GOS :: Volume #11

#1066: A whole

Shi Yan has the end of hills and rivers to doubt the strength road joy after sorrow immediately the joyful feeling wordy endless female in village, after hearing the ghost jellyfish, immediately becomes also wants compared with him excitedly excited, instantly then leaves from the deep meaning source. 石岩顿时生出山穷水尽疑力路柳暗花明又村的欣喜感啰嗦个没完没了的女子,当听说亡魂水母以后,马上变得比他还要兴奋激动,霎时便从奥义源头离开。 He knows that must wait for some time, therefore considered a while silently, returned to the flame deep meaning area, in the middle static stay. 他知道要等候一段时间,于是默默思量了一会儿,又重返了火焰奥义区,在当中静静的停留下来。 With a Sī bō tè war, making him realize that he simply does not have the intention in the vice- soul, cannot the vice- soul displays exquisitely. 斯波特一战,让他意识到他在副魂上根本没有用心,未能将副魂的精妙发挥出来。 The vice- soul by his soul and Grace Mainland Essence fusion, Grace Mainland is vast Star Sea extremely rare Ancient Continent, Essence has many marvelously, if the average man obtains, will use the lifetime energy in this regard, the life studies diligently. 副魂由他的灵魂和神恩大陆本源融合而成,神恩大陆是浩淼星海极为罕见的古大陆,本源有着诸多奇妙,常人如果得到,会将毕生精力用在这方面,一生钻研下去。 But he knows that he is impossible like this, he Lord the soul to have mystical more unusual, the space and life and death Stars Deep Meaning, are in world are rare, more energy will use in this regard, comes to see wrong not in him. 可他知道他不可能这样,他主魂有更多神秘奇特,空间、生死星辰奥义,都是世间罕见顶尖,将更多精力用在这方面,在他来看并没有错。 Wrong wrong, he has not used a dessert in the vice- soul. 错就错在,他没有在副魂上用一点心。 About also needs to wait for some time, he then indulges in the flame deep meaning area, takes the vice- soul as the soul basis, sees clearly to realize from experience the flame to be exquisite. 左右还需要等候一段时间,他便沉溺在火焰奥义区,以副魂为灵魂根本,来洞察体悟火焰精妙。 In the vice- soul has ten Heavenly Flame aura, he when appreciates in this attentively exquisite, the heart lives gradually clearly becomes aware...... 副魂内有十种天火气息,他在用心体味此中精妙的时候,渐渐心生明悟…… That ten different Heavenly Flame aura, contain in the vice- soul, although blends the convergence, aura still distinguishes right from wrong, ten Heavenly Flame wind around the vice- soul to transmit the motionless fluctuation, some fluctuations are quite close, as if can smooth one step fuse first. 那十种不同的天火气息,蕴藏在副魂中,虽交融汇合,气息相互间依然泾渭分明,十种天火缭绕着副魂传来不动的波动,其中有些波动极为相近,似乎可以顺利先一步融合起来。 He adjusts the mentality secretly, will realize to be attached to above, attentive nosing. 他暗暗调整心态,将意识附在上面,用心查探。 Ten types of Essence flame, Vermilion Bird True Flame, Earthcore Flame and Purgatory True Flame are extremely burning hot aura, the attribute as if are consistent, the fluctuation of their aura activity is also very close, seems easiest to fuse. 十种本源火焰,朱雀真火地心火炼狱真火都是极度炎热的气息,属性似乎一致,它们气息活动的波动也很相近,似乎最容易融合起来。 He moved, gathers the soul thought on these three species nature aura similar flame, sensation the exquisiteness of flame deep meaning sector, silently toward this direction diligently. 他动了心,将灵魂念头聚集在这三种属性气息相似的火焰上,感知着火焰奥义区间的精妙,默默的朝着这个方向努力。 He discovered gradually that three fluctuations of Essence flame, driven by his mind, had the relation with the bunches of flame of this flame deep meaning area gradually, sense of belonging in a soul, maps in the hearts suddenly, that three types of Essence flame aura such as three silk threads, in gradual slowly closed up received 他渐渐发现,三种本源火焰的波动,在他心灵的驱动下,逐渐和这火焰奥义区的一簇簇火焰有了联系,一种灵魂上的归属感,忽然映入心间,那三种本源火焰的气息如三条丝线,在逐渐的慢慢靠拢接过 ...... …… On this day, in flame deep meaning sector surrounding, glittering leaves two groups of fuzzy light suddenly, light gradual fluctuation, gradually has become the soul appearances of two females. 这一天,在火焰奥义区间外围,忽然闪烁出两团模糊的光影,光影逐渐的变幻,渐渐成了两个女子的灵魂模样。 