GOS :: Volume #11

#1065: Wordy woman

Sī bō tè falls from the sky, the soul does not know that was cut many shares, has in world the mark to dissipate gradually. 斯波特陨灭,灵魂不知道被切割成多少份,存在世间的印记渐渐消散。 A that female face is scared, dull looks at Shi Yan, in 1 S spills over intense fear. 那名女子一脸恐慌不安,呆呆看着石岩,1S里泛出强烈的畏惧。 Shi Yan that has been at a disadvantage, under the pain the killer, strikes to kill Sī bō tè suddenly in a flash, that female, confirmed finally the inference of beforehand Sī bō tè is unmistakable, Shi Yan is really that extremely savage vicious generation, where is dumb kid who” she thinks? 本来一直处于下风的石岩,突然痛下杀手,转瞬间将斯波特击杀,在那女子来看,终于证实之前斯波特的推断无误,石岩果然是那种极为凶残狠毒之辈,哪里是她所想的“傻小子”啊? This radically is an evil star! 这根本就是一个煞星啊! The females regret alarmed and afraid, the manner trembles, by being startled does not know how should deal. 女子懊悔惊惧不已,神态颤颤的,被惊的不知道该怎么应对。 When she, bunch of cedar red flame, suddenly the escape from the Sī bō tè remnant broken soul comes out frightened, that flame only then palm of the hand size, the caper is uncertain, contains the life to fluctuate. 在她恐惧不已的时候,一簇楠红色火苗,忽然从斯波特残碎的灵魂中飞逸出来,那火苗只有巴掌大小,跳跃不定,蕴藏着生灵波动。 Shi Yan has gawked, immediately responded, surprised looked to that bunch of small flame. 石岩愣了一下,顿时反应过来,惊奇的看向那一簇小火苗。 He knows that flame is also a Essence flame, originally and Sī bō tè soul merges into one organic whole, after Sī bō tè withers away was separated from restraint, the Essence flame has the independent consciousness, had the wisdom, can gather. 他知道,那火苗也是一种本源火焰,本来和斯波特灵魂融为一体,在斯波特消亡后脱离了束缚,本源火焰有着自主意识,拥有智慧,也可以收取。 However, does not wait for him to respond that group marvelous cedar red flame, shakes to tremble to tremble, fears him such as the appearance of tiger, comes out rapidly elegantly, drills into the soul of that female all of a sudden. 然而,不等他反应过来,那团奇妙的楠红色火焰,抖抖颤颤的,一副畏他如虎的模样,迅速飘逸出来,一下子钻入那女子的灵魂中。 Shi Yan stayed, a face is annoyed. 石岩呆了,一脸恼火。 He is prepares to derive that to roll the Essence flame, what a pity this kind of flame has the life, can choose the master independently, clearly, that group of flame have not favored him, instead initiative gathering to female of that onlooking. 他是准备汲取那团本源火焰的,可惜这类火焰有着生命,可以自主选择主人,很明显,那团火焰没有倾向他,反而主动汇聚向那名旁观的女子。 The female was also startled, she also suddenly came the horizontal luck to hoodwink to the lane, at once the heart lives in a big way scared restless, the complexion changed. 那女子也怔住了,她也被被突来横福给弄蒙了,旋即心生更大的恐慌不安,脸色都变了。 She thinks subconsciously Shi Yan very ruthless savage, can gather ten types of different aura Essence flame at this place, does not know how many same level Expert has put to death, this kind of character, naturally has the absolute lording over desire to the spoils of war, now she should be the Shi Yan spoils of war absorbing, she how could by fear? 她下意识的认为石岩狠辣凶残,能够在此地聚集十种不同气息本源火焰,也不知道诛杀了多少同级强者,这类人物,自然会对战利品有着绝对的独霸欲望,如今她将本该属于石岩的战利品给吸收了,她岂能被恐惧? I, I do not snatch your thing, is it...... “我,我不是要抢你的东西,是它…… Is it comes. ” The females are timid, being panic-stricken in the future will transfer me only to know how to gather the Essence flame, how is not clear to strip, does not have the means to return to you, you do not act unreasonably.” 是它自己过来的。”女子怯怯的,惊慌失措的往后挪移着“我只知道怎么收取本源火焰,不清楚如何剥离出来,没办法归还给你,你,,你别乱来呀。” She feared obviously extremely that was worried Shi Yan immediately under violent anger killer, has experienced Sī bō tè died a tragic death she naturally to know one are far from the Shi Yan rival, knows that says own backstage backer, is hard to prevent. 她显然极怕,担心石岩立即暴怒下杀手,见识了斯波特的惨死她自然知道自己绝非石岩敌手,也知道就算是说出自己的后台靠山,也难以阻止。 Sī bō tè of God Clan again Scott Family, after indicating status, was killed directly, let alone is she? 