GOS :: Volume #11

#1064: Reverses instantaneously

After Sī bō tè statement, immediately left to leave on preparation. 斯波特表态后,立即就准备抽身离开了。 A female face despaired, has one type just to leave the lair, entered the feeling of tigers mouth, looks at Shi Yan only thought creepy feeling. 那女子一脸绝望无助,生出一种刚离开狼窝,又进入虎口的感觉,看着石岩只觉头皮发麻。 She and Sī bō tè idea is consistent, thinks in the Shi Yan soul ten Essence flame aura, through hunting and killing Expert must come, this character does not know that savage to the what kind degree, including Sī bō tè sensation, Realm has been higher than plans must avoid anxiously anxiously, can she escape death by a hair's breadth? 她和斯波特的想法一致,认为石岩灵魂中十股本源火焰的气息,都是通过猎杀强者得来,这种人物也不知道凶残到了何种程度,连斯波特感知一下,境界高出一筹都要急急避开,她焉能幸免于难? You are not only the people of God Clan Ascot Family...... That do not walk.” The Shi Yan soul fluctuates swiftly. “你既是神族阿斯科特家族的人……那就别走了。”石岩的灵魂倏然变幻起来。 The First Level level quiet blue color flame, is containing extremely cold aura, wells up suddenly toward that Sī bō tè. 一层层幽蓝色火焰,蕴藏着极寒气息,霍然朝着那斯波特涌去。 Sī bō tè that prepares to flee, facial expression changes, the soul changes into one bunch of flames, runs away toward the flame sector outside rapidly. 才准备遁走的斯波特,神情微变,灵魂化为一束火光,迅速朝着火焰区间外面逃窜。 Shi Yan ominous severe, even more makes Sī bō tè be disturbed with fear, clearly know great distance First-Step, but also dares so extremely arrogant cut-throat, him, Shi Yan inevitably is that method extraordinary generation, he cannot have the thought of battle, only wants to be separated from the place is apt to get into trouble as soon as possible. 石岩的凶厉,愈发让斯波特惊恐不安,明知道相隔一阶,还敢这般狂妄凶狠,在他来看,石岩必然是那种手段超绝之辈,他根本生不出交战的念头,只想尽快脱离是非之地。 The extremely cold flame, is jumping the blue tearful gloss, initial such as small flame, actually instantaneously swells. 极寒的火焰,跳跃着蓝汪汪的光泽,初始如小火苗,却瞬间胀大开来。 The direction of Sī bō tè recession, such as was lit the gloomily blue flame, suddenly becomes brilliant varied, biting cold woods cold aura fills the air, that piece of space was similar to froze, during the soul motions of Sī bō tè was stiff immediately. 斯波特退离的方向,如被点燃了幽蓝火光,忽然变得绚烂多姿,彻骨森寒的气息弥漫开来,那片空间如同冰冻了,斯波特的灵魂行动间立即僵硬起来。 His discolored, gets angry: Friend you do not go too far! The woman I have given you, are you what kind of?” 勃然变色,怒道:“朋友你别欺人太甚!那娘们我已经让给你了,你还想怎么样?” During the speech, this person also revolves the power deep meaning, evolves in the eye pupil that from his soul, braves to transgress two blazing flame flames such as the dragon to sway from side to side suddenly, winds around he to circle in flight, helping him cold energy that Shi Yan exerts eliminating. 讲话间,此人也将力量奥义运转,从他灵魂衍变的眼瞳内,骤然冒逸出两道炽热火光火光如龙扭动着,缭绕着他飞旋,帮助他将石岩施加的寒力给清除掉。 Sī bō tè has gawked suddenly. 斯波特忽然愣了一下。 He discovered his precise Essence flame, unexpectedly easy then bonds the wall of Shi Yan release to burning down is clean, he stopped, shows expression looking pensive. 他发现他凝炼的本源火焰,居然轻而易举的便将石岩释放的壁障给焚烧干净,他不由地停了下来,露出若有所思的表情。 Shi Yan does not major in flame deep meaning after all, Heavenly Flame integrates in the vice- soul he has not studied diligently well, does not excel at the soul war, the side cold energy quantity of release, cannot cause the proper damage to Sī bō tè. 