A female of Gu Ling demon, the beautiful appearance such as the small female celestial, the small face is simple and beautiful, physique ignorant in light scarlet Red Light Ze, graceful carriage moves lightly. 一个古灵精怪的女子,美貌如小仙女,小脸清丽脱俗,身姿蒙在淡淡赤红光泽中,体态轻盈的翩然而动。 As if there is solemn beautiful woman of 30 -year-old appearance, the hair grips the chignon high high price rate to get up, the makings are elegant, the plentiful body was covered up by a azure arc gloss, only revealed that light pure white temporarily arm, eyes pupil profound mystical, as if contains the innumerable indescribable emotions to fluctuate. 一名似乎只有30岁模样的端庄美妇,头发扎成发髻高高盘起,气质典雅华贵,丰腴的身子被一圈青弧光泽遮掩,只显露出光洁白暂的臂膀,一双眼眸深邃神秘,仿佛蕴藏着无数难以言喻的情感波动。 Master, fellow in front.” The female sweet and delicate voice said that that person silly, the spoken language is vulgar, does not know what said is really the vacation. The ghost jellyfish is the ancient life in legend, the master you also has listened, not having the fate to meet, that person of ten heterogeneous Essence sharp flame aura, these flame aura attributes do not coincide, does not know how he thinks, is really superficial......” “师傅,那家伙就在前面呢。”女子娇声说道,“那人傻傻的,言语粗俗,也不知道说的是真是假。亡魂水母乃传说中的古生命,就连师傅您也只是听过,没有缘分相见,那人身上有十种驳杂的本源尖焰气息,那些火焰气息属性根本不相合,也不知道他怎么想的,真是浅薄……” Red, you said that named Sī bō tè God Clan man, when the soul dissipates, that wisp of Essence flame initiative gathering to you...... But really?” The magnificent and expensive beautiful woman has thought that knits the brows the inquiry. “绯儿,你说那名叫斯波特神族男子,在灵魂消散的时候,那缕本源火焰主动汇聚向你……可是真的?”华贵美妇想了一下,皱眉询问。 Naturally real, I have not moved, that group of flame come on own initiative. Hee hee, I am extraordinary, that flame likes being also very normal, strangely what does this have?” “当然是真的呀,我都没有动,那团火焰主动过来的。嘻嘻,我气质出众,那火焰喜欢也很正常啦,这有什么奇怪的?” Heavenly Flame is full of wisdom, it understands the choice great strength attachment. According to you, youth should many that you were fiercer, Heavenly Flame should favor him was right, was really feels strange.” 天火有智慧,它懂得选择强大者依附。按照你所言,那青年应该比你厉害的多,天火应该更加倾向他才对啊,真是奇怪了。” What to be fierce? Will the fierce person, gather the attribute different Essence flame? I look, he is a youth, anything does not understand, perhaps came from the low grade star territory.” “厉害什么呀?厉害的人,会收取属性不同的本源火焰?我看呀,他就是一个愣头青,什么都不懂,或许来自于很低级的星域。” Low Level star territory impossible cultivation to this Realm, will not hear Sī bō tè after exposing the status, but also dares under the pain the killer, that early morning...... A little strange.” “低等级的星域不可能修炼到这个境界,也不会听说斯波特自曝身份后,还敢痛下杀手,那晨……有点古怪。” Their appearance makings different females, were whispering, leisure entry flame deep meaning sector, that elegant solemn beautiful woman, but shot a look at Shi Yan from afar, then the facial expression suddenly shook, the complexion became extremely strange, said: Originally is this......” 两人模样气质不同的女子,一路嘀咕着,慢悠悠的进入火焰奥义区间,那典雅端庄的美妇,只是远远瞥了一眼石岩,便神情骤然一震,脸色变得极其怪异,道:“原来是这样……” What?” Inquiry that girls is perplexed. “什么啊?”少女不明所以的询问。 The beautiful women sighed spookily, deeply looked to Shi Yan, a face admired: Is good to have the boy of good fortune!” 美妇幽幽一叹,深深看向石岩,一脸艳羡:“好有福气的小子!” What good fortune has? If there is a good fortune, how that wisp of Heavenly Flame gives up him, collects in my soul on own initiative?” girls groans, does not approve of obviously. “有什么福气啊?如果有福气,那缕天火怎么放弃他,主动汇集到我灵魂中?”少女哼哼,明显不赞同。 Heavenly Flame is full of wisdom, it is knows that can never fuse in the soul of that youth truly, this on own initiative will collect to your.” The beautiful women shook the head, explained earnestly: Because, the soul of youth, is in itself a whole!” 天火有智慧,它是知道永远不能真正融合到那青年的灵魂中,这才会主动归拢向你的。”