GOS :: Volume #11

#1069: Refining up the sea

Is bringing Yu Shan and Xuan Fei they, Shi Yan returns to that extremely cold sea area, in that wound around in the sea level of five colors gas cloud to stop. 带着郁珊萱绯两人,石岩重返那极寒海域,又在那缭绕着五彩毒雾的海面上停了下来。 Has separated the several months time, Shi Yan that again comes, the mood is no comparison between them, previous time he is at a loss, is at wit's end facing that sea, does not dare to penetrate Divine Sense, to hiding the ghost jellyfish awe in woods cold sea is incomparable. 隔了数月时间,再一次过来的石岩,心境不可同日而语,上一次他束手无策,面对那海洋无计可施,连神识都不敢深入,对藏匿在森寒海洋内部的亡魂水母敬畏无比。 Today was different, he brought one to achieve Origin God Second Sky fusion Essence flame, this time he had confidence. 今天则是不同了,他带来了一名达到始神二重天的融合本源火焰者,这次他有了把握。 Yu Shan lightly float in sea level, the black eyebrows micro wrinkle, the secret sensation a while, smiled: You said right, indeed is the ghost jellyfish, has not thought really my lifetime can meet in this fearful life of vast Star Sea ominous remoteness.” 郁珊翩然悬浮在海面上,黛眉微皱,暗暗感知了一会儿,嫣然一笑:“你说的没错,的确是亡魂水母,真没有想到我有生之年能够碰见这中浩淼星海凶名远扬的可怕生灵。” Also asked Senior to get rid!” Shi Yan serious say|way. “还请前辈出手!”石岩郑重道。 Naturally, my this straddling of zones comes, is for the ghost jellyfish, naturally must manage independently.” Yu Shan chuckled, does not have to begin immediately, but interestinging looked that first reaches an agreement to him, if I refine to melt the ghost jellyfish, obtained all turned over to me, didn't you have the objection?” “当然,我这趟跨界而来,正是为了亡魂水母,自然不会放手不管。”郁珊轻笑一声,却没有马上就动手,而是饶有兴趣的看向他“先说好,我如果炼化了亡魂水母,所得一切归我,你没有异议吧?” No.” Shi Yan looks solemn. “没有。”石岩神情肃穆。 Under person, won't have the objection?” Yu Shan continues to smile. “底下的人,也不会有异议?”郁珊继续笑着。 No!” Shi Yan continues to nod. “没有!”石岩继续点头。 „Can you take responsibility for them?” Yu Shan is astonished however. “你能为他们做主?”郁珊讶然。 Her Realm achieves Origin God Second Sky, fused the Essence flame, to seabed that Shi Yan cannot Divine Sense enter, does not have the too strong hindrance to her, that instant that she comes, has let loose Divine Sense to see clearly, knows in the sea by restraint the character is fierce. 境界达到始神二重天,又融合了本源火焰,对石岩来说不能神识进入的海底,对她没有太强的阻碍,她过来的那一霎,已经放开神识洞察,知道在海洋内部被束缚着的人物有多么厉害。 Four Origin God! And three people of aura, even achieves Origin God Second Sky Realm! 四名始神!其中有三人的气息,甚至达到始神二重天境界 In their Fire Rain Star Field, so existence of rank is also the top character, the Yu Shan cultivation deep meaning, exactly is the difficult adversary of ghost jellyfish, she has can refine that ghost jellyfish self-confidently. 在她们火雨星域,如此级别的存在也是顶尖的人物,郁珊修炼的奥义,恰恰是亡魂水母的克星,她有自信可以炼化那亡魂水母。 However, once under person works loose, when she refining up the ghost jellyfish, if the intention is illegal, she may unable to endure. 但是,一旦底下的人挣脱出来,在她炼化亡魂水母的时候若心怀不轨,她可吃不消。 