石岩毕竟不是主修火焰奥义者,天火融入副魂中他也没有好好钻研,更加不擅长魂战,释放的极寒力量,未能对斯波特造成应有的伤害。 The knitting the brows head, he continues precise power, wisp of dark blue flame also releases, has poured into Divine Sense power, covers toward Sī bō tè. 皱了皱眉头,他继续凝炼力量,一缕暗绿色火焰也释放出来,灌注了神识力量,又往斯波特覆盖过去。 Sī bō tè this stay freezes, opened mouth puts out one group of red-orange fireworks, that flame fluctuated sharp, has become an appearance of flame phoenix, directly dark blue flame of Shi Yan release suppressing. 斯波特这次停留原地不动,张口又吐出一团橘红色焰火,那焰尖变幻了一下,成了一个火焰凤凰的模样,直接将石岩释放的暗绿色火苗给扑灭掉。 He grinned to smile getting up suddenly originally is the silver type wax top, motherfucker, in a big way frightened me one to jump.” 他突然咧嘴笑了起来“原来不过是银样蜡墙头,妈的,吓我一大跳。” Two attacks of Shi Yan, were melted by him easily, Sī bō tè responded immediately that from the start was not about to leave, strangely chuckled got up also no wonder, the Essence flame regarded vice- soul cultivation to you, ten different flame aura were inconsistent, wants to come to be also not much, the father also thinks that you were fierce.” 石岩的两次攻击,被他给轻易化解,斯波特顿时反应过来,压根不准备离开了,嘿嘿怪笑起来“也难怪,本源火焰给你当成副魂修炼,十种不同的火焰气息都不一致,想来也不怎么样,老子还以为你多厉害呢。” Nearby female, sudden one dull, strange looks to Shi Yan. 旁边的女子,突然一呆,怪异的看向石岩 She also thinks Shi Yan is quite fearful, otherwise Sī bō tè running away, after that will not be expecting anxiously Shi Yan gets rid, by Sī bō tè easily is melted, did not prepare to walk unexpectedly, this made her realize anything immediately. 她本来也认为石岩极为可怕,不然斯波特不会急着逃窜,那料到石岩出手后,被斯波特轻易化解,竟是不准备走了,这让她顿时意识到什么。 Looks at Shi Yan again time, a female face despises power to be obviously insufficient, Realm is not very profound, unexpectedly also dares to shout carelessly, brings in the fatal disaster to oneself in vain.” 再看石岩的时候,女子一脸鄙夷“明明力量不足,境界也不够高深,居然还敢胡乱嚷嚷,白白给自己引来杀身之祸。” The females is a lot, stares maliciously to Shi Yan. 女子一肚子恼火,狠狠地瞪向石岩 Frightened Sī bō tè obviously, your little darling stayed motionless, maintained a master style was good, that Sī bō tè by far will naturally flee, can't your I withdraw? Must show off ability! Now[ really] solid power has exposed, but also critical I am together bad luck with you, hateful! 明明吓唬住了斯波特,你就乖乖停留不动,保持一副高手风范就行了,那斯波特自然会远远遁走,你我不都可以脱身?非要逞能!现在〖真〗实力量暴露了,还要害的我跟你一起倒霉,可恶至极! The females criticize to say. 女子暗暗骂道。 Ten types of different aura Essence flame, Ha Ha, this luck is really good, not only can look for the beautiful pretty little girl soul junction, but can also yield such big income, is really happy.” Sī bō tè excited, laughing, was approaching toward Shi Yan unexpectedly. “十种不同气息本源火焰,哈哈,这次运气真好,不但可以找个美娇娘魂交,还能获得这么大的收益,真是幸福啊。”斯波特〖兴〗奋了,大笑着,竟朝着石岩逼近而来。 Flame phoenix that his opened mouth spits, spreads the wings to hover, the curve is exquisite, ripples fireworks, spreads roasts the fierce flame fluctuation exquisitely. 张口吐出来的火焰凤凰,展翅翱翔,曲线优美灵动,荡漾出一圈圈焰火,传出精妙炙烈的火焰波动。 That flame phoenix approaches rapidly, slowly increased, covers entirely the gloss the wing has become the hot snake, trembling, gorgeously, can actually burn down the fearful attack of soul. 