GOS :: Volume #11

#1068: Straddling of zones

Shadow Ghost Prison, the star of Medicine Refining Pavilion ninth life. 暗影鬼狱,药器阁第九生命之星。 Bettina, in the stars internal main shrine, unceasing relation Zha Shi and Fu Wei, what a pity throughout does not have the news to return dignified. 贝蒂娜神情凝重之极,在星辰内部的主殿内,不断的联系扎释芙薇,可惜始终没有消息返回。 Doesn't have the news?” Medicine Refining Pavilion consecration Timlin frowns, nearly one year, actually did they go to where? Why links a news? In the pavilion the Elder congress will soon be held, Zha Shi and Fu Wei as Elder, should know that the importance of Elder congress, Sacred Scripture still on Fu Wei, they are particularly up to mischief?” “还是没消息?”药器阁的供奉蒂姆林皱着眉头,“快一年时间了,他们究竟去了何处?为什么连一丝消息没有?阁内长老大会即将举行,扎释芙薇身为长老,应该知道长老大会的重要性,尤其是圣典还在芙薇身上,他们搞什么鬼?” The Medicine Refining Pavilion Elder congress, relates the determination of new Pavilion's Master, this ponders, just like fire such as tea is carrying on. 药器阁长老大会,关系新一任阁主的确定,此忖正如火如茶的进行着。 Similarly as Elder, grips the bell and Fu Wei is an important member, if when the Elder congress does not appear, means the initiative forfeit. 同样身为长老,扎铎和芙薇都是重要的一份子,如果在长老大会的时候不出现,意味着主动弃权。 Third Elder Bettina plans for many years, once spread the news to say obtains Sacred Scripture, a side that most was favored, has enormously possibly in the Pavilion's Master treasure position competes on obtains the winning side, now Zha Shi and Fu Wei vanish in abundance, to this side influence simply is the ruinous attack. 三长老贝蒂娜筹谋多年,又曾传出消息说得到圣典,本来是最被看好的一方,有极大可能在阁主宝位争夺上取得上风,如今扎释芙薇纷纷消失,对她这一方势力简直是毁灭性的打击。 I did not have anything clearly.” The Bettina complexion is ugly, „, if not suffer the accident, I think that they will not respond, they have probably encountered the big problem.” “我也不清楚发生了什么。”贝蒂娜脸色难看,“如果不是遭受意外,我想他们不会不回应,他们可能遇到了大麻烦。” Bettina knows that Zha Shi and Fu Wei make anything, and she also approved. 贝蒂娜知道扎释芙薇去做什么,并且她本来也是赞同的。 If Zha Shi and Fu Wei can confirm that God Clan will soon invade, confirmed that Great Elder and Mirage Clan have been connected, then, this Medicine Refining Pavilion Elder congress, Great Elder left Mai will directly be handled, not only cannot wield the position of Medicine Refining Pavilion Pavilion's Master, will also be eliminated all, even was possibly chased down by Medicine Refining Pavilion. 如果扎锋芙薇能够证实神族即将入侵,证实大长老幽影族有所关联,那么,这趟药器阁长老大会,大长老左麦就会被直接处置,不但不能执掌药器阁阁主之位,还会被剥夺一切,甚至可能被药器阁追杀。 Also is knows the matter that Zha Shi and Fu Wei must handle, concerned the campaign of new Pavilion's Master her Bettina to tacitly consent. 也是知道扎锋芙薇要做的事情,关乎新阁主的竞选她贝蒂娜才默许了下来。 Where knows that in the most crucial time, Zha Shi and Fu Wei suddenly mystical is missing 哪里知道在最为关键的时刻,扎释芙薇突然神秘失踪 News this has not made the Bettina annoyed intent dry, knows that Zha Shi and Fu Wei fall certainly into the tight encirclement. 一点消息没有这不由让贝蒂娜心烦意燥,知道扎释芙薇一定身陷重围。 