Her deep meaning can restrain ghost jellyfish, actually cannot give the suppression following four Origin God. If she consumes greatest power, Realm mind huge loss time. Under person launches an attack suddenly. She estimated that must be kept this place. 她的奥义能够克制亡魂水母,却不能将下面四名始神都给压制。如果她耗费莫大力量,境界心神巨大损耗的时候。底下的人突然发难。她估计要被留在此地。 She has her worry, she cannot determine that Shi Yan status Earth Realm can suppress the following person. Somewhat is suddenly indecisive. 她有她的顾虑,她不敢确定石岩的身份地位能够压住下面的人。一时间有些犹豫不决。 I can guarantee. So long as you have solved the ghost jellyfish, they definitely not unfriendly action a little!” Shi Yan is not silly, knows that she worries anything, serious commitment I can make the pledge!” “我可以保证。只要你将亡魂水母解决了,他们肯定不会有一点的不友善举动!”石岩不傻,知道她顾虑什么,郑重的承诺“我可以立下誓言!” Yu Shan beckons with the hand, shows a faint smile, said: I believe you. Your Agate Star Field is the same with our Fire Rain Star Field, was persecuted by God Clan, after wants to come, we have many partnership opportunities. I also thought that under the person will not fail to see the bigger problem.” 郁珊摆摆手,微微一笑,说道:“我相信你。你们玛琊星域和我们火雨星域一样,都遭受神族迫害,想来以后我们有更多的合作机会。我也觉得底下的人不会那么不识大体。” She fluctuates at once Soul Altar, displays deep meaning, quickly, bunches of azure quiet flame, continuously come out from her sleeve cuff escape, as if continuous cloud cluster, toward that woods cold sea area leisure proximity. 她旋即变幻灵魂祭台,施展奥义,倏地,一簇簇青幽的火焰,从她袖口源源不绝的飞逸出来,仿佛连绵的云团,都往那森寒海域慢悠悠的接近。 Flame energy of terrifying burning hot floods in heaven and earth instantly, entire void passage such as was lit, the burning hot high temperature upward rises steaming, as if no boundary to be ordinary. 恐怖炙热的火焰能量霎时充斥在天地间,整个虚空通道如被点燃,炎热高温腾腾往上攀升,仿佛没有界限一般。 Shi Yan has to plant the misconception of placing the flame rock magma, God Body burning hurting, his face with amazement, realized fusion Essence flame who finally achieves Origin God Boundary, once releases power, can be what kind terrifying, these azure quiet flame, as if continually void passage can dissolve general, is extremely fearful. 石岩有种身处火焰岩浆的错觉,神体都火辣辣的疼,他一脸骇然,终于意识到达到始神境界的融合本源火焰者,一旦释放出力量,会是何等的恐怖,那些青幽的火苗,仿佛连虚空通道都能溶解一般,极其可怕。 Blue quiet bunches of flame, connect the green sea of fire slowly, covers directly above the woods cold sea area. 青幽的一簇簇火苗,慢慢交汇成青色火海,直接覆盖在森寒海域上方。 chi chi chi scoffs!” 嗤嗤嗤嗤!” The colorful smog, upwells suddenly from sea level, the woods cold sea water has seethed with excitement, was evaporated rapidly, Cold Qi and burning hot aura mutual hedge, energy is connecting, forms more and more thick smog. 五颜六色的烟雾,忽然从海面上涌出来,森寒的海水沸腾了,被迅速蒸发,寒气和炎热气息相互对冲,能量交汇着,形成越来越浓稠的烟雾。 Is careful these smog! Includes violently poisonously!” Yu Shan reminded one suddenly. “小心那些烟雾!都含有剧毒!”郁珊突然提醒一句。 A Xuan Fei nimble and resourceful eye pupil revolution, the deep meaning fluctuates quickly, tangerine flame of faint trace fining, such as the gentle feather throws over in her exquisite physique, burning hot aura emits gradually, she is similar to ignorant in red-orange splendid light, brilliant red that the elegant face shines upon is colorful, is really charming. 