GOS :: Volume #11

#1067: Not firm broken

The Shi Yan spirit rose returns to God Body, suddenly has stood, then he saw thin and pale Zuo Shi. 石岩灵瑰重归神体,忽然就站了起来,然后他就看见了憔悴的左诗 Zuo Shi is dishevelled hair and dirty face, the body moistened completely the dust, the small face ash threw, the big eye was staring at him firmly, was given to have a scare by him likely. 左诗蓬头垢面,身上沾满了灰尘,小脸灰扑扑的,大眼睛牢牢盯着他,像是被他给吓了一跳。 Your how long hasn't rested? Appears me is more tired than?” Shi Yan stunned. “你多久没有休息了?怎么显得比我还要累?”石岩愕然 Since your cultivation, I have not rested.” Zuo Shi smiles reluctantly, relaxed secretly, you are all right fortunately, now I have felt relieved, finally can restore well.” “从你修炼至今,我都没有休息过。”左诗勉强一笑,暗暗松了一口气,“还好你没事,现在我就放心了,终于可以好好恢复恢复了。” Deep looks at she, in Shi Yan heart micro warm, soft voice said: Silly thing, here is very safe, your tense what vigor? This place meteor flies to flee, not having the battleship dares to leave for rashly, not some people not awfully moves here.” 深深的看着她,石岩心中微暖,温声道:“傻丫头,这里很安全,你紧张个什么劲?此地流星飞窜,没有战舰敢冒然开赴过来,也不会有人不要命的在这边活动。” But your cultivation time, was separated from God Body including the soul, if really some people approached, can kill you easily.” Zuo Shi earnest say|way. “可你修炼的时候,连灵魂都脱离神体了,真要是有人接近,可以轻易杀了你呀。”左诗认真道。 You rest well, I go out, a little matter must process.” Shi Yan is moved secretly, little girl does not know how long has protected his, for fear that may have a accidental possibility extremely, will fear in his cultivation to be disturbed. “你好好休息休息,我出外一趟,有点事情要处理。”石岩暗暗感动,小丫头也不知道守护了他多长时间,就生怕可能会有万分之一的意外可能,怕他修炼中会被打搅了。 I and you together.” Zuo Shi opens the eye, is revolving secretly within the body power, feigns said full of energy: I do not have anything.” “我和你一起吧。”左诗睁大眼睛,暗暗运转着体内力量,佯装精神抖擞道:“我没什么的。” You stay behind!” Shi Yan stared her one eyes, persists in saying: You could not make anything with me in the past, first restored to say power again.” “你留下!”石岩瞪了她一眼,坚持道:“你跟着我过去做不了什么的,先将力量全部恢复过来再说。” Generally Realm profound Warrior, does not need to supplement the energy through the sleep, but must by sitting in meditation to adjust itself, Zuo Shi so the nerve tightens for a long time, the moment does not have the news to affect the Realm essence actually very much, Shi Yan knows the Daoist priest time maintains attention offending somebody how, naturally cannot continue to consume her mind. 一般境界高深的武者,不需要通过睡眠来补充精力,但依然要由静坐来调整自己,左诗这般长时间神经绷紧,一刻没有消息其实是很影响境界精气的,石岩知道长时间保持注意力多么的伤人,自然不能继续耗费她的心神。 Good.” Zuo Shi is always clever disposition, had not insisted that is in front of his to close one's eyes silently, takes out Divine Crystal to restore aura. “那好吧。”左诗从来都是乖巧的脾性,也没有坚持,当着他的面默默闭上眼,取出神晶来恢复气息 Shi Yan felt relieved that said: You are also careful.” 石岩放下心来,道:“你也小心一点。” He flies from the meteor center at once 他旋即从流星中央飞离 Sped along a while 飞驰了一会儿 Also arrives at the Shadow Ghost Prison most marvelous region, the looks at space slits, continuously Divine Sense lets loose, drills into these space slit mouths. 又来到暗影鬼狱最为奇妙的区域,看着一个个空间缝隙,一缕缕神识放开,钻入那些空间缝隙口。 