Without how much time.” Timlin sighed, said according to you, your this side could Summit, after all Sacred Scripture was retrieved by you. But Fu Wei and Zha Shi are missing now, you are unable to confirm that Sacred Scripture had by you, does not have Sacred Scripture, related Great Elder matter that you said before, really very difficultly definite genuine and fake. Perhaps this, you wanted the disastrous defeat to end.” “没有多少时间了。”蒂姆林叹了一口气,“根据你所言,本来你们这一方或许能够登顶,毕竟圣典由你们寻回。可现在芙薇扎释失踪,你们无法证实圣典被你们持有,没有圣典,你们以前所说的有关大长老的事情,真的很难来确定真假。这趟,恐怕你这边要惨败收场了。” Definitely is left Jiang creates difficulties!” Bettina clenches teeth secretly “肯定是左姜从中作梗!”贝蒂娜暗暗咬牙 Starry eyes are dominated by him “星眼由他把持 That locates the Shadow Ghost Prison most mystical region, should have his informer, he reaches certainly the secret agreement with Mirage Clan, surrounded Zha Shi and Fu Wei temporarily. ” 那处暗影鬼狱最为神秘区域,应该有他的眼线,他一定是与幽影族达成秘密协议,将扎释芙薇暂时困住了。” Is this does not have the means.” Timlin whole face is helpless, had settled down, Great Elder wielded the Pavilion's Master position, he was easier to shirk. When the time comes, Fu Wei and Zha Shi, even if takes Sacred Scripture to return, vacillation he status Earth Realm in pavilion.” “是这样也没有办法。”蒂姆林满脸无奈,“等尘埃落定了,大长老执掌阁主位置了,他就更容易推脱了。到时候,芙薇扎释即便拿着圣典返回,也动摇不了他在阁内的身份地位了。” In Bettina heart heavy. 贝蒂娜心中沉重。 Shadow Ghost Prison border, fluctuation on-board of life. 暗影鬼狱边沿,一个浮动的生命之星上。 Great Elder left ginger manner sits well in the giant medicine cauldron center tranquilly, is precise power, seems quenching medicinal pills not to have the Elder congress to be forthcoming, extraordinary calmness. 大长老左姜神态恬静端坐在一个个巨大的药鼎中央,凝炼着力量,似乎在淬炼着丹药没有长老大会即将举行的不安,出奇的镇定。 Head of the clan Hammer of Ghost Mark clan, all alone comes, stands in one side silently with deep veneration, is waiting for anything. 鬼纹族的族长哈默,孤身一人前来,在一旁默默肃然站着,在等候着什么。 For a long time, left Jiang opens eyes, sees only that giant medicine cauldron, transmits medicine fragrance that gladdens the heart, he shows a faint smile, said: Luck is good, pill of this quenching ** the nature is very good. Hammer, a while takes some medicinal pills to go back, can raise the soul to strengthen the Divine Sense strength, your good of this doing.” 许久后,左姜睁开眼,只见那一个个巨大的药鼎,传来沁人心脾的药香味,他微微一笑,说道:“运气不错,这次淬炼的丹**质都很不错。哈默,一会儿去拿一些丹药回去,能养魂增强神识力,你这趟做的不错。” Hammer has smiled, is good of your layout, is the coordination of Mirage Clan.” 哈默笑了起来,“都是您布局的好,还有就是幽影族的配合。” Half years ago, Hammer's Ghost Mark clan clansman, through all sorts of ways discovered that Devil Clan, Monster Clan, Fighting Union and Zha Shi and Fu Wei trend, contacted with left Fen immediately, left Mai receives the news, immediately and head of the clan direct communication of Mirage Clan. 年前,哈默的鬼纹族族人,通过种种途径发现魔族妖族战盟扎释芙薇的动向,立即联系左粪,左麦获得消息了,又马上和幽影族的族长直接沟通。 They have planned, is adopted the movement by head of the clan Mirage Clan, does not know that has made anything in secret, making these once cause that the Shadow Ghost Prison all parties influence alarmed and afraid restless strong alliance vanished strangely. 他们筹谋了一番,由幽影族族长采取动作,不知道暗中做了什么,使得那些一度引得暗影鬼狱各方势力惊惧不安的强势联盟诡异消失。 Hammer does not know further information actually, only knows that these disappearance, possibly really forever disappeared. 哈默其实也不知道详细情况,只知道那些消失者,可能是真的永远消失了。 