萱绯灵动的眼眸一转,奥义倏地变幻,一丝丝精炼的橘红火焰,如轻柔羽毛披在她玲珑身姿上,炙热气息渐渐散溢出来,她如同蒙在橘红色华光中,俏脸映照的红艳艳的,煞是娇媚。 Shi Yan knitting the brows head , the intention moves, all along the scarlet-red flame precise is light barrier, binds to tie God Body, prevents the attack of toxic smoke. 石岩皱了皱眉头,心念一动,一贯赤红火焰凝炼为光幕,将神体裹缚住,防止毒烟的侵袭。 In the Yu Shan sleeve cuff gushes out the infinite azure quiet flame, the birthplace links heaven and earth to be ordinary, surging forward, the potential must burn down the day, evaporates the earth, that burning hot ominous severe flame power, the fearful degree surpasses Shi Yan to think greatly. 郁珊袖口内涌出无限的青幽火焰,贯连天地一般,汹涌澎湃,势要将天焚烧,将大地蒸发,那种炙热凶厉的火焰力量,可怕的程度大大超出石岩所想。 Her manner safely, unflustered two are swinging, pinches the marvelous law to decide, the whole body supernatural power and flame fusion, making that green sea of fire even more turbulent, cause that extremely cold sea water evaporated rapid. 她神态安然,从容不迫的两手摆动着,捏出奇妙的法决,周身神力和火焰融合,让那青色火海愈发汹涌,使得那极寒海水被蒸发的更加迅速。 The torrential sea water, under the gaze of Shi Yan, is shoaling at the naked eye obvious speed...... 滔滔海水,在石岩的注视下,以肉眼可见的速度变浅着…… Void passage deep place. 虚空通道深处。 On a giant meteor, is anchoring many Mirage Clan small dish shape battleships, many Mirage Clan clansmen pass and out. 一颗巨大的流星上,停泊着许多幽影族的碟形战舰,有许多幽影族的族人进进出出。 Peripheral, Outer Territory stream ray such as lightning glow flies, brilliant magnificent, more small dish shape War Chariot comes and goes on many meteors, several thousand Mirage Clan clansmen, as if are developing anything, busy continuous. 周边,域外流光电芒飞逝,绚烂瑰丽,更多的碟形战车在许多流星上来来往往,数千幽影族的族人,似乎在拓展着什么,忙碌不休。 On the biggest meteor, has Mirage Clan ancient Dian, in the palace, the Mirage Clan leader may reach just and head of the clan Bei Luo is discussing the matter, below has numerous Mirage Clan warlord to listen attentively. 最大的流星上,有着幽影族的古殿,殿堂内,幽影族首领可达正和族长贝洛商谈着事情,下面有众多幽影族战将用心听着。 Void passage has passed through, we priority, eliminate the sediment in passage now, quite enables the huge battleship of Ascot Family successfully to pass, this matter can not be careless.” Head of the clan Bei Luo calm instruction of Mirage Clan: Recently do not enter Shadow Ghost Prison arbitrarily, that side situation is very complex, waits for Medicine Refining Pavilion Great Elder to capture the Pavilion's Master throne successfully, he will make Agate Star Field thorough be chaotic, making these major influences fight mutually continuous, waits for the Agate Star Field real chaos caused by war to get up, we lead Ascot Family clansmen to enter again, first one step Fighting Union cleaning up.” “虚空通道已经贯穿了,我们如今首要任务,就是将通道内的渣滓肃清,好让阿斯科特家族的庞大战舰能顺利通过,此事不得马虎。”幽影族的族长贝洛冷静的吩咐:“最近别擅自进入暗影鬼狱,那边的情况很复杂,等药器阁大长老成功夺取阁主宝座,他会让玛琊星域彻底乱起来,让那些各大势力相互斗个不休,等玛琊星域真的战乱起来,我们再带领阿斯科特家族族人进入,先一步将战盟给清理掉。” May reach nodded Fighting Union to hinder our many years, that Feng Han not know how to appreciate kindness, unexpectedly with us for the enemy, early damn.” 