In that marvelous deep meaning source, his Wanami woman and girls exchanged one to have a superficial cognition to the status of their priests and disciples in detail. 在那奇妙的奥义源头,他和那美妇、少女详细交流了一番对她们师徒的身份有了点浅薄的认知。 beautiful woman named Yu Shan, Origin God Second Sky Realm, girls called Xuan Fei Void God First Sky Realm, the priest and disciple came from Fire Rain Star Field as if are an unusual powerful influence. 美妇名为郁珊,始神二重天境界,少女萱绯虚神一重天境界,师徒俩来自于火雨星域似乎属于一股非常强悍的势力。 Fire Rain Star Field is the same with Agate Star Field, is the high Level star territory, this star territory is also a few not by the star territory that God Clan wrests away, it is said is also at with the condition that God Clan year to year battles, naturally does not have what good impression to God Clan. 火雨星域玛琊星域一样,也是高等级星域,这个星域也是少数几个没有被神族霸占的星域,据说还处于和神族常年交战的状态,对神族自然没有什么好的印象。 Reason that God Clan ghost jellyfish exile Fire Rain Star Field, has not been because knows the Fire Rain Star Field cultivation flame power deep meaning, and achieves extremely high Realm to be many. 神族之所以没有将亡魂水母放逐火雨星域,是因为知道火雨星域修炼火焰力量奥义,并且达到极高境界者不少。 God Clan should the clear ghost jellyfish impossible Fire Rain Star Field stirring earth-shaking, has not acted unreasonably, if not for Fire Rain Star Field has Yu Shan this kind to fuse the Essence flame and achieves Origin God Expert, perhaps, the treatment possible to be similar to Agate Star Field. 神族应该清楚亡魂水母不可能将火雨星域给搅个天翻地覆,才没有乱来,若不是火雨星域郁珊这类融合本源火焰并达到始神强者,或许,待遇可能和玛琊星域差不多。 Fire Rain Star Field and Agate Star Field great distance is not far, in the extremely early time, two star territories also once had toward, void passage nature penetration. 火雨星域玛琊星域相隔不算远,在极早的时代,两个星域还曾经有过来往,虚空通道自然贯通。 But afterward a time, two star territory mutual hatreds, had erupted the battle, the both sides short loss of time is huge, a side cannot have the superiority, is in the evenly matched level, to prevent to continue the senseless battle, both sides tacit stops up void passage, the later ten thousand years two star territories did not have the connection again. 但后来一个时期,两个星域交恶,爆发过争斗,双方短时间损失巨大,没有一方可以占据优势,处于势均力敌的层次,为了防止继续无谓的争斗,双方都默契的将虚空通道堵住,之后的万年两个星域再没有了瓜葛。 That time, God Clan was famous, has not actually bribed Agate Star Field and Fire Rain Star Field ability, these two star territories do not have the common enemy, therefore fights mutually. 那个时期,神族已经声名远播了,却还没有染指玛琊星域火雨星域的能力,这两个星域也没有共同敌人,所以相互战斗。 After ten thousand years, to today, Fire Rain Star Field has encountered with God Clan officially, but Agate Star Field also starts staring by Ascot Family, said that these two star territories together are dealing with God Clan, if at this time void passage were ripped open, both sides are impossible to continue the battle. 时隔万年,到了今天,火雨星域已经和神族正式交锋了,而玛琊星域也开始被阿斯科特家族给盯上,说起来,这两个星域都在共同应付神族,这时候如果虚空通道被撕开了,双方也不可能继续争斗。 On the contrary, enormous opportunity brings together. 相反,还有极大的机会抱成一团。 Also is so, when Yu Shan clarifies the Agate Star Field situation, complied to come very much refreshedly, helping him solve the ghost jellyfish, gave itself to harvest the advantage. 