He knows Mirage Clan clansman who begins, quite fears at heart, can let Monster Clan, Devil Clan, Fighting Union and Zha Shi their allied armies complete destruction, can this big writing skill energy? 他知道动手的幽影族族人,心里极为恐惧,能让妖族魔族战盟扎释他们的联军全部覆灭,这要多大的手笔能量 Hammer even more awed to Mirage Clan. 哈默对幽影族愈发敬畏了。 Relax, they will again never pose the threat to us. Head of the clan Mirage Clan promised me personally that they were impossible to appear, did not have this uncertainties, this Elder congress I exerted its utmost!” left Mai self-confident say|way. “放心吧,他们永远不会再对我们构成威胁了。幽影族族长亲自向我保证,他们再也不可能出现,没了这个不确定因素,这次长老大会我势在必得!”左麦自信满满道。 A Hammer face sincere start thinks highly. 哈默一脸真诚的开始恭维。 Extremely cold sea. 极寒的海洋内部。 A stream ray overflowing color giant cover comes out by energy purely precise, the side cold sea water light wave of shining is vast, light covers the border in that is winding around the colorful water fluid, with the light cover moves, the light cover transmits chi chi sound, seemed being defended energy by melt. 一个流光溢彩的巨大罩子纯粹以能量凝炼出来,照耀的极寒海水光波浩淼,在那光罩边沿,缭绕着五颜六色的水液,和光罩碰触的时候,光罩传来“嗤嗤”声响,似乎在被消融着防御能量 Only covers the interior, battleships as if are anchoring in not the real space, peripheral rays of light glittering interweaves, the people face that reflects cloudy clear uncertain. 光罩内部,一艘艘战舰仿佛在不真实的空间停泊着,周边光芒闪烁交织,映的众人脸庞阴晴不定。 This is Devil Clan, Monster Clan, Fighting Union and Medicine Refining Pavilion battleship, about thousand, give to be stranded in this place, for a long time works loose well. 这是魔族妖族战盟药器阁的战舰,近千艘,都给困在此地,长时间挣脱不错。 Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and Feng Yan four achieve other beginning Divine level Expert thinly and pale, manner slightly, the consumption huge painstaking care appearance, Feng Yan most cannot withstand, the face whiten does not have the scarlet, this is the power consumption too big indication. 血魔巴斯古特风言四名达到始神级别的强者,神态略员憔悴、番耗费巨大心血的模样,其中风言最为不堪,脸色苍白没有血色,这是力量耗费太大的征兆。 About thousand battleships, assume the ring-like accumulation in the same place, Warrior of four influences hide in the battleship, the whole body is condensing power, complexion are gloomy. 近千艘战舰,呈环形聚集在一块,四股势力的武者都躲藏在战舰内部,周身凝聚着力量,一个个都面色灰暗。 Does not know that is actually any ghost thing, seriously is weird!” Ba Si agitated! We four people of power add, unexpectedly cannot execute it, that thing soul is scattered, once were eliminated one bunch, will be precise, I never have also seen this living thing, imitates, if Immortal is ordinary.” “也不知道究竟是什么鬼东西,当真是邪门!”巴斯烦躁不已!“我们四人的力量加起来,居然都不能将其格杀,那东西魂魄是分散的,一旦被消灭一簇,又会重新凝炼出来,我还从未见过这种生物,仿若不死一般。” This is not our Agate Star Field should have the life that whole body is violently poisonous, the key is these violently poisonous , is not only influential to God Body, even can also invade Soul Altar. To be honest, if personally does not see, I do not believe that in world also has such strange biology to exist.” Gu Te also smiles bitterly. “这不是我们玛琊星域应该有的生灵,浑身皆是剧毒,关键是那些剧毒不但对神体有影响,甚至还可以侵入灵魂祭台。老实说,如果不是亲眼所见,我都不相信世间还有这么怪异的生物存在。”古特也苦笑不已。 