GOS :: Volume #11

#1063: Deep meaning source

The flame deep meaning has many changes ‚each change to have its unique merit corresponding , many flame deep meaning sectors in the deep meaning source, the different sectors possibly contains the different flame to be exquisite, even can correspond different Realm. 火焰奥义有诸多变化‘每一种变化都有其独特之处’相应的,在奥义源头内也有很多火焰奥义区间,不同的区间可能蕴藏着不同的火焰精妙,甚至能对应不同的境界 For example, Source God, Void God and Origin God Boundary, because of the Realm difference and difference, the flame deep meaning of comprehension will have the enormous difference. 譬如,源神虚神始神境界者,因为境界的差异和区别,领悟的火焰奥义也会存在巨大差异。 They in deep meaning source cultivation, the flame deep meaning sector that seeks for naturally cannot be the same, low Level will suit their Realm place, high Level Expert, will then go to a flame deep meaning exquisiter sector. 他们在奥义源头修炼,找寻的火焰奥义区间自然不会一样,低等级者会去适合他们境界的地方,高等级强者,则会去火焰奥义更加精妙的区间。 The flame deep meaning intersection point of Shi Yan sensation, as if exactly suits the Void God boundary to cultivate body refining to become aware. 石岩感知的火焰奥义交汇处,似乎恰恰适合虚神境修炼体悟。 Two groups of spooky Ghost Flame flame, have delimited thunder and lightning and gust of wind deep meaning block, appears suddenly in that flame deep meaning convergence point. 两团幽幽鬼火般的火焰,划过雷电、疾风奥义片区,突地在那火焰奥义交汇点浮现出来。 That is flame sea, flame bunches, such as the scarlet-red gore is drifting in the air, bunch of flame have the subtle change, fierce and cruel, burning hot side shows clearly the flame, fuses Heavenly Flame Expert, submerges in the soul these flame light groups, changes with the change of flame, during can realize from experience slowly the mystery, then makes Realm obtain the growth. 那是火焰海洋,火焰一簇簇的,如赤红的布片浮荡着,一团团火焰都在发生微妙的变化,将火焰狂烈、暴戾、炙热的一面给清晰展现出来,融合天火强者,将灵魂没入那些火焰光团内,随着火焰的变化而变化,就能慢慢体悟当中的奥妙,进而让境界获得成长。 The Shi Yan vice- soul fuses Heavenly Flame, but he pure flame deep meaning cultivation, arrives at this region by no means that the main soul a little does not adapt, has the uncomfortable feeling. 石岩副魂融合天火,可他并非纯粹的火焰奥义修炼者,来到这片区域,主魂有点不适应,生出不舒服的感觉。 But his vice- soul, is safe and sound, but also thought that outside is often happy. 但他的副魂,却安然无恙,还觉得外常舒畅。 Well!” “咦!” In his heart shouted lightly, two souls both evolved the main body shape, focused attention on a direction together. 他心中轻呼,两个魂魄都衍变成本体形态,一起朝着一个方向注目。 In there, two groups of souls are fluttering, back and forth gyrates, distinction that as if the flame meteor, he looks, that two groups of flame are two people, a man and a woman, the soul faintly fluctuate the main body appearance, a pretty youth, a quite simple and beautiful female. 在那儿,两团灵魂飘荡着,来回旋动,仿佛火焰流星,他看的分明,那两团火焰乃是两个人,一男一女,灵魂都隐隐变幻成本体模样,一个俊秀的青年,一个颇为清丽的女子。 That two groups of souls by no means is obviously harmonious, on the contrary, as if also at battle. 只是,那两团灵魂显然并非和睦,相反,似乎还在争斗着。 Clearly, what inferior is that soul simple and beautiful female, she has been circling in flight must be separated from the flame sea, appears somewhat urgent. 很明显,处于劣势的乃是那名灵魂清丽的女子,她一直在飞旋着要脱离火焰海洋,显得有些急迫。 As for that man, is smiling, not anxiously not slow, is releasing the soul magnetic field unceasingly, peripheral blocking, does not make that female work loose easily. 