也是如此,当郁珊弄清楚玛琊星域的局势,很爽快的答应了要过来一趟,帮助他解决亡魂水母,也给自己收获好处。 According to Yu Shan, Agate Star Field and Fire Rain Star Field void passage, the interior had the continuous flame raindrop sector, this was the Fire Rain Star Field characteristics, in the Fire Rain Star Field border sector, had similar flame raindrop, was the origin of Fire Rain Star Field name. 按照郁珊所言,玛琊星域火雨星域的虚空通道,内部有连绵火焰雨点区间,这是火雨星域的特性,在火雨星域的边沿区间,都有类似的火焰雨点,也是火雨星域名字的由来。 After these hot rain it is said are Fire Rain Star Field Ancient Continent crushes, form, is containing some marvelousness, is the natural wall barrier, the Fire Rain Star Field border sealing up. 那些火雨据说是火雨星域一个古大陆粉碎后形成的,蕴藏着某种奇妙,是天然的壁障,将火雨星域的边沿给封闭着。 Any and star territory of Fire Rain Star Field connection, in void passage has similar flame raindrop area, so long as Shi Yan is seeking flame raindrop aura in Shadow Ghost Prison, can affirm that void passage then colludes Fire Rain Star Field. 任何和火雨星域连通的星域,虚空通道内都有类似的火焰雨点区,只要石岩暗影鬼狱寻着火焰雨点气息,就可以肯定那虚空通道便是勾连火雨星域的。 Continuously Divine Sense like the water snake, drills in his front space slit, fumble sensation slowly...... 一缕缕神识如游蛇,在他面前的空间缝隙内钻来钻去,慢慢的摸索感知…… The time passes, his Divine Sense continues to extend thoroughly, the condition that the sensation obtains maps the heart slowly, making him have the keen accurate understanding to each space slit. 时间流逝,他神识继续深入延伸,感知获得的境况慢慢映入心头,让他对各个空间缝隙有着敏锐精准的认识。 Void passage of many connection extraterrestrial territories, are at the jamming condition, such as not can see wall is blocking, his some void passage start unimpeded, contains extremely fearsome space turbulent flow to fluctuate, enters carelessly, may crush the broken bone. 许多连接外星域的虚空通道,都处于堵塞状态,如被看不见的墙壁封锁着,他有的虚空通道开始畅通,其中却蕴藏着极为可怖的空间乱流波动,一个不慎进入,都有可能粉碎碎骨。 Familiar void passage, appears in his mind, he has gawked. 一个熟悉的虚空通道,在他脑海中浮现出来,他不由地愣了起来。 In that void passage, he perceived that the aura fluctuation of Grace Mainland, the vice- soul even slightly lightly trembles, has a sensation to arrive at the subtle feeling of hometown. 在那虚空通道内,他觉察到神恩大陆气息波动,副魂甚至微微轻颤起来,有种感知到家乡的微妙感觉。 He shakes slightly, realized that void passage, the connection direction should be Grace Mainland ice fire secret realm, that inside space fluctuation extreme Chaos disorder, all sorts of distortion crazy power are wreaking havoc like the storm impact, the fearful power fluctuation links him to know that at this time is very difficult to deal with. 他微微一震,意识到那一处虚空通道,连接的方向应嘀是神恩大陆冰火秘境,那里面空间波动极为的混乱无序,种种扭曲疯狂力量如暴风般冲击肆虐着,可怕的力量波动连他此时都自知很难应付。 In the past, how did they pass through? 当年,她们是如何穿越过来的? He remembers Xia Xinyan, sighed spookily, knowing Xia Xinyan can enter Shadow Ghost Prison successfully, and obtained the faith of Fighting Union Union Master, was really extremely difficult lucky, does not know that has eaten many misery, has today's achievement. 他不由想起夏心妍,幽幽叹息一声,知道夏心妍能够成功进入暗影鬼狱,并且得到战盟盟主的信赖,实在是极为艰难幸运,不知道吃了多少苦难,才有今天的成就。 When he is filled with emotion, his eye slightly one bright, discovered that in void passage, transmits the burning hot the crowded fireworks. 