We could not support too for a long time, must try to find a solution.” Blood Devil deeply frowns, „ the violent poisonousness of that life, throughout in corroding the wall barrier under our arrange, in consuming our power, in our four, Feng Yan could not support, three of us restore the speed to dig Di unable to block the rapid consumption. The means of if again not solving, will perhaps be buried in this place. “我们撑不了太长时间,必须想个办法。”血魔深深皱着眉头,“那生灵的剧毒,始终在腐蚀我们布下的壁障,在消耗我们的力量,我们四个中,风言已经率先撑不住了,我们三人恢复速度刨氐挡不住迅速的消耗。如果再没有解决的办法,恐怕都会葬身此地了。 This period of time our anything method has tried, is basic the function.” Medicine Refining Pavilion Zha Shi puts on a long face, that Origin God Boundary Space Deep Meaning, destroyed the surrounding space structure, I do not have the means to tear a slit, otherwise we can also flee.” “这段时日我们什么方法都已经试过了,根本起不到作用啊。”药器阁扎释哭丧着脸,“那名始神境空间奥义者,破坏了周围空间的结构,我没有办法撕裂一道缝隙,不然我们还可以逃离出去。” Good Shi Yan has not met with a disaster with us together.” In the people the Xia Xinyan manner is still calm, similar despairs she to experience one time, the disposition whet simply tenacious like the iron stone, perhaps he discovered after our exceptionally, can return to Shadow Ghost Prison to say the situation, possibly we can have life force.” “还好石岩没有跟我们一道遭殃。”众人中夏心妍依然神态淡定,类似的绝望她经历过一次,心性被磨砺的简直坚韧如铁石,“也许他发现我们的异常后,能够返回暗影鬼狱将情况说出来,可能我们能有一线生机。” He simply has not left peripheral!” Blood Devil has cancelled her illusion directly, the facial expression is somewhat unusual, here, although is strange, but I can still the sensation arrive at him, he wanders nearby us, has not left.” “他根本没有离开周边!”血魔直接打消了她的幻象,神情有些异样,“这儿虽然非常诡异,但我依然可以感知到他,他就在我们附近徘徊,从来没有离开过。” „?” Fu Wei has gawked dull, he should walk, cannot form the help by his power to us, if returns to Shadow Ghost Prison to look for Fighting Union Union Master or our Medicine Refining Pavilion Elder, perhaps can also rescue us, but now......” “啊?”芙薇呆愣了一下,“他该走的,以他的力量对我们不能形成帮助,如果返回暗影鬼狱战盟盟主或我们的药器阁长老,或许还能解救我们,但现在……” The people look at each other to smile bitterly. 众人相视苦笑。 Nobody thought that Shi Yan paces back and forth peripheral wise, this place cannot work loose by the power deep meaning including Blood Devil, Ba Si, Gu Te and Feng Yan four Origin God, his can Shi Yan be what kind of? 没有人觉得石岩徘徊周边明智,此地连血魔巴斯古特风言四名始神都不能凭借力量奥义挣脱,他石岩又能怎样? He is not stupid, he should know to have anything, I think that he has his method.” Blood Devil is narrowing the eye, said slowly: Everybody continues to profit by opinions from various sources, will think that can a trial side door method also mention listens, we try, can look work loose.” “他不笨,他应该知道发生什么,我想他有自己的方法。”血魔眯着眼睛,缓缓道:“大家继续集思广益,将觉得可以一试的偏门方法也说来听听,我们都来试试,看看能不能挣脱掉。” Such remarks, the people all are with a worried look, oh sound sigh. 此言一出,众人又皆是愁眉不展,唉声叹息不已。 Able to move unhindered audiences best pick of the crop Expert in space, tied up here, unexpectedly is at wit's end one by one, is lets them seriously agitated. 纵横宇内的一众拔尖强者,都被捆缚此处,居然各个无计可施,当真是让他们烦躁不已。 In marvelous void passage. 奇妙的虚空通道内。 Wall barrier of Shi Yan looks at that tearing, is startled to receive quietly Blood Sword, is adjusting the God Body condition secretly, do not appear extremely distressed. 