那火焰凤凰迅速逼近,慢慢变大,布满光泽的羽翼都成了火蛇,抖颤着,艳丽非常,却是能焚烧灵魂的可怕攻击。 The Shi Yan vice- soul fluctuates immediately, assembles Heavenly Flame characteristics, takes World Extinguishing Thunder Flame aura as the source, the precise soul fluctuates, releases the lightning that interweaves, the flame is the thunder electric switch, roasts fiercely fierce, chops to shoot toward that flame phoenix. 石岩副魂立即变幻,重新调集一种天火的特性,以灭世雷炎气息为源头,凝炼灵魂波动,释放出交织的闪电,火焰为雷霆电门,炙烈凶猛,纷纷朝着那火焰凤凰劈射过去。 In the marvelous space, blooms the eye-catching bright gloss collision, that flame phoenix is hovering, the feather splashes ominous raging fire flower, unexpectedly did not fear that the fluctuation of that World Extinguishing Thunder Flame, bridges over the numerous lightnings, toward Shi Yan. 奇妙的空间内,绽放出夺目维璨的光泽碰撞,那火焰凤凰翱翔着,羽毛溅出凶猛火huā,居然不怕那灭世雷炎的波动,跨过重重闪电,又朝石岩而来。 Attaches the thunder and lightning aura flame, wonderful, is seriously marvelous!” Sī bō tè was overjoyed, called out: If cultivation thunder and lightning deep meaning, obtains this type of Essence flame, thunder and lightning and flame deep meaning fusion, the achievement, what a pity, your this crude person level, cannot display to come inevitably exquisitely.” “附有雷电气息的火焰,妙,当真奇妙!”斯波特大喜过望,叫道:“如果修炼雷电奥义者,得到这种本源火焰,将雷电和火焰奥义融合,必然有一番作为,可惜,你这半吊子水平,根本不能发挥出精妙来。” Sī bō tè is laughing, phantom that the soul evolves changes suddenly, in the eye pupil flies to project bunch of flame rays of light, such as the steel needle is swift and fierce, has the fearful flame fluctuation. 斯波特大笑着,灵魂衍变的虚影骤然变化,眼瞳内飞射出一束束火焰光芒,如钢针般凌厉,却有着可怕的火焰波动。 Shi Yan is fluctuating unceasingly the deep meaning, ten Heavenly Flame aura show, throughout is actually at a disadvantage, is transferring the position continually, is dodging the Sī bō tè turbulent offensive. 石岩不断地变幻着奥义,十种天火气息纷纷展现出来,却始终处于下风,连番挪移着方位,躲闪着斯波特的汹涌攻势。 Four Heavenly Flame contain ten wisps of Essence aura, already integrated in the vice- soul, but he thoughts flower in the vice- soul, the understanding the Essence flame is not profound, attacks the method to be very limited, cannot ten Heavenly Flame[ really] solid might shows. 四种天火蕴藏十缕本源气息,早已融入副魂中,但他从来没有将心思huā在副魂上,对本源火焰的了解不深刻,攻击手段很有限,也不能将十种天火的〖真〗实威力展现。 The heterogeneous impure characteristics, reveal at this time with nothing left, that Sī bō tè Essence flame aura is consistent, is pure fearfully, disregards the defenses of his all sorts of flame, he who forces unexpectedly retreats in defeat again and again. 驳杂不纯的特性,此时显露无遗,那斯波特本源火焰气息一致,却非常精纯可怕,无视他种种火焰的防御,竟逼迫的他节节败退。 First time by vice- soul battle, actually cannot many Essence Fiery Flame displays exquisitely, this realized that own malpractice, has treasure mountain obviously, actually does not understand the exploration. 第一次以副魂交战,却没有能够将多种本源火炎的精妙发挥出来,这才认识到自己的弊端,明明坐拥宝山,却不懂得勘探。 The female saw his left Zhiyou foundation, the facial expression even more despised, she hesitant, looks at peripheral position, suddenly the facial expression moved, used while the Sī bō tè energy on the body of Shi Yan, the female is moving the body stealthily, was patrolling toward the flame connection area border quietly. 