神族再斯科特家族的斯波特,都在表明身份以后,被直接袭杀,何况是她? The female whole face is alarmed and afraid, has not dared to transfer instantaneously leaves, anxious must cry you not to want with my soul junction, I will not obey your, even if will be dies I not to do that matter with you, I...... I have the one's beloved.” 女子满脸惊惧,还不敢瞬间挪移离开,急的都要哭出来了“你别想和我魂交,我是不会顺从你的,就算是死我也不会和你干那种事情,我……我有心上人的。” Shi Yan is astonished however, not very awkward looks to her, saying that does not bear: I kill Sī bō tè to not to wrest away you, does not have the energy and you wastes the time, why you should why go.” 石岩讶然,啼笑皆非的看向她,不耐的说道:“我杀斯波特不是为了霸占你,也没有精力和你浪费时间,你该干吗干吗去。” The females were startled, was taking a look at him cautiously, determined that Shi Yan was earnest. 女子怔住了,小心翼翼打量着他,来确定石岩是不是认真的。 She looks at Shi Yan, while quietly retreat, so long as Shi Yan a little acts slightly, she will then deal by strongest power. 她一边看着石岩,一边悄悄后退,只要石岩稍稍有点动作,她便会以最强力量应对。 However Shi Yan throughout maintains motionless, body has not released a wee bit unusual fluctuations, female retreat, arrives at the flame deep meaning area border slowly gradually, discovered that Shi Yan has not acted as before, hurried to withdraw from outside the flame deep meaning, at once on the face overflows completely the happy smiling face. 然而石岩始终保持不动,身上也没有释放出丁点的异常波动,那女子慢慢后退,渐渐来到火焰奥义区边沿,发现石岩依旧没动作了,赶紧退出了火焰奥义外面,旋即脸上溢满了幸福的笑容。 She knows that she was safe. 她知道她已经安全了。 Outside flame deep meaning area, so long as she thinks that momentarily can the soul belong to God Body, withdraws from this deep meaning source. 在火焰奥义区外面,只要她想,随时都可以灵魂归入神体,从这奥义源头脱身。 This thinks must suffer great misfortune, has not expected the winding road, finally not only safe and sound, but also has harvested and her aura consistent one Essence flame, this life form to her Realm and will have the enormous advantage, making her rouse. 这趟本来以为要遭受大劫,没料到山回路转,最终不但安然无恙,还收获了和她气息一致的一种本源火焰,这对她的境界和生命形态都会有极大的好处,让她振奋无比。 Leaves the deep meaning area, she knows that she affirmed the security, the beforehand anxious timid intent swept away, bold looked that to was in Shi Yan of deep meaning area as before, shouted to shout: Hello, you are very actually silly, do you know?” 离开奥义区,她知道自己肯定安全了,之前的紧张怯意一扫而空,大胆的看向依旧处于奥义区的石岩,嚷嚷道:“喂,你这人其实很傻,你知不知道?” She did not fear that Shi Yan can bring the threat to her, the natural disposition reveals immediately, an appearance of Gu Ling demon, the nimble and resourceful pupil is rotating turning round, teased: Moreover is very stupid, ten Essence flame aura that you collect, cannot fuse mutually, too has not helped your Realm. Also, just that Essence flame you, if a accumulation, it cannot run away ahead of time from the start, does not know really before you, ten Essence flame that gathers how must come, is quite silly.” 她不怕石岩能够给她带来威胁,本性立即显露出来,一副古灵精怪的模样,灵动的眸子滴溜溜转动着,调笑说:“而且还很笨呢,你收集的十种本源火焰气息,根本不能相互融合,对你的境界没有太多帮助。还有,刚刚那本源火焰你如果提前一步聚集,它压根跑不掉的,真不知道你之前聚集的十种本源火焰怎么得来的,好傻啊。” Shi Yan stunned, is listening to this female bold teasing , the helpless forced smile, does not bear to wave saying: Little gives me to be wordy, leaves as early as possible drives away the distant point. „ The female laughs in any case you now unable to me to be what kind of tenderly „, do I worry? I told you, you could have bad luck, the God Clan Ascot Family was very formidable, their main family members, will leave behind wisp of soul Essence at somewhere the mystical point, once their family leading members died, who that mystical point can know the murderer is. God Clan lords over in the vast Star Sea influence, which star territory regardless of you come from, they had to find your possibility, therefore you must have bad luck.” 石岩愕然,听着这女子大胆的调侃,无奈的苦笑起来,不耐挥手道:“少给我啰嗦,趁早离开走远点。“那女子娇笑不已“反正你现在不能对我怎么样,我着什么急啊?