就在他感慨万千的时候,他眼睛微微一亮,发现一处虚空通道内,传来炙热的密集焰火。 The facial expression shakes, he takes back other Divine Sense of discharge immediately, changes into together lightning instantaneously, plunders into that prolonged thick void passage, inside like with the flame raindrop that Yu Shan said that looked fiercely that these flame raindrops as if covered entirely the entire space, such as the day was burnt passed, has emitted the innumerable dazzling sharp flame raindrops, appeared in void passage quite dazzling magnificent. 神情一震,他顿时将别的放出的神识收回,瞬间化为一道电光,掠入那条绵长厚实的虚空通道内,里面有如同郁珊所说的火焰雨点,猛地一看,那些火焰雨点仿佛布满整个空间,如天被烧通了,散溢了无数炫目的尖焰雨点,在虚空通道内显得颇为的炫目瑰丽。 These Fiery Flame raindrops were bonded by the First Level marvelous wall stopping up, his Divine Sense can the sensation flame strength, actually unable to penetrate the past slightly. 只是,那些火炎雨点还是被一层奇妙的壁障给堵住了,他神识能稍稍感知炎力,却不能穿透过去。 When his God Body enters that invisible wall barrier, the secret sensation a while, affirmed finally that wall bonds then isolates the hindrance of Fire Rain Star Field, perhaps was collaborated to arrange by past Agate Star Field and Fire Rain Star Field Expert, but also drew support the marvelousness of void passage, half manpower urged, the half natural formation, was extremely formidabe. 等他神体走进那无形壁障,暗暗感知了一会儿,终于肯定那壁障便是隔绝火雨星域的阻碍,或许由当年玛琊星域火雨星域强者联手布置,还借助于虚空通道的奇妙,一半人力促使,一半天然形成,极难对付。 Although he is also cultivation Space Deep Meaning, but must break this space wall barrier, as if not see the easy matter. 他虽然也是修炼空间奥义者,但要破开这空间壁障,似乎并不是一见容易的事情。 Continuously Divine Sense releases, secret revolution power, his ten fingers split ten shining Space Cutting Blade, tries to bond the wall to tearing. 一缕缕神识释放出来,暗暗运转力量,他十指绽出十条明晃晃的空间利刃,试图将壁障给撕裂。 ka ka ka ka! 咔咔咔咔 Uses his Space Deep Meaning as the cornerstone precise sharp knife blade, impact tearing bonds in these walls, but transmits the explosion resounding, splits ten groups of dazzling crystal light, that wall bonds steadily still like the rock, has not torn a sign. 以他空间奥义为基石凝炼的利刃,冲击撕裂在那些壁障上,只是传来爆炸般的脆响,绽出十团炫目的晶光,那壁障依然稳如磐石,没有撕裂一丝的迹象。 Yu Shan is the boundary of Origin God Second Sky, he only need make a connection with a small slit, Yu Shan can God Body pass through to come, has Origin God Boundary, can in the passage navigation that has not passed through completely, Yu Shan to him request not to be high, only needed him to tear a Xiaokouzi on the line. 郁珊乃是始神二重天之境,他只需打通一个小小的缝隙,郁珊就能神体穿过而来,也只有始神境,才可以在没有全部贯穿的通道航行,郁珊对他要求也不高,只需要他撕裂一个小口子就行了。 What a pity, he displays shells fully, came the puncture by Space Cutting Blade, but as if appeared somewhat worn out, cannot split that to fear a small slit. 可惜,他施展全力来轰击,也以空间利刃来穿刺了,但似乎显得有些疲软,没能裂开那怕一个小缝隙。 The Shi Yan complexion is a little ugly, the manner somewhat is also anxious, deeply frowns , to continue to adjust power, even has stimulated to movement Immortal Devil Blood, understands the Rampage Third Sky condition, a potential gives to stimulate, still cannot bond the bang broken the wall. 石岩脸色有点难看,神态也有些焦虑,深深皱着眉头,继续调整力量,甚至催动了不死魔血,进入暴走三重天状况,一身潜力都给激发出来,依然不能将壁障轰破。 