美妇摇了摇头,认真解释道:“因为,那青年的灵魂,本身就是一个整体!” I listen not to understand.” girls is astonished however. “我听不太懂。”少女讶然。 „The Essence flame in world came from Ancient Continent, Ancient Continent possibly breeds different attribute several Heavenly Flame, with our same fusion Essence flame, to tend to sect Mei Gan Mingxing, if wants Realm to increase, actually has two shortcuts.” “世间的本源火焰都来自于古大陆,一个古大陆可能孕育出不同属性的数种天火,和我们一样的融合本源焰者,要想将甘命形杰趋于宗美,要想境界攀升,其实有两种捷径。” The beautiful women tell: „The first way, then fuses attribute aura consistent Heavenly Flame, is similar your me, can seek for Heavenly Flame of other star territory, so long as the aura attribute and we are consistent, once fuses oneself, Realm will then obtain the subtle growth, our souls will also be evolved.” 美妇娓娓道来:“第一种方式,便是融合属性气息一致的天火,类似你我,可以找寻别的星域的天火,只要气息属性和我们一致,一旦融合自身,境界便会获得微妙的成长,我们的灵魂也会得到进化。” You taught my time, has said that said that this was we biggest chance good fortune.” A girls face is bewildered, how to listen to you to say now, another different way.” “你教导我的时候,也这么说过,说这是我们最大的机缘造化了。”少女一脸莫名其妙,“怎么现在听你说,还有另外一种不同的方式。” Reason that I have not told you , because another way does not suit your me, therefore has not said.” The beautiful women sighed, said: In our star territories, Ancient Continent already thoroughly vanished, Heavenly Flame that it breeds has spread not to know where, we obtained two types fortunately already extremely the good luck, was impossible to gather completely.” “我之所以没有告诉你,是因为另外一种方式根本不适合你我,所以就没有讲。”美妇叹了一口气,说道:“在我们的星域,古大陆早已彻底消失,它孕育出来的天火已经流传到不知何处,我们有幸得到两种已经极为好运了,根本不可能全部聚集起来。” She continues to explain: „The second way, then the Essence flame that is bred by same Ancient Continent, gathers completely. Heavenly Flame that this coming from same Essence, even if the aura attribute is inconsistent, can fuse gradually, the place of its exquisite god mysterious, must be higher than a level compared with our ways. Said that is similar to our, gathers attribute aura consistent Heavenly Flame unceasingly, does not know that must cost how much energy time, the soul cannot achieve perfectly, but that type can gather complete Heavenly Flame who breeds from Ancient Continent, once fused completely, really can make the soul tend to be perfect, achieves the inconceivable marvelous condition.” 她继续解释:“第二种方式,便是将由同一个古大陆孕育出来的本源火焰,全部都聚集起来。这种来自于同一本源天火,就算是气息属性不一致,也可以逐渐的融合起来,其精妙神奥之处,比我们那种方式还要高出一个层次。这么说吧,如同我们这样,不断地聚集属性气息一致的天火,不知道要耗费多少精力时间,灵魂也不能达到完美,但那种可以聚集从一个古大陆孕育出来的全部天火者,一旦全部融合了,真是可以让灵魂趋于完美,达到不可思议的奇妙境况。” , Beautiful woman sighed: „The youth, is the second kind of character, his ten different Essence flame aura, clearly come from Ancient Continent, Essence aura is completely same, once can fuse, the soul will then tend to be perfect. His level, is from the beginning higher than us, attaches to your flame, knew Heavenly Flame in his soul is a whole, simply did not have its space, this will leave, then converged your soul.” 顿了一下,美妇叹道:“那青年,就是第二类人物,他身上十种不同的本源火焰气息,分明都来自于一处古大陆,本源气息全部一样,一旦能够融合起来,灵魂便会趋于完美。他的层次,一开始就比我们高,依附你的火焰,知道他灵魂内的天火已经是一个整体了,根本没有它的空间,这才会离开,进而汇入你的灵魂。” „Didn't he need other Essence flame?” girls understood faintly. “难道他不需要别的本源火焰了?”少女隐隐明白了过来。 Naturally. What he walks is the second article of Bo Li path, and success accumulation same Ancient Continent complete Essence flame , he if continues to gather other Ancient Continent Heavenly Flame, instead was silly. The dumb kid who you said that does not know that was more intelligent than you have the good fortune many times, others already know that own direction, at all was not you can estimate. Yeah, is really the boy of good luck, young can gather all Essence flame that Ancient Continent breeds unexpectedly, seriously is the enviable envy.” “当然。