石岩看着那撕裂的壁障,悄惊将血剑收起,暗暗调整着神体状态,别显得太过狼狈。 That mystical sharp sword strikes, extracts his three points of strength power, this opens wide the space wall barrier, but he not only does not have one to frustrate, in the heart excitedly is actually hard to take, had a more direct-viewing understanding to the sharpness of this handle sword. 神秘利剑的一击,抽取他三分之力力量,这才将空间壁障洞开一口,可他不但没有一丝挫败,心中却激动难耐,对这柄剑的锋利有了更加直观的认识。 Ten thousand years ago, Agate Star Field and Fire Rain Star Field draw support the natural topography precise void wall barrier, prevents two star territory intercommunications, he only then trivial Void God boundary cultivation base, without that handle sword, complete power displays, shells to bond such as to scratch an itch in the boot in the wall, the effect does not have. 年前,玛琊星域火雨星域借助于天然地势凝炼的虚空壁障,是防止两大星域互通,他只有区区虚神修为,在没有那柄剑的情况下,全部力量施展出来,轰击在壁障上如隔靴搔痒,一点效果没有。 But that Blood Sword, tears the opening instantaneously, does this want the what kind sharpness? 可那血剑一出,瞬间撕裂到口子,这要何等的锋利? Genesis Level God Weapon powerful, is really outstanding, destroys the hardest defenses seriously. 元始级神兵强悍,果然不同凡响,当真是无坚不摧。 He reorganized correct manners discipline slightly, waits for soon, suddenly the eye silently one brightly, the soul had the sensation. 他稍稍整理了一下仪容,默默等候不多久,突然眼睛一亮,灵魂有了感知。 Blue scarlet-red two bunches of rays of light, such as the filariasis flies, draws the elegant arc in the ignition rain, plunders directly in his direction. 一青一赤红两束光芒,如流火飞逝,在点点火雨中划出优美弧线,径直朝着他的方向掠来。 Thousand Xiu! 咻! Two bunches of rays of light put from that space slit, rays of light fluctuated a instant, appears two exquisite graceful silhouette. 两束光芒从那空间缝隙一穿而过,光芒变幻了一霎,显现出两道优美曼妙的身影 Yu Shan of green dress, graceful graceful, as if a fresh flower of tender and beautiful desire drop, beautiful moving, red-orange binds Xuan Fei of clothes tight-fitting, the elf is strange, the curve is exquisite, the eye turning round rotation, as if the moment is stopping general. 一身青色裙装的郁珊,雍容优雅,仿佛一朵娇艳欲滴的鲜花,明媚动人,一身橘红色紧身裹衣的萱绯,精灵古怪,曲线玲珑,眼睛滴溜溜的转动着,仿佛一刻不得消停一般。 Beautiful woman girls, presently behind bright eyes staring to him, quite curious appearance. 一美妇一少女,现身后都明眸凝视向他,颇为好奇的模样。 „Do you pierce the wall barrier? By your Realm cultivation base, I think that very difficultly, has not thought that unexpectedly is the extraordinary rapidness, stems from my intent pestle greatly.” Yu Shan sound Qing is graceful, corners of the mouth are holding the light faint smile, is similar to neighbor Eldest Sister, making people think very comfortable. “你怎么洞穿壁障的?以你的境界修为,我本以为很难的,没想到竟是出奇的快,大大出乎我意杵。”郁珊声音清婉轻柔,嘴角噙着淡淡浅笑,如同邻家大姐,让人觉得很舒服。 My fate is quite good.” The Shi Yan mood is urgent, had not explained the meaning in detail, said: Can pass?” “我运道比较好。”石岩心情急迫,也没有详细解释了意思,道:“可以过去了么?” Naturally.” Yu Shan unflustered including saying with a smile. “当然。”郁珊从容不迫的含笑道。 We walk immediately!” “那我们立即走!” ps: The second chapter, below also has , to continue to ask the monthly ticket!! ps:第二章,下面还有,继续求月票!!
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