He realized suddenly, although now he achieves Void God First Sky, deepens to the Space Deep Meaning cognition gradually, may be well below in the past by two star territory Expert that the natural topography precise wall bonds. 他突然意识到,如今他虽然达到虚神一重天,对空间奥义的认知逐渐加深,可还是远远不及当年以天然地势凝炼壁障的两大星域强者 Shakes tears an opening unable. 连撼动撕裂一丝口子都不能。 He understands suddenly Realm power formidable disparity, the fruit is not the talent can make up, gloomy the face, sharply has not been continue get rid senselessly, he by himself was calmed down, to consider the knowledge first secretly 他猛然明白境界力量的强大差距,果非不是天赋就能弥补的,阴沉着脸,没有急着继续无谓出手,他先让自己冷静下来,暗暗思量起知 ...... …… In world sharpest power deep meaning, Space Deep Meaning can send the front row absolutely, cannot wear out including the Space Deep Meaning precise sharp knife blade, power that in his hand has, whether is at wit's end really? 世间最锋利的力量奥义,空间奥义绝对能派上前列,连空间奥义凝炼的利刃都穿不破,他手上持有的力量,是否真的无计可施? Has compared with a Space Deep Meaning sharper attack? 有没有比空间奥义更为锋利的攻击? He has thought following this mentality. 他顺着这个思路想了下去。 Half sound, his eye is gradually bright, the intention moves, offers a sacrifice to that handle blood red great sword, the finger is skidding on the sword hilt gently, power, Devil Blood, supernatural power and negative energy well up to enter slowly crazily, on that Blood Sword only rank red such as in the pupil of blood, slowly by shutting tightly to be opened, monster different fearsome. 半响,他眼睛渐渐明亮起来,心念一动,将那柄血红巨剑祭出,手指轻轻在剑柄上滑动着,一身力量魔血、神力、负面能量缓缓狂涌进入,那血剑上的一只只腥红如血的眸中,慢慢由紧闭睁开,妖异可怖。 Evil spirit aura of shooting up to the sky, emits sharp from the sword, such as the blood glow, thousand feet (333 m) is long! 一股冲天而起的凶煞气息,从剑尖喷吐出来,如血芒,百丈长! , His power divulges into Blood Sword suddenly suddenly, Blood Sword instantaneously as if has become not firm not broken to evil to wicked God Weapon, blood glow precise innumerable terrifying energy, if will puncture void, breaks in that void wall barrier loudly. 突地,他一身力量忽然宣泄入血剑,血剑瞬间仿佛成了无坚不破的至邪至恶神兵,血芒凝炼无数恐怖能量,如将虚空刺破,轰然冲入那虚空壁障。 Rip! 哧啦 Puzzles his for a long time wall barrier, was passed through the arm thick or thin opening by the blood glow directly, the blood glow continues to proceed to extend together, invests in the boundless Fiery Flame raindrop to vanish gradually. 困扰他许久的壁障,被血芒直接贯穿一道手臂粗细的口子,血芒继续往前延伸,投入茫茫火炎雨点内渐渐消失。 The Shi Yan power failure, spills over the exhausted weakness feeling suddenly, dull looks at that opening, the revolution soul, reads with a wisp of soul that he contacts that Yu Shan hurriedly to inspiring, passes on the incoming signal to read to Yu Shan. 石岩力量骤然衰竭,泛出筋疲力尽的乏力感,呆呆看着那道口子,急忙来运转灵魂,将那郁珊与他联系的一缕魂念给引动,给郁珊传来讯念。 I immediately come!” “我马上过来!” In response of Yu Shan, read to release from that wisp of soul, appeared quite surprised, as if has not expected him to be able that quick successful. 郁珊的回应,从那一缕魂念内释放出来,显得颇为惊奇,似乎没有预料到他能那么快成功。 ps: Today will write, final two days, asking the brothers monthly ticket to pull! ps:今天会多写,最后两天了,求兄弟们月票拉扯一把!
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