我告诉你,你可能要倒霉了,神族的阿斯科特家族很强大,他们主要的家族成员,都会在某处神秘点留下一缕灵魂本源,一旦他们家族主要成员身亡,那神秘点都可以知晓凶手是谁。神族在浩淼星海势力独霸,不论你来自于哪一个星域,他们都有找到你的可能,所以你要倒霉了。” Good intention reminder thank you, but I do not want to waste the argument with you.” Shi Yan knitting the brows head, also comes out from the flame deep meaning area, emits the Divine Sense sensation, prepares to search for a abstruser sector, seeks for this true urgently needed Origin God to exist. “谢谢你的好心提醒,但我不想和你浪费口舌。”石岩皱了皱眉头,也从火焰奥义区出来,放出神识感知,准备搜寻更加深奥的区间,寻找他这趟的真正急需的始神存在。 You do not come deep meaning source cultivation?” The female saw him to come out, was astonished however said: The flame that your also Void God boundary, this flame deep meaning area contains is exquisite, suits you exactly, what are you sharply coming out to make? I told you, peripheral has not compared this more suitable your cultivation the flame deep meaning area, if you came cultivation, here on line.” “你不是来奥义源头修炼的么?”那女子见他出来了,讶然说道:“你也不过虚神境,这个火焰奥义区蕴藏的火焰精妙,恰恰适合你呀,你急着出来做什么?我告诉你呀,周边没有比这个更加适合你修炼的火焰奥义区了,你要是来修炼的,在这儿就行了。” Gave her such a saying, Shi Yan facial expression fine motion you to peripheral familiar?” 给她这么一说,石岩神情微动“你对周边熟悉?” The female nods proudlynaturally, I in nearby cultivation, the nature am frequently clear. 那女子傲然点头“当然,我经常在附近修炼呢,自然清楚。 „Do you know that the nearby does have the suitable Origin God cultivation flame deep meaning area?” The Shi Yan hurried inquiry, adds: Looked that rescues your life in me, and gives in that wisp of Essence flame your share, gave me to say in detail.” “那你知不知道,附近有没有适合始神修炼的火焰奥义区?”石岩急忙询问,补充道:“看在我救你一命,并且将那一缕本源火焰让给你的份上,给我详细说说。” Essence flame seek me, is not you give my, I do not owe you anything.” The females curl the lip, as if did not appreciate kindness rendered, her manner has slowed down, said: You like that Sī bō tè, the lewd do not want line of illegal to me, looks in this regard, I can tell you actually a place.” 本源火焰自己寻上我的,可不是你让给我的,我才不欠你什么。”女子撇嘴,似乎并不领情,顿了一下,她神态放缓,说道:“不过你没有像那斯波特一样,色迷迷要对我欲行不轨,看在这一点上,我倒是可以告诉你一中地方。” Please say.” “请讲。” But your Realm is not high, goes to these sector at all impossible cultivation to get down, why do you go?” “可你境界不高,去那些区间根本不可能修炼下去,你去干吗?” I must look for one to fuse the Essence flame, achieves Origin God Boundary Expert, as one wishes that star territory good, I worry very much.” “我要找一名融合本源火焰,达到始神境强者,随便那一个星域的都行,我很着急。” What do you want to make? Do you want to court death inadequately? Your soul has ten types of different aura Essence flame, meets that character, your also words possibly without enough time said that killing to capture the Essence flame by the opposite party, were you really silly or false silly?” The females open the eye to say. “你想做什么?你想找死不成?你灵魂有十种不同气息本源火焰,碰见那种人物,你也话可能都来不及说,就被对方给杀死夺取本源火焰了,你是真傻还是假傻?”女子睁大眼睛道。 The Shi Yan annoyed intent is dry, gets angry: You are very wordy! Can little select idle talk few issues? To me pointed out that the direction on the line, other work you do not worry!” 石岩心烦意燥,怒道:“你很啰嗦!能少点废话少点问题吗?给我指出方向就行,别的不劳你操心!” I did not say!” The female snort|hum, as if also came the temperament, proud proud saying: Pursues me in our star territory many men, I do not look at one, your this bastard dares saying that unexpectedly this Young Lady is wordy, but also a face impatient appearance, a polite demeanor does not have, I will not help you.” “我就不讲!”那女子哼了一声,似乎也来了脾气,傲傲的说道:“在我们星域多少男人追求我,我都不看一眼,你这混蛋竟然敢说本小姐啰嗦,还一脸不耐烦的模样,一点礼貌风度都没有,我才不会帮你。” Shi Yan has tarried, heart inside criticizes. 石岩呆住了,心里面暗骂。 This female obviously is the type of that being pampered since childhood, has Void God First Sky cultivation base young, fuses Essence Heavenly Flame, places any star territory is the outstanding characters, in addition fresh pretty, the back influence also is quite perhaps astonishing, naturally has accomplished this Young Lady temperament. 