至于那名男子,则是笑盈盈的,不急不缓,不断释放着灵魂磁场,将周边给封锁住,不让那女子轻易挣脱。 Shi Yan is not first time enters the deep meaning source, he knows, if the soul wants to leave, must be far away from the deep meaning area first, if in the deep meaning area, cannot get rid from the marvelous space immediately. 石岩不是第一次进入奥义源头,他知道,灵魂要想离开,必须先要远离奥义区,如果在奥义区内,是不能立即从奇妙空间摆脱的。 The female, as to be far away from the flame deep meaning connection area first, then immediately is separated from this piece of space. 那女子,似乎想要先远离火焰奥义交汇区,然后立即从这片空间脱离。 Marvelous deep meaning source, at the universe most mystical sector, can fuse Essence flame, can have the soul to enter. 奇妙的奥义源头,处在宇宙最为神秘的区间,能够融合本源火焰者,都可以带着灵魂进驻。 These people, can come from each corner each star territory of universe, appears in the same piece region soul, once left the soul to belong to God Body, in the different star territories. 那些人,可以来自于宇宙的各个角落各个星域,都在同一片区域灵魂显现,一旦离开了灵魂归入神体,都在不同的星域。 So long as the females the soul gets rid of the flame sector, rapid interfile main body, regardless of the enemy is formidable, difficultly surmounts the star territory to chase down, but if she cannot work loose the sharp flame area, the soul is hard return, that wanted the situation to be difficult. 女子只要灵魂摆脱火焰区间,迅速的归入本体,不论敌人多么强大,都艰难跨越星域追杀,但如果她不能挣脱尖焰区,灵魂难以归位,那就要处境艰难了。 Shi Yan in the border of flame sector, has sized up a while earnestly, the soul induces slowly. 石岩在火焰区间的边沿,认真打量了一会儿,灵魂慢慢感应。 He can hear the teasing soul of that man to fluctuate, here, not by spoken language exchange, by soul communication, instead compared with spoken language exchange quick convenient, only then the soul can catch. 他能听到那男子的调笑灵魂波动,在这儿,不以言语交流,以灵魂沟通,反而比言语交流更加的快捷方便,只有灵魂可以捕捉。 What to run to run? Honest staying behind, your my soul blends, altogether goes to wonderful, are both sides joyful? My happy, has naturally not been able to rout your soul, fuses your wisp of Essence flame, we can be a wonderful husband and wife in this marvelous space, enjoys the indescribable wonder, how could it not be quick?” “跑什么跑?老老实实的留下,你我灵魂交融,共赴神妙,岂不是双方愉悦?我高兴了,自然不会击溃你的灵魂,融合你那一缕本源火焰,我们可以在这奇妙的空间做一对美妙的夫妻,享受难以言喻的美妙,岂不快哉?” The soul voice of man such as the spread ripple, passes on to all directions, his very excited is actually excited, on pretty face that transforms, overflowed completely the smiling face. 男子的灵魂声音如扩散的波纹,传荡向四面八方,他倒是很〖兴〗奋激动,那张幻化出来的俊秀脸庞上,溢满了笑容。 go away!” The soul thought of female was different, appears anxious fear my cultivation I, your cultivation your, I do not want any connection with you!” 滚开!”女子的灵魂意念就不同了,显得焦躁恐惧“我修炼我的,你修炼你的,我不想和你有任何瓜葛!” Shi Yan has been startled, silently feeling. 石岩怔了一下,默默感受。 Half sound, in his heart sighed darkly, knows that the opposite party was not he person who wanted to find. 半响,他心中暗叹,知道对方不是他想要找的人。 A man and a woman, should come from the different star territories, can fuse Essence Fiery Flame to come, in own star territory must be the outstanding characters, because the cultivation flame accidentally meets in this place. 那一男一女,应该来自于不同的星域,能够融合本源火炎过来,在自己的星域内应当都是出类拔萃的人物,因为修炼火焰在此地偶然相遇。 