那女子见他左支右础,神情愈发鄙夷了,她犹豫了一下,看着周边方位,忽然神情一动,趁着斯波特精力都用在石岩的身上,女子鬼鬼祟祟的挪动着身子,悄悄朝着火焰交汇区边沿游弋着。 She will not care about the Shi Yan life, her, Shi Yan is a youth, the skill is obviously not much, dares to say boastful talk staying behind Sī bō tè unexpectedly, finally ends up to turn out a pitiful appearance. 她可不会在意石岩的死活,在她来看,石岩就是个愣头青,明明本事不怎么样,竟然还敢口出狂言的留下斯波特,最终落得个这般凄惨模样。 She realized that Shi Yan is not the Sī bō tè match, only wants to save own life, first is the slow migration, then the speed speeds up suddenly, changes into exquisite flame stream ray, then must withdraw immediately. 她意识到石岩不是斯波特的对手,只想保全自己的性命,先是缓慢移动,然后突地速度加快,化为一条优美的火焰流光,便要马上脱身。 He He, was already paying attention you, be not thinking withdrawing.” Sī bō tè complacent has smiled getting up „the Essence flame and beautiful woman, I want completely, your little darling stays behind observes, when I have tidied up this dumb kid, well is then intimate with you intimately.” “呵呵,早就在留意你呢,你可别想着脱身。”斯波特得意的笑了起来“本源火焰和美人,我全部都要,你就乖乖留下观战,等我收拾了这傻小子,然后和你好好亲热亲热。” In Sī bō tè the eye pupil projects ten flame suddenly, the flame bow moves this place deep meaning sector some mystical, these bunches of flame, transmit flame barrier suddenly, attaches the soul fluctuation of Sī bō tè. 斯波特内眼瞳骤然射出十条火焰,火焰弓动此地奥义区间某种神秘,那些一簇簇火苗,骤然传来火焰结界,附有斯波特的灵魂波动。 A female hit in bunch of flame, is similar to the collision on the cotton flower group, cannot attack actually. 女子一头撞击在一簇火焰中,如同碰撞在棉huā团上,硬是不能冲击出去。 She turns head to be full of the hatred looked at Sī bō tè one, has thought that set firm resolve immediately, shouts to clear the way: Dumb kid, I and you copes with him together! Our two collaborate, even if died in battle, wants him to slip off First Level Pi to come!” 她回头充满恨意的看了斯波特一眼,想了一下,马上下定了决心,喝道:“傻小子,我和你一起对付他!我们两个联手,就算是战死,也要他褪下一层皮来!” The females have gotten angry seriously, no longer is thinking departure, face hatred has turned around, the lip of Fengze wriggled, opened mouth has put out a shining fireball, the fireball assumes light purple, seemed jumping the marvelous flame, the turning round trundle, was pulling the exquisite purple arc, hit the past toward that Sī bō tè back. 女子当真怒了,不再想着离开,一脸恨意的转过身来,丰泽的嘴唇蠕动了一下,张口吐出一个明晃晃的火球,火球呈淡紫色,其中仿佛跳跃着奇妙火焰,滴溜溜的滚动着,扯出优美的紫色弧线,往那斯波特的背后撞击过去。 Shi Yan looked at her one eyes, thinks somewhat senselessly, takes the vice- soul as the fight source, he is a little not familiar with, cannot display the Essence flame to be exquisite. 石岩看了她一眼,觉得有些无趣,以副魂为战斗源头,他有点不习惯,也不能发挥出本源火焰精妙。 By him of vice- soul battle, had sobered to realize that own malpractice , to continue to waste the time to get down, could not obtain better realizing from experience. 一直以副魂交战的他,已经清醒认识到自己的弊端,继续浪费时间下去,也得不到更好的体悟了。 Therefore he decided to end the fight. 于是他决定结束战斗。 He starts to use the main soul...... 他开始动用主魂…… The thought fluctuates suddenly, the vice- soul still and Sī bō tè entanglement fends, the main soul gets rid quickly. 念头骤然变幻,副魂依然和斯波特纠缠闪避,主魂倏地出手。 