼起来,此时森寒海水被炙热本源火焰焚烧的见底,困扰血魔他们的最大难题,已经迎刃而解了。 Blood Devil, Ba Si and Gu Te are revolving light barrier by big Divine Ability, such as huge ball of light floated the heaven from the interior, had evaded the ghost jellyfish, is drifting in the Shi Yan direction. 血魔巴斯古特以大神通运转着光幕,如巨大光球从内部浮了上天,避过了亡魂水母,往石岩的方向漂移着。 Peng! 嘭! Looking at steadily Shi Yan, God Body shakes loudly, a fleshly body counterforce bursts out fiercely. 目不转睛的石岩,神体轰然一震,一股肉身反击力猛地迸发。 „!” “啊!” behind transmits the Xuan Fei pain to call, her small fist such as had been roasted by the fire, is brandished, ate calling out of pain she makes an effort: You, how your God Body quenchings, gold/metal iron is hard, the pain died I.” 身后传来萱绯的痛叫,她小拳头如被火烤了,被她用力的挥舞着,吃痛的叫道:“你,你神体怎么淬炼的,比金铁还硬,痛死我了。” She seizes the chance to sneak attack, fist bombardment in the Shi Yan back of the body, not only cannot injure to arrive at Shi Yan, is similar to by the Shi Yan fleshly body power entire arm the disruption is instead ordinary, appearance of looking fierce both laughable and adorable, you, you to me, me will not be letting off your!” Xuan Fei another hand is pointing at Shi Yan, the color severe Neili threat. 她趁机偷袭,拳头轰击在石岩后心,不但未能伤到石岩,反被石岩肉身力量整的手骨如同碎裂一般,龇牙咧嘴的模样既可笑又可爱,“你,你给我记着,我不会放过你的!”萱绯另外一只手指着石岩,色厉内莅的威胁。 Shi Yan turned head to shoot a look at her one eyes, chuckled with a forced smile two, was disinclined saying that waved to Blood Devil and the others again and again, hints them to come. 石岩回头瞥了她一眼,嘿嘿干笑两声,也懒得多说,冲血魔等人连连挥手,示意他们过来。 Father has been convinced, this boy fished unexpectedly really us, motherfucker, Blood Devil your boy walked dog shit luck.” “老子真是服气了,这小子居然真将我们捞出来了,妈的,血魔你老小子走了狗屎运了。” Ba Si is shouting, if sound thunderclap explosive. 巴斯嚷嚷着,声若炸雷爆响。 The Blood Devil look is also quite strange, deeply looks to Shi Yan, nodded, all perform slightly in do not call the turn. 血魔眼神也颇为怪异,深深看向石岩,微微点了点头,一切尽在不言中。 ps: The fourth chapter, makes up Union Master clues in addition, um, for all Union Master in addition, although was late, but has not exceeded this month fortunately, this menstruation moon/month of completion, will not tow next month ps:第四章,补盟主“蛛丝马迹”的加更,嗯,为所有盟主都加更了,虽然迟了,但还好没有超过这个月,这月事这月完成,不拖到下个月
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