Between the soul and soul, can carry on the marvelous sexual intercourse, it is said marvelous taste not inferior fleshly body is happy, mystical is unusual. 灵魂和灵魂之间,可以进行奇妙的交合,据说奇妙滋味一点不逊色肉身欢好,神秘异常。 The men clearly had the evil thought that Realm is also profound, then prepares in the Outer Territory space, carries on the most marvelous soul junction with that female, the female does not want obviously, must get rid of him to retreat, what a pity opposite party Realm is higher than plans, has gotten down the soul wall barrier in peripheral supposing, making that female very difficult to withdraw. 男子显然有了邪念,境界也高深一点,便准备在域外空间内,和那女子进行最奇妙的魂交,女子显然不愿意,要摆脱他退走,可惜对方境界高出一筹,又在周边设下了灵魂壁障,让那女子很难脱身。 The men should in Void God Second Sky, female be Void God First Sky, perhaps is outstanding in own star territory, what a pity, is actually not the person who Shi Yan must find. 男子应该在虚神二重天,女子则是虚神一重天,或许在自己星域出类拔萃,可惜,却不是石岩要找的人。 Looked at carefully a while secretly, must seek for Origin God Expert him anxiously, the plan that do not mind others'business, only wants to solve ghost jellyfish troublesome him as soon as possible, has prepared to leave to leave. 暗暗端详了一会儿,急着要找寻始神强者的他,没有要多管闲事的打算,只想尽快解决亡魂水母麻烦的他,已经准备抽身离开了。 „Do you come from that star territory? He He, no matter you come from that star territory, can with my Sī bō tè soul junction, be your being honored. If felt, I can go to your star territory to seek you, I was the clansman of God Clan Ascot Family, my God Clan male tyrant vast Star Sea, you can obtain my favor, that was I thinks highly of you, other not know how to appreciate kindness.” “你是来自于那个星域的?呵呵,不管你来自于那个星域,能够与我斯波特魂交,都是你的荣幸。如果感觉好了,我可以去你的星域寻你,我是神族阿斯科特家族的族人,我神族雄霸浩淼星海,你能得到我的青睐,那是我看得起你,别不识抬举了。” Said that is the Sī bō tè God Clan man, smiling, arrogance quite. 自称为斯波特神族男子,微笑着,颇的的傲气。 ` God Clan? Universe robber! Whose rare you!” As soon as the females listen to Sī bō tè from exposing status, unhappy counter- anger your God Clan is the Star Sea malignant tumor, you should early be exterminated!” 神族?宇宙强盗!谁稀罕你!”女子一听斯波特自曝身份,不喜反怒“你们神族就是星海毒瘤,你们就该被早早灭绝!” The Sī bō tè complexion sinks my God Clan powerful, you are can it be that conceivable, this vast universe had overcome half by my clan, my clan will certainly dominate the entire universe! I can have a liking for you, that is your good fortune, if continues to give me not know how to appreciate kindness, does not take it ill me not to be impolite!” 斯波特脸色一沉“我神族强悍,岂是你们可以想象,这浩淼宇宙已被我族打下一半,我族必将称霸整个宇宙!我能看上你,那是你的福气,如果继续给我不识抬举,休怪我不客气!” I die cannot from you!” The females screamed. “我死也不会从你!”女子尖叫起来。 Departure Shi Yan, one hear of opposite party were coming from God Clan anxiously unexpectedly, but also exactly is the clansman of Ascot Family, suddenly stopped. 本来急着离开的石岩,一听对方竟然来自于神族,还恰恰便是阿斯科特家族的族人,忽然停了下来。 Friend, you best not to mind others'business, something are not you can mix.” Sī bō tè as if has discovered him, a wisp of soul thought transmits to have no free time while me, should not be an eyesore, give me the speed get lost! Otherwise, I did not mind that first scatters your soul, absorbs your Essence flame!” “朋友,你最好别多管闲事,有些事情不是你可以搀和进来的。”