Attaches the Desolate lonesome killing intent thought that as if the death mighty current, advocated in the soul the violent to clash loudly from him, all sorts let the person soul confused death consciousness, centered on him, rushed Sī bō tè instantaneously. 一股附有荒寂死意的念头,仿佛死亡洪流,轰然从他主魂内暴冲出去,种种让人灵魂错乱的死亡意识,以他为中心,瞬间涌向斯波特 Sī bō tè with his vice- soul confrontation, suddenly, suddenly is still sending out the frightened feeling, then shakes fiercely, the soul intense distortion trembles, gives birth desperate feeling that one type must die, he realized instantaneously had anything, color deterioration you, you Lord the soul to be unexpectedly more formidable than the vice- soul with amazement that many!” 斯波特还在和他的副魂交锋,冷不防的,突然发出恐惧的感觉,然后猛地一震,灵魂强烈的扭曲抖颤起来,生出一种必死的绝望感,他瞬间意识到发生了什么,骇然变色“你,你主魂比副魂竟然强大那么多!” Sī bō tè regrets, finally to realize that Shi Yan encounters with him, from beginning to end has not tried. 斯波特后悔之极,终于意识到石岩与他交锋,至始至终都没有尽全力。 The vice- soul, is only the Shi Yan worst attack method, Sī bō tè also finally is obviously clear, reason that has not regarded main deep meaning cultivation the Essence flame, is not Shi Yan is stupid, but is the opposite party has a better choice! 副魂,明显只是石岩的最差攻击手段,斯波特也终于清楚,之所以没有将本源火焰当成主奥义修炼,并非石岩愚笨痴傻,而是对方有着更好的选择! He rudes awakening, knew that this has planted, yelled: I am the clansman of God Clan Ascot Family, my soul has the record in the clan, if I died, my clan definitely knows, decides however seeks for your this murderer, regardless of you in that star territory, cannot escape chasing down of our Ascot Family!” 他后悔莫及,自知这趟栽了,大叫道:“我是神族阿斯科特家族的族人,我的灵魂在族中是有记述,我若死了,我族肯定知晓,定然寻找你这个凶手,不论你在那一个星域,都逃不过我们阿斯科特家族的追杀!” Sī bō tè color severe Neichi, starts to threaten with own powerful backstage. 斯波特色厉内茌,开始以自身的强悍后台来威胁。 The Shi Yan facial expression is invariable, tranquil saying: Kills is the clansman of your Ascot Family, if not knows that you come from this family, I will not have minded others'business.” 石岩神情不变,平静的说道:“杀的就是你们阿斯科特家族的族人,若非知道你来自于这个家族,我还不会多管闲事。” The deep meaning changes once more! 奥义再次变化! Xiu! 咻! By the Sī bō tè soul, together Space Cutting Blade suddenly precise forms, instantaneous cutting to the Sī bō tè soul, by Sī bō tè of Death Deep Meaning invasion mind, a deep meaning had the enormous accident, simply does not have the following method to resist, his main energy uses in the Shi Yan vice- soul battle , the soul is almost not at the defended condition. 就在斯波特灵魂旁边,一道空间利刃骤然凝炼成形,瞬间切割向斯波特的灵魂,被死亡奥义侵入心灵的斯波特,一身奥义发生了极大的变故,根本没有后续手段来抵御,他主要精力用在和石岩副魂争斗上,灵魂几乎处于不设防状态。 Rip! 哧啦 The Sī bō tè soul was cut directly by Space Cutting Blade, the soul divides into two. 斯波特灵魂被空间利刃直接切割掉,灵魂一分为二。 That Space Cutting Blade continues to cut, the short several seconds, the Sī bō tè soul is scattered about, was crushed not to know many shares. 空间利刃继续切割,短短数秒,斯波特灵魂七零八落,被粉碎成不知道多少份。 Sī bō tè died a tragic death immediately. 斯波特当即惨死。 Turns head the preparation to help dumb kid fully the Shi Yan female, suddenly flower allows to change colors, was lived by deep panic-stricken. 回头准备全力帮助“傻小子”石岩的女子,忽然huā容失色,被深深的惊骇住了。
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