这女子明显是那种娇生惯养的类型,年纪轻轻拥有虚神一重天修为,融合本源天火,放在任何星域都是出类拔萃的人物,加上生的貌美,或许背后势力也极为惊人,自然造就了这番小姐脾气。 At this time she no longer receives the Shi Yan power threat on own initiative, the natural disposition reveals that that big Young Lady arrogant arrogant stance really came out. 此时她自觉不再受石岩力量威胁,本性显露出来,那大小姐的倨傲凌人架势果然就出来了。 Shi Yan is helpless, knows that leaves the sharp flame deep meaning sector, wants to coerce this female not to be impossible, the opposite party momentarily can withdraw easily, naturally cannot be afraid him, extremely made the head pain matter with the woman reasoning things out book, he sighed one darkly, said dejected: Good, beautiful Young Lady, where has the Origin God Boundary Expert cultivation flame deep meaning area, please be liberal to grant instruction.” 石岩无奈,知道离开尖焰奥义区间,想要要挟这女子已经不可能了,对方随时可以轻易脱身,自然不会害怕他,和女人说理本就是极为令人头疼的事情,他暗叹一声,颓然说道:“好吧,请问美丽的小姐,何处有始神境强者修炼的火焰奥义区,请不吝赐教。” Then makes sense.” The women's satisfied chuckle of gets up „, but I am the good intention remind you, you will go to that place only in vain to bring death.” “这才像话嘛。”女子满意的轻笑起来“但我还是好心提醒你,你去那种地方只会白白送死。” Un, I was tired of living, please refer to a blind alley to me.” Shi Yan has a headache, discovered that this female wordy fierce, spoke for quite a while not to enter the regular script seriously, anxious he wished one could to curse at people. “嗯,我已经活腻了,请给我指一条死路。”石岩头疼不已,发现这女子当真啰嗦的厉害,讲了半天也没有进入正体,急的他又恨不得要骂人了。 Was right, what do you look for Origin God to make?” “对了,你找始神做什么?” To a Origin God huge chance!” Shi Yan clenches jaws. “给一名始神一次天大的机缘!”石岩咬牙切齿。 „? Any huge chance, you gave me to say well that I very interested.” “啊?什么天大的机缘,你给我好好说说,我很有兴趣呢。” Has not related with you!” “和你没关系!” Not! I can help you find one to fuse the Essence flame Origin God, place that I said that possibly dozens years of even hundred years, did not have Origin God in the past, you must find the person, in the past could wait for many years, might meet, but if I helped you, that was extremely quick.” The females have stopped, proud proud saying: My master, is one fuses the Essence flame Origin God, the matter that if you give has the big help in view of her, I can make her see you.” “不不不!我可以帮你找到一名融合本源火焰的始神的,我说的地方,可能数十年甚至百年,也没有一个始神过去,你要找人,过去可能要等候很多年,才有可能碰见,但如果我帮你,那就极快了。”女子停顿了一下,又傲傲的说道:“我师傅,就是一名融合本源火焰的始神呢,如果你给出的事情针对她有大帮助,我可以让她来见你。” The Shi Yan facial expression shakes suddenly, hesitates, said: In our star territory space passage, there is a ghost jellyfish, if your master knows the marvelousness of ghost jellyfish, should interested.” 石岩神情霍然一震,沉吟一下,道:“我们的星域一处空间通道内,有亡魂水母,你师傅如果知道亡魂水母的奇妙,应该会有兴趣的。” Ghost jellyfish?” Female beautiful pupil glistens, calls out in alarm hastily: I know that I listened to her saying that your did there have the ghost jellyfish really? Did you affirm?” “亡魂水母?”那女子美眸闪亮,连忙惊叫起来:“我知道,我听她说过的,你那里真有亡魂水母?你肯定?” Nonsense! That gadget will possibly invade my side star territory, if has not achieved beginning Divine level not to fuse Essence flame, our that side possible life extinguish, a live person not to have, I or worry, why breaks in this place?” “废话!那玩意可能会入侵我那边的星域,如果没有达到始神级别融合本源火焰者,我们那边可能生灵涂炭,一个活人都没有,我要不着急,何必冲入此地?” You are waiting for me, not long, my this goes back! Is waiting for me, I call my master to come, most half a month time, I will definitely come! Is waiting for me!” “你等着我,不用多久,我这就回去!等着我呀,我去唤我师傅过来,最多半月时间,我肯定就会过来的!等着我呀!” As soon as the females listened to him saying that also appeared extremely urgent, but the words were extremely wordy, ended wordy, the soul suddenly became dim, vanished little. 女子一听他这么说,也显得极为迫切,可一番话还是极为啰嗦,啰嗦完了,灵魂骤然变得黯淡,一点点消失了。
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