斯波特仿佛已经发现他,一缕灵魂念头传递过来“趁着我没空,你别碍眼,给我速度滚走!不然,我不介意先打散你的灵魂,吸收你的本源火焰!” Saves me!” The female who has worked loose, does not have around the leisure sensation, naturally does not know that Shi Yan stays in side, listening to Sī bō tè such to shout, suddenly responded, screamed hurriedly. “救我!”一直挣脱的女子,没有闲暇感知四周,自然不知道石岩在旁边停留,听斯波特这么一喊,才忽然反应过来,急忙尖叫起来。 The thought fluctuates, Shi Yan two groups of Ghost Flame souls evolve slowly, turn into his micro main body shape, connects Center to fly swayingly toward the flame. 念头变幻间,石岩两团鬼火般的灵魂慢慢衍变,化成他微缩的本体形态,晃晃悠悠的,朝着火焰交汇〖中〗央飞来。 „Are you clansman of God Clan Ascot Family?” He spreads the thought consciousness. “你是神族阿斯科特家族的族人?”他传出念头意识。 Knows the given name of my clan, but also dares to depend to come on own initiative, your courage is actually not small.” The appearance that Sī bō tè fluctuates, the natural pretty, long brow is flying upwards, a domineering arrogant manner fluctuates unexpectedly the Essence flame the vice- soul, really wastes Natural Heavenly Object, the boundary of Void God First Sky, dares to come to manage my other people's business? Acts recklessly!” “知道我族的名号,还敢主动靠过来,你胆子倒是不小。”斯波特变幻的模样,潇洒俊秀,长长的眉头飞扬着,一副跋扈傲慢的神态“竟然将本源火焰变幻成副魂,真是暴殄天物,虚神一重天之境,也敢过来管我的闲事?不知死活!” The Shi Yan manner is faint, has not replied, deeply looks to them. 石岩神态淡漠,没有答话,深深看向两人。 Appearance that the female transforms such as palm of the hand big subordinate, the five senses are fine, the appearance is pretty, sends the silk like a waterfall, such as in illusion not[ really] solid female celestial, is makes the favour difficult seriously to control self, no wonder that God Clan Sī bō tè meets the beastly nature to send greatly, must ask her to carry on the soul to hand over. 那女子幻化出来的模样如巴掌大的小人,却五官精致秀美,模样俏丽妩媚,一头如瀑布般的发丝,如梦幻中不〖真〗实的仙女,当真是让人情难自禁,难怪那神族斯波特会兽性大发,要找她进行魂交了。 Has Void God First Sky.” The females listened to a Sī bō tè such saying, the whole face was disappointed, as if sighed secretly, but said: You walk, you could not help me, do not build.” “只有虚神一重天啊。”女子听斯波特这么一说,满脸失望,仿佛暗暗叹了一口气,无奈说道:“你走吧,你帮不了我的,别将自己也搭上来。” Heavenly Flame and Heavenly Flame can blend mutually, this law natural law also suits the life that fuses the Essence flame, in this marvelous space, so long as scatters the soul of opposite party, can compel the Essence flame that the opposite party fuses, integrates in own soul. 天火天火可以相互交融,这个定律规则也适合融合本源火焰的生灵,在这奇妙的空间,只要打散对方的灵魂,就能逼出对方融合的本源火焰,融入自己的灵魂中。 Also is so, in this marvelous deep meaning source, if bumped into the life is not the matter that was worth rejoicing. 也是如此,在这奇妙的奥义源头内,如果碰到了生灵并非就是一件值得庆幸的事情。 Realm similar, will possibly live in peace with each other, but if both sides Realm differs enormously, powerful can definitely have the disloyalty, will rout the soul of meeting, fuses wisp of Essence flame of opposite party, comes to be even more perfect own life soul shape. 境界差不多者,可能还会相安无事,但要是双方境界相差极大,强势者肯定会起异心,会将相见者的灵魂击溃,融合对方的一缕本源火焰,来将自己的生命灵魂形态愈发完美。 Naturally, is not the Essence flame of fusion the more better, must look for aura to suit the fusion, will otherwise only work just the opposite. 当然,并不是融合的本源火焰越多越好,要找气息适合融合的,不然只会适得其反。 