可达点了点头战盟阻碍我们多年,那锋寒不识抬举,竟然与我们为敌,早该死了。” Feng Han is a character.” Bei Luo knit the brows I to contact with him personally, wants to win victory without firing a shot collects Fighting Union, he actually decisively rejected. Initially, I promised the high interest, he still did not obey, this will of the people was tenacious, if our Mirage Clan did not draw support Ascot Family, but may also not Fighting Union gnawing.” 锋寒是个人物。”贝洛皱了皱眉头“我曾经亲自和他接触过,本想兵不血刃的将战盟归拢,他却果断拒绝了。当初,我许下重利,他依然不就范,此人心性坚韧,我们幽影族如果不借助于阿斯科特家族,还真不一定能将战盟给啃下来。” Head of the clan was modest, that Monster Clan and Devil Clan three big were Origin God, different you given to attend to by the head of the clan?” May reach has thought highly of one at the right moment. “族长过谦了,那妖族魔族的三大始神,不一样被族长你给料理了?”可达适时恭维了一句。 Is the merit of ghost jellyfish.” Bei Luo has not claimed credit „, if no ghost jellyfish, to tidy up them, only feared that uses the strength of our Mirage Clan clan, is extremely difficult. I have also asked for skillfully, ahead of time must be early arranged by it place in them, this can cut the space, reverses them to breeding the sea of ghost jellyfish, if they early have the protection, I am impossible to go well easily, after all, the opposite party has four Origin God, this power is quite seriously fearful, but also really had been lucky Medicine Refining Pavilion left Lou, their starry eyes seriously are everywhere.” “都是亡魂水母的功劳。”贝洛没有居功“如果没有亡魂水母,要想收拾他们,只怕倾尽我们幽影族一族之力,都极其困难。我也是讨了巧,提前在他们必经之地早早布置了,这才可以切割空间,将他们扭转向放养亡魂水母的海洋内,如果他们早有防备,我是不可能轻易得手的,毕竟,对方有四名始神,这一股力量当真极为可怕,还真是多亏了药器阁的左娄,他们的星眼当真是无处不在。” Indeed, does not have the Medicine Refining Pavilion news, our a lot are impossible to be so smooth.” May reach also has to acknowledge. “的确,没有药器阁的消息,我们很多事情都不可能那么顺利。”可达也不得不承认。 Bei Luo and may reach is exchanging, is the God Clan Ascot Family invades, is more definite the detail, making the following person know their plans. 贝洛和可达交流着,为神族阿斯科特家族入侵一事,在确定许多细节,让下面的人知道他们的计划。 They were discussing was saying, suddenly, the Bei Luo complexion suddenly changes, sets out from the seat loudly, startled called out: „It is not right!” 两人谈着说着,突地,贝洛脸色骤然一变,轰然从座位上起身,惊叫道:“不对!” May reach stunned head of the clan, what has not to suit?” 可达愕然“族长,有什么不对劲的?” I in space restriction of that region arrangement, as if slowly am becoming less crowded, I realize extremely burning hot aura!” Bei Luo is suddenly anxious ghost jellyfish is we invites from Ascot Family, if there is any accident, our Mirage Clan has no way to confess!” “我在那一处区域布置的空间禁制,似乎在慢慢松动,我察觉到一股极其炎热的气息!”贝洛忽然焦急起来“亡魂水母是我们从阿斯科特家族请过来的,若是有了什么意外,我们幽影族没法交代!” Can't?” May reach has also daunted us from Medicine Refining Pavilion left Lou Nabian, conclusive affirmation Agate Star Field had not fused the Essence flame Origin God, will this ghost jellyfish towing, how make a mistake? left Lou in pit we?” “不会吧?”