他走的是第二条更加卜理的路子,并且成功聚集同一古大陆的全部本源火焰,他如果继续聚集别的古大陆天火,反而是傻了。你所说的傻小子,不知道比你聪明有福气了多少倍,人家早就知道自己的方向,根本不是你可以测度的。哎,真是好运的小子,年纪轻轻居然可以聚集一个古大陆孕育出来的所有本源火焰,当真是让人羡慕嫉妒啊。” girls does not make a sound finally, decadent of face. 少女终于不吱声了,一脸的颓败。 He has been trying to fuse the Essence flame, step by step draws close toward the pinnacle, if he achieves Origin God Boundary, the achievement greatly surpasses me absolutely.” beautiful women, smiles bitterly: „To obloquy this fellow , the luck transports obviously dreadfully, wastes Natural Heavenly Object unexpectedly the Essence flame formation vice- soul, he does not know that fuses Essence flame to us, flame that his ten types come from same Ancient Continent, has a dream the chance that continually the dream does not arrive at?” “他已经在试着融合本源火焰了,一步步的朝着极致趋近,他如果达到始神境,成就绝对大大超过我。”美妇顿了一下,又苦笑起来:“真想大骂这家伙,明明福运滔天,竟然暴殄天物的将本源火焰形成副魂,他难道不知道对我们这些人融合本源火焰者来说,他那十种来自于同一古大陆的火焰,乃是连做梦都梦不到的机缘吗?” Heaven really does not enlarge ones vision!” Scolding that girls clenches jaws. “老天真是不开眼啊!”少女咬牙切齿的骂道。 They in the flame deep meaning border, the manner strange exchange, have not been spreading the intense soul fluctuation, has not disturbed Shi Yan. 两人在火焰奥义边沿,神态怪异的交流着,没有传出强烈的灵魂波动,没有打搅石岩 For a long time after for a long time, Shi Yan responded swiftly that the soul moved, he discovered that Earthcore Flame, Vermilion Bird True Flame and Purgatory True Flame three aura such as line entanglement in together, aura as if in fusion slowly was one. 许久许久后,石岩倏然反应过来,灵魂一动,他发现地心火朱雀真火炼狱真火三股气息如线纠缠在一块儿,气息似乎在慢慢的融合为一。 He knows that also needs some time three types of Essence flame true rubbing to twist is, aura synthesizes one type, but he had discovered that has the life to come, records this line of goals sincerely, stops hurriedly temporarily, transmits the soul words: „Did you come?” 他知道还需要一段时间三种本源火焰才可以真正的揉捻为一股,气息合成一种,但他已经发现有生灵过来,也谨记这一行的目的,急忙暂时停下来,率先传来灵魂话语:“你们已经来啦?” The beautiful women and girls are lithe at once, looked that is quite strange to his expression, has the different kind feeling of expecting too much. 美女和少女旋即轻盈过来,看向他的神色都颇为怪异,有种恨铁不成钢的别样感。 Shi Yan unconsciously, said quite the same as: The star territory that Senior, I am is Agate Star Field, in Agate Star Field Shadow Ghost Prison, void passage to Ancient God star territory, middle then has the ghost jellyfish. I can affirm that ghost jellyfish is God Clan dependency Mirage Clan makes in the special method, the goal is to then cope with Agate Star Field, at this time, bottom of side cold sea water that in that ghost jellyfish is , the friend of mine by restraint, the situation very much crisis, being been requesting earnestly Senior to pass, you refine the ghost jellyfish obtained, turns over to you all.” 石岩浑然不觉,道:“前辈,我所在的星域为玛琊星域,在玛琊星域暗影鬼狱中,有一处通往古神星域的虚空通道,当中便有亡魂水母。我能肯定,那亡魂水母乃神族附庸幽影族以特殊手段弄过来,目的便是对付玛琊星域,此时,在那亡魂水母所在的极寒海水底部,我的朋友被束缚着,形势很危机,恳请前辈过去一趟,你炼化亡魂水母所得,尽数都归你。” Agate Star Field? I have heard, but there our star territory goes to void passage, is at the jamming condition, I want to pass very much, but not necessarily resulted.” The beautiful women show the make things difficult facial expression. 玛琊星域?我听说过,但我们星域去那儿的虚空通道,处于堵塞状态啊,我很想过去,但不一定去得了。”美妇露出为难的神情。 I am Space Deep Meaning, that void passage, I will attempt to open.” Shi Yan hurried statement. “我是一名空间奥义者,那虚空通道,我会尝试打开。”石岩急忙表态。 You, if can open, I definitely do not have the issue, I will tell you that void passage general situation, you seek, splits an opening to me, my main body can pass through.” The beautiful woman facial expression rouses. “你如果可以打开,我肯定没问题,我会告诉你那虚空通道的大致情况,你找寻出来,给我裂开一道口子,我本体就能穿过。”美妇神情振奋。 Does not have the issue!” “没问题!”
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