The females heard Shi Yan, only then Void God First Sky, naturally thinks that he is not the Sī bō tè match, comes to meddle forcefully, instead may be killed by Sī bō tè abundantly, the Essence flame that oneself fuse will also be extracted. 女子一听说石岩只有虚神一重天,理所当然认为他不是斯波特对手,强行过来插手,反而有可能被斯波特给丰杀,自己融合的本源火焰也会被抽取掉。 Lets my sensation, has a look at your Essence flame whether suits me.” Sī bō tè shows a faint smile, the soul transmits wave of exquisite aura, as if a standing net extends to the Shi Yan vice- soul. “让我感知一下,看看你的本源火焰是否适合我。”斯波特微微一笑,灵魂传来一波精妙的气息,仿佛一张网般延伸向石岩的副魂。 Go away!” The Shi Yan soul moves, ice cold biting cold aura, ripples from the vice- soul, cold Ru marrow, gloomily blue gloomily blue, as if ices the sparkling stone snow flower to fall the pistil Sī bō tè complexion one coldly, frowns the silent several seconds, abruptly exclaim, a face looks with amazement , the soul has color that with amazement is hard to conceal. “滚!”石岩灵魂一动,一股冰寒彻骨的气息,从副魂内荡漾出来,冷如骨髓,幽蓝幽蓝的,仿佛冰莹的雪huā降蕊斯波特脸色一寒,皱着眉头沉默数秒,突然惊叫起来,一脸骇然看向,灵魂有着难以掩饰的骇然之色。 In the Shi Yan vice- soul, contains ten Essence flame aura, extremely heterogeneous, although he has concealed desirably, but Sī bō tè can still nose to the point track shape, then mind in great surprise. 石岩的副魂内,蕴藏十种本源火焰的气息,极为驳杂,虽然他刻意掩饰了,但斯波特依然可以查探到点迹象,进而心神大惊。 „Have you, how many people you killed here?” The Sī bō tè look is alarmed and afraid, the soul shivers, unexpectedly appears to draw back intent, said: Ok, today meets you, is I have bad luck, I walked, the woman left you to be good.” “你,你在这儿杀了多少人?”斯波特眼神惊惧,灵魂颤动,居然显现出退意,道:“算了,今天碰见你,算是我倒霉,我走了,那娘们留给你好了。” Him, ten Essence flame aura of Shi Yan vice- soul, definitely were Shi Yan kills in this marvelous space fused Essence flame to eliminate to come numerously, he has also done this matter, but he loafed many years in this place, has killed merely them, captured two types of Essence flame. 在他来看,石岩副魂的十种本源火焰气息,肯定都是石岩在这奇妙空间杀了众多融合本源火焰者剥夺而来的,他自己也干过这种事情,可他在此地游荡许多年,也仅仅只是杀了两人,夺得两种本源火焰。 The Shi Yan soul has ten different Essence flame aura, Sī bō tè, Shi Yan nature savage is incomparable, even if Realm slightly lowers with him, Sī bō tè still gives birth to the heart of fear. 石岩灵魂有十种不同的本源火焰气息,在斯波特来看,石岩自然凶残无比,即便境界略低与他,斯波特依然生出恐惧之心。 He thought that he bumped into the ruthless person. 他觉得自己碰到狠人了。 The female is surprised, does not dare to believe looks to Shi Yan, suddenly thinks whole body ice-cold. 那女子大吃一惊,不敢置信的看向石岩,忽然觉得浑身冰冷。 Hard to deal with and fearfulness of Sī bō tè, she has experienced to cross, however, is such a fellow, bumps into Realm to be lower than own Shi Yan, unexpectedly backed down instantaneously, immediately confessed bad luck, will leave Shi Yan, 斯波特的难缠和可怕,她已经见识过了,然而,就是这么一个家伙,碰到境界低于自己的石岩,居然瞬间打了退堂鼓,马上自认倒霉,将自己留给石岩,过 ...... …… The females immediately subconscious believing, Shi Yan compared with the vicious character who Sī bō tè also wants the savage non- several fold, immediately thinks despaired. 女子立即下意识的认为,石岩是比斯波特还要凶残无数倍的狠毒人物,顿时觉的绝望了。 Her, Sī bō tè , if the wolf, that Shi Yan simply was existence of tyrannosaurus rank 在她来看,斯波特如果是豺狼,那石岩简直就是暴龙级别的存在了
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