可达也吓住了“我们从药器阁左娄那边,已经确凿的肯定玛琊星域没有融合本源火焰的始神,这才将亡魂水母给牵引过来,怎会出错?左娄难道在坑我们?” Should not be.” Bei Luo deeply inspires is important, we had a look at the situation immediately in the past, if is really so, must prevent fully!” “应该不是。”贝洛深吸一口气“事关重大,我们立即过去看看情况,如果真是如此,必须全力阻止!” Good!” “好!” ...... …… In woods cold sea water. 森寒海水中。 Huge energy barrier Center, the hot tempered surface of spiritual exhausted Ba Si evil dragon reveals with nothing left, was foul-mouthed, the anger was enormous, thought that not to be how satisfactory. 巨大的能量结界〖中〗央,精神疲惫的巴斯孽龙的暴躁面显露无遗,骂骂咧咧的,火气极大,觉得怎么都不顺心。 They have tried various methods, the policies of many side doors also took, is still at wit's end to the ghost jellyfish, this makes numerous Expert more and more easy to lose one's temper, their many subordinates do not dare to approach, for fear that brings in the anger to burn the body. 他们尝试了各种方法,许多偏门的方针也都拿了出来,依然对亡魂水母无计可施,这让众多强者越来越容易动怒,他们很多麾下都不敢靠近,生怕引来怒火烧身。 Feng Yan already could not support, has been drawing support Medicine Refining Pavilion medicinal pills and Divine Crystal is restoring, the short time will not be helpful to the situation. 风言早已撑不住,一直在借助于药器阁丹药神晶恢复着,短时间不会对局势有帮助。 Ba Si and Gu Te are energy light barrier exert power throughout, a little could not endure. 巴斯古特始终为能量光幕施加力量,也有点吃不消了。 Blood Devil even arrived has used the Devil Blood situation. 血魔甚至到了动用魔血的地步。 Situation unprecedented is stern, people know , if no external force to appear, they feared that was very difficult to break out of this aspect. 形势前所未有的严峻起来,众人都知道如果没有外力出现,他们怕是很难摆脱这个局面了。 When Ba Si and Gu Te, the Blood Devil sudden facial expression moves agitated, gains ground the looks at dark sea water, said: He came.” 巴斯古特烦躁不已的时候,血魔突然神情一动,抬头看着幽暗的海水,道:“他又过来了。” Shi Yan?” At will how Ba Si snort|hum did come to be able? We cannot eradicate, he?” 石岩么?”巴斯随意哼了一句“过来又能如何?我们都不能破除,他难道可以?” He comes back not to help matters, if you can also contact with him, should better make him hide distant.” But Gu Te said. “他回来也无济于事,你如果还能联系他,最好让他躲的远远的。”古特无奈道。 No, this is not quite same.” Blood Devil closes one's eyes, is feeling silently, suddenly the eye releases dazzling rays of light you to induce well, the woods cold sea water of top of the head, is evaporating slowly!” “不,这趟不太一样。”血魔闭着眼睛,默默感受着,突然眼睛释放出刺目的光芒“你们好好感应一下,头顶的森寒海水,在慢慢蒸发!” The people shake loudly, emits Soul Consciousness, at once has stood suddenly, facial expressions, from saw the huge pleasant surprise to the grid in excitedly. 众人轰然一震,纷纷放出灵魂意识,旋即霍然站了起来,一个个神情激动之极,都从对方眼中看到了巨大的惊喜。 They felt, the woods cold sea water of top of the head vanished gradually, even can realize faintly a disorder aura penetrated slowly. 他们都感觉到了,头顶的森寒海水渐渐消失,甚至能隐隐察觉到一丝紊乱的气息慢慢深入下来。 motherfucker, boy if really can help us withdraw, the father was sincerely convinced to him.” Ba Si is red the eye to bellow with a smile. 妈的,那小子真要是能帮我们脱身,老子真的对他心服口服了。”巴斯红着眼睛笑着大吼。
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